The Making of Oblivion (FULL | HQ | ENG)

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Making of Skyrim

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Surprising how small the team is given the scope of the game and the familiar faces between all these games (and fallout 4).

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/dovahkin1989 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I'll forever love the soundtrack.

👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/FarleyFilm 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

What makes this making of so good is that it isn't one of the in-house documentaries with heavy control exercised the publisher or game studio.

It shows a more candid look into the game design process and focussed more on the people and the preparation for the E3 reveal.

It's probably my favourite game 'making of'.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/Puuugu 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/coveredyou 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

Man, oblivion is my all-time favourite game. Gabe me unreal expectations for all other games haha

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Baconhawk95 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

The more I watch videos about Bethesda, the more I love them

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Bahner88 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

I love watching this documentary, I usually watch it at least once a week while working. Along with the making of skyrim, anything elder scrolls makes me feel really creative and want to either draw or sculpt.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies

lead character animator: "People are not my forte, really"

Yes, we noticed.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/rddman 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2015 🗫︎ replies

TFW you realise Oblivion is 10 years old.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Necropulsar 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2015 🗫︎ replies
That's the thing that shocks most people. They think of a video game as a few people in their garage... and we'll say, "No, this is 50, 60 people... "for 31/2 years." "What?" A lot of people, I think, think that video games... are for the kids so it's like a toy. So why would you put that much effort into something... that's a toy? I was the kid, I was writing games when I was 12... whatever, and the other kids on the block would say... "I'm gonna play quarterback for the Cowboys"... and I'd be like, "I'm gonna make video games... "and everyone's gonna play them." They're like, "You dork. Go back to the Chess Club." Who's laughing now? Yes, I was in the Chess Club. So the Elder Scrolls is our role-playing series... that we've been doing since 1994... and with each game we have started over... and tried to do something very, very new. Each of them, we try to, for that generation... of hardware and game playing folks, create what we think... is the quintessential role-playing game... and this time we went crazy and looked at doing the game... for next-generation consoles and PCs... that didn't even exist when we started this project. All right, so this is her new upstairs. This is her puppy named Dog. She talks to him, she says no, she's got to practice. She's got things to do, she's got to practice. He has to be a good dog. So she's gonna go pick up that bow that's over... on the table there and she's gonna take a few shots. Right now her marksman skill is very low. So she goes and she gets a marksmanship potion. They're actually drinking potions? How did you do that? She drinks the potion. A lot of this is new to me, so I'm making lists. I've got that on the list because we need... the potion art and drinking potion. - That. - Yeah. It's on there. All right, so she drinks that, which increases... her marksmanship skill. That was brilliant. So she goes and picks up this book over here... and starts reading. Dog starts eating. His animations are gonna be tweaked. And now he's got all sorts of energy. He's running around like an idiot and she's... starting to get annoyed because she's trying to read. She's like, "No, Mommy's reading." And he goes, "RRR?" Bam! Paralyzed. He falls over. She goes back to reading while the dog twitches... helplessly on the ground. All right, so now she says she's gonna go get some sleep. The dog still wants food, though, so he follows her... over to the bed. She says, "You're a very bad puppy." And he goes, "Ay-yi-yi-yi!" After kicking the bottle out of there. - Awesome. - End scenes. I think the demo showed a lot of promise... and we just have to go through and polish a lot... of the small stuff. The final battle part definitely isn't quite there yet... but the game systems work. We just need to go back and add that extra fine tuning... extra scripting that's required for that. - No panic yet. - No. You guys are waiting for this panic and I don't think... it's quite gonna come. What's at stake here? There are two big focuses for E3. One is the demo. We'll go in there, have a big giant plasma screen... and it'll be me and Todd in there just talking to people... about the game and kind of running through the same demo... every hour on the hour. And then the second thing would be the trailer. It has to be awesome. It can't miss. It's the most important thing we do... because it gets seen by everybody. For 65 years, I have ruled this empire. Generals and kings have knelt at my command. But a darkness comes. The blood tide rises. These are the closing days of the Third Era. Oblivion is a sword and sorcery epic... role-playing game. You know, the things you see in Lord of the Rings... and stuff like