Skyrim Anniversary Edition Gameplay - Trying The New Creation Club Content!

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welcome back my friends to skyrim anniversary edition i hope you are all well thank you so much for joining the stream here we are celebrating skyrim's 10th anniversary can you believe it and we've got a bunch of new creation club mods and content to take a look at so let's go ahead and jump over to the creation club but i've got a few very important things to tell you about guys first of all the time stamps if you're watching the stream later are going to be in the description below so you can skip ahead to anything you're interested in oh one sec server error please try again dude i literally just logged in before the stream and now this is happening come on log me in bethesda waiting for data don't do this to me now i literally just exited out to the title screen before the stream started and here we are here we go waiting for data ah bethesda let's go guys thanks for the five pound donation here we go fantastic osama that wasn't shown before oh oh god well it's it's it's free in the creation club pack they've actually done it again the horse armor meme is back this was a when they first started to do paid mods in oblivion they had a horse armor dlc and it was a bit controversial because no one had done that like with micro transaction sort of stuff at the time compared to like the shivering house dlc that was a big thing so horse armor i'm interested in checking that out anyway um we have the curse and the ghosts of the tribunal these are the two massive quest lines that add lots of armor um and story to the game now i have already played through the cause quest um i was hoping it would be voice acted it wasn't voice acted but it was about an hour or two of gameplay the rewards were really cool and the story was really good as well i released the episode after this live stream and i'll link it down below but i really enjoyed it like there was a whole sort of you know sort of oh got your moment in it and that worked really well um but i did have to read for about 20 minutes um because everything was in notes there's no voice acting any of these mods i assume um so if any of you are wondering about that also i just want to tell you guys if you want to buy this content especially on pc do not buy it from the creation club store instead go to the steam page and then on the steam page right at the bottom you'll see a new little option for skyrim anniversary edition upgrade now that only costs 15 pounds or 20 dollars you're gonna want to buy that instead of buying everything individually otherwise it makes it much more expensive for you so make sure you buy the skyrim anniversary edition update no matter if you're on console or pc don't buy individual stuff because it it'll be so much more expensive but just so you know these quest mods were nine dollars versus the 15 that the um what was the share gorath one um like the forgotten seasons quest mod cost 15 which was very expensive um and the uh saints insta juices one also cost 15 which was quite expensive so they've actually lowered their prices as well which was good to see and but i can't show you the prices because i own everything now there you go it's the same since the juices stuff um you could see that was 18 credits all bundled in together so they've lowered their prices and i hope when starfield comes out because todd howard confirmed yesterday on reddit that starfield would actually have um the same sort of system basically that they were going to continue working with the modding community and supporting mod creators so it's good to know that that's the sort of price range you're going to be looking at um but i'm thinking the first sort of mod i want to show you guys which i've not experienced myself is the bow of shadows this sounded really cool when i was reading up about it so forged by nocturnal and used by the assassins it grants the users the gifts of invisibility and speed the quest is by chris takas takashi quest in the shadows starts by speaking to the yar steward in dragon's reach now when you download these they don't all start automatically so you have to like go to the quest location and get the quest which is nice because now when you leave helgen you don't just get like spammed with all the notifications of all the dlc you've downloaded so let's go ahead and jump in uh and continue what's up which which load am i gonna do yeah dragons reach i'm standing right next to the yarl let's do it boys let's go [Music] here he is brill now it will be the same uh whether the stormcloaks invaded skyrim or the yarl is here or whatever um you're just gonna have to speak to the steward start this quest by the way guys this stream is sponsored by g fuel i love g fuel i i have to say that they sponsor me now but i've been drinking to them since uh 2017 if you look back at like some of the first skyrim special edition live streams i'm still drinking g fuel and now they sponsor me which is awesome so if you want 30 off use code eso and go in the link in the description it's basically a sugar-free energy drink um and it's it's really tasty isn't the lydia almost as much of a snack as you are god damn when i became steward i had to give up the bottle people of the whole need me at my best god damn who who are you employing man he had to give up being an alcoholic okay i'd be dead if not for vignor took me in and helped me turn my life around let me see so is there anything you need from me i guess that's gonna be the quest of course it's all in this note yeah there you go so he's not they've not added any voice acting it's just steward's note added um and you'll see a bunch of notes here to start a bunch of quests steward's note here we go a car i apologize for the secrecy but i'd rather not speak about this in front of the yarl in the event of the information i received isn't credible okay so you're saying already that i'm probably going to be wasting my time here he has enough on his plate as it is i mean he seems like a lazy man to be honest after the war is over now you see earlier this week i received a tip from an unnamed source regarding a potential assassination plot on the yal now while we take all threats seriously it's difficult to know just how credible this source is with everything that's happened as of late i don't have time to investigate this myself that's why i'd like you to head to arcadia's cauldron and check their ledger for any suspicious purchases in particular poisons i've asked arcadia to leave you a copy of on her counter i mean it's there anyway but okay look it over find out who's purchased bottle bottles over the last few days and confirm their reasons are legitimate in the meantime i'll have the cooks check over every piece of food bottle of mead and leftover breadcrumbs just to be sure nothing is tainted if your investigation turns at nothing then i'll know the information i received is false and the yal is safe for the time being if not i hope someone of your reputation could take care of the situation swiftly or getting my reputation on the line thank you hungry man for the five dollar donation there uh and thank you the for the the two dollars how do you upgrade for free if you're on disk so you can still do it in i think i don't actually know to be honest i'm not certain if you if you have then maybe you would go through that thanks so much rage for the donation as well thank you so much for the support i saw you in uh yesterday's stream of the todd howard interview as well i think okay so we need to go to the alchemists aldrin and uh have a look have a look at the ledger so the these quests even though they are written down oh hello got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only ah let's see here a letter not sure who from he wouldn't say just that he was a friend of yours looks like that's it got to go so we've got some more letters which i think is probably another quest the curry is just spamming me from the wilds okay so this is the um the place we need to go let's actually make this our active quest i need more experience oh it's telling me to go in the back door interesting we'll just follow along yeah the upgrade is 20 if you own the original game so it's not free but you do get survival edition for free and some of the other previous creation club mods like the new fishing stuff as well um right so apparently there's a ledger here it also seems like there's cheese all over the floor poultices and potions on my shelves browse to your heart's content oh i just stole your business ledger sorry he doesn't look very impressed okay right let's let's read it uh business ledger investigate the hall of the dead check the stables okay so these are the people she sold thanks to jesus christ she's ripped that person off war maidens blacksmithing potion 204 gold my god wait who's this horonga potion of enhanced stamina that's like is that for like the bedroom then 341 gold yeah priest of rk uh farrengarh enchanter's potion is there any like funny stuff in here lingering poison nord stable boy no wonder i have to help him out i assume that's something to do with horses though or what's a layer the huntress brought potion of true shock because she sucks archery wait a lydia's brought a potion of strength you didn't tell me that lydia could be a taxier you i no wonder you're so strong carrying all my burdens it would have been even funnier if they put that lydia brought a potion of carry weight or something that would have made me laugh all right let's go to the hall of the dead that seems like the most sus area to investigate right lydia man i hate reading all of the quests are a lot of reading so unless you want me to read it to you as a dyslexic person you're going to be reading a lot i'll be doing a play for every single quest though guys let's go into the hall of the dead here now guys bethesda are going to be doing a live stream uh with the concert from the elder scrolls we will be checking it out at some point but it's a premiered video so you don't miss any of it you can watch it at any time just if anyone was interested in that have i never been in the hall of the dead get wrecked son by the way this is a new daedric sword that was added hey man just wanted to say i love the content been watching you since i was 13 and now i'm 19. thanks lydia for saving me and getting engaged soon dude congrats man thanks for the donation as well i've i've been i've been engaged for like years now i'm still waiting to get married because of covid is this the captain's no i don't think it's that i think it's this note there's a dead skiva and skiva trouble also must have been rat poison since no one else seems to be doing anything about it i've taken steps to rid ourselves of this skiva problem please do not eat the cheese at its lace with a dangerous poison i repeat this cheese is for the skeevers only i'm gonna eat this right now if you feel the need to take a bite i implore you to look in the mirror first and confirm that you are a skeever if so then you may eat to your heart's content if you are not a skiver then you can have then you can better serve rk by staying alive poison slice goat cheese have a look a save let's save the game first mate new content some people call this junk me i call it treasures cheers from brazil thank you so much william appreciate the donation as well new content indeed um or new official content models are making great content every day so one sec food poison slice goat cheese causes five points of poison damage for three seconds wait oh i had god mode on okay never mind i'm kind of i want to put it somewhere and see if we can poison someone like with the poison apples anyway let's see how much damage damage it does [Music] it literally doesn't do anything to me i am a strong skeever i am how do you get the new stuff or is it just an update for it it's an update which allows you to access it um but then you need to either buy it with the anniversary edition update update or you have to um you want this cheese sir tell me do you believe in mighty art life after death what do you guys think about that let's have some deep chat hey lydia i know about your potion of strength now don't worry your secret's good with me right we need to go to the white run stables to ask this kid about the poison he brought i mean he could have even brought it for a sus adult as well i don't know why you would buy poison in the place you intend to assassinate someone anyway oh it's just another note here oh okay this is pretty sus hello there do you know that you've got a dead colleague over here stable hands note the dark elf can't read it the dark elf was smart to choose me scars aside i can pass a stable boy easily enough i can pass as a stable boy easily enough i'll tell the shopkeeper i got burked by a wild one and landed face to face into the briars i'm smart like that the other bandits always poke fun at me at my face saying i don't look i look like a newborn babe but it comes in handy for jobs like this after seeing how well the dark elf pays the entire gang will be looking for a razor pretty soon brad thanks for becoming a member dude there's a free upgrade with the ps5 with with the disc um and go to the skyrims game page it won't appear without the disc it's so confusing right how to buy the game because it's released in all these platforms anyway speaking of which i'm supposed to meet my mysterious benefactor back at the stables and not at the silent moon's camp no so that's where they work i guess not sure why but he says i'm i'm followed best to stay in character until well clear at the city gates well i hope he doesn't sneak up on me while i wait i nearly saw it myself the last time but a smart guy like that i mean i brought i brought this tome to help me find him thing is i opened it up and i can't for the life of me figure out how it works only a matter of time though for a guy like me so we could use the clay the clairvoyance spell to to find him or detect life um let's see what the quest tells me to do investigate the silent moon's cap okay great so apparently just over here at the camp we will find him i wish they gave you everything for free and in the future when you buy a 20 dlc upgrade i feel like if you've never played skyrim right oh god you're already getting shot i need to get my bow out i need to upgrade zephyr for this bow that makes me invisible erect son look at this guy chilling out on the door there oh the archery is rusty rusty archery guys disgusting look at that missing those shots whoa i think i just took that for lydia the bandit thug no match for me the silent moon camp is also the same place that you get the lunar weapons which are basically these uh unique how lydia you literally oh my god that's a lot of damage take him out erect some oh yeah boy like a white round it looks beautiful even with no mods in vanilla this game's pretty nice by the way um if you didn't know already uh your modless will break with the latest scarum special edition update abandoned highwayman there's like 10 bandits in this area uh ill-equipped to kill me though he has a staff of ice spikes impressive he's very confident to try and take me out there another note an assassin's journal sounds like a terrible assassin keeping a journal is this script extender updated yet no it's just come out today bro it'll take them a while because it's quite a complicated update the bow has long been a player in the game it's top's many a piece from yarls to knights it does so without sight or sound save for a rattling crown on a blood-stained floor love that that's like a sick you know good writing and yet it's been far too long since i've had a chance to tilt the board belarus gear gale failed to topple a piece graham took the flesh but not the soul and the game went on without incident now the pieces sit idly by refusing to move in their comfort even now as i take aim at this target i hear their insolent indolent yawns through the dawn of my bowstring yet the board cannot remain level forever with the bow in my hand i will tilt once more however the timing must be right the toppling of a piece rings hollow in a thunderstorm i might sweat i was i must wait for the right moment one thing one thing that's intimate when the yarl is not engaged in talks of war and dragons the battle for skyrim comes to white's run will be forced to withdraw but there will come a time when he sits idly in his grand hall i'm bothered by the world in that moment when the yal has a chance to finally breathe i will sneak my way to the upper floors and make sure that breath in is his last and then when i take my leave cloaked in her shadow all anyone will hear is a rattle so is the bow here then oh no he's gone to dragon's reach to kill the yall and we need to stop him [Music] you're biased maybe you should don't take an hour to the knee though i've heard bad things about this thanks taser okay let's sneak in what's up where's the quest oh oh a sneaky assassin a very sneaky assassin i don't know if i just kill the er right now i wonder if he would thank me or not [Music] ah ah because he's invisible right this is okay let me save the game this could be fun i wonder if we can get like an assassination while he's invisible with a daedric dagger hello i'm gonna outstealth the assassin yes retrieve the bow of shadows there was literally an assassin trying to shoot the yall and no one noticed i am amazed but this was a cool quest he's got 40 ebony arrows as well the bow of shadows weapon drawn is 20 faster that's that's actually better than zephyr because it's it counts once what's