Skyrim's Ebony Warrior EXPOSED 10 Years Later

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hey how's it going guys it's nate here and today we're just gonna cut to the chase so the ebony warrior and this character's bizarre origins represent one of the biggest and most discussed mysteries in skyrim possibly even the entire elder scrolls universe as a whole for those of you who don't know or just haven't played in a long time the ebony warrior is a bizarre full suit of ebony wearing character who will appear and randomly track down the player sometime after you've reached level 80. now 80 is a very significant level it's really high as a matter of fact it used to be the highest possible level you could achieve until bethesda removed the cap with the dawnguard dlc most people will never even bother to get this high in a single playthrough without employing mods or console commands usually you'll be done with the game and most of the major quest lines well before level 60. so people who grind out these extra levels to get to such an experienced position are really really dedicated and have probably already beat the overwhelming majority of the game which only makes this moment all the more significant anyway sometime after achieving that 80 milestone the ebony warrior will track us down and deliver the dragonborn a challenge to a duel now he doesn't have any particular score he's trying to settle or grudge to resolve instead the ebony warrior is quite flattering in his tone stating that he believes we're potentially the last person left in the world capable of safely sending him to savangard and giving him a reasonable death the time has come i have done all that can be done there is nothing left no quests to be undertaken no villains to be slain no challenges to face except for you you are my last challenge only you can send me to savangard with honor make your preparations when you're ready come find me at my last video now before we take this story any further the first thing i want to point out that a lot of people miss about the ebony warrior is his size you see if you look closely or frankly you don't really have to look that closely you'll notice that the ebony warrior is big really really big he's bigger than any other humanoid or elf npc in the game larger than mirack ulfric even a draugr a look into skyrim's game files reveals that this is because bethesda specifically made the ebony warrior his own script that allows him to be roughly 25 larger than the normal maximum limit baked into the game's npc creator well there is one other npc in the game who uses the same size script as mr ebodypants and that character is soon the nord god of trials and tribulations whom we encounter outside of savangard at the end of the game's main questline soon is the only other character in the base game more on what i mean by that later who is the same size as the ebony warrior so perhaps these special dimensions are communicating something about divinity maybe they signal that much like soon the ebony warrior is more than just another mere mortal and as we'll see in a bit that seems to be the case nonetheless after being issued our little duel challenge we'll receive a marker in our quest log directing us to a location known as the last vigil an abandoned campsite on the southwestern edge of the velothine mountains upon our arrival there will be no formalities there is no walking up to the ebony warrior and initiating dialogue and discussing further no instead upon our arrival the ebony warrior will just attack the dragonborn on site like a maniac and so will begin one of the most challenging and certainly surprising boss battles in the elder scrolls universe turns out this weird guy who just approaches you at the end of the game has significantly better stats and abilities than pretty much all of the major bosses who appear at the end of genuine quest lines including the main one and dragonborn dlc spawning in at a base level 80 or otherwise matching the player the ebony warrior comes in with a minimum 2 700 points of health this is already crazy it's more than merak but when you consider the fact that he's also wearing a full set of ebony armor that offers its own few hundred points of protection it's an even more challenging ordeal speaking of his equipment he uses an enchanted ebony sword which is problem enough already but he also has nearly a dozen additional perks many of which compound and increase that sword's damage to a ridiculous number i mean seriously take a look at this guy's perk list this is bigger than just about any other boss heck it might be as big as the players and finally as if he already wasn't enough of a major headache the ebony warrior also has the fascinating ability to dragon shout being able to use the unrelenting force and dragon disarm shouts at will without even needing to respect the time limits he can shout quicker than us alas if you're looking for tips on how to defeat this opponent you've come to the wrong video all i can really recommend is that you just bring your best set of gear and a lot of health potions and hope you can resist his damage longer than he can yours traditionally a popular community tactic that usually works against enemies with super high damage resistance is to just paralysis spell spam them but funnily enough bethesda thought ahead and gave the ebony warrior a specific perk that allows him to resist all paralysis attacks so you gotta fight him for real no matter when your foe finally does fall he'll simply say the words at last savangard as he welcomes his fate and his corpse drops to the floor for us to loot and while this is pretty much the end of the quote-unquote official ebony warrior quest the mystery gets even deeper from here as when you go ahead and take that glorious set of enchanted ebony armor off of the warrior's body you'll find that he's actually a red guard this is very bizarre given his clear obsession with savangard a valhalla-like afterlife realm