Skyrim, But I Equip Every Armor

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Skyrim has 123 unique pieces of Armor All offering slight modifiers to give you an advantage but what if we decided to wear every piece of armor at the same time will it break the game will it kill us instantly or perhaps this is the ultimate form in which to beat Skyrim there's only one way to find out so let's begin hello there ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Skyrim special edition today we are playing as Will Smith himself that's right the legendary man has arrived in Skyrim and we're gonna put some clothes on him hopefully but most importantly I thought that he would be the best fit for today's video because we're going to use Will Smith's greatest ability his punching maneuver that's right he's got a good hook on him and that's exactly what we're going to be using today so our setups going to be very simple first we need to get all of the armor then we need to work out how to wear all of the armor simultaneously the game of course doesn't let you wear say two helmets at the same time and you can't even use console commands to force yourself to wear them so that means we need to use creative game mechanics in order to force ourselves to squeeze our 123 items of clothing we are going to become fashion itself of course now what is Will Smith's goal today why is he seeking unlimited power and why are we going to the effort of wearing every piece of unique armor well ladies and gentlemen Will Smith is tired of being the hero in everyone's stories he's tired of the world talking about him so instead he's going to live a life in the shadows and become the greatest assassin and anti-hero the world has ever seen so let's begin welcome ladies and gentlemen to the hidden developer area of Skyrim now this is a very special area because it has one of every single unique item in the game we've got all possible combinations of say armor here but we're not looking to wear every single one of these now we're looking to wear unique sets of armor which luckily for us the developers have piled up into a box over here as you can see these chests have positively filled with a bajillion unique items for example this helmet is going to give us 30 Frost resistance and this helmet here is going to make prices 20 better and we're going to be wearing them at the same time just to see what happens so I'm going to grab all of these unique items without any duplicates and then I'll get back to you once I've sorted out this gigantic pile and we're ready to start putting some of it on and here we are ladies and gentlemen we have sorted out all of the items of clothing that are not unique items and dump them right here on the floor which is why we're surrounded in quite the mess indeed what we're left with in our inventory is every single unique item we can get our hands on totaling to well over 100 items and we're going to be wearing all of them now of course you're going to be wondering how can you wear all of these items because you're just quite simply can't for example I can't put on this hat here and then also wear this Hood at the same time it's one or the other the game is not going to give me 14 armor and an increase to Bow damage was also giving me a boost to my sneaking abilities or at least that's just what toddhoud wants you to think because we're going to find a way in order to do that we need to make our way over to Whiterun right okay I've made my way right the way to White Run I even went back and picked up all of the missing Dragonborn DLC armor that I'd accidentally left behind and now that we have all of that it's time for us to arrive in White Run and make our way over here as you see right here we have the Whiterun guard Barracks now this is a special building because it basically leads out from the prison and we're going to abuse the way that this game handles getting imprisoned they seem real life going to prison is really bad but in Skyrim it's actually a source of infinite power as when you go to prison every single item of clothing you're wearing is stripped off of you and you're put into prison Rags then once you serve your sentence and sleep in the bed as soon as you leave the prison all of your items are put straight back onto you there's just one issue what happens if you get arrested whilst you're still in prison and haven't been given your items back well that means that all of the items that have been taken off you in the process of getting arrested are all just piling up into one big chest and as soon as you serve your time legally you get all of those items forcefully put straight back onto you by the game so that's exactly what we're going to do today we're going to systematically get caught wearing all of these items of clothing over and over again until we have no items of clothing left this process is probably going to take me around about five hours but hey it's going to be worth it because I want to see what happens so let's get ourselves set up firstly we go inside of the Guard Barracks don't worry they're all lovely and friendly