Skyrim – Don’t make the WRONG choice here!

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you really don't want to make the wrong decision in this new skyrim anniversary edition quest bitter cup you see during this quest you're going to be faced with three options and each one of them has its own set of rewards attached to it but if you make the wrong choice you'll miss out on some really cool unique weapons armor including a potential new secret follower a hidden island location with unique ingredients permanent attribute increases new spells swords food recipes tons of gold and lots of other little bits that have been added to the game that you can miss out on depending on your choice here so to make life easier i'm breaking down each choice and all the rewards you get for each one of them so you can then make the decision that is best for you and your character everything is time stamped below if you want to skip ahead to check out all the different quest rewards for each choice but first we're going to start out with how you actually start this quest bitter cup but if you do want more completionist skyrim quest guides make sure you subscribe to the channel because that's what this channel is all about so to start this quest for ourselves we need to come all the way to the south west of the map to falcrief and then once you actually arrive in foul creek you need to find the dead hunt's drink which is like the local inn let's head on inside if you walk straight across the hearth on the right hand side here you'll find a room and on the right hand bedside table there's a mysterious journal about an altar that's appearing in the forest that's going to start the quest a dying wish i was two days into my journey from markath when the ataxia struck which is an illness and scaring i thought if i bit down on a piece of cloth it would distract me from the pain but eventually my joints could bear the weight no longer i stopped at the roadside ruins looking for a place to rest it was there in the briars of the autumn fog and i came across a strange altar rooted into the ground beside it stood an old woman who i took for its keeper taking note of my apprehension the old woman beckoned me forward wordlessly she raised her hand and directed it towards the altar she was asking me to choose in my travels i have passed through the hagraven camps and seen many a twisted thing but none like this placed in its gnarled hands with three empty bowls and a cup to fill them at last the old woman spoke with an accent i couldn't place first bowl she said would grant you power the second would bring you fortune the third however would offer you nothing at all looking back now i can't tell you if any of this was real or some hallucination that i dreamt up to cope with the fever or it could be that the altar was no different than a standing stone or a tribute to a god long forgotten still i felt compelled to ask the woman how and where i would find my boon she said it would come to me unfortunately the ataxia has cursed me with sleeplessness worse yet the disease has progressed to a point that i fear i will not live to see the outcome of my choice a shame as i wonder even now i had made the right one roll nick windstrider so here we are at the roadside very and by the way guys if you like the look of the mod list you can actually download it from the link in the description if you want to install the same one as me i'm using the micro mod list right now it seems like there's some dead bandits here oh hello a spriggan your invisibility can't fool me spriggan yes wrecked son take your taproot so here we are at the shrine where we have to make the most important decision as you can see there are three choices here alter of nothing alt of power or alter of fortune and if you skip ahead in the video i'm going to be doing each one of these choices and showing you the rewards for each one of them so you guys can find out which one you actually want to do and i'll be doing like a little walkthrough for each one of them so starting out we're going to go with the altar of nothing which allows us to actually get a follower as well let's go ahead and click on this completed choose a bolt at the altar return to town we're going to go ahead and fast travel back to foul creek and as you can see someone is running very eagerly at us look at him he's so keen to talk to us i've been looking for you got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only let's see here looks like that's it got to go read the note from the temple of kynareth to all adventurers i offer you kinaraf's favor in exchange for your help there is a gravely ill man in my care at the temple of kynareth storms of ataxia have weakened his bones and i fear that their heavy rains will wash his life away he requires a special soup made from a fruit of an iron wood tree charred skiva hide and salt unfortunately the ironwood tree once a staple of skyrim's forest are all but extinct moreover importing the fruit from the orchards to the south has been difficult due to the bandit raids and embargoes from the war our first attempt at securing the ingredient was lost as the man's fever progresses ice i fear a second request will come far too late i've heard from the ferryman however that an ironwood grows on the island to the north called giant's tooth but duty bounds me to the temple but if by any chance the winds