I tried Kenshi for the first time and was immediately enslaved

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kenhi a game where you can have all your limbs hacked off and then try desperately to crawl away as Raiders dance on your corpse and then the developer looks at that and goes mechanics as intended carry on I've never actually played kenhi before so I figured why not play as a slave this was a mistake this is foreign he lives in a slave Camp staffed by zealous and frankly disagreeable individuals during his time here he's going to be beaten starved and stripped of all Humanity fortunately for him I have some experience for this as I live in England so I want to try to help him Escape each day that he remains he's less likely to make it out so will he experience Liberty or death the slaves get into the cage straight away to avoid a beating I've never played Kenji before I'm sure this will go well oh God my first task character creation I clicked randomize all and he looks like a sick version of me I mean I have to I have to go with it don't I oh God a very sick version of me oh there's another person as well so so we begin in the slave camps or rebirth B not alone we have jumper right here with us however I'm new to this game so one character is more than I can handle this point therefore jumper is going to be more neglected than a middle child with daddy issues you'll see still I picked this whole slavery thing cuz I figured it would give me a chance to follow a routine whilst I got to grips with the mechanics stop right there criminal SC no no I'm not trying to escape where's the cage where's the cage where's the cage God that man's so fast please you were injured no no where's the cage I wanted go to the cage Escape that man's using a proper simitar on me oh there's my guy down he's been knocked out oh he gets back up and you're down yo he's swinging back all right we've been sent somewhere so stomach our our blood's not great This Woman's right leg is yeah I mean that's that speaks for itself you can either live out the rest rest your life as a slave of Break Free and Escape I am trying yeah I was wrong I've been playing all of 30 seconds if that and already the main character and the spare have been knocked out with heinous heinous injuries they're going through almost as much trauma as I have trying to get to 200,000 subscribers and and you can help make that go away maybe I'm the middle child with neglect okay so strength has gone down to zero that's not mhm that's not great and I think you're in a coma are they treating me who are you lot the holy nation oh my God there's a lot that's another person as well healing us and another one these guys are better staff than HS they they've stolen me me world jump is actually doing their job why have they stolen me okay let's take a look at where we are I mean these are slave pits to create a statue all right it's a rough way to learn the game I suppose but here we are there two be upstairs is there a bed up here no it's a it's a cage what are they doing to her they shaved their head seems harsh so you're not considered a person with rights I mean yeah that is what a slave is I mean you're just sleeping you know what let's just sleep you off a little bit you you enjoy yourself current goal is aimless you and me both buddy after a bit of a rough start to our life as a slave uh we were about to recover enough to be deemed fit to work so we'd soon discover what all this slavery business had in tail for us it also meant we could start laying the foundations for an escape oh there we go you set up nice look at that he's free I mean he's sort of badly injured but I mean this right leg is not getting better so I think Jumper's dead that's okay we'll doal without her now I'm assuming you're going to go do your job all right cool mining it's a rough way to find out how how to play the game Let's oh no so jumper is like Jumper's basically dead that's fine jumper is going to be my guinea pig starting to see why Jumper's in for a rough time okay so loads of guards running around here thing is even if we escape we're going to starve to death this is an excellent point that I'm 100% sure I won't forget okay so those are the gates we're going to have to get around them somehow we not just go over the top no what if we just ran really fast I mean she's not going anywhere with the like I mean all of her limbs are basically gone as well as her hair I don't know why they did that all right get yourself stronger boy for's fine he's absolutely oh you also have no hair I mean the game did try and War me it did say go to the cage and uh well I didn't all right we're going to study the in and out gos here I'm already out of the gate what if I just ran for's in a good place right now if you were to sneak I mean I know you're hungry but this doesn't seem like a terrible time to run guys are absolutely rapid okay we're hungry so let's wait until we get some food in us and then we make our escape a fun fact about slave camps they don't actually feed you well they won't starve you to death but they'll keep you malnourished that's around 100 points this