New BUBBLE SLIMES Pop If You Touch Them! - Slime Rancher Mods

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oh oh hey it's a bubble slime got him bubble slime careful it might pump all righty mr tommy let's go four five six seven don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs we're playing slime ranch we've got some really cool stuff to look at today we're looking at the targardo and we're also looking at the new bubble slime it's a modded slime this is one angry looking quantum slime though look at him he's got all the sparkly stuff going on i'm gonna feed him that should calm him down a little bit and i should probably upgrade this corral as well just to give him a music box just to make him a little bit happy are you happy now cheap i think he's happy i'm gonna put some mint mangoes over here what you're supposed to be happy all right get in there be happy i don't know if he's being happy or not that really hurt my throat i've had a bit of a dry throat like the last week or so so i'm struggling to talk at the moment all right there we go there we go but i'm gonna make do i'm gonna do my best why you still got the sparkies he's got the sparkies big time do you want a toy cheap i want a toy all right he just pooped out a plot and he's no longer got the sparkies that's pretty good where's the auto feeder it's over this side okay let's just go ahead and chuck that in there that's really good that's really good all right and then we'll dial this thing back down to one so i'm gonna get this guy a little toy there should also be another toy in the little toy box store i don't know what it's called it's a vending machine that's what it is okay let's have a look here microphone that's the one so let's buy that it's a giant microphone that's pretty cool what is it that the quantum slime's like is it the gyro no it's the rubik's cube okay i've got the rubik's cube i'm gonna take this gonna go give it to my power quantum slime the shiny quantum slime i might add super rare one man there's nothing more cool than finding a shiny slime probably a shiny pokemon i guess hey hey i was about to say in order to get our uh in order to get a target we need to actually you know get like a snare and that kind of thing oichi okay i just teleported i just and then there's white smear what's the white smear thing hold up a sec hold up a sec alright stop it i'm just gonna have to scale him down make him regular size then we can pick him up teeny little black hole slime i got your pal i got your black hole slime buddy okay and i'm gonna go ahead and chuck him in this corral there we go let's uh let's just give him a bit of a ditto face that is really good now i don't have to be worried about their sad faces when they've got a ditto face i could feed them though i should probably do that there we go he just punched out a couple of singularity plots i'm gonna get them and now they should be happy so that's good oh it's raining dude it's always raining in this game i'm always having to set the weather back to regular mode no rain clear sunny skies all right can we yeah yeah we can put those in there that's pretty good all right let's head over here let's buy ourselves a snare let's get a master snare i don't know why i can't i need some hexa comb dude what oh hang on i probably have a thousand of those master slam snares master snares i can speak maybe we could make a creepy area where it's got some you know some whoa great lucky slime got him got him good all right maybe we could make kind of like a bit of a creepy zone you know what i mean i'm just gonna place in some gadget sites i just binded the key k to my keyboard so now i can do this see this i'm just i've just placed it in all these gadget sites that is so tricky all right we'll place couple maybe just in the middle here as well oh yeah and what this is going to allow me to do is actually place a few trees around now when i have a look yeah look at that i've got so many more gadget sites took me a little while but i'm done building my targardo haven of sorts now there's really only one room for one like targardo though right because i wanted to put in a lot of decorations and stuff but i feel it looks pretty good if you walk around here it looks quite nice we've even got a teleporter that teleporter should take me home i think i think it does all right but the spot that we're gonna stick our targarto is gonna be right here wait hey come back come back wow i was going to say i'm going to use this lucky slime how do i how do i put him on there he's not going on maybe you can't put a lucky slime on there all right i'll come back home for a minute let's put this lucky slime just in there he can hang out with that guy i'm gonna make him a ditto lucky slime hey he's got like the lucky slime eyes but he's got a ditto mouth that's really cool maybe a pink slime will work i mean the mod said put the slime on the snare and then that's how you get him hey there we go that's pretty good he's just gonna sit his pink little butt right there and then hopefully tomorrow we have ourselves a tar gordon that's pretty awesome let's jump through here and we're just going to go about our day just like normal are you guys getting along i hope they are this guy eats chickens right just like my friend over here let's just try something i could actually break my shiny slime here for a minute all right let's put the lucky slime in here he's going to eat a chicken he's going to poop out a plot and my shiny tabby slime may actually eat the lucky plot it may happen you gonna eat chicken eat them come on get them nuggies get them maybe he doesn't like him if they're not fried oh hang on hang on where's the plot did you poop it i don't think he did oh where's the plot he's not making plots how many chickens does he need to eat maybe eat a rooster he's eating so many and i'm getting money every time this is really weird i'm just gonna let him hang out here for a little while all right and eat all the chickens i'm gonna put this rooster just over here because we're starting to run out of chickens we need to produce some more you got to get yourself a roost row then you get yourself a hand hand you rub them together then you get a chickadee do we have a targardo yet ah no we don't he hasn't come to claim the bait yet now i didn't mention that there is another slime that we're looking at today it could be on the thumbnail because i can't remember where that slime is uh it does actually spawn naturally so it's not one that we need to make we can go ahead and try and find this one somewhere so let's go out to the indigo quarry i just want to check the pond 95 water units let's keep going oh dude dude i was just attacked by a pile of slimes this is probably the biggest pond in the game let's have a little bit of a look around i don't see any i feel like they should have added in a waterfall kind of coming down here that would have been really cool hey dudes how you going you guys seen any bubble slimes around maybe i need to pick these guys up and then throw them into the slime see so that more of them spawn and then maybe some of them will be bubble slimes let's just