of kinaraf see fit to bring one to your shop please deliver it to whiterun as soon as you can a man's life hangs in the balance acolyte eldrin and this is the same man suffering from ataxia who originally found the shrine whose journal we found so now we must travel all the way across skyrim to the north of dawn star where we will find the ferryman and hopefully the ferryman will take us to this secret island where this tree still grows here we are at the ferryman's place looking to hire a boat indeed i can take you to any port on the coast i need safe passage to giant's tooth 50 gold eh i understand climb on in and let's get this over with oh great i'm really charming i love it let me get inside then here we are at giant's tooth a secret island off the coast of skyrim you can see it's all the way out north here in the sea of ghosts so interestingly there's actually another boat here just full of dead skeletons are these the last people that you took over here did you take their oars or something like why are they dead my god okay well you've got what appears to be a giant's grove and lots of dead mammoths around here mammoth snout i don't know why the mammoths are dead though maybe there's some kind of disease afflicting them are these friendly giants hello there he seems pretty friendly he's got a very itchy but can i help you scratch your back sir oh god oh god he did not like that he did he was not a fan of scratching the back there oh luckily we've paralyzed him get wrecked son not taking out this other one oh god be careful sonny jim might want to step back whoa coming over quickly ah take these guys out just managed to kill him before he killed us giant's toe 200 gold all right let's go and check around for this ancient tree now i've slaughtered the entire giant population and their mammoths have already dead i swear to god that wasn't my doing oh there has been human habitation here at some point investigate the cave fisherman's note the nights are long here the frost nips at your scale but i've always been stubborn thick shelled as they say so i've stuck to it the first days were the hardest i dared not try and fish with the giants lurking but hunger makes brave hatchlings of us all so i dove in and found the waters calm as for the actual job it has proven a tough egg to crack the ferryman did not lie when he said iron wood bark was strong as a mammoth's tusk ours is to wait for the smaller fruits of the harvest he's suggesting that we wait in the cave for the iron bark i guess into iron tusk cave we go where the trees grow beneath the cave itself ah look there's a little fox in here he can't do anything but run away from me so i'm obviously going to leave him be look at this it's beautiful there's even a nern root butterflies everywhere how awesome this is the ancient tree bark we're looking for it has the ironwood fruits on it so we can actually just half oh my god there's a spriggan get away from me spriggan die i think there's another one behind me goodness me get away back beast stop healing yourself oh my god there's loads of them we must destroy all population on this island so nothing can survive finish him quickly before she heals yes yeah wreck son okay now we've slaughtered all the wildlife on the island we can now leave this place i'll leave the snow fox alive though so he can breed here freely here we are exiting the place oh my god there's an ice rafe now why are there out there's ice raves have just spawned on the island very peculiar one down get wrecked son and then we've got rid of the ice rafes probably just angry spirits because we slaughtered everyone and now we can go ahead and get in the boat ready to go back to dawn star i understand climb on in the boat and get comfortable which boat the one with your dead passengers or the one with your live passengers i wonder what do you need what do you need i want you to take me back to dawn star all right now we have the ingredients we can make the ironwood soup which is actually a unique recipe that we've learned so now we need to find a cooking station so we can make iron wood soup this is actually a unique soup by the way that you can actually craft in the future as well not just the unique quest item that i'm crafting now so as you can see the ironwood soup restores 15 points of health and 15 points of stamina and it cures all diseases now if you're on skyrim survival mode it's also going to fortify your warmth by 25 points for 300 seconds and also restore 200 points of cold so it's actually a really cool unique survival soup food item now as you can see for the ingredients it requires charred skewer hide and salt pile it also requires iron wood fruit now the tree that we went to to get the iron wood does respawn you can also get iron wood fruit from the caravans or randomly appear in their inventory as well to buy so we're gonna go ahead and craft this because we need it for the quest anyway and then we need to go to the temple priestess you can find the temple priestess located here on the map in whiterun once you arrive in white's run you can find the temple of kinarath just below dragon's reach [Music] more rest will do you good he's a dead man i have the ironwood soup you're looking for you've done well [Music] i'll give it to you but not for free okay just this once i feel terrible she's giving me 75 gold probably everything she owned wait a day for roll