Skyrim 5 Secret Unique WEAPONS & ARMOR Locations (EASY to Get – Early Smiting Warrior)

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what's up squad my name is ESO and welcome back to the channel in today's daily Skyrim video I thought I would show you guys another five unique enchanted weapons and armor in Skyrim if you missed the previous three videos make sure you go back and check it out down below in the description I've got a whole playlist with all these different unique weapons that you can find in the game and if you guys want to see more of these videos make sure you give the video a like because I'll definitely keep making them so let's start this list off with number 5 and I'm going to be showing you guys a unique piece of armor first so to acquire this one you'll need to come here on the map south east from wind hell and if you guys want to come here early and I definitely suggest doing that just take the carriage outside of Whiterun - wind hell and then you can just walk to this location it's the orchestral hold of nozzle burn once you arrive you will be unable to enter the actual stronghold itself instead a lookout will greet you hold up man by the code of Malekith this stronghold belongs to the orcs your kind are unwelcome this is our stronghold here we are free to live as Malekith intended away from the prying eyes of the nose you're not in or or what so stale we only help our hmm we've heard whispers of an enchanted pair of gauntlets hidden and protected by dangerous men beasts or worse they are called the forge masters fingers bring them to our chief and he will decide if you are worthy to be blood kin to the Hawks we will see the orc will send you off to a random location to retrieve a unique piece of armour called the forge masters fingers the location that you actually sent to though will depend on where you get this quest but it's most likely going to be here on your map so make sure that you activate the quest in your quest log so you've got like a little icon on where you actually find the unique armor and then just fast travel to whatever dungeon it tells you to to retrieve the forge masters fingers there's actually a little trick we can do here guys once you work your way through the dungeon to find the unique gauntlets you will discover that they are indeed enchanted the enchantment will make your smithing 12% more effective this is one of the earliest guaranteed places you can get the fortified smithing enchantment so now when you upgrade your weapons and armor while wearing the forge masters fingers you'll be able to make them more powerful this also means that you will level up smithing even faster because you'll be forging better item so this is especially excellent for low level characters who want to train up their smithing a bit faster the only bad thing is is that you cannot disenchant this piece of armor because it's unique but now I'm going to show you guys a little trick to use so travel back to nozzle burr and once you arrive tell the you're on watch duty that you found the port master's fingers turn with the gun enter speak to our chief right away she'll then open the gates and let you in the quest wants you to give the forge masters fingers to the orc chief to actually complete it do not do this instead I recommend that you keep them until you find another piece of armor with the fortify smithing enchantment that you could dissin shot but the reason we came back is for the orcs to let us into their stronghold because nozzle bar is in fact the biggest source of the rare and expensive evany or in the whole of Skyrim it now gives you access to a location called gloom bound mine it's just over the bridge here and there are 16 evany or veins in this one location so it's absolutely fantastic for making ebony armor to then sell on to people the only drawback of not giving the forge masters gauntlets back to the old chief straightaway is that you will not become blood kid blood kin allows you to enter any orc stronghold but don't worry because there's another quest that I'll link down below in the description that you guys can do to actually become blood kin so make sure you check that out so in at number four on this list I will be showing you guys a unique weapon which is also an interesting easter egg so this easter egg is located at the highest point in Skyrim indeed the very throat of the world is just here on your map and if you have not reached this location yet don't worry because you'll reach it during the main campaign very very early on indeed once you reach the throat of the world pray that it is not cloudy because the view from up here when it's not is almost as staggering as path anaxes knowledge of the voice indeed the Nords believe that men were formed here when the goddess kind breathed onto the land and that's probably why it's called the throat of the world so just head up to the tippy top of the highest summit in Skyrim and once at the top you'll find mao height silver and an ebony or vein oh I wish I brought my pickaxe with me well actually there's a unique pickaxe embedded here at the very top of the throat of the world mountain it's just stuck in the ebony or vein here it's called the notched pickaxe and it's widely believed that this is a Minecraft Easter Egg because the pig was named after knotch the creator of Minecraft and obviously there are three different or veins around it so that would make sense as a reference to Minecraft some others though believe that this is actually a reference to a couple of English mountain arizim who died at the top of Mount Everest but their bodies were never found even seventy-five years later the only thing that was left was a marked pickaxe a hundred yards from the summit of Mount Everest personally though I think that this is just a Minecraft Easter egg but either way it has a unique enchantment on it that does five points of shock damage and also fortifies your smithing by a further five points so if used with the forge master fingers that we got earlier you will be able to create weapons and armor that are 17% more powerful at a very low level so it's pretty damn useful also guys the knocked pick act can actually