New Slimes ! Ruby Slime and Unstable Slime ! Slime Rancher Modded Multiplayer | Z1 Gaming

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those are really cool [Music] what is going on everybody c here welcome back to some more modded slime rancher not only modded it's multiplayer modded now multiplayer mods a little finicky as you guys know these should be gold but they're not because it's just weird anyways we have got some new slimes we've got some new mods there's actually a bunch of new mods so i think we're gonna be starting to cover these uh and we're gonna see how they play with the multiplayer stuff as long as multiplayer stuff's good we should be good so uh we're gonna be checking out the slime collection one it inc it includes the ruby slime the unstable slime and the ruined slime now uh we're probably gonna get gonna get to like one of the slimes today i don't know we'll have to see uh but yeah hopefully you guys enjoy if you do make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for some more also miss z should be in game with me uh she's over there let's get in chat hello z hello hello how are you good it feels good to be back it does it does um so i didn't even think about this but i'm really hoping that this plays well with uh multiplayer because some of these mods uh yeah so uh we're gonna i think we're gonna look for the ruby slime okay how do we do that so we need a uh we got a a small slime obtained by we got to feed a boom crystal largo with a jelly stone oh we don't even have any of the drills or anything i know any of those set up i know so we're gonna have to hopefully get some of those set up and uh start making it happen i think we already have oh gosh novice drill we need rock ports and radplorts okay all right so it begins should i sleep for the night i'm gonna go ahead and just sleep for the night okay go ahead i'm going to you can't stop me i'm gonna read my star mail okay cool all right is it nice and nice and daytime nice and daytime it is beautiful outside okay so we need what did i say rock and rad we need rocky red and then we also need boom and crystal because we need a boom crystal largo as well oh this is gonna be interesting oh i still have a whole bunch of slow fields and spark shots i'm gonna just dump these okay so um we need booms i got a boom slime i got two boom slimes how many boom slimes are gonna want are you collecting them all i thought we were collecting plorts well we need plorts and slimes because we need okay we need the slimes in order to make the ruby things and then we need uh did we not get this map already no it's already activated okay you know what i mean i understand what did you say you grabbed boom slime so i'm going to grab some more boom slabs cause you know there's a couple rock ports and i have a rock slime okay do we have any rads there's a lot of tars over here wow like a lot of tars oh i forgot that was the thing remember tars aren't like despawning for some reason yeah we're having that issue what did it say a boom crystal largo okay got it got it got it actually you know what i'm gonna grab some i'm gonna grab some crystal slimes too oh you're okay i okay you understand what we're doing yes okay i was talking about grabbing the ports for the the drill yeah the drill are we also gonna like keep them in a pin so we can keep on getting stuff um we don't have to i mean we can or not i don't know but i was also grabbing the things to make the uh the ruby slime so once we have the stuff you know i'm saying once we get the drill we're gonna need the drill but we also need the slimes okay are we gonna keep any of the rock slimes or the rad slimes or should i just be getting uh if you have some ones we'll keep them okay holy moly i'm over by you and there's so many tars oh yeah there's a lot i'm going tar hunting tar hunting you could say i'm going to beat the tar out of them oh my gosh you know what would be really good for playing uh the multiplayer of this is to put down those hydro cannons like in all the areas yeah because then they could just take care of the tar slimes for us okay uh do we need still any uh do you mean do we have any rads no i haven't gotten any rads yet okay i'm gonna grab some rounds they should be over here oh i see a red over here all right we got a rad what do rads eat rats eat the uh the akka whatever the heck it is actually i'll just mix them with honey i'll just make some with honey and then we'll give them mango oh oh my gosh i almost didn't make that you know i saw that i was like you look like you're going the wrong way there i started going across and i realized that i had like no energy left and realized i messed up okay i'm gonna go and take these back oh holy quantum slimes i forgot about all our quantum slimes that we grabbed all right so let me move some stuff around here do we have a drone in there or anything with the quantum slimes like selling our floors for us uh we don't i don't think we have a drone yet we're gonna have it unlocked i don't think i don't even see any plorts did you suck them up from what from the quantum slimes uh no it probably wasn't loading them oh okay so what did we need we need a boom crystal okay and then what what are the boom crystals like i can't ever remember boom they eat meat crystal like odd onions actually um it's not gonna really matter trying to i'm trying to think which which one of these would be the ideal one to you know it actually says be careful not to get too close it's very fragile and become could become a boom slime again very easily so it's like it's it's almost we gotta be careful with these