right now is the least hungry foreign going to be in this entire game he just didn't know it yet neither did I I was jumping again on on oh oh jump is not jump is not doing so hot you going to help pick her up no that's not my problem it's yours all right jumper were you um that was an escapee over there go on lad do it B how to do bounties that's what the game is telling me I think that man is dead as dark fell just like the dastardly misguided hero idiot that he is foren looked for a way to escape I I did say I was going to try and escape on the first night okay we locked into our cage and there's a man next to us holy Sentinel run speed is is that mine 8 Miles hour his is like 20 so we're not getting out of here via that I mean if ever there's a time to Escape right I did it first time why does he want to go free is it stock Home syndrome you unlocked it okay he's got no shackles Escape you did it son son you're out you're an escape slave now let's see are there any guards anywhere I got to do this before my Hunger you know starves me to death how can I get out there a road up here looks like maybe oh no I mean I'm assuming the guards are at the other post right yeah there are guards there I'm going to have to try what all this it okay so turns out there's a guard outside Oh no you're playing dead I mean if you're playing dead get up and go lad you just beat me to the left me oh for and go buddy that's definitely a patrol he's coming back okay now for him now now now that is a gate so see what we can do about coming this way without being spotted I know your leg is like is injured and I know your malnourished but come on don't see me don't see me nothing to see here is that gate being manned doesn't look like it that one is though extensively manned all the way up there no doesn't look like it all right I'm going to sort of have to go without sneaking for a sec hope no one sees him he's just slowly limping as this like sunbathing as morning Dawns the game crashes canonically I like to think that this was foreign as mind Palace mapping out all the different possibilities of escaping that night I ended up actually training his lockpicking by escaping and then immediately putting myself back in the cage and then escaping again the brief foray before the crash has Tau me we're going to need some skills to get out of here we can't just walk out don't know why that didn't occur to me to slave Camp after all look see I'm just good I'm a good slave hungry slave but a good one nonetheless they put more uh Shackles on me so I think what I need to do is unlock them but keep them on me I think that's smart right that sounds smart our lock picking is already 13 that's ideal that we're leveling up our Athletics which I think is going to be very very important given you know needing to run fast see we're also uh doing our strength because we're walking around with a very heavy inventory we got like these extra Shackles On Us jumper your back and your leg it's healing you might not be useless after all that for's walking again it's like quiet quitting but um with slavery so it's um well morally justifi well I suppose quiet quitting is as well I don't know why I'm equating what this man is doing to just modern workloads I I I I feel like this is a little bit a little bit harder maybe okay so when I right click close to myself he goes to a different or it's like he wants to quit this is great I keep on saying quit instead of Escape I don't know why I'm treating us like a job how's jumper stats doing Jumper's got six Athletics jum's got better Athletics uh than foreign okay let's do it again so just move very slightly and it goes to different or okay this also gives me a chance to survey the area so this is leveling up our strength but not our Athletics as much and I feel like the let it's going to be more crucial but I kind of I kind of like the idea that we can just sort of beat the hell out of um a guard we need to find some food as well see El is running this man cannot run he walks nay he strides look at this you might not like it but this is Peak masculinity why is he got a thigh gap day two passes with us leveling our Athletics and strength little side note when wearing shackles you get penalties to everything because they're shackles I again this felt like a massive Revelation to me I did not notice it at this point it actually started to dawn on me that escaping a medieval supermax prison staffed by zealous overseers might not be a one-day job I figured i' have to spend my night's leveling skills that I wouldn't be able to do during the day however clearly the guards knew I was up to something because our cage was in a completely different area I hate change so this was bad oh they put me a cage down here oh that's rough are all the ones upstairs taken what the hell is that about why they put a cage are they keeping an eye on me what I don't think our stealth is high enough so we need to level our stealth but I don't think it's such a good idea with this I mean can try right okay we're going to unlock our shackles whilst these guys are sleeping but we'll keep them on and we can remove them if we