that. And its heart... it is this run through dungeons and kill things game. You have all these features and it's all kind of... there are so many things people get attached to... but at its heart, it's run through dungeons and kill creatures... and take their stuff and buy bigger weapons... and kill bigger creatures. And that's kind of layered in on top of this... "Wow, look at these flowers. Can I pick that?" It's almost like two things sitting on top of each other. Here's the game and then here's the virtual world. Yeah, so like, the trip wire's perfect for like... you want to give the player a chance to avoid it... to feel like they see it or to use it against the creatures. Again, we'll be liberal with those traps. I'd rather add too many and have people complain... and take them out rather than have... That's what I'm thinking with loot and creatures. I'm trying to overwhelm it with lots of loot... so that you get more out of the dungeon. Everybody's been saying the argument "you get more... "in someone's basement than you do in a quest." Well, I'm one of the world artists... but I specialize in the Oblivion plane art... and the lower class... the stuff that's really dirty and dingy... and sort of nasty or the stuff that looks... very deadly and scary and somewhat demonic or evil. That seems to be in my comfort zone in a way... that I can go do that stuff far easier... than if they ask me to do anything... that was nice and beautiful. This is basically showing an overview... of what you'd expect a dungeon level to look like. They're built on a grid system... so that they have an exact fit and match... and you won't see any seams. You know, it's a lot like a Lego set in a way... except far more complex and detailed. And before you know it, you have this world... that you created in your own mind... that you can sort of experience and feel the atmosphere... and sort of the dread and the scariness of it. And this is where you find your first area... that's inhabited by traps. So my goal is, you know, I'm hoping the player will... walk over to the treasure chest and walk through... all three of these zones, therefore setting off... all three of these traps up here. Here, here, and here. I mean, I live a pretty normal life. I have a wife and two daughters, so it's very normal for me... but they exist in that world with me... like they're exposed to the monsters and to the films... and all the stuff that I have in the house. I love the undead. I try to use them as much as possible. Just bring in one of these guys, pop him down. And so like this one only has one arm. The other one has no head. I guess I'm sort of a non- conventional sort of person... so that I've always stayed away from the more conservative... side of life... so I like the stuff that is far more... I guess less mainstream. So it wouldn't just follow this route along the path here... but maybe it would take this route, you know... and give it a little bit more lifelike behaviour... as far as the direction it's gonna travel. But also give people questions as to why it's there... and what it stands for... because that can be more interesting... in what you read into it rather than literal. You know, what your mind imagines sometimes... is far cooler than what the reality is of situations. I know the designers have a long wish list of art... that they wanted, but you know what? I mean, if you don't get that unique looking sword... I think we can live with it looking... like every other sword in the game. I'm waiting for Craig to do his usual, "Everybody stop coding. I'm gonna fix this." We're doing the Texas two-step: One step forward, two steps back. I'm gonna make everybody turn around... and we'll start making some progress. I think the big thing is the A.I. We have in the game. We've designed this system, Radiant A.I., that allows... the people in the world to react really intelligently... and they sort of have their own goals... so they can look at their environment around them... and decide how they want to accomplish them. Our NPCs exist no matter if you're there or not. They're doing what they're supposed to do. You can send a guy off to a dungeon to kill stuff... and you don't have to go with him. You go back to that dungeon, either he'll be dead... or the things that he was supposed to kill will be dead. I mean, it will have happened... whether you were there or not. Like this guy, I can basically go up to him... and say hi to him and he'll greet me. He'll chat with me. His aggression is, like, a 5. I'm gonna give him a higher aggression. So now he really hates my guts. Tremendously hates my guts. So we're gonna move over here and he's immediately... gonna go to combat with me. The guy behind him is a guard... so he committed a crime by attacking me... so the guard will attack him. These other guys are just trying to stay away. So eventually he figures out the guard is a much... dangerous target than I am... because I haven't struck him once... so he'll fight the guard. But the good guard saved me. He kept me from getting killed. One of the initial things we had was we turned it on... so the guys could all do their stuff and some guy... went around town, some NPC you couldn't even see... went around town and bought all the armour. So when you went to the stores... there was nothing for you to buy. It's like a ship that's springing all these... water leaks and we're constantly filling them up. Did you realize the player can easily steal a horse... ride it to this guy's place, leave it in his house... and steal all his money? When the other guy goes out and tries to ride the horse... hilarity ensues. When you have something that's powerful... it has a greater capacity to be really cool... or a greater capacity to really make