😊 WHAT ARE SLIMES & WHY AM I RANCHING THEM?! - Slime Rancher Ep.1 (Gameplay / Let's Play)

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what is going on guys does waffle here and welcome to slime rancher now i have been requested this game for man when does this game come out like 2016 or something like that so like probably almost five years now to play this game and we're finally playing it now because recently i played bug snacks and you guys seem to love that and you guys actually recommended because i liked bug snacks to play this game slime rancher so here we are today playing it and i i know like basically nothing about this game besides like screenshots and like trailer footage i've seen of like this woman right here like like sucking up slime guys with that gun so i don't know what the actual gameplay or the story or even is the story if any i don't know what any of this is about other than i guess you just suck up a bunch of slimes for no reason i guess we could load into a game and find out or start a new game by the way i have the dlcs over here i think this gal galactic bundle is like free so i've got those i've also got the secret style pack over here so i guess we could have some interestingly looking uh slime guys so that's going to be pretty fun but without any further ado let's just jump into a new game save icon ooh i could have different save icons oh my gosh look at the variety oh i could have a carrot and like uh oh why is that strawberry like square grapes oh there's like chickens here oh oh jeez what's that thing there oh my god they have such a huge right there's like a pot of honey right there okay you know what because this is just going to be our first like run through slime right let's just have the default little slime guy right there so uh game one i guess we can call this one the slimy valley ranch there you go instead of hidden valley ranch we've got slimy valley i don't know i'm even here a little bit live the life of a slime rancher and explore the wonders of the far far range at your own pace casual rush relaxed take on the adventure mode so i guess adventure is normal difficulty here's like easy and here's hard i don't know what's kind of out of order like that uh relax take on the adventure mode without any threat of tar slimes i'll race against the clock to earn as many new bucks as possible i'm about to learn what all this stuff is supposed to mean they're like exploding in the background i guess we'll do adventure mode i don't know if i can change this later but let's confirm that and let's see okay that's auto saving there rumor has it oh man there's so much stuff i can't read everything a thousand light years away from earth on a planet known as the far far range beatrix lebeau begins her first day as a slime rancher i can certainly read that oh geez the buttons are huge on this let's get moving uh okay west we're moving around there you go and let's see oh man camera's moving a little bit foul i might have to adjust that a little bit hop to it spacebar hold shift to sprint oh geez you move fast oh and here's a pink slime guy how do i suck this guy there we go we got a pink slime right there nice how do you use the vac uh yeah just right click and then that vacuums them up how do i oh you spit them out as well there you go suck them back up yep there you go so i don't have to do it oh man there's another one over there there's like they're all over the place do i just have to suck them up and keep them in their pens or something like that oh oh my god he ate a chicken what happened there he's got a thing above his head wait whoa wait what pink plort what you've act a slime slimes are key to your success shoot slimes through a corral barrier into the corral on the ranch okay so mike what happened whenever this thing ate a chicken and it gave me a plate port or a plink pl can i throw that out yeah i can uh i don't know what that's for i guess it's going to teach us about it so there you go suck that guy back up and then we need to go yeah over here where the flashing star is or whatever yep there you go i get what what happened there i'm not able to put oh yeah there you go is that all of them oh wait no i've got one more there you go that's all of them right there and what about the pink plort do i put that in there as well oh you acquired a slime plort when slimes eat they make ports just completely made up words head on over to the port market to cash in your port okay so where is this at oh it's up there with a flat i'm glad that they have these flashing stars so i can't like miss anything here the plort market the port market gives you new bucks for your hard-earned plurs it's like i'm speaking another language right now shoot a plort into the market and earn some cash okay so uh there you go how much should i get right there is that the cash on the bottom left 262 so i've got 262 so i can buy some of this stuff here huh so what is this thing 271 of those 28 of those 12 of those or no that costs 12 new bucks i guess that's called so i could buy stuff from here or is that what it's saying right now or is it this oh e to activate oh here we go here we go oh wait no slime pedia oh my gosh what is all look at all the slimes i get what oh my gosh diet fruit veggies meat okay so like everything slimology pink slimes are the most common slime snow uh found on the far far ranch they're cheerful docile and the easiest of all slimes to ranch a pink slime will eat everything or anything you put in front of it though they have no favorite food and their plorts are the least valuable of all slimes okay so you know a basic slime here rancher risks not much to worry about with a pink slime they're soft squishy squishy squishy very happy to be around a rancher and are found all over the ranch but because of this a rancher won't go far without finding new pink ports which can lead to largos and then what plurtu plurtonomics seriously what is with these words they're so ridiculous uh pink plorts are an excellent multipurpose generic substance used to manufacture everything from food products to household cleaners all over earth people are eating burgers sweetening their coffees or scrubbing their floors with pink plort products i love the alliteration there that's some serious versatility okay so pink quartz i guess it just makes me like if i find chickens or anything else that like spawns around the map i kind of want to feed it to a pink or a pink slime to get plorts but you know they're like the least valuable ones so i don't