and then once we've made our way inside of here we're going to put all of our items of clothing into this Barrel although we're going to want to wear one set of armor first so we're going to wear this armor this helmet this ring this amulet and we can wear these boots and these gloves fantastic now that should be a full set of items and we're going to fill this Barrel up with all of the other items that we're not wearing which as you can imagine is a stupendously large amount of items oh good lord I've got to put each and every one of these bad boys so this is gonna be terrible oh Lord now all we need to do is get caught wearing these items escape from prison come up out of the dungeon pop on our next set of armor and get caught again it really is as easy as that so let's drop down a save and begin our journey right we're just gonna Walt on in here add an oil guard by punching him in the face then we're just going to put our fists away and get ourselves arrested there we go he's very angry he's a bit too angry okay well uh make sure you don't get caught by police brutality no no no that's naughty we want to get arrested not murdered and one of the easiest ways to do that is to get caught pickpocketing for example we have a zero percent chance of stealing this dude's bow so we're going to try and now he's going to arrest us then we're going to submit and get taken to jail we lose all of our items of clothing and if we sleep in that bed we're gonna get all of them back of course we're not going to do that we're instead going to move that little Bandit and instead Escape using the great in the floor hop on down and make our way out of here so we just climb up this Ladder into the guard Barracks from the dungeon then walks on over to this barrel and we then put on our next set of armor oh and we just look fantastic my goodness oh wow we are very spooky so now we just want to get caught again and the easiest way of getting caught is to actually just walk up to a guard and talk to them they're going to say hang on a second I know you we just say you're making a mistake and then we just go to jail again so we're bam we go straight back to prison and that set of armor is taken away from us and naturally we just have to break through the gate again and repeat this process six and a half hours later okay I'm finally back I have been doing this for literal hours at this point I'm so so tired and as you can see by just the sheer pile of robes on the floor uh basically every time I go up the ladder to then put on another set of armor I take off the Ragged boots and clothes that I'm wearing and leave them on a pile here and they've kind of amassed over time because I've done this so many times I am in physical pain anyway it's time for us to put on our last set of armor and equipment and get caught and then finally we'll actually sleep in the prison bed and everything will be perfect so there we go we have a lot last bit of equipment on it's time for us to be captured by the guards oh here we go I submit take me to jail take me to jail wait we're on guard oh dear and this time this time instead of escaping now that we've been caught with all of our individual sets of armor it's time for us to just quite simply sleep in the bed and when we wake up we'll be outside dragon's reach and we will be wearing every single piece of unique armor and jewelry that the game has to offer it's going to be great so let us transform Will Smith into the most clothed individual in the universe and here we are we are looking pretty damn good you'll notice a whole bunch of spells just got added in the top left but um this is our final form we look great let's try and run okay we can actually run that's good if we check out our inventory we can see that we are actually wearing every single item of Harbor oh this is fantastic oh my God it's amazing this took so long you have no idea how long this took but my goodness we are are looking fantastic so let's just go for a few of our lovely modifiers because we can hop interactive effects and see what we can do as you can see we can absorb spells we can have additional werewolf Transformations enemies who strike us with melee attacks have a chance of being paralyzed our chondration spells cost more to cast but have greater range our speech is better our fire and frost allow us to basically do more damage and also receive less damage at the same time we have backstabs so that um what is this so what is this double sneak attack damage with one-handed weapons but that is stacking one two three four five times all right hang on a second does that mean if we punch someone in the back to do let's say two damage we're instead going to be doing 4 8 16 32 64 damage just of a punch well that sounds pretty balanced to me so we are looking absolutely glorious right now ladies and gentlemen wearing far too much armor and far too powerful in comparison to where we should be because yes we're level one but my goodness we are wearing so many lovely modifiers that are going to turn us into a near God so I think it's time for us to test Will Smith's