SKYRIM SNEAK ONLY CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Skyrim Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits!!

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bam quick little bit of berserker rage jump up behind him and oh yes he is dead it really is as easy as that hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today welcome back to the wonderful world of skyrim i know we're back it's amazing it feels like home and naturally what are we doing today well we're going to be creating the ultimate sneak character because chances are when you played skyrim and you tried out sneak you thought hey i'll just use it with a bow and get like 12 times damage modifiers that's fantastic wrong that's pathetic ladies and gentlemen what's that only 12 times the regular damage pathetic we're going to be improving that to taking it to astronomical levels and completely breaking any balance that todd howard had originally envisioned for this game welcome back to opera gx ladies and gentlemen that's right they've sponsored yet another video if you can believe it as you know i absolutely love this fantastical gaming browser we've already gone over why it's great because you can throttle your cpo ram and also you can use cheeky vpns so that if you really wanted to you could access siberian netflix it's got twitch it's got discord it's fantastic but guess what today i'm actually going to show you something even weirder as you can see i've set my lovely custom beautiful background to the majestic todd howard the man who created everything i even have whatsapp so that if i need to suddenly speed dial todd howard i can listen to his smooth subtle and beautiful voice but best of all if for some reason you don't want todd howard you can actually have an animated background because i have told howard but you can have this i can't believe i get paid to do this i'm perfect this is the exact way i like to handle all of my business meetings with this kind of background but honestly there's no reason to just not use this instead of chrome it's better in basically every regard and you can even use chrome extensions in opera gx this is really important if you're a content creator because i use a gigantic quantity of plugins to snoop at all of the lovely metadata back end of youtube and guess what you can do it on opera it's majestic you can even import everything that you had from chrome right onto opera so hey if you feel inspired and want to get your own cat girl or todd howard background then why not go on down into the description and install alfred gx and heck if you already use opera as i heard many of you already had or you're just using it for the first time hop on down to the comment section and give me a shout i'd love to hear which cat girl background you end up using say thank you very much opera jx for sponsoring today's skyrim video now let us go and marvel at the wonderful world of skyrim as we completely decimate any balance mechanics in this game now i'm sure many of you have done sneak builds in skyrim you've achieved sneak 100 but what if you went beyond sneak 100 what if you went sneak 200 sneak 300 or in our case sneak 9000 that's right the sky is the limit with what we have planned today yes i'm going to be showcasing a few cheeky exploits which allow you to stack some absolutely ridiculous modifiers which will allow us to basically one hit absolutely everything in the game using basically the worst weapons we can get our hands on best of all these exploits can be done pretty much instantaneously out of the game requiring no setup and just a whole bunch of scaramy cheese so without further ado make sure you sat back relax you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now without further ado let's dive into a brand new game of todd howard skyrim oh my goodness am i so excited to be here today oh wow oh and of course it begins as it always does with the lovely bethesda game studios logo ah wonderful and here we are the wonderful world of skyrim ladies and gentlemen now of course with our plan today we need to create the stealthiest sneaky boy in the universe who's going to allow us to walk up behind enemies completely undetected and absolutely one hit them into oblivion and fantastic we're now going to be decapitated now of course loki of rorick's dead is going to absolutely lag it but you see he's going to be murdered by the inefficient strategy of bow and arrow watch this one shot he's dead but look at that they had to do it at range they were detected pathetic we're going full sneak so we need to create the ultimate sneaky boy now when you think stealth character in skyrim chances are you might think of khajiit simply because they have natural improvements to selfishness and unarmed attacks you might think maybe the dark elves as well for their natural stealth and magic skills but no instead we're going to be playing the stealthiest race of all the orc you might not think orcs are the greatest for stealth builds but they are it all makes sense very soon so we're going to create ourselves a lovely orc we're just going to make him a thin noodle boy oh no an awkward moustache now that is perfect okay now who is our hero going to be well as he's a stealth orc and he's going to be spending most of his time effectively crawling around i thought it would make only perfect sense that we call him bend over now bend over here is going to be bent over crawling all around the lovely dungeons of skyrim finding lovely