nick to heal seems like he's fine now being completely cured amazing he smears blessing on you it was nothing just glad you're okay it's all right you've got the rest of your life to repay me what the healers at the time will deserve most the credit yes mia's blessing is worthless to me but okay i understand many thanks and please take this gift i hope it's a fitting token to honor the deed [Music] and he's given me bitter cup and his unique dagger which we'll look at in a moment i found this journal in falcary is it yours it is so what are your thoughts on all this the altar was a blessing it helped me save you the ultra is cursed a high graving magic can't be trusted i'm curious what would have happened had i chose differently we'll look at the other choices after this i don't have any thoughts either way what about you are you happy with the choice you made of course now let's pledge never to speak of this again it would have been so much cooler if you had voice dialogue lines all right follow me i need your help let's not waste any time so no matter the choice that you make you will be getting bitter cup as a reward for finishing off this quest which is like this huge golden trophy that counts as a potion because it carries a unique buff to your character that permanently increases your highest attributes health magicka or stamina by 20 points while decreasing your lowest attribute by 20 points so for example if i look at my character's skills here my lowest attribute is magicka and you'll probably be the same if you're a warrior or a stealth archer my highest attribute currently is health so i'd get plus 20 health and -20 magicka i never use magicka so it's useless to me so obviously that's a really good item so if i go ahead and drink it it now adds an empty version of it to my inventory which means i can still use it as a collectible item in my house to put on display if you have a look at it there it's kind of like a big sort of golden trophy and then if i go ahead and check my skills you can see i now only have 80 magicka and my health has gone up by 20 points and that effect is permanent so these are the rewards we're going to get for choosing nothing from the altar there's still some okay rewards but this is probably one of the worst options to be honest with you firstly we get rolnix dagger a unique dagger that you can enchant that does a base damage of 8 which is the same as the nordic dagger added in the dragonborn dlc it also has the exact same appearance as that dagger as well we also unlock access to the secret island to the north of skyrim that can only be accessed by the ferryman at dawn star doesn't even appear on the map as a fast travel location which has a respawnable tree where you can get the iron wood fruit you can also get the iron wood fruits from the khajiit caravan all over skyrim they'll randomly stock it in their inventory after you've completed the quest gathering these ingredients then allows you to make the iron wood soup which is actually really good for survival mode especially otherwise it is pretty much just a normal soup that cures diseases on top of this we'll also unlock the unique follower roll nick windstrider that you cannot obtain any other way by saving him he has a good morality though so if you tell him to attack people that aren't enemies forget it i don't do that kind of work he will not do it as for his competency in battle he is actually a very powerful wizard as you guys can see he's pretty powerful in combat he's killing this band outlaw with ease he's got a decent amount of health as well and he uses shock spells to defeat his enemies he also uses alteration spells as well to increase his armor value before combat so a pretty decent follower but definitely not the best follower in the game so overall i'd say the rewards from the nothing cup are probably some of the worst to choose from unless you specifically want this mage follower or the unique survival food but now we're going to move on to the next possible ultra choice that you can make and what rewards you get from that here we are back at the altar and this time we're going to be selecting the second option which is alter of fortune and then i'll be going over the rewards after we've done this quest bit and then after that i'll do the final one which is the altar of power also notice that the altar of nothing is made out of wood power is made out of stone and this one seems to be made out of some kind of rare material so let's spill the altar of fortune wait for your wish to be granted filling with blood i assume it's our own blood now to actually trigger this next quest we must sleep specifically in a bed so we need to sleep just here next to this dead bandit wait for your wish to be granted you awakened feeling rested completed a dying wish started fortunate son somebody has put this letter down my pants while i slept rogue job offer don't be alarmed but i've been following you you might say i'm a fan of your work but i also don't like doing business in person so i slipped this letter while you slept instead of this job my apology for messing your beauty rest don't worry this isn't some small time caper there's enough clink in it to fill both our cups of your game the marks of fat milk drinking noble who's just arrived in marcath he's got one of those fancy high elf names conanthill don't try and pronounce it i'm dyslexic so