SML Movie: The Magical Button [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh guys i'm so bored i know right i i want to go somewhere fun dude there's nothing fun to do in this stupid town yeah there's nothing to do wanna have fun guys look at the tv origami paper hats paper planes paper everything come to paper world it's a whole lot of fun with a whole lot of paper paperwork origami paper hat cheaper please pay for everything oh guys we gotta go to paperwork dig it down wait dude you gotta [Music] [Applause] charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh yeah come on deeper oh hi guys i'm charlie and today i'm with my biggest fan no no no no i'm charlie's biggest fan who the hell is that all right guys meet my biggest fan oh charlie that's so hilarious oh man you kill me every time dad what junior can i go to paper world with my friends what's the paperworld it's like a place where there's paper hats there's paper planes there's origami oh look no no no you're not going through a paperwork it sounds gay it's i don't care if this paperwork you're not going okay you want to go and play with some paper go into the attic and play with them what yeah paper out there the attic that sounds stupid yeah just go upstairs and play in the attic it's not stupid i'm pretty sure there's a lot of stuff out there you can play with okay okay paperwork paperwork favorite paperwork he said we should go play in the attic in the ass yeah he said there's paper in the attic what what but but is it paperwork yeah is it no oh well guys let's go play in the attic he said there's a lot of cool stuff up there and and maybe paper so let's go see what's in the attic we've never been up there before oh paperwork okay guys welcome to my attic junior it's musky in here yeah dude is hot i mean i mean it is kind of hot but not as hot as your house joseph no ac having ass hey it's not my fault my mom's dead who put that there the construction worker is done yeah dude you idiot retired oh gosh shut up guys look paper oh the paper still not as much as paper world i mean i mean it's a good amount but guys i didn't know jose's mom came to visit because she's dead no no no it's not my mom my mom is way more decayed and she's missing a hand oh what is this button uh yeah what is that button it looks like the guy died pressing the button and and it says wtf yeah well it stands for whoa that's fun yeah no junior stands for what the [ __ ] hey cody don't cuss yeah there's a family show come on no no it's dead for a while that's fun yeah but look he he died pressing the button because he had too much fun dude yeah i'm gonna press that button now you can't press that button he might have died from pressing that button we don't know what it is yeah we're having too much fun we can't press that button dude it could be dangerous well you know what i'm gonna bring it downstairs how about that all right this is a really bad idea it's not a bad idea oh man guys i can't wait to press this button junior we are not pressing this button if we don't know what it does well i mean it looks really cool and i bet it does something really fun but are there instructions on the back or something junior i'm sure there's instructions right on the oh there's actually instructions what's it say when you press the button you will be given one wish that can be used to wish for any object whoa it must be under 50 000 so there's a price limit okay but for every wish a random person on earth think it's worth it bro well i think it's worth it there's a lot of stuff that i want and if someone dies i don't care well but but junior it could be anyone it could be it could be your dad or joseph or me yeah you don't want me to die do you there's like seven million people on earth billion what seven billion people so there's like seven billion people on earth so that's like a one in seven billion chance that's going to choose you to die so it's probably going to choose like some random person like like an eskimo or a terrorist so i won't i won't ever know that person why would i care if they're dead well but junior you're still killing people and i'm just a terrorist yeah if it's a terrorist i'm actually helping out the world junior what could you possibly want to wish for that's under 50 000 and still worth a human life hmm what's worth a human life huh a gold fidget spinner junior no all right come out of the tree little kenny i i i got you ah guys i got a gold fidget spinner so dank it's not dank junior you killed somebody for a fidget spinner a gold fidget spinner i don't care what color it is junior somebody in the world is now dead because of you how do you feel i mean i feel pretty cool i got a gold fidget spinner i mean it's messed up though you know it doesn't even glow bro wait there's one that glows yeah it lights up you didn't know willie charlie are you okay no no get up charlie oh yeah that's what i'm talking about joseph why did you have to tell him i mean he had the lame one i wanted him to get the light up one yeah this was a lot think about this you have killed two people now that that could have been somebody's family i didn't know him i don't care if you don't know them dude cody what's your problem it seems like you're jealous i'm getting all this cool stuff no junior i'm not jealous about the cool stuff if i wanted cool stuff i would just press the button why don't you just press it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah make a wish because i don't want to kill people junior you're killing people every time you push that button oh he