Slime Rancher and Bugsnax Make Island Saver?! FREE GAME ! | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] man what is going on everybody z here and welcome to island saver now this game is 100 free it's free it's completely free you just go steam you download it you have the game now there is paid dlc if you want to continue playing but it's completely free it's been out for a while actually and uh miss z checked it out i'll have a link down below to her channel and uh people were commenting about it in our discord link down below as well if you want to join the z1 gaming discord official partner discord and uh yeah it's pretty neat so we're gonna hop in we're gonna check it out we're gonna do uh level select and uh i started a little bit kind of checking it out i was having some issues with recording stuff but i think we're good so we're gonna hop right into here and get on into it so um i kind of get like a i kind of get a bug snacky slime ranchery uh almost a journey to the savage planet kind of feel it's it's kind of neat it's kind of neat but anyways you uh you're essentially picking up trash so we have like all these different things there's like trash and stuff like that uh oh hello shoot your litter in to my slot i love to recycle okay fantastic wait what the heck okay so there is wait no stop it i know oh it wants me to do it right now okay all right there we go hey we recycled well done every time you recycle 10 pieces of plastic i will give you one gold doubloon fantastic okay cool so uh wait use your trash washer to suck up the gold to bloom oh oh look your trash watcher is happy meter is now activated what is that as you see all the litter is making the savvy islands very unhappy uh you need to clean up the litter and gloop to return the island to full happiness okay let's begin by cleaning that poor clam tree the litter all around the tree yup yup yup yup okay anyways the gist of this is uh it wants okay all right fine litter causes the glue you should pick up the litter first okay all right let me oh my goodness you know the tutorial on this thing this is just not having a good time uh great now the litter's gonna use water to get to gloop off the tree yes i'm aware of that thank you i i can i can kind of figure this part out uh so we gotta get the gloop off the tree and now we have a magical happy treat but now we have critters crab appears look a bankamole has appeared but oh dear the plastic pollution has drained the poor bankamol of all its color you need to help the bank one get its color back clean up kiwi coves of the crab uh bank mole can feed on the claim nuts to regain full health find out more about bank and walls in your bank of pedia press escape to access to pikapedia fantastic oh it wants me to do this now okay all right yes uh bankapedia woohoo crab uh it likes the clam tree species is doubloon food is a clam nut a cast of crabs fun fact crabs are very old first showing up during the jurassic period over 200 million years ago very neato okay cool are we good can i can i can i now like do stuff for fun keep on cleaning the plants in syria wonderful okay cool so let's grab all this trash wow my sensitivity is like super high on this there we go okay so we got to clean this up and then we can uh we could start spraying off the stuff but we're essentially cleaning up the island to make the little little animal dudes happy um let's see okay there's that one let's grab all this uh okay oh look at there goes the crab he's like oh i'm so hungry and happy wait what did what did you just what is this that's poop it's literally poop that is so funny what do i do with poop you don't know what i do with poop i don't know okay let's get these all cleaned up here and that's gonna make this crab happy so does this crap like give us money here we go two of four wait did we get another crab oh we did get another crab oh super cool is that three or four bankamole appeared three or four crabs did you know when bacon will eat they magically turn the food into gold doubloons so here's the slime ranchers they eat food they give you money right exactly nice so it ate all that oh and now it's like a little piggy bank but it's a crabby bank has eaten a lot of food is now bursting with gold doubloons use your trash monster to empty the gold doubloons from the bankamole oh my gosh that is so funny wait so does it keep eating trash save the bank moles by uh yeah okay cool thank you i understand it now all right so if we keep doing this let's clean up all of this nastiness and then next area is a 70 gold doubloons okay so we need to clean off all of this if i clean this tree we're going to probably have another bank mold show up right thank them all appeared four or four heck yes oh money thank you oh they're so cool when they're like actually like fully colored and stuff super neato all right let's get this all cleaned up all this gloop oh clean up five dirty plants trees or objects nice well there's a magic egg over there okay so that's done uh looks like the last thing that we have is this tree i think that's it keep on cleaning the plants in this area uh oh the plants we have to clean where's oh this one over here all right quickly we must clean this plant and remove the goop okay is this first area completely done good to go