probably failed already you'll just give yourself a headache point is he's so rich if you poke him he just spit gems out of his mouth and i know for a fact he stashed a large portion of his wealth in a vault somewhere in the reach problem is you can't get anywhere near him with his dark elf bodyguard by her side at all times but the spell sword's got one weakness to jammer from his homeland so here's what i need you to do first take this vial and spike some tsujama at a cooking pot so the heat activates the poison as for the tsujamma itself you can probably get a bottle from sulphine if none of the traders around here have it a bit out of the way but worth it once the tsujama's spiked convince the innkeeper add the silver blood in to sell it when the two stop at the end the drink will turn the dumber inside out and keep him at the bar for a good long while once the bodyguard's out of the way you'll be free to pick the other one's pockets take whatever you like but what i need is his personal ring seal the one he uses for letters when you have the sale go to the warrens i'll leave a note with further instructions outside the third door on your left e really exciting we're literally going to go on a heist now but let us fast travel to market oh no can i save her no no i'm too late oh god by the divines the force warner here in the city so we've just witnessed oh you're looting her okay i'm going to have no remorse robbing you high elf you want something from me bear a coin for a beggar walk away now interestingly there's an option here to say someone is trying to rob you i have proof you expect me to believe that this is the nose the thief mentions you by name persuade that doesn't change anything now get out of my way okay failed optional can i pickpocket him right now he does have the family seal ring on him but i quite like to do the quest the way intended and what might you need so now we need to go and find a cooking box let's head inside the air at the back here hopefully we should find a cooking box my father clapper is the one you want to talk to here we are in the miscellaneous section we can find spiked tsujamma this restores one stamina and then decreases the target stamina regeneration by 50 for two hours fantastic we have an option to convince the innkeeper to sell this obviously would you consider selling tsujama i have a bottle your customers can sample of course how much free of charge if your customers like it then i'll sell you more 5 gold or 50 gold ah i'm gonna give it free for that price sure convince the innkeeper okay great now we've got to wait until the evening and here are our guests so now the dark elf bodyguard is out of the picture we can find the high up who is still around the marketplace apparently kind of weird how he's still looking at this body of a dead lady don't mind me guards what we needed was the family seal fantastic i have like really low pickpocketing so it means you guys can probably do the same thing now we need to escape into the warrens and get rid of our stolen goods apparently he was meeting me down here in the third room on the left or something oh he's dead right oh no the courier the curry is dead wait what are you joking how is the courier dead i didn't know you could kill the carrier i want to strip him naked he's mine now the rogue's instructions all right that's one way of using a carrier just as a corpse all right here's the plan take the letter and seal it with the ring then put this courier's clothes on and deliver it make sure you look and talk like the bloody carrier i'm sure you've got enough letters to know how they speak and if it don't work the first time wait an hour think about what you're gonna say and then try again when it comes to poor folk the elf got the memory of a goldfish anyway the letter will say inamoro's been stealing from his boss and the seal will prove it's real once the high elf reads the letter he'll have the dunmer arrested he might even have him killed doesn't matter either way knowing him the next thing he'll do is go straight for his treasure to count every last coin and make sure it's all there and then we just follow that snotty little spear polisher as he leads us straight to the gold e snotty little spear polisher all right let's put on the carrier's clothes finally i've been born for this this is the letter the fake letter just here dress in the courier's clothes i need to take off my weapons there we have it i am now the courier in skyrim wait why are you down here bro see if we can get this right yes greetings i'm with the courier service i've been looking for you i'm a courier and i have important message to deliver to you it's not even like good english i've been looking for you that's what he says of course i have a note i'm required to deliver for your eyes only i got a letter with your name on it literally this missive is for you got something i'm supposed to deliver your hands only that is the correct one i believe i'm supposed to hand you this letter no this one indeed now go away oh great perhaps there's something you wish to confess huh i feel so bad i like how he ran away and let the guards take care of her oh no he's come back out to use lightning spells on him god damn must have scared him off optional assist the guards no i feel bad still mace of ice and full steal armor now we need to follow him and he's actually gone into the warren so