Playing Slime Rancher WITH Mrs Z?! Slime Rancher Multiplayer Ep.1 | Z1 Gaming

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nope i died [Music] what's going on everybody c here welcome back to some more slime rancher but today oh today we're checking out a multiplayer mod i know we're doing some things we're checking out some stuff we're gonna be playing with miss z if you want to check out her side oh there she is she's totally there there's another person that's super weird and amazing anyways if you want to check her stuff out she will have a link down below to her channel i recommend go and check it out it is the official missy one the missy one that i've been with for over 10 years my gosh it's been so long but anyways let's get in chat let's do this this is super exciting i'm super excited look how tiny we are oh my gosh it's crazy miss z how are you hello you have a bumblebee butt yeah so do you i think that's our backpack though i think it's our backpack it's just it's it's a little low it's a little low um we're tiny we are very small i mean come come over here look next to the door go stand next to do i look tiny compared to the door yeah you do but i'm going to stand by the door uh i mean a little bit yeah it's not like crazy though but you know i know when we did i i did check out the vr like the slimes are huge so interesting this is exciting this is pretty cool i feel like we're gonna go like get through stuff like super fast we probably are all right well i guess i guess do we start the stuff right so i have it set to share um i think like currency and stuff so could you not do that if you didn't yeah yeah you could have it set so it's not but i i think we're good all right well let's do it i'm so excited i'm so excited we're exploring the range together oh my gosh the slimes look huge compared to you they're like gigantic and that fruit is like gigantic as well like oh my gosh it's crazy okay so uh we need we need foods to feed the the first guy so we can unlock our first door which door do you want to unlock first um i don't know what well i don't know what kind of food we're getting if we don't know which well the paper the pink one eats anything okay this is so exciting it's like a kid i have somebody else to talk to and we're just so happy it doesn't even really look like you're like walking very much though no yeah it's so weird uh okay i'm gonna grab a whole bunch of food then we get our first we get our first guy i'll try and grab food too okay oh my gosh we're gonna be able to take on the world we're gonna beat the game in like 15 minutes i don't think 15 minutes probably not you're probably right probably take just a little bit longer than that i would i would imagine okay um i have a little bit of food i'm gonna start feeding him see if we can see if we can pop it um i unlocked the map it's the map guess what i can see you on the map no way yeah oh that's super cool i don't know like i don't know why i guess we wouldn't be able to but i'm i'm surprised that is so cool this is like a whole now you know another thing like i don't know if there's a player limit either like i don't know how many people you could get into this oh i didn't even think about that i just popped the pink one the pink one's good already dang it it only took like i think it took like 25 or something like that do you want to get the slime key i'll let you get the slime key there you go slime it's the first slime key so where do you want to unlock i know you don't like doing the the like mossy blanket place because you like to cheat to go in yeah so you decide you've played this a little bit more than me so typically i like to unlock i like to go through the cave over here first because then that gets you the crystals to the crystal slimes and crystal slimes are worth quite a bit they're good uh they're a good first slime to to ranch because their plorts are worth so much where are you well this is so exciting [Laughter] i've played this game solo for so long we're gonna have to check out multiplayer slime or subnautica too we will oh my gosh subscribe if you want to see some subnautica multiplayer with myself and missy and comment does it show you have a key it doesn't have a button it says i have one but i think we i think it's shared so use yours and i think it'll take it from yeah it takes it from mine too okay also uh if people are interested in the slime rancher mod i will have a link down below missy i'm sure you'll have a link down below too uh it is not exactly the most straightforward thing to install but it seems like it's running pretty good it does seem like it's running really good yeah and it says like all over it's like oh it's in development all this stuff and uh expect bugs and stuff but like it seems like everything's like fairly fleshed out i'm i'm happy with it i'm thinking it's good i'm thinking so too and i get to play slime rancher with you i have a few veggies on me okay i don't know i was gonna say i don't have any i gave him 15. i can't backpack yeah you don't have the jetpack yet oh we don't have jet packs yet did you forget that was the thing you have to unlock yeah i did oh my gosh you play modded too much [Laughter] i'm sorry well i don't you know i think even in modded i think i