the let me check let me check speak to the yellow steward one second so 74 damage versus zephyr which is a dwarven bow does 47 damage so i think it counts as like probably like a a daedric or ebony bow i need a comparison because i don't know what the base value is the weapon drawn is 20 faster so zephyr had a 30 faster weapon draw which is why it was always so good because you get off multiple sneak attacks before the enemy would attack you so this is insane just by that alone because it does more damage as you get more multiples and then it also costs invisibility for 30 seconds is that a wow so when you're holding the bow it just gives you invisibility if i put it away i'm not visible if i take it out i'm invisible for 30 seconds like no matter what dude this is like the best bow in the game now i just talked to him while i'm visible big nar and i have our hands full it's no small i found the assassin i found the assassin and i took care of him for you excellent you've done us a great service here's your reward see i appreciate when they use dialogue that already exists in the game to kind of just like make you a bit more immersed it feels like you're engaging with it so i like that very cool it's giving me 1 500 gold and i literally have the best bow in the entire game obviously if you interact with anything after being invisible it will turn you visible again but dude that is so cool what do you guys think stealth archer build yeah i don't like to use creation club stuff in builds though because i just think like it's not fair and a lot of people who can't afford it you know like people want to buy new games you know and and 20 or even even more for like a new even though it's a lot of content if you play a lot of skyrim it's kind of like a no-brainer but when i was a kid like i couldn't afford that man like you know i'd really i'd have to wait like once a year i might get like a new dlc for skyrim or oblivion and that'll be it so not everyone can afford it i don't like to put in builds but yeah we can agree it's goddamn overpowered and awesome at the same time so there's there's also like three house mods that have been added to the game as well um but i'm not gonna go and look at them right now i'll probably do like a separate video on them also oh it's just gone seven o'clock guys which means the skyrim stream is about to start let's have a quick look at this um do you guys want to check this out just initially to see see what it looks like let me just uh oh okay it's it's starting in one minute 30. so we've not missed anything yet uh let me just put uh display capture right yeah so it's dying soon you guys want to watch this or not i'll put it off for now but let me know like we could just watch like the start of the skyrim anniversary stream it might have some cool stuff on it uh i don't know let me know if you want to see it we can watch it together and then we can just jump back in and carry on watching mods and stuff let me guess someone stole it okay you guys really want to see it all right we'll do that we'll do that and then we'll jump back onto skyrim um and we'll watch some some mods so actually let me let me quit to the main menu i will look through some of the creation club stuff like in between yes yes yes i love it love your enthusiasm all right we're like 28 seconds away so i'll put this on turn up the body [Applause] oh mate ear piercing all right here we go guys [Music] we're gonna also see we're going to see the new star field music as well in case you guys didn't know 10 seconds the new soundtrack for starfire will be in this can confirm another timer bethesda [Music] todd does it again we love todd howard man [Music] he didn't read it ama yesterday he said one of the first things they did along with the art is the uh the music for star field and that's how they like to develop games they always do the music and the art first which is really cool [Music] i'm excited i'll mute myself for any new soundtracks by the way here we go welcome it's 11 11 skyrim's 10th anniversary thank you so much for being here with us we cannot believe that it's been 10 years and the longevity of this game has been an incredible blessing to all of us here at bethesda and that's thanks to all of you yes we made the game but there's always that element that we can never create and that's all of you coming into the world and making it your own and it's all of you that have kept it alive for the last 10 years just it's so incredible and we can't thank you enough for the passion and everything you've brought to the game and that fuels us in everything that we do um when we start a game we don't usually start with a list of features really we start with an experience how do we want the player to feel when they enter the game when they enter this world and early in skyrim's development we had done a lot of concept art we had some things running and then we did the music and we had pictured the elder scrolls theme sung by a barbarian choir and the voice of dragons easier said than pulled off of course we got the music we started mixing it and even within our company and our team we felt we might have something we weren't quite sure how the game was going to gel together and then we cut this trailer to the early music with the concept art and that early footage and it sang it was incredible everybody in the team can probably remember that moment and even today when i hear the music and those it rises up at the end in the trailers the dragon flies through the valley the hair literally stands up in my arms so thank you for being here i'd like to introduce the legendary london symphony orchestra and the london voices choir to take us once again on a journey through skyrim i've seen them live before actually playing the elder scrolls music too so i'm excited for this dragonborn here he comes there's this wide open world and every single thing in it you can interact with i'd never seen anything like that before i'd never experienced that level of immersion just the opening the way it pulls you in you know this is better than any movie that i've ever seen you got to start learning about this world because this world isn't about to teach you because this world assumes you live in it there's a lot of chaos but i'm intrigued you know because i like chaos you're a god and you don't know you're a god and you just become stronger and stronger throughout it i just had to have more i i had to know more i had to see more [Music] also [Music] your shivers [Music] the choir is so good [Music] how do you even write that down [Music] [Music] when i went to go and see them live last time they played uh one of the eldest girls six soundtracks and it was insane a very different feel just compared to skype [Music] we're also going to hear something from starfield as well so hang around [Music] to export [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the transition is so good oh great [Music] incredible [Music] oh man [Music] i think it must look very strange as i'm just spinning around in all of the taverns trying to get the perfect picture of that bowl of fruit or you know really zooming in to see what kind of cutlery they have it's all these little obscure details that bring a world to life in our world oh cool cooking in a cauldron pretty awesome i've always loved fantasy when i first played skyrim i'd never seen anything like that before i'd never experienced that kind of immersion in a game [Music] i felt with if you lived in a world like skyrim wouldn't it be fun to make a meal from that [Music] so this is the lady who did the cookbook i believe i've actually brought that as well you guys be interested in references for these foods from conversations you hear in marketplaces that you can't even be a part of if someone's talking about the secret spiced wine recipe and you think all right well where do they get their spices and so you wander down to the docks and you see oh there's a warehouse here all right so now we're getting somewhere you kick open a barrel and you get potatoes and apples and leeks on a screwed lake we suddenly found ourselves with a cookbook deal i could not have anticipated this is where my life would go to be gatekeepers to this hidden world it's sight it's sound it's taste skyrim has very simple food but they combine for these flavor powerhouses it's delicious [Music] as well but i rate the skyrim one more try [Music] someone will bring a cookbook up and say this recipe has become a staple in our household and my kids even like it that's really amazing to even like it that i've quietly secretly become a part of people's lives to feel connected to so many people in that way maybe i'll try and make my fiance like a skyrim dish for her birthday next year that could be cool [Music] lydia's cabbage street unlimited stamina for the win in vermont we have a very skyrim winter so all of the photos with snow are just in my backyard it made me like winter a little bit better it's beautiful in the game so it makes it a little easier to find the beauty in real life too she needed all the photos of the cookbook because they're really good photos are really well done they're one of my favorites the cheese and leek christada the sweet rolls because you can't not make sweet rolls for skyrim oh yeah they keep getting stolen though we could all use a little more escapism uh it's an honor to be able to add to the world and to the fandom [Music] awesome skyrim's inspired so many cool things like products artwork mods creations out of nowhere it's going to forever be a part of this fandom and the community and it's a lot of responsibility but i i try to take it very seriously not too serious night's peace is also such a atmospheric song i've got this on record as well [Music] also peaceful dragon there [Music] i hope so [Music] yeah if you don't feel that creation club content is worth it don't get up i'll be playing for it all so you can just watch me play you know there's nothing that stands out for you i think it's hard to encourage people to you know as a product to buy something that many things likely exist for free even some of the creation clubs that you can buy the new ones already exist for free so it's a hard sell in that sense but i've been impressed by the one question i've played so far and also the boat we just found earlier in the stream is really good so i've been i've been positively surprised so far um but value is different for everyone right because i play i paid 15 pounds the content that i'm going to be playing and excited about more so than other games i might spend that money on i think that's worth it for me but for other people you're not still playing skyrim 10 years later some people definitely are and then it would be worth it for you know [Music] so relaxing the soundtrack they did a great job with the landscape in the background as well jeremy sol is simply an awesome composer he is very talented [Music] the creation club content isn't free it's an upgrade to skyrim anniversary edition you have to buy for 20 20 dollars [Music] i love how unbiased eso is yeah i really uh try not to be too trapped in a vicious cycle if i didn't change it i was gonna end up dying either in a jail cell or dying in an abandoned house somewhere with a needle on my arm i grew up in wrightsville pennsylvania which is out in the country me and my step brothers we'd play outside every day it was a good childhood when i was 20 i got addicted to opiate painkillers i got a dog right after that it was just a slope downhill to where eventually i was shooting heroin [Music] whoa i put my family through hell they had enough they kicked me out [Music] and didn't realize that i should put like a warning on the stream didn't realize that i'd be in there oh god someone just said a scuba addict and i laughed but that's terrible now i know i know people who have had drug issues and addictions it's definitely a very serious thing but it's good to see that you know games like skyrim can clearly change that homeless on the streets i'm just wanting to find a place to sleep please to eat and get my next fix of drugs day to day try to survive didn't didn't have no hope for the future well i think these people definitely need more help than just video games it's unrealistic to say just a game can help you you know but maybe the story is more than that and i was in and out of jail and eventually got caught selling heroin i enrolled in a drug treatment court and they found housing for me which was a lot of restrictions that i just was never showing up in the stream right now curfews i don't know what's going on in the meetings naaa meetings every single day chores community service from seven in the morning had to be out of the recovery house and had to be on the street looking for a job walking everywhere until five o'clock at night walking 10-15 miles a day so it was pretty exhausting [Music] there was an old xbox 360 sitting at the halfway house shop where the copy of skyrim in there [Music] i mean sierra has got me for a few hard times not gonna lie nothing compared to this guy and then he found skyrim yeah that that is that is real man that's what i'm saying jeff very question is [Music] maybe it was a safer place without skyrim i don't think i would have stayed in recovery choice and consequence you make you make your own story if you want to go over here and start this the side quest throw off the main mission it's up to you it gave me a sense of confidence eventually i got a job that helped me to maintain that schedule to make sure i made all my meetings i still focused on skyrim still daydreaming about it while i was working damn an interesting one to tune in indeed drugs question mark no thanks i do skyrim scars bro what even is this this is bethesda's live stream the 10th anniversary fan celebration skyrim and fallout groups on facebook i didn't expect this though skyrim addicts was the group everyone she wrote as much as i was so it was like it was just an instant connection [Music] that is lovely she started a new character stealth archer like everyone does oh no it's me pretty good that's literally what we were playing three years later that's my fiance same story with kim apart from without any drugs or anything awesome dude [Music] oh god you guys are the worst he couldn't afford drugs because he had to buy 16 versions of skyrim i mean to be fair he does have it on the xbox 360 the switch and and whatever else he was playing just then but hey man that's great instead of having a teddy bear [Music] he walks around with a sword [Music] that's his thing is running sword fighting just from watching us play skyrim over the years awesome [Music] supremacy stealth archer hell yeah let's go everyone says stealth archer [Music] thinks he's playing we all do that bad you have you can't not play a stealth archery even if you start you're in chains you're bound in chains when i decided to change my life i was in chains just like the start of skyrim i would have never imagined five years from then i would be sitting with my fiancee to have a child shy is great where i don't have to worry about being alone i would have never dreamed of never even thought it was possible but it was it's because of skyrim that i was able to change my life for the better i love how games connect people like you can have nothing in common with someone and if you just like find a game that you connect with it's just a different thing you know mark hey man hey yes i love the content over the last few years thank you so much mark member for 12 months it's like your anniversary of being a member bro thank you [Music] this is like the d d tavern music i always try and get my dm to put on i wonder if you got himself an amulet of mara before proposing to mrs my friend 3d printed me one when i got engaged such a cool gift ever plan to return to end around i don't know i mean i think it's a great game i don't know if i will though does it work anymore with the skrc update and all the issues i don't know or is it like its own thing hey i'll say this indeed the only reason i'm still friends with my school friends is games fair enough honestly don't have that many real-life friends just a few people i can run you very close friends they updated skse already also it works i don't know i feel like there's a lot of other mods that need to be updated i will try out the necromancer with all the new content yeah sweet mother sweets mother indeed connor very quiet [Music] i have no friends well bro if you like skyrim you got friends man there's people out there you can talk to 100 [Music] love the violin guys jiggle i need a d d party oh yeah i only recently started you've only had like five sessions are you gonna play elden ring yeah i'm not i'm not like actually got a press copy though i've not had to go in it yet but it looks good i like dark souls that was fun investigators of skse pre-release access yeah i think a lot of people got pre-release access i wanna bring the compassion and the love from nursing into gaming [Music] new unarmed gauntlets do they increase damage skyrim for me we'll check them out it is different especially since i've never played like anything like it before and so i'm like okay wait is dragons in this game okay you know exactly that's what i'm talking about dragons in this game the only game i played when i was in nursing school because i'm really like into hype hype games and this allowed me to calm down off of the stress that nurse don't play league of legends anyone seen the new arcane anime for league sort of like a asmr type of thing when you're just listening to the river and it's like you're one with nature [Music] i should get that man you got the storyline you can go off the side quest you can be a thief which me personally that was my thing [Music] i really wanna make a bill where you just level your pickpocketing skill and that's it ah dude anonymous thanks for the donation dude and yeah some of these stories are touching because the dragon just pop up anywhere and then you're like okay here we go it's the same like we're nursing in the patients they're scared you have to make sure you put your game face on when i first became an icu nurse they trusted me to become a leader like a charge nurse and i'm like i already did this you know i was the leader of the dark brotherhood like i don't know like i know like a lot of people like you so silly this doesn't make any sense but it does because before i became a nurse i've already learned how to lead in the game became a nurse she was like do you know who i am i'm the leader of the dark brotherhood i'll have you assassinated [Music] she just get gets like reprimanded by her boss and then she's like ah wait until y'all barbara fears about this you won't stand for this nonsense [Music] oh man this is bethesda's skyrim 10th anniversary fan celebration concert if you're just tuning in right now um they're they have people telling stories about how skyrims change their lives but the ones that we do you know after they get better they'll come back and i'm like hey we're also going to see starfield's new soundtrack too you saved my life you know you helped me and it's just it's it's just really wonderful like to know that you had some part of that so anyway [Music] it's so hard to see all of that stuff mentally and then try to detach from it when you come home [Music] playing skyrim i feel like i'm in a safe place [Music] she's a really small youtuber under 3k followers oh really [Music] thanks for the donation bro i love everything you do being here playing scarab since it came out i'm watching your channel for years as well it's so good cool to is anyone like any old fans here just come back for this we've been playing so many games in between other than skyrim mascara is like my safe spot it's just such a great game i always love to come back to [Music] i just want everybody to see that a video game could impact my life in so many ways six up though damn she got a better sound deck than me hey hey y'all i'm the community manager for a newer network yo your hair look good though for real what you do to it it's like a sisterhood black femmes mostly because it's black women and non-binary also um making sure everybody is understanding their work todd howard confirmed that they have a non-binary character creation so you can be like male female or you can be like obviously a man the female voice or like pretty much choose whatever you like um and they've put a lot of work in the character creation to do things like that so it sounds like it's going to be very in-depth you can even choose background learning skills talking about starfield by the way uh character creation for that she is a streamer question mark someone said she was a youtuber i don't know what her name is though otherwise i tell you guys i didn't think it said like what her youtube name was at the start you always have that one game that actually changed everything for you so when i found skyrim the creativity the storyline learning how to become a dragonborn using my powers you know enhancing the powers as i use them i'm something special like out of all these people i'm the dragonborn out of everybody in the world of tamriel i'm a dragonborn like i'm special i think more people need to feel special in life just not knowing games which is in life see he's already a nurse i feel like that's that's pretty special you know [Music] i feel like she does she's more valuable to society than i i'm just playing video games [Music] i mean everyone's played scaring right generations of people that's crazy to think i have people watching the channel who have like picked up skyrim for the first time versus people who are like now getting married and who started watching me when they were kids in 10 years it's crazy [Music] chill taser is so good [Music] ah thanks guys violins intensify scaring the game that would never end indeed go off to college next year you playing the game since you were nine am i late but you can watch the stream again later don't worry [Music] here's a lovely community [Music] oh tunisia willow does i always say your name thank you so much for that huge 50 donation my god your channel was the first i went to once i started playing skyrim i might not watch every guide you made but i always watch your skyrim content oh thank you so much man i appreciate that i always enjoy the old fans that return when i make skyrim content thank you chris for the donation first found out about anniversary edition when your trailer video popped up thanks again for the years of content on skyrim keep up the good work thank you man turn up quality please i'm it's on max quality it's only 1080p 60 fps and it's a pre-recorded video so like the the quality is just bad when skyrim first came out i think i probably watched the first like gameplay environment showcase trailer many many many many times in my ap computer science class when the teacher wasn't looking i literally dodged school when the game came play massive and every single thing in the world you could interact with and that was just astounding for me at the time [Music] when i was a kid we weren't really allowed to play any action video games during weekdays i got my start making custom content on morrowind i'm gonna see if i can go into the files and change this [Music] who's working out the first scenario is he like a mod creator my parents thought i was like working like an excel spreadsheet i would be working with mod tools and stuff to make the few games i had last even longer [Music] lucky he got uh like skyrim and the elder scrolls of borrowing right because otherwise it like if you just had cool g that would suck i've made roughly around 40 mods for skyrim give or take of various sizes oh did he make the dwemer train mod i think that's what that was ah damn okay my bestest and most famous mod i think is the one that replaces all dragons with thomas the tank engine why do you do this you were behind that i mean is it really a game [Music] is it i don't think so oh my days i decided i didn't discover skyrim it was just a model swap for about 30 minutes to make and i loaded up the game and instead of the dragon coming down to rescue you from the execution by accident it was just a tiny little thomas the tank engine thing and it was just the most hilarious thing i had ever seen i was laughing for like five solid minutes because it was just so ridiculous to see this thing like there's a scene where the dragon like lands and burns the guys to death but instead it's a tiny little thompson thing and just lands and just expressionless breathes fire all over the guy i was just like it was just amazing the epitome the embodiment of evil what about the legends loaded in ways i i hadn't imagined [Music] three days later the video had reached 2.5 million views [Music] i'm going to watch that all of the bishop that sounds hilarious he's a spouse [Music] i see the two guys in front of me on the computer watching the video i'm like you realize i made that right they're like no you didn't but i did but i did i never told anyone that i i made youtube videos they're all text based they're such a support from the developers themselves for mods and allowing mods to be done in ways that they probably didn't foresee they are absolutely okay with it really gives you an opportunity to express yourself in those ways with its editing tools daniel thanks for the five dollars my friend been watching for years love your personality i wish i could train your speech i could train you to speech level 100 and teach the difference between bought and brought oh god usually it's being pretty dyslexic like there and there like letters mixing themself around i think this yeah this guy did the trains he's still working on that for the creation club but it's not actually released in this reveal of creation content so i don't know when that's coming even more interesting always new content to download and play there's always new quest lines there's always new technology being developed by modders to push the game even further beyond [Music] so i started my company pasta space interactive six to seven years ago [Music] without skyrim not only would i not have a career i simply wouldn't be trained with i'd just be uh me i just trained with yeah awesome dude keep up the hard work hey dan i've been watching you since 2012 and now we're here what a journey keep up the hard work bro thank you so much it's me dyna so apparently skse is already updated though i think a lot of the other mods um are still are still not what are you looking forward to playing next year and what whiskey do you like oh my god i've got a whiskey tasting channel linked below actually if you're interested i don't have time to really record much but i do enjoy my friend says gonna bring some habiki around while we paint some warhammer miniatures so that should be fun if you guys like uh like uh uh table top games by the way we did a skyrim tabletop stream which is linked down below in the description like two hours long i believe pretty damn good game day if you're interested you can get it for cheaper now before it comes out i'm waiting for the special anniversary edition special special anniversary edition i won't be surprised tried japanese whiskey i've got japanese whiskey just so expensive right now did they perform the dragon pool comes yes i don't know they have it on again but they didn't call it the dragonborn comes it just it just said the dragon ball i was like [Music] after freezing and crashing issues being fixed on ps4 version i have no idea it seems weird oh dear that's not good is it nothing beats scotch whiskey we tried talisker very good really peaty smokey whiskey [Music] oh yeah i also like listening to scary music just chilling out and just playing someone zimzilla thank you so much for 15 donation your first video i watched was the dream strider build seven years ago is to that and skyrim of 10 years and seeing my favorite track done by the orchestra like this is beautiful oh thanks for the support dude and i i remember these videos i remember i spent so long on these videos i still remember them like each video i made nj thank you so much for the 50 donation you guys are so generous man thank you so much nj the music is very relaxing [Music] one of my favorite childhood memories is listening to my dad playing the lord of the rings soundtrack um just quietly listening um and he'd play it quite often now and again you know just mix it in with stuff he was playing i just remember that being thinking that was so cool i've been watching your channel for years love your approach skyrim is the best game ever sneak thief for life hell yeah lily thank you so much for the donation as well i love each of your guys you were my childhood oh my god be like bourbon whiskey like i'm not like i enjoy it i'm not exploring enough you know such a good soundtrack when i die i hope i'll hear this at the gates of heaven oh my goodness i've just done the mythic dawn questline for creation club what are you stuck on [Music] hi from russia thanks for great content and positive vibes keep it up thank you so much i cannot say your name [Music] there's lots of strange letters thank you so much for the donation and the support though [Music] yeah i yeah todd howard um i didn't i don't know the full story or if it's like guilty until proven innocent or what the situation is there but they seem to be working now with enon zur on the future content um i don't know i don't know what the future of jeremy's soul is this could be the last bethesda game he ever worked on um because i don't think they would work with him again after what happened based so growing up obviously if it's true i don't know if it was true about how i could behave or the things that were appropriate for me or the things that were permissible for me and and even though those rules weren't set out in stone they were sort of understood by all girls as much as my parents supported me they really didn't like that i wanted to go in and play street fighter i definitely remember the first time i saw skyrim i walked into my then boyfriend's apartment to surprise him because he lived in a different city and he was just hooked to his computer chopping wood non-stop and he didn't even notice that i had walked in hey surprise i'm here and he looked up and then after greeting me he went right back to chopping wood yo chop that wood girl pop thank you so much for the donation yeah i've got another cc creation club i didn't know quest coming out over an hour after this live stream the open world to the characters the customization when you go on an adventure like that together it just kind of bonds you from the start just chopping with ours mate and the last time i remember feeling that way was as a child where i was curious about things without any purpose but now i was learning about these races and these regions in the game and and all these specific skills that i was probably never going to use in real life and i was just as curious video games taught me a lot of things though especially like mmos about like economy and trading and all these things even how to type you know i never really saw a point in typing before that i didn't really need it as a skill what happened to jeremy uh getting an education changed my whole family's trajectory and he was like what if you could do that through video games you know all these kids play games and if you really want to teach them something maybe you should consider making videos i have no idea how to make a video game it's like i do and you want to teach maybe we could try making something together and i said yes i said yes to many things after that this was the beginning of um many yes's after that we shortly got married and started a studio [Music] finally called livestream welcome what's your favorite race mine i really like the khajiits or very very cool law behind them have you updated your version of skype i can't find any girls to come join a studio founded by a woman i've worked on wall street i worked in academic research i went to mit which is a heavily tech school but i never felt like i was the only woman in the room and yet here i was building my own company and it was me and six other boys how's the gaming for you a social experiment that we now call girls make games we just wanted to run one summer camp and meet a whole bunch of girls who self-identified we're going to be playing skyrim [Music] and it was such an emotional experience for everyone they had found a place where they felt validated it's hard to not be moved by that passion and and that was sort of like after the first summer i went back to my team and i was like hey guys um i think i'm gonna do this for a few years and it's been eight years since [Music] there was a loading on the creation club is like that friend that brought us together that friend that made the introduction because we had just met and we're getting to know each other and i was getting to know video games alongside him [Music] oh yes [Music] i remember stopping and taking a deep breath and thinking yeah this is my game why haven't you got albert on her shoulder for the rest of my life playing this game i gave her the controller looked her straight in the eyes and said here try it she played from 10 p.m till 4 in the it almost feels like it was just yesterday that i was traveling for the first time i could feel the icy wind i could hear dragon roaring and flying in the distance [Music] i'll probably be playing skyrim in another 10 years time i am still learning and finding new discoveries locations quests characters world because it is so rich a world it really raises the bar it's become less of a game and more like a platform for expression i've reached a point in my life where i can't imagine what it would be like otherwise [Music] skyrim 10th anniversary concert good damn thank you that was incredible um and thank you again for being with us celebrating skyrim's 10th anniversary it's just incredible 11 11 actually has become you know now a special day for us all here at bethesda and next year we have our next game coming out on the same day we have a little surprise for you i would like to introduce our long time collaborator and good friend in on zur thanks so much todd and yes skyrim what a game and yes what a score hearing the famous london symphony orchestra playing it and it's being sung by the amazing london voices wow that really gives me the goosebumps throughout the years i got to compose so many games for bethesda from the fallout series and elder scroll blades and others i feel star trek is fortunate and lucky to do it and i really feel bethesda is almost like part of my family but now let's take a little journey let's fly away from these snowy peaks of skyrim right into the stars starfield soundtrack i only mute myself [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] damn that was so much better even than i could have imagined it to be oh my videos suggested law dude that's that's crazy like that was i mean we're going to jump back and discard now anyway let me yeah swap this around mate that that soundtrack for starfield was just blew my mind it it was it it gave you the sense of uh excitement or foreboding adventure of um i could imagine