i have no idea is this where his treasure vault is he's actually running over there interesting ah okay what why are you scott isn't slightly concerned that the carrier is also dead next to the door s lifts room this quest is really good this is one of the better creation club quests we've done so far especially with all the optional ways to play it it makes it really awesome honestly amazed with this one confronts it do i want to is someone there oh god no oh boy that's probably going to hurt me oh no you don't you silly high elf as long as we can keep staggering him we should be good get rekt son and here we are this is the treasure room speak to the rogue oh hello there friend leave skilled i'm surprised you succeeded please accept this as payment is nazim the same voice actor 1 000 gold and he's given me bitter cup as well which i've already told you about in the last quest rewards it was a pleasure working with you i still have questions i think i'll just kill you and take it all this isn't enough you barely did any work and you just showed up at the end he literally set everything up to be fair well enjoy your riches don't spend it all in one place he sounds like nazim i feel like nazim and the high elf you must be a foul more and the thieves guild enjoy your riches of course but enough of this such things are best forgotten so he's going to keep all this stuff for himself yes thank you and all that but enough of this such things are best forgotten i suppose i'd have to kill him over hey hands off oh we're such a good friend that he's okay with me stealing it i mean i can just sneak here and take everything without killing him if i want to lord valastone worth 1 000 gold also you can fill it with souls as well flawless garnet 100 gold golden imports ingots lock picks and battle axe of draining obviously this is boss leveled oh my god iron gauntlets of smithing for the restoration glitch more gold well card cardstone and staff of fear we have here a strong box with lots of rubies and amethysts 3 000 gold in there and also this is the unique item i was looking for the spell tone of master transmute which transmutes iron or silver ore into gold if the caster is carrying any this is better than the adept version so it's essentially an even faster way to make money if you see my guide on that necklace of perilous haggling prices are 25 better that's also incredibly good ring of extreme smithing weapons and armor can be improved 22 percent better that's really good oh and then the ebony greatsword of the inferno burns targets are 30 points on here we also have a glass battle axe tons of coin purses here as well and also a strong box and it's just a cool treasure trove room really isn't it there's even some extra chests with enchanted items increased shock resistance 50 and he's just gonna sit here and stop you from stealing his stuff unless of course we kill him let's see what he's actually carrying on him he's got a journal okay that'll be interesting he also has a ring of the squire increases light armor my brother always has been the greedy sword oh my god it was his brother offer him a slice and he'll take the whole pie and worst yet he'll act like he's doing you a favor but i also figured father would see for his lies never thought i'd be cut out of the wheel like some half blood or son but it's all right it's a bit poetic in a sense father's favorite book was about the beggar named eslaf his old man left him nothing too except what he was willing to take me i'm gonna take it all good for you dude i kind of feel bad killing you it was revenge that you sought and revenge you got i guess we also got tons of silver ingots here as well and cunnifal also has a journal okay and a key to his room um and a ring of the minor knight as well other enchanted things let's read his journal the deal with the silver bloods has been fully on summated the location of the vault is rather ingenious hiding in plain sight amongst the degenerates and thieves it tickles me to know that they dream of wealth and fortune never realizing only a single wall separates it from their soiled bedrolls this guy is a true founder isn't he even though he's just a high off but still he's definitely a family as for security there are two measures the door is locked securely by a key but that would only embolden their curiosity that is why as far as the locals know it belongs to a beggar named azlaf now if any of these gutter rats even had a modicum of intelligence they would realize that assalaf eral is the name of a fictional prince who made his fortune from nothing i too have worked from the ground up to achieve my current status and i have taken that which to be divided and multiplied it in tenfold after all my brother owner thrill is fortunate to have his life he should not protest if i take everything else my goodness he was a real savage what kind of family were these people they were horrible and a golden diamond necklace worth another 1 200 gold so now i'm going to go over all of the unique items we get for the second choice which is the altar of fortu obviously once again we get the bitter cup as a reward and i've already talked about that earlier the next thing we get is a unique spell a spell tome of master transmute now currently the only thing that exists in the game is the adept level transmute spell which makes iron ore into silver ore however the master level