Skyrim: 5 More Secret and Unique Armors You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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Hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and Skyrim is a game that gives the Dragonborn quite a bit of freedom and what they can wear from fine tunics worth more than countries two helmets forged by actual gods I don't think we'll be running out of clothing options anytime soon amongst all these choices the Elder Scrolls 5 offers an ever so small handful lava especially rare or otherwise unique armors and apparel options that the overwhelming majority of us wouldn't be able to find on our own special items that aren't commonly worn by NPCs or thrusted upon us as quest rewards but are instead very well hidden or require a bit of extra work to acquire so as you can probably tell by the title and this year monologue that's the subject of today's video sit back and relax as we dive right into five more rare and unique armors you may have missed in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off foamer armor is a bit of an anomaly in the game we can't purchase it at vendors crafted for ourselves or find it in containers the only way to collect any pieces of foam or armor is by looting them off the bodies of the creatures who wear them this fact alone makes the attire pretty rare and frankly worthy of a mention in a video like this however well we can loot their helmets shields boots and even gauntlets this way we can't get their chest pieces for whatever reason it's impossible to take Fulmer chest plates off of a farmer's body so knowing this at this point all things considered it would be pretty reasonable to just assume that typical Fulmer chest plates are unobtainable I mean we can't buy make or take them however within the depths of the Dwarven ruin Mazzini left if we pick the lock of an expert locked gate protecting the entrance to a small structure on the caverns east side inside will immediately spot a full set of Fulmer armor chest piece included sitting proudly atop a table for us to take this is the only way in Skyrim it's possible to get your hands on an equippable Fulmer chest piece so once you snagit hold on tight as mentioned the rest of the armors pretty niche too so all covered that as well collectively as a set Fullmer armor will afford its wearer at ninety three points of base damage protection when you down by forty eight of whatever unit of measurement sky arm uses and sell for four hundred and ten septons this puts it about on par with standard dwarven armor though is a good deal lighter making it arguably a more practical kit the protection is quite surprising considering Fullmer apparel seems to cover far less of one's body and it just overall has a much more primitive vibe than what the dwarves created appearing to have been fashioned from the exoskeletons of giant cave insects and human bones one would imagine Dwemer bronze would be far stronger though I suppose not so what you will but these angry mutated snow elves know how to keep a fighter safe next on our list we have a much more specific piece of armor one not related to an entire set I give you the tumbler pain gloves these are unique pair of mittens that can only be earned after the dark brotherhood quest line has been completed and what's left of the faction has moved into their dawn star sanctuary cuz well some bad things happen to the last one at this point the Dragonborn will be given the quest where you hang your enemy's head which enables you to purchase various new upgrades to the Brotherhood's headquarters if the Dragonborn chooses to buy the master-bedroom upgrade then the next time you return to the hideout and enter the new room you'll find amongst an assortment of new goodies and furniture the special tumbler Bane gloves line atop a pedestal and they'll be all yours for the taking these hand warmers come as a variant of normal shrouded gloves but boasts a unique enchantment that makes locks 20% easier for their wearer to pick hence the name tumbler Bane cuz get it tumblers are a part of locks and payment yeah you you you get the picture their names like 95% of the reason I wanted to feature them incidentally despite being so tumblr Bane's are actually a less effective piece of armor than their generic counterpart with the base armor rating of seven one less than normal shrouded gloves although they do weigh the same and tumblers sell for two hundred more gold with a value of 325 regardless of their poor protection this article of a payroll is both incredibly rare and can be of great service for those looking to break into places where they're not welcome come in at number three we journey to the deepest depths of the labyrinthian an ancient nord ruin that once stood is a proud bustling metropolis thousands of years ago but all that's left now with some piles of rubble and subterranean structures during the climactic college of winterhold quest the staff of Magnus will be sent beneath this former city to recover a magical artifact and stop a treacherous Thalmor agent from possibly destroying Tamriel though it's kind of hard to figure out what his intentions were alas that's a narrative we can explore in a future video instead what I'm interested in is the ancient helmet of the unburned a special piece of headgear we can find once we've been given access to the labyrinth Ian's underground during the staff of Magnus college quest here within a specific chamber we enter just before venturing into shallow doors maze a locked gate can be found and behind it the ancient helmet of the unburned proudly rests atop an ancient Nordic great sword appropriately driven into a burning fire simply pick the lock on the gate perhaps with the help of your new tumbler Bane gloves and this item will be all yours the ancient helmet of the unburned as its name suggests is an ancient nord helmet with an enchantment that increases the fire resistance of he or she who puts it on their head by a pretty substantial 40% aside from the enchantment the unburned helmet also distinguishes itself from the store brand by being worth 14 times as much gold with the value of 841 coins compared to a measly 60 that's enough to buy an ebony helmet and