Building and Crafting ANY Vehicle I Want! Trailmakers Episode 1 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what is going on everybody z here and welcome to trail makers i have had this game requested so many times i played it a long time ago when i first entered like uh early access and stuff well we're back we're checking it out i've had a lot of questions about it and basically it is a vehicle building anything building type games so if you like uh like scrap mechanic or teratech uh think kind of like that block building stuff things like that so we're gonna go ahead i'm gonna start off with the campaign because i like campaigns i'm not a big huge sandboxy person uh maybe we'll get to that in the future to like you know play with stuff treasure island that sounds kind of cool too uh but we're gonna go with the standard uh stranded in space you've crashed landed on a strange alien world explore the planet to recover salvage and rebuild your spaceship that sounds like a fantastically good time so hopefully you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for more i have a link down below to uh trail makers i'm playing it through steam um i don't know if it's on consoles or not i have no idea actually so i'll i'll try to have to look into that anyways uh yeah i'm pretty excited like i said i played this a long time ago oh pretty sure this is different now there's a spaceship we're on a spaceship but we're gonna crash land we're gonna have to rebuild uh-oh oh i wonder what's gonna happen oh no oh no oh that is awful oh that's actually kind of cool though that's really cool i don't i don't remember any of that like i said it was a long time since i played this and then there's all the pieces explains why the pieces are scattered everywhere right yes oh my gosh oh i'm so excited oh is that us our safety pot maybe looks kind of like a safety pod all right we're here we have crash landed oh and there i am oh this is super cool okay so holy gosh all right so uh press b to open the builder okay uh looks good tutorial before you start building please go through these easy steps okay uh dragon place block a two by four oh it looks like a lego block okay so if i place this uh rotate the camera in every direction [Music] in out okay okay we rotated every direction copy block okay so hold on let's let's move this like this copy rotate okay so we have a rotate on this axis rotate on this axis oh that is super nice i like that rotate block okay once we press this now okay change the color of the block got it it's got to be red and black actually it should be reversed black and red uh delete all blocks i've deleted the blocks now it's time to build a vehicle oh my gosh okay so we have a cab ooh all right so we got that uh instruction bumper car am i supposed to build a bumper car okay easy enough there we go we got some wheels fairly standard stuff uh bulldog engine high acceleration low top speed weight okay put that on there it's literally a bumper car that's so funny uh what is this a steering hinge all right another steering hinge we got some more wheels uh another wheel and another wheel click to save current vehicle structure save uh blueprint one let's name it the bumper car because that's what it is bumper car save it alright instruction complete i've done it now i don't know how this would work because if you turn into this this is going to be a an interesting craft creation thing okay get to the launch pad oh it looks like it actually goes right through okay so they don't clear they clip oh look at us go i don't know why this is so cool now the one thing different about this game is that uh if you are hearing this oh cargo vessel has crashed it has survived that's right the corporation will dispatch a rescue ship but require you to leave the atmosphere of your current planet okay fortunately your cargo can be repurposed as building blocks oh no functional spacecraft by salvaging the scattered contents of your cargo once you have located a piece of cargo underneath a recovery drone to extract the building block it contains oh please note that not all building blocks will be suitable for the spacecraft but they can be used for local transportation purposes nice all right so uh this game does have vehicle damage so like if i jump off a huge cliff you know my vehicle is gonna explode so that's like kind of one of the key differences here so do i need to like just push this power core do i just push it or should i should i get out can we get out like can we get out and pick it up um exit vehicle map interbuilder repair so no it looks like we have to use our vehicles to do everything okay so enter vehicle okay oh hence the reason we built a bumper car right exactly so we got to get this over here and that's going to give us uh more building blocks i guess recovery drone activated uh you can teleport to recovery zones at any time by using the map press tab to open the map oh salvage recovery drone deliver salvage here click to teleport here oh okay there we go power core unlocked one unused power core progress safe spaceship oh okay one unused power core all right this is exciting this is super cool so we have to go around we have to grab stuff do stuff do more things yeah this is different this is not what i played before oh this is cool i like this so do i just uh okay so if we go to the map uh tab so there's one here here there's a whole bunch everywhere launch pad landing site all of that uh spaceship zero days three hours uh 164 and zero of a hundred what are those i don't know okay so uh we need to go we need to go find some stuff so we'll just take the bumper car now i don't know what happens so like if i if i blow up my vehicle do i keep the parts