Skyrim Anniversary Edition Glitches That Still Work | Gaming Exploits

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[Music] today is the 10 year anniversary of skyrim meaning the anniversary edition of the game has just dropped what better way to celebrate this insane milestone than to go over every single glitch that still works regardless of it being a new release at this point it truly is just a feature with that being said i'm liam bartlett and this is all of the glitches that still work in skyrim anniversary edition if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to give us a thumbs up smash the sub button to keep up to date with more glitches on your favorite games but most importantly just go have a great time with some of these ridiculously fun glitches item duplication this is possibly one of the most well-known exploits in skyrim there are a few different ways to do it but we tested this one recently and it still works so step one you want to get yourself a follower and take them behind breeze home in whiterun step two tell the follower to wait here step three drop the items you wish to duplicate if it's more than one item you're gonna have to drop them one at a time step four tell your follower i need you to do something and click on everything you just dropped step five leave white run through the front gate and come straight back and finally step six if you did this right the items you dropped will be on the floor and in your followers inventory stealing from the skyforge it's crazy that i'm doing this skyrim exploit since it was found back in 2011 and i'm still robbing yearling greymane blind after all of these years it's worth noting that for some reason it doesn't class as stealing so you can take the items with no repercussions so every merchant in skyrim buys and sells out of a chest that the developers have hidden under the world fortunately that's where we're headed step one head over to the front gate in whiterun and take a left you should see a little enclosed space with a barrel step two once you see the barrel jump on top of it and face the big open space in front of you attempt to jump off of the barrel and through the gap this is going to take you ages step three now that you're finally out run around the right side of the building all the way to dragon's reach until you come across a big gap in the floor you should be able to run over it step four continue walking over the invisible floor until you hit a rock follow the rock to the right and you should be able to walk straight through as if it were platform nine and three cores step five you're now under the sky forge you should see a chest slightly above to the right jump up click on it steal everything step six wait 48 hours and the chest will be restocked step seven to get out of the glitch you'll need to head to the two archery targets on your left keep jumping head to the left of them and you'll eventually just pop out of the floor it's going to take you a long time to walk to bree's home or any white run merchant to get rid of the goods so select the shell whirlwind sprint just to make things slightly less painful max sneak in 30-ish minutes this exploit is one of the easiest on the list and requires very little if you're trying to platinum the game and want to get some of the trophies done quickly i'd recommend getting your sneak to 100 as soon as you can enter high heroka not only is getting a skill to level 100 a trophy but having max sneak will also help snap up other ones too firstly if you haven't already head over to the guardian stone and activate the feast stone this will ensure your level skyrockets even faster get yourself an iron dagger and fast travel to high heroka home of the greybeards when you walk in there's usually a gray beard knelt down in the center of the room position yourself behind the monk crouch flick your difficulty sentence to the max and quick save the game ensuring that you are completely hidden slash the monk with the iron dagger at first it will instantly show that you've been detected but you'll be hidden again straight away with each or every other slash you'll level up and you'll be less prone to detection for shivan the poor guy each time be sure to save every few levels as you can get caught out pretty easily quick side note here with each slash you'll be slowly pushing the monk forward once he hits a wall he'll turn around don't get caught mid-swing these guys do not mess around when they feel friend keep swinging that blade till you hit 100 bucket head this is an incredibly simple one for you here this isn't a glitch or a hack but it's most definitely an exploit take a bucket pot or basket place it over the head of any merchant and steal everything if you were trying to get max level sneak to steal from any merchant in the game forget leveling up just block their view with a basket and they'll stand there while you empty their shot unlimited arrows firstly get yourself a follower and trade with them give them a bow and one arrow of your choice i'd suggest a good arrow like daedric or glass each time your follower uses their bow they'll shoot unlimited arrows regardless of the fact you just gave them one this exploit is handy for two reasons you can pocket every arrow that hits the ground boom three arrows and your follower can now take down monsters twice their size with ease because they're rocking some pretty overpowered arrows launching dead dragons i'm not really sure if this can be considered an exploit but i guess it could be handy if you ever find yourself needing to transport a dead dragon at the very least it's fun to blast a dragon off of a mountain after killing one of the many dragons in skyrim simply equip a spell meant for reanimating corpses and shoot a dragon boom there she goes hidden thieves guild chests grab yourself a plate and head to the ragged flag i'm assuming you know it's in the thieves guild what am i doing with a plate i hear you ask through the screen well you're about to break skyrim quite a bit once at the flagon shortened for the ragged flagging to save time find the door that leads to the ragged flag and cistern but don't go through it drop that plate of yours now pick it up by holding the action button this way it won't go into your inventory but instead float in front of you like a spooky ghost plate still holding onto the button hold the plate up against the door and get as close as possible now start to sprint at the door sometimes whirlwind sprint can make this glitch happen quicker so try that too after hopefully a little bit of time you'll fall through the door and the floor and the world yep you've just broken skyrim you should end up underwater have a look around you and you'll see seven chests each will have some great loot and around a thousand gold after emptying each chest swim upward to pop out of the glitch as if nothing happened you just stole from the thieves guild making you some kind of super thief fast travel while over encumbered let's just say i really wish i knew this one before i'd completed skyrim a handful of times if you've just looted a cave and can't walk faster than the snail because you've just picked up a spoon you're gonna have to drop that spoon right wrong just jump on your horse and that's it you can now fast travel fast armor leveling it's funny how easy it is to level your armor in this game all you have to do is stand there and get hit a bunch firstly head to the guardian stone so you can activate the warrior stone and level up 10 times faster you'll find the guardian stones here now deck yourself out in full light or heavy armor grab yourself a lot of health potions and head to the little icy island just north of winterhold find yourself a bear or a hawker flick your difficulty to the lowest and let it start attacking you during the lower levels you'll need to keep drinking health potions and side note this is a great time to level up restoration whilst you're getting roughed up each level you'll be able to add another skill point to your armor until eventually you can subject yourself to a violent beating from two or even three hawkers eventually you'll be able to leave your controller alone completely another side note you can equip a shield and take down the button that holds the shield up this will simultaneously level up the block skill too unlimited soldiers leveling up all combat