originally thought to have been exclusively available to nords and no other races red guards are for their part thought to have a similar afterlife dimension called the far shores why didn't this character just want to go there instead was he truly trying to gain access into the nord paradise does he have some sort of fascination with the culture or divine mission he's on it's unclear furthermore this revelation means that the ebony warrior is the only non-nord in the game with the possible exception of the player who's capable of dragon shouting such a bizarre fact has given rise to some speculation that perhaps the ebony warrior himself is a dragonborn or maybe the redguard god equivalent to that of what the nords call a dragonborn and it would certainly fit in line with the other information we have on him clearly there's something more than mortal about this man but to be fair the lore has also firmly established that it's possible for non-divine people and ordinary nords to learn how to drag and shout themselves through immense study and practice without any favoritism of the gods either way it's obviously a big deal that the ebony warrior has this ability he either received some sort of incredibly special education or has some magical characteristics behind them if somehow you're not already thoroughly spooked about this man a look in his inventory reveals that the warrior also carries both a human and a daedric heart as well as several flawless soul gems worth tens of thousands of septums in value making this whole little easter egg boss battle quite worth our time unfortunately though it's at this point bethesda really just leaves us on a cliffhanger to speculate for ourselves they provide no further insight on the nature of the warrior there are no books or letters that explain what's going on no continuation of the quest it all just kind of ends once you slain him so what's up here well the community has been trying to answer this question for well over a decade now and it sparked one of the most fascinating debates in the entire game genre's lore in my opinion it seems that the most popular theory is that the ebony warrior is himself an aspect of a certain god within the red guard pantheon and we'll discuss that theory momentarily i do think it has a lot of merit but first i want to take you guys back to the elder scrolls 3 morrowind you see in this game if you happen to ask an innkeeper in the saron trade house if she's heard any rumors lately she'll tell you about a mysterious orc that's been running around the region in a full set of armor and specifically goes out of our way to tell us to avoid this character of course being the nerevarine after we hear this rumor our quest log will be updated to track down this bizarre man who will be located in the molag amur region of morrowind his name is umbra apparently and when you talk with him you'll find that his personality and motivations are very similar to those of the ebony warrior whom we've just battled against upon approaching the orc he'll give the player the following speech now like many of the npcs in morrowind this orc doesn't actually have a voice actor so i'll just read all of his lines for you quote have you come seeking me my name is unimportant and my accomplishments are few what is the use of knowing my name if it will make you more comfortable you may call me umbra for it is the name of my blade though it may as well be my own i have seen the wholesale slaughter of men women entire races of people villages have burned before my eyes my hand has held the torch and my hand has thrown water on the flames i have been ankle deep in blood swinging umbra in a wide arc all for the glory of battle and here i still stand i have no more to do in this life i have saved whole towns from packs of daedra and i have slaughtered men for the glory of countless nobles all that is left for me is my own death and the gods have cheated me of that all i ask is to die like a warrior but how can that be i don't believe it is too much to ask to die as a warrior should in battle it is my curse though that i have found no one who can best me in combat are you the one that can can you come and lift me from these shackles of life come then be the new wielder of umbra end quote so as you can see this character is very similar to the ebony warrior in his motivations for facing the player he doesn't hate us or have a grudge or anything he simply wants to die a noble death and can't find anyone else to give it to him furthermore and in my opinion significantly more importantly also like the ebony warrior this orc man does not give us his actual name instead he tells us to call him by his sword's name umbra as he sort of become one with it in his identity well if we choose to accept the challenge and face the orc in battle which by the way this orc is not nearly as strong as our ebony warrior he's much more similar to a normal end of dungeon boss so you shouldn't have too much trouble in disposing him once you defeat the orc you can take umbra from his body it's an enchanted ebony longsword that allows the player to steal the soul of any opponent it's used to defeat now after defeating the orc and taking the blade there's nothing really left for us to do with this whole episode in the game the quest doesn't go on it's just kind of a miscellaneous thing that ends abruptly however in morrowind there exists a book called tamrielic lore written by a character named yagram bagarn now jagram bagarn is an actual npc we can meet in morrowind he's believed to be the last living dwarf left in all of tamriel after the race's mysterious disappearance long ago anyway apparently sometime during this man's lonely existence he wrote this book tamrielic lore that provides a brief history of various divine and daedric artifacts that can be found throughout the game and one of those artifacts he mentions is the sword umbra here's its entry quote the umbra sword was enchanted by the ancient witch nenra ware at