SML Movie: Bowser Junior Goes To Military School Part 1 [REUPLOADED]

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[Music] [Music] wake up soldiers time to go to military school oh what see you in two weeks son out of bed out of bed go go go go all right maggots i am master sergeant brooklyn tea guy but you will just call me master is that understood yes master but well not you that's that's kind of racist i don't really feel comfortable however everybody just call me sergeant yeah okay welcome to military school you are here because your parents do not love you because you are worthless because the world would be a better place without you you see that obstacle course over there i did not say look at that now you may look at it we are going to be running that obstacle course ten times every single day is that understood do you not know how to speak when i ask you if that's understood you say yes sir is that understood what what drop and give me 20 push-ups right now what what every time you don't say yes sir you get 20 push-ups you haven't told me that before that's 40 push-ups but you didn't tell me that before that's 40 push-ups drop and give me 40 push-ups right now 40 you say 20. you just don't yourself 60 push-ups is that understood 60 60 push-ups right now or your whole squad does push-ups i would i would rather them do it with me what they are going to hate you they're going to want to beat you up you do 60 push-ups right now come on guys do it with me you know what just you 60 push-ups get down get down you get down there and give me 60 push-ups right now i don't even know how to do a push-up you better learn get down there okay one tubby toby two tubby dogs why are you calling me fat i can call you whatever the hell i want you get down there and give me push-ups three times tommy tubby this is gonna take all damn day get up get up right now who the hell told you you could get back up what you did did i tell him he could get back up no no i did not get your ass back down there guys get the [ __ ] down there and give me push-ups get down there calling me a lie in front of the squad you're gonna do push-ups right now well you told me to get back do some goddamn push-ups right now one keep moving i didn't say stand up get your ass in that dirt all right maggots he's going to keep doing push-ups while i finish the introduction you do not want to be like him okay you are going to stay here this military school until i am satisfied that you have learned a lesson isn't that understood jesus christ fairness get your ass back down there but i did sexy tubby tummy well i'll do 60 more tubby tummy i don't want to do 60 more jesus christ all right everybody's running that obstacle course right now and so help me god you better complete it in 60 seconds go oh [Music] come on maggie get your ass over this long i've got this barbed wire climb faster can i have a capri sun a capri sun how about i get you some dabbing cakes too fat ass go move really no that was sarcasm dumb ass go come on [Music] what am i supposed to do you get up that wall fat ass that's what you do how do i climb it you scale that wall like a tummy spiderman i i can't do that it's a climbing one hand at a time come on move move move move move stop yelling again i'm not moving fast enough i'm getting it jesus christ if it ain't the sorriest private i've ever seen oh i can't climb the wall it's hard it's your fat ass up that wall right now in the next 10 seconds what 10 seconds if you don't climb this wall in the next 10 seconds i'm gonna put my arm so far up your ass i'm gonna use you as a puppet right now come on i'm going come on uh i made it to the top i've made it to the top congrats your [ __ ] nations we still have a lot of obstacle course left move no okay you better run up that pole come on w move move mo mo this is so tiring what do i do you climb up this rope and you touch the top well i can't do that but you're gonna do it go climb okay is that the best you can do keep climbing i don't know how to go keep climbing you climb that and you touch the top i'm going come on don't you let go you keep moving you keep going don't you let go oh my god i don't know why i'm surprised tommy mcfad ass fell off the [ __ ] rope oh my hands are burning really bad oh your hands are burning i don't want to help that burning spray this hot sauce in your eyes why put the hot sauce in your goddamn eyes well that's gonna hurt yeah you're damn right it's gonna hurt it's gonna teach you not to let go the rope but i don't wanna do that either you squirt this hot sauce in your eyes i'm gonna make you watch big hero 6. give me the hot sauce damn right don't you scream [ __ ] scream there's no crying oh my god [Applause] like a little [ __ ] they'll pick up that rock and move it to the other side of the field and when you're done put it right back where it was why because i like to watch rocks move now go go pick up that rock i can't get hoisted come on the rock won't move if your mom can get out of bed that rock can move come on come on all right maggie crawling low i'd hurt the barbed wire hurt it's supposed to hurt keep moving what do we do here you jump up you grab that bar and you pull yourself over we can't do that if you don't do it i'm gonna whip every single one of you um ah um i'm gonna squirt hot sauce and all your eyes i don't want more hot sauce then you better jump come on come on oh good job tubby all right hulk everybody stop here at the pole all right that right there is the end of the obstacle course but i'm gonna warn you right here is the landmine field what these are grenades underground you step on them you're gonna die okay so i wish everybody the best of luck and may god have mercy on your souls landmines oh let's go congratulations fat ass i did not think you were gonna make it i did it not quite you gotta climb this rope and touch the top again yep go like three times bigger than the last one climb the rope meg i just docked the land box no i don't give a damn climb this rope go go go go go go i touched the top i touched the top congratulations you were the only one to finish the course really yeah those other guys uh well they went boom wow okay can i go to bed now please nope still gotta run it nine more times nine more times yep remember i said you gotta run it ten times a day so nine more get going i can't do it nine more times i please i can't do it now better do it nine more times i'ma whip you with this barbed wire please no it's gone it's not even weird anymore no i can't do nothing moving fat ass go oh congratulations fat ass you ran the course 10 times i am impressed what what was it water water i don't think i have any water i mean i have this but this is for me you know i get pretty botched yelling all the time that is good i'm so tired okay well you know what we're gonna have a nice relaxing break oh really clean in my toilet with a toothbrush does that sound fun come on yes yes sir yes sir this is my toilet i do not take care of myself and you are gonna clean this toilet with your toothbrush is that understood yes sir done get through it you get to scrubbing it i want this so clean i could eat a sandwich off of it why would you want to eat a sandwich off this because that's what i like to do i like to eat sandwiches off toilets you don't ask questions just swap okay i'm done sir all right i'm gonna eat this ham sandwich off this toilet and i better not get sick you won't so you won't what's going on what's going on no no please no anything with that anything with that [Music] please wait who could that be junior is that [Music] you you
Channel: SML Reuploaded
Views: 2,851,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, reupload, video, reuploaded, from, movie, bowser, junior's, military, school, part, one
Id: t_oAeHVzTMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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