Skyrim: 5 More Secret and Unique Weapons You May Have Missed in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

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The colors are so nice and vivid.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/skyesdow 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cant tell which visual effects have been used but the textures look like they are from Skyland:

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ovinme 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies , Should have added, just scroll down and he's got a link with his mod list.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SemiOldCRPGs 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey how's it going guys it's neigh here and Skyrim is a game we're doing battle and overpowering your foes is an absolute necessity whether it's slaying dragons to make the world a safer place or butchering innocent towns folk to do the opposite you're gonna have to engage in quite a bit of combat during your time with in the Elder Scrolls 5 thankfully the RPG offers us a seemingly countless array of swords daggers hammers and staffs to do just that each one coming with its own selection of stats advantages and disadvantages giving us cause to try them all most of the weapons we encounter at Skyrim belong to certain generic categories with little distinction Imperial swords elven bows Daedric daggers you get the idea the majority of items we come across aren't very special and most of those that are our spoon-fed to us via specific quests as rewards however there's a certain handful of tools for destruction across the game that are unique and especially difficult to acquire that the game doesn't hand to us ones that are custom and not so obvious to obtain so whether you're looking for more ways to damage your enemies or just want some collectibles in your inventory today we'll be exploring five more unique and secret weapons you may have missed in the Elder Scrolls v skyrim starting off our first weapon can be found within liars retreat perhaps one of the most unique dungeons in Skyrim it was once a hidden away cave slash tavern that exclusively catered to bandits and the Reach's criminal underworld however when the dragon board arrives they'll find the location overrun with Fullmer and littered with the corpses of its former patrons as the player progresses throughout the structure it'll eventually become apparent that these Falmer invaders tunneled their way in here from a dwarven ruin and attacked massacring the clientele who were likely very surprised and probably had quite a bit of meat in their system taking a few prisoners if you choose to follow the passages you'll be led to the caverns these blind eye invaders can from where some captured bandits and human sacrifices can be seen among the dead will be a special named character a breton in chef's attire named rod who lies atop a small altar seemingly killed in some ritualistic fashion and next to his body his equally unique weapon the long hammer can be eluded the long hammer at first comes across as not that special it boasts the same model texture and stats as a normal orcish Warhammer well it boasts all the same stats except for one weight it's 30% lighter than its counterpart and that seemingly small distinguishing factor makes all the difference because not only does a reduced weight stat translate to less of a burden in your inventory but it also means the warhammer swings 30% faster easily making it the fastest swinging two-handed weapon in the game and allowing it to do not more damage per hit but per second than pretty much any other item in its class furthermore the objects very existence itself seems to be a bit of an easter egg by Bethesda a nod to Rod long hammer a character featured in session 5 of a Penny Arcade PvP Dungeons & Dragons game played at PAX 2010 that featured Wil Wheaton the long hammer is of course the war hammers name and rod was the man who wielded it in life or I guess in the Dungeons & Dragons game so this powerful blunt object in Skyrim has a special story to match her special stats next on our list we have the dragon priests staff now this magical stick of doom is interesting for a few reasons not only does it boast a custom model and texture plus hold its own in terms of stats when compared to other staves but players aren't really supposed to be able to use it and the way one goes about obtaining such an object is quite extraordinary let me explain during the climax of sky arms main questline the caPSURE dragon oda ving will inform the player that all the wind is currently pillaging around and sovngarde and to get to there you must journey to his fortress in the mountains of scold ofin whereas portal to the realm can be located at scold ofin towards the top of the ruin just as we're about to enter all the winds gateway to salvan guard will run in to knock naina one of Alda winds dragon priests who upon detecting us will remove a staff from a switch closing the portal and then using it against us this is the staff were after we'll have to defeat now clean and place the staff back into the switch to reactivate the Gateway and continue our hunt for the world leader now you'll notice that due to the way this quest is structured it looks all but impossible for us to actually keep the dragon priests staff as we need to place it back in order to continue the quest alas looks can be deceiving if the dovakin manages to kill knocking immediately after he removes the staff loot his corpse take it from him and quickly jump into the portal all in rapid succession it's seriously window of just a couple of seconds you'll be able to make it into solving guard with the dragon priests staff in your inventory and she'll be all yours it is a very difficult process but once you finally get it it'll be extremely rewarding in terms of actual practicality the blue wand isn't half bad when sprayed on the ground it creates a wall of lightning that inflicts 50 points of shock damage per second upon characters and lasts for 30 seconds which can prove useful especially if you aren't very acquitted in magic but admittedly if you're already this far in the main questline chances are you've already acquired some other weapons or spells that are just as if not more efficient so the real draw of owning this weapon isn't its effectiveness but rather as a collectible and a testament to your determination regardless we can always still use it to teach a certain arrogant red guard a bit of a lesson coming in at number 3 we journey to the house be little woodland Oasis a bloated man's grotto an interesting combination of dungeon and forest in Whiterun populated mostly by furry little critters the location is rather small but contains what appears to be the ruins of a once minor fort and here a line before shrine to Talos will be a note titled bowlers ripped it reads as follows quote - he who finds this know that I a Silius Bowl our last of the blades to survive the attack on cloud ruler temple took refuge here in this ancient sanctuary the Thalmor have come for me but they shall