they enslaved my only son in Kenshi

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so when you're choosing your new beginning you get these different little starts I'm gonna play the hardest beginning they have which is one called Rock Bottom difficulty very hard here's a little synopsis you've hit absolute Rock Bottom you are alone you are unarmed naked and hungry lost in the middle of a harsh desert teeming with slavers and you just lost an arm good luck oh that sounds like fun like fun can't wait remember in Shrek when he drinks that potion and becomes like human like handsome Shrek I tried to make the guy look like that didn't really work my wife was pregnant with the uh with the first one I was like hey you know I'm gonna name this kid Hogarth if it turns out to be a boy after that movie The Iron Giant um and it turned out I had a daughter and so then the second one came along I was like hey I'm gonna name this one Hogarth if it turns out to be a boy I ended up having another daughter so uh this one uh I never had the opportunity to have a little Hogarth in my life and now this guy is my Hogarth you are my son you are shaped just like me you are made in my image and you are perfect he's been alive for 12 seconds he looks shell-shocked already spawning two seconds in found friends already manhunters are manhunters bad guys let me do some scouting look if he click yeah like it would have like a big red arrow if I if they were bad guys see dummy I know what I'm doing this what kind of looks like an escaped slave don't you think good enough for me there is only one way to find out take him to the slavers kind of a one in a million but the uh the people that were trying to enslave me they ended up getting attacked by some starving vagrants and naturally uh I just waited for people to fall on the floor during the fight and then I went up there and stole their teeth it's just a it's just something normal people do during a fight I told you this game is [ __ ] easy dumbasses all right run oh my God why are they so fast compared to me okay okay we're gonna have to drop some Goods drop that drop your other weapon drop your [ __ ] pants what's making you run so slow yeah it's over for me dude it's [ __ ] game over oh I'm walking now all right just [ __ ] beat me up you know when you're playing this game you really do have to look out for Silver Linings and the one silver lining I imagine I had right there is that these guys had already enslaved so many people there wasn't a shoulder for to like throw me over and bring me back to slave HQ so instead they just left me here in the dirt um is that better it's hard to know you know you make your own victories in this game are you healing me up sir Oh I thought he was doing something nice to me turns out he's just enslaving me okay oh hey I got cool jewelry you know drip or drown yeah so after you put the ankle bracelets on me he looked at me and said all right show up to this uh the slave Camp to start your slave your your days of being a Slave and so naturally I was like I'm not doing that and so I just walk the other direction across the big desert this harrowing tale of slavery was brought to you by Factor tragedy my gaming session has yet to end and my tummy is demanding food I simply don't have the time or the inclination to leave my dwelling and hunt for food or create food from the ingredients stored in my root cellar thankfully I factor a service that delivers fresh never Frozen ready-made meals to my doorstep I can quickly refill my body with nutrients and then get back to the important stuff facto's menus are updated weekly and include over 27 meals and over 34 add-on options choose your favorite meals or let us create an order based on your taste preferences and meal history they offer Seafood veggie meat options keto calorie smart Chef's favorites vegan and vegetarian use my link or go to and use code pugsam130 to get 130 off across six boxes I wonder if uh this little thing here at the top left it says Escape slave situation undiscovered I look like a slave sixty percent um I don't know what that means really hold on let's see a slave of the manhunters has been escaping I've been seen Escape he needs to lay low for a day to avoid getting spotted ooh that's a cool hat though gonna take the Hat wait a minute oh my [ __ ] god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don't look like a slave you guys are wrong uh the sleeve didn't have a rice hat this is the worst thing that happened to me today but you have to admit I got some cake I'm Caked Up pick the lock and got this guy to escape to see what would happen if I tried to escape let me tell you something that was pretty Swift uh uh it really did a number on that guy buddy he's dying okay um all right all right so I was hoping that uh how is this guy that's like crawling going faster than us he's like catching up anyways I was hoping that uh waiting out my bounty would they would Set Me Free you know I thought like maybe these slaves have prison sentences or something it's not like that once you're enslaved I think you're just uh kind of a slave for life that sucks uh now they got me going to a