skill as much as possible regardless of your loyalty to the imperials or the stormcloaks they're all about to get a taste of your sword once you've picked aside and are getting asked to take over forts you're ready for the ultimate skyrim glitch head to the fort like you usually would take out all of the enemies and win the four now start attacking all of your comrades why because these guys will keep respawning you could keep killing them over and over until you max out every combat skill you have max combat level on a horse after the quest the cure for madness you'll be rewarded with the horse shadow mirror this horse isn't only great because it annihilates enemies it also has a very quick regenerative health if you turn your difficulty to the max you can blast shadow mirror of a barrage of arrows slash it with a sword or use any other type of weapon or spell to boost those levels quickly don't forget to activate the correct guardian stone to help you level up faster stealing from the khajiit so we'll start with the mark off stable chest once you fast travel to mark our stables start heading east down the path this is the opposite direction of marco two pass the first bridge and keep heading east three you'll eventually come across a second bridge it will be straight ahead of you then just to the left of it is a small grey stone wall go around to the opposite side of the stone wall five now change to first person aim your crosshair the middle of the wall now look at the ground and slowly walk forwards boom there's the chest the solitude chest one fast travel to catler's farm once you arrive head north up the hill towards solitude once you get to the archway at the top of the hill turn right towards the two khajiit the chest will be in the grass just behind the second khajiit side note here this one is quite small so make sure you crouch and go first person though it's real tricky to find but it's there then finally the dawn star chest so fast travel to dawn star once you arrive follow the north path until it bends to the right now follow the path all the way east you'll know you're following the right path because the inn will be on your right as you get to the end of the path the iron breaker mine will be on your right the chest will be located amongst the rocks and trees in front of you walk towards the trees you'll see some rocks on the ground to the right the middle rock at the back is where you'll find the chest alchemy and enchantment restoration exploit so first off you're going to need the ability to enchant armor with the fortify alchemy enchantment you can get the ring with this exact ability by starting the quest ring of pure mixtures by talking to frieda at the mortar and pestle once you've done the quest pickpocket frida to nab the ring you can then disenchant the ring at any enchantment table now enchant a helmet braces a necklace and a ring with fortify alchemy now equip all of them you'll also need an alchemy level of 40 so that you can upgrade the alchemist perk to level three you can get the physician and also make sure you have benefactor so now you're ready to do the glitch head to an alchemy lab and craft a four to five restoration potion for this you'll need one long fin and one cyridillic spade tail although they're frustrating to find you can always duplicate them using our glitch from the last video now drink that tasty potion you just brewed after drinking the potion go into your inventory and unequip all of your fortify alchemy apparel stay in the menu now pop it all back on go back into the alchemy lab create another fortify restoration potion unequip and then equip your items just like last time repeat the process until you've done it around nine maybe ten times this is where the glitch gets really interesting go ahead and craft yourself a few fortify smithing potions and fortify enchanting potions for smithing you'll need glowing mushroom and a blister wart and for enchanting you'll need snowberries and a blue butterfly wing consuming these potions means you'll be able to craft impenetrable armor that sells for millions you'll also be able to enchant items with game breaking effects alternative way under the skyforge getting under the sky forge is already a glitch we've covered in our last video but some players can't seem to jump out of whiterun using that really annoying barrel this section will show you an alternative route to getting out of whiterun side note although getting out of whiterun is done differently in this glitch the trick used to get under the sky forge is exactly the same so step one head to the courtyard area just behind the companions headquarters located near the top of whiterun now grab a bowl off of the table locate the two archery targets now drop your bowl near the wall to the right of those targets hold down the action button and lift the bowl up holding it up against the wall with the bowl in position push yourself up against it and use whirlwind sprint after one or two tries you should shoot straight through the wall and appear just outside of whiterun now simply follow the steps in our original skyforge skyrim glitch in short they are run around the right side of the building until you get to the bottom of dragon's reach find the invisible floor you'll be able to walk over it walk up against the wall and follow it along until you pass right through it you're now under the skyforge you'll now be able to steal from the chest as many times as you want unlimited shell glitch get yourself five amulets of talos whilst it is possible to find all five of them in skyrim it can get a bit repetitive trying to search for them so you could always jump over to our item duplication glitch in our previous video or you could buy one from bellathor's goods failing that i'll leave a link in the description on where to find every amulet of talos step two now you need to go and get yourself a follower if you don't have one yet you have access to uthgard the unbroken at any point in the game she can always be found in the bannered mare in whiterun now it's time to either become a werewolf or a vampire become a werewolf join the companions in whiterun become a vampire you'll need to contract the vampire disease this happens during combat with a vampire or sleeping outside or in a cave or you could start the dawnguard dlc questline for easy access to both reflections side note here you can be cured of both reflections to be cured of the werewolf disease just start the companions questline and to be cured of vampirism start the completely repeatable quest rising at dawn now find a discreet location such as high heroka this is so you don't gain a bounty for turning into a vampire overlord or a werewolf now that you're there equip the power and then save the game walk over to your follower just as you click on them to chat activate your beast power at the same time if you've done it correctly you'll begin to transform the ability to use the dialogue option if you didn't time it right just reload that save you're now a huge monster so it's time to politely ask your follower to trade with this is where the skyrim glitch truly begins trade over all five of the amulet of talos great you've now given your follower all five time to go into their inventory and equip them all side note don't take them equip them eight out of the dialogue screen and wait around for your beast power to wear off you should now have all five amulets equipped and you'll never need to wait for your shouts to regenerate side note here changing from one beast to another or unequipping the amulets will mean that you need to do the glitch again daedric armor at any level the only thing i love more than daedric armor is daedric armor at level one and this my friends is how you do it so step one go and speak to ferenga secret fire at dragon's reach and purchase the soul trap spell from him step two possibly the manliest step you'll ever hear head out into the woods and kill something smaller than you step three now that you've proved your masculinity go over to the dead creature and use soul trap again and again wait an in-game hour each time you run out of magicka step four keep going step five keep going step six repeat steps 4 and 5 until you've reached level 100 conjuration it should only take about 20 minutes step 7 go into the conjuration skill tree and by the novice apprentice adept expert