abilities by becoming the greatest assassin the world has ever seen but in order to first do that we're going to need to get ourselves a legendary weapon now theoretically on paper we could use magic for example we've got something like Sparks which we can cast and as you can see because spells are really cheap to us uh we don't actually lose that much Magicka look well bam we can cast so many spells sadly however I don't really think magic is going to be that powerful for us so instead let's get ourselves a one-handed weapon as we've got four modifiers that should double our one-handed damage in sneak attacks now we've come into Bella Falls General Goods in Whiterun in order to buy ourselves an incredibly powerful weapon because of course no you don't want to buy your weapons from legendary Smiths Will Smith is the only Smith he needs in his life so instead we're going to go and speak to the general Goods Merchant to buy a ridiculous honestly powerful weapon because Bella four here is going to be able to sell us oh yes a wooden sword ladies and gentlemen it's perfect look at it oh yes we can even wield the mighty death sword oh it's perfect anyway right let's go join the Dark Brotherhood and for that we need to travel over to the capital and take a quest to go murder someone in an orphanage all right we've broken into juventus's house and now we're going to accept his lovely deal all right so now we have to go and kill gorilla the kind which I hope is going to be surprisingly easy because we're technically level one and we are absolutely incredible I mean we can do this whatever this is um I get the feeling that grelog's probably not prepped for something like that equally we have a few special powers that no one else can do like the breath of and chuhak which is honestly one of my favorite abilities ever because um it's just a big old angry steam mouth that's all it is well bam we just press this and we can just Vape incredibly powerfully anyway let's go kill grelog of the kind right we've arrived ladies and gentlemen that the orphanage honor Hall orphanage where Will Smith is going to begin his quest to become the greatest assassin ever with his first ever assassination ah it's grilled the kind okay fantastic now um of course we need to murder her without anyone noticing us luckily we can just stealth like this and um oh just kind of just walk around I mean we can't be spotted here I'm sure if like Will Smith was standing behind you when you're a child um you do know he's there this child is like this child can sense with his presence he just knows not to ask any questions and if you ask any questions you are getting evaporated all right lovely and when grelog is by herself it's time for us to murder her we whip out our sword and grelog this is it I'm afraid oh yes don't mind if I do would we want to search on or do we want to feed on him well we are wearing the cannibal ring so we might as well eat grelod the kinds corpse in front of all of these children that seems exactly like something Will Smith would do oh fantastic all right there we go Grelot is dead so that's the first part of becoming an assassin complete we must now sleep and be abducted by the Dark Brotherhood ah fantastic we've been abducted by the Dark Brotherhood here is uh Delphine she's going to uh induct us into the evil organization of course so naturally we have a decision here one of these three people we have to murder in order to join the Dark Brotherhood could be any of them but it lasts in order to leave this place one person must die so we're not going to of course leave it to choice we're going to Vape in front of all of their faces and uh just quite simply kill them all all right let's go join the dog Brotherhood so there we go we've managed to effectively complete our initiation we now need to make our way over to folk Reef oh look some kind of Adventure lovely they see you friendly he called me a milk Drinker hey you shouldn't talk to me like that well you know what I say to people like that first I put away my sword and then slap slap slap how day oh my okay so um I mean I slapped the orc uh and then and the issue of course arose when the Orcs slept back and then my 700 sets of custom unique armor triggered in and I squirt out tentacles and those tentacles immediately murdered him welcome back ladies and gentlemen Will Smith has made his way over to the next quest for the Dark Brotherhood where we have to murder an entire Camp of Bandits led by an evil banded boss but we're not going to actually murder them no we're instead going to practice assisted suicide because we're not going to do any damage to them we're going to quite simply use our many sets of armor that deal damage to anyone who stands near us to just evaporate them so we're just gonna Waltz on up hello there Bandit friend you just uh died to yourself that wasn't my fault that is entirely your fault for being near me so we're just gonna eat up his body then we're gonna fight this Bandit Archer here who's uh very angry so we're just gonna stand near him and he will of course murder himself next up it's