100 DAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD? | A vanilla Kenshi challenge

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morning the world of kenhi is full of evil corrupt and narcissistic Royals racist and misogynistic zealots flesh hungry skeletons and many other vile factions but what if I put a stop to it what if I could overthrow those leaders and replace them with the good The Honorable and the heroic I'll be playing kenhi with no mods pure vanilla and I'll pick the Rock Bottom scenario will I save the world in 100 days or is there no saving anyone or anything [Music] our hero is zero now I know what you're thinking zero is it because he's nothing right now and you'd be half right zero when you think of it is powerful you can't divide it no matter how you slice it you can't divide a Nothing Cake furthermore you can't perceive it because when you think of it you can't perceive nothing perceiving nothing would mean there's something there to perceive also he's a cool character from border lands so our hero is going to be unstoppable for race I went with human and for subrace I went with scorchlander for that juicy 20% XP bonus in athletics day one zero is hungry and missing his left arm while stranded in the great desert he's weak and frail and couldn't defend himself so I need food equipment and cats to fund my training no not actual cats it's just an name of the in-game currency though it's cute to think of Traders just exchanging for product my first order of business was getting to the near City for some food I didn't have any cats so I did as you would do for the beginning of any run I mind ore I still had one functional arm so I might as well put it to good use while I was mining I found a pile of garu corpses the inner loot Goblin in me was happy to oblige in these gifts they had meat and leather that I could sell I used the cats to buy a backpack then I decided to make a run for the United City's capital of heft on my travel I came across a hiver caravan I knew these guys sold cheap Prosthetics so I had a little brows of their Wares and I was right now I had a functional but shoddy quality left arm then I continued my Sprint to heft evading any perils in my way in heft I exchanged my small backpack for a Trader's backpack it was an investment for idea I had I just needed more funds to start it so I would need to find some stuff to sell I thought about doing activities here but the deserts were too dangerous SL flers skimmers Bandits and Noble kill squads staying here while zero was still level one in his skills would be a death sentence first I went over to sto this would be my last stop before I would just start my long journey I wasn't looking for anything specific there I did stop by the bar to purchase some food for the road though then they chose to leave the dangerous desert for holy nation territory they're harmless if you're human and don't have any Prosthetics on hence why I unequipped my economy arm before embarking during my Sprint I got bit by bone dog while traversing the spine Canyon luckily I had a bandage to patch myself when I was safe what a cheap shot SMH when I arrived in oaken's Pride a high Paladin approached zero I was very attempted to just attack the religious radical but a cooler mind prevailed i' get my pound of Flesh in due time for now I just had to go along with the charade and he gave me medical supplies the idiot believed the ruse I arrived at blister Hill the holy nation capital I stopped here to mine some iron ore and sold it I didn't buy anything at the bar but I did steal some bread leather and a small figure then I trained my lockpicking when no one was looking finally I left for the southern part of Oak's Gulf there was a city there I could resupply at at the boot store I bought some sandals so I could run even faster reduce the travel time you know anyways the reason why I ran all the way down to stack was to train my Athletics so I could run faster why because I thought it would be an appropriate time to gather team members I just need to run to Mongrel and hopefully not get captured then eaten by fogmen in the fog Islands I was Nimble enough to escape any fogman patrols I made into Mongrel unscathed I was here for the almighty beep a bit of a mean character among the keni community but his H racial bonuses were good for stealthy stuff I bought him a backpack and sandals but then I realized Hiers can't wear Footwear so I saved them for later the both of us made our exit we were making our way to squin for our next squadmate Ruka she's a Shea so she's great for strength heavy weapons and other combat related skills due to their racial B NES anyways now that I had a squad rounded up it was time to oh hungry Bandits I let the gate guards handle them and then I looted The Spoils of battle what was I saying oh right mining I needed cats to start my profit project once I had the copper ore I embarked for the swamp there was a city over there that grew hemp and produced hashish a recreational drug in kenhi that is illegal in most cities however you can make profits selling the stuff in shark the stuff is cheap so I'm just going to buy