Skyrim All 14 Dragon Priest Mask Locations In Special Edition & DLC Dragonborn (TOP 10 Best Masks)

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what's up squad my name is ESO and welcome back to the channel in this video I will be showing you how to get all 14 dragon priests masks in Skyrim special edition and it's also going to be the exact same if you have the original Skyrim as well so the dragon priest masks are powerful enchanted helmets that are worn by dragon priests horses that you'll find all over Skyrim and souls that you basically have to go around and kill these dragon priests to get their masks and each one is unique and there's even a secret puzzle to unlock a hidden mask that I'll be showing you in this video and I'll actually be giving you guys an overview of what mask is good for what character build and which ones you might want to get first so the first 9 masks I'm going to be showing you are needed to unlock the secret mask number 10 so bear that in mind as you watch this video but let's start off with number 1 in the list heaven Arak this mask has a sleek black appearance with a red glow the headpiece actually counts as heavy armor and it has an armor rating of 23 but despite its cool appearance is actually one of the worst of all the dragon priests masks in the game because all this enchantment does is makes you immune to disease and poison damage now while being immune to poison is quite useful when you're fighting things like spiders it's mostly not really going to be very helpful to you and it can be found here in the ancient Nordic ruin of Vallum which is located here on the map and I've actually made a walkthrough for each location for each dragon priests mask and they can all be found down below in the description now let's take a look at the second mask on this list Croesus now this mask is absolutely fantastic for a sneaky character it actually counts as light armor and has an armor rating of 21 the mosque itself is enchanted with a 20% bonus to lock-picking archery and alchemy so it basically makes lockpicking easier your bows do more damage and your alchemy potion and poisons are now 20% more powerful so it's fantastic for an archer using poisons as damage and you can get this mask over here on the map at share point which is actually on top of a mountain dew take care when you come over here though because the dragon priest is actually accompanied by a dragon as well so prepare yourself for a little bit of a fight here next up at number three we have maracas and this one is fantastic for a mage type character it also counts as light armor but unfortunately like most major armor it only has an on rating of five which is pretty pitiful compared to any other dragon priest mask the enchantment on the mask makes you regenerate Magica a hundred percent faster so now you'll be regenerating Magica twice as fast as you were before which is obviously fantastic for mages and if you pair that with the Archmage robes which you get at the end of the mage guild quest line you actually have a 50% reduction to all spells and you'll regenerate Magica 200% faster which is incredible anyway you'll find this mask here on the map in labyrinth field and you'll gain access to this location during the mage guild quest light if you haven't already next up at number four we have nekron this dragon priest mask counts as heavy armor and has an armor rating of 23 it also gives you plus 50 Magica and reduces the cost of any destruction or restoration spells that you use by 20% so this is actually fantastic for a mage build especially if you decide to pick a high elf because then you'll be starting the game with 200 magicka which actually puts you 10 levels ahead at the start of the game because usually you can only give yourself +10 Magica every time you level up so you can find this dragon priests mask just here on the map in scold of them the only issue with this is that you only actually get to this location at the end of main questline so you'll probably be around level 15 or 20 by the time you get it in at number 5 we have oat are an amazing yellow mask with this sort of green tinge to it and in my opinion it is a solid mask especially if you're playing a warrior character now this mask actually counts as heavy armor and once again it has an armor rating of 23 it's unique in Xiamen though gives you a 30 percent resistance to fire frost and shock damage so you pretty much now have a 30 percent resistance to all magic types and this is great for a warrior because you can't block magical attacks with your shield and guys if you follow my guide in the description on how to get full daedric armor then you can actually get Daedric gauntlets boots and a shield enchanted with 70% resist frost fire and shock and then you'll be immune to all magic types which is pretty cool right so make sure you check out my full daedric armor guide down below in the description you can actually find o-tar's masks just here on the map though in this Nordic ruin called ragged bow northeast from model and guys if you're finding this guide helpful please do give the video a like because that really helps me out but next up guys in at number 6 we have racket a pale green mask and this mask is going to be really good for a dual wielding warrior type character it counts as heavy armor so it's going to give you an armor rating of 23 again and the enchantment on this mask actually increases your stamina by 70 points which is going to be useful for running around and exploring and also blocking or power attacks so to get raw God's mask you must find it in full hulls and there's a really interesting quest for this one guys and you can check out my walkthrough for it in the description below but next up at number 7 we have Vulcan a blue mask with a blue enchanted glow once again the mosque is a heavy armor piece so it has an armor rating of 23 and if we put this mask on it will give you a 20% reduction to york under asian illusion and alteration and this mask is especially useful for con jurists or illusionist because those spells usually cost you a lot of Magica