listening to that for a long time you know it wasn't repetitive it was exciting at parts tense at other parts and it kept kept going on you know it was very very interesting very provoking in thoughts um very similar to like star trek nothing like cyberpunk i heard some people comparing it to cyberpunk no way cyberpunk is a very different type of game in style like that was i loved music for cyberpunk but that was completely different you know it's it's much more like you know star wars adventure um star trek in that sense and you can really even hand zimmer you know like um i got i got a lot of vibes from that very inspired you know i incredible soundtrack anyway let's go back to skyrim back to skyrim so what did i want to check out next guys what are you guys excited for we just we did we did the uh shadow bow ready which is the bow of shadows um and now i want to check out something else they haven't added any creatures have they wild horses um there are quests to get armor the daedric armor uh what else do we have what excites me some of this stuff is old oh my god big boy chips thank you so much for the 50 dude huge donation hey man i just wanted to say that you're one of my first youtubers i watched that played skyrim thanks for giving me all the videos to watch and for creating my childhood take my money thank you so much i mean let's check out fearsome fists right we had a lot of questions about this burst from iron to dragon plate this creation offers 15 gauntlet variants that can be crafted purchased or found in the world however you have to find them in the world each pair can be affixed with spikes blades or horns that give impact to unarmed attacks mix and match with existing armors to diversify your look items appear at vendors in chess okay so we've got to find that at vendors so it's not really a quest per se but look those dragon gorn looks are cool but the dragon horns on and that the those like ebony or daedric gauntlets they look cool glass gauntlets come nice ebony look nice the the spiked hyde ones are actually cool steel ones look great and the dragon gauntlets get kind of like very monster hunted to be honest um [Music] the horse armor obtained any stable uh what else do we have oh the contest so this is another quest mod we could do behind the din of a tavern chatter two warriors are embroiled in an argument to settle it they embark on a quest to see who can slay a monstrous spider follow their trail to learn what became of them i thought we were going to watch them fight including the legendary fists of dragongouth and the iceblade of the monarch from previous elder scrolls titles so we start this by reading anodanto lola's journal in candlehurt hall let me write that down candle let me quickly find where this is and then we'll jump into skyrim and find it i think it's on the dragonborn sulphine isn't it uh i remember though it's an in in windhelm okay right that's really easy to do so read her journal in the hall okay great let's go ahead and continue then can you check out the farming mod we'll do that after this one yeah i want like a little bit more excitement then again we'll do we'll check out the farming see what that's like elijah marsh thank you so much the 50 donation my god elijah thank you xbox mods still work exclamation mark i hope so i hope they continue to work for the foreseeable future all right we're gonna fast travel over to windhelm at the gates where we will find the candlestone hearth can we see the dwemer people in the new elder scrolls i wish yeah the ice spiders what it refers to okay i'm lydia we must go inside here and sneak a look at a lady's journal the mod apocalypse was really just a minor inconvenience so i'm assuming he'd believe jen was going to be around here she was such a helpful young lass this is the guy we're going to talk to i'm a writer by trade not that the people of skyrim do much reading we have to find his journal what kind of writing do you do i write drama friend the legends and history of skyrim made to excite and inspire poor gerard germain at the bards college has been waiting for my latest work olaf and the dragon for weeks now roads are a mess there's a really cool quest based on that book um i think it's at the bar to college you get that quest that's a shame indeed it is may you lose yourself in the pages of a good book well i'm having to read your journal i'm just wondering where it's going to be hidden so we can start this next quest is it nope crimson ducks maybe i have to kill him for it that does sound a little bit extreme though doesn't it who knows khajiit in starfield question mark we know they have multiple races we don't know we're the children of skyrim and we those eyes are on fleek where's this dude's journal clean of the scourge [Music] when you see gerard ask for a tip i'm sure he'll be in a good mood after reading this as you travel skyrim make sure you stop and take in the view from time to time i shall let's have a look at this book then he gave me adonto danto's book ola found the dragon i know this book already exists this isn't this is already a quest that was written in the game it's not it's journal i think we need to see which room he goes in and then just see where his book his journal is come on you're in a room probably on the table upstairs over the entrance it could be i made my fortune this is what i don't like about when oh my god he's gonna lean on that wall on you this is what i don't like about creation club content that doesn't like just give you the quest because i want to do this quest right now with you guys but where the hell is the book made it's probably on one of these tables like you said oh here it is yeah you're right thank you started caught in a web it's not uncommon these days to see a worry of great renown pass through candlehurt hall beckoned by the clarion call of war many of them seek themselves by the fire order their spirit of choice and regale the patrons with stories of their triumphs it is however a strange thing to watch such a tale write itself in front of you but what is precisely what happened when two legendary warriors gren wolf the brawler and holrik frostsworn sat down at the table beside me perhaps it was the me that shortened their tempers but it did not take long for a spirited argument to become heated grendelf the brawler famous for fighting with only his fists and compared holdrick to a soldier who fires a trebuchet a man who is only as dangerous as the tool he employs that's a pretty clever insult i like that holdrick for his part cuts right through gren wolfe's claim the brawler relied on only his hands then he should drink his mead from his palm and slice his bread with his fingernails not to mention there is something in this world holrik said that fists alone cannot kill even if fists belonged to randolph himself whereas his sword the iceblade of the monarch was blessed by the strength of the frost itself and could cut through the walls of ice that lined the edge of the world gren wolf scoffed at the notion claiming that no man or beast had yet to survive a single punch from him it was then that the divines or perhaps darker minds offered a resolution a warrior came bursting through the doors claiming a monstrous spider had taken roots in cronwanga cave claiming three free his hunting party his widened eyes and frowned lips tell-tale signs of fear spoke volumes to azul it was a warning few would fail to heed but the two heroes saw it as something else entirely an opportunity to settle their dispute and so the next morning they departed the kronvanga cave three weeks have passed since in my life i have written tales of valor and tragedy and those that are one and the same and while the final chapter of gren wolf and horrick has yet to be written i fear this may fall into the latter category neither saw fit to return very cool intro to the quest i hope it is exciting i don't know how much of a quest this is going to be but i know it has a boss in it and uh the the story is caught in the web now we need to find these two heroes at a cave they've wandered off to located almost on the other side of skyrim and that's that that's not it tundra homestead no no it's actually south of windhelm just over here i think this is the cave that's covered by spiders near their springs it is a very it's got lots of dead mammoths covered in cobwebs i believe yep this is definitely the one look at this 7am let's just wait an hour it is definitely a cave i wonder what's inside well lydia i think there's probably a few spiders inside can hear a dragon as well there's literally a mammoth that has been killed by spiders out here i mean there are a lot of spider eggs as well all right let's head inside lilia and just hope for the best day do you guys use graphic mods for skyrim which ones yeah my whole model list is linked down below on our website in the description so this bow makes us invisible which is very overpowered i've got a bad feeling about this literally i can hear like 20 spiders on the other side of this wall watch this sneak a heat get wrecked son it's not even enchanted it's just insanely fast to draw how many spiders are in here get out of me god what's that one's up we need to we need to make sure right now i've left it on novice we need to put on legendary for this one guys we can't be hanging around look at them they're all coming at me now they've instantly turned the ai on even on legendary difficulty these spiders are no match for a fearsome dragon boner the worst kind come lydia need your help i get poisoned by one of these creatures we will definitely die there seems to be a secret passage here oh fancy it looks like a bandit homestead within a vampire cave hideout eh erect you're right idea everything okay yeah we'll pretend that didn't happen yeah another band out there i can see a sacrifice a dark elf sacrifice it would seem a vampire fledgling vampire boots a vampire throw that she was feeding off lots of bloody corpses around here oh very oh hello there am i interrupting something ladies never should have come here finish olivia thank you i knew it oh god lydia watch out for being attacked my god why are these vampires so weak more vampire fledglings this isn't part of the quest we're on by the way i've just taken a detour for this cave because it's kind of exciting the spider cage key oh this is the pets of skyrim okay this is actually a vampire naturalist journal so this is another creation club quest ironically where you can get spider pet but we're going to ignore that and just leave now are those arrows you're using new now they're stalin arrows from the dragonborn dlc my friend apparently this spider monster that these two heroes tried to kill located further inside this cave i won't stealth the final boss just because that would be too overpowered i mean look at these creatures they don't stand a chance against me would flip eat ah oh god we don't wanna get hit by the poison huh you're wreck son there's how many are there so many of them look at him he's crab walking away you're excited yeah star arrows overpowering your free time sneak damage interesting damn it oh damn it thanks lydia wait where'd it go you shot it and it disappeared what the hell how did you do that you magician you magician you dude this place goes deep oh it's frodo baggins just down there look cooling in this spider tomb go for a swim here we find down here a secret chest hmm elixir of strength we can give that to lydia's and see he loves a good strength potion but she can carry my burdens don't you lydia yeah she does do you need to reinstall the game to get rid of broken mods uh it depends what you're on dude sometimes a fresh install can help you can clean it yourself though so this is the brood lair wherever i assume this this giant spider creature is residing within right between the eyes critical sneak attack three times damage we love it erect son no spiders will get past me i am the slayer of spiders defeat the web mother all right let's save the game here where is this web mother anyway i don't see it a hell of a lot of bodies here though oh god [ __ ] oh my god [Music] jesus christ oh i almost went myself i need to go to the toilet jesus christ i'll be right back [Music] i've returned i've changed my trousers now i'm okay look at it it's monstrous look at that oh my god it's so fat look at this one of those nasty big fat spiders wait why is there a ghost what is happening lydia you need to hire and kill this thing oh my god the ghosts of both of them are attacking it keep on attacking don't stop how is this alive it's not even attacking back it's just chilling thank god they're here otherwise we'd be screwed god this is awesome oh my god massive oh wait they just disappeared this was his corpse he got yea by the web mother what has it got inside it frostbite 13 arrows that i fired into it well done lydia you literally tanked it which means you're more of a hero than any of these other nords gren wolf the brawler has some unique fists as well melee and unarmed attacks do 20 more damage block 20 more damage with your shield that's really good so that also stacks with the khajiit's passive which then you can enchant it as well no you can't enchant these that wouldn't work 20 more damage no they're not as good then as enchanting like other gauntlets but block 20 more damage with your shield is good i mean the gauntlets look really nice and he's also got a note ulrich thinks there's things i can't push through but i've punched through walls and i've punched through men i don't care how thick your armor is my knuckles are thicker they're hard and callous and ugly as a dramora but they get the job done no matter what i once met a warrior who claimed he had more claimed to have the most impenetrable armor ever known to man but when we fought i punched him so hard shock rate waves rearranged every bone in his body the point his toes were coming out of his ears so even the armor doesn't give the man inside is as soft as jelly a spider ain't much different i've got hard parts but i've got soft parts when i ball my fists and put my weight on my back foot there's nothing anyone can do well you died didn't you say you suck all rocks frost sword so here's the blade of the monarch which is a unique two-handed weapon looks very pretty you can get that for free on the nexus by the way target takes 30 points of frost damage to health and stamina that's just a blade with a frosting charm basically ren wolf's always been beyond stubborn on top of that he lacks patience when a man like him fails to open a jar he smashes the glass rather than rely on a cloth for better grip if grand wolf's minds using that cloth is a weakness in my mind it's far better not to have your food covered in broken glass it's a shame because i think he has a talent to be a good swordsman but his foolish pride won't allow him to admit it ah well look at this sword it looks pretty cool the first person it's almost like uh what's that let's put the gauntlets on i remember his name what was his name ren gren gauntlets where are they [Music] here we are fists that's why i can fun let's go have a look the gauntlets are really nice and the sword's pretty cool as well it's a very long sword i'm pretty sure it's longer than most steel swords in the game let's have a look god damn i'm not gonna lie where oh my god there's a hole here was there a hole here before and this thing is massive answer let me save the game we've got to reload for a sec i need to see this thing where it was hiding it's so big i was like how can i not see it and then just jumped in front of me right so if i toggle free camera oh my days look at it look at this big booty spider just sitting there waiting for me i actually walked right into it and it dropped down on top of me all right let's reload down the save now we've killed it a very cool quest though i love that the ghosts of them came back from um the past to actually like conquer the spider that they'd oh amber oh yes we need that and yielding ghosts oh wait wait we get the spell as well so it's not just the weapons but we also get the unyielding ghost spell which is what's up i need to find it i remember the name of it it was actually called spell tone unyielding ghosts consumes all magicka and summons an unyielding ghost for 60 seconds the ghost attributes are equal to twice the amount of magicka consumed up to 600 that's insane [Music] so essentially if you have 600 magicka you'll get the most powerful version that's all you need that's really good if i use it i get one with 200 health magicka and stamina we go ahead and use it then let's let's see what it looks like he's all my magicka i've never done before that says low magicka unyielding ghost it's got the um dragon what's it called the dragon armor dragon priest armor and uh ancient nordic swords like an ancient nordic warrior i don't know if that's added by another mod like in the creation club or if it's from this quest but it's cool love the concept and that's already like a very unique concept right like you sum you use all of your magicka and then you get like the stats based on how much magicka you use i love that that's really clever this makes it a little bit more interesting instead of like this costs five magicka and does 10 damage all right so the other thing you guys wanted me to do was um go back to the main menu what's the farming mod so this mod lets you become a farmer which is really interesting so let's just open up the creation club i just want to find the mods and where i need to go i think it's i think it was in rorick said based on like the pictures that they had for it i'm also going