Skyrim 6 SECRET Unique Weapons & Armor Locations (Best EASY To Get Special Edition)

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what's up squad my name is ESO and welcome back to the channel where I show you guys all the unique weapons in Skyrim and in today's daily video guide I thought I'd tell you where you can get five very easy to find unique weapons in Skyrim and you can get any of these at any level I'm also going to be giving you guys some tips on how you can use these weapons as well but let's start off with weapon number one this isn't really a unique weapon as such but it is a unique enchantment on the weapon the internment itself is completely unique and you can only find it in this one location in the whole game so you're going to need to come here on the map to the silent moons camp it's Northwest from Whiterun and I highly suggest coming here very early on in the game because this enjoyment is seriously amazing and I'll tell you more about it in a moment but first let's go get it and I highly suggest coming here very early on in the game for sure because this enjoyment is seriously just amazing at low level and the later levels as well but just mainly you're going to find it very useful early on so when you arrive you will find quite a few bandits there so we're just going to take them all out now I've brought Lucas along with me to help with them look at him he's turned into a unicorn what are you doing Bilkis you crazy bastard I've actually recently installed a mod that adds more people more bandits into the locations of Skyrim just kind of fills them out a little bit more I do like it but at the same time when I'm recording videos like this and I might actually show you guys how to get X or Y wet kind of becomes a bit more of an inconvenience that anything here X up there we go Bilkis that's what I'm talking about that's why I brought you along man look at this guy he thinks he can come up to village with a two-handed sword oh he's got doubt again I covered he actually got killed by this aw what a savage I don't think so bro oh just took a fireball to the face and even take any damage there or an absolute savage scour the ebony bow here just absolute wreck these guys with like 400 damage both shots there we go now he's dead so we're actually heading up to the top of this plane which is a rather interesting location in itself because it is the location of the secret Luna Forge which is technically an unmarked location in Skyrim but you can kind of guess where it is obviously what is this person doing man please come on there we go now we've cleared out all the riffraff persons literally go stapled to the ground we can go out to the Luna Forge and explore it so if we come on the inside here we will find that there are some weapons I've already been created at the Luna Forge that are already pre enchanted so here we go Luna iron war axe there's also a lunar iron sword there but we can also read the notes on the Luna forged just kind of interesting really the lunar Forge I've managed to get the forge itself up and running but again I find nothing special about its workings these weapons were clearly forged here yet the secret of their enchantment remains elusive all I've been able to discern so far is some connection between the weapons power and the appearance of the moon's the weapons themselves are crafted the weapons themselves are crafted of what seems to be like a normal metal but while the moons are high above they gain an additional ability it seems that when the Sun has gone down the lunar weapons take a vampire like ability transferring a small amount of health from the victim to the user that is indeed not how they work though there is a light armor skill book I mean a smithing skill book here if you want to read it as well as to make sure you grab and also check out this boss Chester for some other useful items there's also a quite a well-known myth about this location where apparently if the forge this Forge here is in direct moonlight you can actually craft lunar weapons while using the forge but this is just a myth it doesn't actually work like this instead let's have a look at the enchantment here but before you do come and get this guys you're going to want to make sure you are level free or above because then you will get the most powerful version of the enchantment which will do an additional 20 damage and this is absolutely monstrous considering it's one of the most powerful enchantments you can get this early in the game and a level 3 as well which is just ridiculous the enchantment itself can only work at nighttime between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. so pretty much when the moon is out and then when you attack people during that time they'll usually glow brightly as you strike them the enjoyment itself though is actually bold so as you can see it sometimes won't work unless you have the unofficial patch mod installed and you can download that now on console so you can go ahead and fix it yourself guys and if you're on PC it was already available to download in the old Skyrim so nothing's changed there and guys you can also go and take this weapon to an enchanting altar to actually disenchant the lunar weapon to learn its enchantment for yourself then we can apply it to a bow or a dagger or any weapon you really want to and by doing this guys you can actually enchant a weapon to do over 30 lunar damage depending on your enchanting skill level and if you're really keen guys you can actually go and create a fortify enchanting potion and then craft an insanely powerful weapon of the moon and if you guys want to do this for yourself make sure you smash that subscribe button first and then just check out the description for a full guide on how to create godly overpowered weapons [Music] but the next unique item on this list can be found at Clear Spring thar is located just here on the map Northwest from the Rif near the hot springs [Music] and when you first arrive at this location guys you'll probably come across some hunters butchering some innocent animals and if you find pleasure in watching this kind of activity I think you'll definitely like our next Weber's make sure you get the secret chest hidden underwater in this pond though it's usually just a low-level log after you've got that chest we're just going to drop down over this cliff edge here and I sort of a path underneath us and that's going to lead us to an unmarked cave hidden below the pond [Music] once inside you can actually see the water from the pond above that's leaking through the cave ceiling you will also find a troll and if you are a low-level they can be quite tricky to fight however you don't actually need to kill him you can just run in and then loop the bow of the hunt we just found on this plinth at the very back of the cave there's also