goodies and loot although actually he won't be doing that for quite a while but naturally we're just going to immediately be line our way to fantastic success we're going to bypass pretty much all of the game and instead create an insanely powerful character right well here it is we're going to get our head lobbed off however it's time for a dragon x machina that's right and we're saved by great big old dragon boy all right well now it's time for us to quite simply run away goodbye everyone just b-line our way through most of the game here right now of course we have the choice uh do we join the imperials or the stormcloaks remember you always want to join the imperials because dear lord if you haven't read up on any of the skyrim law never pick the stormcloaks they're nutters anyway we're finally going to get our hands cut which is fantastic meaning oh we get to look at a lovely bend over and in fact we can even bend over for the first time here we go oh look at it oh yes this boy can bend look at him bend wow he's going to be fantastic now of course starting out as an orc you do have some abilities for a start we have an improvement to enchanting smithing heavy armor blocking two-handed and one-handed weapons now we're going to ignore all of that and instead go for sneak yes right away we go i've got some stealthing to do all right now there's some storm cloaks in here so uh naturally we're just gonna go in and murder them quickly hello there stormcloak and swing and hit and swing and hit and there we go the stormcloaks are dead fantastic and let's just run our way through this fantastical maze now the greatest reason for being an orc in this game is one very magical thing say hello to the orcs racial bonus it has the natural power of berserker rage for 60 seconds you take half damage and do double damage it is absolutely insane because that is right that is double damage and best of all it stacks with everything for some reason it is a completely utterly broken modifier we actually have access to our first ever dagger here ladies and gentlemen so we'll be taking that bad boy because chances are we're going to be needing it there we go look at this oh it only does 4 damage but trust me it's perfect all right and so away we go into the lovely caves is we're going to find ourselves even more and more storm cloaks to murder fantastic although now we have a lovely handy little dagger now i mean a dagger doesn't exactly do that much damage it also doesn't really have that much range and it's basically just me repeatedly mashing the clicky click button but you know at least we get a lot of hits off not that they necessarily do much damage right now of course in this next room we get the lovely bear ladies and gentlemen and this bear is a fantastical opportunity for any up-and-coming skyrim gamers simply because it is actually quite a fad for leveling up your sneak stat the sneak skill only levels up when you basically stealth in front of enemies there's a few ways you can cheese this for example there's a blind bandit who you can stand in front of and walk into a wall and train up your sneak stat but why do that when there is a literal bear right in the starting zone and all we have to do is simply walk into the wall right here and increase our sneak skill it really is that easy right now i'm just going to find my usual spot on the wall right about here and activate the auto run key and watch as my sneak skill increases from a pathetic 15 to now it's up to 16 and honestly just the longer we stay here the more and more it's gonna go up so uh just engage auto run point at this wall and have fun begin six and a half hours later right now i think our sneak skill has been appropriately increased by a decent amount and oh my goodness we're actually able to level up just off of our sneak and uh yeah sneak 100 i knew leaving the computer running for several hours would yield fantastic results now uh naturally where are we gonna sink all of our points into well we don't really need mana so it's just going to all go into health and stamina today ladies and gentlemen but we've managed to achieve uh level 8 level 9 level 10 okay level 11. my goodness uh we're going to be quite high level just off of this sneak thing aren't we yep we are level 17 now the reason we wanted to be so high level in sneak is very important firstly picking up stuff this makes us much harder to detect so pick up all five points of stealth next up you want to pick up the perk of backstab so that sneak attacks with one handed weapons now do six times damage then pick up deadly aim so that sneak attacks with bows now do three times damage but most importantly you want assassin's blade sneak attacks with daggers now do a total of 15 times normal damage this is insane we're also just gonna actually finish off the rest of the sneak tree because we can so we'll also pick up lightfoot we'll pick up silent roll we'll pick up silence and we'll pick up shadow warrior lovely stuff but of course remember our amazing sneak bonus we now do 15 times damage when sneaking up and backstabbing an enemy so with our 100 sneak we have no problem sneaking up behind the bear and eating it into the back and just like that it's dead well that's the bear defeated so um naturally we just need to go and make ourselves even more powerful because we just attacked that bear for six times 15 which equates to a grand total of 90 damage that's pretty good for a starter dagger but of course it could be much better so we're