still had to unlock it the first time yeah i think it was just easier yeah um what do we want to go do you want to go crystal rad i'm thinking crystal rad is probably a good good little combo combo nacion um i'm gonna try and get some more veggies so maybe we can go back in there and pop that guy okay i'm gonna try to get up to the uh i don't know if i can get up to the crystal guys right now because i don't have a oh yeah i can all right you little crystal buds where are my crystally buds they're not here i think you have to go further in for the crystal league guys they're not no they're like there's no slimes here like zero spawned here that's strange this is weird we broke the game with multiplayer man i did can you come up can you come over here hold on oh there's some pinks i don't see any crystals this one's taking a little bit more to pop i think i've almost fed him 30. okay i'll come over there because i have uh i have some some veggies that i can feed it maybe it's because it's nighttime they don't want to come out during the night time they're scared of the dark even though they're in a cave they're in a cave they can't tell if it's night or dark light or not uh okay so nice this guy's still here and not popped yet i just gave it like did you feed him like 15. oh my gosh there's no crystal slimes here i think i need you to come over here with me i'm hoping that when you come in here maybe uh crystal slimes will spawn i'll be the magical fix or what maybe i see you i see you okay all i see are pink slime there's like two pink slimes in here and that's it oh there's crystals they're popping up now well one did i guess that's all we really need is just the one oh thanks you were the fix see for one yeah it worked though you fixed it um i have some more heartbeats that i can feed that guy actually what is a crystal what's crystal rad's favorite oh mint man no that mangoes honey slimes rads like the aka oka oka how do you say that i say okay okay okay we'll just say okay okay uh okay we're gonna go with okay okay because they crystal slimes like odd onions and odd onions are not fun to grow you got stuff for this guy um i have a few more i have a few heartbeats which there it is their face hey one heartbeat that's someone needed sorry um you know kind of like delayed on my screen a little bit when you do that um there's a problem here what that that's not going to do anything for us because we haven't unlocked the the the cave the grotto or whatever to go through so we're hoping it it'll be good for later on it will be good for later on so where are you going i'm gonna go back home and we're gonna start i'm ready to ranch are you ready to ranch i am ready to ranch mass ranching is about to happen two-player ranching i don't like not having a jet pack it's it's not exciting it's not good we'll have to unlock it i wonder if we unlock it like it unlocks it for both of us i'm thinking so oh maybe that's what it was shared money shared currency and shared unlocks i wonder if that's what it was probably probably is i would imagine it's like that'd be kind of jacked up we have to buy it twice actually how does sleeping work if i go in here oh my gosh it just magically turned into weight outside yes i'll do that for you next time okay i was wondering i was like this is gonna work uh all right can we upgrade to double high walls high walls yes you just stole all the money i just put in i'm sorry unacceptable my bad oh shoot no what are you doing i need it i needed one of those aka things to keep it so that way i can play i thought we were calling them oka okay okay okay i'm sorry it's been i played this game so much i i'm set in my ways all right i got a couple rad plorts let's see how much these guys are worth not a lot i guess they're worth a little bit do you have anything in your inventory i have two oka okay and i have five heartbeats do you want to shoot them down and i'll grab them uh can i plant a oka okay first sure there you go okay come over here i wanna see what happens when you die i'm not going i just took your stuff i'm not doing it it's safe go you want me to science it's suffer science okay you go ahead i have all my stuff i have all the stuff in my inventory i know exactly why you want me to do this i just want to see what happens let's see what happens the people want to know in the comments they're going to be asking what happens when you die i feel like this is a bad idea just jump let's see it's for science only for science it doesn't count zero that's forever you've been knocked out but a days the rest should fix you right up wait did it switch days for you yeah yo yeah it's night time now oh it's date time now okay see now you can do it so i can see what happens okay here's your stuff back oh jeez i hold up i i got a whole bunch of hens oh jeez you see them everywhere well sorry okay are you ready yeah go for it tell me when you're over here watching i'm watching go for it full science now it's going to change the day time for you day time night time oh that's so cool i know let's see we have we have something over here now we have our first mission carrots and boom slimes oh we don't have no booms well we we can find some i guess i guess we could yes where are you at i'm gonna go try and find some