need to run first time huh okay we're going to sneak okay that's good okay we're sneaking okay I don't want to sneak into his ey line is this leveling up my sneaking I think it is okay here's what we're going to do we're just going to go back and forward and get in if we see anything like that okay he's just he's just dreaming okay they caught me but then immediately went back to bed okay so I can I can freely leave provided I get back in got to make sure they don't hit me okay this is statistically unlikely I keep on failing this okay right come on okay glad we're leveling up our skills boys okay well we unlocked our our things now no point sneaking we're going to be obedient so our Max Speed will be 16 mph a new day Dawns and with it the stunning realization that I won't be able to just Sprint outside the gates I I mean I don't know why it took me so long these things might be obvious to you I don't know why I didn't think of them so I decided the next day I was going to try and find a way to level my stealth without being beaten to death by my capts oh God that's taking me somewhere how's jumper doing okay not well still got that L problem huh look at the Jumper's Athletics my God I mean for's got 20 lock picking which I'm pretty pleased about okay this actually puts us outside of the gate that we were trying to trying to get to I don't think anyone can see us are there any guards on the way we could just go for it we' have to abandon jumper okay I didn't see that guy immediately get back to work no here here get back to work here no forign oh God you were you were there come please no no no you're outside the gates man you had it you had everything in the palm of your hand okay so we're going to have to spend our nights practicing spend our days running around all right the Athletics is doing well for he goes to the most like remote places to to help mine I I just oh wait maybe he's going for an escape oh okay interesting where the hell are you going what okay is that okay you're going to go and mine this one there's no one else around it's actually massively leveling up his stealth and no one can surprise him cuz I can see everything coming is that working his stealth is already six okay this is huge this is it this is our opportunity I like to imagine these guys watching this dude like they're doing backbreaking labor and he's just training going I am the Knight it's me foreign foreign land hands is where I'm going this Edge LGE man ever okay looks like that guy in the top left he is probably coming this way is he don't look like it actually unless he takes a right now okay he is all right now we get back to our job sorry sir nothing to see here another masterful escape from forign no no I miss CLI with jumper I'm so sorry jumper I'm so sorry god misclicking with jumper he got a crippled arm now your sword arm is crippled I mean I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to call that a sword arm at best it's the arm that she wipes away the tears at night with for stealth is 60 what the hell Christ he's good right any guards around yeah there's one there one following you going back up to that GE to train more you are an EDG Lord I always knew it I'll let you get up there and then we'll keep no it's time to go back isn't it yeah jump casually goes over to her stick for the night okay let's see what cages put us in this time uh okay the one downstairs again that's actually good cuz it helps us level our stealth I'm wait for him to go to bed all right now we get out of here so this next night I decided I wanted to put our stealth to the test because somehow playing peekaboo with our fellow slaves had somehow resulted in 60 stealth this meant we could sneak around pretty well consider there's food within sneaking distance and you have our short-term aim also I discovered if the guards caught us we could immediately Sprint into any cage and lock up ourselves in and they just call it quits kind of like uh if your parents were reaching for the belt you had a chance to make them laugh and then they'd be fine and forgive you my parents never laughed just about got back in that cage before they immediately attacked him all right so there's one there's only one downstairs we can actually probably make a break for that fish all right let's try okay they disced me immediately they picked me up just to put me back in just Ted me in me read me a little story okay I don't know where the other one is see is he going to grab it okay we at DED fish get in the cage okay we got that and we ate some food Christ that is terrifying all right and we do it again did I ever tell you the definition of insanity is there anything else that I'd rather get fuel there's the book of the Holy flame no or we already ate the drive meat um splink kit might be useful I could go and get what's in here can't tell H maybe we just level I we've only got like an hour before they wake up let's just level us our um stats had a feeling a really strange feeling that day five was going to be a big one for us so I decided to spend day four doing reconnaissance seeing which ways I could get in and out of the facility as