the direction of clavicus vile daedric prince of bargains and its sole purpose was to collect souls for the daedra used in conjunction with a soul gem the sword allows the wielder the opportunity to imprison an enemy soul in the gem nyenra was executed for her evil creation but not before she was able to hide the sword the umbra sword is very choosy when it comes to owners and therefore remains hidden until a worthy one is found end quote alright so that's about all morrwind really has to say on the matter there's not much more lore we can find on this item in the game however thankfully umbra makes a reappearance in the elder scrolls for oblivion and a lot more about the weapon's backstory is explained in this game once the player reaches level 20 you'll be able to travel to the shrine of clavicus vile where you'll meet several worshipers of the daedric prince it's clear something's up with them but if you talk to the lead priest a khajiit he'll tell you that for a small offering of just 500 coins you'll be able to speak to the god personally i played lord vile's game and lost my soul small loss i think he's a hard master but he delivers i gave my word and an orc honors his word you approach the shrine of clavicus vile you should not be here unless you have business with lord clavicus here we worship lord clavicus do you have business with the daedra [Music] there are many deals to be made even with a god you could find great wealth or painful death if you wish to bargain with clavicus vile approach with an offering of 500 gold and hope the lord smiles on your offering [Music] we watch and wait [Music] a mortar wonderful always a pleasure perhaps you'll do service for me mortal and i'll reward you a fair bargain don't you think you will retrieve for me a sword a very special sword it contains the soul of ombra a hero i have had dealings with in the past bring the sword to me and i'll reward you with my mask you'll not find a better bargain mortal begin so apparently clavicus vile wants his umbra sword back and here he's requesting that we the player begin searching for it at pell's gate a small village located just south of cyrodiil when we arrive here the locals in exchange for some bribe money will reveal that long ago the sword was taken by a bosma resident of the village named lenwyn evidently after stealing the umbra sword lenwen slowly began to go mad and lose her sense of identity she became aggressive and bizarre and eventually fled the entire community outright the community's humorously named patriarch oroki the wide claims that lenwin now calling herself umbra has fled to the vendocicel ruins where she hopes her anger can be contained and she'll be able to live with the sword without hurting anyone else welcome to pelsgate what brings you around here i i know of umbra but you're a stranger to me and i'm not talking what every little bit helps umbra that's a name i haven't heard in a while and it's not one you should be using around pellsgate either uh before i go on let's clear something up are you here asking about the sword or the person which is it it's a powerful sword no doubt about that jet black got a wicked edge on it and they say it can steal a man's soul i know of at least one soul it stole lenwin she's the one who found the blasted thing i suppose you want to hear about the person now who is umbra i can tell you who umbra used to be lenwin she's my apprentice or at least she was until she found that sword never did say where it came from she just showed up with it one day said it was called umbra but she was different she'd always been fair with a sword but she began looking for fights became bloodthirsty and then started calling herself umbra after the sword finally signed on with some mercenaries but i hear that ended too we haven't seen her in years [Music] can't say for sure some say they've seen her nearby near the vendasil ruins might just be wishful thinking though if she's around she hasn't come into pel's gate nor should she i fear that girl is long gone if you seek her out take care she's a powerful one or at least that sword is i'd steer clear if i was you the vindicel ruins aren't very much different from any other ayleid ruin inside there's some skeevers some booby traps a couple generic enemies and at the end we'll finally encounter the woman now calling herself umbra interestingly she dons a full set of ebony armor unlike the orc we met earlier upon approaching her she won't be immediately hostile instead much like her predecessor she'll begin a long speech explaining her life story and coming off as rather tragic and reluctant before finally offering us one last chance to avoid bloodshed and just leave unharmed unfortunately though we know that's not an option get out of here while you can you risk much by speaking to me you should leave this place now [Music] umbra is my blade it is who i am who i was meant to be for years i have fed my blade the souls of man and myrrh warriors and priests kings and paupers men women and children all have bled for me i have seen them all fall and still umbra hungers for more do not speak to me of that place it was another lifetime it was before i became what i am now perhaps they sent you to kill me are they worried i might come in the night and burn their village down around them no matter i am what i've become and i know my fate but what of you what is it you seek my death my blade i offer you a choice more than i have offered most stay here and die or leave now and live your life speak to me again when your mind is set man what a dramatic speech and it's clearly a testament to the dramatic amount of influence this blade has over its hosts it's essentially possessed this woman she stripped herself of her original identity even her name as did the orc before her so what happens next well lenwen is actually a very difficult npc to defeat her full suit of ebony armor makes her very damage resistant and she has some pretty powerful base stats on her own either