Skyrim: 5 Secret and Unique Armors You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (Part 3)

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hey how's it goin guys it's Nate here and Skyrim is a land where many people's cultures and lifestyles converge and such diversity in the population of the world of the Elder Scrolls 5 is very much reflected in all the clothes we can find indeed whether it's helmets forged from the fires of oblivion meant to be worn by Daedric worshippers or simple tunics crafted by humble Nord merchants you'll find all sorts of apparel options in Skyrim but some of the armors and clothing types available in this game are unique in the sense that they're super rare and often boasting interesting backstories and usually won't be discovered by most players without videos or articles like this so chances are you've already seen the title and know where I'm heading with this intro just sit back and relax as we take a look at our third edition of 5 secret and unique armors you may have missed in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off in recent weeks we've talked quite a bit about mo birth between he's a former member of the serie Dilek fighters guild and an ex acclaimed vampire hunter who apparently turned out to not be very good at vampire hunting and was bit sometime a couple hundred years ago now MO Barth is himself what he once despised an evil undead and he's held up in his large cave just outside the swampy city of more Thal which he's pointing to take over and has already infiltrated with some of his agents the quest laid to rest will see us uncover mo Vaart scheme and storm his cave to put an end to his shenanigans once and for all however there's something about this ambitious bloodsucker that the quest doesn't immediately make obvious mr. pit Queen has an obsession with shoes within the man's personal bedroom he has a whole shelf dedicated to a collection of them it seems he's made a habit of taking the footwear of his victims seeing as they're both Imperial and Stormcloak boots among the apparel suggesting he hasn't been fashioning these himself at home no he's been taking these from corpses but next to his bed will be a special pair of shoes that are the subject of the spot in this video Mozart's boots a unique one-of-a-kind pair of high boots statistically these puppies are identical to normal high boots in every capacity however they sport a custom enchantment that increases the wears sneak ability by a factor of 15% no doubt an advantage someone trying to sneak up on various people's necks would quite appreciate the only other article of footwear in the game that offers the similar power would be the boots of the old gods which are given as a reward to the player alongside a whole set of armor should you choose to side with the force worn during the quest no one escapes Sydenham mind actually the forsworn boots are kind of better in this regard as they increase our sneak by 20 points whereas again move arts boots only do it by 15 so the winner is kind of clear nonetheless move arts boots are still close to our hearts next in our list we have what honest-to-god may very well be the rarest and most difficult to obtain item in all of Skyrim and I'm not exaggerating when I say that ladies and gentlemen I give you the elusive copper and onyx circlet of Ravens a jury so you're probably looking at this object right now thinking it seems pretty insignificant and if that's what you're doing you're absolutely correct Ravens sadder ease copper and onyx circlets is literally just a normal copper and onyx circlet with a slight variation in its name its stats are mediocre as can be offering an armor rating of zero a weight of 2 and value of 88 gold so what's the big deal about this thing well it can only be purchased from Ravens a jury the dunmer shopkeeper and owner of sad raze used wears a pawn shop and windhelm the trouble is it only has a somewhere around a 0.5% chance to spawn into his inventory it's one of the the items in the game that behaves this way and if you're anything like me in order to get this thing you're going to need to be saving the game bartering with him and reloading saves for literal hours before it finally spawns in in his merchants list I'm not kidding it took like three hours of that bloody cycle before the item finally appeared in my game so if you're lucky enough to see this thing pop up buy it immediately if you need to sell the clothes on your character's back trust me it will be worth it now you might be thinking to yourself sure this item is kind of cool I guess but I can just spotted it with console commands if I ever really wanted right well to your viewer believe it or not this item is one of the very few wood game that doesn't actually have a static item ID and therefore it cannot be spawned in in organically you can't get it with console commands for whatever reason what seems to be happening is Ravens a3 circlet is actually just a normal circle it that the game immediately renames as soon as it's added to his inventory rendering cheating a pretty ineffective way of obtaining it so this is an item that can't be acquired by completing a quest or using console commands the only way to get it is just to get really really lucky when bartering with mr. sad ray and heck theoretically it's possible this will never spawn in no matter how much you try with a statistic like 0.5% you're gonna like Lee need to be there for a while so players looking to acquire the rarest object in Skyrim as fate would have it may not need look much further than this dark elfs humble storefront coming in at number 3 the noble clothes are a special set of robes worn by some of Skyrim's various urals notably including your old bull Griffin self we are constantly exposed to high status characters donning this especially flashy set of robes however due to the fact that all of the people wearing them are again urals flagged as essential and immune to the perfect touch pick pocketing per this renders the item basically unobtainable despite the fact we come into contact with them so frequently well the noble robes aren't necessarily totally impossible to acquire you see in solitude we can find the east empire company warehouse where the imperial trading company stores its various resources and here believe it or not we can find not one but two sets of the noble clothes just sitting in a pile of other clothes towards the caves North End interestingly here the items will respawn effectively granting players access to an infinite supply of the otherwise elusive set of apparel assuming you're patient that is with that said this is the only way the item if be acquired without using the console it isn't for sale of any vendors you can't get it off of bodies and it doesn't spawn in anywhere else so only players willing to infiltrate the warehouse will ever have a chance to emulate the fashion of Skyrim's rulers oh and I should mention when I say the word infiltrate I mean it you have to be careful when you're inside the east empire company warehouse as all of the guards inside will be very very hostile to trespassers so either be ready for a fight or get ready to put on mo Bart's boots and do some sneaking furthermore while this might be the only way to get the noble clothes emperor titus meade ii however does wear a variant