to get some more g fuel while we wait for this to load hey everyone necromatic grimoire content won't spawn for me has anyone else happened i i guess they'll be bugs it's bethesda what do we expect um so it's gonna be in gameplay right farming okay here we go farming build upgrade and manage your own farmstead in the heart of whiterun elect a steward to oversee the day-to-day and purchase upgrades such as animal pens windmills apiaries and stables whether it's building a commercial empire like nazim growing crops or working with animals there's no shortage of gameplay options here created by virginia still feathers myth quest update the quest unquiet dead start investigating gold hills plantation east [Music] golden hills plantation okay so this is what we need to do so let's go ahead and continue and then we'll go over to rorick's dead and begin that quest i'll top up my g fuel while i'm at it um so rory extended where are you all the way over here though golden mills i don't think it's actually a location is it i think it's just like an unmarked location didn't exist in the game before so he's gonna turn into nazim my life goals and ambitions have been why is everyone outside at 1am mates mad madness i have some g-fuel hydration bear with me friends oh it creates myself some more g fuel it's 30 off link below use code eso for the 30 reduction to the price it's a sugar-free energy drink this version's like got no caffeine in them which is quite nice so have the mods been properly integrated instead of getting all the quests at once yes so now instead of that you um you basically have to walk to the location and then you get the quest like like a natural you know like all the other skyrim quests basically and and some of them though like you have like 20 couriers come up to you and be like i've got a letter a little letter i've got a letter um at the start if you're a high level some of them have level requirements another fine day at work in the fields i don't envy those city folk who miss out on the joys of working the land disgusting tell you who i don't envy those poor children who lost their parents in this war lives lost crops burned land ruined there's no greater sin than war and yet you are an orphan and you've made something of your life i was lucky if you hadn't rescued me i'd probably be a thief of mercenary or something even worse it's too fine a day to dwell on such things let's get back to work and forget about wars and orphans for a while name's ennis if you've got friends who do business in whiterun they might know me why is he a schumer trader did you see those guards get out of line and you'll have them to deal with all right jesus christ lady you need to threaten me was it east i'm pretty sure it was east it looks like there's a farm over here what's that there's a deer there's a deer let me get out my bow of shadows the most overpowered bow in the game that makes me invisible fire it right off the rectum oh yeah right in the rectum get wrecked look at this this one doesn't even know running for his life still running for his life this one will hit this one will hit him taking cover behind a rock come on my archery skills are rusty guys very rusty all right let's go over to this farmstead now i've failed at that a very nice burn deed i mean look at this how can you compete i'm invisible beak spook this is the mysterious farm looks like there's a ghost outside i'm gonna talk to this guy death comes for you now that's not very nice isn't it oh he's gonna go try kill lydia watch out lydia there's a there's a who are you the ghost oh my god lydia doesn't care look at her damn this guy's tanky though finish him lydia kill that stupid peasant how dare he attack us i believe he just attacked you with a woodcutter's axe search the plantation for clues so we've got the quest to become a farmer upon reaching golden hills plantation i discovered that the rumors were true this place is indeed halted by the restless dead what is driving these spirits to these these simple farmers to such rage and what such what sort of treachery caused their untimely deaths i should search the farm to find out more i'm lydia we shall wait what's that that imperial war camp as the white run imperial camp activate fertile soil item planted oh wow okay this is going to be interesting you can put on anything then any alchemy ingredients i plant butterflies interesting i wonder if i can plant blight wood uh you know the blight roots whatever it's called the one that is the most powerful alchemy ingredient in the game that makes you a really stupidly strong potion that does ridiculous damage levels anyway there's a torn page here which might give us some more information i feel strange hot and cold all at once my hand shake hard to write so dizzy i think i've been poisoned seems she's gotten the better of me after all lydia is this your ex-husband his name is irval and he's a dead farmer and his ghost attacked us for some reason okay still here follow me olivia i'm gonna check out his house because there's blood outside of it a bit sus lydia huh the jarring group that was the one i was looking for pretty worrying he's got a journal here he had no belongings though all right let's go and read this journal since he's dead 14th of first seed today's the first day on in our new lives i brought a sizable piece of land with a run-down farmhouse for dirt cheap just outside of rorickstead no one else wanted it on account of how rocky it is too many boulders the other men said but dracula and i have strong backs and a willing heart we'll get those boulders out and turn this fertile land into a plantation they could only dream of this will be the perfect place to raise our little rid 21st of second seed long day hands hurt almost too much to write farmhouse is repaired and the first plants are in the ground it was good we did it the quill kissed me tonight wow must have been really friend zoned there like she did when we were first married her eyes are calling me first of sun's height we have harvested our first crops today it wasn't much but it's a start when i watched the sun's ray first break over the horizon on our field today i knew what to name this place golden hills plantation after akatosh's glorious light jesus soon it will be an inheritance worthy of our son just a bit longer i know it 23rd of frostfall my heart is troubled rin is fast growing into a strapping young boy though he spends too much time playing with that wooden sword of his and dreaming of running off to join the legion but my dear wife jonquil and her strangeness worries me sometimes she'll disappear for hours at a time and then turn up in the house as though she'd been there all along i often see her carrying a basket full of strange dark flowers and she won't tell me what they're for or where she's got them and last winter when rin fell ill with fever dracquil proceeded produced a small black bottle from who knows where and poured who knows what down his throat only a few minutes later the fever was gone jonquil refused to tell me what was in the bottle or where she got it i was so happy that he said she saved our little boys life of course but mara preserved but i'm afraid my wife is a daedra worshipper or a witch could be true rory said is pretty suss when it comes to daedra worshipers i did a video on that secret of rorick's dead 16th of mid year rin has been missing for three days my little boy i've searched everywhere but there's no trace of him even his favorite toy sword is missing what if the wolves coughed him or brigan snatched him away the quill has been watching me i don't like the look in her eyes spree worry and she hasn't cried at all kind of mother doesn't cry when her child is missing what if i dare not even put thought to paper it's unthinkable i found it i found jacril's secret i found the place she's been disappearing to the potions the plants the books such evil and unnatural things i found down there divines help me my wife is a witch i didn't want to open her foul books but i had to know i had to deadly nightshade that's what the plant is called the one i saw her sneaking around with she grows it everywhere in this hidden place deadly nightshade can actually be used and how and was used in old time by people uh in herbalism in order to cure them because if it was used in small doses it could actually help them she must have poisoned my son i've seen the sneer on her face the laughter in her eyes as she watches me tearing apart the farm looking for him she was mocking me i've never felt rage like this i'm shaking with it sweating with it i know exactly what i've got to do my son's spirit whispers to me demanding vengeance i keep an axe by the door but dealing with wild animals it will do with dealing for the witch as well it reminds me of the book the woodcutter's wife that um we did a if you guys uh search on youtube skyrim book reading series oh my god broken axe handle so i guess she didn't die because it's broken interesting i want to hear her side of the story now um i did a scarring book reading series um illustrated by my fiancee kim and uh one of the books we wrote or i read and she illustrated it's called the woodcutter's wife it's a really good book quite a short story but like really cool i definitely recommend searching that later you have time it's got a creepy basement man i don't like that yellow book of riddles another good one kill before you what's that where was it killing before you're killed yeah the child's bedroom here and some practice didn't miss you lydia oh my god you're so fat all right let's go down here i'm a bit concerned about what we might find though the secret button here i think there's something hidden behind the door death comes at that lydia the bloody ghost [Music] oh oh no this is so sad what is this something weird in this on this barrel oh it's flower but someone had a good time there i can't believe he killed his own wife i'm standing in a basket please scare him stop oh oh you know what we'll take this i will show you guys something cool after this and not a note here she had no i gotta read her journal man i hope she's actually a witch otherwise this is super sad torch bug theorax he's making health and stamina potions for the bedroom mate what is a alambic so many plants to plant even has glowing mushrooms there's a pretty good herbalism spot actually take all of this or once that what was that penis fruit that's the nice shade you can even close it lydia or secret hideaway now very cool i love that okay let's read no her journal yeah let's read a journal see what happened here 23rd of first seed irval wanted so badly to make a go at being farmers so here we are now with our own rocky plot of land and a ruined old farmhouse with a leaky reef not what i dreamed of but we'll make the best of it at least the soil is good even if it's full of boulders i'll be able to get a nice garden going with all the ingredients i need for my potions the income from that should get us through the first winter if nothing else oh she's literally just an alchemist tenth of second seed i found a secret room walked off in the basement it will do nicely for my alchemy lab i love my husband dearly but he can be a bit pig-headed dolt when it comes to the gentle magics of the earth it wasn't for my potions little rim would have perished last winter from a fever oh my god oh my god no this is so depressing first of frostfall our plantation is doing well enough but europe's eyes are getting bigger than his purse he was taking talking he was talking of purchasing a wagon recently like we don't sometimes struggle to put food on the table a wagon honestly i've seen the ugly look he gives my potions and herbs but where else are we going to get the money for all the things he buys next thing you know he'll be trying to buy another farm 13th mid year rin has gone missing we've looked everywhere but we can't find him his little wooden sword is missing too god's preserved me i hope he hasn't run off he does realize how dangerous it is out there in the tundra 16th of mid-year it's been three days now my little boy is still gone i don't like how unver is looking at me his eyes too dark too still like a frozen lake i think i even heard him mutter something about getting what i deserve could he have no i dare not even put the thought to paper he didn't he must have that monster's killed my son and now he looks at me with those hate-filled eyes and a mocking smirk he despises my alchemy arts too much that look that he that he took my son from me to punish me i've never brewed a poison before but i know how it's done and i know how to bottle death a few drops in his mead and my child will be avenged it's done the gods will damn me but they will damn him more for the murder of a child rin i'm so sorry i wish i could have wait i hear something oh my god so she was she they both thought that they killed their own son but clearly he had actually run off and they were both wrong i don't know why they didn't check the imperial camp i'm gonna check there and see if the boy's still alive his name's rin wait isn't rin an adoptable child in skyrim or am i being crazy i'll have to search in a second but like i'm pretty sure you can adopt rin his parents killed each other and this is like the story behind them so is this the poisoned mead now this speed isn't poisoned there's still a child's bed here under the bed there is rin's journal the plot thickens mart and parr are fighting again they're always fighting these days ma hates how obsessed par is with the cows and the price of wheat and all the boring stuff par doesn't like mars flowers or bottles of goopy stuff i don't think the goopy i don't like the goopy stuff either but it does make me feel better when i'm sick so i guess it's okay i can't wait till i'm old enough to join the legion and get away from the farm i've been practicing every day with my sword i think i'm good enough to be a captain or even a general but par doesn't want me to join the legion because he says they have to take over the farm when i'm old enough ma doesn't want me to because it's dangerous that's about the only thing they agree on i bet if i defeated a bandit or killed a wolf or something that would show them then they'd have to let me join up with the legion part always tells me to stay away from the old well oh no the one towards the tall monument out by the tree sitting on a rock wolves like to hunt out there he say so that's where i'll go i'll kill a wolf and bring home its head and i'll prove to them i'm a man not a baby i'm tired of listening to mar and parr and each other anyway oh no are you kidding why is this so depressing out of the way olivia this is so sad if i find a child's body i'm genuinely going to be upset we better be able to adopt this child man so wait um find the old well yeah that is my objective the imperial camp is just over there and they have patrols out so it's a bit concerning that this child was just you know in the wilderness alone can you marry ingen i don't know what the rebels like to forget is that the empire is what's keeping the dominion out of skyrim well the rebels think you're weak because you signed the white gold concordance and agreed to outlaw talosh worship that's why they rebelled against you so we're not far from the monument we'll just be over the hill here vanilla scary and pretty nice looking it's a well put together story though dude the story is fantastic it is just reading loads of notes but this one makes it makes sense that the notes are there you know it makes sense that i'm reading journals here we go watch this oh my god he's gonna get killed by sabre cat let's watch this oh get rekt son oh my god it's like jumping on his back i was still alive how is it escaping that oh he stops yeah wrexham right in the side of the knot i can't believe it escaped the sabre cat i'm impressed anyway go and find this uh this place nests of the tree on the hillside outside the farm that's cool i don't need any bird eggs there oh i didn't defeat it i'm a sneak attack i'm surprised surprise i am all right so this is the well apparently how far away is this well dude the well is no one said where is it i can't show it on the map it just says find the old well but it must it must be like nearer the farm right nowhere it's out here let me just quickly on top of this miscellaneous quest in case i'm just following a wild goose yes i am okay so it's got to be near the farm there's no way it's like this far away oh i know where it is i shouldn't have fast traveled there i was thinking is it that shrine just here yeah yeah he even said in the journal here's the monument oh there's okay that's the iron sword i thought it was a wooden sword i was thinking it'd be around here maybe it's not it must be closer to the farm in that sense but he did mention the monument where um the the wolves are hunting but i thought it would be close to here you can see oh okay there's a new well that they've added to the game just here you can see the wolves around it as well maybe the kids hiding in the well are still alive get rekt wait what it just dodged like an absolute boss it just like fell over and rolled around get wrecked oh my god that went right into the rectum right into the rectum of the beast a beautiful shot of archery there's literally a tree growing on a rock here oh no a child skeleton it's even labeled as a child skeleton bethesda don't let kids die yeah here we are loot that free gold though rin's toy sword returned rin's toy saw to the farm oh no he couldn't get in the well because it was blocked well i guess you won't be enjoying joining the imperial