way though once you've defeated her you'll have the ability to take the sword back to the shrine of clavicus vial in exchange for a reward alternatively you can also choose not to give the sword back and just keep it for yourself the quest will still complete all the same now here's where things get kind of interesting you see the umbra sword does not appear in the base game version of skyrim at all it's just not present clavicus vile the daedric prince of bargains does make an appearance and has his own mini quest line however that revolves around retrieving an entirely different and unrelated artifact for the god and no additional umbra lore is given at least not in the base game however in march of 2019 skyrim's creation club everybody's favorite service received a pretty big update and in this update a new creation was added to the marketplace called umbra for 500 credits now hold your rage bear with me for a second this umbra creation was kind of interesting because rather than just add the sword into the player's inventory like most creations do this one instead adds a new dungeon into the game that the player must crawl through in order to acquire the object and this new dungeon is called champion's rest take a look at its location on the map for a second notice how remarkably close to the last vigil it is where we actually face off against the ebony warrior after accepting his duel challenge seriously champion's rest is like on the same trail we have to follow to get to the last vigil clearly someone made this placement on purpose at least you would think right well let's continue upon entering the cavern we'll find ourselves in its first chamber where a small campsite seems to have been set up and on a table will be a journal titled vigilance report that gives us some insight on this location it's a pretty short read so i'll just read the whole thing quote i kissipia sagnus vigilant of stendar do hereby issue this report on my investigation into the reports of a dark presence within champion's rest champions rest is the site of an ancient battle arena where nords would test their medal in gladiatorial combat long believed to be lost to time it was recently uncovered by mining prospectors near shores stone after discovering a new deposit of silver upon discovery the miners say they witnessed a quote ghost clad head to toe in armor while this alone was cause for concern what they said next was even more foreboding the spirit wielded a massive blade which seemed to whisper to them in their minds this hints at the workings of a powerful daedric artifact the only relic that matches this description is umbra once believed to be lost or by some accounts destroyed umbra is a sentient weapon who corrupts its bearer and compels them to kill so that the blade may feast on the souls of those it slays it appears to have resurfaced here though why i cannot say if the apparition that haunts this site is truly the resurgence of umbra then it has grown very powerful and sure stone is in grave danger end quote okay so apparently this place champions rest was once the site of some sort of gladiatorial arena that we'll probably see later on in the dungeon and after being re-excavated by miners there are reports that a new wielder of umbra is somewhere in this dungeon let's continue for the most part this dungeon is just like any other takes a good 10 to 15 minutes to clear and is loaded with skeletons draugr a couple puzzles you know everything we've come to expect out of skyrim caverns though something you will notice while progressing through this location is that every now and then out of the corner of your eye a ghost clad in ebony armor will briefly appear and disappear before you can get a good look at him how spooky finally at the end of the cave we'll enter a giant amphitheater with that ebony ghost we've seen earlier sitting down at the center in a bit of a praying animation this is the current wielder of umbra and as we approach he'll turn hostile and yet another epic boss battle will ensue as you've probably come to expect by now umbra is no easy foe to face in skyrim and in fact i'd argue that he may even be a little bit harder than the ebony warrior himself because not only does umbra wear a very similar full set of ebony armor with a very high level but he also remains in ghost form for most of your battle and is therefore completely immune to damage the player can only hurt this foe when he leaves his ghost form every few minutes for a brief couple of seconds and when he does leave his ghost form to become flesh again several bound ghosts will spawn around him and only further harass the player making this a very very difficult fight to come out on top of now remember when earlier in the video i made a really big deal about the ebony warriors uniquely large size and how he and soon are the only characters in the base game that have this 25 size buff well this umbra enemy we're facing also has that same size script and this character who mind you is fully clad in dark black ebony armor is also the exact same size as the ebony warrior he has the buff too i find this shared detail to be almost too big of a coincidence remember champion's rest just so happens to be located right next to the spot where we defeat the vanilla ebony warrior so the signs seem to be pointing to some sort of connection between these two themes though the exact nature of that connection is still somewhat unclear after defeating this version of umbra his corpse will drop and you'll be free to loot it in there will be some more of the expected items of course his full set of ebony armor and specifically the legendary sword umbra which just like in morrowind and oblivion has a unique enchantment which allows it to seal the souls of enemies it's used to defeat notably if you remove umbra's helmet you'll find that he's not a red guard like the ebony warrior but instead an imperial with pitch-black eyes an allusion to the possessing effects of the blade on our