things this is gonna be interesting it is gonna be interesting all right i'm gonna go ahead and throw the booms in here now we have to have one okay so we need to either feed they either need to eat veggies or hens do we have any veggies out i feel like that's a lot in there i think we have too many probably do yeah you know what it might it might be a good idea to move a couple of these all right we'll just start with those five i'll put the rest in storage for now is it okay if i put this little thing where do you where do you want me to put some rock slimes and didn't you say you got rad slimes uh yeah i have a couple rat slots i'm gonna throw them over here in one of these uh honey slime pens so we can get rad plorts okay can i put my rock slimes in the other one yeah i'm gonna take some of these honeys out though because we don't need that many he's in here oh my god i can suck some of the rock ones up i'll grab a few of them okay how many is in there one two three four five six perfect that works and then these guys one two three four five six okay that will work i don't think i have anywhere else to store these we need more storage we need a whole lot of everything we don't need to do all the sciency stuff too oh we got so much science and stuff to do it's going to be insane so much to do i'm gonna put up a uh another silo actually i'm gonna throw the silo in the the cave it's a good spot for a silo all right there is another silo in there okay so now we need to get the plorts from these and we need to make the drill so we can get the jelly stone yes luckily i think jelly sounds like one of the most common things so should be nice and easy do we need the drill or the uh drill right we need the drill okay we have enough for one drill should we start it uh yeah go for it and then i think we can put that anywhere i think if we do we have the map yeah i think you can put that one up anywhere i don't i think we'll get jelly jelly stone from anywhere how do you get into that tea ah okay i'm gonna put it over here okay and then we might actually get a i think that for the for the other one there's a uh what's it called a uh unstable shard we have a chance of getting an unstable shard from this as well and that would give us the unstable slime did we unlock something in our back like what did that what the heck is this what's what i don't look like i'm doing anything no push your middle mouse button it's like i'm like shooting magic oh yeah you well yeah we unlocked it you can use that to like push slimes away oh i guess i never use that but it takes up uh it takes up stamina yeah that's been around for a while i swear i've played this before pull me okay what else do we need what do we need for another one drill oh we need pink ports we'll shoot oh do we yeah hold on i'm gonna get a corral right here uh and i'm just gonna let's yeah i'm gonna grab a bunch of pink slimes so we can get some some pink plouts okay how many do you want grab you can get as many as you want won't they escape oh no you can have quite a few pink slimes in a in a corral you stole from me i stole it look at all the pink slimes oh they're gonna be so happy in here together all right there we go all right here's some food for you eat it up okay we have enough for another drill yeah just missing more pink and rock for the next one okay i just got like 30-something ink slime inkboards 43 now heck yeah he said rock too yes i saw you looking at that fence [Laughter] there's a beautiful fence i'm gonna go ahead and go to sleep it's super dark okey-dokey okay um actually our first drill did you put both drills down the other one too we got a treasure cracker can we open it uh yeah can we purchase it okay i put both drills down right next to each other okay so they should they probably are both done now since you slept oh was that how it works they usually speed up at night yeah one's done and the other one only has three minutes left so i got some more rock floors so we should be able to play some more okay i'm gonna pop open this one see what we get okay we got jelly stone yay we don't have any we didn't get any uh oh and that's oh these are the one-use drills aren't they oh are they they are yeah all right um here i would you like to do some some ruby slimes you can do it i'll watch well here there's you get two and i get two okay oh i didn't know there was more than one no we got yeah we got four jelly stone in total now we probably should take out the ones that are not ruby all right i cleaned the pen up so we should have i was about to say they disappeared for me okay so we have four of them in there four boom crystals and then we have to we can each give them a jelly stone and then they should turn into a ruby but it says you've got to be careful if you get too close or whatever you become a boom again yeah shoot it out very far away yeah just shoot it at him they're oh my gosh it turned into a boom slime no that's the ruby oh it's so pretty all right oh look at this they're like singing they're cool oh they got like they're like they're like shiny uh oh wow oh it looked like one broke okay so what is this what what do they give you do they give you anything does it say what it eats i don't know do we get a slime pedia entry for the uh the ruby uh i don't see a oh you know what we probably have to suck it up first oh that's gonna make it go back to a boom got it ruby slime they seem very fragile oh darn it i'm gonna have to suck one up too because i don't get your stuff yep okay let's see does it say anything else about them uh diet veggie favorite unknown some say they have witnessed a boom