booms hey do you want any fruits or anything no i mean you go try to find you go do that i'm going to start making some money okay okay i'm going to find booms i'm going to get us set up here can you tell me how many carrots i needed and how many booms i forgot already wait what oh uh eight carrots and six booms okay what do i do with these hens why did you bring these hens back over here because sometimes you just need hens this is not one of those times wait can i you never know oh a hen can't go through there my hand go over it oh ends can go over the wall are you shooting them all uh i was shooting them over the the wall into like the area that we're gonna unlock full of hens well again they're they're just temporarily going over here they'll be fine okay i'm gonna make some money and i gotta grab a uh collector and a feeder and air net i don't have enough for all of those what is the what does the golden slime want what is the golden food just shoot anything at it shoot any type of food at it i lost it well oh there's a there's a there's a plort though grab the golden brown you ate it you don't don't move move see this is bad this is bad you shouldn't had me go out by myself i got a golden plort good job that's worth a lot of money isn't it uh yeah it's worth like how much is it worth right now well it's only worth 283 right now but it's still still a lot for us right now yeah yeah um i'm dropping these cube berries because i just don't need them in my inventory right now okay this is why you have to judge my inventory now that i gave it to you i'm like what am i doing i'm not doing anything okay i got the boom slimes i got the carrots all right did you get um eight boom slimes and six carrots you told me eight carrots and six boom slime yes that is correct i just wanted to see if you're paying attention [Laughter] you were good job you passed the test yeah proud of you are you on your way back or what like where are you i might have got lost [Laughter] don't worry i think i i think i figured it out now oh good did you make a bunch of money while i was gone i did but i spent it all wow that's that's what i do that's what i do i'm good at spending it just like in real life oh you only have 15 seconds left to get this finished no i don't 14 13. you are such a liar wow super spicy hey look at all the stuff that you got oh we got a star mill from victor humphries should i read the star mail you should read the star mail i read the star mail i'm not reading it out loud though they're long messages good story i just did you see i just got put our gold plort in did you oh look at all that money we have now look at all that money oh victor humphries please acquire these things um so can you go get those now i'm just the packaging they're like what you're the runner oh my gosh while you do that i'll spend the money yeah i bet seven rock slime three puddle slime yeah seven rock three puddle that should be in the same area that you just came from too oh let me see if we can get an upgrade i really like to get uh jet pack that would be nice did that give you a jet pack now oh yeah did it okay it did my energy is like just down super far now you should have 150 energy as well sweet so wheat all right so while you do that i'm gonna go and grab i think honey slimes from that area i'm just gonna jump the wall you're gonna cheat i'm gonna cheat cool cool i like honey slimes honey songs are one of my favorites i made it over the wall i made it to the moss blanket congrats you cheated the system i say that's what i do every time ta-da map's unlocked my gosh i know how do i do it right how do i do it when you said you were gonna spend all the money you weren't joking you spent literally everything yeah no i know what can i do with 55 new bucks uh nothing okay i got eight honey slimes i got something yay i completed the thing yay now victor will want to work with us okay we got another thing from victor uh six rad slimes and four crystal slimes well we have the plorts we don't have the slime so well i guess i'll go grab those all right i'll spend the money i bet you you will so so do we want all of them to eat one thing or didn't or not they're not do not care i don't really care okay all right i mean unless that's what you want to do well i usually do that because then like everything eats the same common food but then like you have like the same baseline with everything so i'm gonna sleep okay okay sounds good that way you can actually see what you're doing oh did you already get the bounty board do you want to see what the new ones are or no um i'm getting them right now oh shoot i probably shouldn't have slept then oh did is it gone no it's still there you have five minutes okay it was six rads four crystals right yep okay i'm i'm trying to get back into the moss blanket to get more different types of slimes do you grab plorts every time you go out no so you can retr why don't you do that because i usually grab slimes yeah but you're grabbing slimes are you grabbing four different types of slimes well i usually grab slimes or i'll grab food for slimes or you know something like that okay well at least one of us is making money okay i'm back with a minute to spare yay did you get it got a whole bunch of oka okays and hens and