insanity. They're my actors, they're my children. They have to behave properly. When they're not acting right, everyone comes looking to me... so yeah, I talk to them. I have them set up and know what they do. Yeah, it's kind of odd. I'm the lead artist for Oblivion. I'm a 3-D modeller and texture artist... for Bethesda Softworks. I work mostly on environmental and city art. Yeah, I mean, I get a chance to really look... at every aspect of the game artistically. But primarily I focus on the environments. Well, it originally starts out as me just thinking... about things rather than working. But later on, after I have some good source images... I'll do a pencil sketch like this that's more defined... and something that I can model from. I think it's really hard to come up with... an interesting idea for something that's evil. It's a lot harder than you think. A lot of times I think it looks really cool... but it's not necessarily scary. Actually, this is kind of the most fun part... of the game sometimes... because you're still making up ideas. It might not get in the game, but it's... I don't know... you just get to make up crazy stuff and it's cool. We are in Cheydinhal. This is the overhead view... in the Elder Scrolls' construction set... which we use to build the game. This is where we put in all the houses, the trees... you know, paint all the landscape textures on. Everything like that. And these are our little door markers over here. This indicates that this is a door you can go through. There are a few things that might not look like doors... but they are. Yeah, this well behind the abandoned house... might be used for nefarious practices... or it could be a secret door. It's really fun because, you know, we go everywhere... to find source photographs. Like we took a daytrip to D.C. One weekend... and we just took tons of pictures of buildings... trying to get just the right stone pattern... and making sure that we photographed... everything we possibly can just in case. Well, I took... the photos I took here, I ended up using... for a lot of the Imperial City base stonework. So it ends up looking somewhat boring to you... but we can take the edges... of these stones here on the ground... or all the little stains in there... and use those and build a whole new wall in the game. I can't get over how much... this looks like something in the game. It looks really nice... even like just the top part over there. Actually, the hard thing to find generally... is just finding nice patterns, just architectural details... just things that we can put into a building to give it... some more decoration. A really good example is you can see the coffered ceiling... and I tried to build something just like that... in the temple in the Imperial City. So I tried to re-create something, you know... very similar to that. It's actually the top of a dome... but I'm using it for the top of an altar instead. So once I add all these different layers into it... it's more like the final texture. You know, we've been able to make... this living, breathing city that's, like, actually there. It's like, "Man, I totally live here." Just type "Pick Idle." Pick Idle. What's that supposed to do? Did you actually select the right idle animation... in the idle manager? Yes. Click on the candle. All right. We have over 100 bugs and tasks open in the database... and that number fluctuates anywhere from 50... and we've had over 300. Candle fact 01. So essentially, you didn't go ask anybody... who made this up? No, no, no. It doesn't work. I asked Ahn, and she told me to do this. She's still bluffing. It all ties together. It's all one big bundle of this is the universe... and you touch something here... and it moves something over there. - Now... - You have duration one. I have duration one. In theory... Put duration zero. Well, I used zero before, but we had... Well, that would get rid of the problem you think you're having. - And he did nothing. - Son of a... See? I mock you. What's his energy? Oh, that's high. Set it to five. Low energy, Idle more. - No, he didn't do it anyway. - He just finished it. That could well be a bug. If you run through the demo now and see the lightning effect... the fireball effect in the bookstore is messed up. But if you don't see the lightning effect, it's fine. So basically for this next week or two... you guys are really gonna have to talk to each other... you're gonna have to be really, really smart about stuff... that you put in the game, stuff that you update. If you see anything broken, you have to speak up. Do not assume that Q.A. Is gonna catch it... that I'm gonna catch it, or someone else is gonna catch it. If it says E3, it needs to be done that day. If you look at it and it can't be done that day... talk to somebody about it. Because we need to sort of slot these things... and make sure it's all done over the next week. We've seen it. It's there. We just sort of have to, you know... get some of the mess out of the way... and let it shine through. We've done it before. We can do it again. So let's do it. I'm basically the chief deficiency inspector. So if there's any problems... I'm the one in there finding them. Primarily I'm looking for crashes... anything at this point specifically... that's going to make the demo look incomplete. Like the worst thing that could possibly happen... is for it to crash while we're showing it to people. Oh, there it is. Did you see that? How did you do that? It's that power attack thing where you get stuck. Can I kill every creature in the game? Can I soul trap every creature in the game? Can I click every button in the game? Can I exit the game from everywhere in the game? If I save the game this way, does anything get messed up? If I go here and save