in bulk then I'll head to Flats Lagoon to sell the stuff for massive markup this was going to be the plan for the next several days I just need to dodge the roaming patrols of red saber swamp ninjas blood spiders dust Bandits hungry Bandits beak things gorilla Bandits and land bats yeah it was brutal and our group did get roughed up but it was totally worth it for the profits I even had zero continue the operation while Ruka and beep had to rest from their wounds eventually I had too much product to sell I had to buy stuff from the shop owners just to sell them more hashish it was maps and a better arm arm for zero not the best but a skeleton arm Which is far better than a shoty economy arm he previously had equipped also when it was morning and more shops opened I bought some armor for zero Ruka and beep including a crossbow for beep I figured since he was the weakest in the group he would benefit from training his ranged combat skills as the squad left Flats Lagoon we came across the aftermath of a fight it seems a lone drone one against a beak thing I healed him up and wished him luck before we continueed with our business we were making that bread or well cats bread cat whatever I just wanted the surplus of funds to buy better equipment and fund our Quest it was mostly peaceful travels until day 10 in which we got ambushed by a couple swamp ninjas zero and Ruka got koed within seconds and beep only survived because he stunned them with his crossbow shots I had to retreat them into the safety of shark before I could rescue the rest of the team during the downtime I had beat practice his lockpicking skill as well the next day I figured we could use some more members to bolster our strength I went into the bar to pick up the former slave Mew she has the unique ability to detect when spiders are nearby a literal spidey sense and just in the nearby building we picked up hamu he's an idealist like us he wants to put an end to slavery so he's definitely in both muu and humu are greenlanders so they don't have the big racial bonuses like Ruka and beepdo but they joined us for free so all the better for us and our cats we all set out to continue our Hashi be run we were going to purchase from some nearby Village since I bought out the shark Supply already that's when we came across more swamp ninjas but this time the gate guards cut them down we just helped ourselves to The Spoils of battle we even carried their bodies to train our strength even with our greater Squad size we had to resort to retreating most of the time there was an attack at least for the big patrols if we outnumbered our enemies it gave us a fighting chance when we arrived at flatz Lagoon on day 13 we sold our hash and made more than 100,000 cats we used a surplus of cats to buy some equipment for our newer members and decide to find a new friend to help us car our stuff a garu we bought them from the settled Nomads and Shem Gus are pack animals so it' makes sense for our Squad to have one we would go into the Border Zone to scavenge some ruins for random assortments of loot we did get attacked by some hungry Bandits as we were traveling to a nearby Way Station I thought we were strong enough to handle some weak Bandits well we did win but at a heavy cost most of the squad was limping or had to be carried after recuperating our wounds we looted another ruins then headed to the hub to sell our findings we were in the area to train our dexterity and toughness with the weaker enemy patrols that's when I realized I know a better way to train our members to go forward with this idea I would need to go to the deadlands and visit the city there Black Desert City it's a skeleton City with hostile robot spires just roaming outside the city once I got my group under the safety of a roof from the acid rain I also remember there's someone here we can recruit sad Neil he's a espresso espresso but he's a skeleton meaning he's more resilient to attacks he doesn't have to eat food and he's just like beep he's immune to acid rain I do now have to be careful in certain regions as some factions will just outright attack your group if you have a skeleton in your group holy nation after sad Neo joined up I had them go out and find a robot spider once I found one I'd lead them back into the city for the residents to knock out then I took the damaged spider into the skeleton repair bed and began training my weapon on its metal frame I even found another spider just outside the city that I also put to use each squadmate took turns to train on each bot I even trained martial arts because it also trains toughness for everyone except sad Neil his hands are metal so it won't hurt as much to have metal on metal contact on the other hand flush on metal hurts while I was here I purchased a specialist quality left arm for zero to my knowledge Black Desert city has the best Prosthetics you can buy definitely worth the thousands of cash by day 21 I was finished training my squad they were all in the 50 to 60 attack skill a big Improvement so I felt safer traveling into United cities territory to test it out the grass pilotes I encountered were tough my team members were