well as taking any opportuni to power level because I am a gamer how was jumper doing yep still tied to a post I'm so sorry about that jumper it's all my fault you are a legend forign dude look how bad he wants to escape this dude has main character syndrome written all over him his Athletics might be terrible but a sneak it's going to be so good where are you going honestly maybe we use this time to see what else there is around I mean this unfortunately is a dead end we can spend the entire day doing this I am the Knight I am the shadow I am foreign I'd be so pissed if I was just hammer away at rocks all day and there's just this one dude nuto running all over the place like look at me I'm here I'm there you can't see me he's like forign we get it mate very sneaky we can't see you who's this forign you're talking about I am a ghost I am a shadow I cut about 10 minutes of this I I don't know what got into me there I'm fooling you right now no idea where I am okay I might have been 20 minutes Athletics gone up to 17 stealth is 74 oh another opportunity don't go for this one go for the other no forign come on man just okay there's a I don't think he sees me plan was to escape tonight but I mean right I think that guy's going to be looking this way the guards can't see us cuz of the Rocks so we can train oh he's coming don't mind me don't okay nice nice go that rock nice nice That's great distracting they see I think these lot seem the set and I uh do something unless there was a distraction even I don't have the heart for that okay opportunity did not how to present itself to to leg it from there but see what we can do tonight our skills are high for is deciding to level up his athletic skill wait did someone Escape I think they did it said let the dogs take her what am I not the main character confess Beast what are you darker Beast of impure blood oh that's fun that was a leg not great all right apparently we're heading to the cages now go and snack one of the good ones yeah that's a good one they replace the meat no maybe tonight's the night we try and go a little bit further explore one of these buildings maybe as night fell once more I figured I'd push our luck just a little bit further and see if the neighboring buildings had any supplies or maybe even some weapons and so all I had to do was wait for the guards to fall asleep you going to go to bed or dude go to sleep never seen someone so determined oh no he's going for a walk and you're sitting down you prick watch your profanity apparently today's not the day okay what if I reset him by escaping you can see I've escaped sir that guy does not care okay so this guy doesn't care this one does go to sleep both of you you know an escape risk or something so this is how it's going to be huh are you not like tired that one's gone to bed no he's gone upstairs so is not going to go to sleep huh I'm not tired your current goal is shopkeeper right now wait okay now he's he's gone to sleep yeah okay we've only got like an hour got an hour to leave and then get back right what do I try and do do I try and Escape now or do I loot one of these buildings maybe I loot one of the ones next door instead it doesn't look look inhabited does it let me leave my shackles outside I'm going to go ahead and say this is a terrible idea to go into this building let's try another one any food in here Grog okay well we've got um got alcohol nothing else in here okay I reck we have to go back to bed cuz we going to start waking up soon that's a shame at least I can level up my stealth can you really not see me our stealth must be way better than I thought it was they didn't even notice me as they walk past what the hell do they know I'm in here mate you're not going to let me out are you you sick son ah there we go we've been let out a disappointing night but I knew that day five was going to be special we just had to keep our eyes peeled for any sort of opportunities I think I want to get a bit more bold now I was about to sneak into that building but look there's a guard guarding it so glad I I didn't do that oh God there's there's an escape over there they going to win I mean they're holding their own well I mean is oh they're unconscious nice nice far you're leaving perfect now get to an opportunity place that rock would be amazing go go yes for him yes I think the guard is left as well I don't think we're going to get a better opportunity than this there was another escapee I saw Escape grab her and I panicked where do we go okay I snuck in here this is where the guards sleep I've snuck into the gods that's right the weird fortified buildings I've been trying to sneak into without any sort of critical thinking turn out to be Barracks good realization there however in my panic I did Sprint around the back of the building where no one could actually see see me that somehow worked I don't know how how that worked okay we're going to wait here don't think there's any way up there no okay we're I mean we're outside the walls if I can get to here the issue is I think they can see me I think we just wait for night you know let's get somewhere no one can see us