I Survived 10 YEARS on Minecraft's 2b2t

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I have survived 10 years on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft one of the most chaotic places on the entire internet so I'm going on a journey today when I joined the server 10 years ago I took pictures of different locations that helped me survive during my first few months well I'm retracing my steps and going back to these places to see how much they've changed after an entire decade I've picked over 10 different locations that I want to directly compare with my old screenshots most of these places are unknown to the public I'm curious to see if any of them have survived especially one of the last locations on the list which is an old base of mine that I abandoned 10 years ago I haven't seen it since so I'm really curious to see what's become of it so let's get right into this journey today we'll be traveling through the server's Northeast quadrant as all 10 locations are found found here the farthest is hundreds of thousands of blocks away so it'll be quite the walk in some places my trip started in the same place it began 10 years ago to be 2T spawn region except this time I wasn't surviving on zombie flesh now when I first escaped this is what it looked like while it was already quite chaotic it wasn't nearly as destroyed like it is today even in my screenshots you can still see areas that were somewhat normal but now a large portion of the natural blocks have been destroyed this region is almost like a strange organism in that it is constantly changing and evolving based on player actions but after taking in the sights I made my way to the next stop my original bunker before creating my first base I built an underground survival bunker that I used to grow food and resources while also keeping myself hidden from players it was pretty Bare Bones but it had everything you would need for surviving Your Spawn once in a while I would invite other players to use the bunker before they set out on their own Journeys which looking back was probably not the smartest thing in the world but still I would often frequent this place up until at least 2016 but upon arriving at the coordinates as expected it had taken some damage comparing it to my original picture the overall shape of the bunker was unchanged but the resources were long gone some signs indicated that others may have tried to revive it at some point but 10 years later it was finally destroyed even the trees on the surface had all gone missing in the past decade either through griefing or curious new players since this was so close to spawn I figured this would be the case and after taking a look around I headed off towards the next location the Sandstone base early in my travels I came across the exposed entrance of an underground Bay case that was much fancier than mine it didn't even have a name so I just wrote it down as Sandstone base in my coordinate list because of the Block's use on parts of the walls this intact base was a hint that there was more to this Anarchy server than met the eye but Upon returning to the original entrance 10 years later the place was blown to Smithereens completely wrecked compared to my original pictures almost nothing remained one or two floating Sandstone blocks were the only clue of what this had once been but again being so close to spawn this was not a surprise after taking a final look around I headed out towards the next destination the abandoned Desert Palace in my early travels I came across a large desert Palace that didn't seem to have a name at the time it was not very far from spawn which is why I was surprised it was in such good shape even back then I did return to it once seven years ago to document the place on film but I haven't been back to it since well upon arriving as expected the entire base was flattened while there were still pieces of sandstone around props cacti and major buildings were completely gone looking at my picture from 10 years ago very little remained the same it was no different than the thousands of craters that littered the spawn region it's a good reminder that nothing on Anarchy servers truly lasts forever after taking a final look around I made my way to the next stop Stone town in my early travels I discovered a small player-built town where the roads and buildings were both made of stone it was likely built in either 2011 or 2012 meaning that when I originally found it it was still a relatively young base there was nothing too extravagant about this place but it was a comfy rest stop for travelers well upon return I found that the town had not survived the majority of the buildings had been grieved but some original blocks still remained if it weren't for the flowers in the background of my original picture it would have been harder to line up the exact shot but the town had seen much better days so far every location had been like this but I had confidence that as we got farther from Spawn our luck would change so I moved on to the next location the abandoned Lookout ten years ago during a rainy evening with a lot of monster activity I took shelter in a Hilltop Lookout base that had already been grieved I ended up staying here for a few days since the base still had a functional skeleton XP farm it was here I created my first ever power five bow I had a lot of fond memories of this place so I was absolutely delighted to see it was almost unchanged in overtime 10 years how funny is it that the base that was already in Ruins was the best looking one so far the place clearly had seen plenty of Travelers in the last decade but everything was just like I remembered it the skeleton spawner was long gone but the actual structure of the base remained unchanged I was glad to see it had survived and it gave me hope that other locations on the list might be okay as well so I continued forward next on the list the advanced jungle temple one of the first jungle builds I encountered was a strange temple high up in the trees when I found it it had some minor lava damage but was mostly intact to get between the structures you had to parkour on some floating platforms which I thought was a neat idea jungles are one of my least favorite biomes to navigate but I managed to make my way to the coordinates the structures were still there so I quickly got into position to compare the photos Ten Years Later the build had seen plenty of activity but was still looking good a lot of player made towers and bridges had been made in the area I wouldn't be surprised if some repairs had been made here and there over the years but overall I was impressed with how it withstood the test of time my mood was beginning to improve but that would change quickly at our next stop brick Island this is the only picture I have of a place that I nicknamed brick Island because of the small brick house that was built on it despite the small house there was a huge mine shaft next to it that went all the way down to bedrock well upon arriving it was gone the house had been completely destroyed but the mine shaft remained as I went down to take a look around I actually found a shulker box with TNT in it as well some other valuables was it the griefer or perhaps some unknown explorer who knows but it was important that I see the place because it was an inspiration for my own Island base which would be stop number nine for us my ocean Outpost I started my own small ocean base after traveling well over a hundred thousand blocks in the Overworld which ten years ago I thought was a massive distance especially on foot it wasn't anything too crazy but it was a comfy little base the sign out front read research station number four the truth is this was the only one but the number four was intended to get potential Griefers to go on a wild goose chase looking for the others when they didn't actually exist it was a fun little prank but since I didn't really have any valuables here once I left this place to head back to spawn I never came back so I was very curious to see if it had survived well as I approached the island to my complete shock my base was still there practically untouched it looked just how I remembered it compared to my original picture it was nearly identical even my boat was in the exact same place despite having changed to the more modern variant signs had been left behind by Travelers who had taken some of the supplies I left there I was stunned even my bedroom and rooftop garden were still there it was like looking into a window of my own past I could now say one of my bases had survived over 10 years on 2b2t while it filled me with joy I accepted that showing it on camera like this would likely spell the end for it at some point maybe that's why I waited so long to return but after grabbing my boat as a souvenir it was time to head back near spawn to go to the final location 700 base 700 base was a well-known spawn base that was founded in 2013 and helped many new player survive surprisingly I didn't actually find it until after I had already been surviving for a few months when I did find it it was already partially grieved it was here that I met a player named James Russells for the first time he had been repairing some of the grief damage him and I would become friends and eventual base mates now the base was called 700 base because it was only 700 blocks away from Spawn I want you to take a guess what do you think it looks like now well behold unrecognizable the damage has gotten so bad that I couldn't even identify any of the original blocks underneath the lava casts there's griefing and then there's being erased from existence this one definitely takes the cake for the most destroyed out of all of them we've seen today but I had roughly retraced my journey from 10 years ago and with the server soon updating to the modern version of Minecraft I foresee even more Adventures to come
Channel: FitMC
Views: 294,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, mojang, flying, redstone, campfire, blast, furnace, memes, house, respawn, pvp, popbob, animation, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end, caves, cliffs, warden, fotmc, tb2t, wild, 2n2t, 1.20, sniffer, mob vote, armor trim, armor trimming, tales and trails, trails and tales
Id: Up_ew5NDroU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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