to cast but you can find volcans masks just here in highgate ruins here on the map next up on the list in at number eight we have volt song now this is what I consider to be the ultimate utility mask it counts as light armor and therefore has an armor rating of 21 but that's not really important because this is the mask no matter what type of character you're playing it's enchanted to increase your carry weight by 20 and then it also makes your prices 20% better so you get more gold for selling items and you don't use as much gold for buying things you'll basically want to put on this mask before you buy or sell anything and then finally guys it lets you breathe underwater so it's kind of like an all-round flexible mask that's going to be useful in lots of occasions but to actually acquire it you must come here on the map to both sky and once again guys this is a pretty cool dungeon I recently did a walkthrough all so make sure you check it out if you're interested but next on the list in at number 9 we have the wooden mask and this mask can be found here on the map in labyrinthian now this mass is actually terrible it only has an armor rating of two and it doesn't even have an enchantment at all so es so why do we need it well my friends this mask is actually the key to the secret puzzle and it's the missing piece that we need to unlock mask 10 so firstly we have to come here to the dragon priest sanctuary which of course is located in the labyrinthian location as I showed you on the map so it's going to head over to the dragon free sanctuary now and once you are inside you'll find a skeleton next to this wooden mask and guys if you're actually interested in the law and story behind the wooden mask you can actually just read this note here this is from the perspective of a mercenary it seems like an easy enough job grows on me done plenty like it before some chinless Breton wants bodyguards for a trip into the mountains fine easy clink for us he goes on about this twice forsaken mask of his the whole way of course got a pretty good laugh when girls snatched it and put it on her face he then threatened to fire us for that one not small out here on your own he realized that right fast and shut up about not paying so we got here he thumbs through some papers and mutters to himself never you mind me and grouse had to cut through ten stinking trolls just to get him here and without so much as a warning poof he put on that mask and vanished could have put my hands on his throat one moment the next he's not so much as thin air well after a while we didn't know what to do and Grasse picks her gear up to head home when poof back that mask in his hand begged us not to leave and say he needs us to wait this is what he's paying us for then push the mask back on his face and he's gone again I'd seen cloaks of invisibility before but a few swings of my fist provide he wasn't pulling that one nothing there to be hit he shows up again tells us he just needs one more time has to figure out something about the other masks and vanishes once again that was yesterday and I'm done with this twiddling my thumbs and writing letters to myself we're leaving come sunrise and if he shows up again I promise Zhora I'm putting this dagger through his chest to keep him in one place we'll pull more loot off him dead and he could have paid alive but not worth the mask that cursed thing can stay and rot with him and the troll was right here so as you can see it looks like this guy died ages ago with a knife plunged through his chest but it gives us a clue on what we have to do so we're just going to put on this wooden dragon priests mask and it will actually send us back in time to before the destruction of the ROM jr. sanctuary and wearing this mask lets us see the secret shrine in front of us and as you can see there are eight busts carved from stone and we can put all eight of the dragon priests masks that we've collected so far on to this shrine but guys once we've put all eight of the masks here the final mask mask number 10 will be revealed and guys do not worry you can just take back all of the dragon priest masks from the stand once you've completed the ritual you won't lose any of the masks so now of course we've unlocked the tenth mask on this list Kenard ik and as you can see this golden mask is unique in appearance it also has horns which look pretty awesome once you are wearing it though you also notice that the color scheme of the hood is in fact different because it has a gold trim instead of the usual of grey brown one the mask itself counts as heavy armor giving you the best armor rating of all the dragon priest masks we've looked at so far that's an Armour of 24 it also has a unique enchantment that basically refills your health whenever you're low and when it does this it will also damage any nearby enemies to you it's a pretty damn useful and powerful effect that has a chance to activate whenever you're low on health and there's actually no limit on how many times this effect will activate a day so that makes it incredibly useful in saving your life multiple times this mask actually also has another secret power that everyone seems to miss because it doesn't actually say it does this but on very rare occasions the mask will actually summon a dragon priests to help you in combat and the dragon priest it summons will then also summon a storm at Renault and reanimate dead bodies and also use the ice white spell so it's really powerful and now guys we covered the ten dragon priests mask that you can find in Skyrim but there are of course still four more to find and to obtain the next four dragon priest masks we must get the Dragonborn downloadable content but if you're playing on Skyrim special edition you already have this pre-installed with the game so now all we need to do to actually get these masks is come to the island of soul faith and if you don't know how to get here just check out the link below in the description for a guide on how to do it it's really easy and you can do it any level so once we've arrived on the island you'll have a new map