and then just wait for night might as well level up my stealth while I'm here right oh my God they all left they all left the god SP I can't wait does that mean it's no don't sneak back in I was about to think what if I snuck back in uh but that's a terrible idea because then I'm inside when they go back to sleep right okay I've remained hidden okay I think I've snuck away you know yes yes yes yes yes be free my boy an opportunity seized and we'd managed to slip away we were no longer a slave now the world is our oyster in kenhi we can go anywhere do anything at least that's what I thought where to now I mean we we got out we're an escaped slave it's obedient slave out of here is that the way out discovered ruins my God forign you made it all right we are going to need food kind of ASAP cuz we will starve to death the red wo is below 87 you'll pass out we need to find food now see the second we an escape slave they sto feeding us and so our hunger starts to tick down which meant all the time I was waiting I was slowly starving to death once hunger hits 87 only four points away we'd start to pass out but fortunately I did find some buildings only hope is that there's food in these places that doesn't look like food looks like spiders what the hell is that it's a blood spider thought that's going to kick my ass damage book damage book leather no food what's a no Dai oh my God it's a weapon Copper motor we need food man just as I run out of Hope I found a locked building that means that anything in there has been Untouched by Raiders or scavengers however time did start to run out right there's something here we have to pick the lock oh we're unconscious that's not good pick the lock this what we trained for he's unconscious again continually passing out we had to rely on all of those hours spent lockpicking honing our skills until eventually you did it C in It's Just Books just goddamn books only got one choice we're starving to death we got to go back to the slave Camp that's right heartbreakingly we had freedom but you can't eat Freedom so it was a Race Against Time to try to limp back to the camp and beg for some food don't even know if we'll make it back come on buddy there's a lone Shack on my uh my map but we there's no way we can get to it there's a mountain range in the way okay we still have all of our stealth so maybe we don't need to go back per se I got a stupid idea there's nowhere sneaking past this lot so why don't we try and sneak into these guys holy flame some trousers oh go just go oh God okay that's bad all right well back we go into slavery we made it back right back into the cages we'd sprung from however forign is built different some might give up but he's already planning his next escape the issue was we were caught doing some thievery not sneaking not stealth so we'd have to level up that certain skill after recovering from several near fatal stab wounds of course no they're going to patch us up and they're going to feed us is the important thing oh my God there's a lot of them but that's that's kind of painful okay so brief 4 a next time we need food just immediately unconscious they didn't steal my Grog so North isn't an option then there's something cool there the Lost library but blister Hill is a settlement so it's got to be South we have to escape South that's the only way how do I do that though we can steal food from there oh my God they're together okay we got banged up we're not like horrifically Meed I mean J was a cripper for a while and she's fine now I renamed our characters to the hopeful few cuz I think that makes more sense right let's get a look at this South can't we escaped and had to crawl home okay there are guards there again this is the north there's a lone Shack to marked on the map but I don't think that helps back out here again my shackles are still there see most people would give up but foreign not most people immediately started sneaking immediately got caught it's okay what if we went about it a different way what if we stole first we can pickpocket guards right we just need to get our like our other stats up thievery that's what we were missing because last time I I equated it to lockpicking but we were trying to steal from people hey jumper how's it going buddy keep on taking me to the north I don't want to go to the north I want to go to the South all right whilst we're here let's unlock these shackles immediately start leveling up our uh stealth again that man just doesn't see me he just didn't he ran straight past me okay now we'll go to the cage okay so we need to experience stealing things from containers we do that tonight wait it doesn't even necessarily say containers does it it says stealing things so it could be anything oh that's a bad place to be chained up I mean is it jumper is still in that cage right time for us to Escape right so each of these buildings has people in let's try stealing it's the new plan okay that's not going to work about this one okay I've stolen a wooden Bowl stolen all this stuff there's a wrench I could steal okay we stolen a cup as well religious book of the Holiness and every na every citizen