is going to make iron and silver into gold ore meaning you can then smelt it down into gold ingots and it's a really good way of increasing your smithing skill and making lots of money i've already done a video about how you can do that it's just a really effective way at making gold and leveling your smithing as well it's about over 10 000 worth of different jewelry items and about 5 000 gold in cash we also get a glass battle axe ebony greatsword of inferno and just lots of randomly enchanted weapons most of which i didn't actually bother picking up but if you sell them all they all sell for around 500 to 3 000 gold each so you can actually make tons of money by just doing this quest early on however in terms of unique items you don't get as many unique items as you do with the other two options therefore i would say that the altar of fortune is actually probably the second worst choice and instead you're probably going to want to go for the altar of power which is the next one i'm about to go over with you guys so next for the third and final option we will be choosing the altar of power and if you want to skip ahead to the rewards you get for doing this you can go ahead and do that from the time stamps below and like the video if you found it helpful so far but now let us fill the altar of power with our own blood perhaps the altar of weakness hmm oh god started the pit oh my god are we waking up in prison this is like oh my god i've lost everything it was a trap we definitely got scammed by some bandits on the roadside we got baited into this trap i do love it though whenever it happens in a game that you're a super powerful character and then they take away all of your equipment and leave you at nothing basically point zero oh one sec there's some elven armor in here is that a thought there's a thalma soldier who also chose power what do you know i guess that doesn't really surprise anyone who's this then there's a hunter here okay so i have some arrows goods we should probably take i mean it's called the pit right so i assume that there's going to be a battle ahead uh we've got some potions and there's some heavy armor here i don't need this but i will take the iron sword everyone's dead i like how there's like a poo bucket in some of these sounds look at that ooh bucket nice and a skeleton i have eight arrows which means we're gonna have to come out of this room sneaking just in case we uh get attacked oh my god okay look at this place oh he's tanky he's very tanky the wolf was not so tanky i mean that's a sneak attack i don't want to waste my arrows we might need them later we'll get our iron stored and dagger out here i'm wearing thauma armor don't judge me we'll see about that ah it seems like some of these bodies have armor and weapons on as well i have upgraded to an orcish sword fantastic oh god save the cats jesus oh my i've just been stand locked oh okay this is not good we're gonna have to use the hunting boat we have six arrows that's not gonna be enough oh that was close [Music] oh yeah [Applause] okay we're gonna have to prepare better next time here we go we're gonna go and sneak attack all of these enemies i reckon i hope i can recover my arrows otherwise we're kind of screwed he doesn't see me guys luckily oh my two hours back okay good but this is the saber cat i see now i could probably jump on top of those cages look at him doesn't know i'm here get rekt son die there we go defeat the champion i want to go back into sneak mode there's so many people around us banging their shields i guess i was just hearing things yep walking into the arena to battle an opponent oh must have been the wind i really want to stab her from behind i have a still dagger oh god she's he's really high sneak skill though i don't think so oh she's tanky come at me we'll just keep blocking her attack so she can't hit us oh god oh god stop that oh my god okay let's let's use a bow we have six arrows whoa guys bit rude a bit rude [Music] let's use slow time gonna have to rely on unrelenting full shout we can't afford to miss these arrows and have her block them you guys want the build by the way i'll link it below oh right in the head okay now we're we're out of hours now so we're on to the orcish board gonna have to one hand this so i can actually block her attacks come at me if we can dodge this did power attack me oh she spun okay should be able to finish her off come on yes oh god i just heard someone say never should have come here and they all entered the arena grand champions sold 42 damage look at that that looks sick as well look how cool that looks damn the grand champions helmet as well look at how amazing that looks very roman gladiator style probably one of the coolest helms in the game to be honest on the bitter cup this cup has passed through many hands and has brought out the best and worst in those who imbibe it drink its nectar and it will do the same to you okay got the sword out all of these guys are all they're fighting arrows at me jesus we can get out of here retrieve your belongings uh yes please where are they there's just some ragged trousers here need to escape going back into stealth ah here are my belongings requires a key there's also a long bow and there's tons of gold here i guess this is like a secret betting arena where they just poison people knock them out and then take them to the pit so they can bet on people