and master conjuration skill perks eight head to the college of winterhold and talk to phineas gester he's located in the hall of countenance ask him what else is there to learn about conjuration and he should offer you a quest step nine go through the dialogue and accept the quest you'll receive a spell to summon an unbound dramora step 10 after going to the location for the quest summon the jamora it will be pretty hostile and refuse to do anything you say beat the crap out of it after defeating it and re-summoning it two to three times the dramora will obey your command you can now tell it to go grab you a sigil stone from oblivion step 11 once you have your sigil stone head down to the midden at the college of winterhold step 12 follow the dungeon all the way to the forge once you're there pop your sigil stone in the forge thirteen to forge daedric armor here the ingredients are a little bit different to normal forges for this you'll need a sigil stone a daedra heart unenchanted ebony armor depending on what you want you can put in boots a helmet or anything else you'll need a centurion dynamo core and one black soul gem empty or filled side note here all of these items can be duplicated using our duplication glitch from skyrim glitches part one step 14 now all that's left to do is to wear your daedra karma with pride level 100 alteration in seconds for this glitch you'll need to get the black book filament and filigree so that you can learn the power secret of arcana you can get this book by completing the quest on earth you're also going to need to spell telekinesis which can easily be found in redwater den so step one drop a random item on the ground step two activate the power secret of arcana step three equip the telekinesis spell and use it on the item you just dropped step four whilst holding down the buttons navigate over to the map and fast travel somewhere far away and five if done correctly you're now level 100 in alteration get a giants club for your follower so this isn't really a glitch or an exploit but it's there and players should definitely take advantage of it up in tumble arch pass north east of whiterun there's a random giants club on the ground unfortunately you can't wield it but tell your follower to pick it up and they'll be more than happy to equip it even if they look ridiculous doing so the damage isn't amazing but you could always enchant or improve it using the restoration loop glitch from our skyrim glitches that still work part 2 video horse tilt extreme speed glitch you have places to go maybe even people to see but it takes your weak little dragonborn legs three days to get from whiterun to markup well do i have the glitch for you all you've got to do is push your horse's face into the dirt no really that's it so step one you're going to want to find a small hill i like to use the area outside of whiterun because it's very hilly step two get on a horse it can be shadow mirror or a random horse that you've stole it uh bought step three take your four-legged friend over to the small hill and position yourself at the top step four slowly push the controller stick forward just tapping it gently this should make your horse tiptoe down the hill five your horse should be tilting forwards and its face should be getting closer to the ground step six once you've buried your body up to the neck dismount if done right your character should begin to flail around seven again if you did all of the previous steps right you can now run at ridiculous speeds making the creator of whirlwind sprint look like an absolute chump you'll be so fast in fact that a slight incline in your path will act as a ramp this will fire you into the sky and most likely kill you when you land so be careful horse versus gravity while we're on the subject of horses and skyrim here's another horse glitch for all you equestrians out there i feel like everybody knows this skyrim glitch and i can't believe i haven't mentioned it up until now i'm not sure it's as much as a glitch as it is just a design flaw but it's worth a mention regardless being the part of tamriel surrounded by mountains skyrim can be frustrating to navigate for beginners a ride from riften to solitude can be an arduous journey for the uninitiated this is where your horse comes in instead of following the wind and roads that lead through bandit camps and packs of walls simply spamming the jump button while walking up a mountain will propel you to the peak this can be done on foot two but the results are ten times better with a horse sigil stone without doing the quest sigil stones are extremely important for many reasons but most of all they used to craft daedra karma if you didn't want to use our fast conjuration glitch from earlier this is the next best thing and this glitch like most scarring glitches uses a wooden plate to manipulate the world so for this glitch head over to the college of winterhold in you guessed it winterhold so step one be sure to stack up on wooden plates it's quite easy to lose the plates in this glitch you can find a plate or two in whiterun on the tables outside of the companions building you can then duplicate the plates using the duplication glitch from our first video step two head into the hall of attainments it's directly in front of you when you enter the college step three walk over to the second pillar located on your left hand side when you walk in step four pull out a trusty plate drop it on the floor pick it up by holding the button and lift it towards the right side of the pillar five once you've positioned your plate begin to sprint at it eventually you'll gain access to a chest six loop the chest it contains a lot of interesting items as well as the sigil stone once you've looted the chest simply walk backwards to get out of the glitch and if for some reason you wanted to duplicate it you can follow the duplication glitch in the previous video keep the rifle axe and the mask of clavicus file probably one of my favorite daedric artifact missions this is an extremely simple technique to stop you having to pick one or the other at the end of the quest so step one do everything in the quest line up until you have to return to the shrine of clavicus vile it's worth mentioning to save at this point because it's all about precision timing step two clavicus is going to try to cut you a deal asking you to use the axe to kill barbus in exchange for the weapon three tell him no deal and instantly use the slow time shell the name of the shout is on your screen below so i don't have to fail at pronouncing it step four the quest will give you an ultimatum ignore it and walk out of the cave don't run step five once you're out of the cave very quickly fast travel to a house you own the best house is lakeview manor because it spawned you right outside the front door which gives you enough time to do the glitch step six again walk don't run and head into your house now pop the axe on the weapon rack you'll most likely have clavicus still talking in the background step seven if you put the axe in the weapon rack before the time shall ended you should have a quest complete notification eight go outside wait 24 hours and possibly another 24 hours eventually the mask will appear in your inventory and now you have both fast level to 100 distraction if the destruction leveling glitches from our previous videos don't do it for you you're in for a real treat because we have another one you will need a hundred enchanting for this but if you check out our previous videos there are plenty of ways to do that in seconds with level 100 enchanting make sure you have all five levels of enchanter you'll also need insightful enchanter corpus enchanter and extra effect so step one get yourself a helmet a chest piece a ring and a necklace and equip all of them step two travel the dragon's reach three speak with fireanga and by four filled ground soul gems he most likely won't have all four so you can either use the item duplication glitch from our first video or you can wait 24 to 48 in-game hours for his stock to replenish four you're now going to want to use the enchanter and enchant your four pieces of equipment stick fortified destruction on them all with this destruction spells won't cost any magicka to use five head over to winterhold find enther and buy the wall of flame spell from him and finally go find shadow mirror