gonna go and join ourselves an assassin's guild that's right we're gonna go join the dark brotherhood so goodbye hadvar it's been a lovely time with you in the tutorial but i am out of here oh yes of course that wolf can detect me however it also can't detect me huzzah i have achieved sneak anyway we're gonna go speak to alvaro here so i can steal his stuff oh and fantastic alvaro here on the table has a steel dagger for us which is much better than our pathetic iron dagger it does an additional two damage so there we go went up to eight damage with our dagger not the best weapon in the world but it's okay all right now it is simply time for us to leave because as fun as it is to actually hang out here we do not have time no no no no no i am on an unstoppable quest to cheese this game you know when you think about how much time bend over spence bend over it really makes you think just how little time it would take you to bend over your finger and press the like button i bet you didn't see that one coming ladies and gentlemen that's right you now legally have to do it i have one checkmate my friends right well we've made our way all the way over to whiterun and no we're not going to go inside and tell the yard he has a dragon problem instead we're immediately going to hop into this carriage here with bjorlin and ask him to take us to windhelm the capital so away we go let's just eat ourselves into the back and take me away my friend so naturally just walk past the uh you know racial tensions of windhelm it's a very troubled location instead we're going to make our way to one very specific location then what you'll want to do is come into here and basically go talk to aventis saratino who's trying to summon the dark brotherhood take his quest to kill a random old lady and then we get to go be an assassin for a day right so i'll accept avento's little thing right now don't ask where this child juventus managed to get human flesh in the human heart for to actually summon us for the black sacrament but hey here we are it's time for us to go kill grelog the kind oh and also we've now unlocked the ultimate move the uh stealth roll look at this bad boy the animation for it is beautiful oh my goodness i love it anyway it's down to rift and we go because we need to go and murder someone all right and we're bam we've arrived naturally we're just going to ignore everyone here scooch on round and make our way to the orphanage now lucky for us we're a very stealthy boy so no one's going to see me murder greylock now grelod the kind is here and uh i don't think these children are gonna mind if i murder her so well bam i'm just gonna lob her head off oh and hello career somebody was supposed to deliver to me okay more letters from yours fantastic that's lovely anyway grelod's dead um only children saw me do that and naturally children don't report crimes so it's away we go right so i just need to hand this quest in then i'm gonna get myself a letter in 24 hours time then i just simply need to go to sleep well this is it fantastic i finished the quest and then went to sleep in a bed and this means we've now been abducted to join the dark brotherhood here is the wonderful astrid to invite us into the dark brotherhood now the rules here are pretty simple we've got three people we need to decide which of these three we need to murder and then we walk away and then we get to join the dark brotherhood now uh there are a few ways you can do this you can talk to them however what we're going to do is just quite simply kill that one kill that one and then kill that one easy peasy lemon squeezy right and now we've actually been invited to go join the dark brotherhood so we're gonna go say hi right now we're just gonna wander all the way through folk reef it's a lovely hold of skyrim but naturally we have absolutely no interest in it because instead we're just gonna run straight into the woods and here we go we've made our way to the dark brotherhood sanctuary literally just outside of folk reef and we're just gonna have a quick conversation with the door and now that we've made it into the dark brotherhood fantastic now we have to do speak to astrid or just you know bypass astrid and completely cheese the game because you see now we're part of the dark brotherhood we can technically take basically every single item they have in here and a few of the items they have in here are these lovely things right here on the wall a steel dagger some shrouded shoes some shrouded robes a shrouded hood a shrouded mask and some hand wraps now all of these items are a little bit broken take a look at this hood it's a pretty decent hood makes sneaking 25 better and is valued at 1 485 gold these hand wraps however are valued at 50 gold each what do these hand wraps do they turn you into a literal god what does this do makes you a little quieter just a little quieter not by much this will allow you to one hit a dragon natalie we're just going to wear all of this because why not and we're going to go and not join the dark brotherhood but we've got all of the items we need now to become a demigod because by leveling sneak up to a hundred right in the tutorial zone this allows us to do a sneak attack for 15 times damage when combined with this set of hand wraps that 15 times increase of damage doubles to become 30 times damage but then what happens when you take it even further by say using our very unique and special racial ability of berserker rage to double our damage for 60 seconds or