know what this thing is uh so it makes sense to kind of keep chickens and stuff like that and feed them to other more valuable slimes i guess you could say huh now what else am i doing around here it's just a border to make sure uh okay never mind i get i guess i can just you've been knocked out but today's rest should fix you right up star mail received from casey welcome back when you're knocked out you'll rest at least 12 hours in order to recover if you're not careful you might wake up to a mob of hangry unruly slimes on your ranch wow oh and speaking of such there's even more oh my gosh look at that oh let him eat the chicken eat the chicken i need some ports there we go yeah give me that floor there we go i'll take it oh i sucked up the slime themselves there too any more chickens and stuff around here i don't know oh what's this oh my gosh i'm running really fast right now ranch expansion the lab allows you to begin your career as an amateur unlicensed slime scientist for 10 000 new bucks and uh oh man i stamina oh i wouldn't keep an eye on my stamina i'm out of a mouse damn it now oh man there's more chickens down there they're going to eat more chickens yes give me more pork let me can i suck up the chicken here you go or a hen hen a hearty chicken bread to be twice as tasty as its cousin on earth hey what's up there you go eat eat the hen hen oh here we go poor perfect oh these guys escape because i had three of them inside there now there's uh there we go i need to wrench them back inside the crowd there you go anymore around here that covers the basics you've learned the fundamentals now it's time to get out there and explore remember the best way to become a pro rancher is to experiment nothing ventured nothing gained okay can i go in here oh i can okay i thought it might have been like barriers i can't go through so that's cool so put the pink slimes back inside there there we go whatever they can combine together become like a mega slime or something crazy that'd be pretty cool now what's this thing didn't teach me anything about this range exchange offline okay maybe later uh oh yeah and then i've got the pink ports so i might as well go uh deposit and i've got a lot of like like corrals and stuff over here how do i like uh oh i was about to say like how do i activate it but here it is right here so i can turn it into a corral a happy slime makes for a happy rancher a garden nothing beats the taste of food grown in your own backyard you know what it's cheap it's 250 we can afford it but i'm going to wait until later and the same thing here a coupe i guess for chickens yeah keeping chickens in their place prevents the uprising uh silo uh you can't take it with you whenever you go so put it in storage so i guess yeah that's just storage and incinerator don't need it burn it geez and then a pond water you gonna do with this yeah i don't know yeah i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not gonna activate anything until you know it tells me hey you need to do this or whatever later so that's gonna be a little bit later and what is this backpack upgrade ooh okay so i can almost upgrade this thing to have a water tank it adds a specialized vac tank that allows you to store fresh water i don't know why i need that and then a jet pack still yeah same thing there i can almost afford that almost four thousand i can almost afford everything they're all 350. so i guess i can just go deposit more ports or whatever and i'll get some money out of that tank booster improved nano storage cell technology allows your vac tanks hold 30 units of whatever you back up and then this is boosts energy to 150 was that oh that's for sprinting i guess okay so instead 100 sprint like stamina down there i have 150 and same thing here more health 150 instead of 100 jetpack uh keep your head in the clouds with this i guess he just you know unless you fly around at this point i guess you can suck up water or liquids in general i suppose so that's interesting [Music] let me go uh deposit the ports over here such a weird thing oh whoa whoa they gave me some good money like 13 oh wait hold on yeah i was getting like 13 or 14. is that how much i get i think i understand this a little bit now yeah i was about to say like i could buy these things for 13 new bucks or whatever but it looks like i sell them for that much so i wonder if there's like a supply and demand thing like if i give this thing too many pink plorts it's eventually going to be like okay i'm not going to give you 13 new bucks per plural i'm going to give you 12. i'm going to give you 11. or whatever well if that's the case i need to buy some gamestop stock over here too help that thing go up to the moon right sheesh all right well either way i guess we could just go anywhere right is there a is there like a journal or oh yeah did i get an email from like someone called casey how do i open that up uh i don't know it's not letting me hold on what if i did that here we go slime pd achievements report issue emergency return ooh i wonder if there's like a penalty for doing that yeah i don't know how to open that up all right i guess i'll just go out and go collect slimes or whatever oh new slime pedia entry dry reef a coral crusted ocean floor that now basks under a golden sun okay oh my gosh look at all the pink slimes over here whoa i need to grab all the whoops here we go i need to grab all the pink slime give me all the slimes just sucking up i wonder if we're going to come across any new slimes out here though seems like it's just standard with just pink slimes and it looks like i'm about to run out of room for all these guys i've got 12 of them right now it's already over halfway oh what about the carrots over here oh tech or next to a backpack it's the rancher's best friend okay so i guess oh what are these pogo fruits i guess i'm on it like on a different planet or whatever so that kind of makes sense that i oh geez i could go over this thing if i want to oh man there's a slime over here too yeah it makes sense they have like unique like like vegetables and fruit and all that kind of speaking of slush yeah let me get into more carrots over here see i guess i could start my own farm and maybe use these carrots for the farm that'd be really good then we can get more oh whoa whoa whoa that's a bunch of pink slime what in the world this is like pink's i'm almost out of all and then i'm out of room yeah it's not letting me suck up anymore i've hit 20 it won't let me get more man oh hold on pink plorts don't mind