legion awkward yeah i felt before i hit yeah there's a bug when you paralyze them uh it activates the paralysis upon firing and then you miss your scaramucci shot the paralysis bug without the unofficial patch kind of messes up some stuff okay here we go that is so tragic it's like beyond tragic okay oh no we've got to place the sword in the child's bedroom speak to rin where is he jesus christ lydia oh they're reunited hi there your family can rest in peace now thanks a lot here take this for all your hard work oh no oh how am i liking the anniversary edition update so far it's depressing beyond belief i was so sad what was he giving me i don't even know what he gave me i think it was probably like a note with the deeds to the farm or something but [Music] vigils orders oh no that's another quest [Music] mytron home decorating guide tall notes stewart's notes ski the trouble i don't know which note he'd gave me or did he even give me something i think he did well i guess this farm is now he gave me a key a key ah started farmer's life for me plant crops one out of ten ah great lydia i guess we're farmers now what was the key for oh a key for the farm that makes sense e for the gold hills plantation okay there we go i've applied some crops i like the animation as well i'm going to plant all the mothers poisons that she made to kill the husband glowing mushrooms how are they going to grow out here that'll be interesting nice shade yep let's grow some poisons this can be the poisoned patch really like the animation though when things grow very cool you death bells unite shades very nice i are a steward for the plantation because i'm way too important to do it myself oh god i think oh i thought i'd just put seven in there oh i screwed it there right there's like several plants in this one plantation then we've got room for like tons more over here as well right i'm just going to carry on playing deathbell gonna have tons of deathbed once they'll grow kind of cool that you can plant them all though i mean i assume you would be able to plant the um the jar in brew which is one of the best actually you know i'll test it right now guys uh let me just quickly find what the jarring root because in theory you could actually get unlimited jar and route legitly if you did this so i watch right with console commands and just add it to my inventory so player dot add item 1bcbc so now we have a drawing root let's grab it right next to the wheelbarrow what's that oh no one sec can it not oh it can't be planted no it's not programmed to grow ah that would have been so cool that's sad isn't it i feel it's gonna look awesome at night it's just gonna be like loads of glowing mushrooms like black reach gonna be pretty cool huh i'm gonna like literally harvest everything and eat every ingredient i've planted all right we planted tons of stuff most of the farms planted in fact you can actually see the boulders in here that they oh no they're not there i lied immersion broken um okay so the other thing we need to do is hire a steward and so where am i gonna hire a steward we also have a windmill as well you can upgrade your farm and add lots of things so i mean planting the food is just the basics of it so iris steward i would find a steward to manage the day-to-day operations perhaps one of my allies would be willing to take up the job after i showed in the place or if i was to get married and make this place our home and my spouse could run the farm get my wife to do it man uh lydia all right i've got your back you interested i want her to say no because i don't want her to be my steward he comes on the adventures with me who are we gonna ask who shall i ask to be my steward what do you guys think who should i ask eat the giant root okay here so i just came to the stream have you already shown the new armors that you can craft no no no i've not done that so we can do that later um who shall i ah follow i mean one easy follower we could do is river woods i hate sven for example maybe i can ask fiando to be my steward uh let me just move this so i can see you guys ben or ask a mage that would be funny wouldn't it that charge is running into the wilderness okay bianda did i see you talking to sven maybe not maybe never mind but i would stay away from him if i were you we'll quickly do this quest and then he can become our followers since it's so easy he's a bard thinks his ballads and sonnets are going to convince camilla valerius to marry him as if she would say yeah an intelligent beautiful woman like her wouldn't fall for that nonsense i hope you don't sound very sure i've been thinking maybe camilla needs a little help seeing sven for what he is could you could you give her this letter and say it's from sven yes match that i will do that i'm a dick so i'll do that maybe i could just kill sven i would also work hmm well i'm not going to make giza farm my fields no adventures no theatrics no thief chasing hey camilla i have a letter for you from sven another poem i bet he does know how to make a girl blush what's this if that oaf thinks all i'm going to do is stay in that filthy house of his and clean al you can tell sven that he already has a mother i'm not speaking to him anymore i better get going no well alternatively we could marry camilla and then she could stay at our house and farm what do you guys think about that huh get your spouse to do it am i right where's fiando ah this is a side quest yeah talk to fiando where are you fiando bastard are you hiding guarantees just chopping wood at midnight where's that silly elf i have to wait it's like 2 a.m come on oh my god it's that blinding flash of light doesn't alduin just appeared and a time wound opened up is fiando still alive after that should i be concerned there he is you silly wood elf tell me as soon as you've given camilla riverwood's agreeable enough i appreciate your help please take this some gold i've saved up from working at the mill 25 gold jesus follow me i need your help looks like you've already got someone with you ah one sec i'm right behind you i'll head back home if you meet me there's people looks like i already got someone with you no no no no what do you mean i'll head back home if you need me your follower leaves your service okay great maybe you lead the way okay now lead on oh i always ask lady to follow me again but i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to take him to the farm damn you making me unfollow lydia it's been years but where the hell is the farm here near roark said isn't it the third option marrying camilla and get her to farm the land for eternity like she hates to i've got your back i'm looking for i'm looking to hire a steward for my plantation are you interested you earn more than 25 gold dropping wood i'd be honored to be your steward you've built a fine studying here there's a dragon behind you we might need more than a steward fiando uh i need you to hire some bomb hands uh to defend the farm against dragons i'll see to it at once fantastic i'd like you to purchase a horse for me as well i don't think it's going to help against the dragons though oh my god oh my god i'm dead what okay this is why lydia is just better than you okay we're going back to the farm but this time i'm gonna be ready for the dragons i'll defend the farm with my life [Music] that dragon truly came out of nowhere dude i'm like paranoid now i've got your back i'd be honored to be your steward you've built a fine studying here that once said this this this is voice acted right oh no this is the same the same voices they used wade's back fiando it's back the dragon is back run inside yeah legendary difficulty doesn't mess around then this is why i need lydia and my bow of invisibility once there's an alchemy there's an alchemy station down here which means i can make the most powerful poison in skyrim with my very limited alchemy skill here we go i hope the alchemy tutorial we've never used alcohol before the jarring room um what else has poison properties like danger heart should but it doesn't um oh no i planted all the poisons no vampire dust oh we failed horsefy one-handed you failed stop failing i don't really want to level my um my alchemy creation either what's like underration well that's gonna actually oh no that does help me that does help me bear with me guys we have a plan we have a battle plan are you ready we go outside let me get out our bow where's this dragon we need to sneak attack it our life depends on the shot i missed we're dead we're screwed never should have come here okay here it comes oh god that does no damage dandel's dead means we're screwed oh god it's coming it's coming oh my god this is my steward this is my steward to divide lydia oh jesus christ nope we're dead we are so dead do i have do i have a shout no i need i need like um ethereal form or something otherwise we're just screwed gonna instantly kill me slow time would still kill me because the fire is gonna do more damage yeah there's no way okay okay don't worry i've got this mm-hmm and then i was just trying to be a farmer guys i mean come on you have to create a distraction that's for sure the instant detection isn't good i like how he pulls out his bow pretending as if he's gonna like bloody help me now what let's get that invisibility still on sneak doesn't do anything to him man he's just too powerful we have got our conjuration spell that he picked up the unyielding ghost let's summon this and then let me get my crossbow out i've got two bolts for you buddy i need to swap back we already have any anti-dragon material oh my god he's fighting he's fighting him gonna be a long battle where's he going oh god oh run we've got to use this windmill to like sort of just hide behind otherwise he's going to kill us ancient dragons aren't even the strongest dragons in the game for goodness sake at least he's got his attention [Music] hey look how much damage i do it's nothing nothing i say dude she's got poutine boys use calm it's lagging what's lagging the game spherical strike the legendary dragon is too strong for my farmstead in worst case i just turned down the difficulty it would be cool to enslave the dragon and have it work my farm for me perhaps i could even marry the dragon here he comes back around oh oh god oh god he's looking at me this time killing fiando yeah i mean we'll turn down the difficulty because i will literally just be farming this dragon for like ages otherwise lord what is it doing looks so weird right now how much damage do i do to you now then i'm still missing i mean it's still it still does a lot of damage because it's an ancient dragon but at least i should be able to survive okay i can attack through this object that is very interesting not ideal for me at all all right conjuration i'm yielding ghosts let's go oh my god come on my hundration has increased to 16. that's when you know it's got real where is it well there it is mate the now he's pissed yeah staggered now i can't take off again we've got him down now oh my god he just killed the unyielding ghost lucky he was already dead right die dragon i'll finish him here we go erect's up yes that's right i've destroyed the dragon i'll use this gold for my farm now fiando come here we must talk business about the farmstead riverwood's agreeable enough i suppose for another village a bit rude but okay you're unmatched in all of skyrim i need you to hire some farmhouse to work the farm i'll see you to it at once that was quick it was an animal pen i'd like you to purchase a horse for me i think you'll want a stable before we spend good coin on a horse fine uh buy livestock i need to build a pen first fine i will build furnishings what room would you like me to furnish i would like you to furnish the kitchen because it's full of corpses very good i'll make all the arrangements is there anything else you need yes i need you to make of course what room would you like me to do the dining area nice very good is there anything else you need yes what room would you like me to furnish an alchemy an enchanting lab apparently my current basement death barrier isn't good enough the old man's dead wife with an axe in her skull is a little bit unnerving so please get rid of that very good i'll make all the arrangements you make those arrangements yes what room would you like me to loft very good i'll give you the house walk through momentarily friends of course what room would you like a master bedroom is there anything else you need it already has a master bedroom and a child's bedroom but i'll buy that as well because i think you're probably scamming me at this point but where did it come from you'll need to build a pen for it first you'll need to build a pen for it for i think you'll want a stable before we spend good coin on a horse okay how do i build a stable then do i have to build it myself oh it's like the earth fire thing we have to build it armors work bench animal pens can i activate god mode just so i can show you guys this stuff for the sake of the stream i don't want to have to harvest everything nope we need four iron ingots for firewood hinges iron fittings two quarried stone to make a blacksmithing's workshop exterior decoration plant boxes a farm hand bunk house oh they don't have any square to sleep right now we also want a stable for our horses and a windmill with a grindstone look at that that's cool um blacksmithing workshop and an apiary where we can produce bees honey animal pens where we get to get goats chickens to be purchased for the farm okay okay well we want to build this stuff then apparently my farmhands have nowhere to sleep let's have a quick look in the house then we'll buy all that stuff i don't see the creation club missions no that's because you have to read the description and then go to the location to get the quest so we've removed the child's corpse from our bedroom it looks a lot nicer now children of anand we've also got a nice pie here with a future waifu as an oven and cook special stuff in an oven by the way if you didn't know have a look apple dumplings all these nice ingredients purely for the hearthfire stuff very nice um there's also a cooking pot here additional obviously and it seems like we've cleaned up the mess in here oh no it's remove the secret door from where would they remove the secret door i want that back i'd rather have a corpse in my secret room with an alchemy table instead of a proper alchemy lab we do have a mannequin down here which is quite cool like a nice player home a nice farmstead player home with some dead rabbits fantastic and this is the new bedroom which is a slight improvement we have a business ledger and open this and look over our fields so it doesn't tell you where to go well once you have the quest it's in your journal like this for example build an animal pen it tells you what to do um but it doesn't tell you where to go until you get to the location so in the quest description it will be like uh on the creation club page will say hey go to this place and speak to this person and then you just find where that is and you go there that's how it works so we need to use firewood and nails so i'm going gonna go ahead and quickly use console commands here i would skyrim just to make this quick so we can actually like look at the content um player yeah dot add item six f i nine free i guess i'll just get 50 firewood that'll be enough i'm already over in cumberdoof we also need nails thank you so much anonymous for the donation remember the joke about s burn and the child oh my god espen oh dude i can't believe you watched the original skyrim live stream i was thinking about that you guys want to see another skyrim play free oh this is always a fun one one two 4 300 f so essentially we need to know what the herth fire load order is which i don't remember so it's one of these i'll probably be like five or something no maybe it's load four three yep there we go it's three great good for future reference now we can build a stables we also need some straw for the animal pens you know will you do another scary mvr episode i don't know the the last one didn't go very well i didn't like get that many views and so it's so so much effort to set up so i might i might do it but i don't know yet uh there is a five a6a 68 that's the straw we need let's build this you also need a blacksmithing workshop oh my god we need a lot of stuff for this well i will build it momentarily but first where's my stable i built a stable where is it are the animal pens where's my stable i think these are the animal pens though oh look this is where the bees are should be able to harvest honey from these now they have five bees i'm gonna eat one just put my hand in there pull out a bee and just eat it raw fantastic take all of the bees out maybe i assume they respawn oh my god look the death bell is already harvestable oh so i can replant things in here otherwise it would just be the same stuff oh my god these glowing mushrooms look very dead i'll take them anyway they're not actually glowing are they really so i can reactivate the soil to plant something else here or i can just carry on like farming these same plants which is awesome really like that it's very uh rest in a moment and then this is the other plant plot i harvested the canis route in it and some blister warts mushrooms is the stable behind my house no i don't know where this table is oh well um what else we need to build so i also need to build a blacksmith area which i need four iron ingots dude definitely worried about the spiders um are you using any mods or just creation club stuff i think there's some mods on still but not many just a few as well ace