not desecrate this place I go forth to meet my death with honor if you are worthy take up my blade and do the same the sword he's talking about will be lying just next to the writ in front of the statue bowlers oath blade its appearance is identical to that of the blade swords we see so many of in sky arms main questline which makes pretty good sense considering its wielder a Silius Valar appears to have been a blade himself who made his last stand here against the Thalmor as the Dominion purged the organization some 25 years ago tearing and in the aftermath of its great war with the Empire it's not just looks though the base stats are also the same as those found on a normal blade sword though its value is much higher selling for 1014 septums compared to the generic brands 300 additionally where the item really stands out are its - yes - enchantments on top of the base damage to health it deals bowlers oath blade also dishes out 25 points of additional stamina damage to foes per swing Plus causes opponents up to level 12 to flee from combat for 30 seconds altogether factoring in just how easy this weapon is to acquire combined with that hysteria enchantment makes it an ideal choice for players fresh out of Heligan it'll be incredibly effective against low-level enemies and you don't have to do much of anything but walk down a road near white run to get it now I did specify that in this video I'm doing my best to stay away from unique weapons that are fed to us via quests and bloated man's Grado is the setting for the climax of her scene stage request ill met by moonlight but while that quest is active bowlers oath blade and his note will actually de-spawn and not appear so the only way to get this is to come to the location on your own personal intuition and that just makes having this in your inventory feel all that more satisfying getting close to the end here at number four we have a blunt force object that's not necessarily hidden in fact it's amongst carbs most famous items but the fact that we can obtain I use that word loosely you'll see why in a second and how we do so are known to very few players I of course am speaking of the giants club the force behind Skyrim space program found in the oversized hands of pretty much every giant chances are you've come across this great smashy stick quite a few times alas the game never gives us the opportunity to interact with these clubs once we've killed the bearers we can't loot them off of corpses or even have our followers engage with them well there is a single lone Giants Club in the game that defies this principle and it can be interacted with kind of at tumble arch paths a giant encampment on the western edge of the pale and all by itself Giants club lie sitting just before a Ledge overlooking the camp and what approached you'll instantly notice that this one can be interacted with you'll be able to move it around and be given the prompt to pick it up but when you try to the game simply won't allow it despite us being given the option to Skyrim won't let us actually pick up the Giants Club that said followers can be directed to do just that and they'll add it to their inventories just fine without a fuss assuming they have a decent two-handed skill they should equip it immediately after picking it up though if they don't I'd recommend simply going into their inventories and removing every other potential weapon unfortunately when we do look at what they're carrying the Giants Club won't be listed and there's fundamentally no way for us the player to use it for ourselves but that doesn't mean it's not very helpful or just hilarious to watch your followers run around with it relies on the great sword animation package so your followers will look quite out of place wielding it around but my gosh is the damage not absolutely incredible it's calculated in a really funny way that's somewhat hard to understand and even more difficult to explain but when wielded by a follower with a high level and two-handed it will be the best weapon in the game period oddly enough and this is why I say the calculations are funny when given to a follower with a low two-handed skill it doesn't perform all that great for whatever reason its effects just seem to be exaggerated exponentially beyond any other item when given to people with that good two-handed skill unfortunately your followers won't be smashing people into the sky like the Giants who wield this item do that's sadly just not a power people seem to have but nonetheless this is an insanely good weapon to give to specific followers and I highly recommend you try it out and finally our last item on this list can be found at hags end an ancient Nordic ruin currently occupied by some forsworn soldiers and their hag raven allies after you fought your way through this truly massive dungeon you'll find yourself on the edge of the structure with a beautiful view of the surrounding area and here will also be an altar with a sacrifice woman on top of it and next to her body will be a unique steel dagger blood thorn at first much like bowlers oath blade there doesn't seem to be very much distinguishing blood thorn from its base weapon its stats are pretty much the same - its value blood Thorne is ten times more valuable than a normal steel dagger but as was the case with bowlers blade it's real distinguishing factors come in with the enchantments foes killed or within three seconds of being hit by blood thorn will immediately fill a soul gem that's the first major enchantment which can't prove pretty useful for mages but it also comes with a second on the listed magical effect that the game doesn't tell us about it also drains your opponent's health by 10 points per swing making every strike with this dagger deal a total of fifteen points worth of damage rather than just five for context the dagger with the highest base damage in the entire game is the dragon bone dagger and it only boasts twelve points so while blood thorn may not look all that powerful as we've already established looks can be very deceiving and with that we are going to wrap up five more secret and unique weapons you may have missed in the elderscrolls v Skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody which of these tools of chaos did you find to be the coolest or most interesting personally the long hammer was my favorite just because of how surprisingly effective it turned out to be and what's special in hidden ish objects have I yet to cover but definitely should leave a comment down below as always like writings are very much appreciated again thanks for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 1,990,175
Rating: 4.9064083 out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls 5, Elder Scrolls, TES 5, Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Secret Items, Skyrim Unique Items, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Easter Eggs, The Elder Scrolls 5 Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Tiny Details, Skyrim Modding
Id: 1an5v_Dcmp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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