1,498 DAYS IN ONE VIDEO - Couple Builds Own Home While Living in a Vehicle

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so i was so i was just let go of my job uh i'm done i can't believe it that's my office right there and i'm never going back there ever again [Music] i just bought this bus [Music] this is our new home [Music] this is our new home [Music] we unfortunately decided that we had to steal her from the shelter and become our new puppy but we've talked about this before that we're thinking about building a little tiny home community maybe if we win a million dollars [Music] so we're gonna drive from fairbanks and travel all the way through canada to seattle and we're going to keep going more south down to oregon california head through mexico all the way down to the yucatan east so throughout our travels jordan and i always dreamed about and talked about starting our own tiny house community and we always brainstormed ideas of where it would happen but never in a million years did i think we would land here and start this thing in a little town called bouquet panama [Music] oh good morning so we are having a pretty big problem with the bus today if you look right there that's our fuel pump and this fuel leaking out of there and you can see how corroded it all is and gas is leaking all down here so we want to make it to a town called boquete which is up in the mountains because it's much cooler up in the mountains it's supposed to be 70 degrees all year round so we started driving up and the whole time i was freaking out that the car would just lose power because i know we're leaking a decent amount of fuel and i don't know how long this fuel pump is going to last for so i'd actually hurt my back while we were here in panama when we first arrived so i woke up this morning in a lot of pain piercing pain that goes throughout this whole area of my body but it's like inside so i was pretty much bedridden for a few days and those few days were the first few days that we were here in boquete the entire time jordan was out exploring on the motorcycle this whole idea kind of came while i was riding my motorcycle through town in bogate we've just been here for i think two or three days okay they were sick in the bus and i was just checking the town out and it was just the most beautiful place i've ever seen in my life and we had also just driven through mexico guatemala honduras el salvador costa rica and nicaragua and to come into a town that was modern and that looked modern that looked beautiful and that had a lot of the amenities from home this is literally my favorite mac and cheese in the entire world we're getting this whole row of boxes right now salad dressings welcome to the bogete hospital you can go here you can see a doctor and it costs 12 dollars to be seen this is the airport it's only 45 minutes from oge uh that's when all the gears kind of started turning well we gotta go look at land today i know i'm so excited we might start a farm right here know we didn't really have necessarily very specific requirements we knew that we wanted to grow a lot of our own food eventually all of our own food so we wanted fertile soil [Music] it's pretty sweet oh look at that view right now right there right above that hill there's a national park for the volcano if it was cheaper if it was like half the price i'd be like 10. our requirements for building a piece of land so i guess i should say my requirement was i want to be near nobody i wanted to walk on my front door my underwear that was the kind of like the bigger requirement because i really wanted privacy i wanted to live um out in the middle of nowhere where we had more animals for neighbors than people right behind me is lot number three this much land to five acres of land and to be this close to town yeah and this price range is just it's amazing the other thing that i felt was was a requirement was the second we stepped on the piece of land we would know we would just have that instant feeling of i don't care what it takes but we need to make this land our land this place feels so right oh it just feels like this is the place where we're gonna do this you got your stick in case there's any snakes yeah i wish but you guys had a better view of this right now the clouds came right in and that's that's a volcano right there we might have found the one we're getting really really excited we already came here once before and i knew it the second we pulled up and now we're actually getting a full lay the land and i'm just falling more and more in love we also knew the piece of land had to be big enough to have multiple houses we didn't exactly know how many but we knew we wanted other people involved because we were really concerned that we'd get tied to this piece of land and never be able to leave especially as we brought on animals that we have to take care of before you bought the land you told me about because i was asking you like so what's next what are you gonna do because so you're fixing the bus and stuff and blah blah blah and then you told me about like just a little sneak peek like you were thinking about buying a line here and we were like oh nice you're gonna be here stuff so when you first told me about you were thinking about creating these um same sustainable off-grid community my first thought was that these guys are completely out of their minds wanna make an offer yeah you guys we got our dreamland it feels so right they accepted our offer so you're telling me that we're basically it's basically a fisher like we're owners of this land now it's all done let's say our first trip to the hardware store is a success you got a shovel a pickaxe a weed whacker look at this thing this one is dangerous it's really machete well we finally found this piece of land and when we bought it and came up to your for the first time as it being ours i kind of just started swinging a machete at random stuff i didn't i had no idea what i was doing uh the grass was really long it was tall so i was just i never used a machete before so i just grabbed it and started trying to cut grass and then realized the machete was dull because you have to sharpen it so then i took a lot of time trying to figure out how to sharpen the machete and then cut maybe like a 10 foot by 10 foot piece of grass and that was the whole day reality started kind of coming in that we had to live up here at some point and there's no water and there's no electricity so we knew the first thing we had to do was start building uh some type of platform or