if i do oh wait i think i missed a port right there man any more money around here ports or whatever else oh my gosh i'm sprinting so oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on oh man you know what i i need to get i need a good deposit i need to get room hold on these pogo fruit here yes it is okay i might as well just grab those where do i put these though like the carrots yeah sure i could set up like a farm or whatever right oh floors ports whoa oh my largo largo slime oh geez largo slimes or slime hybrids or large slime hybrids formed when a slime eats a plort unlike its own what so yeah they are able look at them largo slimes over here whoa see i i need to be oh that one's going to eat like a cat slime what in the world i don't know what's happening they're just kind of attached to each other okay so i guess we'll just go home drop these off go sell some ports or hold on what is the range of this though right like am i able oh my gosh this thing has great range look at that that's crazy might as well get more k you know get up to the oh more ports don't mind if i do more money and i'll be able to upgrade my farm and all that kind of stuff that's good so i guess there's no straight-up objective or anything like that you're just thrown into the world you can collect slimes and upgrade your base as you so please and do whatever you want i guess which i like it's pretty interesting there you grab all the carrots and stuff i still have a little bit more room for a couple yeah two more pogo fruit two more carrots and then i'm out of room oh my gosh what is that there is a giant slime in the bag like oh cheat like even bigger than the the largo slot oh whoa whoa whoa star mail from thora west visit the ranch house to be oh i have to go back to the ranch house i guess to view the emails and all that kind of stuff that sucks oh whoa yeah okay so whenever a pink one eats a blue one it turns into that interesting so i can well no like oh man oh wait i can still yeah here we go here we go let's get a couple more there we go pogo fruit i'm good now what's this whoa what in the map of the far far range how big is this this is huge what in the what is this there's like a separate map there wait where so i'm here here's our base yeah i can see the squares for our different different enclosures there and there's like two trees or something there how do we get over to another island oh probably the jet pack okay you know what we we probably have a lot hold on any any oh jeez what am i picking up right now i don't know oh i picked up a plot right there perfect oh what about this box can i get anything out there oh i could use the box as like a stepping stone like that huh here we go i guess not okay yeah i don't know what to do with the box oh hey look at that chicken oh give me a plort please yes let me give it the oh suck up all the plorts give me all that money ada give me the plorts i think i picked up but i can't pick up a chicken because i don't have any room yeah i'm completely full oh my god look at the baby chicks ah man i need to let them survive what is this it's water yes it is okay that's kind of interesting yeah all right i guess we'll just go oh whoa there's like a cave and there's a letter h [Music] this entire cave system was sealed off from a cave-in when i first discovered it maybe that's why the fellas up ahead are so grumpy haven't had a bite in a long time in any case don't let that long-awaited bite come from your own rump bring some food to calm them down h you know i've got carrots i've got pogo fruit am i able to feed whatever's in this cave oh jeez what in the what now oh my pink phosphor largo okay so yeah they're exploding pink large slime guys i'm gonna i'm gonna get the heck out of there at least right now jeez all right let's go back home you guys could we we've got a lot of like plorts and full pink slimes full pogo fruit uh almost full carrots i could probably yeah here we go here's a couple carrots right here i might as well there we go full carrots now i've only had full plorts that'd be great god i i'm sounding like i'm speaking like an ancient alien language now whatever i'm saying yeah let me just get some sports you guys let's make it such boom boom oh wait did i get a port right there oh where's the port go i must have sucked it up that's good then any ports around here i don't think so man what if they're still called ports if i get like a blue like if i get one of the blue spiky ones to eat something and then like it drops like a blue or whatever or is it called something else i don't know abort maybe i suppose all right well i guess we can go over here and drop off all the slimes and hopefully they don't escape again or whatever so uh i wonder if there's like a limit to how many slimes this thing can hold until i need to get like a second one you know but uh this one basically has like what 24 25 or something like that now so there you go oh wait hold on what am i able to do with this heat activated high walls higher corral walls ensure that even the bounciest of slimes have difficulty escaping ooh so i can't upgrade this music box the music box plays a soothing tune that greatly reduces slime agitation air net an earnet is a force barrier that covers the top of a corral you can take a few hits before needing to recharge ooh solar shield a sore shield will encase a corral in a dim shade protecting slimes sensitive to light oh interesting there's like a big variety of different slimes here that you kind of have to accommodate for with their individual corrals over here port collector that sounds like something i need a plort collector will vacuum two types of floors in a corral at regular intervals depositing them into a storage tank so long as space is available so is that what the storage uh hold on how do i uh hear you is that what this is the silo can't take it uh okay yeah so i guess i guess if i have a silo here it's able to suck up ports from there into the silo maybe i guess then of course gardens kind of self-explanatory i guess we can grow uh looks like the the the what is it called again the pogo fruit or something yeah poco i guess we're able to grow that there as well as i guess carrots and maybe whatever vegetables we'll come across here in the future speaking of such i guess we'll can we sell carrots and well i'm not seeing them like on the market over here four okay so how much are these they're going for 13 so if i the price yeah i'm still getting 13 for each one you think with the extra supply i've got