stone Camp to just break stone for all of eternity I'm day I'm here at the LA Quint Dickey Mining Company no son of mine is going to grow up in bondage first I'm gonna unlock these shackles then I'm gonna pick [ __ ] it's I know it's locked you're supposed to lock pick you have a pretty decent lock picked did they put me in an unpickable cage [ __ ] I'm actually like actually enslaved I can't get out nah I found out over time that uh I'm able to lock pick the shackles and the cages of the people next to me okay because their cages were a little bit less difficult to lock pick and so I'd hope that if I lock pick their stuff my lock picking skill would go up and I would be able to eventually pick my own lock to my own cage the problem is I'm at the whim of the slavers for because they're my supply of locked locks so it was really conflicting it was a sad story a slave in a cage desperately hoping that his Masters would find more people to enslave every time they walked in there with the new slave I was so happy what kind of man is that what is this game done to me you know what's this game done to me and I'm on day four now of just sitting in this uh in this cage they have to take me out at some point they have to there's no way they can just leave me here forever so I now I wait it's like actual slavery what the [ __ ] there's a lot of games out there that are unforgiving all right I think tarkov is a great example of a game that is unforgiving hunt Showdown unforgiving xanama unforgiving kimchi is unforgiving in a whole nother [ __ ] level like they just the cage that I cannot leave but me being the forever Optimist I'm always an optimist there is a silver lining here um when you get enslaved in this game they're not gonna let you starve you know nobody lets a slave starve they've given me three Square meals so far I mean you know it's not Golden Corral level but they keep me right above the starving to death uh hunger indicators so this is pretty good you know oh Abby's here with my lunch I'm gonna go eat that and just leave this I'm not gonna lie guys I was I was upstairs eating lunch for like uh I don't know 25 30 minutes still just sitting in this uh this here cage yeah I got bored of waiting so I want to go ask uh stalt for help he's played a lot of this game Hold On by the way this is Hogarth this is the sun I always wanted yeah um anyways he got he's in prison and I can't lock pick I have a zero percent chance I've lock picked every other cage around me to raise my lock picking level and I've unlocked two sets of prisoner shackles for the skill like they're not taking me out to break rocks they're not working me in the fields nothing like oh look at that useless little body yeah is it because I have one arm is that why are they ableist I guess so like dude I would think a one-armed I'm actually offended a one-armed guy should be able to swing a hammer I I should be able to break rocks with the rest of them I think that's what it is look everybody else is using two arms and two arm pickaxes I don't think they make them one-handed uh that's why I'm just sitting in a cage forever I think they just forgot about me which is more hurtful I think like if I had been enslaved and they were like you're a special slave we're gonna work you the hardest and they just treated me like [ __ ] I'd be like okay well at least it's negative attention but this is like they enslaved me and then they're like this guy's so useless we're not even gonna work them dude look at that face how could anybody ever forget that I see that [ __ ] in my dreams at night that's probably it oh God the lighting changed it's a demon honestly the guards keep walking in they make it to about here and then they turn around and walk out of it they're walking in they're catching on they run away this is how I level up my lock picking is by picking the guy next to me because his cage is a lot easier well they make your cage so much harder I don't know I try to keep this little demon in dude yeah dude they put me in like [ __ ] Fort Knox over here it's like a padlock from hell yeah I want you in were you in another cage before you got there no no what did he just do to you he put Shackles on me okay so I have something to lock pick now unlock shackles now this is giving me this is rekindled the fire of of Hope now especially since I'm guaranteed gonna get level 24 right here and I'm just setting level 25 as my what I think the entry level is to being able to lock pick this cage so it's a good good key to remember Ctrl shift 11. okay I still do not have the ability to do that but now all I need to do is simply take off these things and throw them down on the ground maybe my shackles I see you have taken my shackles off again perhaps you should put some more Shackles on these dainty little ankles 11 in-game days oh wait unlock shackles which is the problem when you put yourself in a cell and there's nobody to attend to you do you just get stuck I did not put myself in here I can assure you you did something I did not I swear to God I was just at the mercy of these slavers everybody commits a crime to get in prison okay so my lock picking's at 28 now