this banded Archer and remember ladies and gentlemen Will Smith's of pacifist we wouldn't hurt a single fly yes we would potentially eat their bodies but that doesn't make us a bad person anyway that's a free Bandits dealt with but we didn't kill any of them oh looks like we got a bandit to sleep here hello please can you wake up oh now that you're awake you're just taking consistent damage I'm so sorry my friend I'm so sorry you just you just woke up and died wow it's like me every Monday morning jeez oh next up we got a bandit dude here hello banded dudes and you're both dead rest in peace you've just woken up my friend so you can take some damage welcome to the land of the living my friend and now to the Land of the Dead and then here we go these are the guys that we're meant to murder uh they're they're looking pretty Jazzy so Elaine defonte is the person who's trying uh we were said to murder and luckily he just hit us with an ax and died so we don't really have to worry much about him we will steal his lovely ax so that looks great fun well we've completed our mission everyone around us has committed suicide and it was not her fault in any way shape or form we are just ready to leave as the humble lovely pacifists that we truly are so let's hand in this Quest and move on to the next one Alright Now ladies and gentlemen I've just realized something very very magical that we can use to improve Will Smith and by improve I mean we can put more sets of armor on him now of course we're far too over-encumber to actually run anywhere and that's fine that's the way it's gonna be for the rest of the game but very importantly over here in the skill tree I've noticed that if we were to somehow level up heavy armor and get this perk right here fists of Steel it means that unarmed attacks whilst we're wearing heavy gauntlets will do their armor rating in extra damage now this means that if we're able to wear multiple sets of say heavy armor gauntlets we will be able to stack that damage multiple times over turning Will Smith into a veritable one punch man so in order to test this out I've located myself some Brawler's iron gauntlets as well as some iron plate gauntlets and so we're now ready to actually go to prison ladies and gentlemen once again so it's time to make our way over to to the other side of Whiterun because uh we're massively over and covered this is going to take a while oh God it will right well I'll see you in half an hour once I make it to the guard quarters all right so I've once again made my way over to the guard Barracks after about 47 hours worth of walking and now I'm going to plant my lovely apparel inside of this fantastic box there goes the Brawler's Gauntlet there goes the iron plate gauntlets and there we go that should be fantastic now all I need to do is get myself sent to prison which shouldn't be too challenging anyway fantastic now that we're in jail it's time for us to escape on out of here anyway up to the guard Barracks let's put on our lovely heavy armor brawler gloves like those bad boys on and get ourselves caught hello there guards yes it's me all right then we're going to pick up the next set of iron plate gauntlets and whack those bad boys on and then we are ready now to be captured and then sleep it all off and we've been fantastic all of our lovely items are back with two new gauntlets added into them which now means if we also go into the skill tree and upgrade our fist of steel even add in well fitted and why not drop in a bit of Juggernaut our unarmed Strike should now do a lot more damage the only issue is we now need to test out these unarmed strikes on someone and the man in front of us is walking away at a microscopic speed which is ever so slightly too fast for us to catch up to but luckily a guard's walking towards us so let's drop down a save file and test out our lovely Fists of Fury bam and oh yes that's quite good oh yes that's good oh wow oh my goodness we are such a nightmare technical monster so we can now viably punch and beat people up the only issue is we move at a snail's pace and we need to fix that so um let's try and fix our over encumbent which is going to take some 5000 IQ thinking right well after 47 hours I finally walked all the way down to the horse here and now we need to take a trip all the way over to Solitude because there is a standing Stone and that standing stone is going to lower the weight of all armor to zero meaning we can finally move again so bjulum I'd like to hire your carriage and it's off to Solitude we go oh my goodness it's gonna take me so long just to even climb in the back Viola please don't leave without me oh off we go yes could I ready to go yes come on look I'm in the carriage Biola Biola why aren't we going anywhere fjulum please I've given you my money please could we go can we go I'm in the carriage bjulum bjola what the hell do you mean you best hurry up beola I've sat in the goddamn carriage for all them okay no matter how hard I try uh he Joel him just creatively won't let me go inside of the carriage uh so instead we're gonna have to buy a horse so