glass cannons they could deal a good amount of damage but when they got hit they suffered attack penalties my party was about to be wiped but ironically a slaver Caravan came in to save the day beep could have handled it with his trusty crossbow anyways we rested and we headed deeper into to the great desert funnily enough a group of slaves threatened us we were trying to be of no harm nonetheless they didn't believe us and we had to defend ourselves unfortunate we did heal their wounds so they wouldn't instantly die out here then some blood Raiders ambushed us and knocked everyone down however a passing Nomad Caravan helped take care of the remaining Raiders that gave us some breathing room to wake up our Squad and heal our down to members while that was happening I had Ruka loot the dead Raiders gear one of which was still alive I got caught stealing from him which increased my thievery skill so I just went along with it and had Ruka continually Rob the Raider Ruka is not at all a stealth-based character so it's funny seeing her thievery skill climb up all the way up to 38 levels we were battered limping and probably easy prey for highway men to mug US during the travel I realized I hadn't named our faction so I gave us a faction name zero Heroes we hauled oursel into henge unluckily we got attacked by some Rebel farmers these guys were actually one of the factions we were trying to Ally with so I didn't want to attack them I just had my squad split off from each other for a Mad Dash into the city anyone that didn't make it had to be carried into the city once the area was cleared speaking of allies once everyone was in the safety of the city walls I went to the Shinobi Tower to join the thieves they're an easy faction to Ally with since all you have to do is pay a 10,000 cat fee then you get full access to their Tower in which I immediately used to let our injured recuperate once he I went for sto during the trip a Manhunter tried to attack us he was easily outnumbered so I went in for the kill no one was going to be enslaved today we were in to sell anything we didn't need and Supply before going into World's End a city in the arm of oan I want to see if I could ally myself with the tech Hunters now I know what you're thinking damn what's with all the talk about allies well I'm glad you asked it's part of the plan what's the plan Dam my doers and Doats this plan is what I call operation Kings Slayer it's going to be a three-part plan first alliances if we're going to take on the forces at vivil we're going to need friendlies to assist us we have a list in no particular order it's the tech Hunters the hounds the sheet Kingdom the anti-slavery Ninjas the crab Raiders and the rebel Farmers not only will these factions help us fight but after we dispose of the current tyrants we will need someone to fill in the power vacuum otherwise someone worse could take their place and disposal is part part two of the operation we will have to assassinate each leader in this list I have created we will have to take out each leader in this order otherwise someone else may take their place and our work will be in vain finally we have clean up once we have taken up the major faction leaders we will help the effort to take out the stragglers the smaller hostile factions on the grand scale of things these factions are just small fry but nothing wrong with going above and beyond to save this world understood all right back to the challenge en rolls end I went into the science HQ I talked with their leaders but I could not figure how to Ally with them I actually wasn't totally sure I could even Ally them without using mods so I put a pin in that as we were in neutral standings with them so better than being on bad terms on my way out of World's End I did encounter a lone Paladin usually they roamed in military patrols but a single one he must be a Survivor from a recent battle impressive now the reason why I was roaming in holy nation territory I was looking for the hidden village of the plot some ninjas they're based out in the Hidden Forest I did manage to find it and I had a talk with our leader Maul they're a group of female Ninjas the holy nation doesn't treat women well and sometimes group them with the Races they consider inferior so resentment caused this group to form a great majority of them are still religious so some residents will still gasp or shriek at the sight of skeletons after forming the alliance with mul I thought it would be a great time to add an additional member to the group I embarked for the nearby flood lands in search for a certain Tower I found it Burn's Tower burn is a skeleton a season Adventurer too and he was curious about our goals so he joined up to become one of the heroes plus having another skeleton that wasn't sad all the time is better for morale it also gave us access to his Tower free loot and a free skeleton repair bed we are eight strong a good even number with our bigger Squad I investigated the floodland ruins for any Treasures you know me I just got to scratch that loot Goblin itch I did get my push in when I tried to investigate in ancient Labs those robot spiders are Nimble