How to become a GOD in Kenshi

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Kenji is a great game it's a hard game or is it a lot of people would tell you that this game is going to whoop your ass that you can't get out of the Hub before you get x amount of cats for mining copper for 48 hours and blah blah blah blah blah yes ki's pretty hard when you don't know what you're doing but if you do know what you're doing well it's like taking candy from a baby I spent the last two weeks neglecting my worldly responsibilities and fully immersing myself in this desert drug dealing simulator so I could say you the time and present you with the definitive guide on how to become a living God in kenchi now I just want to give a quick disclaimer here and a big shout out and thank you to Frankie was here he streams kenchi almost every day and uploads it to his YouTube channel here on YouTube and the guy is just a Fountain of kenchi Knowledge almost everything I'm about to show you in this guide is a condensed version of the typical Frankie stream and I'd highly recommend if you have any other questions or just want to learn more about kenchi that you check him out links will be in the description without further Ado let's begin now in order to chase the bag we must first Acquire The Bag a bit paradoxical I know but you know what they say about needing money to make money what I'm talking about here is a large backpack you need one for a couple different reasons one we're going to be looting narco's trap and you'll need something to carry all that sweet sweet Loot and two it gives you massive combat penalties which will come in handy when you're training and three there's going to be a lot of stuff that you're going to have to bring with you practically everywhere you go in this game and a large backpack is the best way to do that without moving at a glacial pace now depending on where you start your strategy for making a bit of money might be different you're going to need a couple thousand cats though that's the bottom line and then you're off and running so if you're starting in the hub you can make some money by heading over to this way station and proceeding to do a little trick called robbing the [ __ ] out of the skeleton doctor skeleton doctors don't tend to mind too much if you steal from them for some reason and I promise you you can just return here later and he won't even recognize you other ways to get this money are luring animals to the gates of a city preferably Bulls to stack if you use the holy nation citizen start like I'm going to and uh don't forget to heal them as well for extra first aid experience Bandits looting a ruin or even mining copper now that you've secured the bag it's time to put our plan into action make sure that you can buy a standard first aid kid or two and a sleeping bag along with some food and then we can head out if You' got a couple extra cats on hand I'd really highly recommend hiring a cheap companion for 3,000 cats and giving him a few bits of DED jerky before instructing him to swim up a murky River nude into an unknown region he'll do this without question because in kenchi a few thousand cats and a bit of dry jerky are enough to buy a man's soul up this River will be the fabled armor king and you want this companion to sit in his shop and stare at the wall so that every 48 Hours he can check the armor King's new stock what you're looking for are Masterwork assassin's Rags a Masterwork tin can and Masterwork Samurai leggings if you can't get Masterwork Specialist or even you know hrade what I have to do while Hubert makes his way to the armor King you're getting [ __ ] done fill your inventory with water if you're in stack and begin making your way over to Skinner's Ram if you're not in stack honestly just fill it with whatever you can get your hands on That's Heavy but don't worry too much if you can't find anything this is just to do a bit of strength training as you head over there keep in mind you won't get maximum strength XP unless you have a body on your shoulder so I'd highly recommend picking up one of the animals that you looted earlier and bringing it on a little Joy Ride I little trick you can do is quick save and quick load once you're some distance away from where you picked it up and the game will still give you the full strength XP without slowing you down amazing right thanks Frankie the only way you stop getting XP from this is if you pick up and drop something else or if your character is picked up or if you restart the game I think now that you made it to Skinner's Ram what you want to do is find one of the roving groups of 40 starving Bandits that spawn here then attack a bandit from about 100 meters away he'll turn around and go what was that before quickly falling back in line while the rest assume he's just off his meds or something at this point you want to squat down and begin following the group quietly unseen like a shadow the best time to do this is actually a day because you're going to gain a lot more stealth XP then we're doing this with the aim of hitting 80 stealth or more whatever you do do not get caught here you're not tough enough yet and these guys will absolutely beat your ass into the dirt without remorse and you may just find yourself dead once you're at 80 or more stealth we can proceed with the next step in our master plan the next step is to raid