way out it's also possible to stumble across a notebook titled treasure hunter's journal and it seems to have been written by the imperial man who we just faced as umbra his original name was crestius and he came to skyrim from cyrodiil in search of abandoned caverns and new mining opportunities unfortunately he seems to have clearly bit off more than he was equipped to handle here and one day after falling through a cave and landing in champion's rest he heard the umbra sword whispering to him and well the rest is history all right so obviously there are some links between what's going on here in champions rest and the ebony warrior we all know and love the locations are right next to each other and the primary characters are very similar in their equipment and identical in their unique statures however aside from those large and obvious details we don't really have any other information that furthers the link there's no book or dialogue we come across in the dungeon that explains the connection instead they're just these inferences scattered about and we're supposed to put together it's worth noting that the place we fight the ebony warrior at his quote-unquote last vigil does seem to be an abandoned mining camp what with mining pickaxes and boots laying all over the place so perhaps the ebony warrior was involved in some mining operations linked to this cave however that connection may be incidental at best furthermore i should also point out that the ebony warrior has a special enchanted ebony sword it doesn't have the exact same enchantment as the umbra sword which allows you to steal souls but instead it possesses the vampire enchantment which allows the player to drain hp from targets and absorb that hp as their own so maybe if we squint our eyes a bit we could see this sword the ebony warrior uses as kind of related to umbra but even then it's not the kind of solid smoking gun connection we're looking for because we still can't confirm this umbra theory despite what i consider to be a preponderance of evidence i'd like to take this time right now and switch our focus over to an entirely different theory that's certainly been around for much longer than this one you see it wasn't really until this new creation released that people began to seriously consider the association between the ebony warrior and the umbra sword before that though there had been an entirely different leading theory in the community one that argued the ebony warrior was not immortal at all but instead a famed red guard god you see while nords and imperials largely share the same divine pantheon and pray to the exact same gods with slightly different names red guards are a little bit more unique in a bit that they have devised their own entire set of beliefs with several unique characters one unique god in the redguard religion is known as hunding now the best way i can explain hunding to someone who's not very well versed in the red guard pantheon is that he's kind of like the hammerfell version of the dovahkin just like how the dovikin is a mortal person born with the soul of a dragon who appears at critical times in human history think saint alicia when saving the humans from the elven slayers or yeast grimoire when he founded the empire or of course the player when he's saving the world from alduin hunding is kind of like that innovate that he manifests in a material form whenever the red guard people are in need of a hero to help them there have been several instances of these hunting characters manifesting and saving the day one example would be in the character frandar hunding ferandar hunding was a yokudan prince born in the year 720 of the first era frandara and most red guards during this time period did not live in tamriel instead they lived on an island chain west of tamriel called yokuda hence the adjective yokudan well frandar's legacy is that he led the redguard people away from these islands when they began to sink in the sea and established his race on the coasts of hammerfell hence bringing the red guards over here during the events of the elder scrolls online we have the opportunity to meet lord frandar hunding's ghost and learn a bit more about him during our encounter we learned that hunting was a deep devotee of a practice known as sword singing now unfortunately there's not a whole lot of information about what exactly sword singing is but what it seems to be is basically the red guard version of dragon shouting through some sort of divine relationship they have with their weapons it seems as though certain red guards who possess the right gift or simply study enough are able to use their blades in such a way that they produce powerful sounds sound familiar and evidently frandar was a big devotee of this so much so that he ended up developing an entire new philosophy around appropriately using this power for good a philosophy which he called the way of the sword now if that philosophy name the way of the sword sounds kind of familiar to you it definitely should because in the elder scrolls 5 we learned that the greybeards practice a philosophy they call the way of the voice created by their founder a man named jurgen windcaller there are also several strong similarities in both the stories of jurgen and frandar innovate that they both won great battles proceeded to live in isolation for several years before developing benevolent philosophies so on so forth not only that but they also lived during the same time period in around the 700s of the first era which is a little suss if you ask me another perhaps even more relevant character that's said to be a manifestation of hunding is a legendary figure known as raymond eben arm also called the black knight now this dude has never directly appeared in any of the elder scrolls games instead he's really just a name that occasionally gets sprinkled in books here and there but we've been hearing about him ever since daggerfall in 98. all of our sources describe eben arm similarly he's very