and tough they could have wiped out my squad entirely fortunately that didn't happen soon after we head to Burns Tower to heal up my skelebros then the flatsome village for my fleshy doers and D that as I was resting I wanted to try something I went back to World's End to see if I could give one of the ancient knowledge Ts that I found to Flinch or IO at the science HQ nothing changed so I just gave up and sold the stuff I found to the shops in town then I gave my squad a full recovery at the bar after a refreshing rest I look at our funds and decide it was time to visit a special shop for the best gear there's a river that connects the floodlands to Oak's pride in between there's a ruined shop that's still operational it's the armor king or as the Brit bongers say the arm over anyways he sells High to master quality armors so it's definitely worth the trip to upgrade our current Loadout after being dripped out I felt like a redo of the ancient lab was in order this time I was going to finesse it I would use someone to lure out the robot spiders and have beep shoot them there were still injuries suffered but no fatalities and we cleared out the lab of enemies the place was a treasure Trove for parts technology and other expensive looking stuff we did have to rest here though I didn't want to travel around with our injuries slowing us down moving on from the floodlands the heroes traveled around the fog lands along the coast to move South I didn't want to have have to go through the fog Islands nor the holy nation lands we would just end up getting eaten or enslaved going through those areas we did have to go through obedience the area is dangerous due to hostile skeletons and Robo spiders but we lucked out and didn't encounter any I did discover the shrinking forest in my hundreds of playtime of kenshi I don't think I've explored this area as much it was quite beautiful however I did encounter groups of naked screaming Bandits they didn't bother me so I continued on with my scenic route I even sold my loot to the passing Hive towns it was a peaceful Adventure all the way until I was almost into a city I got chased by dust Bandits into squin the gate guards handled them easily so I wasn't worried I even took the bandits gear to sell in the shops for my troubles afterwards I started heading east into the swamp I proceeded into shark so I could talk to the leader of the hounds the faction and power of the biggest city in the swamp I couldn't talk to Big Grim herself why well I remembered you need to pay to get an audience with her her in one of the bars you have to talk to ears and pay him a 2,000 cat fee then you can finally talk to Big Grim in order for us to Ally with them we need to sell hashish in the united cities I'm actually five head and already know how to sell hashish so I was totally up for it but you could just lie and just give her your own money pretending you sold the hashish but where's the fun in that first I took our fastest runner zero to handle the task traveling as a group is slow and Grim wanted this done within a week a reasonable time period but I wanted to be quick about it I didn't want to forget to do this later while zero sprinted to the United cities I had the rest of the group do a hashish run to Flats Lagoon that way the split party wouldn't be too unproductive during this run zero almost died to some be things it would have been the end for zero but there was a bar just out in the middle of nowhere I think it was in Shem whatever it was a Saving Grace as the patron saved Zer when he hid inside the building me meanwhile the rest of the squad killed a beak thing in the way and they made it to Flat Lagoon to make their sail back to zero he made it to henge and sold the hash to the Shinobi fence you can't sell Hashi directly to the shops you'll just get reported and the guards will beat you up finally I had the main Squad back at shark big Grim was happy to get her cut and I was not allied with the hounds zero was up in the cannibal Plains I wanted to train the stealth and thievery skill so why not practice with some cannibal encampments stupidly dangerous but the Mad lad ran in hot cannibals were on his tail and I just had him storm into the storehouse and just stole things to train his thievery I got him up to level 34 decent next I had everyone regroup in the hub just to have anyone with past injuries heal up while the rest train with the stuff in the tower during the downtime rested and recovered it was time to head on out I went to Flats Lagoon to hire some extra bodyguards it was time for us to get another squadmate while taking out a problematic Bandit leader a two for one special but we would have to to travel into a dangerous region venge it had patrolling skeleton THS and Beak things and the environmental hazard too a giant laser shot from the sky we ventured to find an old tower inside were skeleton THS and their masters it was a big battle and we got knocked pretty bad luckily no one died we just had to be like Rocky take the punch and get back up to fight again it was slow but we managed to lure out both leaders they had the highest tier of weapons me mow meow meow