crystal largo transforming into a ruby slime after eating a jelly stone rangerist do not try to pet them if you touch them they will shatter and become a boom slime okay all right so don't touch them uh i'm gonna try to carefully shoot it back in the pen okay so it says the effects do some vegetables well i have some heartbeats okay feed them i want to see what their plorts look like they might not be hungry i don't know i threw some veggies in there see if they eat any there's one sitting on top of it eat the vegetables eat the vegetable they didn't eat the vegetable they're not hungry yet there's one right next to one it's it's mouth is touching the heartbeat it's like nope i don't want to eat while you're watching me okay so then another one that we could get the unstable slime is it's a slime trap between two dimensions you can get one by feeding a quantum slime with an unstable shard a food extracted with a drill in the ranch zone so if we get an unstable shard from one of these drills we have quantum slimes we could make that and then we can make that yeah uh these slimes are slowly stabilizing into the real form so you need to feed them with unstable shards or they will become tar that sounds a little scary oh if you don't keep feeding them they turn into tars that sounds very scary yeah that sounds bad like your whole range can be destroyed hey we got a blue teleporter um our drill is ready i'm gonna go shoot some stuff and then if you want to grab the drill or i can grab the drill okay hold on i'm grabbing some food for the uh the pink slimes uh okay i'm gonna grab the drill grab it five jelly stones and that's it oh what am i doing how did you know that i got jellies down i could see you where i was right next to you wow you creeping on me i'd be creeping i'd be crazy stalker i didn't even see you there i was creeping i wouldn't be very good creeper if you saw me oh holy moly is oh why does it show that everything is worth 999 coins for me uh shows that to me too well i guess we're gonna be rich i guess is it actually worth 999 um let me let me sell a honeyport no it's i only got 33 what the heck oh you know what shoot we need to put the mod in for the more um more areas too oh yeah we didn't do that yet yeah the expansion maybe that's why it's like glitching could be that very well could be we'll have to uh we'll have to do that one next time do we want these five jelly stone or do droids put them in the lab um bring it over here bring it over here because i have another boom crystal largo we can we can have five in here om nom nom oh it's another ruby slime they're so cool i like the red color of course you would of course i would i know i know it's so good i think we might have enough to start putting down some more drills oh really and i'm following you right behind you with some more rock stuff so i'll also grab some more drills okay so do we have the stuff to make the new drills i think you have to just make so many things oh advanced drill oh is this something completely different probably uh advanced drill nope it's the same thing as just more of them can we make one yet i made one do we not okay uh we need more it's good for what three times i think it's good for does it say yeah three cycles nice okay so i'll put that out uh let's throw that right here and then hopefully we'll get uh hopefully we'll get some of that we'll get a a dimensional shard is that what it is dimensional shard unstable unstable unstable shard yes well yes that is correct oh there's there's a plort there's a plort i want to see the port i'm coming wait hurry hurry it's gonna sucked it up why would you suck it up i didn't push it you pressed the button it auto did it you pressed the button go ahead you can grab it it's not there it is right here do you not see it no oh now i can oh it's a very red oh oh it's super tiny you should shoot it into the thing see how much money we get since we apparently don't know that's the tiniest plort i've ever seen in my life well on here it says 999 but i don't think that's the case 271 veranes we should we should get some vegetables growing in here are there any we have a whole bunch of heartbeats we still have a whole bunch of heartbeats in here oh are they back there yeah there's like two patches full oh [Music] okay oh wow yeah okay geez louise we need some like upgrades yeah one day we need to start working on all the teleporters and all that stuff too oh i know look at our happy little ruby slimes okay can we do something for science yeah you need to touch one i know wait wait wait wait i'm gonna shoot you with it you're gonna shoot me with the slime yep of course you would shoot me you ready we're gonna see what happens go ahead didn't do nothing walk over it okay we're gonna play playing past class the ruby slime oh my gosh it made you look all bloody in red did it do it to me yeah so wait so if i walk on it oh there it goes yep it's a boom again huh or science yeah yeah okay all right do you need this boom slime oh you know what i'll throw it over here i think i got some boom slimes up and over in storage in here going to bed all right do it we got to see if we can get an unstable shard this guy's going to go crazy oh god that's awful um another star mail from casey uh strange diamond jelly stone and a slime fossil off that one darn it we got another one over here strange diamonds handy any oh my gosh you're never going to believe this did you get unstable shots what you're i know can you believe it no i cannot what do they look like i'll give you one oh that's cool so wait okay hold on before we do this we need to put it