does have a point so so you guys are challenging me is what's happening no you you guys think i should wish for better stuff no no no no junior oh go stop killing okay okay what should i wish for uh nothing uh a bathtub full of macaroni and cheese will that do it for you what no crazy toys crazy toys mommy mommy why are you sleeping come on guys hop in there's plenty of room unbelievable junior i knew you were stupid but this is just beyond words for how stupid it is yeah dude it's kind of gross gross it's not gross i'm bathing and mac and cheese i'm living the life here junior that defeats the entire point of taking a bath you take a bath to get clean and now you're just covered in cheese yeah it doesn't even make sense dude come on guys just dive right in cody your stupid pointy head will dive right through this mac and cheese junior you killed someone just so you could dive into a bathtub full of your favorite pasta like scrooge mcduck yeah dude that is kind of messed up somebody died guys look i have a mac and cheese mustache no no mac and cheese mustache junior i have one i have mac and cheese mustard i don't care junior we're going to be upstairs this is wrong well i guess i'll see you upstairs dude i have a mac and cheese mustard guys get back here oh no i'm stuck i guess i could eat my way out that was your bath junior delicious yeah that was great wait where's the button i had joseph hide it isn't that right joseph oh yeah yeah yeah totally yeah what joshua what are you doing why are you standing like that oh nothing oh joseph why are you standing like that i'm i'm i'm pooping i'm pooping on your couch yep he's pooping pooping on your couch joseph go home leave what noise get your gal away leave damn it joseph when i told you to hide it i didn't just mean shoving the couch well look i didn't know where else to hide it dude you know what cody you're making me real mad you know what i'm going to do now what i'm going to wish for a sprite what what no way no way charlie can't beat him [Music] junior you killed someone for a sprite i i mean i like sprites junior i could have walked downstairs went to the fridge and gotten you a sprite but you killed someone because you're lazy no i killed somebody because you tried to hide the button junior so you know you're admitting that you're killing people on purpose what no i'm killing people for stuff i mean you kind of sound like a shackled murderer dude no no guys i'm not a psycho murderer this is the reason why i don't care because look you said i killed four people right yeah but there's no proof that anybody's actually dying like like maybe they just put that on the back to scare us like maybe i'm getting free wishes like like there's no proof that anyone's actually dying okay junior so what happens when one of us dies huh guys that's not gonna happen look i'll prove it to you look right now i'm gonna wish for an ice cream truck yes i can't wait till it's done smells so good [Music] a freaking ice cream truck junior you killed someone over an ice cream truck oh yeah dude he's pretty cool right yeah cody that's an ice cream truck you're just jealous you can't even drive the truck junior i don't have to drive it cody i have unlimited ice cream now duh i do not approve of this junior this is wrong okay oh cody just calm down and choose any ice cream you want i'll give you any ice cream you want for free junior i am not choosing a murder ice cream okay you know what cody i can choose for you i know exactly what ice cream you want but what uh it describes you perfectly [ __ ] off junior oh i grabbed the wrong one i grabbed the wrong one oh well you're not wrong i i guess i'll have a spongebob spongebob yeah uh joseph what do you want oh i want a spongebob dude okay two spongebob's coming right up here you go guys because you're my friend yeah yeah this was worth it this was totally worth it junior this is delicious but i'm still mad but it was totally worth killing someone over right no junior it was not worth it and ice cream is not worth the human life well cody you too do you want to fudge pop instead i don't want to fudge pop junior i want you to stop making stupid wishes oh but cody there's still so much stuff i want junior you have everything you could possibly want well i mean not a pack of hubba bubba but a what a pack of hubba bubba i want to pack a hubba bubba wouldn't you junior oh yeah junior you killed someone over a pack of hubba bubba well hubba bubba's the best gum in the world right joseph what joseph junior you killed joseph over a pack of hubba bubba what was joseph's dead junior i told you this was going to happen he's dead junior why would he die because you pushed the button and the button chose him to die randomly what are the odds well one in seven billion actually he should have played the lottery oh i don't want to lose joe you got your pack of hufflebubba junior are you happy now well i mean it is six feet of fun i don't care what it is whoa whoa whoa six feet yeah it it's six feet of gum six that sounds like six feet of fun oh it's six feet of fun roll right it's a lot of gum that's wow that's incredible you want me to wish for your own pack yeah no no i mean i i wouldn't push the button for it but you know if if you push the button i i'm not looking you know i mean i i would like it but i'm not i'm not making you do it or anything let me bubba i want another pack of hubba bubba breaking news it's good huh yeah you want to see me blow a bubble okay watch this but junior you just spit it out i don't know how to blow a bubble oh what more stuff