check it out hey dude go over that way see you later bubble slimes where they at where are they none of spawning and we're not getting any bubble slimes all right i'll just keep looking through the indigo quarry here a little bit oh here we go a sapphire slime hey i'm gonna leave that guy till next time here's one cool looking slime sapphire slime hey i wonder what we could combine him with here's another one oh dude that is a lot of rad slimes i hardly ever get like five red slimes spawn out of one spawner spot that's really hard to say we'll head out to maybe the ruins we'll have a look out there we'll just have a bit of a look around for this bubble slime i don't think they're rare but once it goes night time we'll have a sleep and then we'll go check our snare we'll see if we've got a targardo and then maybe we'll try and pop in all right ancient ruins what's up where's your where's your bubble slimes at you guys got any hey lucky slime that's like two in one day that's pretty good i must be actually quite lucky today i would say that you know the amount of lucky slimes you find is equal to your luck in real life finfex 2021 it's gonna be like a bumper sticker or something what are you guys you guys are just regular puddle slams okay i come out here because i know there was like a pool there's an actual pool here i probably should have read a little bit more about the mod but at the same time i thought hey it's fun to go looking for a slime it's a little bit of a challenge if i was a bubble slime where would i spawn man i swear those things look like hard poop let's go uh glass does it let's do it you guys know why it's called the glass desert right it's because of the big giant glass shards i can't remember how those things were formed though volcanic activity or something maybe it was the fire slimes that did it that looks like a bubble you guys got any bubble slimes over here this would be a really good spot to actually spawn them hello champs how we going that would be a garnet slime hmm what is that you might be asking not today my friend finpio we shall check on them in the morn no i'm terribly oldie speak well it's starting to go dark i think we should probably sleep and then we'll go and check on our thing and by thing i mean we'll go check on the uh oh let's get two of them in there yeah we'll go and check on the snare i can feel my voice deteriorating as we speak but i'm trying my best she's gonna get a little bit raspy a little bit like gravel all right let's go in here let's have a look did we get ourselves a tag order hope we did yes hey chip what's up what's he eat his diet is mdot food group dot non targold underscore slimes we don't have those i don't know what that is can i can we get that from the store can you get that from woolies mom i don't know what that is all right it's fine it's fine maybe that just means he eats everything you guys want to be tar food sure you do let's go let's grab a couple let's just for testing purposes let's grab that one a cute little tabby slime just kidding let's throw him in the ocean we got pink slime also i just want to thank you guys i've gotten like a lot of mail lately in my po box some really nice letters from you guys it's been super awesome to open them and read them thank you very much oh yeah this guy eats slimes that's disgusting okay i'm gonna fly over here like batman batman has a jet pack in case you didn't know and then we'll go over this way let's get some pink slimes how many of these bad boys do we need infinity there's always someone who's like come on finn infinity's not a number you idiot didn't you ever go to school infinity is a type of cheese it's a soft cheese low in dairy all right we got 77 pink slimes let's go all righty mr tarman let's go four five six seven fifteen six eight eight nine twenty one thirty he's so obese right now 31 32 41 42 43 44 45 9 50. whatever to his face whoa actual tar dude what ow ow wow wow why are you doing that to me that's not nice that's not nice let's go all right slime of duty mode let's do it let's do it it's now an fps shooter i just killed all the slimes all right we good oh you got some resources in there that's not bad what else we got uh rooster it's kind of worth it it sort of was i would have hoped it would have been something cooler than just regular crates in there but you know what else would there be so let's head out to the moss blanket like i said it's the only place i haven't been to yet to try and find some bubble slimes i bet they're gonna be here right is that another lucky slime is that another one it's another one okay looks like i've got the best luck today oh hey it's a bubble slime got him bubble slime careful it might pop what do i do with it i'm too scared to have it i don't know what's gonna happen it might actually pop is it gonna pop inside my gun and then ruin my gun hold up i know what we have to do yeah this is what we do this is what we do we eradicate the rest of them and then more will have to spawn oh yeah we're getting more slimes now getting more slimes i just want a couple just in case i pop one dude these things are rare do they only spawn here i don't know because i think here is the only place you get honey slimes so maybe so i got a whole bunch of new ones spawned and still only one bubble slime wow these things are so rare alrighty dude all right get out there what do you do what do you actually do what's your moves i thought being a bubble he would actually be kind of see-through you know what i mean what's he doing what's he doing he's looking at carrots is that his personality likes to observe carrots is that is that a thing maybe he wants to work at a green grocer i don't know what do you eat what's your he eats fruit i think he's trying to get that pogo fruit he ate a pogo he just pooped a thing he pooped two things what is it got a a bubble plot and a ball what is a bubble cherry i have no idea what that is dude wait come back here you're mine you little bubble cherry poop and slime what what even is that i don't know what that is bubble cherry where's my slime pedia entry telling me what that is i don't know what that is all right dude you can live in there okay you produce all the bubble cherries you want but what the heck is a bubble cherry do you eat them can you eat a bubble cherry i don't know what's a bubble cherry if you guys know what a bubble cherry is let me know in the comments otherwise i have no clue it's kind of awesome though but that's a bubble slime i managed to find one hopefully i can find some more in the future and thank you very much for watching this video if you like it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 426,914
Rating: 4.8560786 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher, Slime Rancher Mods, Slime Rancher Update, Slime Rancher Scuba, Slime Rancher Treasure Pods, New Slime Rancher videos, Slime Rancher Fynnpire, Slime Rancher Youtuber, New Slime, shiny slime, rare shiny, shiny, slime rancher 2021, slime rancher 2, unstable slime, ruby slime
Id: XoWnSP2rqRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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