stick your difficulty up to legendary and blast your horse non-stop until you reach level 100. pickpocket with zero percent chance really simple one for you here if you hate it when you want to pickpocket someone but there's no chance of you succeeding simply use the paralyzed spell on them and when they're sprawled out on the floor take them for everything they've got easy stuff keep the rusty mace and the mace of molag bao another simple one for you here when you've entered the abandoned house and you're told to beat logroth into submission using the rusty mace run home and stick it in your weapon rack once you've done that head back to the abandoned house and beat him down any other way you want you will then be given the mace of molag bao and you get to keep that nasty looking rusty mace too fly around skyrim on a bird moving away from the simple glitches this glitch is a bit more pointless so step one head over to solitude in the daytime two head up the tower to the right and jump on the edge of the wall step three face the building to your east and whirlwind sprint onto the roof step four now whirlwind sprint to the next roof in the same direction climb to the top of the roof until you find a bird's nest if it doesn't have a bird in it just wait 24 hours step five when you see the bird chilling in the nest just stand on him and he will do all of the hard work every spell book in a secret chest want a specific spell but can't figure out who sells it no worries we've got you covered there's a hidden chest in solitude that has every spell book in the game and we're gonna show you where to find it step one head to the blue palace in solitude two when you walk through the front door there will be a platter on the table to your left take it or bring a platter of your own three straight ahead when you come through the front door there are two sets of stairs leading to the second floor head to the hallway behind the left set of stairs and four halfway up the hallway where the second rug stops turn to your right and face the wall five drop the platter and pick it up by holding x or a depending on your console and push the platter up against the wall and begin to walk through seven once you get through the wall there will be a beam in front of you keep sprinting and jumping over and over again until you get there eight turn around and face where you came in there will be a chest below you just drop down and hit the open button as fast as you can it might be worth just spamming it as you're falling fly anywhere using a bucket really simple one for you here step one get yourself a bucket with a handle from cattlers farm just outside of solitude two stand on top of the bucket three hold down x or a depending on console to pick up the bucket you'll begin flying once you pull back on the stick and begin moving the bucket around before it might be worth mentioning that you should have the become ethereal shell ready for your inevitable drop to the ground insanely fast punching sticking with the theme of quick and simple glitches this will give you lightning fast punches one equip the skull of corruption in one hand two equip any shield in your other hand three block using your shield and quickly click over to your menu four now unequip your shield and five you can now drain life bars with a couple of speedy slaps alternative sneak glitch so here we are after 300 plus comments mentioning this on our first skyrim glitch video i caved and i'm now including it yes it's a viable option to level up your sneak but unlike the greybeard glitch you can't access the guardian stone first so step one when you escape helgen with one of the two npcs head deeper into the cave until you see the sleeping bear two stay at the entrance of the room crouch behind the npc and flick your difficulty settings to the max and finally three now start smacking the npc and watch your sneak level rise get the ebony blade early so if you want to be able to get the ebony blade at level one this glitch is for you one head to dragon's reach and make your way down to the area where you meet the whispering lady two the door will be locked won't be able to be picked jump up on the shelf to the left of the door and drop a plate pick it up use an x or a again depending on your console and hold it up against the wall run at the plate and you'll pop into the room with the ebony blade and finally to leave hold the plate up against the north wall and keep running at it until you pop back into dragon's reach free house and house upgrades anywhere want a fully upgraded skyrim house but you've not got time to gather all of the gold to fully kit it out no worries we've got you covered so step one you'll need 5k gold but don't worry you're not going to spend it this is just to activate certain bits of dialogue with npcs that sell the houses if you don't have any gold go check out our glitch in our first video to duplicate items or get into the skyforge you'll make more than enough for this step two head to the npc selling the house for example you can go to preventis in dragon's reach three keep running into the npc until you back them into a chest dresser or any type of container then four go into the dialogue with the npc to either buy the house or upgrade it once you've clicked the service you require instantly back out of the dialogue and click on the dresser five if done right the game will essentially pause while you're in the dresser menu and the npc can't yet take any money from you so dump all of your cash into that dresser six after backing out of the dresser menu the npc will give you the house or tell you their arrangements will be made to upgrade your house and they won't take any money seven simply go into the dresser take your money back and select another service for your house until you've completely stacked it for free free training we all want to become masters and specific types of skills but again we don't have the money i mean we're dragonborn we can't save the world and have a full-time job lucky for you we have an easy exploit to get free training for a lot of skills simply find a trainer that is also a follower get them to follow you ask them to train you after you've done this ask them to trade with you and take your money back i know it's easier said than done to find a trainer who is also a follower so we have all seven of them right here ayla the huntress will train you in archery athis will train you in one-handed farkas will train you in heavy armor feigner will train you in archery again nigeria stone arm definitely got that wrong will train you and block vilcas will train you in two-handed and talvas wrong again probably will train you in conjuration easy level 100 pickpocket unfortunately that last exploit didn't have a pickpocket training follower that could be exploited so if you're looking for a foolproof way to lift a few septums from an overflowing coin purse this is the glitch for you simply start the dark brotherhood questline you can do this by heading to the orphanage in riften and talking to one of the kids after blasting grello of the kind and then finishing the quest rest in any bed and you'll trigger the quest line you'll wake up to the first dark brotherhood mission with free npcs with sacks on their heads and you're told to terminate one of them just crouch pickpocket them load their pockets up with goodies and then steal it all back they can't see you through their sacks just keep doing this until level 100 reset merchants inventory we've all been there you need a specific ingredient for a potion but a stupid merchant stopped selling it today well thankfully there's a way to reset the merchant's inventory and it involves punching them in the face so step one save your game two punch the merchant in the mouth three reload the game four buy that thing you need and that is literally it infinite sprint we all know stamina drains way too quickly in skyrim some people put all of their skills into stamina to sort that problem other people like us cheat so step one get a torch in one hand and have a weapon sheathed in the other two begin spamming the sprint button until you run out of stamina don't hold the button down just tap it loads three just as your stamina fully depletes hold the sprint button and you'll be able to keep sprinting forever the great thing about this is whenever your stamina has fully depleted