it, does anything get messed up? I think we should throw a fireball here... but that's up to you because I think it looks... - No! - No? Now you've ruined everything. But it looks so cool going down there. Yeah. The beauty of my job... is I get to do everything hundreds of times. Minimum two times an hour, 10, 12 hours a day... 30 a day all week. Hey, that's like 150 times this week. My name's Christiane Meister. I'm the lead character animator. I basically take care of all of the characters... creatures, and that sort of thing. My particular favourite is the horse. You can study the skeleton and you know exactly... how it should move. You go to biped and then you just drag a box... and create one. Ok, so that doesn't look anything like a horse. You have to then create this structure... by scaling the bones, rotating them. I mean, it looks really crazy right now... but you start off with your base skin... and try to match up your skeleton with that. Now you can see here what I've done is put movement... throughout the entire leg... but that doesn't react with the rest of the body. So then what you need to do is make sure... that the rest of the body reacts to that movement... because it does in real life. If you move her head... you see the hind end actually moves. Everything's connected. You know, there's not one joint... that you can just move independently, really. And here's a horse that I can get up and ride. I have to get with the character animator... on this riding animation. It looks uncomfortable to me. There's always work to be done. Yeah, I'm always, you know, watching her move... and it also helps to... when I ride, I can feel what's going on. So feeling is a good part of animating as well... because you think about your body position... and everything else while you're riding. I don't know, people are not my forte, really. I like thinking about the four legs... instead of two legs. I know there are people that are completely the opposite... but I don't know. I just, I find them much more interesting. Yeah, it's fun. With Oblivion, we were really fortunate... to get some voice talent that people know... to join us for the project, including Patrick Stewart... Lynda Carter, Sean Bean, Terence Stamp. I'm always anxious about getting here late. God, if I miss this. I tried to get on an earlier flight. We got to the airport early... but they wouldn't let me on it. Superman I and II, kind of my formative years... you know, when I was six or seven. Terence Stamp as General Zod, and he has a great line... in Superman II where he gets Superman to kneel... and "Son of Jor-EI, kneel before Zod." My brother would always do that but change Zod to Todd. So just over the years one of those things, you know. For 20 something years, it just keeps going. Now I'm gonna meet him and if I can get him to record it... send it to my brother, that'll be great. As for the rest, the weak shall be winnowed. The timid shall be cast down. The mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon. Your reward, brothers and sisters... the time of cleansing draws nigh. Weakness will be purged from the world... and mortal and immortal alike purified in the refiner's fire. That gave me goosebumps. Terence Stamp plays kind of the... you know, he's the bad guy, somebody who comes from a different line of kings... who wants to make this world his own. So he's kind of a priest. You know, he's not a cackling maniac. We like to have our bad guys be a little greyer. We want that moment where the player goes like... "Maybe he's right." Do you think I mock you? Not at all. In your coming, I hear the footsteps of fate. You'll tell me if I'm overdoing it, won't you? Um... yeah. Impossible! It's impossible to overdo it. Yeah, it's kind of like he said while we're there... the character just came out of him. It's like a very serious, serious voice. You know the guy at the other end of that... is serious. But if a god can die, how does his heart survive? When we wrote this role, I called them, and I said... "Who do you want for this role?" And they'd give me a list. And I said, "No, I don't want them. "I got to have Terence Stamp." How wonderful. "I don't know if he's done a game." No, I mean, I wasn't unnerved, but when l... I got the FedEx last night with the script. And I looked at it and I thought, "Wow, I don't know. "I hope there's somebody there... "to tell me where to go"... because I just had no... I didn't know, like, the area of it. Like I didn't know the area of performance, you know? I look forward to showing it to them... and having them, you know. I've never seen myself in that light... just how well we can lip-synch... and put other characters on the screen. - Kneel before Todd. - We got to put that in. Smile when you ask questions like that. - Thanks, Terence. - Gentlemen. This is my pal Terence Stamp. He's never done a video game before... or any type of voiceover... and he was really, really excited to do it. He was really, really into it. He was literally like, when we were recording him... leaping around doing the combat stuff so much... that they couldn't record him. He was moving away from the microphone. With Lynda, she played the Nord females in Morrowind... and she came back for Oblivion... to do the Nord females again. I play the Nord women, the Nords. And they are, I guess, a Viking-like race... and the women are fantastic warriors... and very self-confident. You know, her voice and who she is fits perfectly... with that role. I'd stay inside the city walls if I were you. There's no telling... what's going to come out of that gate. Of course, the next guy... that's my wife and I... with Patrick Stewart, who is equally as good. Ken had written a bunch of notes for Patrick Stewart... on the