uh that's one step closer to unlocking victor victor's lab area sweet um there's no other things you have a honey slime just on the loose oh it must have escaped out of the top what the heck z what the heck there's honey slimes everywhere there's honey slimes everywhere how many honey slimes did you bring back with you there should be in pens there's two pens what's six in each pen okay well one pen there's no slimes in it what the heck how'd they escape i put the area on and everything okay i'm separating them out they're supposed to be six and one on six and see another one there's another one loose okay well i'm coming back okay they're they're back in their pens they're supposed to be in i don't know what happened are you trying to sabotage our save already uh no no they were in pens when i left and there's no way they should have escaped they have there's air nets and everything so that's why i understand what the heck is this ogden ortiz has has a mission for us we need four oka okay and seven of the pogo fruit oh these slimes are like freaking out slimes the slimes are all like they're all like glitchy freaking out right now maybe there is stuff wrong with the mod maybe there is hey it's a work in progress stuff so you know i can't i can't complain too much uh yeah the only thing is i have a feeling we're gonna die and like destroy our farm because of this so uh put down in the comments how many days you think we're gonna last uh hunter's slime in here too i put hunt their hunter um oh dude they're hunter honeys these guys don't eat those these guys only eat yeah i just i just realized that mint mango the witch is up here okay um i'm gonna go get seven pogo fruit it's a good thing you have me because i'm like the only person making money right now you know um excuse me i don't know if you've noticed this but like the what's making money right now is the ports uh yeah that i keep on bringing back and like the lucky floor that i had okay all right all right so my ranching okay you just here you just you just watch watch our money for um for a little bit okay okay this is this is from me ranching the slimes i'm not done yet okay we're at 1800 here's uh here's some more money that was another 1200. okay this is me making us more money that was like a hundred it was like 250 bro wasn't it and i just went out so i'm bringing back more ports excuse me the the i gotta make the actual money here oh my gosh why are all these oka okay fruit on the ground in here why are they not in the feeder okay maybe the mod does have some some some weird weird isms okay you guys can calm down you know what they need a music box and an auto feeder and they have chickens everywhere music box auto feeder well i wonder who got the chickens well i keep on getting chickens also from this thing hey you see there's another mission right here cube cubeberry and the pogo fruit oh well you know there's cuberry over here that you yelled at me forgetting did you grab something i grabbed three i just need one more oh there you go okay so we just pogo fruit i'll help you get pogo fruit because i don't want you to be the only one doing everything didn't you just yell at me for bringing back some cue berries you're like what am i gonna do with this this this is true it was a good thing i brought it back it is a good thing you brought it back saved us a trip it saved us a trip i have 10. okay good ggs while you were out did you gather up some more slimes i did good job i gathered up one pink one and then i threw it away because i gathered because i got it by accident i didn't i didn't need it i'm gathering other stuff oh my gosh pink slimes are ports too pink ports are worthless ports they're 10 new bucks a piece yeah but looking back 20 that's a lot yeah but like i'm you know you know the the whole thing that's like okay um if i'm not bringing back you if you saw a penny on the ground would you bend down to pick it up or not it's not a pain like what if it was what if it was a nickel and then like what if it was a quarter you know like i'm looking for it like it has to at least be a quarter on the ground before i'm gonna bend down and pick it up you know what i mean okay well there was just a whole bunch of pink plorts and pink ones pink ports aren't a quarter on the ground you wouldn't pick them up you wouldn't pick those up the pink plorts yeah well i mean if they're on the right if they're in our ranch and it's gonna be messy then yeah of course you have to clean them up but like going out and grabbing them in the wild now they could they can stay out there they're fine the world needs some plots they got to fertilize everything else you know okay you ready for some magic i'm about to go to sleep oh yes that's so trippy that's so funny um oh i brought you gifts you brought me gifts what kind of gifts yes here you ready oh my gosh no you're supposed to leave them on the ground no they're co-over they go over here you can at least pick up after yourself a little bit hey i got more gifts for you what are the gifts stop throwing chickens over here keep them where they belong i picked up a whole bunch of heads while i was out that's why i didn't pick up floors too many ends oh my gosh oh i do have five pro fruit did you need that no we should keep our