tapping sprint a few times will lunge the dragonborn forward and then holding sprint after this animation will then send them back into an infinite sprint stack armor nice simple one for you here allowing you to stack any armor regardless of the enchantments or buffs so step one grab yourself all of the armor and jewelry you want to stack and then head over to whiterun two to the guards barracks and go to the first room on your left three wear one complete set of armor and place everything else in the barrel step four now go out and pickpocket a guard until he catches you now click submit and go to jail five when you wake up you'll need to pick the floor lock to get out step six make your way out but ignore that chest with your belongings go back to the barrel and equip the next set you want to wear remember you can only equip one boots one chest one gloves etc step seven pickpocket a guard submit and go to jail again step eight keep doing this until you're happy with how stacked you are your dragonborn will be wearing the last thing that you equip though so keep that in mind step nine for your last set submit and go to jail but this time sleep and serve your time you are now absolutely unstoppable and if you used enchanted armor you are basically a god from the main gates head up the steps to the left follow the path to the circular garden area walk towards the house on your right and you'll fall through the floor easy as that glitch too head to the companions building once at the front door turn left and go up the skyforge step on the rock facing the companions building whirlwind sprint onto the roof then whirlwind sprint over the wall three from the main gates head to the left up the stairs follow the path to the left go up the ramp and turn left again jump onto the roof of the house jump to the top and then onto the dragon statues on the right jump to the platform it feels like there's a barrier in the way but you can get around it fall down to the wall on your right you'll need to fall slightly to the left and then quickly move to your right and you're out glitch four from the position of the last area after jumping from the roof instead of dropping to the right drop to your left and instead of falling slightly left and then quickly going right we're going to do it the opposite way around so full right and then quickly go to your left glitch 5 jump on the smelter at war maidens turn to the roof and whirlwind sprint jump to the top of the roof face the wooden roof structure and whirlwind sprint at that now simply jump down to the ground and you're on the other side of the wall there are at least another six ways that i've tested and work but this video would have gone on for way too long if i included them all maybe it could be a future video it depends if people really want to see more ways to do the same thing funny glitch after learning that you may be a dragonborn you make your way to the grey beards to learn more when you're at the gray bridge you'll hang out they teach you a few shouts but when master wolfgang is about to show you how to do whirlwind sprint you can paralyze him or use the free shout for a hilarious outcome and here's how that looks more sneak leveling remember how we got thousands of comments saying the grey beard sneak glitch wasn't as good because you could hit the npc following the cave after helgen well i can do you one better you don't even need to hit the follower simply crouch tape your left stick forwards and you can afk level without a single npc getting harmed apart from you free trainers this one is incredibly simple and i'm sure we've all done it step one find a trainer ask them to train you to sneak behind them pick pocket and get that money back three rinse and repeat it goes without saying that you should start this exploit on the pickpocket trainer silda the unseen who strangely can be seen walking around windhelm it's also worth mentioning to pickpocket after each lesson otherwise it becomes near impossible to steal your money back elgram's elixirs hidden chest just like the skyforge chest in our first video you can gain access to the chest at elgram's elixirs so step one head over to elgram's elixirs it's in the lower parts of rifton to grab a wooden plate from the back room of the shop carry it don't steal it as you must know by now wooden plates are a skyrim glitch's best friend three move over to the east wall with the bucket in front of it drag the bucket out of the way four hold the plate up against the wall and simply walk forwards step five you'll drop onto a chest just look down and rob it you can reset the chest by waiting 24 to 48 hours and then asking if the shop owner has anything for sale six if you want to be able to do the next glitch on our list as soon as you drop off of the chest to teleport safely back into the shop click on the other chest as you fall this chest is called the do not delete chest and it will be put in your inventory use do not delete chest to steal step one head to the hall of attainments to the left of college of winterhold two on the second floor there are some plates on the table grab them because you'll need them step three head back to the bottom floor and find the room with all of the alchemy items in once you've found it hold your plate on the right side of the doorway then four walk against the plate and you'll clip through the wall five look down at the big empty space and quickly go into your misc section in your inventory and six drop the do not delete chest that you acquired from the last glitch it will float underneath you and stop you from dropping out of the glitch step seven look up there are multiple chests all around you and closer inspection you'll see one right next to you take all you can from it it'll have master robes spells and a lot of gold then step eight to drop out of this glitch just pick up the do not delete chest from underneath your feet clear stolen tag from any item stealing is fun in skyrim that is be it pickpocketing sneaking into homes or lifting items off of shop shelves it's a perfectly viable way to level your character but with great power comes really annoying guards that take your stolen goods whenever you're in trouble if you went through all of that trouble to take it you should be able to keep it fortunately there is a way to make that pesky little stolen tag disappear so step one get yourselves a follower you can grab uthgard the unbroken from the bannered mare in whiterun all you've got to do is beat her to a pulp good deal right step two put your stolen item in a container of your choice this may seem obvious but make sure it's not a container marked still from you'll only create more problems for yourself here three tell your follower i need you to do something and click on the container this will have your follower grab everything out of the container including your stolen item four ask your follower to trade with you and you'll notice your stolen item is in the inventory and is no longer marked as stolen free black guard armor if you want to look like dc's the green arrow then you're gonna want to get your hands on the black guard armor it is pretty badass this armor can be grabbed from a very specific location after doing a bunch of missions but we're just gonna take it right now instead how am i gonna acquire such lovely armor i hear you ask well you're going to need one of the gaming exploit community's best friends that's right a plate so step one head to raven rock two once you get off the boat head through the main gate and turn left you're looking for glover mallory's house get yourself into mallory's house undetected i just picked the lock but you can also pickpocket the key or wait for the door to be unlocked step four grab the wooden plate off of his table and walk downstairs five you'll see a door that requires a key or a plate hold the plate up at about eye level you should be able to run straight through the door and on to the other side this can take a few minutes to get right or you'll go through as smoothly as butter step six the armor is in a display case to your right you'll also notice lots of ingredients food soul gems and gold there's also some daedric arrows and a barrel to the right marked thieves cash and it's also worth stealing the shield and daedric sword off of the wall in front of you seven did you forget to bring a plate into the