character, very, very long... referencing things Stewart had done before. I thought was embarrassingly long, actually. But I had forwarded it all to Patrick and Patrick came in... and said, "I got the notes on the character." And I was sort of like... And he's like, "Never in my life doing any role... "have I gotten such detailed notes... "and I loved it. "I am really intrigued. This sounds really cool. "You guys have given this a lot of thought. "I can't wait to do it." You want to hear something really cool? - What? - You need to go over... to Mark Lampert's office right now. - OK. - Is Ken still here? I don't know. I've been waiting. Just imagine the best it could be. It's even better than that. - Yes. - I think you want to come... over to Mark Lampert's office right now. Was it good? - Where? - It's in Mark's room, the sound. On my way. I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years, I've ruled as Tamriel's emperor... but for all these years, I've never been the ruler... of my own dreams. He was selling the product like a reverend... standing in front of his flock... which is exactly the tone I wanted. I mean, Patrick Stewart... This is the unedited stuff. Generals and kings have knelt at my command. That's such a cheesy line... that sounds good when he says it. The generals and kings line? That's what I said every time... like all the stuff that sounded so cheesy. These are the closing days of the Third Era... and the final hours of my life. I don't know if we could have picked... there isn't another actor we could have picked... who I'd be happier to write dialog for. Like seriously, I geeked out over Star Trek for years. It was on while I was in college. We literally, all my friends, I would sit around... and we'd watch Star Trek and drink beer... and act like idiots. I don't have a picture of my wife in my wallet right now... but I've got Patrick Stewart in my wallet. So there's no better actor as far as I'm concerned. I get to say I wrote dialog for Patrick Stewart. Yeah, I'm happy. You got your wallet? Yeah, I got it. This is not a lie. See, my wife will not be happy... but I have a Patrick Stewart picture in my wallet... right there. So you guys know our demo machine melted last night. The motherboard's dead. We're never really sure. It could have been a defective motherboard. We could have just been putting too much into it. We weren't overclocking it at all. So I checked it out. We're sending it back to the manufacturer, ASUS, and they're gonna send us a new one. So right now we have the code changing... we have the data changing, and now our hardware is changing. So the triumvirate of things changing is bad. Better now than next week. Normally it'll crash to the Windows desktop... and you just start it back up and play it again. Well, this crashed in such a way that they... actually had to completely power off the machine... and restart it. This happened several times throughout the day... and finally on that last one... it just didn't come back on. By the way, the end of the demo is completely different. For those of you who weren't here on Friday... we changed the ending. It's way more dramatic. Feed me, Lord! I think it looks cool. The end is the best part now and before for me it was, you know, the worst part. Now I think it's the best part. I don't know if that's the newness of it. It's got good epic fantasy demon stuff at the end, which I think the kids like. The forest stuff for us has always been... the kind of rendering-wise the craziest thing... that we're trying to do... and the thing that also has the biggest... visual impact of the game. People see it, and "Wow, I've never seen that before." Usually when building a scene like this... I start out by placing the rocks. I sort of look at the lay of the land... which is generated first and then I try and pick out spots... where a rock might naturally occur. I got this big one here. Now we just take a big rock like this and plop it down... sink it to an appropriate height. And then I'll go and add little satellite rocks... around it to try and create a feel... that there's some natural erosion going on. I came out looking for source textures... for some of the surfaces in the game. Specifically, terrain textures of like... pictures of the ground, things like that. It's really tough to find images like that online... for those purposes, anyway. With a rock, a lot of the visual impact... is gonna boil down from the texturing... or from the coloration in it... and then using shader techniques to try and get... the shine and sheen and the cragginess to it... like, how the lighting splays across it. This colouring texture is perfect... for some of the textures... that we're trying to re-create in the game. I mean, obviously the moss in general... is mostly green, but there's lots of other... little details here that really help make... the textures more believable. You know, there's lots of other little browns in here... lots of little highlights in the green... just other little random bits of nature. I've always obsessed over natural foliage... and just greenery in games in general. For some reason, I think that's really cool. It's just not something that you normally see... and I definitely think it's a fun environment in a game... to play in. If you think about all the leaves individually... they're probably pretty close to the same colour... but you see them all in a scene like this... there's so much contrast and play of light. In the foreground here is an example of some of our grass... that we have in the game. So we've got some ivy in here and some tall grass. Further on, I think there's some sort of generic... forest weed types of plants. They really add a sense of movement and life... like really makes the ground