should i wish for junior no more wishes okay you've already killed seven people and one of those was our friend and for god's sake clean up joseph's popsicle it's staining the couch i'll just get chef pee pee to clean it up let's go get him to do it okay and we can see what he thinks about all this while we're there i bet you he would press the button i bet he wouldn't okay let's ask and watch this oh hey chef pee pee there's a big popsicle mess on the couch we need you to clean it up also uh would you push this button if it granted you any wish but every time you pushed it someone randomly died yeah would you press it hi chef peepee junior i think i think he might be dead he's not dead cody chef peepee you know it's not good manners to eat directly out of the pot you know that right chef pee pee junior he's dead he's not dead chef baby he's dead junior how could he be dead well because you killed him with the button junior oh which time well i don't know take your pick maybe maybe it was the macaroni or one of the fidget spinners or the ice cream truck no i don't want chef pee pee to be dead [ __ ] baby don't die i'm gonna get [Applause] wake up dad wake up yeah junior all dead people are heavy sleepers because they're dead he can't be dead dad wake up wake up dad no dad i'm sorry wake up yeah he looks pretty dead to me junior he give me dad cody my dad can't be daddy chef you can't yeah they're all dead junior maybe you should have thought about that before you got that hubba bubba or that sprite i can't take this cody i can't think i lost everybody where are you going junior what are you gonna do i need something to make me feel better no junior you don't need any more things what you need is to stop killing people oh goody i just need one more thing because i'm really saggy my dad and chef people are dead so i just need one more thing what junior i need a bag of gummy worms okay i think those gummy worms are going to make me feel better no no not cody no no cody said no no i don't want this anymore oh no all my friends are dead oh my family is dead i have nobody who's stupid button i don't want any of these things who else have i killed what's your newish hello everybody i'm new thinkers teeth are we all here at the news station would like to apologize what you had to witness earlier our long time news anchor mr goodman has died unexpectedly we don't know what happened he just died i've killed so many people just for stupid stuff these things don't matter oh my god stupid button i'm gonna take you back to where i found you you're worthless you can have that stupid button back it's worthless i lost my dad i lost [ __ ] bb i lost all my friends who would never press that button it wasn't worth it you probably pressed that stupid button so many times that it eventually killed you huh i would do anything to get all my friends and my family back this stuff wasn't worth it i was the only way i could bring him back the only way to reverse all the deaths is to kill yourself you have to kill yourself to bring everybody back [Music] wait a minute you didn't die from pressing the button you you killed yourself to bring back everybody that you killed [Music] man i can't believe julia's actually gone dude yeah i miss him i know wait a minute i think i just figured out a loophole with this stupid button what really yeah what what if we just wish for a button that brings junior back to life but what if you hit the button don't you actually kill somebody yeah but i don't know him oh my god guys i can't believe actually back to life i know right dude yeah junior we missed you but i think it's time we get rid of this button once and for all it's too dangerous yeah i think so too i learned something today it's not about the stuff you have it's about your friends and your family because you don't have friends and family that stuff doesn't mean anything mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah but i i want a banana soup oh yeah i'm banana suit cody who wants my banana anybody anybody good guys i just wanted to say thank you for 2.5 million subscribers i cannot believe we hit 2.5 million subscribers it's so amazing and what honestly is really amazing is that i'm about to lose 2.5 million subscribers because uh the super mario movie is not out yet and it's the end of june i said it was going to be out at the end of june and it's not here so if you want to know why the movie's been delayed go check out the video on the vlog channel i describe in full detail why uh the movie's not out yet but the movie's been delayed but it is coming out really soon i promise you it's going to be worth the wait it's going to have every single sml character in it i'm putting all my effort into it it's going to be the greatest video ever but anyway i just want to say thank you for 2.5 million subscribers i love every single one of you and i want to say thank you to all the fans who show up every week to watch all my videos and if you enjoyed this video just hit the like button and share it and subscribe if you haven't subscribed and i love you guys i'll see you at the end of the next video i'll try to get the whole crew to say thank you it's kind of late right now it's 5 a.m but i love you guys i hope you enjoyed the video uh post a comment answer the question uh subscribe and like it you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,712,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, the, magical, button
Id: 7iEtnhiuHNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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