or do we lose the parts because in like terra tech stuff like that like if you blew up a part you lose that part you don't have anymore what is this what are you oh it's a dodo haha i like doing this they're funny okay so we gotta go downhill looks like there's something down over here maybe one unused power core i think i would imagine a power core is well it's a building block for the spaceship but i would also imagine that it might be oh look there's a repair drone over here or yeah i would also imagine that maybe that's what you need to build a vehicle okay you know what we're gonna test it i'm gonna jump off this cliff we're gonna explode okay so what happens oh that's not terrible uh can we ride down the side of this mountain we're gonna try heck yes we can heck yes we can that's super cool okay i want to go over here and grab this thing so maybe do i okay so i located another drone large hinge oh see that's cool it shows you what it is large hinge unlocked progress saved okay so now if i go so if we hold on if we go enter builder limit increase power core allows more engines allows stronger engines okay so these are the pieces that i have large hinge steering hinge allows a limited angle rotation perfect for wheels um a steering hinge allows limited rotation perfect for wheels so this one's a little bit bigger than that one so do we have any other blocks frame uh bulldog engine oh it said that i can i said that i could put another one on so can we like can we can we stuff another one in here hold on let's rotate it uh this way okay so is that gonna give us more power maybe now is there a way to change no okay so like that's rotation that's that so we don't actually have to power things individually okay so mechanics there's that large angelos limited rotation perfect for wheels so i don't really probably i probably don't need that okay cool let's save this uh and save perfect aerodynamics does it show aerodynamics i don't really care about aerodynamics i guess all right so we're good we have two motors oh we're so much faster oh we're so much faster oh this is fantastic this is so much better oh my gosh i love this okay so what is what's this one i wonder under water propeller what oh my gosh we can make submarines oh see now we definitely probably needed that large in the uh additional engine in order to get this one going we might need to make a bigger vehicle the only problem is we don't have any bigger wheels uh-oh uh ardor repair oh that is super cool oh you don't actually have to physically rebuild it every single time i love that that is like a huge quality of life thing okay i so before i played this uh when i played originally i believe what happened every time you broke a vehicle you'd have to get out and like repair it and like rebuild it manually but that's super cool underwater propeller unlocked okay well i don't really need an underwater propeller um oh what's this is this one of those gold pieces what's a gold piece for i don't know what a gold piece is for but what are you what is this oh we got some tokens we got 100 tokens now i saw if i go into this i have a uh i have an xp and a level a level thing so that's kind of neat too all right let's see um so we need to go elsewhere oh this is super cool oh there's a big one up here okay all right let's go here let's grab this one i feel like we need to make like we need to make like the perfect vehicle for grabbing these things i wonder if we could make like a grabby vehicle i'm sure we probably could if we had all the pieces but right now we're like we got to get pieces unlocked i think okay medium pontoon oh it's a boat piece we're gonna roll it down there oh what oh what yep we're rolling we're rolling okay we're good that's super cool all right and my bumper is gone this is so much fun oh this is super cool all right so i like these okay i like the boat pieces don't get me wrong but i want more vehicle pieces you know we need vehicular pieces but i mean i guess boat pieces are gonna be uh probably important for us for crossing water stuff maybe all right now roll down there oh beautiful oh beautiful okay we're gonna get this guy so we can hit backspace to reset active salvage so i guess if we lose it we can reset it i guess that makes sense okay get in there get sucked up nope stop it stop it nope okay here we go get in there yeah medium pontoon baby that's super cool okay so let's pull up the map again so we've got some pieces above us uh it looks like they are up on that cliff up there oh yeah there's peace right there okay so let's go up let's see if we can get up there and there's like a cave we're gonna see if we get up there and push them down here oh here we go this is the way to get up there oh yeah see we're on an island so we're probably gonna have to build a boat for sure so what piece is this okay uh a headlamp boop all right perfect we'll just roll that off of there and i think it's there's more up here so let's try to push those off too we have made oh no a piston rebuild your vehicle to recover the salvage okay so let's go into build mode here uh oh buoyant block floats on water cool uh let's go and grab some pieces and we're going to go ahead and let's see let's rotate i want to rotate it this way and then i want to bring it up like that and then i want to go ahead and copy rotate this one very nice i like it all right exit build mode oh it's just barely ah i need one more okay we're good we're good we're good we're good up rebuild come on come on get up get off there got it okay cool uh so let's see our our thing is over there okay come on gotta push you off now so piston that's probably gonna give us the ability to uh like move stuff around right like a piston