fruit because we need to go uh we need to go do that phosphor slime in the cave yeah does phosphor like fruit i'm almost positive there fruit are they fruit a fruit lover are you a fruit lover maybe i like fruit i wonder how a mint mango tastes i feel like that would be your fruit because i don't really like minty stuff too much sounds good though wait do we have enough stuff to unlock this area yeah uh which one do we want to unlock i guess we're gonna unlock both of them anyways um i'm gonna go through the chickens in the in this back area okay so many chickens i don't i don't remember where the heck the the phosphor guy is okay i will show you are you ready do you know where i am no but i can look on the map okay i see you okay are you ready where are you i'm coming towards you you're stalking me i am stalking you okay okay i went over here uh no it's not this way sorry that was the wrong way you don't even remember either no it's over here there he is ta-da where'd you go in the cave with the phosphor look at all those chickens why do you keep on giving me chickens i know you like chickens oh my gosh i have a pro fruit fed up we need more fruit i fed it one okay i'm gonna go do the um i'm gonna go try to unlock the rad one okay i'm gonna find more fruit so i cannot do the phosphor one look at all those chickens there's chickens literally everywhere because you're like collecting them i'm collecting for you because i know you like chickens you are the chicken lady what's gonna happen when we're both gone from the ranch and then like one of our pens opens up and then like everything is gonna be gone we need to get that that's going to happen we need to get the hydro turret unlocked so we can place that up so in the event of ataro takeover we'll survive it hopefully oh we gotta we got a star mail from moki miles i say mochi i say moki i don't know you say tomato i say tomato yeah i don't really say tomato i think that's weird i don't you know i'm just who actually says tamato like who says to motto because like that's how they were raised and that's how it was said and not just saying it just because like they want to be different you know who actually says like i say tomorrow it's like no you don't i'm probably gonna get a whole bunch of people in the comments saying they say it well okay and now i i bet you in other countries it's more it's more prevalent yeah just not here just not here no did you die i guess i'll see if oh you did like you know it's funny as you can't even hide it on this one the whole world spins i got hit by a whole bunch of rock ports and i wasn't paying attention oh no okay we got a new thing from mochi miles though we need uh four tabby ports and two phosphor plorts all right you radiated slimy eat these deliciousnesses it didn't even it wasn't even all of them come on just fed it 20 of its favorite it wasn't enough don't worry i found more oka oka good we're popping this bad boy yeah there we go slime key baby all right what do we got in here nothing still working on this big huge phosphor slime oh what does the phosphor want veggies right fruits oh fruits what about chickens no it doesn't like chickens missy likes chickens oh my gosh i'm about to die again you run away from the rock the rock guys how do you keep dying i i died one time i didn't have you played slime before oh my gosh wait is this your first time ever playing slime rancher with this is not my first time playing you know that i've played this before i found a lucky slime did you get a plort uh no they don't give you floors they just give me money got a little bit of money they did in your modded series yeah you know what's really weird i don't remember this spot huh interesting um i just want you to know that i already got a slime key oh my gosh i'm still working on my thing i'm still waiting for fruit to reap i have a few pogo fruit i can grab i can i'll i'll stop over and try to get it for you hey look i'm back on the ranch i got my four tabby ports for the mission board did you yep we just gotta get the phosphor ports oh my god stop [Laughter] there you go oh my gosh oh it's so fun oh so fun so fun uh oh pogo fruit that's right i have pogo fruit i can give your uh i can i can give do you want some pogo fruit for your foster i only have six but we got 7z corporation trying to reach out to us yeah they want our money that's perfect i mean look at us like we're rolling in the i dough think we're really rolling in the dough yet uh we are i just don't think you know it yet but i think we are we have 2 000 and that's it we have 3 200 now yeah and how you spend it it's not gonna last long actually you know what we need to get the uh tank booster there we go and actually here i'm gonna buy a heart module for you so that way you don't oh my gosh i died one time one time power core there you go i got i got you upgraded i know i know you uh have a difficult time staying alive oh my gosh oh my gosh it's still not enough i gave him like another 12. what's it neat it wants fruit that's right we've already had this position like eight times and you just don't listen i just don't remember oh i almost forgot about that big tabby slime over here gather up all those chickens oh yeah there you go use for the chickens [Music] i unlocked the