Skeleton Tied to the End?, Let's Hope Not, The Mystery of the Yellow Rope

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previously on abandoned and forgotten places the brownie mountain complex has been the highlight of the 2021 summer exploring season horizontal haulage added vertical shafts and massive waste rock piles can be seen all throughout the area offering clues as to just how large the workings are deep inside in episode 112 i explored the vertical shaft you see here hoping to find a connection to deeper workings further to the south despite my efforts collapsed drifts and an unexplained ghostly encounter had me exiting this very dangerous mind [Music] then in episode 107 and 108 we discovered small passages leading to a multitude of drifts and finally a connection to a vertical shaft built in 1918 shortly after that in episode 109 we explore the winds which allowed us to go even deeper finding a mysterious yellow rope left behind by previous explorers dikes branchiated limestone outcroppings and highly mineralized gaussians lie all throughout the area offering clues to gold rich contact zones buried deep in the mountain below [Music] today on abandoned and forgotten places i take you back deep into the brownie mountain complex where we will once again rope into a previously explored winds to try to solve the mystery of the yellow rope who would dare attempt to skinny through such a small hole decades ago what were they after and will this passage lead to a treasure trove of artifacts or the remains of an unfortunate explorer will we get lucky and find the drift leading back to the collapse before i had my first ghostly encounter with any luck these questions and many more will be answered on abandoned and forgotten places well hey everybody welcome back okay before i take you down into this mine we're gonna just i'm just gonna quickly take you down into the winds uh but a lot of you probably haven't seen what we've already explored here in the brownie mountain complex so if you want to see that head on back to episode 106 where we start on the far side of the mountain and you work our way in a counterclockwise pattern all the way around this hill exploring every single attic and shaft along the way but like i said here in a moment uh i'm just going to speed things up and we're going to i'm going to take you right straight to the winds where we're going to get started today so are you going to uh before we do this i mean i've been wondering for 90 days now what's the deal with the yellow rope i mean you're like a pit bull at a at a at a grade school with a hold of a kid's leg you won't let go what's my obsession with the yellow rope okay tell me okay i'm gonna reveal all so here here here's why i'm so obsessed with the yellow rope guys when i was a little kid like say 10 or 11 years old you know living back in wisconsin it's a long time ago a long time ago my friends and i we we used to play around in a lot of storm sewers and things like that it was a whole lot of fun and one of the storm sewers that i played in well i didn't discover it and i apologize if this gets a little bit too graphic for you guys but um some friends of mine found a suicide victim in the sewers oh my god yeah it was it was pretty traumatic now think of it you're looking at this from or hearing about this from a 10 or 11 year old's perspective well after they took care of the individual a few days later we went back to that sewer and the police still hadn't removed the rope from the great it was and and that image has has stuck in my mind and has been there uh ever since and the last time that we were down in this mine and i think it was in episode 109 when i saw that rope dangling through that little tiny hole well you know i mean when we talked about it yeah it's like first off who could get through that hole right and secondly how did they get back out right on that little nylon road right and it's probably uh we extrapolated that there might be somebody tied to the end of the rope let's hope not guys i'm hoping that this rope just leads into a stop which leads into a drift but now you know why i've kind of been obsessed about this and i really want to get to the bottom of this mystery so what do you say we uh without further ado without further ado let's get started [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey what the heck is that what the heck is what wow look at that what is it laying on the board gigantic 20 gold piece cool is it really you brought it with you randy we do not plant artifacts on this channel that was great no plans got to be real we're not artifact planters but that's pretty cool though you know this is going to go down in my history book that i got to hang out with the fantastic gly coolness and go places that hardly anybody ever gets to go i mean this is just this is just really extraordinary yeah it's uh this is uh pretty crazy we're pretty lucky huh randy lucky i suppose so yeah this is definitely something you don't do every day most people aren't crazy enough to do this exactly thank you randy i thought i was the only one that thought i was funny you thought you were the only one with any sense huh no that boy is crazy boy it's gone and look at what we're standing on he's great all right everybody here we are bottom of the winds it took us a little bit longer to get down here this time because we have all this gear that it's going to take to dig out the bottom of the winds so i'm really happy we got total of three people today that definitely helped with getting this gear down so this is we're not quite to the bottom of the winds yet i still have another 40 feet to go maybe 30 40 feet to go and then i'll then we'll get down into the bottom so um these ladders are pretty messed up there's a point that in time down here where i just have to go full repel the hard part is getting around this little hole here okay there we go all right come here hey you don't want to this isn't really something anybody could do if you're afraid of heights all right make sure that's pointing in the right direction so you guys can