a skill book to the left and a chest to loop on the right of you as well so make sure you grab that guy's the bow of the hunt itself is a hunting bow with an enchantment that does 20 points of extra damage to animals now when most people think of animals in Skyrim they think about dazed rabbits and stuff like that so the enjoyment if you're thinking about that might not seem very good but usually when you're wandering the wilderness obscure in you'll come across animals that can kill you like SaberCats spiders and trolls these are usually very troublesome for low level characters because even at level one it will still do plus 20 points of extra damage to animals so it really helps get you through those early levels of the game but because the weapon is unique you cannot disenchant it and put it on a sword or another weapon of your choosing but if you guys want to get the in charm of yourself let's look at the unique weapon number three and for this one guys we're going to need to go to the halted stream camp and this one's just pretty much a simple bandit camp apart from the bandit chief you probably won't have too much difficulty with anybody here there's also a hidden chest just under this molding construct so make sure you loot that as well I'm not actually showing you all the loot in each one of these locations guys I'm just sort of pointing out a few of them so you can go and pick them up on your way but make sure you have a proper look yourself if you don't want to miss any and guys also make sure that you lose all the enemies you defeat in this location because one of them will be holding the unique weapon that we're looking for it's called the poachers axe that's the he will usually be an orc located inside the actual mine itself so once you go inside the mine you can kill a guard that has the key for the gate to the entrance so once we go through this iron gate here we'll find an orc who's usually located down next to the Bandit chief sure he's quite easy to kill but if you do have any trouble just use the fire urns to burn the oil he's standing on the poachers axe does an extra free damage to animals it's pretty crappy but the whole point is that you can disenchant this one and then put the enchantment on another weapon or even make another bow that's more powerful than the bow of the hunt because you can actually enchant your weapons to do over 30 damage to animals with it so guys in at number 4 we have the first unique piece of armour and for this one will want to come southwest from Rifton all the way along the mountain range to the south until you find froakie's shaft it's also south from either step but it is quite a climb to actually get up to the location once you are at the top though you'll find a unique circular atop this wooden chopping block over here what this circle it does is reduce the Magica cost of any spells that you cast by five percent so it's especially handy if your character uses conjuration spells or illusion spells that usually cost quite a lot of Magica if you don't need it though you can actually just sell it for 1,200 go what do you reckon focus using this circle it is pretty pretty don't you Seuss my silky locks doesn't it now this circle it won't actually be here if you have the unofficial patch installed on your console or PC so make sure you uninstall it before you come to this location so you can actually go and get it and while we are here guys you should also go and talk to fro kai himself and he can be found in this Shack here he has a quest to give you for another unique necklace and I've got a guy for that class and I'll link it down below in the description if you are interested in doing it it's quite a cool quest actually you have to go around killing spectral animals alternatively though guys you can just kill him and get the fortify artery enchanted ring which makes your bows do another 15% more damage you can also then go and disenchant this ring to learn the fortify archery enchantment he also has a coins token which will make your bows to another 5% damage and also reduce the damage you take from any animals like SaberCats or spiders and so on but I still suggest just doing that quest anyway instead of just killing him for it because otherwise you'll leave this child fatherless and now for the sixth and final unique weapon we're going to be getting in this easy to find unique weapons list we will want to head over to journey man's and and that's located east from the college of winterhold just here on the map guys the location itself is pretty well hidden in the snowdrift but it shouldn't be too hard to find for you because it's marked on your map after all now there's just one single bandit archer at this location but we have Vilkas with us and he's going to absolutely wreck it and if you're wondering guys Bilkis is using the giants club a unique weapon that only followers can use so if you want to get that for your follower because it is very powerful make sure you check out the link in the description below on how to do it but once you've killed the bandit you're going to find a dead mage just here on the floor but veer and Bevere has bhavas dagger next to his corpse it's an elven dagger and this is one of the only fixed locations in the game that you can come very early on and get an elven dagger for yourself if your level one for example you can just take the carriage from Whiterun to Winterhold and then just walk over to this location and there you have it you have an elven dagger and guys if you have not already please make sure you smash that subscribe button for tons more daily Skyrim videos and you can also follow me on Facebook Instagram and Twitter if you don't want to miss a guide because I always post each video on there too but thanks again for watching me ESO and I will see you Laurel subscriber in the next daily Skyrim guide so have a fantastic day and good bye I will see you in the next one don't forget that you can receive text and/or email notifications from my channel every time I release a new video underneath the video just hit subscribe and then hit the bell next to it you will now get notified as soon as I release a new video welcome to the ESO squad guys you
Channel: ESO
Views: 1,210,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, skyrim special edition, Skyrim secret weapons, skyrim secrets, skyrim secret, skyrim secret armor, skyrim secret weapons, skyrim best weapon, skyrim best weapon location, skyrim secret locations, skyrim best, skyrim hidden weapons, skyrim hidden, skyrim unique, skyrim unique weapon, unique armor, armor, skyrim best armor, location, skyrim hidden locations, secrets, secret, skyrim best sword, bow, skyrim best bow, skyrim top 10, eso, secret powers
Id: 4UDXk_V7f1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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