cave so now you can take that cave teleport um are you grabbing chickens or what i'm also doing oh well let me let me i'll do the chickens i'll do the tabby i have a couple chickens that as i find them i've been dropping them off you know actually i might as well stock up because there's a hunter uh there's a hunter gordo that likes chickens as well sometimes i'll just grab all that i can see i grabbed chickens for a reason see i was grabbing him just to just to throw him at you uh yeah i know why it was fun just to be spicy we have fruit we have mint mango can i take some of this yeah it wasn't grown earlier yeah well half of it was like dead on the ground oh you let it die on the ground you did i did not i was out doing stuff making money working so was i um you left a whole bunch of chickens over here i have a whole bunch of chickens already can we drop some fruit off to your phosphor slime no because you're going to drop it off and then it's going to pop and i've been working on it this whole time just leave my stuff alone did you seriously do it i gave it one extra humanity you gave it one no i gave it like three or four i told you not to do it what the heck i plus i couldn't pop it i was like okay that was a jerk move i'll just give it like three or four here you could go do the tabby one that was such a jerk move i've been getting all this stuff for it and then you just steal it it wasn't steel i'm not stealing the key is still there it's all yours here you want these hens and you can go do the next one no you go do your own stuff i will do my stuff i didn't mean to pop it i was just trying to help it i was like okay i'll just give it a couple more you asked me and i was like no don't do it well i figured i could i was just trying to help i said no no means no i was just trying to help because you it seemed like you were getting so frustrated that you couldn't get it i was like well let me i told you that he was almost ready i told you he was almost ready no means nosy this cat is hungry did we get the um the hunter slimes oh uh the tabby's slime ports well i unlocked hunter slimes but i didn't i don't know what they want oh what they like to eat every time yeah i don't think i want to go all the way over there until i have more more hands i'm sorry i popped your phosphor i was just trying to help i didn't i didn't mean to actually pop it come on guys it's night time where's those phosphor slimes what do you need phosphorus times for for the mission board oh oh and that's smoky too that's a good that's a good mission board one to do so when i like touch something does it come up on your thing for the new slime pedia entry uh no atar nope well did you just do it yeah no it didn't pop up for me i'll grab some you want to grab some ports too or no do you want do you not want me to touch them no don't touch don't touch okay fine not gonna touch anything ever again hey i need to go get some food for them don't say you have food leave them alone do not sleep i'm not i feel like i'm i feel like i'm like on the thinnest ice possible right now don't sleep don't do anything don't grab food don't touch anything are you standing on the ground stop it don't even look at anything close your eyes until i get my slime i have one fast report picked up off the ground i swear well i'm not even remotely close to being at home uh-huh if you don't want to pick your one here i'll put there i shot it i don't have it anymore don't touch my stuff i i don't have it anymore i shot it on the ground i have my two phosphor ports okay guys we are doing it all by ourselves you did a thing i did a thing you have another thing uh bob bob wants chickens where the heck are all our chicken snacks our chickens are all gone because i'm about to go feed them to the hunter it would have been nice to keep some yeah well i guess we can make a pen or something later all right i'm feeding this hunter gordo do it and of course i don't have enough i just fed it 26 hens did you pop it no not yet i just picked up a um a small hunter slime just to see what is its favorite it's probably the briar can we get the water tank we should already have it do we not oh no oh their favorite's a rooster what the heck oh that's awful no wonder it's gonna it's gonna take a lot of hens to feed make that thing happy good god i'm not gonna give it roosters you know i don't think i ever knew that hunter slimes liked roosters um i don't think i need that either crazy roosters are like such a pain to get um you can't even like farm them fully you know yep weird oh my gosh i still need more chickens well if you come back home there's lots of chickens here again well it's a long way over here well i did just sleep it might let's be populated that's all i was looking for nope i died did you seriously die yeah oh my god i apparently had no stamina oh this is great now you can't be yelling at me for dying oh why was all this stuff on the ground i had no staminas and i like i was like it was just a jump to it i was like i just barely didn't make it well i guess i can grab these pens and feed that thing i could grab a rooster might as well i think there's a couple of roosters there's an elder rooster too oh we got another thing on the on the board do we do thora west or mochi miles i