there we go I've just bought a horse for one grand and he says it's the one with the saddle um I've got to be honest I've not seen a horse with a saddle have I just been scammed I have just been scammed okay I'm just gonna have to wait and hope a horse appears ah yes here we go here's the horse right this one's mine yes it is mine fantastic right away we go we've got to go all the way over to Solitude which is going to take oh God I don't want to know how long it's gonna take too long right well I've made it all the way over on my mighty steed to the legendary Steed Stone yes hopefully this is going to allow us to actually move again I'm very excited I could really do with actually being able to move and here we are oh wonderful all I have to do is walk up to it and then my burdens shall be lifted by someone else oh yes activate wabam oh yes and now oh my goodness we can move I mean look at my inventory carry weight of only 56. look at the apparel it doesn't weigh anything anymore oh my goodness I could move I could jump I could fly oh it's wonderful there's no nothing holding Will Smith back from being the most powerful legendary boy in the universe what a great boy well ladies and gentlemen Will Smith has achieved ultimate power he can now move at normal speeds he can punch it in human degrees and also just being in his mere proximity is enough to suck the life force out of you but today we're going to put him through his ultimate test now it is standard at the end of our videos we test the character's abilities by summoning in a whole bunch of dragons but for our legendary hero today no we'll go for an even more fearsome foe 100 walruses that's right ladies and gentlemen 100 Hawkers here we go let's see how Will Smith handles it whoa okay well immediately the game's having a few fundamental loading function issues but it's working it's working the Hawkers are here and Will Smith's doing a good job we've taken our first bit of damage but I figured still going strong yes there's quite a few dead Hawkers around us oh dear dear this is quite incredible well there's a pile of dead Hawkers I can activate my vape ability and uh steam some of these Hawkers up there we go get Vaped my dudes while they have really really strong Health pools and they are actually starting to do damage to me yes I've lost a grand total of four Health wow this is incredible this is terrifying yep these are truly a fearsome and mighty warrior I don't know if we can survive oh no another 100 Hawk has just spawned I don't know where are they going where are they going my beloved Hawkers they're going back to their home lovelands where are they going Todd Todd why are they ascending why where are they for fun and fly it's so beautiful oh my god I've never seen anything like it oh God right let's get another hundred how many more can we take how many more can we take Todd oh it's just it's so beautiful and artistic just look at them flying around it's just I feel like having the land of the Gods this is just absolutely beautiful they're watching me they're above me they know they're better than me and there's there's nothing I can do to prove myself in comparison to them they are our Gods our giant slimy scaly Gods I for one welcome our new Hawker overlords for they are Divine and wise well we appear to have reached quite a stalemate as the Hawkers have ascended into Godlike status and are now hovering above the entire world yeah there's no way I'm gonna be able to get most of those guys down they are just downright too beautiful for me oh my goodness Skyrim never change never change you absolutely beautiful perfect game anyway ladies and gents when I've been the smithing Pro if you've enjoyed today's video then make sure to give it a like and Heck if you want to see more stuff like this why not hop on down in the comment section and tell me if you want to actually see every single piece of armor that Skyrim has be put on one single individual just to see what would happen anyway thank you very much for watching I've been the spiff in British huge thank you to each and every one of our amazing patrons and YouTube channel members for making this video all the more possible and hey if you're sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further in this video on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway I'll see each and every one of you the next one have a lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,536,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, every armor, skyrim but I equip every armor, every armor in, skyrim exploit, skyrim exploit challenge, skyrim but, skyrim challenge, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit skyrim, Elder scrolls, skyrim glitch, overpowered, skyrim armour, skyrim armor build, skyrim build, skyrim exploits, skyrim special edition, skyrim is broken, overpowered skyrim, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim overpowered, video game exploit, funny moments, perfectly balanced game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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