narco's trap drop your water and any of the other heavy crap you are carrying before heading north to narco's trap which will be right here on the map now Naros trap is an ancient lab with Arcane and highly illegal Tech in holy nation territory guarded by the fiercest and most fervent paladins who will oh it's that easy to bypass them yeah it's that easy come at night and sneak right here next to the gate and there's about a 5% chance from those aites will spot you pick the lock and voila you're in we've just gained access to the Treasure Trove baby there are literally only two security spiders in this place so with your upgraded stealth it shouldn't be too hard to evade their line of sight just make sure you keep tabs on them and wherever they're walking work your way through this gold mine and pick up anything that's worth 2,000 or more cats for every kilogram of weight you could do more but just keep in mind that you know we have to escape this place so it's a bit of a pain in the ass to have the aconites chasing after you when you're weighed down by a metric ton of the forbidden fruit your goal if you're being chased by the paladins like this is to make it to water because everybody knows that once you reach water in keni the enemies you know they can't swim they can't follow you in the water they don't know what to do they just become directionless aimless they forget about you and there you go you get into the water they're like [ __ ] this you know what we were going to chase this guy but uh we can't swim once you worked your way to the top floor and looted the ancient safes it's time to skattle whether or not you try to make your way out stealthily or by high tailing it out like there's no tomorrow head towards good old blister Hill upon arrival the paladins there may try and search you for anything illegal like you know everything you're care caring the trick to stopping this is dropping everything about 20 ft from the gate and pretending like you know you have no idea how that got there officer before picking it right back up in front of them and entering the city here you're going to sell all those CPUs skeleton muscles eyes and pretty much anything except for the AI cores and ancient science books since that's a big no no that would make Papa okon pissed once we finish selling our Goods at blister Hill or any other nearby non Hool Nation City for you skele Chads is time to execute step four this step is going to be the longest but bear with me it'll also be rough for you okonite body pierc out there but don't worry I'll show even the children of okon how to circumvent the troubles they might face here as for skele Chads your Guide to Becoming limb lless will be at the end of the segment now it's time to head to the mythical fog Islands this is where shit's going to get real by the time that you leave the fog Islands you're going to be a whole new person literally Sprint past all those dead High fogmen until you reach the city on a hill mongr possibly one of the game's most iconic cities once you're here sell off the rest of your Tech and you should easily have over 100K by this point head over to the skele do and see if you can get Masterwork Scout legs and skeleton arms if you can't just get the highest grade that you can for each oh my god wow that is probably the worst luck that we could have possibly had don't worry too much about selling the ancient science books and AI cores here by the way I'm almost positive you can actually buy these back at any time even after the vendor's inventory refreshes if you've healed any Fallen Warriors or animals in your travels now you may have 12 field medic which you're going to want for reasons I'm about to explain if you don't have it it's not the end of the world this step might just take a little longer you're going to go outside Mongrel and purposefully put yourself on a fog pole make sure you unlock it and have first aid set as a job eventually a fog Prince will come along and start eating you alive like you're some sort of Juicy dumplings your characters should heal themselves as this is going on which is important cuz you don't want to be bleeding out believe it or not once your limbs pop off immediately put on a robot limb to stop the bleeding and if you get close to 20 or lower blood you may have to end the voring session early and go back to Mongrel to recover a bit before coming back out there eventually though you will lose all four of your limbs and get a pretty huge amount of toughness in the process slap those robot limbs on and proceed next head to the weapon shop buy Masterwork Samurai armor which is guaranteed unless you have some sort of M which introduce new items and see if they have a blueprint for your weapon of choice for this run if you're going to use martial arts you obviously don't need blueprints by the big house and a little house in town and join the Shinobi thieves if you're organic buy a fog mask from the thieves this will come in handy later once you finish your training you can also buy some assassin's Rags if you want for a purpose I'm about to show you first set up a research bench and buy some books in The White House this will be to research beds and weapon smithing and you'll need to make a weapon smithing bench the reason for this is because you want to bring a rusted piece of junk to train with since it'll penalize your stats giving you