has to have one by law all right we'll just put these outside thevery has gone up to 5 81% if I steal it again does it count it does right well I guess that's what we're going to be doing let's um let's get out of sight we're going to put things on the floor and then we're going to pick them up again do it right next to this guy so you can blame him if anything I think go wrong cool there's a lot of things to steal here okay that's that's less good uh quick get a cage I'm in a cage see 3 is up to 8% or eight all right we need that like probably I don't actually know I was just going to say 15 cuz it sounds like a good number but I have no idea same rules as before get the shackles off get to work get back in the cage run buddy the nine right I think we're going to try and sneak upstairs now these locks are getting harder I think I'm going to keep my this splint kit probably good idea given you know what we're trying to attempt okay I think he's woken up is he woken up he did but he's not doing anything okay do they don't wonder where everything is 33% Christ it takes a while now I need the shackles though H I left them downstairs didn't I picked them up and let's leave the house all right cool we just snuck past him now knowing that we can run away I reckon we leave the shackles outside there's a cage outside is one none that I can get to quickly okay we're probably going to get our ass beat for this but we have to try stealing from you know a bit more high stakes I don't know why I did this I'd already established that I could level up thievery I don't know why I felt the need to sneak into a barracks and get stabbed again they've immediately attacked me Chuck on the shackles stop sneaking and uh we we need to get a cage really quickly he's probably going to attack me and kill me where are the cages yeah that'll do it okay we're pretty badly hurt but I think that was worth it considering the stats that we got the chest needs bandaging we're not getting bandaged we're actually in tremendous pain yeah we're getting worse oh another bandage up now nice okay good all right I need to go do another job that's close to someone can steal okay he's immediately going to AR me let's just get in a cage okay might trapped myself here but that's fine no they picked me up they' they taken me somewhere else stick in here instead ah okay right they just cut me down for no reason my God it's been a rough day so far yeah our leg injury is getting worse so I think what I'm going to do is attack a God okay I've been knocked unconscious and my leg I think is is crippled I'm hoping that they'll they'll f fix that at least they got a treatment sometimes I mean that's how it works uh in this country when I uh when I get severely injured I just turn up scrap some uh some nurses and then they'll they'll well they they beat the hell out of me the nurses obviously um but I do end up getting treated so there's that all right we might be injured but that's no excuse let's get out of here oh my got a jumper oh well for a second it was jumper that is jumper I'm trusting me El so my thevery is currently 30 and 45 43% I'm going to go into this put it in there then I'm going to take it back yeah okay put it on the ground Works let's just do that then so that's what we did I'm not sure how this levels my thievery but this is 2,000 time speed the plan was pretty simple even for my feeble mind level my thevery to the point where I could sneak up and pickpocket a guard maybe stealing a weapon some food or even a disguise see I need to leave through the South exit somewhere that the slaves hardly ever went and is heavily guarded with with two guard posts i' figured I'd spend the next day grinding out fevery during the day hiding up on a roof and then we'd go scouting oh my God the guards can the cage okay nice right what did we get our we got our thievery up higher than our lockpicking 39 okay nice we also leveled up our melee defense I assume by just getting smashed in the face yeah getting hurt increases your toughness as well as your melee defense the toughness actually will probably help us a little bit okay I think next night we're going to try and see what we can do about pickpocketing T is statistically very unlikely okay even more unlikely okay this is now getting kind of ridiculous how unlikely this is getting why does he put his hand through his face it's like one of those early uh face pal memes okay there is someone downstairs fine cuz it's part of the plan I get in this cage pick the lock I escape and steal more things in fact I kind of want to take them upstairs okay let's take them upstairs that's we're more likely to get up here anyway so I'm going to drop on the ground over here more stuff for us to steal after all Peak game play this good to have a purpose though we know we know something's out there just got to go find it all right we'll keep that stack there we need it let's go down stairs Okay so we've got decent lockpicking and thievery decent stealth our issue is going to be stuff like assassination so um anyway it's been nice I'm going to go ow why you go off my head again dude really KN has fallen he