similar and scrap mechanic all right so we'll go ahead and boop push you down there let's grab this gold right here heck yeah we're rich rich beyond our wildest dreams okay so we have another one over here oh that creature has a thing too okay so this one is another one of those what are you what piece um oh it's a power core uh hold on let's go into build mode how many of these can i build out this way is gonna be too heavy in the front oh oh it might work yes i am victorious i am victorious okay so uh i don't want these pieces anymore so let's go ahead and delete delete delete these all because i don't i don't need these all right looking good and then if we go to the map uh i think we can teleport to click here to teleport here and voila we're here all right so let's grab all of our pieces that we dropped in here we're going to get a piston a power core and what's the other thing a piston power cord something else oh a headlamp that's right you know what i'm actually going to do i'm going to build this i want to put uh i want to put some prongs on here let's see let's go ahead and rotate it around this way and then that way and then i want to put it on there like that i'm going to copy it perfect oh my gosh it did it for me it's like it knew it's like it knew exactly what i wanted there we go oh this will be so much faster now heck yes oh my gosh this is great so there is a headlamp so we'll be able to see at night probably that's what i would guess now let's go up here and grab this one this one is the power core so we'll be able to put another engine on i guess maybe we need bigger wheels and stuff power cord locked one unused power cord frisbee to enter the build mode heck yeah spaceship is required for your spaceship eight percent complete transform to quickly change vehicles hold r to view transformation vehicles select blueprints to reassign the transportation vehicles got it okay so blueprint available amphibious oh oh okay so i could select one and now we're amphibious oh the whole front moves how cool is that okay and then if i go to this oh uh hold on we need to go to builder uh auto build where is oh there's some like oh there's some of those okay so blueprints i want this one assign transformation to two yep okay so if i go to this and we go to r i can go to this one and we can build that okay cool oh i like it oh but that's not our same one that's not the same vehicle we just had because i had i had uh let's see accessories blocks workshop blueprints i had this one this is the one i want is number two and then we said this was number one um okay template vehicles and then there's all the template vehicles oh that's super cool but my vehicles are right there all right so i don't want this one i want my vehicle back because this one has the double e deals oh we should we should have put the other wait where's the other piece right there okay i didn't save it with the prongs on the front i should have done that oh headlamp uh should we build that put that on here maybe let's see let's rotate you that way perfect uh copy right there heck yeah and let's go to building blocks and then we're gonna go ahead and rotate rotate right there copy on this side over here perfect and save save i keep hitting escape to get out of here but i need to not do that it's it's just b for blueprint uh okay cool or build nice vehicle autosaves oh this is super exciting so we're gonna grab this but okay and we're gonna have a uh we're gonna have an amphibious vehicle next that's gonna that sounds so exciting i wanna see where we're gonna go with this all right there's a piston piston unlocked so do we unlock anything else it says there's another uh it says there's another power core in our area salvage salvage oh there's something up up there okay let's try to get up there i don't know if we're gonna make it up here huh oh we totally did we totally made it more gold heck yeah okay i did not think we'd be able to make it up there uh more gold oh we're not gonna be able to make it up here though oh it's not even up here hey so where the heck is the other salvage oh is this down what i didn't see it well now it says it's up what the heck where are you it must be like on a cliff side or something hmm oh look at there's a convenient ramp to get up here maybe i should have went this way i still don't see it down in there maybe it's down in there i don't see it over here we're going down in there yes we are oh there it is oh i'm so glad wait i'm glad we have that light a block a one by two block uh putting those forks on the front was definitely the best idea because now we can actually like go from point a to point b super quick with this thing oh i love it all right new block we got a one by two this block is a crucial part of your spaceship is it oh that's so exciting okay so let's see what else do we have around here we got something up there we got a whole bunch around here i kind of want to go like try this amphibious stuff out you know uh but i don't know if we're supposed to i mean we unlocked it so maybe and there's a block like way out there i'm gonna tell you right now we're gonna have to have some flying blocks too because i could see some floating islands in here uh okay let's go grab this piece i guess this looks like a big piece oh there's a piece of gold right here too let's grab that real quick oh i just ran over a dodo but i got 10 gold for it what the heck i don't know if i should be proud of that or not all right let's see if we can just push it this way straight that way hopefully it doesn't roll off that's rolling strong don't go in the water rolling strong okay is there any other things over here uh yeah it looks like there's actually one up here somewhere