be disenchanted meaning that you can learn this unique enchantment for yourself and put it on any weapon you like the next piece of armor on our list is number three for this piece of armor you must come here on the map to Sky Haven temple east from mark off if you haven't been here before then don't worry because you come through here as part of the main quest line quite early on if you miss this armor though you can just come back and pick it up to make it worth the armor itself can be found within the main chamber where you also find out Irwin's wool it's located in a rather dark shadowy room just here the bleeds on the set though not actually uni is a very rare set this is pretty much the only way to obtain it the only other way to get it is to recruit your followers into the blades and then pickpocket their blades armor from them using the misdirection perk which is just so much effort and hassle to get a set of heavy armor but until you do that this is the only way you can get this armor set so I feel like it's worth a mention but personally I just think it looks really cool and defensively it gives you a total armor rating of 88 and 114 if you also equip the shoe so it's actually better than full torben armor but it doesn't really matter though because if you follow my guide on getting the best armor and weapons in the game you can actually improve the armor rating of the blades armor to 567 this is the max armor cap in Skyrim and that will give you a total of 80% physical damage reduction making this as good as any other armor pretty much the only reason you want to pick it is because it looks aesthetically good check out the description if you want a guide on how to do that for yourself though guys next up on this list we have number two the ultimate dragon killer in the entire game and it can be found right next to the blades armor set this unique one-handed sword is called dragon Bane and rightly so but the weapons power is actually level so what this means guys is that if you're between level 1 and 18 when you first enter the temple dragon Bane will have a base damage of 10 and an enchantment that does 20 points of extra damage to dragons and also 10 points of shock damage to anybody else and shock damage is the best kind of damage in Skyrim because no enemies really have a resistance to it so in total guys the low level version of this sword that you can technically get at level 1 does 30 damage versus dragons and 20 damage versus anybody else so it's more powerful than a Daedric sword and you can get it this early but the most powerful version of this weapon can be found at level 46 plus so you have to be level 46 and then enter sky Haven temple which is quite unlikely but if you do that this weapon will have a base damage of 40 which is the same as a Daedric sword it will still do ten points of shock damage but it will now do 40 more extra damage to Dragon so in total the best version does a staggering 54 damage to dragons and 24 damage to anything else almost making it the best sword in the game but definitely the best sword for killing dragons in terms of damage now for the final unique weapon on today's top five list in the number one spot we must come here on the map to the city of Solitude now this unique weapon can only be found if you started or completed the bound until death quest which is in the dark brotherhood quest line it's quite an easy quest to do and I've got a guide in the description on that specific quest if you can't remember it but you're basically tasked with assassinating a bride-to-be once you do arrive in the city of Solitude you must just work your way through the city where I go in the video [Music] true I may look the part of dashes and when you reach the gods Barrett head up this staircase here to the left this will lead you on to solitudes fortress walls head around to the left and then come down here and if you look over the wall here you'll see a balcony below you just drop down and you'll find the unique bow of Vinh rules n as well as some elven arrows and also a potion of Trucial which actually improves your archery damage Finn rules End has a base damage of 13 and because it's so light it also fires pretty fast this is ideal because the enchantment does 20 points of force damage to health and stamina so as you can see this is really useful for above the frost effects slows enemies coming towards you so you can maintain constant ranged attacks before they close the gap and don't worry if you missed it because you can just come back here and it will still be there sitting on the balcony even if you finish the quest line ages ago the only clue that you're actually given that this unique weapon is even here is if you spoke to Gabriella during the start of the contract I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of surveying the site of the reception there's a small parapet just opposite the balcony that would prove an excellent spot for a long-range kill I left something there for you if you're inclined to take that approach you must of course I've started the bound until death quest before the bow will even appear though and guys don't forget to smash that subscribe button and also hit that little bell icon next to it this will ensure that you never miss the latest Skyrim videos I put out on the channel you can also find the links to my facebook Instagram and Twitter down below in the description for the latest Skyrim news but thanks so much for watching me ESO and I will see you law sub scribe err in the next daily Skyrim video so have a fantastic day and good bye [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: ESO
Views: 5,128,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, skyrim special edition, skyrim secret weapons, skyrim secret, skyrim secrets, skyrim secret armor, skyrim best armor, skyrim best weapons, skyrim hidden, skyrim smithing, skyrim hidden weapons, skyrim unique, skyrim all, skyrim unique weapon, skyrim unique armor, location, walkthrough, eso, skyrim best, armor, weapons, weapon, best, bow, assassin, smithing
Id: t-aE9jvhqpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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