you double it again and actually doubles the 30 times increase it doesn't just add another 15. nope this isn't going to become 45 times more powerful this becomes 60 times more powerful now some people will say the best equipment to wear when sneaking is always light clothes but in reality it's best to always wear full lever armor why is that well it's made of hide oh dead lord okay i genuinely need to stop with these jokes these are terrible oh good lord now with this upgrade we have become very powerful indeed we should be able to pretty much one hit everything so i think it only makes perfect sense that we you know go and actually try this bad boy out so i think there's some kind of keep over here and it probably has bandits inside of it knowing the way this game works so i'm just going to stealth my way right on up to it see if i can get myself a few fun cheeky kills ah yes perfect there are indeed several people here time for me to just sneak my way in trust me you don't see me here friend right now we're just gonna waltz up behind them um just ignore all of that and do a stab and as you can see that does a sneak attack for 30 times damage up there in the top left that's pretty good next up we've got this lovely orc over here and what we can actually do is activate our super duper special ability because why not so berserker rage we activate berserker rage walk up to this guy stab him in the neck and we're bam he's just been dealt 60 times damage that's enough to probably kill him 500 times over this amor hunter also instantly dead oh this is so dumb now so far in order to achieve this insane power bendover has had to do only a few things number one run against the wall for about 16 hours number two murder an old lady number three murder a random person in a shed now that he's done all of that he has gained the ability to murder everything so we're going to do a few important things to just make him even more powerful but of course firstly you're always going to need money so we've made our way over to dawn style where we're going to go up to the mine look just a little bit behind the mine and find ourselves an invisible chest because at the end of the day this game just works if we were lucky there was going to be a chance that we might run into a dagger here and there is our dwarven dagger of flames burns the target for 20 points lovely stuff that's amazing in that chest we managed to find ourselves a dwarven dagger of flames not the greatest weapon in the world but it's certainly pretty jazzy and what this bad boy does is it allows us to do 660 damage in a single hit provided we get a stealth attack but providing we get that stealth attack is a challenge so how are we going to make that more likely we've already maxed out our sneak how are we going to assist ourselves in combat that we might not be able to win well ladies and gentlemen it's the most overpowered feature in this base game and it's naturally over in whiterun welcome ladies and gentlemen to what is my favorite and most completely utterly broken feature of skyrim and that is the ritual stone situated just outside of whiterun whoever decided to add this into the game is a complete and us lunatic because it is just so unfair because this stone allows you to raise the dead of basically everything around you which is completely and utterly ridiculous for several important reasons the skyrim ai is not exactly groundbreakingly amazing it's kind of broken and especially when fighting multiple enemies usually the ai would just simply break up and sometimes just choose to fight no one this means that having the ability to raise the dead and effectively have more companions completely decimate and break up the ai's ability to pathfind the more powerful you become it really is as easy as that so all we have to do is just wander our way up to the ritual stone defeat the novice little necromancer who's hanging around here doing some nerd stuff don't mind me just gonna waltz on in activate the ritual stone and actually i'm pretty sure we can just use the ritual stone immediately right here and resurrect all of these undead to yes fight for bend over and kill this is apprentice necromancer go my bony boys go anyway we'll just steal from behind him and get the backstab off for an additional 30 damage the fact that we have 100 stealth and we can just insta-stealth behind people and murder them is ridiculous but now we can also raise the dead honestly i don't get why there's so much hate for all of these lovely necromancers they're just honest hard workers trying to raise a family in this environment yes they're technically raising a family out of dead corpses but you know it's a it's a family that's something so yes you can technically go the route of picking up the dagger which gives you the chance to immediately one hit everything but when you already one hit everything why do that why not just focus on looking at the dagger you do have and wondering if you could improve it anymore and that's exactly what we're going to do and i'm pretty sure you can probably guess exactly how we're gonna do it that's right it's fortify restoration loop time baby which basically means going inside of white run of repeatedly punching the alchemists over and over again until they cough up the necessary ingredient to craft the exact same potion 70 times over ladies and gentlemen i have become stealth look at this i can stand in front of this whiterun garden provided that i am at least one meter away allowing