hmm this is up higher than what we're at no way unless it's in a tree or something i don't know okay let's go get this block this is a wedge block all right one two by one by two wedge was that not a critical spaceship component apparently not apparently not uh should we go check down in this cave we didn't go down in here and it's super dark outside anyway so what we got in here oh there's a piece right there oh snap repair what did i hit i don't even know what i hit i hit something though apparently uh oh oh that's a power core too okay all right we're gonna get fancy with this one uh we're gonna go to build mode uh block unlocked aerodynamics block slow fast fastest okay cool accessories for sale to earn more credits win races rally race island turn treasure hunts and treasures collect gold nuggets and strain into space be daily challenges oh okay cool got it so we actually have uh if we're not mistaken we have some [Music] mechanic we have some pistons extendable cylinder that moves back and forth weight 6.4 kilograms uh what if we we got to get fancy here let's do this so we need to how do we want to do this we need to go up we need to go up over and grab it and drag it back now i could just put blocks to make like a blocky thing like i don't feel like that's gonna be the fun you know that's not the fun stuff so let's do this and then i put a block on here too okay but we're gonna rotate this one like this copy over there okay and then blocks oh a one by two uh probably not we're gonna grab this rotate this guy this way and then that way okay so will that work probably not i'm hoping that we could we could lower it and then pull it it'll get it in here you know what i mean uh your builder contains unconnected parts oh cancel what's unconnected how are those unconnected those are all connected though oh these ones aren't okay hold on what if we do this let's do this rotate this way connect those two copy like those two are we connected now how do i how do i set this up how do i how do i utilize those those pistons hmm we're gonna have to look here um seat how do i hook up to configure oh i'd like to configure speed ws oh no i want like uh let's do one no and two that'll be expand out that way retract this one two and then we want up and down as well so we'll do uh this guy configure three and four and then same thing with this one three and four okay so now if we click oh expand okay all right all right let's try this careful careful now oh a little bit okay good all right so i want four okay that might not have been enough shoot not enough okay let's send those back up uh i might need to throw oh wait stop it we might need to throw uh some more blocks in here now the problem is that we're getting really heavy we're getting really heavy here so let's actually do this let's mess with some stuff here let's get some uh mechanic stuff uh large hands a lot of angle rotation let's get some hinges on here let's move this here like that large hinge there this one there that'll give us a little bit better with the weight control and then let's get some blocks in here and we'll do this and basically we're just going to bring these all down by one because the the piston is a single block high perfect oh shoot just realized uh the mistake of our ways um because now we're super [Music] because this area is too narrow ah darn it uh it might work okay all right we're good uh let's lower the piston looks good let's go ahead and pull it in looks good and let's back it up maybe come on come on baby come on i think we're about to have a mistake here okay all right backspace reset salvage action yep reset okay okay okay oh this is super fun though why is it so much fun i have no idea we're gonna try it again i'm just gonna try getting over here a little bit better actually what would happen if i just put top put tires back on here wheels if we just put wheels back on here like this oh god jeez nope backspace i do okay because that gives us tires back on this uh on land here okay nice and easy here nice and easy all right we're good no punch it just just touch it start it oh man okay all right we got it i think we got it i think we're good okay we got it off that stupid area i think we're good let's raise our pistons back up i like this this is fun this is fun and exciting okay and then we're going to uh go ahead and lower those pistons down i think we need to drop the whole thing down by one uh and then let's pull these pistons in like that and we should be good for the most part look at that oh my gosh we're doing the things look at us go oh that's super nice we got we have a grabber deal you know we could almost just make like a forklift for these things with like two pressure like tongs that come in and then lift it up just a little bit might not be a bad idea that could be kind of cool okay i might have broke some pieces it's fine but we have another power core it's going to repair too spaceship 13 thirteen percent complete two unused power cores oh okay should we go into build mode or should we should we like mess with this let's mess with this let's make something completely different um can i just start uh i wanna start a whole new i want to start like a whole new build oh you can just select all and delete big huge area uh delete okay all right let's let's get a whole new vehicle going here we're gonna make it more forklifty okay so i just made this little guy uh he really contains that connect wait what oh it's not connected uh oh this part get rid of that part so i just made this little guy now i was gonna make like a little uh like a grabby thing but i wanna see how this goes now i did put four motors on here but the whole front of this now moves and it should