still have 91 gold left over to play with on second thought actually maybe you should just sell the thing our fourth item is not found in the depths of some spooky scary dungeon but instead the lavish and extravagant Court of solitudes blue Palace at least most of the time you see Brian one of the city's Thane's has a custom pair of bracers of all things yes she dons the unique fine armed guards technically an article of light armor with a special texture and that can be found nowhere else in the entire game now to get these chances are you're going to have to take them from her cold dead hands literally as there's really no other way according to the wiki they can be stolen from her inventory with the perfect touch pickpocket perk but I tried that on a character and it didn't work so I'm not sure what to say about that killing bridling will definitely get the job though but it's not exactly a quick affair in it of itself as she remains essential until you've completed the bound until death Dark Brotherhood quest an assassinated Victoria vici it's not clear why Skyrim keeps her as essential until this point in the game seen as she plays absolutely zero part in the quest but once it's over you'll be free to murder her to death and take the bracers from her inventory they offer a base armor rating of seven weight of 0.5 and sell for 25 September though it's worth pointing out despite having a unique texture the fine arm guards don't necessarily have a unique model there's a single other pair of bracers in the game that shares this one shape however has a bit brighter of a color Ulfric Stormcloak bracers oddly enough all Furyk's bracers provide even less protection than these quite unfitting for the leader of a rebellion alas that's no reason not to steal those two I suppose though just remember if you put these on then you can't wear your tumblr bins so you got to make a decision before we get to our final spot I've got one Bree honorable mention remember how we began this video with Fullmer armor well we were actually only looking at one of a couple tears of Fullmer armor available in Skyrim the dawn guard DLC introduced Fullmer heavy armor that could be looted from the remains of the twisted creatures like the normal stuff you can't craft or purchase it it can only be taken from their corpses unlike the first set though it's also possible to find all of the pieces of Fulmer heavy armor including the chest plates in their inventories so it's a good bit easier to build a full set out of it which is why I'm simply regarding this as an honorable mention despite being somewhat less challenging to acquire Balmer heavy armor does offer far more protective capabilities with a combined armor rating of 96 as much as ebony while still weighing a good deal less the appearance as I'm sure you can tell is also certainly something to behold it almost makes the wearer look alien and I absolutely love it so make sure you're checking the inventories of all those Fulmer you slay I think it'll pay off in the long run and finally last on our list this one's pretty cool as it seems to be a piece of clothing Bethesda didn't want us to obtain in the first place the TEL vani robes during the Dragonborn DLC quest old friends will confront ill Dory sorrow thrill a dunmer necromancer responsible for the new plague of Ash spawn that are currently terrorizing solstein she has some old ties to Nell off a prominent ally of ours in the DLCs main questline but that's neither here nor there during old friends it'll be our job to track down old or eat or hideout and put an end to her necromantic practices on her body we'll be able to loot her unique apparel the TEL vani robes and oh my is this not a strange set of clothes hey that rhymes at first the robe seemed normal enough offering no additional armor selling for 75 gold and weighing you down by two but increasing your magic of regeneration by a factor of seventy-five percent quite useful for any mage as you can see they look just fine on my male character however if you put these on a female character their mesh will change to now feature bloodstains and a large stone of harness just like the one old Ahri was wearing she of course was sort of in this weird half-dead state and was only able to function it thanks to the energy of a hearthstone that was in the place of her well parked hence the reason she needed this harness our character or really any other character doesn't have rocks in their hearts though so this harness is going to look really weird and misplaced there is one other enemy we face off in the game an undead man by the name of Fulks cariah's that depends on a similar mechanism to stay alive ish what with the harness and hearthstone and everything the game doesn't let us take his armor off of his corpse though likely because it would look weird Bethesda seems to forgotten to apply the same logic to this dress however and did not remember to make it unequivocal by the player or any other NPCs in fact the unofficial patch mod makes this item unobtainable so if you want to collect this item make sure you disable that mod not terribly much more I can add here if you want to get a glitched item for yourself then know that that's possible I suppose anyway with that we are going to wrap up five more rare and unique armors you may have missed in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim part 2 thanks for stopping by everybody which of these was your favorite did you find any already by yourself leave a comment down below or join the discussion over on the discord as always like writings are very much appreciated if you really enjoyed consider subscribing and hitting that Bell icon to enable notifications I'm told they actually work now anyway thanks again for watching and I hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 2,463,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secret Items, Skyrim Unique Items, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Easter Eggs, Elder Scrolls Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Armor, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod
Id: tsedx97L6oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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