so now let me show you where to find the last four dragon priest masks so next up in the list in at number eleven we have our Z douse mask now these next masks have more of a different more skeletal appearance to them than the ones before and it actually counts as heavy armor and it gives us an armor rating of 23 again but as a douse mask actually has a unique enchantment that gives you a 50 percent resistance to fire and also gives you a 25% damage boost to all of your fire spells and this also includes enchanted weapons with the fire damage in Charlotte as well as the fire breath shout so it's absolutely fantastic if you're role-playing a pyro mage or something like that that just uses fire but to actually find this mask you must come over here to cold John Barrow and this one is a nightmare to actually get because to actually get to the dragon priest that wears this mask you'll need to excavate this to an excavating will take a lot of gold and time in fact it will cost you a total of nine thousand gold to excavate the whole ruin but you're going to find lots of unique items doing it and also the quest behind it is really really cool but you'll find this mask at the end of this dungeon and it probably is the second hardest mask to get in the entire game next up at number 12 on the list we have do can once again this counts as heavy arm and it's going to have an armor rating of 23 but the mask itself gives you a 50% resistance to frost and boost your frost spells by 25% and once again that also includes enchantments and shouts as well so it's basically the ice mage version of the previous mask I don't think this mask is as good though because most things in Skyrim have a resistance to frost magic so using frost magic just isn't as useful the mosque itself though can be found in the dead of white bridge power which is located just here on the map in it number 13 we have czar croissants and this mask is also heavy armor with an armor rating of 23 compared to the previous two masks it's basically the shop magic version so as you may have guessed it gives you a 50% resistance to shock spells and boosts and boost your own shock spells by 25% the shock mask is actually really useful because have a resistance to shock damage which makes it one of the most powerful spell types but to get this piece of armor you must come here on the map to Blood Scout Barrow which you can access through the town of Raven Rock it's definitely worth a visit anyway because it also contains an amazing two-handed sword called the Blood Scout blade so make sure you check out my walkthrough of that location so you can pick up all the unique items here but next my comrades next we have the final mask number 14 the 14th mask and of course it is mere axe mask worn by the only other existing Dragonborn in the game and indeed it is quite an incredible looking loss it does look like it was influenced by Hermia smaller indeed the mask does kind of represent the face of the seeker perhaps you now or the seeker of knowledge and besides Kronig this is the only mask in the game with a unique appearance to it the mask though is rather interesting because its enchantment is actually level so if you are between level 1 and 44 it has 23 armor and increases your magic herb I plus 50 points which is actually worse than the North Korean dragon priest mask that I mentioned earlier if however you are between level 45 and 59 it will give you plus 60 magic ER and then if you're above level 60 it will give you plus 70 Magica now to be honest I only think that the level 60 Plus version is good because that also gives you an armor rating of 27 as well which is the best operating out of any of the other dragon priest masks in the game now depending on if your light armor skill or your heavy armor skill is higher so say for example if your light armor skewers hire me racks mass will be light armor fee whereas if your heavy armor skill was better it will be heavy armor so it's actually just depends on what your characters like and to actually get this mask yourself guys you need to complete the Dragon Ball main questline and you can find a walkthrough on that and all the other locations I've mentioned down below in the description but I have another quick tip before you go guys because all the dragon priest masks here can in fact be worn with the Falmer helmet which gives you another 10 armor rating on top of the dragon priest mask so that's pretty powerful in fact is the best combination of headgear you can really have you can also ensure your Falmer helmet as well so you can actually wear up to five enchantments at once which is kind of ridiculous and guys make sure you smash that subscribe button if you haven't already so you don't miss any more upcoming daily Skyrim video guides that I'll be making because I got tons more on their way and don't forget that you can also follow me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you get the latest updates as soon as I release a new video guide but guys thanks again for watching my name is ESO and I will see you lower subscriber in the next guy have a fantastic day and good bye don't forget that you can receive texts and/or email notifications from my channel every time I release a new video underneath the video just hit subscribe and then hit the bell next to it you will now get notified as soon as I release a new video welcome to the ESO squad guys you
Channel: ESO
Views: 3,309,731
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Keywords: Skyrim, skyrim special edition, all dragon priest mask locations, dragon priest mask, skyrim top 10, top 10, location, locations, all dragon priest mask, skyrim dragon priest masks, skyrim special edition all, skyrim best, skyrim special edition best, skyrim best armor, skyrim special edition best armor, dlc, dragonborn, all, 10, best, eso, youtube, solstheim, dragon, miraak, zahkriisos, ahzidals, Hevnoraak, Otar, Krosis, Volsung, Vokun, Morokei, Rahgot, Nahkriin, armor, unique, secret
Id: NOjwA-2v1-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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