four uh let's just get 20 ingots uh then i also needed hinges and iron fittings have a look what hinges are i mean if i had the blacksmith's workshop i could have just made the hinges but instead alas i have not chosen to do that three zero zero eleven i also need iron fittings i really enjoyed the skyrim vr so i wish it was more popular but it just didn't seem to be that popular at the time i wanted to know it's zero three zero zero three zero three five um get none of those i guess all we need what else do we want two quarried stone god um and then we can just build everything and not worry about it you know three three oh six c all right there we go exterior decoration can also be built or we also need a lock for this build the stable and the windmill and the farmhouse we need a lock and some more quarried stone so what's a skyrim lock is this dlc available for special edition yeah you can buy it or you can get it from the skyrim anniversary it's like an update to it um 301 to need a lock for your farmhouse bunk house for those peasants all right that's oh one set one set look at this this isn't a blacksmith area it looks like a bloody prison so now i have my own blacksmith forge and we can look at the new items i can forge as well on on that in a moment and the new weapons and there's also a chest here some horse height which is a bit mysterious because i have a stable with no horses it's also an area i can plant more crops in some reason let's go ahead and put some mushrooms in there why not um and then we have the smithing area the tanning rack charcoal smelter there's actually a well here no dead bodies down there yet and oh my god the farmstead house is huge like a whole other farm here what time is it it's like 7 p.m and these two npcs are just standing here what do you need what do you want cat what do you say to me i own you you know who i am remind me not to make you angry oh my god they have a voice for that need something you're my farm hand give me my arrow back hide this body so no one gets here in the morning and is slightly concerned there we go can't believe she actually responded and she went inside go inside and check out house agreeable enough i suppose for a nord village there's beauty here unmatched in all of skyrim to be sure i need you to hire another fireman no questions asked i'll see to it at once good day don't eat my cheese maybe you never should have come here i'll let you live this time chill chill chill chill hey what were you sleeping with this one or something why are you suddenly your problem wait what froze oh okay last witness killed ah i guess you're the new steward interesting so i broke the mod talk to fiando about purchasing livestock biando can i buy some livestock please maybe hey watch it shut up i guess we're screwed on the farmhand front now as well all right let's reload hmm all right i need i need a new farmhand i'll see you do it at once thank you very much do you all sleep in the same room then just here perch is awesome oh good there's one i've had my eye on i'll see if it's still for sale sounds like he's gonna go mate with or something i'd like to purchase livestock for the plantation certainly what did you have in mind a cow i'll keep an eye out for a good cow to purchase is there anything else you need wait a few days for golden hill plantations to start making money i make money from this what did you have in mind i need a few goats obviously enjoy a good goat at once oh i bet you will fiandle you dirty wood elf justin thanks so much to the 14 zar will you play eldon ring when it comes out oh definitely wants it it looks incredible what did you have in mind a couple of chickens as well so if anyone does attack the farmstead the gods of white one will come and defend it i'll see it at once i want to be able to kill chicken in my own farm and not get arrested for it that'll be pretty magical would you like some bread for you i've already met camilla valerius enjoy it yours a gift camilla shared my affections it's really sad that fiona's just here talking about camilla dreamily needs something interesting she's a lot quieter now last time she insulted me she saw what happened to her the glitches and exploits still work properly yeah maybe i should leave her here as a warning a car's horse i see how good this horse is all right gallop ramming speed all right let's go and hunt someone oh my god i'm invisible riding a horse amazing stealth one million i can't even see what i'm aiming at oh my god he didn't even know what came he thought it was just a wild horse roaming the wilderness and then boom sneaky khajiit attacks what's this over here just gonna have a look who's this guy hello are you finished og-legging the grotesque i suppose i should be grateful you didn't simply attack me be grateful all you want old all man let's get back to the farm my work here is done will you be streaming starfield when it releases yeah 100 man but i won't have early access to it because bethesda don't like me so i'll just stream it probably when it comes out and we'll just do like a live play through [Music] all right i'm done with this horse now i'm bored i want a different color horse move your tail oh my god that was brutal right we can eat this one i was hoping i'd get some horse hide this could be of like unlimited hide basically love it have you ever played skyrim on no never why does bethesda not like you because i was honest with the way i felt about what the company was doing with fallout 76 and all the micro transactions like 20 dollars for power armor um and also i posted like a community post saying i wanted to dis my distance myself from them that year um and i think they've since then they've been a lot more commutative and they've improved the game a lot but um they've never forgiven me for that post i made so they no longer talk to me or or or like send me any press stuff um i i just play the games for enjoyment and because you guys like them obviously i want to see them but um we don't have like a pr relationship like i have with every other company i have very good relationships with every other company i work with apart from bethesda because they just don't like me um which is a pity because i feel like you know we we could do a lot together in that sense but i'm always going to be honest about what i play it i like it and don't like it um and i'm not you know that's just the kind of that's what you guys following me for right yes like do you know what i mean so i'd rather have my integrity mind smile on you over i guess that relationship but it is sad that they still hold that grudge against me considering all the all the work i've done since you know i play all the elder scrolls online dlcs and i enjoy their games i haven't played fallout 76 since launch but from what i heard from some people who do like it's got better with the wastelanders dlc but i think to defend the game at launch and say that it was exactly perfect and i had no right to to be upset about the quality it launched in i think is a little bit sad um and i would i'd like to to build a bridge and and move on and like and do things with bethesda that i think they're an awesome company and i think they've also learned from their mistakes and improved from them and even todd howard himself in interviews has said um that we let the fans down with skyrim um and moving forward they're actually not going to be focusing on multiplayer games in the future they're going to carry on doing single-player stuff and he said the wastelanders dlc for example um for fallout 76 did really well and that's what we're good at doing that single player like content you know the storyline and that's what he wants to focus on and i feel like he literally is echoing what i said and what the fans said and when i made that community post it was like years ago now uh when fallout 76 came out saying like i didn't agree with what bethesda was doing at the time with the the really expensive micro transactions and just felt like they were milking us for money with that game launch it wasn't the quality i expected from them you know and i've said i've said this to the pr guy from uk um but you know i feel like they still don't like me so don't want to talk to me and sadly that that's that's the situation right now and i hope it changes in the future i'd be more than happy to have a relationship with them um but but yeah like um i feel like i also want to talk my mind about video games and i don't want to i don't know maybe they see me as like a red flag of someone who could um say my own opinion about things but i feel like especially after covert i've been a lot very positive about all the games i cover and enjoy and i think it's important to to not sit there and be negative about everything you play i think with fallout 76 i definitely wasn't a bad place i was very negative maybe overly negative about some things but so are other people you know um and i i say the game's improved since then i've not gone back and played it but i've heard it has um so what do i think about cc content so far i really enjoy it like genuinely i really enjoyed it so far but yeah that's the situation with bethesda that's why i won't they don't like me and i won't be receiving any early access to their games i don't think ever like even elder scrolls 6 or starfield which is sad but like you know at least i was honest about how i felt about fallout 6 and what the company was doing um so that that's just the implications of what what happened with that so we need to now wait a few days until it starts making money well farmhand i can't even sleep mate i built this house and i can't even sleep here you joking but go back to my own house and sleep there god damn let's go back and do that yeah some of the creation club content is free this isn't a lot all of the new stuff pretty much is paid for i think you get the fishing stuff for free the survival stuff for free um just by owning skyrim special edition it's pretty cool i even sleep in a child's bed i have to go upstairs goodness me we've got to wait a few days to see how much money my farm starts earning but i'm genuinely interested i think one of the coolest medieval games ever played is kingdom come deliverance to this day it's like one of my favorite games just so well done so much passion and cares we put into that game and they added a dlc where you could actually like run your own town as henry and you were like the bailiff basically which i did like some videos on that was so fun but it was really cool because you could actually go into debt as well because you had so many things to pay and uphold so you kind of didn't want to start the dlc too early oh talk to fiando and collect your day's profit so every day my farm which is at the max rank now it's got everything in it it's gonna make money and we can pick it up from fiando so i guess um it's like 10 p.m let's just wait until the morning until he comes outside then i'll collect it so this you're about to see like the maximum amount of money that we are going to be earning from this farm can't sleep for my own house the world coming to now it's it's 10 a.m where are my farmers they should be starting work now already but they're not even here yet there's still a dead body in the farmhouse which i'm not too keen on we're gonna have to go in and wake them up guys this isn't good enough yes good morning good morning divine smile on your friend riverwood's agreeable enough i suppose i'm here to collect the profits very good sir 572 gold collect the extra harvest produced from the pantry oh good there's one i've had my eye on i'll see if it's still for sale yeah buy a new horse as well 1000 gold is pretty expensive um a bit confused so where is the pantry it's quite funny to have serrano running your fan just a vampire oh that could be quite fun right we need to find the pantry so we can uh collect the other notes but on that note i feel like you burned a bridge that needed to be burnt at the time i mean yeah yeah you're right in hindsight i guess like maybe i should have kept my mouth shut but at the same time like i feel like i would have been pretending to to not be upset with developers at a game franchising company i absolutely adore you know and that would have been very fake to you guys and i feel like i would have been doing then my audience a disservice not to have an opinion about that i thought i've paid you to farm the hill surrounding the village right my land and not not not blacksmith and mess around bethesda needs to give us a quest to destroy all the founders so this is the pantry okay crops milks and eggs are produced by the farm will be automatically sold in this cupboard okay completed a farmer's life for me wow so they automatically farm all of the crops that you have in the farm for you and the milk honey which we can use for alchemy this is an insa sorry an insane source of alchemy crafting dude i have so many cheese wheels they're falling out of the cupboard um and i can you i could even grow all the ingredients for making foods and stuff here as well which is pretty exciting i don't think i could cook anything yet though i want to wait another day and see if i get the same food from everything you know wait i could cook poisoned apples that's pretty cool love that uh cicero is the funniest npc in skyrim some people hate him other people love him it's interesting yes all right i want to see um what's interesting is i can still manually harvest the plant as well as get them from the pantry which is really cool how do i do this oh yeah wreck some now you're mine i've triggered them all how does he know i'm here don't mess with me if you handle i want to kill my farmhands whenever i want to kill them you shouldn't have to be attacked your farmer is smashing pumpkins exactly man so we've got our own cows here our chickens uh laying eggs this is fantastic and we've got water as well look at this little chicken can i kill this chicken without being arrested that is the only thing i care about well he knows he knows it's coming oh get wrecked and you can harvest it with chicken breast as well so i guess it kind of makes sense can i buy more chickens certainly what did you i'll see to it i can kill all the chickens and buy more to harvest chickens your services steward is no longer required so i could get rid of him and then re-recruit him as a follower if i wanted to i'm not going to do that because i will be killing farmhands left right and center oh the goats have little bells on them as well collects milk nice a jug of milk disgusting i love it use mill food addison land thanks so much for the 5 donation dude the fact you were more worried about being honest than maintaining a relationship with a big company says a lot appreciate that your understanding there stephen morgan i brought your hidden detectives teacher thank you so much dude thank you for getting me even more into skyrim awesome bro so we can make sacks of flour that restore one point of health but also using cooking we can also make straw with uh wheat at the mill as well in fact we actually had a quarry that we could have mined here i don't think there's any source of clay nearby but it is what it is yeah no it's an important thing to me i like to play play like usually when i'm sponsored by a company or a game to play like i mean i make sure i enjoy the game first um like for example uh wastelanders free sponsors me to do a play-through of uh their game and that was awesome man like that game's so good i really enjoyed that um so i like those kind of sponsorships you know i can maintain integrity in that sense need something why are you not doing anything i pay you not to stand around and you're just seeing here i mean you're surprised when i kill these people fiando but like the only person i'm allowed to kill is the horse and we've got another one but it's the same color i wanted a white horse i guess this one will have to do but i'm pretty happy with my farmstead what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna wait another 24 hours and we're going to collect our income once again and see if it changes from 572 gold or if that's like the max you get each day happy birthday sarah deman maybe having a good day dude so we can milk goats which raises the question can we make cheese i would have thought so right i would have loved to have a cheese production arm divine smile on you friend are you just eating my food that i i work for this food fiando how dare you can i milk the cow talk to cow i thought it said talk to cow interesting yeah i know a big fan of the farm creation club content then i think that's really good um so can i actually collect the profits very good 613 oh it's gone up good day i like how it is very good sir very good sir this is good are you playing the elders uh elden ring i would like to play especially because everyone keeps asking me but um i haven't played uh it yet i haven't even watched any content about it i prefer to go in completely blind because i just think it'll be a good game like from software i always do a good job okay so now i'm going to save the game what i'm going to do let me save the game and then we're going to go to the main menu and have a look at what we're going to play next on the creation club store all we could try out fishing what do you guys want to do do you want to try out fishing open the creation club [Music] i've played over 3 000 hours of skyrim it is good is it worth like 40 pounds of selling for well it's a 20 upgrade to scaring special edition to me that's worth it i've enjoyed what i've played so far but that said after i play through the content i'm not