10 ways to completely break Skyrim's intro

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welcome back to Doug Doug's cooking class as many of you know my mom was Guy Fieri and last night mom called me and said Doug Doug I'm dying and I said no mom and he said Doug I didn't learn enough in life there's so many more things to learn and you've got to use your food expertise to learn the people goodbye son goodbye mom I shed a single tear but mom Fieri was right we have got to learn more so I promise you on this channel we will learn harder and faster than ever before we will learn things that no one else is willing to learn we're gonna learn so much it's gonna hurt but we're gonna keep on learning because learning is more important than pain today's lesson is how to break Skyrim's intro in ten different ways using only the console commands now Skyrim has an incredibly iconic intro sequence you first ride along in a cart for a while then you pick your character and then you almost get executed but a dragon shows up and saves you but can you use console commands to break Skyrim's intro sequence before it finishes and before it ever actually lets you play the game now this might seem confusing but it helps a lot if you think of Skyrim like an egg there's plenty of different ways to crack open an egg that all achieved the same end result and there's probably lots of ways to crack open Skyrim's intro we just got to figure out ten of them so let's do some education we'll start off simple and we'll use the kill command that allows us to kill anything we can see so we'll kill off the characters in the cart and see if that breaks things everybody here just seems way too alive just pop in the kill command well there's no driver now so let's just pop him to get a few FS for old Frick Stormcloak he had a good run he fought against the king and he killed the king and then he fought the imperial guards and he he narrowly escaped from them but unfortunately he ran in to me and I can just kill him well all those guys down there just I feel like they've probably um FS for the horse oh okay okay this is fine I'm sure we can get back on track hello sir well accidentally killed the horse but the good news is that without a horse the cart just rolls off the side of the road nobody else seems to care and now you're permanently stuck in this cart and the game does not progress which makes sense like if you're holding a carton of eggs with your hand and you kill your hand the carton will fall over and break that's an easy omelet right there what is happening to his body it's so long next let's try the Sgt M command which lets you speed up time so we'll make the entire world move three times as fast and learn if that does anything Sgt M 3 it doesn't feel fast enough let's get this up to a ten this is the way Skyrim was meant to be played okay things are so it seems that if you speed up time the cart will roll downwards faster than the ground can process it eventually rolling through the ground sending everyone into a purgatory about 10,000 feet in the air which makes sense after all if you rolled an egg too fast down the counter it'll fall off and break perfectly in the pan there is so high they're all in this one spot look at me oh it's terrifying what's a good dance song is there any leg [Music] Skyrim ladies and gentlemen and from the back the front aside Todd Howard Todd Howard this is how Miyamoto wanted your game to be played ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna go ahead and say that's break number two all right we got distracted by accidentally killing the horse that first time and never successfully killed all the humans so let's try that again let me wait until we're in the town and go okay they're moving let's kill that person let's kill this person let's kill this person missed a few apparently okay okay and now what yeah this breaks the [ __ ] out of the game apparently the intro needs specific characters to complete specific actions to progress like that first guy getting executed and since those specific characters are all dead now you just sit in the cart forever it's the same as killing all the eggs in your egg carton beforehand now it's real easy to make an omelet next we tried adjusting the game's field of view with the fov command to learn if that breaks anything FOV 160 oh this is the waist cameras meant to be played look how long everything is what is as far as I can tell things are working right now unfortunately fov only affects the visual display and not the game logic or physics so it doesn't break anything that's all right education is about never giving up no matter how many eggs you have to buy so next let's try the set scale command to make everybody really really big set scale ten okay Ulfric you want to get on this okay the executioner is a little overqualified now okay all for its big I think this is the way that Skyrim was meant to be played so if you make everybody gigantic they just stand around forever and the dragon never shows up to progress the game it's like replacing your chicken egg with an ostrich egg now it's super big and it's much easier to break just makes sense the COC command lets you teleport to a location so let's start up a new file and teleport away to the city of Whiterun okay theoretically this warps us to Whiterun I can't move oh we all just got left behind Stormcloaks Skyrim was fine until you came along Empire was nice apparently if you try teleporting away the game will teleport you back to the intro so that kind of planned for this but then they forget to put everyone back in the cart so now y'all just stand there reciting their lines like an improv theatre group now we definitely learn something here it's like it's like if you put an egg in a sock and then you break the egg then you put on the sock you put on your shoe now there's egg in your shoe [Music] the saq command lets you start all the quests in the game now it's only starting all the quests at once it doesn't finish them so it shouldn't have a big impact so sack start all quests ok ok yeah ok ok oh ok oh wait maybe we're good maybe a resets do you want it reset see we're kind of in the intro it's just a werewolf now well I was wrong saq removes the car teleports you around now you're a werewolf and the intro stops working it's like if your egg turned into a werewolf you're not gonna touch that bad boy but it should be an easy fix we'll just use the complete all quests command caq and then be back at square one this will probably fix it I think we did it okay okay yeah okay yeah okay yeah yeah this command breaks Skyrim's intro and also the entire game the disabled command lets you remove inanimate objects from the world and because we know that the first prisoner has to be executed for the intro to progress what if we remove the executioner's chopping block maybe then he can't execute anyone next we're gonna try removing the chopping block all right so I will TFC out I'm gonna disable right uh-huh there we go so I'll remove the chopping block and the box I don't know if it's gonna break it alright now what happens our theory was correct The Imperials just have no way to kill this man without their regulation grade chopping block which makes sense the player dot place at me command lets you spawn any number of anything in the game now there's a lot of options here you could spawn ten cheese wheels on the cart which doesn't really do anything you could spawn hundreds of chefs to block the cart you could spawn 50 Aldean's which are invisible for some reason or you can spawn 1000 wheels of cheese which is too much cheese for Skyrim just like it's too much cheese for an egg write that down now normally you set your character's race and attributes halfway through the intro but you can actually set your race manually at any time with the show race menu command let's do that in the cart or show race menu right what's gonna happen as expected changing your race teleports your body into the cart which makes sense maybe we just need to show it again yeah oh well there is theoretically the game is still working I can't look left or right so something is wrong if the gods waiting for us what I can't move where am i but then once the cart gets to the spot where you normally would set your race the game teleports you to this random rock and now you can't move where am I so changing your race completely breaks Skyrim which makes sense like if you had an egg but you changed its race to a potato it's gonna be pretty goddamn hard to make an omelet now normally during the first kart sequence you can't move at all right but the push actor away command forces your character to move let's see what happens if we use it in the carton what's happened so let's do it again run it back cut out okay do we die [Music] so if you keep pushing yourself underneath the cart eventually you will be run over and die when you respawn now everyone is jammed inside the cart and Helgen and the game is frozen so to break Skyrim's intro you just got to get run over that just makes sense and that my friends is ten ways to make a Skyrim omelet guy fieri would be proud of us but there's plenty more learning to do join us next week when we learn the precise diameter of Aldean's anus which makes sense because [Music]
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 1,722,760
Rating: 4.9404817 out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, skyrim, explained with food, dougdoug food, dougdoug skyrim, skyrim intro, skyrim beginning, breaking skyrim, top 10, eggs, guy fieri, learning, education
Id: GJVom3cwBkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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