room with you no worries pick up the short basket on the left side of the room lift it to eye level and run through the door just like you came in now pop your armor on and go show it off to all of your friends get into delphine's hidden room early remember delphine she's the blade from riverwood that tries to force you to kill parthenax well what i like to do is go to her secret room in the sleeping giant's inn where she works and rob her blind and you can do this straight after helgen to do this step one head to the sleeping giant inn two head into the bedroom with the secret room behind the wardrobe step three pull out your trusty glitching tool it's an in so there will be a wooden plate lying around somewhere important note here make sure you grab two plates step four hold the plate up to eye level against the secret wardrobe and run straight through five rob delphine blind step six drop your plate and leave the way you came in random glitch in high horopha a nice quick one for you here head up to the grey beard's courtyard all the way to the north of the courtyard is a tower you can run around to the left of this tower and walk straight through the wall this glitch may be the key to finding some hidden chests i haven't fully tested it yet but interestingly if you're being attacked once you climb into this spot enemies just lose interest and wander off escape riften so i have no idea why you want to do this glitch yet i'm still checking to see if you can use it to get anything valuable but for now here's an extremely simple way to get out of riften step one grab yourself a plate i think you know where this is going by now two head to the front gate step three do the old plate trick and run at it make sure you lift it up to eye level then boom you're out i'd have a look around the shop area as i'm sure you could find a chest or two and then take advantage of it just like the skyforge glitch in part one i'll be giving it a proper check this week but let me know in the comments if you find anything valuable using this glitch undead army at level one this exploit is a little ridiculous but then again what exploits are this can be done at any point be it straight after you leave helgen at the beginning of the game or after beating alduin sorry if i just spoiled a 10 year old game for you but yeah you beat him this undead army has white walker rules in that you can recruit an endless amount of dead boys and if any of them die you can just bring them back so step one travel to the ritual stone two activate it it's gonna give you a new power to raise the dead three you should start getting attacked by a necromancer and his skeletons just batter them step four once you've killed them pick them up using your new raise the dead power from your ritual stone then five take your new undead team and find some npcs or animals to kill six once you've killed the next lot of npcs and animals wait 24 hours you have to do this as you can only use the power once a day you'll notice that all of your undead squad will drop the good news is unlike any other reanimating spell the bodies will stay intact and not turn to dust so just activate the power again and now you'll have an even bigger team seven this power has a huge area of effect and you can reanimate high level creatures so you could either go kill some giants or if you're playing this from the beginning you can go to whiterun where there will be a bunch of companions who just killed the giant for you go give that giant a raise step 8 keep doing this until you have an army go take over a city and then reanimate all of them you are now king necromancer there are a few ways to exploit this even further which i'll cover in part 11. more more arrows we did the more arrows glitch in part one well this is more more arrows no longer will you have to rely on lydia to get into a ranged fight so step one go to solitude and head up the stairs to the courtyard where all of the guards are training you'll see one or two solitude guard shooting arrows at a target so two pickpocket one of them and pop an arrow of your choice in his pocket three run over to the target don't get in his way now every time he shoots an arrow grab it boom unlimited arrows for life you could do this early game and just keep selling the arrows jump twice as high this one happened completely by accident when i was trying to steal the flying bucket i've only managed to replicate the glitch twice after hundreds of tries but like todd howard says it just works so step one head to windhelm two enter house of clan shattershield in the room to your right there's a barrel near the east wall step three jump on top of the barrel and look down you'll see the bucket with the handle that can be used for that flying glitch you can check out part five if you haven't already then four jump up and down on the barrel slowly jumping towards the bucket until you're on top of it step five keep spamming the jump button on top of the bucket now grab it and drag it towards yourself while jumping step six pick the bucket up and pop it in your inventory seven you can now for some reason jump twice as high this will help you get out of most cities pretty easily if you want to reset the glitch just save and reload your game launch a dead dragon even further remember last year on my very first skyrim video i said you can fling a dead dragon miles with a simple reanimated the dead spell well this spell will launch them even further simply equip a fireball blast it at the dead dragon of your choice and watch it break the sound barrier while it catapults up a mountain two do not delete chests in dragon's reach these do not delete chests are pretty simple to find and once you have these two and the one from the last video you can start making staircases to hard to reach places because if you didn't already know they just float wherever you drop them so the first chest step one head to dragon's reach in y run two head over to the yar's quarters then three in the center of the room with the table grab the plate and head to the room to your right just behind the chair against the north wall do the plate trick and you'll see your first do not delete chest right in front of you grab it and that's the first chest done it doesn't matter if you fall through the wall completely you'll teleport back into the yar's quarters for the second chest again go to the isle's quarters two go into his bedroom step three you should see a pair of black boots up against the wall to the right of the bed head over to that spot step four hold your plate up against the wall and push through as you drop you'll see the chest you're gonna need to grab it quickly you do fall pretty fast if you miss it you will teleport back and you can just try again side note i thought i kept losing plates but normally if you drop your plate doing this it will propel itself backwards so check behind you there is also a chester still from in dragon's reach it's the mage's chest and if you go into his work area and push yourself up against his wall on the left you can run around the outside of the room and find the chest up on its side for some reason it wasn't there for me while playing on the ps5 but it was when i was playing on the switch version let me know in the comments if you managed to find it while playing on playstation i'd be interested to know if i've somehow broken my game escape from jail without lock picks this one is pretty funny and i'm surprised it was never patched out once you've committed a crime and a guard throws you in jail you don't need to use lockpicks simply start shouting after three or four tries a guard will unlock the gate so that he can tell you off after you've been told off simply crouch and sneak out there another stealth leveller the best stealth leveling is an ongoing discussion in the gaming exploits community lots of people prefer the grey beard option because you can use the thief stone while some prefer to hit the npc in the cave at the beginning just because it's quick and you can do it at the beginning but what if i told you there's another way and there is and it involves beating on your old friend parthenax you can crouch behind him and beat him until his life bar is depleted for some reason he'll never stagger while his health is low you can just keep on smacking him and level yourself up in the process and i guess this glitch is