for adequate social distancing i am completely invisible he cannot see me he cannot even see me now um instead of dealing with the yacht what we're gonna do is just actually start off with our incredible arcane enchanting as we're about to do the fortify restoration loop if you do not know how to do the 45 restoration loop literally watch one of the other 700 videos on my channel about skyrim anyway back in a moment right well after a little bit of mucking about getting the exploit to actually work i have created the ultimate potion say hello to my potion of fortify smithing for three thousand seconds weapon and armor improving is three thousand percent better now that's pretty good that we chug our potion sit on down and improve this steel dagger we're bam crafted let's make it legendary yeah we can even make two of these bad boys they look amazing and well there we go we've created our lovely weapons of death we have two legendary steel daggers both of which have now a damage output of 43. this is pretty good because it basically means stealth attacks can now do 60 times this base damage so with a base damage of 43 increased by 60 times what do you get you get 2 2580 which is well beyond any damage that this game is actually able of calculating but you can actually take this even further because by dual wielding these weapons and picking up the power strike perk to actually give you an additional 50 percent damage you can actually combine the damage of both of these up to a grand total of 86 and then times that by 90 for the ultimate sneak attack meaning the actual damaging potential of these two steel daggers that i've just created is 7740 now in the industry that's what we call a lot of damage you're gonna need more than flex tape to seal up any issues that are caused by these now the thing is we can kind of stealth wherever we like as you can see we're stealthing right now we can take out this guard we're bam he's dead no one even saw us do it we don't even exist i must say when you're running with two daggers you actually do look like you're an anime character running around it is the dumbest thing in the universe but yes despite the fact that we've basically not completed any of the early quests we haven't been to bleak fool's barrow we haven't even so much has had to fight a dragon yet we have now gained the ability to one hit a bajillion dragons now of course scientifically speaking it is a challenge to try and get a stealth attack off on a dragon but it can actually be done you can even one hit the final boss in the game that's right the big bad dragon there's a location which you can just quite simply crouch into and stealth very easily because who needs to actually fight the final boss in the game when you can just sit behind them and poke them up the butt now there's a great big bandit camp up here so i reckon i could probably murder all of them nice and easily and also to make it extra sneaky and stealthy we're gonna wait till night time before we go and murder all of these bandits huzzah we now have the power of darkness on our side right well we've made our way inside of their camp although they're currently busy trying to fight a gigantic woolly mammoth for some reason but you know what maybe i can help them with this as i reckon i can finally get my one hit off on this gigantic woolly mammoth up the butt there we go sneak attack wooly man with dead one shot and bandit outlaw you're also dead fantastic easy peasy 11 squeezy but to make this an additional challenge i've decided to spawn in myself an ebony warrior just to see if i can one hit them now remember the ebony warriors is statistically the strongest enemy in all of skyrim we have not even completed any quests we have not even killed any dragons but what do we have on our side well two lovely little daggers and i'm also going to activate our racial ability of berserker rage so bam quick little bit of berserker rage jump up behind him and oh yes he is dead it really is as easy as that fantastic the ebony warrior has been defeated by just one little stabby boy look at all of these lovely items he has don't mind if i yoink these ah fantastic anyway there you have it ladies and gentlemen we have taken ben dover from being a level one scrub knob to becoming the greatest rolly boy in the universe and we did it all just right out of the tutorial it's incredible anyway as always ladies and gentlemen if you enjoyed watching today's video make sure to give it a like and do consider subscribing if you'd like to see more lovely videos where we break video games and push them to the absolute extremes of their logical abilities as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our lovely patreons these majestic sausages make all of these videos all the more possible so thank you very much and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 3,010,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, skyrim, sneak, sneak challenge, skyrim challenge, skyrim sneak challenge, skyrim sneak, is broken, skyrim is broken, sneak 100, sneak 100 skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls 6, exploit, challenge, rpg, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit, skyrim only, beat skyrim, rpg exploit, skyrim special edition, funny moments, skyrim build, overpowered skyrim, skyrim exploits, rt game, can you beat skyrim, english, the spiffing brit
Id: TQoIi1G-IcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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