SML Movie: Broken [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] oh man i love my new playroom so much i'm gonna have so much fun in here with my friends what's that the doorbell [Music] jesus christ i've got it hello hey dude i'm so ready to see your new house yeah we already knew your new address somehow oh well uh next time you come just ring once but come on inside guys i can't wait to see it whoa junior your house is so cool i can't wait for you guys to see my new play room it's upstairs do you have a playroom yeah it's upstairs stairs you get a slinky cody why'd you want a slinky yeah dude oh you'll see you ready to have your minds blown how how just watch you just threw it down the stairs no it's supposed to walk down the stairs walk down the stairs yeah joseph is he [ __ ] dude i don't know cody it's a slinky it's not a person it doesn't have legs yeah i can't walk i know that junior but it's a slinky it's supposed to like slink down the stairs are we talking about i've seen people do it just just watch like it see it it almost it almost worked i don't know you're talking i don't get it i know it'll happen just eh [Applause] unbelievable it would have been really cool if you would have actually made it to the bottom of the stairs okay guys this is my this is amazing yeah even have the kitchen in here yeah the kitchen for play time and stuff yeah yeah it's gonna be really fun cody what's wrong really wait yeah cody it's okay i mean you suck at it but it's okay so you want to play toys oh yeah dude but are you going to show us around the rest of the house i mean this is our first time here oh yeah you got to see my room guys you got to see my room oh come on guys so that room is the room that we're going to hang out in it's called the game room and this is the balcony oh yeah it's really cool you can see the living room yeah i would hate to fall from up here you get hurt really bad yeah wow yeah so let's go see my room guys okay dude oh wait ken you coming oh you want to stay okay just be careful okay guys this is my robe oh dude this is very nice i like it cool thomas bad junior yeah i have a thomas is my bed so when i'm doing chicks i can say i think i can i think i can dude you're not gonna have any chicks in here more chicks than you yeah huh i have more chicks than you dude have you seen your house no girls are going to go over there oh damn you don't shut up four eyes well debbie you shut up bray's face hey at least my braces keep my teeth straight but i only have two teeth because you're two years old oh my god okay everybody just calm down okay all right guys so y'all want to go play toys in the playroom yeah yeah all right let's go maybe tonight chef people can make it some chicken nuggets cody grab your stupid dog before he falls come on again [Music] cody what happened his doll fell dude again cody calm down he's just out jesus who left the slinky there really dude yeah i know come on oh my god can you wreck it hey it's the only part that really matters right oh my god can't speak to me can can you hear me again come on cody it's just a doll he fell on carpet somebody call the doctor tell everyone right now well you can go together are you okay calm 9-1-1 before it's too late he's dying oh my god ken uh cody the doctor's here that guy a doctor over here okay so i heard somebody got split in half and like not in a good way it's my boyfriend doctor please please help him oh that's um that's a doll yeah it's he's been dating that dog his boyfriend just he's a problem yeah he has a problem so just just uh tell him you have to do surgery and just say he died okay all right all right i'm gonna need everybody to clear out i have to perform emergency surgery come on cody he's gonna do surgery okay okay the patient has been cut completely in half no one has ever survived being cut in half before until today okay get the drill all right i'm going in okay yeah that doesn't that doesn't seem to be working now hammer okay try the hammer i i okay i think i might have actually made it worse okay uh double-sided tape okay let's do this double-sided tape it's sticky on both sides there's nothing you can't fix just stick it stick stick on it okay that's working more tape more tape i need more tape okay okay it's fine it's fine all right okay okay i think i think the tape might have done it i mean he's he's back together i mean he looks pretty good to me it's a little it's a little messy but i think that's probably dear god i lost him junior what am i gonna do without him your breath stinks cody get off me junior i'm grieving cody he's gonna be okay the doctor's gonna fix him he's a dog cody yeah he's a doll he fell on carpet he broke he's cheap chinese plastic oh here comes the doctor uh hey um we uh we lost them oh my god no no you can't call his name [Applause] it's okay i need you to bury him okay i don't have the heart to do it please just give him a really nice barrier bury him we can't really bury him come on bury him in my backyard come on oh my god dude [Music] okay cody we buried him you buried him in a [ __ ] ant hill junior what's the only place in the backyard that i can dig up i said give him a nice burial dude do you know how much it costs to cultivate land yeah my dad's being mad at me but to start putting hold on okay everybody shut up we're gonna say something nice about ken okay okay can you you were a great person no i'll never forget all the naughty things we did together i mean i'm really surprised you didn't break in half sooner i really gave you quite a pounding i mean i mean the things we did oh man i pretty sure that's illegal but watch it watch out for the end oh thanks can i i'll never forget you and i'll never remarry you you're the only you're the only person for me ken i'm gonna miss you i love you are you done cody no junior say something nice about ken say something nice yeah say something nice about