more XP and keep your enemies alive for longer to train on you may have to wait a bit for your weapon blueprint to get in stock but if you can't get it just try to get the worst quality one that you can and move on to the next step once you've got your fog mask houses and piece of rusted junk you're going to make sure that the two prisoner cages on top of the mongrel Barracks are occupied if not go grab some unconscious fogmen from outside the gates and place them in there and make sure they aren't dead or the guards May remove them then run into mongr barracks and try to put assassin's Rags on any sleeping guards and put their crossbows into their inventory before you proceed to go full metal jacket on their asses put blocking and hold on so you don't hurt anyone here don't forget to take blocking off as soon as you're inside the shack make sure you don't run anywhere close to the Shinobi during this or you might cuse a fight between them and the guards run into your little Shack and proceed to spam R and allow the guards to absolutely thrash you spamming R cancels blocking and you run in circles while they proceed to obliterate you giving you an ungodly amount of blocking XP you want to do this up to ideally 90 block which shouldn't take more than an iname day or two don't worry about the guards being hostile to you or any Bounty that you acrew because even once you leave here it'll disappear after a while and the next time that you return they won't remember or care as long as you don't hit anyone or Worse kill anyone you'll be fine as you leave Mong R in your wake you've been born a new oh and also I didn't forget about the skillet Chads to lose your limbs head out to the deadlands and wear armor but no leggings to allow two iron spiders to tear your legs off then wear leggings but no armor and stand in the view of a turret operated by a hostile skeleton and let him shoot your arms off might take a while but I can guarantee you that it works now that the longest step is over the rest will be significantly shorter let's move on to step five that's right you read that correctly the fog men did a great job of making you pretty tough by forcing you to watch your limbs get get eaten off but they didn't take you the whole way you need to be stronger at this point Hubert should have secured everything that you needed from the armor King meet up and proceed to take everything he has on his person before abandoning his ass in the wilderness bye Hubert served us well and we are forever thankful [ __ ] out of here later B we won't be needing him anymore and he won't be needing this epic gear continue on your way to Skinner's Ram at a comfortable pace of over 25 mph thanks to your shiny new legs and once you arrive at Skinner's Rome search again for that party of 40 starving Bandits you're going to put on that top-notch Samurai armor take off your right arm for some extra toughness XP and proceed to allow them to beat the ever living [ __ ] out of you over and over and over keep getting up in the middle of the group and as each time you get up around several enemies especially while crippled you get staggering amounts of toughness XP if you need to feel free to slap down a sleeping bag and rest during this process but try not to let your vitals get too far above one Health once you've hit 90 to 95 toughness your work or should I say the Bandits work here is done the next part of the hero's journey begins make your way through the acid rain of the deadlands to the quaint little cute town of Black Desert City full of soulless automatons who will warmly greet you and congratulate you for having made the Trek out there and who are definitely not hiding anything nefarious we're making a quick pit stop here for a couple of reasons one we're going to heal here secondly you're going to pick up a better weapon thirdly you're going to pick up some better limbs assuming those things are in stock make your way to the scrapyard to purchase or steal the highest quality weapon in your class of choice preferably Edge Walker 3 and over at the robotics Workshop buy or steal Masterwork Scout legs and skeleton arms to replace any Specialist or lower quality ones you've got on and once you've healed at the bar that'll conclude your stay now it's time to mercilessly destroy entire nest of baby crabs in Hower maze we do this because fighting at baby animals gives you the same XP as fighting adults does and you're also going to be outnumbered by several to one which further boosts your XP gains run on over to Hower maze at a Breakneck pace and run around until you find this icon on the map head over there and go to work here you're going to see why we have Samurai armor the tin can The Rusted junk weapon and a large backpack all that gear gives you a massive penalty to your attack while simultaneously providing you excellent protection the outcome is a very long fight with pretty low damage on both sides and a ton of XP find another nest and keep going over and over until you hit about 60 attack and dexterity feel free to sleep if you need to this is it the final step on your path to becoming a god amongst men this will be your last bit of training and the most satisfying head to this way station or to the city of heft to pick up four Fabric and one Building Material in addition to the building materials that you'll need to make a small shack make your way here on