see what i'm up to here okay see this is crazy gly um you know they some people have said that no i mean seriously yeah i do have a screw loose i'm questioning what i'm doing sitting right here [Laughter] well we got to solve the mystery of this darn yellow rope mr m i understand it but just for the record come heck or high water just for the record alrighty all right well i'm just a dangle in here like a silly guy and uh headed on down randy yeah you know are you going down there no i don't think i'm going no not not unless i absolutely need him all right well i want to have somebody at the midway point got it that was supposed to you know me hey mr m what so last night i was uh having a nice chat with uh frank from exploring abandoned mines yeah up there in canada yeah he he told me when you get into situations like this it's all in your head and when it comes to like when you're getting a little freaked out yeah you're right but then he said well when you and then when you finally do get into the bottom oftentimes you end up saying to yourself oh well hell that wasn't all that bad that's how i do it and that's kind of what this is right now it looks a lot scarier going into it when you're down here it's like ah that ain't nothing and that's kind of the way i expect uh uh death stop is gonna be [Laughter] death stop two thousand okay guys back again everything's up and running here let me quickly show you where we came from the green rope over there that's ours yellow rope off to the right hand side is the one we're chasing after so rappelled down into this winds and uh just like before down in the bottom there's my 300 footer if i'm if i need it because now here is the yellow rope that's the poly rope um that i've been talking about and you can see right there how it goes down into that e little little bitty hole right there now you'll notice that the rope is laying on top of the debris it's not buried by this debris and there is wind or at least somewhat of a breeze blowing back at me from right here now that hole is rather small so we're going to take some time and i'm going to get off my shovel do some digging here uh i got a sawzall with me if i need to nip off the end of them boards so i'm going to get after it and start digging here we go [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] okay okay randy i'm gonna peek my head down through this hole okay i just saw something move down in here i think i'm pretty sure it was a bat though well if you see your shadow don't think that spring's coming oh that was a close call what happened you okay just almost lost my camera rig down in the hole jesus that was a close that was a real close call okay guys let's see if uh let's see what we're getting ourselves into here [Applause] uh there's there's something heavy hanging on the end of this yellow rope it's weighted really yes it has a weight on the end of it can you lift it or is it that's what i'm trying to do so i'm trying to maybe it's it's it's like it's this air it's lodged on something but when i give it a yank it falls back down like it has a like it has a weight on the end of it there's something on the end of it skeleton but i can't it's i'm gonna i'm gonna try to dislodge it that's not spooky or anything bye guys there's definitely something hanging on the end of this rope how much does it weigh how heavy i got to go back down i got to stick my head down here see if i can see where it's hung up thomas said he's an idiot tell him randy what tell him i said he's an idiot mr m says you're an idiot yeah i know is that you making those noises randy yeah christ i can see him he's laying on the ground i can see half of them okay let me tell you what's going on here so what what the miners did was they built a false floor okay and that's what i'm sitting on right now and on top what okay so the f the false floor is made of uh these large planks and they're sitting on top of a couple of large stalls and then they crisscross them back and forth back and forth back and forth like dominoes and then fast forward years later little by little all this rock and stuff fell down into the winds and covered up all of the false floor now i would imagine the miners put this in place because they probably put it in place because they didn't want this rock falling down this winds and getting into the drift level that's that's below this stop okay that's that's what's going on here so i dug it out i cut that board away and now i've got the yellow rope and it dangles it goes a hundred feet but the problem is it's it's a vertical drop into the stop right straight below me now going down isn't an issue okay that's not what i'm concerned about i can skinny and lower myself on the descender going down it's coming back up see because i'm going to be dangling and then i got to try to wiggle my body through this tiny little hole and gain traction but i can't gain traction with my feet because i'll be dangling so it's a it's just a very very dangerous situation and i've already tired myself out pretty darn good from all this digging but let's set that aside for a second right now i was able to pull up on this yellow rope and i'm feeling that it's there's a weight on the end of it like think of it like somebody tied a rope or tied a rock on the end of this rope because every time i give it a pull i can feel it's weighted and then when it falls back down now i've been able to gain some slack on it what i'm trying to do next is position it over a piece of wood right here to obtain leverage so i can maybe pull it up and see what's on the end of this rope i'm going to keep tugging at it and we'll see what happens [Music] [Music] what are you doing just trying to break it okay apparently they've got it tied off down there with something in the middle it's caught i cannot i don't have enough strength or leverage to get that thing out of there and it goes off at an angle doesn't it yeah so i'm gonna take a minute see if i can't find something where i can obtain some more leverage i don't know we'll see okay guys so what i've been doing like i said i've been tugging