don't tell me it's Meow in the game where they call money cats I'm just going to call it miow meow yeah Mia crafted from a legendary Smith anyways we took their gear and had sad Neil and burn split off to turn in the Bounties in the united cities inside the lab was a prisoner a different model of skeleton he was just as tough but he had a racial bonus that included range combat which I found interesting however he's a unique character in that he cannot speak meaning that he can't interact with NPCs fair enough we recruited agnu he did scream a lot though I found it funny anyways we rested and looted the place of its valuable technology inside while we waited for sad Neil and burn to turn in the bounties once regrouped we headed to Flats Lagoon anything we didn't need we sold and bought equipment for agnu next it was time for us to make some new allies the anti-s slavers they're based in stoes gamble close by too the reason why I held off on doing it until now was because once you do the United cities will know you're an anti-slavery to rest and resupply with that explained I talked with the anti-slavery leader tinfist then to his second in command gray he led us into the folds and we were now allied with the anti-s slavers to progress further in my plan I would have to go East I avoided going east of flatz Lagoon because the enemies there were more dangerous skeleton Bandits flesh Bandits reavers and not to mention the Crags is amazing of Hills while I did just list off those dangers we only got attacked by some scavengers trying to score some loot we absolutely destroyed them with our better gear and skill some skeleton Bandits did show up as we left best time to GTFO in sto's Garden we did encounter a lone Reaver not dangerous so we took him out easily the patrols are dangerous though if they incapacitate your party they will enslave your party and conscript you into being a slave soldier that just gives me the ick finally when we arrived at the the pits East crab town is where the crab queen sits contrary to the name she's a scorchlander and not an actual crab I decided to purchase a crab pet from one of the settlements and I named him crabulon he was small now but in time he will grow big and strong anyways I snuck past most of my enemies to get to crab town and spoke to the crab Queen we talked about how we both love crabs and not the STD and joined up with them they also sell one of the most best defense armor in game I would have purchased some but I decided to against it the drawbacks were too much in my opinion overall getting their friendship was rather easy so I thought i' follow up with something more difficult the rebel Farmers I'd have to travel through the United cities and into the sinun region and talk with boss Simeon about working together with the anti-s slavers oh that was actually easy too okay I guess I overestimated the mission so what's next the Shea Kingdom hm to Ally with them we have to deliver the Lord Phoenix or Bug Master o yikes okay this will be difficult Lord Phoenix is not next on the plan yet so we'll have to be Bug Master the pain is going to be getting to him he's based in the spider planes there's big nests of spider patrols around so it won't be easy and I'm not actually joking but first things first getting there we're all the way on the top of the map and Bug Master is in the Southeast corner so we'll head for the Hub resupply and rest to refresh ourselves we were refreshed and ready we embarked from The Hub towards Southeast it was was rather smooth sailing getting to the spider planes the only real problem came when we arrived the patrols of skin crawlers were massive every fight weakened us before we could even reach our destination once we arrived at the tower we had a final wave of insects just come out it was a team effort just to keep everyone alive and prevent any spiders from eating the unconscious we just had to take a break and rest underneath the boss himself he would be another layer of difficulty considering his stats were in the high 9s once everyone was ready we had all the melee members charge while the crossbow men stood behind and shot from a safe distance our numbers and Equipment totally overwhelmed the Bug [Music] [Applause] [Music] Master [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh and he was down for the count we scooped him up made like a banana and split when we arrived at andag the Shaq guards were impressed once we gave the Bug Master over to Bayan aeta the stone Goblin wanted an audience she pronounced us an invincible there was a cheer and we were now allies with the Shea Kingdom also aeta gave her daughter stto to join the heroes the final member of our group 11 strong and that completed our Ally list it was time to move on to phase two of the plan plan taking out the major factions first up we need to go south to the Royal Valley we're going to take out the queen of the Southern Hive we stopped by in flat Lagoon to hire the same muscle that helped us in rescuing agnu in the Royal Valley The Hive patrols were actually pretty tough we held against them but the deeper we got our Squad couldn't handle it we got knocked out