uh maybe it looks like is there something else oh trash your trash bass blaster is full of plastic you cannot carry anymore uh fired in the recycling bin got it can i shoot poop in there uh that doesn't go in there wait plastic fantastic fill a plastic container full oh i just heard another fart sound all right who's over here pooping everywhere hey with the pooping what the heck uh so what am i supposed to do with this now full okay oh now the tutorial doesn't want to talk to me bank emol full oh hello oh yeah it's raining money wonderful okay so there's that so am i just supposed to keep doing this until i unlock the next area uh no okay so that's not okay oh another bank almost full where are you where's that oh right there come on bud yeah give me all your monies i like your monies even though they come from inside of you it's okay we should have one more bankamole coming up soon oh gosh the poop there's so much poop uh i'm gonna do with this can i shoot poop at it wait oh no that's a gold doubloon i shoot poop at it no does the poop just go into nothingness let's just get rid of the poop what do you say i say that's good oh that's our last dude area cleared nice okay so now wow great job bionaut you cleared the whole kiwi cove thank you i'm a caretaker and i take care of cleaned areas i will look after the bank malls and keep kiwi cove clean from now on wait so do you automatically uh collect the monies too oh where are they going oh they're dipping out or is it opening a whole new area are they making a bridge for me oh they're totally making a bridge for me oh that was so nice of you little crab dudes thank you for that they're just so happy about that look the bank the bank will crabs are making a sea shell bridge you use the bridge across to the new area nice um i have all of these monies what do i do with the monies i don't know do we have a bank oh what is this what is this wash the goop off this coin deposit machine anything you put your money in the bank for safekeeping ah i knew it i knew there had to be some way like i can't just store my money in my pockets uh so you want to open a bank account huh let's get started activate watch okay what am i supposed to do money face recognition good good uh create a pin code use zero to nine to create your forward japan are you serious why do why do i have to do that yup check your pinko and hit inc yup it looks good zeros all the way across don't give it to anyone what else okay welcome to your new account account holder biodon climate crusader crusader all right looks good all right island saver account current savings zero loan amount od you don't have any loans okay cool now your new account is open let's first let's make your first deposit okay uh deposit wants to put money into your bank yes i am aware of that um i understand this okay so let's go ahead and just go through all of that uh congratulations you successfully opened a banking island saver account uh bank accounts are great for keeping your money safe okay cool there we go all right we have 52 monies well done your money has now saved the bank in earning interest interest is the money the bank pays you for letting them look out for your money thank you the more money you put in the more interest you get happy savings okay cool we understand how that works uh idea goal never take a loan out all right so let's go through and let's clean up all this trash kind of see what we got going on here i wonder what new bankamoles we're gonna have uh wait are they all bankables they must be banking walls is that all the trash over here nope let's get all of this gone grab you can i climb up this no okay let's go ahead and put this hey what the heck oh i gotta clean this stuff off you first sorry yeah okay take all of my plastics nice wait so is there more plastic somewhere else uh i don't know let's go get more water we're like out of water oh apparently i can't go in the water oh roichi then we're good okay so let's get these plants cleared off uh-oh it's a snail of beach snail you can now find out more about this okay cool thank you not worried about it we can look into that later my guess is that the snails probably like these areas yes they do we got another snail two of two all right interesting so is this area complete it doesn't look complete how many do we have we have a total 60. uh these two guys are gonna pop their money out what do we do we get a key open gate i'm sorry i'm sorry i can't open the gate until you've collected a golden key okay thank you so oh what are these candy fruit okay so they eat the candy fruit got it uh we got more poop i feel like one day we're gonna need this poop but i'm not gonna even care i don't i don't care uh let's go back over here i want to see what this guy's doing where's our uh where's our where's our little machine dude that's supposed to be taking care of this area uh it's it left it lied to me it's obviously not taking care of the area okay so waiting for you guys to finish eating your snacks and then we'll get some more money and we'll get 70 gold doubloons and that will allow us to open up the next door oh i shoot water over this no darn hey i had to try right our first snail buddy is full hello hello yeah oh lookie now he's all brightly colored yeah you got your colors back and he's