a two-in-one because you could also spend time leveling your archery magic or anything else on him too he's a big boy so he's gonna help you level up pretty fast breathing underwater we all hate underwater levels the pressure of managing someone else's lungs while also navigating them through some sort of underwater hellhole is horrific looking at you metal gear solid two and while skyrim doesn't really do underwater levels we do still have to go underwater if we want the shiniest of the shiny treasures well if you're in a dungeon you don't have a water breathing piece of clothing and you're all out potions what is that left to do how about changing your camera from first person to third and then back to first yep that's it each time you do this for some inexplicable reason the dragonborn will take a huge breath of lovely air while underwater multiple armor bonuses this is one of my favorite ways to stack armor just because it's incredibly simple so step one get yourself a follower any one of them will do two head to the jail in any city and position yourself in the cell that you would be sent to if committing a crime normally there's a dead body in the cell that you'll be thrown into so go there free once you've pick locked your way in tell your follower to wait in the prison cell step four give your follower the armor you wish to stack effects with side note the armor you give your follower is the armor you'll be wearing once the glitch is finished it might also be worth giving your follower loads of lockpicks step 5 put on some armor that you don't care about wearing but has effects that you want to stack and six head outside and punch a guard in the mouth step 7 tell the guard to take you to jail 8 you'll notice you've been put in a cell with your follower trade with them put on the armor that you gave to them and grab the lock picks 9. sneak out of jail step 10 punch another guard in the mouth preferably the same one just to ruin his day then step 11 ask him to send you to jail again but this time don't escape sir of your time when you spawn outside you'll have all of your gear back from the last two jail sentences but more importantly you'll be wearing the items you put on originally and the items you gave your follower you can do this over and over but just be sure to stack some carry weight enchanted gear because this could start to get pretty heavy fly in a basket if you're looking to fly anywhere in the game travel somewhere quickly or just want to take in the sights this glitch is for you i used it to get to the top of the throat of the world instead of doing that incredibly lengthy climb so step one find a basket you can get these from almost any building step two stand inside it three look down hold the grab button which is x for playstation a for xbox then four while holding the grab button spam the jump button five you begin floating keep holding that grab button and spamming jump begin slightly tilting the left stick to control the direction you want to travel in you are now basically a dragon with a basket at his feet instead of wings send your character flying quite a funny one here simply whirlwind sprint but just as your character shoots forwards quickly jump into the menu eat some net jelly he'll then go full ragdoll mode and get blasted into oblivion vampire lord and werewolf hybrid when asked what they want to be when they grow up most kids say they want to be a werewolf and vampire hybrid but unfortunately reality set in when they found out they can only be one or the other well not anymore with this simple glitch you can do it all so step one go and get yourself some nifty vampire lord powers and get serrana to follow you step 2 get to the point in the companion story where you have to drink blood to become a werewolf three equip your vampire lord power but don't activate it just yet step 4 save the game because this bit gets tricky five press the button to activate the vampire lord power and straight after drink the blood to become a werewolf you'll know when you get it right as your screen will begin distorting like you're changing and you'll still lean in for a sip of that tasty blood if you did this right you'll become a werewolf first and then it will automatically change you into a vampire step six as soon as you've become a vampire quickly revert back to your normal form seven now quickly talk to sarana and ask her to change you into a vampire lord you've now achieved everybody's childhood dream of becoming a vampire werewolf hybrid also the great thing about this is you won't be berated for being a vampire nobody knows it because you obtained it through a glitch you also don't need to feed free dragon souls getting free dragon souls is incredibly easy if you're quick you can get an unlimited amount if you're slow like i was you can get one or two so step one head back to ustengrav and head over to the tomb where you had to retrieve the horn of jurgen win corner step two once you're back at the tomb you'll notice it says activate click on it and spam it if you're quick enough you'll get hundreds of free dragon souls keep the jagged crown the jagged crown is a really cool helmet but for some reason oh god howard decided that we weren't allowed to keep it luckily we have a glitch that mr howard clearly doesn't know about so step one get the quest to retrieve the jagged crown it's the first quest when joining one of the two factions it's worth mentioning that it doesn't matter who you choose you'll get the same mission regardless step two do the quest get the crown but instead of handing the crown over turn to rayloff or hadvar quick save crouch pickpocket them and pop the crown in their inventory it says you've got a zero percent chance but it's actually 0.1 so keep trying until it slots in nicely step three head back and turn in you'll hand the crown over even though you don't have it on you step four now go and find whoever you gave the crown to i chose the stormcloaks and rayloff is normally hanging around or in the sleeping giant inn i imagine if you choose the imperials hadvar would be doing the same thing five quick save crouch pickpocket and now steal back the crown you can now wear that lovely pointy hat if you're struggling because your pickpocket isn't high enough stick around because i've got a way to level up your pickpocket extremely quickly more more more arrows we did more arrows and we did more more arrows so this time we're planting one arrow of our choice on the guys shooting arrows in the thieves guild then simply pick up your free arrow from the target move slightly faster this one keeps getting recommended so i finally checked it out and it really isn't anything special but maybe if i include it people will stop telling me to include it if you're over encumbered and you want to run the slightest bit faster just draw an arrow and now you can move 0.1 percent faster congrats random path out of white run this isn't a helpful glitch but i just wanted you guys to see this when i was testing an infinite whirlwind sprint glitch in whiterun i accidentally stumbled across a part of whiterun that says it leads to somewhere i tried using a platter to follow it but had no luck let me know in the comments if you can find this and you manage to get out i'm desperate to know what it leads to infinite whirlwind sprint this glitch is incredibly helpful if you need to get somewhere quick but in a straight line so step one hit whirlwind sprint step two just as your character jumps forward hit the wait button three wait one hour step four spam the whirlwind sprint button while moving forward and your character will begin zooming along without the blue effects or noise of the shell you can do this continuously but only in a straight line turn your horse into a speedboat this glitch was recommended in the comments and i've gotta say it's really helpful when you're in the water with your horse it's so frustrating with how slow it swims i used to avoid water with my horse because i knew how long it would add to my travel time but now when i see water i aim my horse right at it so step one get on your horse and ride it into water step two once you're deep enough that the horse starts swimming dismount step three before your horse starts swimming away quickly mount it again for some reason your horse will now sprint instead of swim no matter how deep the water gets it