here the price would go down but i guess not i'm not complaining though because we're up to 522 right there don't mind okay so yeah look at that there's the like blue rocky plort so if we get those guys to eat like a chicken or whatever then we get 30 which is more than double what we get for the the slime plorts up there ooh but what just what do i do with the carrots and stuff like that though oh and what's this why is this locked the overgrowth the ranch's very own wild side oh it's 1795 to open that up interesting yeah i can't yep can't go through that all right oh what about the other direction though oh my gosh there's so many of them i'm sure they're going to escape yeah there was this direction over here too you activate oh oh this one's the same thing wait what am i just over here or was i somewhere else hold on is there a map i can oh yep there you go okay so here's an another area there this must have been where i was so what is this very curious about the whole entire shape of that okay is it this way i think it is all mouse stamina yes this way what is this structure here i'm very curious i'm out of stamina right now so i you know i need to go get oh whoa what is that oh i can't go back man so once again i have to okay yeah okay so i need 10 000 for that one so yeah this one must be like late game or something like that not able to unlock it till i have a lot of imports and then therefore a bunch of new bucks or whatever all right well speaking of such i might as well spell oh man what hey give me that plort i'm out of a dude do this guy escape i don't know oh no i'm just trying to suck up one and then more of them escape man well wait why do i have so many in the first place though why would i want wait what in the world i have a oh wait no i support okay i was about to say like i have a slime right there but it won't let me like deposit them but speaking of such yep still 13 so uh wait how do i oh he didn't have anything selected there okay i'm stupid i need to get used to the game you guys i'm still brand heckin new uh you know what i guess we can start a farm or something like that over here you know over here might be a good place to put a farm you know where it's like in a completely different area i suppose so or a garden i wonder if we could change this in the future so you know what boom a little bit of money there and i guess we'll throw uh pogo fruits and whatever else oh geez oh man i guess you could only throw one thing in there at a time huh so i built a garden for pogo fruit and so what do i do with the extras can i not sell that what is this thing e to activate oh jeez who is this the world west help me out here and i'll make you or i'll make sure you get what's owed okay what is this okay so she wants two or three like blue plorts four pink plorts one hen hen and then 500 new bucks and then nine flying purple slimes and four pogo fruit so can i give her the pogo can i where do i oh here you go here we go yup boom there you go nice then uh here i guess you could deposit the other stuff so john wants carrots or anything like that so i guess i still don't know what do you do with it oh there's ports up here randomly i don't mind if i can do haters so she wants ports right so i might as well deposit them over here yeah she wants four so uh oh my gosh you have a time limit here what hold on what is that oh you give her that stuff and then she gives you that and that comes out of there okay hold on let me pick the stuff back up there you go all right you know what if we have uh only 17 minutes we need to go find the flying purple guys because oh we already gave her the pogo fruit so hey might as well go try and get a there you go oh no oh yeah well that obviously that shows you can't sell them pink floor there you forgot to switch over to that so there you go what's this thing can i do something with this in the world might as well get my carabao i don't know what to do with that i guess we could get another farm over here or something like that i don't know can i upgrade this hold on you need to activate you train soil scarcity remove crop demolish so i guess you could only grow one crop at a time or i hear scare slime so i guess i can scare slimes away from the crops make sure it doesn't disturb it huh nutrient soil nutrient soil contains compost from the moss blanket and minerals from the indigo quarry makes crops always yield maximum harvest ooh interesting oh you know what since we haven't still have a little bit of money how much was it to get like oh i need a little bit more money to get the jet pack 350. if i get like one pink port right now that would be nice any pink porks over here randall no chickens nothing man all right nothing up here yeah i know no random ports up here i guess huh galilee all right well let's go back to whatever the area was called over here i guess we can get some more of the uh the blue ports and maybe even suck up the blue slimes themselves and then make a corral for them and then hopefully we'll be able to oh that yeah that cost money doesn't it well there's another h over there i don't know if i want to go uh see what that's all about just yet yeah i'm not seeing any ports right there but then again the ports are rather small so you can easily oh whoa speaking of such there we go you know what we have plenty of pink slides so you guys can yeah there you go you stay here oh they're coming out of the ground now any any ports over here no ports what if i can give them a carrot and they give me a port back maybe oh geez so i don't know am i able to interact with that guy i don't know like uh the hybrid the what was it called again largo slime or whatever i don't know if i mean but oh man another floor don't mind if i do there you go a little bit more money so down here wasn't that where we had uh oh gosh what's over there well yeah here's the and then there was a cat one any porch over here i don't know i guess like try and so oh right there perfect oh whoops there you go so i suck this guy up what's going to happen uh oh i don't know if i can suck him up i think he's a little bit too big too dangerous might need an upgrade or something like that yeah probably need some sort of upgrade to get like a largo slime so definitely want to come back here a little bit later and may i guess make sure that these slimes don't oh man another port make sure they don't uh like like combine together to pick them too big for you to really uh interact with until you know you need upgrades and stuff like that i assume so let's