still oh my god they really just eject that don't they it's like they're playing nerf guns with poop that's not good hey we earned interest oh how exciting okay come on man save the date well done you earned interest on your first savings bank pays interest as a reward for keeping money yes i'm aware of that thank you i guess we might as well throw our money in here make more interest right all right come on little bud eat your food eat your food and be happy oh thank him will fall yeah more money bankable saved thank you oh i'm so excited okay so let's put our monies in here follow kiwi to pay gate okay we gotta go this way so now we can buy this next area for 70. so you want to buy this gate yep sure do nice job doing this with you now i got to fly oh are you leaving yes it is oh my gosh it's an amazing rocket ship this is so cool this is such a cutesy it's a pretty cutesy game i gotta say it's got it it's pretty fun um okay so we have like a whole bunch of different animals oh we have is that another bank oh oh there's some nasty animals up there watch out a rock fall looks like we're trapped for now okay all right so let's get this all cleaned up first thing you know how it is clean up the area throw all the stuff into the thing make some money this isn't too bad this is not too bad okay so we got these weird looking things i don't know what the heck those are i guess we'll find out oh shoot my thing is full okay let's uh let's deposit the plastics hopefully this one can handle more because we got a lot of plastic here oh hello i'm the tack spot and i'm on my my way to collect hey what whenever you earn money someone needs to get paid so the island government is taxed oh you are a jerk the tax you pay is used for community things to help everybody on the island all right evil tax guy this is this is the evil tax guy the rate on tax of the island is 10 what this is ripoff that's horrible what a jerk earn first tax token oh we get hold on you've earned your first tax token paying tax helps to recycle the litter you're collecting and helps keep this island looking clean and tidy so what do i do with tax tokens i don't know what a tax token is so i get i don't know i'm too full of litter you need to use a tax token to empty me oh are you serious you can collect a tax token from the tax machine then shoot it in to the tax thought to tempt me oh my gosh all right chat to the tax machine it says i have four four tokens hello i'm the tax return the tax that my tax box collect from your earnings come here helps the whole island with like building bridges emptying recyclabins uh suck tax tokens out of my slot when you need them for around the island okay cool i need i need this oh i don't have okay all right shoot the stacks token into the recycler oh now i'm recycling oh okay the taxes aren't that bad then that's uh it's not that bad can we start with squawk you've emptied the recycling machine and keep collecting tax tokens to empty more and save the island that's not that bad okay taxman isn't that bad because we get tax tokens out of it so that's pretty handy uh and he's back okay how much but now how much can you how much can you hold wow not a lot okay max token again jesus we're not even making that much money either well no we're not making that much money but we get it from the bankamoles so that's all right so i guess we're gonna have to do this a few times uh let me go through and collect all this geez louise so you have to make money get taxed get the tax token then empty the tax machine in order to continue cleaning up interesting okay i think we have all of the trash in this area taken care of let's see do we have any trash anywhere else i'm not seeing any next year's 100 coins okay i see any all right let's start getting some things cleaned off this is another bank it looks like uh thanks for cleaning me i'd be happy to accept deposit coins once you activate me using your pin code okay fantastic i wonder what my pin code is it's not like it's an online game that i really need to i don't i don't know why they added a pin code i mean i guess you know modern day like everything has pin codes but still all right so 21 coins fantastic and let's see let's go ahead and get the rest of this plastic deposited and it's full again so let's go and grab a tax token throw you in there and there's that okay cool bye yay it's kind of funny the tax man doesn't look like the most thrilling thing ever all right there we go rest of our plastic can go in there i think that's it i think it's everything we had for plastic let's get these cleaned off now i don't know what kind of plant this is or is it like a what are you oh it's like an anteater oh it's an andy hill you can find out more about this in the bank pedia oh cool oh look there's little ants running around oh that's super cool okay let's get this one cleared off too there's another one all right how many anteaters do we have two of two okay cool and then let's get the trees for the crabs [Applause] [Music] and then it looks like this one might be what a fox or something is that one a fox no huh it looks like there's like a fox in this area too oh it's probably it's probably that stuff oh here we go oh it's a little raccoon oh a red panda oh that's super cute he doesn't look very red not yet