be like super quick because we have four motors on here so it should have like all the power and it turns really nicely turns really nicely so um i didn't make any grabber things yet but let's go let's see what we can find here uh we've got a couple up here since we have two above us oh yeah we're not getting to those yet no way um i guess we could go out to one of these islands i like this thing this thing's cool it works good it works good uh looks like we have a thing over here you know what let's get our amphibious thing out why not let's go ahead let's grab our amphibious vehicle and let's check this thing out shall we all right we're going into the water oh this is super cool that is so cool oh and the jets just on the front so just oh my gosh this thing is awesome i love the water vehicles that is one thing that uh that terratec and scrap mechanic really never got was like the water vehicles like there is some buoyancy stuff like that but like this just works it it's fantastic it's so cool it is so cool all right and then we should just be able to drive right up out of there heck yeah okay and then what i need to do is let's go into build mode here uh and then let's go ahead and load this one as number three for now i keep hitting that i need to stop that we're gonna do that load this guy up and let's head over here oh that's so cool one make like a jet ski now you know like that why does that sound like fun i don't know but it does okay this might not have been a good area to go to i'm not i'm not really seeing anything that uh that i'm gonna be able to get to i mean we've gotten some gold don't get me wrong which is cool but i don't see any parts that i'm really gonna be able to get to right now oh my gosh there's lava over here oh you know what i remember that and there was uh there's like a hovers i think there's like hover things you can get that that allow you to go over lava okay all right yeah there's nothing here so let's just head back to oh it's really hopeful we could get that area unlocked yeah there's really nothing over here we might need to go to like one of these islands over here uh let's go to here all right so uh maybe we just need to go across this way i think i'm getting into territory that is beyond my uh expertise let's see what we have over here so i can see a piece right there hmm and i can see some gold over there yeah that's where we're supposed to go well not necessarily it says there's still salvage here well those could be up super high maybe not maybe they're up there let's go let's go take a peek maybe i didn't go i don't really look around this way a whole lot let's see do we have anything over here oh we have a piece right there oh we have some pieces right there but it doesn't look like no i bet you on there on the floating arms above me can i get this thing oh you little jerk i'm gonna follow you where you gonna go ow okay it's running away with my gold let's see where it takes us you can take me somewhere super super cool oh that it just bailed on us ooh i'm so sorry about this but you guys are worth money challenge progress could not be said what the challenge progress failed to save due to networking activity please what i'm connected to the network what the heck all right so we need to go over there oh actually it looks like i could have went that way okay let's um let's grab our amphibious vehicle let's head down here and let's go across that way so we get some more parts unlocked we gotta snag this piece of gold to you real quick i see you there i see you there i might need you for something all right perfect what a wonderful place to enter our amphibious vehicle this thing is pretty cool i kind of want to put like more more things on it you know make it a little bit faster in the water so is this are we gonna be able to get the scrap does the scrap float i don't know if the scrap floats or not also there's some giant squid things under there that are kind of making me a little worried here so am i gonna be able to maybe maybe scrap can't go to water maybe i'm gonna have to try to load it onto this thing hmm i don't know we're gonna try pushing it we're gonna see what happens oh that's a really really big piece of scrap too though there's a whole bunch on these islands okay so if i push you a small cannon what i want that okay are you gonna work in the water like are you gonna be okay going in the water i don't know let's find out hopefully it doesn't sink just don't sink please float it needs you to float well salvage reset better look next time okay and we're stuck here so it turns out that we are going to have to actually move those by hand okay let's go check out this island over here see if there's any scrap nearby it this is all super muddy and slick too uh there is a scrap piece right there you know what let's go ahead and let's swap our vehicle too let's swap to our bigger one this guy oh my gosh yeah it's a little it's a little slick here oh it's really slick here is there gonna be mud tires oh tell me that there's some mud tires okay what are you monster truck wheel oh oh my gosh we're gonna have to rebuild again we're gonna have to no no no no this way this way get in here oh my gosh we got a monster truck wheel yes uh i feel like we need this how big is the monster truck wheel it's got to be huge right so let's see uh let me delete delete and delete let's delete these wheels off of here let's put these ones on here oh my gosh they're huge and i love it oh this is amazing yes good days all around [Laughter] it's so cool wow it's a good thing we have those four engines on here otherwise we wouldn't be moving at all uh oh what is this little tiny guy am i even gonna be able to grab this now or am i