hip fighters note a hag handed me this cup saying it would bring out the best and worst in me i wasn't sure about that part but i do like shiny clink i took it off her hands besides i think this hag was half blind and fully empty in the head it was no cup it looked more like a trophy to me so i got to thinking being the idea guy that i am if some pit dog goes through all the trouble of becoming the champion we should give them this cup with a ceremony and a feast and such maybe even carve their name into it then i pitched my idea to the boss thinking she'd love it but instead she got real mad stomped on my bunions and made me scrub the privy for even entertaining the idea before taking the cup for herself next thing i know i'm down in the dungeon washing my particularly foul smelling buckets then it hits me again in order to be champion you'd have to kill the boss first but no wonder she was so mad i guess the old hag was right after all turned out it was the best and worst idea all at once but where is the key is there a key here no it's an iron dagger i guess we have to kill the boss to get the key is this the boss let me get a dagger pit boss get rekt son we have to fight these guys oh my god this sword does so much damage ah oh yeah let's check out the pit bosses corp so she has the pit key which i assume let's go and unlock this chest thank you god wait what why this look let's just walk back in this room pulled out a torch and there's like a hundred bodies have just spawned interestingly i've looked on the map just now and there's a secret room just here i don't know how i get to this room though okay so i just clipped through the wall and there's a room down here now i believe what happens is when people die they get put in this box so that they don't clutter the environment but there must be a bug that caused them all to spawn in this one spot and in one of the saber cat pens there's ebony armor because she actually had an ebony sword of thunderbolt so make sure you pick that up before you leave daedric borax an ebony helmet daedric gauntlets just lying on the floor very nice this particular hunter also has a ring of blocking all right let's go ahead and head outside and see where on earth we actually are in skyrim where did that hack drag us off to i wonder outcreate watchtower so now we're going to be going over the rewards you get if you choose the third option which is the altar of power and this is arguably the best option that you guys can choose and obviously once again you will still get the bitter cup potion as a reward for doing this quest but you also get some other unique items so let's go over those starting out with the grand champions helmet and oh my god roman gladiator themed dragon skyrim helmet it looks amazing so i'm a massive fan of the appearance of this helmet even if i just had it on display because it is heavy armor and the armor rating has a base value of 22 obviously it scales with your heavy armor skill my character doesn't have any heavy armor skill but this is the exact same as a dragon plate helmet meaning a daedric heavy armor helmet has one more armor value than this helmet and obviously you can also enchant it yourself as well the next unique item we obtain is the grand champion saw it's obviously worth 2500 gold and the base damage is the same as a dragon bone sword making it one of the most powerful one-handed swords in the game especially at the start of the game because you can do this quest very early on also during the quest you'll be finding some randomly enchanted items like the ring of blocking block 20 more with your shield ebony sword of thunderbolts daedric gauntlets and also a full set of ebony armor and elven armor as well so there's a lot of things to collect here beyond just the unique weapons this was honestly one of the few creation club quests where it actually offered meaningful choices where you would miss huge pieces of content depending on what choice you made and the rewards for each one were decent though i think the altar of power was probably the best one let me know what you guys think in the comment section though i think this is honestly though one of the best quests that has come out of creation club obviously the lack of voice acting will always let it down especially when you get a new follower oh it's not voice acted you meet this npc thief that you've been reading the notes of the whole quest line oh he's not voice act you ask characters really interesting questions but they just have no response it always lets the content down which is a shame because clearly a lot of love and effort has been put into this particular quest and i'm really excited to play the other ones now which you can find in the playlist below so thanks for watching drop a like on the video if you found it helpful i'll see you there
Channel: ESO
Views: 705,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, skyrim special edition, skyrim anniversary edition, skyrim anniversary edition gameplay, skyrim new quests, bittercup, guide, the elder scrolls 5: skyrim, skyrim secrets, elder scrolls, skyrim unique weapons locations, unique, weapons, armor, eso, skyrim modding, skyrim mods, ps4, xbox, skyrim decisions, skyrim walkthrough, skyrim walkthrough part 1, dlc, skyrim new dlc
Id: o-qOxWUuYNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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