will continue defying physics like a good skyrim horse does it's worth mentioning that if you hit a shallow patch or if you leave the water and come back you'll need to do the glitch again now go gallop on an ocean you lucky chaps pickpocket level 100 in minutes pickpocket is always the skill i ignore until i remember the hundreds of different ways to glitch it this way requires a little setting up but it's incredibly simple and obviously by setting up i mean cold-blooded murder so step one head over to the rifton jail and you guessed it riften step two time for that setting up part i was talking about stealthily kill any guards hovering around the jail cells as they are gonna cause you issues if you get caught step three once you've handled our little guard problem walk over to the cell with sibby blackbriar in it step four crouch and steal everything you can from him it's worth mentioning that you should be putting items in his pockets and stealing them back obviously the less valuable the item the better chance you get stealing it back you'll level up your pickpocketing every other time you steal from him just don't put a big amount of gold in his pocket so you'll never get it back walk fast crouched 2.0 so i covered a way to do this before and it felt a little pointless but i've been assured that this way is a lot better and i wasn't disappointed simply crouch start walking switch the third person and pull out your weapon boom you're now sneaking at a jogging speed duplicate armor sets love that fancy set of glass armor you have do you wish that lydia would match outfits with you but can't because she only gets the rubbish armor you don't want anymore no worries this will sort you out you'll be able to dress lydia in the finest armor there is or just sell it and keep her in that awful default iron armor that she has simply pop all the armor you wish to duplicate on a mannequin at one of your skyrim homes it's obviously more efficient here if you use as many mannequins as you have access to but one is fine then take all of the items off of your wooden friend then finally run to the door and exit your home once outside turn around and go back inside you'll now find that your mannequin will be wearing all of the items you just popped on him before but you'll also have it in your inventory if you'd like to repeat the process with the same armor take it all back off the mannequin and run back outside happy glitching skyrim castle volkah glitch if for whatever reason you're not welcome at the castle don't panic because as you may have guessed you had the key to get in all along every glitch's best friend the wooden plate simply put the plate up against the barrier and whirlwind sprint straight through just make sure you have an extra plate because you're going to need to get out of there eventually if you didn't it's fine you can fast travel from behind the barrier so you can technically just head in and out whenever you want free silent roll so you know that perk that you can get after leveling sneak well you don't need it simply jump while crouching and then hold the sprint button while mid-air you'll do a lovely little silent roll thanks to the lovely chap in the comments for sharing that one with us it was extremely helpful and speaking of extremely helpful i just want to take 10 seconds from this video to mention our sponsor skillshare these clever chaps have created a platform where average chumps like me can learn a life-changing skill from the comfort of my bed with the level of teachers you get on skillshare and the level of skills they're sharing you know as well as i do it would usually cost buckets of cash and would require us to leave our warm comfortable homes because of this i would usually just avoid taking the time to learn the skill completely but with skillshare you can get lessons from beginner to advanced at a time frame that you're comfortable with in all sorts of skills from cooking to learning the guitar to making gaming thumbnails for your youtube channel i'm currently using kieran ball's 60 second spanish lesson as i find that my stupid brain can actually absorb that much info and hold it so imagine what you could do we have a link to a seven day trial to get you started on whatever journey you want best of all you can cancel your trial at the end of the seven days and it still helps our channel so please do consider it anyway back to the glitches a hundred percent magic absorption step one become a vampire and get the necromage perk from the restoration skill tree step two go and activate the atronach standing stone when you activate the stone as a vampire instead of awarding you 50 spell absorption it will actually offer you 65.5 instead step three get the astronaut perk from the alteration skill tree this would usually give you 30 spell absorption but as you guessed it as a vampire you'll get 37.5 percent instead with all of these activated you'll be unstoppable you'll absorb any magic that hits you refilling your magicka as well as not affecting your health bar at all speech to 100 in one click this glitch is an extension of our previous video on the resto pot loop glitch which can be found here so essentially when you sell one of these god potions you'll match your level in speech instantly crown of barentia glitch have you ever wanted to get the crown of borenzia but didn't want to try and find every single one of those weird little stones well we've got you covered step one grab yourself two wooden plates i think you know where this is going step two head to toe vowed cave on the eastern side of the map step three fight through tolvard's gap kill the shaman felmer and take the key you'll be able to use this later then head through to tolvald's crossing once you're at tolvald's crossing the wall directly in front of you which is self on the compass is the wall you'll be glitching through drop a wooden plate pop it in the exact center of the wall and sprint through it step five directly in front of you you'll see the crown you'll have to fight some mid-level enemies here but after killing them they'll drop some decent armor which could be either dwarven or glass you'll also find a lot of glass arrows around the area as well as some other good loot step six once you're all set glitch back out the way you came three standing stones at once this is how to get three active effects from standing stones all at once it's worth mentioning that it could be possible to get more than three i just haven't tried it yet and also a side note here you are going to need the ethereal crown for this glitch so bear that in mind step one head to the guardian stones step two activate the mage stone step three equip the ethereal crown four activate the thief stone step five this is where we actually do the glitch so position yourself in front of the warrior stone go into your inventory unequip then re-equip the crown very quickly and then activate the warrior stone from here unequip the crown once again wait and once the prompt in the top left says the last stone was removed hit equip again if done right you should have all three standing stones in your active effects max alteration in minutes okay so not really a glitch here just a very very good strategy so step one get yourself the detect life spell step two head over to solitude and over to the courtyard where all of the guards like to train archery and hang out step 3 wait until 8 am for the changing of the guards this is where a lot of the npcs will be wandering around then step 4 cast detect life as many times as you can keep popping potions and carry on casting you'll level up almost instantly [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gaming Exploits
Views: 609,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim anniversary edition glitches, skyrim anniversary edition glitches that still work, skyrim anniversary glitches, skyrim glitches, skyrim glitches funny, skyrim glitches 2022, skyrim anniversary edition glitch, skyrim anniversary edition item duplication, skyrim anniversary edition infinite shout, skyrim, skyrim glitches anniversary edition, new skyrim glitches, skyrim new glitches, skyrim duplication glitch, skyrim infinite gold glitch, glitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 22sec (4102 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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