though so and this one is currently the log has a difficulty of 64. when did the guy say that he could pick a lock he could do uh level 70 when he was level 40. so I'm guessing mid 30 35 maybe oh my God okay all right I mean not like you're gonna do do anything else you know okay where are you where are you getting all the human teeth from uh anytime they put someone next to me in a cage I yank out their teeth and I put them in my pocket there's no order they don't want to let you out you're just [ __ ] God real teeth it's uh I only have 13 of them here we go oh yeah my lock picking is soaring now I got this guy's cage in front of me Sam you statistically the most unlucky kimchi player at this point I'm not doubting it still alive you're still alive that's that's I would rather be dead lock picking it's at 35 right now I have zero percent problem is I've unlocked everything I gotta say watching a guy in the cell is [ __ ] thrilling I'm gonna [ __ ] kill myself do anything I'm feeling I have seen 20 [ __ ] prisoners come and go out of these other cells man they just leave me in here to rot dude just start a new game what are you doing the whole point is to play it where it lands like golf like this you're not gonna get out of this [ __ ] cage now now determined I've raised my [ __ ] log picking killed 20 levels since I've been in here and I have accomplished so much more in this 1.1 square of cage by just sticking my arms yeah this is fun filing this sucks foreign great just you would until I break out yeah when I get out of here I'm gonna be a whirling dervish of of all sorts of possibilities I'm probably just gonna get immediately enslaved again like right here you're gonna walk five feet and just get trampled hey but then your tiny little legs I I have the skill to get out of any cage they put me in at this point I'm gonna leave it like this and I'm gonna go get some stuff to hang up a shelf in here in my office I'm gonna see how long it takes for them to re-shackle me I'll come back and check on this in a little bit yeah they added someone next to me oh my shackles hell yeah freedom lock picking's 36. this might be the one right here just this one person 37. anyways I'm going to continue moving this thing I'll come back to see if there's any new people added [Music] it looks the same all right let's shake things up a little bit Yeah time to shake them up in three days [Music] three set squat positions classic move classic move that always stirs the pot a little bit something gets locked up someone else gets added to the the prison anybody else want me to lock pick some man anybody else believable way to get out I I seriously don't think there's a way out of this place it's driving me bananas oh wait they added somebody yeah and I cannot pick my own later [ __ ] 24 days in here 24 days and you believe it I can get out freedom uh he's mine so what did I do I ran for it and I made it about six feet away from the bottom of the stairs before they crippled me and then dragged me back in and put me in a cage and called me a stupid slave I hate this game so good news and I'm now in a Cell that's much easier to lock pick so technically I'm free except for I'm still a slave but I can't just get out and then run but problem is I'm in the middle of a run run oh Garth run Pickens help me send ninjas excellent excellent excellent oh me I'm this guy now I just found random people that died food I've been seen but I only look like a slave 20 percent all right I'm outside heft I have no idea whether or not they're gonna attack me the second they see me but this is any indicator it says Escape slave looks like a slave 20 percent when I look at the average person just walking down the sidewalk every person I I go like that's like 20 of what a a slave would look like how about you fellas let me in Amazon thank you would you like to buy some teeth that I plucked out of the mouth of the people that were next to me in prison I mean at Work Camp just make it into the bar you got money I go into the bar inside the bar whoa that's a lot of cops okay let's do some business buy me one of these thank you you might have noticed just went to the store got a little bit of drip got my cargo pants got a turtleneck even got a custom little sleeve made for the stub ew slave what the [ __ ] where's my master what are you talking about how'd this guy see how'd this guy know well I'm basically um in prison again totally different city uh for crimes unknown to me apparently they some random guy just was like that's a slave I can tell threw me in a cage I'm really high [ __ ] lock picking I picked out of there in two seconds I found a training dummy was this training huh well you know what while I recoup my head damage and all that stuff I'm just gonna sit here and work on my uh my melee attack so they think I'm just passing the time they don't know I'm turning into a killing machine I want out of the desert is there like a is is there like a Utopia down here is there a nice place anywhere around here anything here anything good let's do it you guys Run West damn dude they [ __ ] got me in like two seconds why is everybody fast for me it's because I