level out some ground so we could bring water tanks in because we knew the best source of water was the rain the first official this is the moment stab into the earth we got the spot we're going to put the water tanks now we need to get it level [Music] it meets a lot on this side of where i am oh really [Music] wow you guys look at this we did it oh my god you gotta make sure you give it a nice tidy tidy ready ready ready so the idea is the water is going to come into this tank from the rain roof all the tanks are going to fill together this town gets over 100 inches of rain every single year it ranks all year round and we knew we could catch the rain and we had to get some water first for doing stuff like pouring cement we knew there was going to be a foundation that was going to be one of our first steps so we need as much water as possible not only to drink but also for cement well we're building a rain roof today this is where we're going to build it you can see we kind of mapped out the little spot we're doing it 12 feet by 20 feet so we buy a couple tools we buy a battery powered saw and a drill and we decided to build a rain roof and it was just such a piece of junk we just took two by fours and stuck them into the dirt totally untreated and then built this little slanted um like lean tube with plastic roofing because i thought was well maybe we could make double use out of this and you know have this also be a greenhouse at that time we were watching too many youtube videos on permaculture and multi-use we did it we built the rain roof [Music] yes this is the first time we met up here in the rain it's working now all we need to do we need to connect this into the tank it's going here it comes all these leaves in the bottom here it's perfectly going in no spills looks like we're doing good we have no leaks so far which is a really really good sign so there's a ball in here and and so all like the all the junk now let's go to the tank [Music] the rain roof worked and we actually collected enough water to fill our tanks completely we filled them all the way to the brim and then shortly after that we figured out that we get heavy winds over 40 miles an hour here and our rain roof turned into a massive kite [Music] this guy just told us that our rain roof just totally got destroyed is it all gone oh no oh that oh my god oh no even the wood came out [Music] oh no oh wow i can't believe it ripped out of the ground that is insane it took us at least a month to get our bus up here which is what we've been living in through this whole process we were down in a kind of like a campground with our bus parked and we knew we had to get our bus up here so we could live up here full time and the whole timing of our bus coming up here was just absolutely insane all right well we made it this far kayla's up here give me the thumbs up she hopped in the truck just in case if we can't get up here this road it gets gnarly and it's gnarly right at the beginning so if we can get past this first part we should be good the whole way come on jenny get up good good good good good keep going keep going baby [Music] we decided we're going to build a foundation for the bus first check this out you guys i never thought the shower would come in so handy we've built three and a half pillars one two three this might be the last time we fired jenny up all i had to make sure is that the frame sits right on these footings and now go that way because it'll pivot your back better so we're just jacking up the bus now we're trying to get it nice and level so we can build these cement pillars up and then we're eventually just gonna sit him right down on it and that's gonna be our foundation yeah it's good not surprising [Music] there we go oh [Music] oh yeah won't we be needing that anymore scrap metal we built a little foundation and got the bus level and that was our first time ever working with cement [Music] let's say this is one of the most difficult things i've ever done we're just trying to put this last layer of cement on weld all the way to the frame all the way along the top [Music] so because everything happened very quickly um you know we arrived in town we decided three days later we were gonna stay and then a month and a half later we had bought the land we didn't really have a solid solid plan yet all we knew was we needed to get up here get the bus up here live in the bus and start being as self-reliant as possible well you guys this is it it's our first sunset [Music] oh my goodness you guys it's been almost three months since we've woken up in the bus and now we're waking up in the bus on our dreamland oh girl do you want to go on the lane do you want to go to the farm we're already on the farm we're already right here the first day living up on the land brought back that feeling that we first had when we stepped foot on the land when we just knew like this is it but actually waking up here in the morning having our coffee and experiencing it from kind of a different perspective it brought those feelings back but even tenfold it was one of the most memorable and incredible mornings of my life where you going that's one thing we don't have a bathroom up here yet so we're resorting to going to the bathroom in halls it's not the most fun i remember when there was talk in february of 2020 about kind of what was coming and i think jordan and i um kind of brushed it off at first and then once reality set in the first few days was really freaky you guys see that they're building plastic cages around the cash registers now this is getting wild dude everyone in there is wearing masks gloves and construction goggles while moving up to our bus should have been a moment of a lot of excitement of everything to come it was a moment of a lot of fear because the day we moved up to the bus that's when stuff with the pandemic really got serious and we were put into full countrywide lockdown and right now we just found out we're going to total quarantine so our whole day tomorrow is going to be spent trying to get answers the moment that we knew about lockdown was a little bit scary because i suddenly i lost my job and well five months doing nothing and we were very very concerned about the financial situation i got to tell you guys it's being in a country where we're not totally fluent in the language makes this time a little bit more difficult because we just get messages like this that are all in spanish and it's just new like decrees and new laws and they're just passing laws like every day there's a big difference