easily we had to abandon the quest and try a new tactic than just charging in with full force piece by piece the squad would escape the Royal Valley to the closest sediment they could find to rest that's when I had an idea we could just set up our own Outpost nearby that way we didn't have to travel long distances to rest and recuperate first I would need to research so I headed to the hub to buy some property fix it up and begin researching stuff we would need it was a lengthy process I split the group to have one team research while the second team searched for materials and artifacts at Shops it took us days to research find supplies and travel to a suitable location by day 16 4 we had a functional Outpost in the southern coast of the map now it was time to get distracted I got agnu to attack a leviathan he quickly ran out of ammunition with his crossbow so I had Hut resupply him and bring extra Firepower the reason why I was doing this well I thought you could do the attack exploit like we did earlier in Black Desert city with the robot spiders but replace them with one of the strongest creatures in the game turns out you can't pick them up too bad it would have been hilarious to see them being trained on the Pearl was nice at least okay back on track I sent zero to try and kidnap the queen if we couldn't attack them openly we would have to be sneaky about it well zero didn't have a high enough assassination skill so I thought maybe we could try having beep snipe the queen with his trusty crossbow I couldn't get a clean shot no matter how close I placed him and we were running out of time so I couldn't train them in time or can I with the time flying by it was time to do something dangerous we were going to the ash lands and visit the Mad King now he's not on the list but he can help us train our skill well need for the queen ahe had beep and Zer go for a Mad Dash to the ashlands the both of them snuck into Caton's throne room and hid behind the throne if you didn't know you can train your assassination skill on catlon all you have to do is quick save and quick load right as he gives his speech this will glue him to his chair and he won't attack you also if you don't want to actually KO him take off an arm then it was just a matter of SP Dam clicking all the way up to 90 satisfied I actually had him knocked out and I took his legendary weapon then we made our Escape but they both made it back to base safely I had zero rest while it was time for beep to carry out the mission with the cover of night I had beep sneak into the southern Hive Palace and kidna the queen it was a huge success I was unsure how to actually execute the queen now that we had her in custody so I just had everyone just fight her at The Outpost she got domed by I think agnu instantly killing her now the southern Hive was with no leader that's the first item crossed off our list given that we were lucky in killing our Target without them escaping I thought it would be appropriate to get a device to expedite and ensure the kill that's why I had beep Infiltrate The Skin Bandit HQ and steal a blueprint for the peeler machine given its name and its origin I'll let you guys guess in the comments below funniest wrong answer wins anyways I had a couple built at base tested out and I had beep go to the black desert city to buy some prosthetics for no particular reason wink wink nudge nudge with that mess sorted it was time to go to stb's Garden for a visit to vaman the leader of the reavers their base was massive so once I got in I just headed straight for vaman on his throne knocked him out and was chased out by the whole faction with valmon secured we headed back to base on our way back we discovered a pull of acid so I just dumped valmon into the corrosive liquid we watched until he was melted and dead another one crossed off The Hit List no more slave soldiers or reavers anymore zero and beeper on a roll so I just continued down the list next up Big Owl of the stone rats so we traveled to the swamp the stone rats didn't even know we were coming we just broke into the compound and just took big ow while everyone was still up for Big Owl be put a couple shots into him nothing instantly killed him so we carried him around until he bled out slow but he got the job done next up would be shade of the swamp ninjas they were nearby they're based in the southern Wetlands so it wasn't a far trip for zero and be beep waled in and kidnapped shade originally I was going to turn her in for the Bounty with beep while zero was going to sell her gear however she just disappeared from beep's grasp she did have some wound untended to so I assumed she bled out and despawned when I checked in with beep unfortunate I think that's another enemy down off the list she goes the final leader in the swamp we need to take out was the red saber Boss Zero was already there so I had him sneak into the building at night take the boss when he was sleeping and no one even noticed zero and if they did no one attacked him easy peasy the boss did succumb to his wounds during the trip to the Sheek Kingdom though so we put his corpse on a pole for the cats it was a win-win