would say moki one crystal port and four phosphor plots okay i got i got a few hens i'm going i hear a hannover we need to unlock the lab uh we we you can we have enough for it yeah well are you going to be upset if i use all the money no go for it that's the reason i'm making all the money is to spend it yeah well i thought you were the spender i didn't know if i was allowed uh-uh okay purchase all of our money is gone nice we're once again broke okay i've got to have enough by now yeah there's no way that i don't have enough chickens for this especially with all the roosters that i've gotten i have eight roosters right now that's kind of crazy i don't think i've ever gotten like that many before i guess i don't really never try though either i have ten roosters jeez i think the game knows i'm looking for roosters oh my gosh i almost died again i only had 18 stamina left i wish you would have died i've been terrible that would have been great because you would had more deaths than me oh geez i know i never lived that down pretty much i can't believe we've died the first episode i can't either like i don't know if i've ever died on any of mine i don't really count the the like first death we had because i mean it was for science right but after that like that was the legit like i just actually died and i can't even believe that all right you stupid hunter eat these roosters oh my gosh it took four roosters and then he's good hey look it you got another slime key see we got three now gosh we have like all the slime keys does something else need meat is there anything else is there another gordo that would eat meat what likes the stoney hen something like sestonian hmm i'm gonna do my best to not die going over over this area again i just turned in a whole bunch of pink ports into the lab nice i want to try and be productive while you're just like playing around over there oh good i'm glad somebody's gonna be productive um i don't think i i'm trying to think i'll stop my head i don't know who else wants who else wants me we already got the tabby one uh the hunter you already got the hunter one does meat looks like i have a bunch of hens i guess i'll just bring him back tank booster mark ii now available i should probably get that for you so you don't die again you probably should i would be very appreciative our module mark ii i need that too okay i'm just coming back because i don't i don't know if there's any other one there's the hunt i know there's the honey one but then the one doesn't want no one doesn't like that stuff shows there's mint mango in here there's like a whole bunch of it let's see it's floating in the air right now this thing's like completely full it's in the air it's in the air the mint may goes in the air i see all the dead ones up in the air uh they're all right here and when i look at this thing like it's not showing that it's growing anything oh this it says for me it is but i am the host so that could be why um i'm gonna throw these chickens back in this other area and i think that's gonna end this episode so basically if you wanna see a better gameplay go watch z because he he rigged it that way oh oh okay okay apparently if you want to see the true expert you need to go watch missy because she knows what she's doing more than i do true pro stat expert missy you did it you got it thanks for playing with me this is fun this is really fun i'm surprised like it you know for the most part it works pretty good but there are a little bit there's some bugs here and there that's pretty fun yeah um i feel like we're gonna be able to beat this like super fast honestly like we we have enough slime keys right now i think we could probably we could probably get to the end part air drive oh look at that we need all those upgrades but thank you so much misty for playing with me yep thanks for having me i guess i'll uh maybe i'll see you in the next episode possibly i'll see if i can if i can uh clear my schedule and be here oh you're right you are a very busy lady yep bye bye missy all righty guys that is gonna end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed uh multiplayer fun interesting buggy a little bit yes but not like it's not unplayable by any means we had a good time we enjoyed it we did the things we did the stuff uh and we're progressing like super fast because that's what you can do with two people but uh thank you so much for coming out hopefully you enjoyed it if you did like subscribe all the fun things also make sure you go check out missy i'm all over her channel link down below and uh yeah give her show missy some love for us over here you know we got an amazing community let's let's pass it on even though she's part of the community and she you know was already here anyways thank you so much for coming out have a fantastic yesterday and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 622,513
Rating: 4.9137917 out of 5
Keywords: slime rancher z1 gaming, modded slime rancher, mrs. z1, slime rancher mod, slime rancher, slime rancher update, slime rancher lets play, slime rancher ep 1, multiplayer, slime rancher multiplayer, multiplayer slime rancher, multiplayer mod, z1 gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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