the the heck out of this rope trying to dislodge it get it up here to see if there's anything tied off on the end um now yeah even though i'm not going to go down in there because of how difficult it would be to get back up i still want to show you guys what the heck is going on so let me get my lighting in order here i'm gonna do my best to poke the camera without falling into this hole and show you all what's going on down in here without falling down in it okay see right down there somewhere down there there's the rope now i'm going to try to i'm going to pull back on it so you can see what i'm talking about and right there is as far as i can get now you see how it's a vertical drop right below me the problem is is the hole i'm going through is so tiny like i said going down ain't the issue coming back up oh my gosh i don't know i mean i got no place to brace my feet to poke myself up through the hole at least you can see what's down in there yeah okay so god lee see what i was hoping i was hoping what would happen one second here a second here hey i'm just down here turn this off here come here where's my light there it is see what i was hoping would happen was i would clear this hole out and there would be at least a place that i could put my feet because i don't mind dangling when i'm going down because that's easy you're just on a descender but coming back up i got no place to put my feet and even if i had one foot in my my uh my my progressive capture that attaches onto my boot i still can't wiggle myself up through this tiny little hole because there's nothing to grab onto you see all this scree i just i would just be scrambling like trying to climb up an ant hill and uh what would happen then you know going off my past experience as a cave explorer you keep doing that you keep doing that you keep doing that you then even eventually you run out of energy and then you're on a real pickle so oh i just hate it when i get stumped on these things you know you try so hard but i'm you know this is just gonna have to be a mystery that stays a mystery guys i i don't know i can't see any way other way around it um yeah at least i was able to bring you this far and show you down into the hole you can see where the yellow rope goes but i'm telling you one more time when i go see when i go like that and pull on the rope it's like it jumps it's like has a weight on it like there's something attached all right but oh i almost i thought it might have dislodged wait a second here i dislodged it holy cow i think there's a shovel or something attached to it okay i'm gonna hold it here i'm gonna have to go head first again yeah i was able to dislodge it a little bit further and now i hear something attached to it sounds like a shovel okay i still i still can't see it but i definitely got it up higher it feels it's either a shovel or a bucket but it ain't no but it ain't no body because it's metal it's clanking nope there's not a body on the end of it it's a piece of equipment i can hear it clanking could be a shovel could be a repurposed carb or a kerosene tin filled with some rocks but that's as far as i can get it guys one more time i'm gonna put the holy heck into it here i can't get well at least now we know there's not a body on the end of it it's just a piece of equipment of some sort yeah it's definitely a shovel it's clanking but it's either tied on the end or it's on a big heavy thing of yeah okay that's it hey i've had it shoot whiz that's enough i tell you what [Music] if there's any other professionals in the crown in the crowd that want to give this a go and that are a lot smaller than me with a lot more energy and aren't 50 years old contact me and we'll work something out maybe i'll show you where this is at and you can give it a go but i'm going to stop right here guys that's enough for me today after getting this far down into the mine and digging all this out you know what i really wanted to find out is if there was if there wasn't it's you know somebody dangling on the end of this rope and i don't feel like that's the case no more it's just equipment so i'm going to start preparing things to head back up towards mr m so i'll see you when i get back over there [Music] that was crazy [Music] all right guys thanks for coming along on this adventure you know that's how it goes sometimes um being an abandoned mine explorer i'm only going to put myself into areas that i know that i can get myself out of okay and currently the way that i am um like i was saying when i was down in the hole i don't have enough upper body strength to dangle from a rope and at the same time use my upper to scramble through that little tiny hole that i was digging out there so uh that's not for me so hopefully when i pointed the camera down in there you guys got a good look at uh where the yellow rope went speaking of yellow rope so i cut off about a two foot piece of it all right since this has been kind of the highlight of the entire exploring season i would like one of you guys to have a souvenir um you know i don't take artifacts from mines but you know realistically this isn't an artifact it's a modern day piece of poly rope for crying out loud so i cut a small little piece off the end down there so that one of you can have a souvenir uh from this series randy's gonna put it up on his ebay site okay so i'll put the link down in the description area but that's where you're gonna go you're gonna go to uh rocks from randy on his ebay site you gotta cut it into five pieces well i'll tell you what um no no i don't want to do that i want i want someone out there to have a real nice big piece let's just keep it whole okay so uh all right well we're gonna pack up and get our buttinskis back out of this crazy mine so again i thank you all for coming on a fun adventure and i'll see you again next weekend all right take care everybody bye bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 33,768
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: rxCYdA3Tbz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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