see if we can find any blue ones down here i could kidnap or something oh man well all blue rockport that's what's called rockport i don't know what that is right there probably unlike some sort of bridge hold on hold on rock ports and ports and whatever else over here let me wrap all of them up i don't care oh more plural oh my gosh there's somebody plort but where the purple flying guys at though i don't know i might as well get the pogo fruit here because i've already got an inventory spot for it right man ah we only have so much time to get the the flying guys so hold on can i give these guys like pogo fruit or carrots or whatever are these the ones though hold on oh oh oh are they i don't they might oh geez they might be like if i give them that like what's gonna happen oh geez wow i just oh i hit it right there it is kind of oh whoa something came out of it so oh no i'm going to die i'm going to die [Music] throwing food adam oh did i through do that what something came out of him whenever he ate that yeah look at that boom what is that stuff oh i can't get it man like it's a special kind of plort galley all right let's go back let's go sell the pink plorts the blue port and the rockports oh man that hurts and whatever else we can find let's get some more money oh no get out of here largo slime i'm dying no i don't want to die there you go just want to get the money there you go i hope the plorts and stuff don't despawn because i need to come back here and get those so that's interesting i just don't know where to get the purple ones though like am i even able to do that that mission this early on in the game maybe not i guess we'll just have to wait and see but right now yep i know oh yeah is there a how do i get up there oh probably jetpack yeah you know what we're going to get some money from the pink ports and even the rock well i need to depo oh yeah hold on yeah i didn't suck up any rock slimes there did i yeah she just she gives you rock boards and then one hen guy and then okay i just don't know where to go we have only 13 minutes now to get that these guys haven't combined together to get it to become a huge rain like that so i guess we keep them there or something oh then what's this how do we get inside of here what's this oh geez managed to okay here we go here's the star mail sleep until morning and all that stuff well doesn't that won't that change time through uh i wonder if i could change my outfit or whatever secret styles give your slimes a fresh new look by discovering secret styles hidden in this special treasure pods throughout the far far range once unlocked you can manage which secret sloughs you would like to show on each slime so that oh is that the one right there i need the angel one ah it might be i don't know manage dlc oh yeah we saw that in the menus and then the star mail oh geez there's a lot of stuff there i could read that a little bit later but uh yep there you go get out of that let me go deposit the plorts and stuff just so we can get a little bit of money so we're still getting 13 right there so uh price going down or what no i'm still getting great money 13 13 don't mind if i do we're sports how much we get right there i think we should have got 60 right so that's good getting fantastic money here you guys worth of 579 let's go get a jet pack i thought that's going to be very very helpful for us you guys very evasive and stuff too keep your head in the clouds with this amazing personal jet pack boom got it all right well i guess there's only like one upgrade you can do there is to get the jet pack in general so what is whoa [Music] oh you just kind of hover a little bit there oh hold on oh well it takes up stamina i think though well i need i need to study that a little bit and and figure out how to properly use that but i kind of want to oh what was happening over here whoa ports are getting made i guess oh oh chickens are spawning chickens are spawning out of the nest it gets a bunch of eggs just hatched or something you know what boom chickadee so so little and soft you think they're filled with marshmallow oh another chicken oh baby baby let's go home let's go drop these off in their own little ranch and i guess we can grow them ranch them combine them together with the whatever slimes start getting a bunch of plorts and then therefore even more money so this sounds like a great business we've got going on right now you guys it's crazy just i still got so many carrots and stuff like what in the world do i do can i feed them to these guys can i feed them to them and get a plort oh oh yes you can oh hold on so if i get that port collector thing for 500. man can i get oh whoops if i can get some uh you know what i'm just going to throw them all inside there i don't care a bunch of carrots there you go eating time it's feeding time haters and yes oh one of them escaped hey i'll put you guys back in there you know what i need to grab you know i can grab i can just grab all you guys if i get my hecking porch back don't mind if i can do haters there we go i'm starting to get this game you guys i'm starting to understand it i just i don't understand why but i'm understanding it how it works so hold on let's uh okay feed you guys some pogo fruit there you go have fun with the bogo fruit and then uh there you go so is it better i don't know is it i guess yeah some slimes how do i open up that menu again it's just that the uh yeah the pink's like yeah they eat fruit veggies and meat see i was about to say like why would i want to feed them chickens if i could just give them like uh the berries and other stuff like that or the pogo fruit and the carrots and stuff like that but yeah i guess the paint slime just sees every oh i've got full inventory i might as well sell all the pink ports [Music] i wonder let me know in the comments now oh gosh oh i knew it the price went down well the price is going down for the blue ones too man but yeah let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think about how i'm doing for this game on the first episode especially because i have no i had no preparation or anything like that going into this game i feel like i'm getting the hang of it pretty quickly here you guys but uh seems like these guys are all full they're not eating the the whatever fruit right there the pogo fruit so uh there you go one jack and slimes oh some of them are eating there i heard him eating i heard him nomin there we go and then there you go throw you guys back inside there another oh my gosh they keep escaping