anyways we'll get him fixed oh it looks like bamboo shoots got it okay so there's the lily pad area fixed all right look at us oh we are doing the things is that area done that's another crab right i think so oh yeah there's the little bamboo shoots little red panda's eating the bamboo shoots oh that's super cute is there anything back here okay this leads back there we're blocked off from that way uh oh we got this area okay so there's that oh we got some trash is that all of them can we get all of the monies oh my gosh with the pooping it's so funny it is so funny but at the same time it's so it's so weird oh the pooping sounds are so great uh i think that's it does that mean the whole island is clean i feel like the whole island is clean or this this part of the island is anyways i think we just have to wait for all the um all the critters to get happy and we can't crawl up this yet so we'll have to see how that gets here oh they're so happy wait so do i need to collect my own it shot it right at me uh oh we got an anteater full oh he's super full he can't even walk around that's so funny hey stop stealing my money tax thief tax thief oh we got another bank multiple wait crab where's the where's the crab crab bank ball oh we need to grab our monies too let's grab the moneys where are you oh he's right here all right come on bankable saved and of course there's the tack spot all right where's the other one we have a couple more oh this one anteater again full oh this guy's makes 30. holy moly no wonder the tax guy's here oh we got a red panda full now oh we got we're like completely full hold on let's let's store some monies deposit 100 doubloons keep saving and buy or not remember the more you deposit the more interest you'll earn from your savings yeah okay oh we got two red pandas full now huh it's so funny it's so funny all right deposit more money we have what 14 tax tokens now heck yeah uh and then this let's see i picked up one of these by accident so let's just throw let's throw that one over there uh here we go here we go here we go more money area cleared nice okay uh clam nut you can have that back all right we have officially cleared our area again and there is more doubloons heck yes so now open the pay gate so now we have another area that we can get into okay buy a new area so you want to buy this area huh yes i do uh nicely in business gotta fly okay cool all right what do we got in here oh oh oh there's a golden key we see the golden key what is that like a rhino it looks like a rhino statue wow rhino rock you know that uh great rhinoceros bankable used to live here perhaps it can uh if you can clean up the area it might return oh all right uh do we have room in here okay cool let's get you cleared off and let's go collect trash trash time so this can hold what one two three four it can hold 50. so we can hold 50 trash per load then we have to use a tax token to uh to send it off okay there's an egg we got an egg would you look at that you found one of my lost nest eggs oh they're gone forever maybe you can help me find the rest oh oh there's 20 of those oh secret item secretary what is this huh i don't know what that uh that one stick is there actually exactly 50. okay so that guy is full i don't think there's any more trash in here all right let's start spraying everything with water see if we can get the uh the elusive rhinoceros to return [Music] what is this what plant is this uh a rhinoberry bush oh look a growing plot plots can be used to grow plants which will attract new bank moles oh so there's a growing plan you need to plant the correct seed in the growing plot pig bees store is a great place to buy most seeds use the shop app on your watch to buy seeds online oh pigbees my name is pigby uh welcome to my online store we can find all the best stuff to help improve the savvy islands so you're looking for a rhino bear sees huh you'll find them in the seeds category oh there's upgrades and stuff okay rhinoberry bush uh okay and we're good to go face recognition security check please wait looks good is that a piggly bot that was a piggy bot wasn't it look to the skies your pygmy store delivery is on its way okay great now plant the uh rhinoberry seed by firing into the grill plot okay will do so my gosh we've done it oh it looks like i need to water it now make it grow you need to use your trash washer to water to the seed uh cha-ching piggy stores lots of great deals but remember it's only a good value if you really need it all right great now watch as you see grows into a lovely rhinoberry bush it's a beautiful rhinoberry bush oh oh it's going fast oh it's getting bigger how many more stages do we have how big is this bush gonna get oh and there it is green fingers plant and grow a seed so those are those must be the rhinoberry stuff okay so we let's grab another one i'll grow another rhinoberry bush in the other grill plot remember you can buy these from piggy store thank you uh okay so if i hit escape we can go into here pigbees seed rhinoberry enter looks good [Music] all right and here comes yeah hello thank you i will take the seat and i will plant you and i will water you into a rhinoberry bush oh are we gonna get the elusive rhino i'm excited oh there we did we did it we grew two rhino appears oh he looks so