tall heavily muscled and specifically always wears a full suit of ebony armor oddly enough this absolute warrior seems to be described more as an agent of peace than anything else the book the eben arm which appeared in daggerfall written by a certain witten roll describes one event where the black knight rode in the middle of a battlefield to stop two armies from colliding and was praised glamorously by both sides he's also described as having his right arm literally fused with his ebony blade quote as he raises his right arm all see an arm and a magnificent ebony blade which are extensions of each other the fused arm and sword are a result and symbol of the wounds suffered by this god during titanic battles in the youth of this world end quote some players have argued this statement about him could just be a metaphor you know being connected to his blade implying he's just really attuned with the weapon and familiar with it however the claim appears in multiple books so bethesda seems to mean it literally nonetheless due to their similar choices for attire and apparent divine status many players have begun to speculate that perhaps the ebony warrior is really just another manifestation of this raymond eben arm god like figure who himself you'll remember is a manifestation of this broader yokudan deity known as hunding obviously this theory is more of a complex one though in the elder scrolls universe it's those that are often accurate as well the connection with this red guard deity and the sword singing practice offer the only reasonable explanation behind the warrior's ability to dragon shout additionally it's hard to ignore the fact that they both stem from the same redguard culture everything seems to fit together here however there are also still some things this doesn't explain like for instance why has the ebony warrior appeared now what critical danger do the red guard people face furthermore what grudge would this being seek to settle with the dragonborn if anything the eben arm figure and hunting are described as agents for peace who resent the idea of bloodshed in general so this really wouldn't fit in line with their personalities also what would a red guard deity want to get into savangard for then again why would a red guard talk about going to savangard at all interestingly in the elder scrolls online's game files we can find various references to raymond eben arm including several pieces of concept art to make him a character however he never actually appears in the game itself so anything they were planning to have done must have been cut furthermore several of the books throughout elder scrolls history that mention raymond eben arm reappear in eso however they have all references directly to the character removed like they delete entire paragraphs where his name is incidentally brought up almost like they're trying to retcon this figure out of existence so it's really difficult to decide whether or not this raymond hunding theory has any weight considering that bethesda doesn't even seem to be sure with the fate of the character it's entirely possible that the developers really did have some sort of narrative plan for this ebon arm ebony warrior link but just ended up determining it wasn't practical and abandoning it at the same time though there still exist many differences between the characters raymond is said to have blondish red hair and blue eyes whereas the ebony warrior has brown hair and brown eyes i mean sure there could be some hair dye and colored contacts involved but i doubt that's the case here alrighty so far at this point in the video we've covered two very different ideas regarding what the ebony warriors origins could be one arguing that he's somehow related to the ancient daedric artifact umbra and the other suggesting that he's a manifestation of the ancient redguard god hunding who's been known to sometimes appear as a warrior dressed in ebony armor but alas there's one last piece of shall we say evidence that i would like to show you regarding the warrior that doesn't really fit in with either of these theories though seems pretty significant in its own right in 2019 eso received its dragon hold dlc this expansion added in the region of southern elsewhere and as you might guess it doesn't really have a lot to do with the topics we're discussing in this video however one of the books added in by this dlc that describes khajiiti lore is called the dark spirits this novel describes various deities and demons who the khajiits are known to fear most of this list is stuff you would expect daedra like nimira nocturnal etc however there's one entry in this book of a nameless spirit literally their name is just a bunch of question marks and here's its description quote a spirit of vengeance it has no will of its own as it was born from azura's grief after the death of fatome and lorcaj none can summon the spirit save azura boethiah and mephala for only they know its true name it sometimes appears in songs as a black panther a warrior in ebony armor or as a hidden sword a hidden sword or a warrior in ebony armor where have we heard those themes before well i think you know where anyway guys that about does it for us today i think we've done a pretty good job at giving this ebony warrior video its proper justice so to speak there's been a lot of content discussing him before but none that i've seen that's really explored this umbra connection and i'm sure there's quite a bit that i'm missing which you guys can remind me of in the comments down below thanks for stopping by everybody as always like ratings are very much appreciated and i hope to catch you all in the next video peace out everyone [Music] you
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 2,022,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Elder Scrolls Mysteries Skyrim Investigation, The Ebony Warrior
Id: ZlF7hkSfL_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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