am i gonna be sitting too high off the ground a rounded a two by one rounded okay let's see if we can grab that and put it pull it back over here oh yeah no problemo oh we definitely need more power for monster truck wheels like i feel like we're we're barely spinning them right now all right so there's a rounded two by one there's another block right over here we're gonna go grab that spaceship 16 complete heck yeah i wonder if monster truck wheels float do they have any buoyancy ratings oh it's a power core oh i need that i can we could use another motor right now all right let's bring you over here all right power core heck yes feed it into the builder and use the new power core fantastic required for your spaceship thank you we need a new motor too i think uh let's see propulsion let's stack that guy on there and that is all we can do right now let's save it as yeah we'll just save it why not we'll just leave it as the new one all right let's go check uh what else we got okay we're a little bit faster not a lot much better than the mud though oh so much better oh this is another uh what is this oh tell me it's an engine upgrade use a bigger engine a rounded two by four by two all right we'll take this one back uh you know what we might actually be able to take multiples back of the little ones because there's one over here too i'll be able to pull two of them together are you rounded uh inverted okay yeah let's grab this one we'll go grab the other one too shoot you know what let's throw uh let's throw some pieces under here now we would stop rolling across them there perfect we'll see if we'll see how well this works uh basically i just added the uh the one by two on the bottom so it's not touching the ground it should be much a little bit lower for us to hopefully not roll over these things so well i should be able to grab this one too at the same time two for one yeah baby two for one and there we go around the corner inverted one by two rounded two by four by two i bet you those are all spaceship parts too it's a crucial part of your spaceship 21 nice okay what else do we do we have anything else on this island uh yes we do dragon lake oh there's a piece of salvage under there up top i don't know well oh yeah there's big pieces up here all right let's go up here see what we got i want a bigger engine like i probably don't need it it's probably gonna make everything worse for me but like i want a more powerful engine we need more power all right what are you oh it's another power cord i always need more power of course too there's also a little one over here uh i think we're gonna try to push it down the hill i don't want it to fall in the water though apparently water is no good for these things so i want to try pushing it away so it doesn't roll too crazy far away oh like this don't do this go this way okay we should be good there you know what let's just take this one all the way back okay nice and slow nice and slow i have it like kind of wedged perfectly it's not rolling around anymore this thing is huge it's funny how much bigger our vehicle's already gotten even though we've only been playing like you know um not very long uh oh don't don't don't don't don't i knew you were going to try to i knew it was going to try to roll down there okay we're so close don't mess it up now one come on no where are you going stop that whatever you doing just stop it come on power core get in there oh yes power core unlocked one unused power core oh it's required for your spaceship yes power chords definitely required okay there's another little one over here too let's go see what this one's up this little guy right here what are you rounded two by four okay this one should be fairly easy to get back around to two by four okay do we have anything else on this island looks like there's something up on that floating island there and then it looks like there's something at the bottom of the lake yeah how on earth am i supposed to get that unless i can drive underwater do we drive underwater not even a thing no we cannot okay uh respawn so we can't drive underwater hmm how is this gonna work we almost need to like pull that one out maybe there's like maybe there is like a sub marine pit cockpit thing that will make us uh like watertight i don't know so it looks like for the most part this island's done um i want i think we're gonna try to go to that island next looks like there's a drop ship thing on there and i see a few pieces that we might be able to uh finagle in there so that is gonna be our next place but that is gonna end this episode of trail makers hope you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like leave a comment down below let me know have you been playing trails bankers have you played it long what is uh what i'm excited like this is cool this is so much fun i haven't played i haven't been this excited about a game for a while so um yeah we'll be back we'll be playing more for sure all kinds of different things that we can build play with do like i said we're just starting off with the campaign mode so we can kind of like get familiar with it you know kind of figure out what's going on with what and then kind of go from there but yes thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed i'll see you in the next one bye everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 105,996
Rating: 4.9470534 out of 5
Keywords: trailmakers gameplay, trailmakers alpha, trailmakers campaign, scrap mechanic, trailmakers stranded in space, vehicle building, z1 gaming, trailmakers game, trail makers, trailmakers 1.0, terra tech
Id: gT-irkNNxbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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