happy and not like it's gonna attack me the renaissance is back isn't it matt isn't he magnificent oh he is is one of the special apex bankamoles that live on this island you can ride apex bankables like the rhino but first you need to make friends with it to make friends try using your trash monster to feed the rhino its favorite food rhinoberries okay uh try feeding the rhinoceros thank you can i grab more rhino berries though oh you're getting too close to the rhino oh sorry there you go okay we gotta make friends look lorena wants more food uh this is your chance move closer and carefully shoot more berries into its open mouth okay oh yeah bacon will full oh he's full oh my gosh oh that one gave us 50. now they're mine they're my tokens there you can have that i don't need that anymore i already made friends with you wait so i could ride you now congratulations you made a new friend because the rhino trust you know you should be able to ride it why don't you try just move near uh and press e to climb up oh look out look for the rhino icons to charge into as you ride it around oh right here oh [Music] smash the wall with rhino oh that's super cool you know what there's another one over here so like apex animals have different little ways to open up stuff that's pretty neat though and we've made it oh what are those a litter bug i wonder what those little pests would i wonder when those pests would make an appearance your happy meter can warn you about litter bugs when litter bugs are going to show up attractive shiny things especially gold doubloons keep your money safe from ladder bugs by collecting it as soon as you earn it litter bugs hate water so lots of water or suck them up and fire into the water to get rid of them what is happening so happy that he got his gold doubloon he's gonna explode oh and then he gooped up everything keep an eye our happy meter to see when the next wave of litter bugs will appear and be ready to blast them oh all right let's take this guy back and apparently we need to start cleaning some stuff up so these areas look good this area was good wait which area did it which area got gooped i don't know all right we're gonna hop off that guy for now all right so let's get uh let's get everything else cleaned up here and then uh we will start working on we need to put our money away too that's what we need to do area cleared wonderful why it's not clear though there's more here 94 can lean wait so if we get 100 clean do we have to worry about litter bugs or do things just come naturally get nasty it's probably all the poop awesome okay so we have a rhino friend uh we need more water and i need to put money into the bank awesome very neato this is pretty cool i gotta say it's pretty neat time uh pretty good for a completely free game too oh i didn't destroy that one over there with the rhino let's destroy that one before we forget do you just stay where i leave you apparently all right let's go bud we gotta go all the way over here and bash okay i think that's everything can i dismount over here now all right cool hey there's our little buddy he's keeping everything nice and clean for us all right so we have a whole new area over here with litter bugs the evil lichter bugs they don't look very nice i must say so this area right here oh yeah oh they'll come out as we get it cleaned up oh so ideally what we need to do is we need to clean up the plastic first wait did you just tax spot me that guy just tack spotted me all right so that one's good so we got to just clean up this island and then we're going to hit a wave of litter bugs oh that's actually kind of cool wait so does that give me money when it does that no only when like when i finish it off it's not really gonna matter because i'm not gonna there's not gonna be any money there's not gonna be any money laying on the ground for uh for the litter bugs to get because i'm gonna go through and do them all one at a time you know uh oh shoot that one's full uh are you a tax person yeah you are wait no you're the you're the bank oh we gotta activate it all right bank is activated fantastic do we have a tax thing over here no no tax thing over here all right i need some tax cut tokens yeah that'll probably work well yeah that'll probably work we got three of them so we need to work on this next area over here oh this is super cool and we're gonna get a raid by litter books oh uh should we clear this one out we'll clear that one out too why not [Music] and we'll clear this one out oh you got littered again tax token there you go litter book wants to came out and got it huh all right litter bug where are you goodbye is that it i think that was it that was an easy foe all right tax token take your take your trash away [Music] oh oh we got a chameleon his eyes are funny you're silly all right cool all right so let's grab uh we gotta make sure we're grabbing the money because the money is the problem here oh you know what the money it also comes from the animals eating doesn't it pretty sure it does uh yep there's walk forward to collect it safely make sure to not hit it with your trash blaster uh okay cool let's get this cleaned up too this is another crab right yeah oh what the heck you're a crab crab has accidentally swallowed some plastic you need to help by using