so how much time how much nine minutes man i don't know if we'll be able to do that you guys i need to keep getting the ports over here even though the price went down hey at least we'll have a lot of employees we'll be able to sell right there we go then we got chickadees i i need to sell or i need i need to put the chickadees back inside of a coop or whatever here so definitely want to consider that but we have 409 right now dollars or whatever i guess we go sell these ports and then there we go we can get like a port collector or whatever so 553 oh man this thing's already done whoa this might actually be like uh you know i'm not going i'm not going to do anything there i want to go find oh yeah and then uh you know what yeah maybe i will just grab just a couple just to feed to those other guys that like produce the the purple ports or whatever yeah just a beautiful i'm too crazy and i'll probably even find more carrots and other vegetables and fruit and stuff like that out here oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa here they are phosphorous oh they were we know yeah these are the ones that combine together with the yeah see this one's coming together with a pink one to become a phosphorus pink slime or whatever so i've got three of them so where do you find these guys at i need to look at the uh the slime pdf oh there he is lambidia so what is a phosphor slime so it's like it's like a firefly basically so he only yeah he only eats fruit so i can't give him uh like roots or vegetables or anything like that like carrots i can't give him chickens he only eats the pogo fruit and maybe other fruit that spawns so that's cool q berry okay so he i guess he loves the q berry which i don't even know what that is but maybe he'd still eat the pogo fruit oscar slimes come out at night flying around the moonlit range upon their so yeah i was about to say like these guys probably only spot at night and boom there you go i guess it's good that i didn't go back to the the home base over there and skip the morning time or whatever there huh so let's see so we need nine of those phosphor slimes there we go yeah look at that that fits eight minutes left to get oh how how many how many five more no no no six more yeah we need nine in total okay well we have three just need to get six more oh oh oh yeah that's just a pink boss for one there and it's a largo too so we can't even get it oh yeah i didn't see any oh oh perfect perfect let me get you there you go oh there's another one over here do not combine with the pink slimes at least not right now because i know oh two more two more holy heck you guys we got them all wait no we need one more i thought yeah i picked up a three uh pink slime there yep there you go i don't need you not right now at least man that i can't savage when i said that hold on is there no any more of them like down here lucky so wait where is it where is this luggy slime who's shiny where'd this why did i pop up on my screen oh f1 to open up the slime pd hold on hold on is it over here or something like that oh oh whoa what is that guy no get out get out get i got i need this guy i need no get out get out get out i got him i got him oh tabby's slime we got the cat one you guys yep there you go get you get me these there you go pink oh get out of here get out of here oh i can't pick those up man what in the world oh another tabby slime don't mind if i do oh there's a big i don't know is that is that also a head head or is that a rooster guy because it looked like a rooster i don't know if that's called a different thing or whatever but where's this lucky slime that i apparently saw i don't know like you didn't say anything about that big one that i was seeing down there that was like interacting with the oh and then there's another big one right there how do i get down there can i just fall down there i assume if i fall down there can i get back out oh hold on hold on yeah we're running out we only had like nine minutes or something like that on the clock we can go back there right now get a little bit of like a blue or a rock what do you call them plorts and some other stuff and like a hen hen yeah you know what yeah if if we have a hen hen in the chat oh no oh i thought i thought it ran out of time right there up all night achievement right there you guys sheesh i got spooked hold on so uh and then there we go oh we got some money you guys you've been oh wait hold on oh i guess they they're they just are hen hens okay it's philosopher's oh what in the no my god he's gonna oh he ate that no you piece of trash oh my gosh [Music] i don't have any room uh phosphor okay phosphorus okay if i put him there he's going to combine with the other ones right yep here i'll just put that one there girly let me grab all these he's eating stuff and i i don't like it because i go sell the pink ports try and get a little bit of money out of them hopefully they're worth a little bit right they're still worth nine no oh man what is this thing that's worth 295. yeah that must be good and then there's that other one over there i i don't want that one to combine with this one i need to go put you know what that's what to say like yeah i'll just sell these right now there you go get a little bit of money out of it especially early game like this seems like it makes sense i need to pick this guy up and put him back inside how to even escape there there you go i think you could probably uh feed these guys as well oh my god there you go pick him up and where did the phosphor one go i don't know he was over here but now he's gone man i lost him all right well we've got 1200 now cheese might as well uh so one of them like the fruit i might as well can i grow vegetables over here on this one either that or i could put the chickens over here i suppose you know what i'll do that so they coop keeping chickens in their plate you know what let's do it boom so i'm like a little bit too late i'm like i've got the chickadees so uh mario maybe they'll grow up and become are they dead oh no they're moving around to say like they didn't move whenever i threw them out but there we go so how can i upgrade the coupe though high walls spring grass spring grass attracts scuttle bugs that chickens love to eat but their bellies full hens will produce eggs twice as fast ooh [Applause] vitamizer the latest in advanced poultry tech the vitaminizer bathes chickens with vital rays allowing them to grow into healthy hens and roosters wait hen hen and rushtro i guess that's what the male and