gave myself such tiny little feet and legs I can't run very fast I think I might just wait out my bounty so I can at least just use my 2300 bucks I have to hire some [ __ ] bodyguards before I leave this place winter stole me from the guards over here and he's like hey I'm bringing them into town or whatever and the the guards are attacking am I free do I have my freedom okay I'm escaped slave I look at zero percent like a [ __ ] slave time remaining nine hours undiscovered all I have to do is avoid crazy desert [ __ ] like Giant roaming packs of skimmers and and slaves slash slavers what are these and the most swag guys of all what the hell is this guy this guy's wearing like pajamas this guy's badass I want to be him as long as we avoid all the peeps like that we should be good I think I might be free at last free at last I have found an animal Trader wandering just south of the great desert and a little place called King and they are moving south outside of the desert and more importantly they ain't mean they're pretty chill you know so I just sent my guy to follow him and we'll see where they're going chances are people like this they're always going to like a town of some sort so I'm hoping that uh they'll lead me to I don't know some giant [ __ ] City with like you [ __ ] um like a [ __ ] Dave and Buster's uh maybe I could go for an onion bloom right now I'm not lying to you Outback Steakhouse would be pretty tight oh my God Route 44 cherry limeade from a Sonic are you kidding me maybe like a bowling alley or something too that could be cool you know just like a regular modern town okay this time I'm at a different city called Hing I guess that's the namesake of King and it's uh pretty far from heft uh mud last time you had this shot of just like me looking at the very place I was about to go um I was like hey do you think that it would be safe to go in there and then I went in and immediately got enslaved well this time I'm going in to I'm hoping the further I get from like slave Central which is over here uh the nicer people will be but okay I got a bed up in a in above a bar and I think I'm just gonna like sleep like this for like 90 something hours like until I'm not a slave I'm gonna I'm gonna sleep till I'm not a slave that's what's gonna happen and so far that's going to be uh let's see Hogarth is an ex-slave for 81 hours let's get going I'm just sleeping off this bounty uh when I get out of here man are you kidding me I'm gonna be looking for a whorehouse or something hang hang has got a whorehouse I don't think those are in this game this game's got everything this game you can do almost anything and I just realized they don't have whorehouses I don't think there's a single one come on come on a world like this are you kidding prostitution would be alive and well you got slaves you got some I should be able to go somewhere in this world and trade uh cats for Kitty you know what I'm saying a little bit of cat for Kitty uh I'm very surprised there's no uh no brothels or anything uh this game sucks I'm gonna go play something else I think I might just leave it on while I go hang out with my family for the night and then it'll be done by 9 pm laughs it is now ah 9 16 P.M my guy has been laying in this bed all day to get rid of that bounty free at last free at last see what kind of hijinks we can get up to I know let's go buy a Slave excuse me if I may I would like to take a quick little break in the video here to remind you that I made a DND show with my friends Bizzle snap Brian and poop it's called die of laughter and here's here's a little clip for you see if you like it William why don't you go uh change out uh guard Duty Cinema what you've done great I said go you we love you too much we don't want you to get hurt come back down here go downstairs go get chip and chunk and guard the Cellar Door come back down here go downstairs heels all right and he starts making his way back towards you and the squad that sound gets a little bit louder oh that's not good uh as he passes me I shake his hand and I say good job scouting ahead dude you're a credit to the team is he sniffing anything well thank you I don't know where all this is coming from but it feels good to be appreciated yeah did you step in [ __ ] I hear like a swishing noise I made sick down there at the end you step in it uh you up Chuck I gave you a ration and you puked it up you go back there and eat that chicken and then when he starts to go down the stairs I [ __ ] get them down I am not okay he's falling for a minute now I was like Mr glass [Music] no no no I just give him a pat on the back and he goes down there hopefully hands back down high gritted teeth yeah and as he heads back down he looks back and he says don't leave me alone down there for too long it heads off and you can tell this this place is uncomfortable so much [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 898,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, funny, gameplay, general sam, rock bottom, kenshi lets play, let's play kenshi
Id: iIr-TSLhOzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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