your trash washer stuck out the plastic out of the crap oh huh how'd you get a hold of that there's like no plastic here well done you healed that crab yes i did and i feel good about it all right we're gonna have another litter monster come out yeah you i see you and you're gone any more just the one okay easy for now but i bet you it gets harder i bet you gets a lot harder later on hey we got a sea turtle turtle turtle turtle hey oh he's such a happy turtle what's up little turtle dude all right let's get this area cleared i think that's like almost it what else do we have oh these trees right here all right we've done it 100 complete save bankamoles we're working on that right now we got some more trash we can throw in here a little bit more monies and there's poop everywhere which is fine so much poop i don't it's just crazy how much poop comes out of these things so are we making money on anything else like are we making any money over here oh there's a there's an egg right there let's go grab that i missed i missed that step i'm sorry all right we got it there's another egg um but yeah that litter bug you do you collect money for me too no it don't really look like it it doesn't look like we actually make any money passively except for the interest on stuff which i mean i guess is money but still you know what i mean like i i i don't know how well yeah i guess that's the way to possibly make money huh is there anything else over here uh we can't get across over there yet okay all right so we gotta go save our animal friends make some more moolah and then i guess buy another area oh you know what we need to get that key i bet you there's an upgrade for like a jet pack what you want to bet let's see hold on escape piggies upgrades coming soon i bet you there's an upgrade to get that i bet or it's one of the animals that we can ride and they'll give us the ability to swim out there and get it maybe maybe we'll be a turtle i don't know no because it's not apex animals it's not really an apex animal wait did you know you can paint blank what bank ones that have been saved you can paint them all different colors just for fun the bacon must love it why don't you try it go to piggy store and watch uh and buy some paintballs what wait so painting the animals is is fun uh paintball add uh bobble hat tartan bunnette party hat gesture baseball hard hat pirate hat uh okay let's check out with those so can we pick the color hey pigbees shoot a paintball at a bank mall that has been saved its color oh it just changes the color that's so fun that's funny i like that i like that uh okay who's full right now you all right all the animals are getting full all the same time it's fantastic we're making boatloads of cash uh where's another one oh crap i i feel like the other crowd that i just saved was right exact same spot oh shoot my inventory's full uh let's go throw these in here gotta make that moolah okay so we should have one more this turtle right here you are the last turtle make your way over there get those whatever those are berries of some sort leaves they look like i don't even know what they look like yeah they almost look like um like asparagus tops or something i don't even know yes area has been cleared oh oh they're gonna build a thing for me oh my gosh look at the size of those turtles they're all piggy banks look at the turtles they formed a stepping stone for you to reach that key wonderful here you can have those i don't need those uh let me put my doubloons away oh look at all the money we have 224 heck yeah okay so now we need to grab this key and unlock that gate i got a key great you have the key now you can unlock the skate okay okay i'm going to say the parkour and this is a little is a little rough oh are you snoozing okay i thought maybe he'd something horrible terrible off will happen open gate great job enjoy exploring what's beyond my door oh we needed another rockfall we need the rhino to get through that you can summon an apex uh bankroll anytime using your watch press q to try this now q oh hey rhino oh that's super cool what's up dude and we've got it wally whole way holy moly it looks disgusting and terrible and awful but that's gonna end this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you guys enjoyed like i said this game is 100 free um there are some dlc's that you can get if you want to expand the island to get more areas i guess but it seems like there's quite a bit to do already um i don't know but yeah kind of a fun little game kind of like i said a little slime entry little uh little little bug snacky kind of it's it's it's a cool little game um but yeah if you guys enjoyed make sure you leave a like on the video if you haven't already maybe consider subscribing as well link down below to absolutely everything that i mentioned and you have a fantastic rest of your day bye everybody [Music] foreign
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 96,905
Rating: 4.8928962 out of 5
Keywords: z1 gaming, slime rancher, z1 gaming slime rancher, island saver, bugsnax, islandĀ saver, island saver gameplay, free to play, game, island saver game, island saver free to play, free game 2021
Id: 602u1vKdozw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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