female adults are called huh and then the chickadee or whatever is the baby uh twice as fast yeah i don't know if i want to get that just yet maybe uh and then over here with the with the i i definitely want to get like the higher walls or something like that here because i need to get because i've got a lot of them right there you know so i might as well get this boom all right oh man i doubled it there in the background so that's good soothing tune that greatly reduces slime agitation so i don't even know so i guess how they even escape in the first place i don't know i assume they were able to uh hold on yeah let me get another uh thing here so i guess we gotta okay i can afford that so that's good you know i might even just get a bunch of corrals over here i could do another one boom there you go so i guess we can get the tabby slime put that over here there we go so i wonder how much money i get if i give these guys oh what oh i don't even look at what these guys ate uh what do they eat what are the tabby slimes eat though stoney hen oh wait no they eat meat hold on so i guess i can give them chickens and chicken chickadees or whatever i guess i could do that and then they'll be fine but i just they don't eat these things so uh yeah i grabbed these so uh and well these guys eat them so i might as well uh throw those inside there i need you know what can how much does it cost to get the uh the extractor thingy or what do you call auto feeder ooh an auto feeder will drop you in the ground like regular intervals just remember okay so if i get the auto feeder and the port collector at the same time that seems really really good you guys ooh uh let's see depositing them in a storage tank so i don't even know where is the storage tank is it is it the silo or whatever that i saw here i can't take it with you so put it in storage if it is then i guess i need to turn this into the silo here's your got a little bit of ports so i might as well uh there you go suction those up and we're getting pretty actually i think we went over the 40 minute mark so i'm going to end the episode here you guys i feel like we made some good progress for my first episode of slime rancher here ranching up slides and stuff like that let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think of the oh dash boots are now available ooh highly advanced and frankly fashion forward boots reduce the energy consumption of sprinting ooh so that's probably 350 over here too huh yep can't afford that just yet i've got a few pink ports but you know they don't really sell for that much money right now huh yeah nine so yeah there you go and oh the glowing one from the uh phosphorous ones are 24 so that's decent i don't know what about that one then uh and i still know about that one why is that even highlighted i can't even get it right now now what about the chickadee guys yeah they're still here nothing's coming out of there unfortunately that sucks but i guess we can go find and see if we can find at least one chicken we know where one is hopefully it's not eaten by now oh whoa what's that sound i don't know hold on diet oh i just i just look at them and it says the uh the diet it says pink slime dye everything so that's good to know that there's something there i might have missed and i guess these are slowly growing packs they're not ripe they're not ready for me to harvest just yes so just kind of showing hey we're growing back but not ready to be harvested just yet huh any chickens over here though like there's another one of these things but i'm not seeing any chickens if there are any chickens they're probably getting eaten up immediately oh there's another box here what do i do with the box though oh g oh i was about to say hold on there's another one somewhere it's like a loot crate where was hold on over here i think there was another chicken almost got eaten by now i wouldn't be too surprised oh man another one of these guys and a bunch more of these uh things here there you go choppy slimes pick up the pink forks as well now if i can get another chicken that'd be great oh i guess they turned into pink tabby slimes here look at them and they're like what are they called yeah pink tabby lario yeah on the top right corner it shows what their name is what they eat all that kind of stuff that's cool just that a little bit too big for me right now i need to wait i guess until an upgrade 4 slime gun here becomes available and we'll be able to actually oh yeah and that's where the chickens are spawning huh and then hopefully we'll be able to grab the uh the big largo guys over here so that'd be pretty interesting but right now hey at least we got one hen n maybe the thing is going to be able to produce eggs and therefore abundances of chickens and stuff like that at home with our coop that we've got set up what about over here though any chickens or anything like that over here i'm like this is where they should small there you go ports oh yeah a few ports right here in mind if i do yep suction those up slurp those up from there no more ports for me man why are you guys not giving me your ports what about over here though where we saw like uh the blue ones or the rock ones where was it yeah wait here it is i'm starting to get a hang of it you guys i'm starting to figure out where the map is here oh yeah oh there is blue ones down here hold on we got tabby slimes already so there you i kind of want to get the blue one then we can put that inside of its own area rock slime these these slimes or totally metal wow nice nice uh nice description and then there you give me the money oh no don't eat the ow don't eat the strawberry no or whatever that does he is he eating it i can't tell if he's eating that i got a thing from victor humphries you know what pogo fruit boom there you go you know what okay get rid of the tabby slime let me pick this thing up oh yeah it is the cuba okay so i do need to keep that oh chickens chickens chickens give me the hen hens give me the hen hens and give me the pink plorts oh my gosh there's so many of them everywhere geez it's like free money all over the oh no i threw a q thing i throw chickens no i'm losing them all oh man there's another crate there too i need to save that for later i need to save that for later hold on hold on we have four hen hens here's another one i need to get the rooster here right i got it nice stretch this stuff like that okay so yeah now we've got head hens and we've got at least one rooster surely we're able to produce a ton of chickens now huh