stared at me and so it's about to be our time I was kind of hoping you'd go to bed cuz it looked like you were going to then you didn't Sur will eventually right and one of them's asleep nope they're both awake they can see me no they can't that's weird So the plan was to wait until day and then go scouting but I figured the guard's right there he's sleeping I'll just Nick his sword right just want to sleep [Laughter] that's cool I think they just arrested him so we need a helmet trousers and a shirt okay I've stolen one weapon I think I need another weapon if I steal his other weapon I could just kill him yeah okay so now if he gets upset I'll just take him out uh attack unprovoked it we kicking my ass surely we kill him we have a sword it's a good combat experience at least but yeah no you kicked our ass yeah we just lost one a man you do not need to adjust your monitor that's really can you imagine some dude has a sword and he beat the hell out of him no two swords at this point I figured it' be best to stick to my original plan instead of getting continually remained as fun as that was he took literally the shirt off my back he wants me to be a worker all right well okay where are we going now this is an amazing place to be plus one set of gods I mean I don't think we can get out of here but I think this is the is this the this is the South if I could just make it past this gate that's Freedom don't think I can make it past that gate though I mean they gave me melee defense of 10 Dodge of six turns out a guy beat my ass when I had a sword and he didn't that's kind of it's kind of rough God that is not a good look for us this guy is really following us see some of the guys are allowed out for a second look at that where are they going are they running yeah and he's back dogging me guess he needs to take it personally I think he's still in his Loop of I'm a a traitor so we're just going to do this you're really not going to do anything to stop me usually just attack me if I do this oh it's always nice to see if face there jump up dude this guy is mean mugging me I think the guard we jumped took very personally cuz he spent the entire day on us like he would not leave us alone for for a second we're in for the night but we're kind of badly damaged he just turned up to look at me like don't try anything oh yeah sure okay one is asleep and I think that's the only one okay we're going to make something happen as Day N ticked into day 10 and it was time to go we'd seen the South section with our own eyes for the very first time two guard gates to get past considering how closely the guard was following me I didn't really think I'd get another opportunity so it had to be tonight I'm going to keep these on me so I can shackle him let's go for the shirt we got the shirt let's go for the head just the armor and the sword now all right just the sword got it so he's now like a slave he's us and we are him okay cool down is a couple of seconds so we need to get upstairs and wait okay there's another guard sleeping there okay we're no longer being fed SO waiting is painful but I mean what else can we do okay the disguise is on it's time to get moving all right jumper I'll come back for you buddy it's time to head south two sets of gods let's see if it gets us through okay right we are through will we make it to blister Hill the first set of guards didn't even blink but that wasn't my main concern at this point my main concern like before was Hunger I don't think I or foreign for that matter could take escaping only to have to limp back and beg for more food we have to find something now I mean do you think there's food here go past everyone try sneaking nothing nothing nothing nothing maybe there's some in the barracks oh my God yes we did it we stole the food go go go go yes we're not we're not starving we're not starving all right now time to make our Escape ideally we just walk out this front door come on man like nothing happened we got food we got weapon we got an armor and we're out and a light Dawns the sun rises on a new day for forign 's pride there it is there's a village Escape slave for 2 hours you guys are also with the holy nation so you shouldn't give me any trouble what the hell are you patrols let's get into the village We Made It List the village huh there's a bar an armor shop now this is freedom Escape slav is going down these statues what is this place I we don't have anywhere to sleep for the night but other than that we're now an EXs slave the heat is died down we needs to avoid getting found out but there it is still we learn a lot in our time in prison our stealth our lot picking our SLE our thievery it's it's all high the meley stuff not so much so it's definitely something we could uh be using put our skills to good use and let's not forget jumper is still there so we need to get her out
Channel: Laith - TheSocialStreamers
Views: 66,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LAITH, I tried Kenshi for the first time and was immediately enslaved
Id: 107N6jNrHpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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