Skyrim, but EVERY HIT turns people into a random species

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hi i'm professor doug doug today's lesson is about what happens in skyrim if every single hit transforms somebody into a completely random species to do this i created a new skyrim mod where every time somebody is hit it's going to select a random species transform themselves into that species and then set their new health appropriately today we're going to learn what happens when you do this and since this is an upper grad class we're also going to learn how to fix any problems that might happen so get out your notebooks class is in session at first the combat seems terrifying the very first enemy turns into a frost atronach and you think you're porked but then he just kind of runs away and you turn him into spider-man and you quickly realize that enemies get very confused by changing species and they just kind of stand there for a second or two after they transform which means you can just permanently stun them if you transform them fast enough you know it's actually a little bit anticlimactic because even an ancient dragon is just gonna sit there confused while you turn him into a hagraven or a crab this was making me think the combat would just generally be easy with this mod but then i got into a group fight and once there's multiple people everybody starts transforming everyone else to the point that you don't know who you're fighting anymore because this is farkas now farkas is a machoke that's i don't know what's going on dude okay is this this this is a skeever okay wait is this farkas what is this then this is a skeever what the [ __ ] is happening it's like going to a halloween party but because everybody's wearing costumes you can't recognize the friend you came here with and so you accidentally stab him oh [ __ ] sorry farkas and because each species in skyrim has different in-game abilities the way each fight plays out is going to be constantly changing like this room normally just has two skeevers but now they're storm atronics who have lightning aura which immediately kills me and crashes the game this guy's a centurion so he has way more health but he can't fit through doors now some species will turn invisible he's dragging around his little stick and this guy just flies away break that down where are you going and enemies that should fly are stuck on the ground now with dumb legs like this dragon who doesn't have a head and shoots fire out of his neck hole which is actually kind of sad dude i would feel extremely broken if i lost the ability to fly and my head write that down i already was not feeling optimistic about the quests actually working with this mod and then i walked into the companions frat house and everybody is already fighting each other and i thought okay the cleaning lady is a rat oh i'm just a servant beer however quests still mostly kind of work sorta no matter what species they are people will still say their lines to you but if you want to talk to them to start a quest or a conversation they have to be a humanoid or a human-shaped thing so let's say i walk in on ayla porking a walrus and then realize that walrus is skewn who i need to talk to for the next quest which means i have to change him back into a human to start the quest but the problem is that once you hit anyone they're going to start fighting you come on oh okay i'm trying to talk about the quest now we can talk to you we can i have the quest please so starting a quest becomes a desperate battle to transform skjorn back into a humanoid before he and ayla kill me or he flies away or the game crashes and then once you beat him into a humanoid he instantly forgives you for some reason you fight well brother so quests do actually work like as long as you use violence and then once the quest has actually started you can change them back to whatever you want and keep playing the game as i continued the companions quest questline i was shocked when farkas revealed that the companions are actually werewolves except he's a saber cat in fact you can turn your followers into any species you want and they'll still fight for you so i turned farkas into a huge blubbery walrus oh thank god he's a walrus now he's beautiful walrus farkas and i fought through two entire dungeons together and after that we became inseparable something just feels different when i'm with farkas you know like i could be something better and so after kodlak's funeral i asked farkas for his flipper in marriage we invited all of our best friends and then we were married in the church of mara who's the second walrus and you know i i had felt broken in skyrim for so long now hopefully i'm marrying the right walrus but this act of love with farkas was the first time i'd felt truly complete now and forever under the authority of mara [Music] but anyways enough of the boring stuff let's get back to the good stuff can you ride a transformed horse okay the horse is ahead now why don't we try making whatever it is really big [Music] oh it's in the sky oh no okay the horse is like a really big head now oh god he's looking at us and you can't ride it like there's no more i don't know if this is even a horse anymore this is weird but you can fix any problem here by just transforming it again so just shoot it now we appear to be dealing with a gigantic immortal head some people they would be upset by this but for me i see opportunity get out your [ __ ] notebooks class it's time to learn how to kill the giant head my first approach is obviously spawn 500 crabs because at least one of them should be able to hit him but the head just looks at me like really dug crabs so i tried ten dragons because they should be able to shoot him out of the sky right and this is when things went from me experimenting to the giant head saying this is not your game this is not your classroom i own you and i'm going to flip your game upside down for some reason and then crash the game so i tried the waba jack which turned him into a dremora and so i thought okay things are under control now incorrect because when i ride him i'm warped into the head's perspective and now i'm watching myself running around on the ground but all the controls are flipped but if i'm the giant head now and the head is me then i can kill myself to kill the head but that just killed me and not the head and i'm realizing okay i don't know what the [ __ ] is going on so i summoned more dragons but the head shoots me into the air and i realized the console doesn't work wait even in the console i literally can't control it how the [ __ ] do you fix a giant head if he's more powerful than the car and then my amazing husband reminded me of something something that i had felt back in that church and i knew what i had to do i ran into the wilderness and i found that sad headless dragon and i told him that there was somebody out there who was broken who needed him and as his giant headless body wandered into the open and locked eyes with a lonely giant head all of skyrim shone with the and that's how this mod taught me the most important lesson only love not violence can fix the world's biggest problems write that down all right thanks for coming to class today everybody i hope you learned a lot uh next week we're gonna learn sex education are like calculus
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,570,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, skyrim, dougdoug skyrim, doug doug skyrim, mods, modding, skyrim mods, funny skyrim, funny, twitch, dougdoug twitch, doug doug twitch, every hit, random unit, twitch chat, giant head, head
Id: yhdFfezqL4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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