the map to the iron HQ home of the skeleton Bandits and their leader Elder and if you're a skeleton they won't initially be hostile but if you're an organic this step will be a little bit more difficult just getting in once you're there build a little Shack with a bed in it outside of the HQ that's where you're going to recover in between bounce with these guys guys you don't need to build a shack if your skeleton you can just sleep on the skeleton beds inside the HQ or the Shacks outside head inside and run to the top floor and attack the bandits up there before running back outside and luring them all with you then walk right into one of these little houses and stand on the staircase turn on hold and enjoy as your character begins training attack even further with Incredible progress after an in-game day or two you're going to hit 90 attack and your work here is done make sure to leave the bandits here alive if you can assuming that you want other recruits to train here later but do note you won't need any other recruits at least for combat at this point you are now a walking monster capable of obliterating the likes of catlon bugm estada the Phoenix and igore without even breaking a sweat Dawn your Edge Walker 3 blade assassin's rags and fog masks for optimal specs and begin your war path I'd recommend Googling where the m to version of your weapon of choice is at at this point and going to hunt it down making sure you have the best possible weapon for your character alongside armor and stats for the best results you've done it you're now a god amongst men all in a few in-game weeks The World is Yours to shape and factions will rise and fall at your whim congratulations if you made it this far I'm just going to go over a few random tips in the last part of the video here that didn't really fit anywhere else stay tuned if you want to know how to instantly heal your robot limbs heal on the ground and more here are some random tips rapid fire to heal robot limbs instantly take them off quick save and quick load when you put them back on they'll be fully healed you can Ally the holy nation by telling mole to eat [ __ ] once Allied you can even enter their cities with skeleton Limbs and Campa without fear of retaliation just don't talk to the Phoenix like that cuz he'll still get pretty pissed off to always heal on the ground as Organics this can be bugged as a skeleton quick save and quickload while down your guy will heal while playing dead if they were not doing that already if an enemy patrols coming towards you and you can't escape try quicksaving and quick loading this often resets Ai pathing and they may turn around you can Max assassination incredibly quickly by you guessed it quicksaving at quick loading while Caton is giving his speech he only gives the speech roughly every six in-game hours and prioritizes it over fighting anybody body you can Crouch behind him and spam assassination attempts and get to 80 or 90 very quickly this way to Max thevery extremely quickly head out to the cannibal planes the backpack with an item and also a bunch of other items that are blocking any other inventory space and then put that item in a chest and take it back out the game will register that you can steal the item but you can't actually put it in your inventory because it has a stolen tag while the one in your inventory doesn't so they cannot stack this will get you to thievery in a few real life minutes if you've got a lot of stuff that you need to carry and you're running too slow you can put your back back onto a person that you're carrying they will always count as only 30 kg so you can effectively use them as a container without increasing your own weight zoom in all the way while healing whether it be in the field or on a bed this for whatever reason makes you heal quicker than if you were to be zoomed out similarly whenever crossbows are not rendered they fire much slower you can use this to your advantage by not looking at them while fighting near them and they will hit you much less another thing which goes slower when not rendered is someone being eaten alive the last and most game-breaking tip is to know when to hit the r key hitting the r key resets your character by stopping whatever action they're currently doing you can abuse this by spamming R when the enem is quicker than you are chasing you causing them to enter combat mode while you continue running which makes them fall behind more useful however is the fact that you can use it to cancel stumble animations and tapping it immediately after you hit an enemy will cancel the rest of your own attack animation allowing you to immediately queue up another one this alone makes One V ones against enemy a breeze even at low levels and we've reached the end of the video if you've made it this far I really appreciate it I just want to give another big thanks to Frankie was here as this video is essentially a condensed compendium of all the things that I learned in the last two weeks playing kenchi almost all of which came from his streams Wiki articles or YouTube videos let me know again if there's anything else that you'd like to see in the comments below and thanks again for watching
Channel: Omniburg
Views: 19,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Vzu5EkRY2L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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