ken he fell on carpet junior fine joseph huh say something nice about ken he's a doll i can't do this it's too much for me what he's crying for i don't know he's just a stupid doll and if he's gonna be acting sad all the time just how about we have a sleepover to cheer him up huh i guess yeah we can do that he looks so ugly when he cries cody what's wrong seriously junior oh cody please stop crying i don't know what i'm gonna do without him i don't think i could ever move on well cody joseph has agreed to stay the night tonight and we'll have a big sleepover to get your mind off of it really yeah it's gonna be really fun and now that we're in the new house it's gonna be awesome hey why did you move in a new house yeah junior why did you move to the new house well we got evicted because uh we cut the couch in half in half are you really crying because i said in half yes cody let's watch tv let's get your mind up let's just watch some tv okay okay you're watching cutting stuff in half in today's episode we're gonna cut stuff in half why would that even be a show yeah well cody they cut stuff in half in half cody stop crying let's get chef pee pee to make something to eat come on come on let's get straight maybe they'll cheer him up hmm herbie fully loaded that looks delicious hey chef baby can you make me and my friend something to eat i guess so what do you want well cody's doll died so i'll let him choose hey cody what do you want oh well oh ken likes ravioli yeah well he's dead so what do you want just make sandwiches chef pee pee okay come on let's go sit down cody you big mess cody stop crying look here from kitkat okay oh come on cody all right junior here's your sandwich hmm that looks good chef pee pee yeah yeah thank you and here's your sandwich cody i cut yours in half in half oh come on watch jeffy why what i just cut it in half oh wait okay cody i'm not hungry now you're not hungry really i just fixed the sandwich let's go play toys come on joseph go play toys cody please stop crying look we're gonna play toys and get your mind off of it yeah okay uh spell something on the board oh come on okay that was a coincidence uh uh you want to play with uh oh look the edge of sketch okay in heaven oh come on there's no way it says that okay oh you know what how about we just buy him a new kindle yeah we need to do that dude because she keeps crying yeah i don't want cody being depressed all the time yeah let's go buy a new kendo okay cody cheer up we got you a new kindle that's not again but yes it is it's the new hot sexy kid and look he uh has a shirt off and he's swimming in the pool with a puppy who has a snorkel underwater that's not how snorkels work that's stupid oh yeah well cody come on look that's the new sexy kid look look how hot he is he has little tiny abs he can never fill the whole can left in me well maybe this black one will that's raises oh come on cody we spent eight dollars per kendall so you better choose one yeah come on no one can replace again i'm never gonna stop crying oh come on oh my god dude joseph how about we do this why but we just dig up the old cannon and glue them back together try to fix them because this is ridiculous it's stupid dog i know right well maybe that'll work come on yes okay okay so i got his other half you got the other one okay i got the legs dude okay so let's go try to put them back together oh okay okay joseph how are we gonna fix ken hmm i don't know dude uh oh you see that hole right there yeah maybe this bulgy piece goes inside the hole we can put it in oh that's that's what she said yeah i got you oh that isn't that good okay so i'm gonna grab this and you're gonna try to put it in the hole okay okay put it in wait come on it's not fitting oh yeah why i think the bulge piece is too big no that yeah it can fit on nowhere you gotta stretch are you guys gonna even finish your sandwich in the hole i'm going harder i don't wanna know i don't even wanna know you gotta stretch the whole trying to stretch it dude just come on don't break it don't break it don't break it don't bend it don't break ah i gotta go okay okay it won't fit okay so um we gotta think of something else well i know i know look what ken has other clothes look look at this one-piece tuxedo she look if we put his body back in the uh outfit it'll make it look like he's one piece no one will ever know as long as as long as he doesn't take his clothes off okay this genius dude yeah so we gotta remind cody to not take his clothes off and he'll never know okay let's do it then let's put him in there cody look who came back from that door candy is that you yeah how is this even possible i don't know he was in he's in the backyard right yeah he just came back from maybe the ants put him back together yeah yeah it's a miracle yeah the ants did it um just don't shake him or anything like that don't take his clothes off yeah don't take his clothes out yeah don't don't take them off not at all why the ant said that um that the the stuff they use to put them back together you can't see it don't don't take his clothes off just don't take it off oh okay i guess i can do that yeah just don't take the clothes off i'm just happy to have him back i'm gonna take him home and love him forever oh okay don't take his clothes off yeah make sure you don't do that man i'm glad he's happy though i just hope he doesn't take those clothes off but hey dude am i still staying tonight yeah yeah i'm tired you want to go to bed yeah let's do it all right thomas bed what is that i don't know dude who could that be cody's calling me wait code is calling yeah answer angela what do you want [Music] hello come on dude you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 1,128,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, broken
Id: dVy8byP0Lw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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