somewhere where it's not going to cause issues what if we go over by like where the the puddle slimes are yeah that sounds good far i'll grab two quantum slimes okay and uh make that happen can you get a corral over there yes get a coral oh my gosh our secret style packs are no longer on our uh yeah i've noticed that slimes they're not on anything either because like i'm pretty sure we had the chroma one for the quantums too yeah we did all right should i purchase high walls in an internet oh yeah just get it all not the solar shield though unless you want i don't really care what about a music box yeah okay we got everything but the solar shield all right two quantum slimes in feed a shard oh those are so cool those are really cool what do they eat dimensional they eat those shards they eat the shards and if they don't eat them they turn into tars z we should have done we should have waited to do this until we had more shards what were we thinking they're so cool these are like one of the coolest looking slimes this might be my new favorite we could just pick it up and put it into our storage true oh here you want it uh we could it says it can disappear at any moment oh really that's what it said when you picked it up oh man man i really want to see how much the plort is worth though well here let me just pick him up and uh more shards well we'll just have to wait just sleep again or actually i don't have any more drills well let's set up some more drills then we'll sleep again and then we'll get uh get some more stuff going we should have some plorts ready because all we need is what rock rad and uh pink yep what in the heck these things are not eating there's one rock port in here yeah those rock yeah this that's been an issue that's weird look they're just not eating anything okay so maybe we can't make another drill oh this one's ready no it's not ready for me the show's ready for me oh you got there's three and four oh my gosh four holy cow you're the lucky one here apparently yeah apparently let me suck up everything all right well let's go feed them well are hold on there's a diamond i grab it i got it i'll throw it in storage for you that one didn't show that it was ready for you that drill no that's so weird i wonder if it's like the same thing as like the quicksilvers like it's going to show individually right so we actually benefit from i know okay you ready yep oh we got a taming bell i got to get over there too i'm not over there yet yeah yeah i have them all right there they are oh those things are so cool eat them just throw them in there yeah oh one just ate there's the pork there's supports there's the plorts it looks so cool these slimes are the coolest looking thing i kind of feel like we should pick up those shards if they don't end up not eating i don't think they'll do spawn i think they'll stay here are you sure pretty sure even when we shut off the game oh z this is bad what come over here i can't see the ports oh i can see it right here okay it doesn't show up on my screen i think that's kind of what happened oh why don't you say it again yay they're pooping everywhere they're porting all over the place did they show up for you that time i got yeah i got them okay all right let's go sell them see what they're worth i'll let you do the honors you're you're too nice i know i throw some chickens at you no okay you're not nice i just wanted to throw some chickens you ready yeah what's it worth 120 123. that's not really that great [Laughter] they're still super cool looking they are super cool looking but for as much of a pain as they are that you have they have to eat those dimensional shards those things should be worth like a lot awesome well um i don't think we're gonna get into the ruin slime right now because we have to go to the ancient ruins and i don't think we're there so um we'll have to do that one next time but that's gonna end it okay thanks for playing with me again thanks for playing with me hopefully you enjoyed the new slimes i gotta say i really i like the ruby ones but like those other ones those unstable ones are really cool looking yeah i think the unstable ones are my new favorites i think they might be mine as well they're so cool they're so cool all right now all of a sudden we have 21 rockports so apparently it's fixed oh awesome awesome all right missy you have a wonderful time yes you're playing bye i'll see the next one bye bye and that is gonna end this episode thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed if you did maybe consider liking the video subscribe if you haven't already and if you want to see missy's point of view i will have a link down below over to her channel as well but this was the mod collection or collection slime collection one um i have a uh i have like a list of all the mods so just uh click on that link it'll take you to my my webpage and uh look for the slime collection one i believe it's what it's called so uh the ruby slime the unstable slime and then there's another one there's like a the the last one we didn't check out because we don't have that area yet so next episode that's the plan that is the goal but thank you again for coming out have a wonderful rest of your day and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 49,592
Rating: 4.935657 out of 5
Keywords: slime rancher update, slime rancher mods, modded slime rancher, slime rancher z1 gaming, lets play slime rancher, slime rancher mod, slime rancher, ruby slime, unstable slime, slime rancher multiplayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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