feel much more organic... than this flat textured surface might. There's kind of a quiet solitude about it. Where there may be lots of cool and interesting things... going on within the game... you can sort of know it's in its own little pocket so to speak. It's kind of isolated from reality around you. It's really nice when they're cluttered... with lots of interesting things that, you know... fool you for a second... into thinking that you're in a real world. Well, it's Thursday now, Thursday morning... and E3 starts next Wednesday... however the computers need to be shipped out... and they need to arrive there by next Monday... so we basically have until tomorrow afternoon... before we basically have to stop work... the machines get packed up, and they get shipped off. We're on schedule. It's taken all late nights, deep into the mornings... the last two weeks, but it looks good. OK, I'm a little under the weather... so I'm gonna try to get through this... but if my voice dies, bear with me. We built Oblivion from day one to be a next-generation game... for both the PC and the XBox 360. We've always tried to make our worlds come alive visually... but Oblivion takes this to new levels. Our artists have painstakingly modelled... over 9,000 objects. There are nine main cities in the game... and dozens of smaller settlements. Over 1,000 NPCs live in Oblivion... all with their own schedules and jobs. Good morning! Oblivion features over 50 hours of recorded dialog... all lip-synched in real-time. They say the streets run red with blood... and The Daedra will soon overtake the entire city. The voices fill half of the game's DVD. Please come on upstairs with me. I don't' know what kind of titanium alloy... packing stuff they've got... but whatever it is, I just hope it can take... a push out of a plane at 30,000 feet. You did it. Now I just need too make sure that works all day. If they don't like it a lot, I'll be really disappointed. It's all about meeting expectations. We could still be one of the best games there... but if it doesn't meet their expectations... What time do we start? Right now it's 7:10, and we were supposed to be starting... the Microsoft event in five minutes... but that's not gonna happen. So we're just hanging out... waiting to meet up with some folks... and go get something to drink... and watch them put our trailer up... in front of thousands of people. I'm really looking forward to it. It's an awful lot of work to get to this point. I mean, we haven't seen it on a freaking movie screen... so we have no idea how it's gonna look. But we know it looks really good on a 61-inch TV... but on a movie screen? But if it looks as good as we know it can... and if the response is really awesome... I think it will probably be maybe the greatest... professional moment of my life. So how about this? How about a brand-new, full-featured... next generation role-playing game in the launch window? Morrowind was one of the best-selling... role-playing games ever on the XBox. The sequel to this incredible game is called... Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It promises to feature one of the largest open-ended worlds... ever created for a video game. It also includes thousands of characters... that are governed by ground breaking A.I. These characters eat, sleep, and complete tasks... all around the clock... and they make their own choices... based on what's going on in the world around them. Welcome to the world of Oblivion. I'm Todd Howard of Bethesda Softworks... and welcome to our presentation of... The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. This game is just unbelievable. It actually has trees, unlike Vvardenfell. The whole first level of the game is a prison... and through your actions, it really determines... what kind of character you'll be. I mean, sometimes I worry that games are gonna get... so realistic looking that I won't want to play in them... because they're too real... and then I might as well just be at home. Only this was a pretty good case for hyper-realism... because the forest was gorgeous. Unbelievable. It's easily the most impressive game I've ever seen so far. With the Radiant A.I. Thing... that's always one of my big issues with RPGs... is the NPC characters are kind of boring. They're just there and you talk to them... and they're kind of just like this clunky way... of getting information. But it's so much more entertaining... to watch somebody flame their dog. Oh, my God, have you seen our booth? It's off the hook. Fans of the series, they're gonna go nuts. They're gonna love it. - Morrowind changed my life. - I don't know about that. Maybe it didn't change my life, but it definitely... took away a lot of my hours. We looked back at what people really liked... about role-playing in the first place: The setting, the action, the heroism. When that guy... I don't know if you've seen it or not... but when the guy came out of that Oblivion portal... that was cool. He was so cool. They do have a very unique sort of little setup there... doing the titles that take a long time... that have a distinct story... and they've really resonated with fans over the years. I totally love the story line as it is... and, like, the way it develops is just so good. You know if it's an Elder Scrolls game... people are gonna go buy it just because.
Channel: Dark Drake
Views: 1,306,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, sub, rpg, Making-of, Bethesda Softworks (Organization), The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Video Game), FULL, widescreen, Role-playing Game (Industry), Video Game (Industry), GOTY 2006
Id: zvm0CN3tQFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2011
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