now the hands could take over the hideouts duders and doets we were on a roll but still we only had 20 days left and The Hit List wasn't even half done it was time for beep and Zer to hurry things up we sprinted to new coralia and snatched flying bll in the broad daylight and dumped him in acid water he melted and that was another name crossed off our list for our next three we would need to travel to the holy lands we traveled to the military base oakand shield this place was heavily guarded and fortified but nothing our stealthy ninjas couldn't handle we looked for high Inquisitor Vala eventually we found them in the barracks with a simple knockout we got him and were chased out by the paladins it was a high-risk operation but we got him instead of letting him bleed out we head for our old home in the hub and we built a peeler machine and he would be our first death on the machine next on the list High Inquisitor seta he's actually in the nearby city of Stack another snatch and grab job with all the guards on our tail but we were too fast for those clunky plated zealots and just like dalenna high Inquisitor seta was peeled to death the final leader of the Holy nationalist would be Lord Phoenix over at blister Hill when zero and beep arrived just outside the city walls it was still dark out the perfect time to sneak skin I just had Z kidnap Phoenix while he slept and snuck out of there until a gate guard saw him so they both picked up the pace back to the hub just like the other two supremacists Phoenix was peeled away until he's dead thus marking the beginning of the end for the holy racist now the Sheck Kingdom and the flatsome ninjas can take over their old cities now it's time to take on the United cities of slavery first we would need a small Outpost to carry out the peeling operation since they were so effective I did so by picking up some property in the the way station I also had the rest of the party rendevu at the way station just in case I needed backup or extra supplies while they ventured from the south to the way station I had zero and beep infiltrate heft to capture Emperor tangu while he was asleep the doer was probably in a food coma from all the green food he's been munching on then we quickly made it back to the way station to construct a peeler and used it to peel away all that fat from that greedy Pig next up the head of the Traders Guild long genen he was in Trader Edge just in Idol it was an easy grab but we did have to dodge all those Samurai and slaver guards just like tangu the slaver scum was peeled with the two major leaders of the United cities dead the cities were struggling to stay in control however there were still holdouts the last heads of the Hydra to slice off there's so many lords and slave masters to go through and not many days left so I'll just list them off slave master Grande of iocket slave mistress Ren of slave Farm slave master Reuben of South Stone Camp slave master W of Port South slave master hanger of stone Camp Lord nagada of shatai Lord Inaba of sto lady sand of bark Lady kanana of Port North Lady tusi of brink slave market Master of the slave markets lady mirin of drifter's last finally slave master Grace of slave Farm South the United cities were now gone the rebel farmers and anti-slavery the suffering and slavery we did it part two of the plan now it's time to move on to the third but optional part of the plan the cleanup we just need to take care of the gorilla Bandits the skeleton Bandits the flesh Bandits and the Berserkers we started with the flesh Bandits and kidnapped their leader Savant since we already visited him before but didn't finish the job he met his end on his own creations and was peeled to death ironic for the gorilla Bandit I tried having zero just attack him outright it failed but the leader himself carried zero out his mistake since a random beak thing came out and attacked Zer just took advantage of the situation and took the defeated Guerilla then he met his end in the machine while that was happening beep traveled North to the ruined Village and took ghost the leader of the Berserkers his leadership would end in the hub and zero finished the job by going over to the cags and visiting the skeleton Bandit leader Elder it was an easy kill since all he had had to do was rip out Elders AI Core we did it with 5 days to spare I used the remaining time to regroup everyone at the southern Outpost but when everyone arrived on day 99 there was a large assault on the base from the survivors of the Samurai the party was knocked but our allies from the rebel farmers and the she Kingdom came to our Aid the samurai were defeated and we survived all the way to day 100 thanks to everyone that watched the video give it a like if you enjoyed comment below your thoughts on the series And subscribe for future content also I have a Discord server Linked In the description come join us again thanks for everyone watching and see you doers and doets later
Channel: Demencia
Views: 14,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0SEJuXmpb2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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