with a male and a female so that's good pink i'll grab that and we still have only one rock slime right now which is unfortunate but hey at least we have one right oh hold on ah there's two more no one of them man what a oh oh i got another one right there nice one of them just got combined together with a pink one so that sucks i wasn't able to get anything out of him so i suppose i have to wait a little bit later i suppose but hey at least we got two of them i don't know if i'm like two of them is an okay start we've got two tabby cat i lost the q barry too so whatever at least we got the hen hens and we got the rooster guy got a pretty good start to our our ranch and farm and all that kind of stuff i guess you could say huh so i guess we can't complain about that but let's just go home let's kind of settle down put everything where it needs to go sell our ports and stuff then we can end off the first episode of slime rancher here where honestly my first impressions with the game like it was kind of like oh man what oh man these guys all grew up cool i was kind of like oh man what do i do but i got the hang of it pretty quickly i i think let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think of my my first episode of slime ranchers so far am i doing an okay job or am i doing pretty terribly i'd like to think i'm doing all right but you know if you guys have any tips in the comments feel free to let me know but nothing too spoilery of course but i'm like oh no what how did these guys are the cat ones like really really jumpy or something like that i might need to up upgrade this to have like a roof or something like that hold on let's see how much does that cost air net is that it an air net is a force barrier that covers yeah that's okay so i need to go sell the pink forks and i guess that makes sense you know cats love the jump and stuff but surely the tabby slime loves to jump so uh bloom there you go oh port peddler achievement right there so what the 448 right there that's good let's get a roof over here just to make sure they don't combine together with the blue ones you know kind of keep them nice and separated and uh oh i can just barely afford that so yep there we go man that's like all of our money gone okay so now is that good i assume so so what yeah hold on what did these guys eat again oh he's okay so if i get oh yeah i don't have carrots right now man but if i get if i get carrots from somewhere over here set up a farm for them here we go perfect and give them to the blue rock slimes i'll be able to get great money because those those sell for more though they're rock ports sell for way more money than the pink ones so that'll be good but of course the price is starting to go down because i guess the supply and demand and all that kind of jazz huh so and then of course we need to get the q berries or whatever for them but for right now so i wonder if this do the slimes breed can these guys like turn into a third slime or what i don't know and then there you go oh wait yeah rockport okay oh jeez what happened there because it took a little bit of damage from these guys oh they whenever they roll or attack or something like that they turn into full-on spikes i saw one of them just turn into like a spike ball and then back into a slime ooh so can i there's oh i was about to say is there a timer between like when these guys eat so i guess i can constantly grind these rock ports from them as long as i have the right carrots and stuff oh wait hold on they're not hungry right now i guess huh maybe i don't know hold on what if i throw it right at them [Music] might not be hungry right now oh wait oh i thought i thought that was about oh yeah look at that look at that full spike ball and then back to it's not interesting cool well anyways i'm getting really distracted i was going to end the episode uh oh whoa whoa look at these guys piling up against the wall right there i was going in the episode and i got super distracted so yeah let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think about slime rancher i'm loving the game so far i i think it's a lot of fun a lot of potential here for us to meet around with heck and slimes and stuff make money get upgrades and further our ranch it's just that we're kind of running out of room here to be quite honest i wonder if we can get like a bigger area or something like that huh i don't know i guess i guess we'll just have to wait and see and by the way yeah like i said if you guys have any tips or tricks or anything like that for slime rancher feel free to let me know in the comments down below because i always read the comments especially if you guys leave helpful comments suggestion i do this or that or whatever but so far i'm really liking the game here and i hope you guys are as well so right now i guess i'll end off the first episode right here and we'll come back next episode and continue our weird wacky slime branching adventures here so thank you guys all very much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe but oh wait hold on yeah hold on there's a couple more slots up here yeah hold on so i can grow you know i'm gonna grow let's grow a garden here for oh i don't have money man okay well you know what we could worry about that next episode where was i in my outro but yeah you guys know what a deal hit the like button if you guys enjoyed the video hit the subscribe button if you guys want more of these awesome videos and while you're down there be sure to ring the bell to youtube sends you a notification as soon as i upload a new video especially if you guys are looking forward to more slime rancher you guys will not want to miss next episode so be sure to ring that bell but until then thank you guys all very much for watching and i'll see you guys here next time with some more slime rancher oh by there [Music] you
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 755,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Gameplay, Slime Rancher Let's Play, Slime Rancher Playthrough, Slime Rancher Ep 1, Slime Rancher Episode 1, Slime Rancher Multiplayer, Slime Rancher Speedrun, Slime Rancher All Slimes, Slime Rancher Trailer, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Ending, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher All, Slime Rancher How To, Slime Rancher DLC, Gaming, Game, Gameplay, Let's Play, Playthrough, TheWaffleGalaxy, Waffle Galaxy
Id: 0y-vVWRfkrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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