gonna like sit there and enjoy some of the armor mods or something um but if you're like doing another playthrough of skyrim you wanna like mix it up a bit i feel like it adds some content that's nice but there's also a lot of free mods that do that as well thank you so much for the donation there sorry i completely missed it i don't see your name anymore atomism willow ah you're still watching the stream awesome man so what we're going to do is we're going to find you guys want to try out the fishing i think fishing would be interesting featured it must be featured surely not on under gameplay then yeah here it is test your metal as a fisherman in the brand new series of fishing quests and catch over 20 nexus bulba is this a mod or a new addition to skyrim by the way is the new addition worth money so the new edition of skyrim anniversary edition as a collection different creation club mods um it's definitely more worth it than any of them have ever been to buy it as an upgrade dollar upgrade is pretty worth it uh for me but each person to their own you know there's also a bunch of awesome quest mods like sky oblivion that are being made for free so it's it depends on your level of value so new fishing quests and catch over 20 new aquatic species in the waters across skyrim cook them or display them in lakeview manor hell jackson hall and winstead manor in your home aquarium so angular acquaintances is the first quest start by using any fishing supplies scattered around skyrim all right well that's pretty easy let's go ahead and start that quest then born fishing fishing then armor all right let's see that guys that sounds like a a good way to go i reckon so uh we need to find a fishing spot i don't know where any exist but there is a crabbers shanty here so i assume this would be a really perfect spot for a fishing spot but i don't know if there will be one there beyond skyrim has a new trailer really sure guys should we watch it together before we start fishing oh yeah there is actually fishing supplies oh my god i was right it's not like my poaching is hurting anyone the yarrow can hardly eat every deer now can he exactly you have mud crabs here as well i like this little fisherman's hut he's even got like a mud crab trophy here he's mounted this is like one of those little role play homes that i really appreciate he'd even take his fishing rod here justin on tube thanks thank you for the 50 knock twenty dollars for a fishing game outrageous well i know there's much more than fishing content but this is one of the things but this is actually free so i need a fishing rod so let's just pick up his fishing rod steal this you must have fishing rod equipment oh i need to equip a fishing rod is it a weapon it's a weapon it does 11 damage jesus christ it's a hell of a weapon oh okay while fishing press activate to reel in your line reeling when there's a strong pull on your line will reel in your catch ripples on the surface when casting your line not from nearby fish if the water is calm when you cast your lion there are no more fish to catch here the fish will return in a day's time so i guess you could do like a lap of skyrim and all the fishing spots press a to reel in your line okay oh there's a little dart wing hovering over the fishing spot that's cool oh there's a ripple you reeled in your line too early what do you mean i saw the ripple i reacted too fast apparently skyrim was not ready for me battle brothers watch the beyond skyrim trailer after we do a bit of fishing now i want to catch a fish first okay that's a pool what too early again all right i'm waiting i'm waiting i like that there's a mini game for it i'm glad it's not just boring waiting around so i'm waiting for a strong tug yeah that's definitely strong so i just pressed a once and i got a river betty one of the most common fish in skyrim so i guess i can carry on fishing here maybe it's empty of fish now i don't know taking a little bit oh yeah there's oh i can see a fish down there as you see it coming to the rod another river betty okay ashley you know what why do i just come over here and take these fish out of the water that was a lot faster than fishing you have to like get in the animation with this this fishing supply thing that enters into like the fishy the fishy game fishing game i can do this with my eyes closed mate like you just feel the vibrations watch this easy another river betty dude there's nothing but river betty in here i wish i'd i'm like i'm so used to new world i'm like oh where's my fishing skill leveled up but no i mean it looks like there's actually a man down there just tugging the crap out of my rod yeah i've caught like 10 river whoa my jesus thank you so much for the 100 donation dude thank you so much for being so awesome i had a rough year with the loss of my mother in december and my wife in february dude i'm watching your vids has been a blessing mike i'm so i'm so sorry for your losses and i mean i'm glad my videos could give you any enjoyment after what happened i hope that your life picks up and you have positive things going on on the horizon that's a huge donation dude thank you so much for like i'm glad that my videos brought you some kind of happiness that honestly means the world to be me when people tell me that um i really want to beat someone up this fishing rod that um my my videos have brought them some happiness in that sense so so thank you so much reaper black bull cent thank you so much the donation as well so are they removing regular mods now no no no no no it's just that the update with all the creation club mods they added changed some of the things in the skyrim files and that resulted in some of the more complicated script mods being affected and broken so now everyone's having to update them um so that that was the issue behind that right so um we wanted to watch the beyond skyrim stream friends one sec skips frames is the stream okay for you guys can you still see okay should be okay right yes so you're married i wish i was next year i will be married uh later taser my mother's actually coming to my wedding uh but we had to delay our wedding like three times now um because of covid uh and kim's from germany so a lot of her friends and family are coming over um but yeah visit rift and friskery so this is the quest for this but now we're going to watch the beyond skyrim mod let's quickly let me find the trailer guys what's up um beyond skyrim this is the new trailer i believe wow it came out an hour ago dude okay that's five minutes this is going to be good let me just full screen then we can watch it together guys uh i will put display capture on is the streamer quality okay for you guys um it is now streams lagging yeah stop lagging okay cool cool dad it's okay now don't know what happened all right we're gonna watch this together are you ready this is the cyrodol uh trailer for beyond skyrim now we've already had the broomer quest come out uh which i played i might even go back and replay now this is coming out so here we go what's that that was a little bit of story there so emperor titus mead ii leaves cyrodiil in a state of chaos very true as a weak empire emperor subject to the tyranny of the thalma and faced within the return of an ancient enemy the hertlands people herzlands people are left to defend themselves to find a new leader to guide them into the future very exciting okay here we go look my live stream is just here as well 2 800 people watching awesome guys thank you that trailers are so good i feel can i just say this already has um better voice acting than any of the creation club stuff and it's a free mod it's free these guys are making it for free okay so if you if you want to donate consider donating to this project despite everything i sacrificed during the war it was the compromise i made to end it that would be my undoing call important people believe that we could win they wanted to go on but my own faith was weak and i made a grave error now cyridium is in a crisis that it has not seen for an age since 200 years ago when the land was on fire the oblivion crisis but even then we fought together as one face threats from both our world and oblivion but we fought them together and we won wow although it came at a great cost the dynasty that had guided us for millennia was ended and now we are divided that is where i have failed in the end i could not unite us [Music] we have new masters of our country now the villains i let in through our gates i was blind to the consequences i thought my people were as tired as ayah thou more but they never lay down their arms they will fight them to the end while others choose profit over people some have set their eyes on the throne they seek to supplant me even as i still live and breathe and it is beyond me to stop them in fact i mean not to cyridil he's a strong leader for what comes next even though i can feel it in my heart that it is already too late while they'd bicker and fight over this accursed marble chair our ancient enemy has returned to reclaim the lands that we took from them thousands of years ago [Music] and this time the people will have to protect themselves they must find something anything to hold on to and then give their lives in service to it [Music] the empire depends on it the glory of cyrodiil depends on it whoa oh my god it looks like a proper city that's proven my god it looks good oh my god the nostalgia from oblivion as well wow and the soundtrack is incredible whoa anvil remastered looking always got ballista on the roof now dude still in these final hours i cling to hope not for me but for cyrodiil hope that there will be another hero that we will drive the thalmor from our lands that we will finally reforge this seat of sundered kings oh my god this is insane this makes me so excited when's the release date is that is it already say oh written oh that's a website okay really really good music world on daniel and also narrated in-game scenes by daniel hodge really good voice acting i just want to point out a few things guys because this was really cool like we saw a lot in here one thing i don't understand by the way is the beyond skyrim team are remaking cyrodiil and also sky oblivion is remaking cyrodiil both both of them look excellent but i'm just like why didn't they like team up and you've also got like uh what is it the there's another team doing parts of tamriel as well um but they're in different time periods obviously but i love the world world landscape look at that with the the trees going across here and then these this massive like dropping off waterfall here looks incredible and then what else did we see that looked awesome there was um yeah these people fighting back against the falmer i love that whole story concept really introduces it in a beautiful way all these people um i don't know that's a reference the starting part on the cart uh these prisoners here and we've got the treachery they're they're literally out outlawing talus worship you can see the shrines of talos here all the blood and then thalma are like you know standing there there's like so many scenes set up and so many stories already set up i'm amazed by and then the inside of this city it really looks and feels like a city you know and i like that you know skyrim cities are much more spread out understand because it's a nordic sort of culture right but like this looks incredible like these the quests that are going to be in this i mean i can't wait to meet the people here just felt very epic this trailer with what's going on like it's really a war it's completely torn into shreds churches are burning and then we have the ayla's coming back like jeez that looks terrifying um and the the lighting and everything looks insane then we see some towns here so like this there's an imperial camp outside the imperial city just here um where is this big windmill look at that house this beautiful house there this is coral i think by the looks of the design this is breville we've been to bravil before obviously um and where is that oh i know where this is is that leon like leia wouldn't yeah that's leon the docks man it's just amazing being all remastered is incredible where is this is that still leon got a massive port down here very poor city oh wait yeah i know that is lowing because the docks it looks just incredible there's a real sense of depth and height and scale and everything the world designs insane ah this looks beautiful i love it truly and the just the really the depth of that forest you could get lost in it right and that the logo is so cool as well like beyond skyrim cyrodiil okay fantastic let's jump back into skyrim not breville broomer oh yeah no no you're right because breville is the really poor one where they're like literally in wooden shacks so yeah no you're right i always get mixed up with eating those ones imagine if you could dual wield i mean i'm calling it now i want to do a video where i actually just play for the entirety of skyrim just using a fishing rod it's the new weapon and you complete skyrim with just a fishing world that'll be an awesome video idea man okay no we could go we can go and kill these bandits here let's do it i am the fisherman of sky and i'm mod testing right now to figure out which mod is breaking my auto save and ps4 good luck auto saves can be difficult to recover how about that huh not so fast the sound effects oh my god this is great is there a kill cat with this die die i'm killing him for the fishing rod i think i've got god made on still but oh well fish this i'm just whipping him with a fishing rod oh my god it's taking so long he's actually got the unique armor on as well look at easily this easily blocked it is a fishing rod legend has a dragonborn was a humble fisherman your daedric alma has nothing against my fishing rod yes he has to come to the power of fishing look at this new daedric plate armor alternative we've just found look at that goddamn it's even got a daedric plate helm which is exactly the same as the original and so the gauntlets and everything else you want a bit of my fishing rod i love her just listen send me into a rug dave i want to see if there's a kill cam on it really oh my god he just left he was like no i will leave i've had enough of this i'm coming for you next walk [Music] whipped him into shape exactly he left the area he was terrified of me i do a lot of damage to be honest no i'm just knocking out with a fishing rod come at me is it we'll see about that the lag is it lagging is it stuttering oh no should be fine [Music] victory is yours [Music] this is how you fish fishing in skyrim is awesome man where is he i'm gonna get him gonna get him okay he's running for his life fights me [Music] you yield to my fishing rods [Music] oh my god it's a fishing rod hey you've witnessed it the ultimate weapon of destruction the fishing rod fear it the most overpowered weapon in skyrim beautiful look at that you'd never think it was going to be a weapon of absolute destruction we need to enchant it i need to do why am i flying like tfc there we go now it's working look at these moves with this fishing rod look at that imagine catching fish like that beautiful but the running the running sprint attack oh my god whipped with a fishing truck i mean have you ever stuck a fishing rod through a man i mean that's just nuts damn i do want to go fish next guys where do we want to fish net i want to go and enchant my fishing rod the ultimate penetration of a fishing rod never seen anyone be impaled by a fishing rod no i was waiting for you to shout i want to stealth attack someone assassinate them with a fishing rod i'm just slitting someone's throat with a wooden stick a little bit of lag again i don't know why it should be 60 fps for like 3k kilobytes that could be the youtube servers or something disgusting nevermind all right all right what's up i'm gonna enchant my rod with extreme powers enchanted with penetration rod of penetration imagine it better be able to enchant it [Music] come on conan chanza khan and john's here i don't believe it that sucks i always put like a mad in charming warming the dawn guard vampire hunters are still in the old fort near oh my god haha you're no match for me in my fishing rod all right guys since the stream keeps like i don't know what's going on with the stream right now but i'm going to end today's stream here anyway drop a like on the video if you enjoyed it i'll have another episode of an hour-long playthrough for the latest quest mod as well that's linked down below it's going to come out pretty much after this video um so stay tuned for that it will just come and check the channel and literally about come and check the channel in 15 minutes at half past that video should be out thank you so much for watching friends um i hope you had a lovely evening i know i did it was really good to hang out with you all and just chat and catch up and have you all here watching the stream it's been awesome awesome fun thank you for watching i will see you in the next stream farewell you
Channel: ESO
Views: 710,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim anniversary edition gameplay, skyrim annivery edition review, skyrim annivery edition creation club content, new, eso, Skyrim creation club 2021, skyrim creation club armor, skyrim creation club house, skyrim creation club, creation club, anniversary edition, skyrim gameplay, skyrim walkthrough, skyrim part 1, Bethesda, skyrim new dlc, new dlc
Id: 910dNpYoY-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 0sec (13080 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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