of them just with a darker color scheme and his robes are called the emperor's robes we can loot them off the man's remains at the conclusion of the dark brotherhood quest line so dressing in style still can be done for fourth spot I've waited well over two years to talk about the ethereal shield and now at long last I finally have my opportunity this is a unique dwarven shield with a bit of a twist you see it's only craftable at a special station known as the etherium forge a legendary ancient Dwemer smell that's allegedly the only in the world capable of processing a powerful mineral called aetherium during the dawn guard dlc sidequest lost to the ages we'll discover the location of the etherium forge as well as powered on for the first time in thousands of years once you've done so the quest will conclude and then we'll be able to craft our pick at one of three aetherium items including a crown a staff and this shield what this means is that the ethereal shield can only be obtained by the player if you're willing to forfeit the other two potential rewards but man do I not recommend doing so like so much what we've talked about up until now statistically the ethereal shield is relatively identical to its normal to wimmer counterparts offering the same amount of base armor 26 the same weight and the same value however as you can already see on screen there are some distinctions for one at the center of the shield is a giant circular piece of aetherium and it's dotted with aetherium jewels all around it furthermore it's the unique enchantment that really gets me going about this one enemy struck by the shield will become ethereal for 15 seconds making them unable to attack or be attacked furthermore what the enchantment doesn't tell you is it also causes these ethereal enemies to flee from the player for that a lot of time but while they look like ghosts effectively what this means is that whenever you bash someone with it they'll turn into a spirit for a little while and just run away for almost a quarter of a minute this effectively allows you to take enemies out of combat at will what whenever you please if you're dealing with a large group of say three four or five foes and don't want to take them all out at once simply give a few of them a bashing with this shield and they'll be out of commission for quite a while no other item or for that matter even spell in the game quite emulates what this shield is doing and that easily makes it one of my favorites in the entire game this isn't something to you in a one-on-one combat with a specific phone having too much trouble with instead only wait for those scenarios when you're feeling overwhelmed by a big group of enemies and want to quickly thin them out so you can take care of the rest later on do keep in mind if the player has the disarming Bosch perk unlocked or the shield charge perk from the block tree then when you use this item its enchantment actually won't trigger so make sure you haven't worked your way up that perk tree too high otherwise you won't be getting the full effect however when it is working properly the ethereal shield is absolutely an item I'd recommend you look into and finally last on our list is an armored piece that in my opinion is definitely the coolest looking of everything we've covered in this video so far though I suppose you can be the judge of that for yourself the closed Imperial helmet so this is a piece of armor modeled in the fashion of a high-ranking Imperial soldier that can only be obtained in three separate locations throughout the entire game the first and in my opinion the easiest is at the shrine of Talos just outside of froakie's Shack in the rift hero all you need to do is head up a mountain find the statue of Kalos and at its base will be this helmet as well as some other Imperial related gear seeming to imply that this once belonged to an imperial soldier who is in the process of deserting due to the fact that Talos worship had recently been outlawed the second location is at brine water grotto a place only accessible from the east empire company warehouse during or after the Thieves Guild quest scoundrels folly and finally the third can be inside of kill creek temple during meridia stage request the break of dawn it will be found next to a desecrated Imperial corpse any of these locations will offer you access to the helmet just keep in mind these are the only places you can get it it doesn't statically spawn on Imperials and it can't be purchased for merchants so the first thing that should stand out about this item is its aesthetic it's modeled in the fashion of Corinthian Greek it's rather than the typical open format most Imperial helmets use this unique appearance believe it or not also seems to translate it some stat buffs as it is the best piece of Imperial headgear in the game offering a base armor of 18 with a weight of 5 and value of 30 it's closest competitor the Imperial officers helmet has a base armour of 17 a weight of 4 and also a value of 30 so the clothes Corinthian helmet seemingly due to the fact that its clothes offers one extra base armor and weighs a single pound more than its counterpart now strangely while no characters in the game wear this closed Imperial helmet it seems there was one cut character that was removed from Skyrim who is originally supposed to be donning it here bangs soren shield is an imperial character that exists only in the games files that when spawned in wears a full set of Imperial armor with this helmet he also would have had a unique shield called here Bane's shield as well as a unique sword called here Bane sword it's unclear what role Bethesda had planned this here Bane sword and shield character to play had they gone through and added him into the game however we do have an idea you see with Skyrim a new series of books were introduced called here Bane's beastie Ares there are three books in this series otamatone x' hag ravens and ice wraiths each one of these books was written by a warrior named here Bane we don't know what his last name was but each of these books goes into detail and describes whatever the topic is so here Bane's bestiary on hag Ravens describes the history and fighting style of hag Ravens his bestiary on ice wraiths describes nice rates you get the idea it's possible that this here Bane saurons shield character was the author of those books or at least was meant to be and maybe he could have been some sort of boss battle what with all of his unique equipment whatever the case we'll likely never know for sure what I can tell you is that his helmet looks absolutely breathtaking and with that we are going to wrap up five secret and unique armors in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim part 3 thanks for stopping by everybody which of these attire pieces best suited pun intended your fancy and what options should we cover next leave a comment down below as always like ratings are very much appreciated thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,237,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secret Items, Skyrim Unique Items, Skyrim Rare, Skyrim Rare Armors, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mod, Skyrim Mods, TheEpicNate315
Id: l9UAH5wZlvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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