between living off-grid and living without the basic necessities of life but since we moved up here full-time there's been a lot of times that we've run out of water we didn't have a toilet for a really long time we need to go and dig one dig a hole in the woods so we've never really lived this way before we had all these things in the bus but just less of them in easier access to water bathrooms showers all that stuff and i'll tell you living up here full time for this last month or so it's been really challenging for us it's been much more challenging than living van life we soon realized how crucial and important it was for us to completely switch that mindset and just keep trucking along and try to stay as as positive and optimistic as possible because we had a long road ahead of us why did you come up here for like like the first time you came up to the land like the first day that you came to work i i think i remember that day actually i do remember that day we came you you went to pick me up we came up to the land i was freaking out i was nervous because i knew you guys were doing camera stuff in youtube and by that time i was so afraid and scared of cameras so i just want to introduce you guys to our first our first ever employee the first ever employee of the nomadic movement rodrigo hello so rodrigo is going to be helping us out up here every other day i first started working up here i remember that once the lockdown start to do the cupboard situation we had to close in the coffee shop that i used to work in and i remember you guys offered to help me give me some work up here in the land doing some stuff moving some stuff around how to paint a car first you have to take this thing the paint and go for that and when you talk to me or tell me something i will just laugh because i didn't really understand what were you saying in that time and when i came to the land and i saw everything i was kind of i was very amazed so obviously the first few steps was getting ourselves set up with water electricity and attempting to grow our own food as well as simultaneously coming up with a plan for the first structure that we were going to build i think a lot of people back in the months of march april and may of 2020 all thought what happens if i don't have any food or if i can't buy any food and we definitely have that thought especially being up here in the middle of nowhere i have a gift for you my love it's in here oh my god i was like what's in there what's in there oh my goodness we got four little chickies oh my god i'm your mama now [Music] we're trying to get a little used to the chickens we just don't want her to eat them so we're just trying to show somebody hey these these are cool these are our babies be easy and you gotta be gentle with them be easy honey easy okay give her kissy's gentle oh my gosh she's giving the chickens kisses she hasn't stopped washing them all day and all night she's just grilling how do you guys thought that these chickens were going to be outside because i definitely thought they were going to be outside but kayla just had other plans well okay first of all they need to be inside because it gets cold outside we have a heat we have a heat lamp i know but we can't we don't have an extension cord yet so once we get an extension cord you know we could put him outside if we really wanted to i'm going to be bringing him up in the bed tonight they're going to come cuddle they're going to poop all over the place we need to expand a little bit so we built a little deck this was really our first time ever building a deck it's really our first time ever working with metal and this is where we learned a lot [Music] we learned how to weld we learned how to cut metal beams we learned how to stick a metal post in the ground and put in some concrete because we didn't know how to make a proper footer [Music] these guys are not watching me weld hi guys we built something we had to go old school a little bit you guys might know we're doing a lot of show soggy band to preserve our wood to waterproof the wood make it insect resistant but we've run out of propane and that's why we need to run our blowtorch because you can't have a regulator on it you have to run it without a regulator so we can't get any propane we can't get our tank filled so we've had to just to resort to the old school way [Music] is it time can i do it should we put the boards on top and see what it looks like where are we lovely girl look we built something for you we built you something look at what's it what's this [Laughter] oh my goodness but i think it's time now for uh a nice deep cleaning ah at that time we could only leave our property for about four hours a week each and that went on for months but the good news is none of the food none of the food supply ever broke down there was always plenty of food to get at the grocery store and while our plan was to grow a lot of our own food we really struggled trying to grow stuff our plants would get washed away they were getting moldy they were dying and we needed to build a greenhouse and something that would keep them dry and something that would that we could control the amount of water that they get so we're building a greenhouse this is going to be a super cool greenhouse because it's going to be get off of there come on it's going to be a geodesic dome so you can see five sides the other problem with that is we have a lot of wind we get winds 40 miles an hour up here and building a greenhouse to us was just terrifying because we didn't want to build another kite so we decided we were going to build a geodesic dome greenhouse and that was going to be the first real structure we built up on this land so we're actually using this this system called a star plate system so essentially we're just cutting a bunch of two by fours at how how long nine feet nine feet and then we're bolting them all together [Music] it's just like playing with legos or maybe it's more like erector set you guys remember those [Music] wow the greenhouse was such a fun build for us because first of all we were working with wood which we were super familiar with and just watching the whole thing kind of unfold and come together was so unique and it was just unlike anything we had ever built or really seen before rodrigo worked down at a coffee shop down in town and because all the restaurants were closed he was out of fork so we really needed as much help as we could get so we hired rodrigo and he would walk up here every single day and he really helped us building this greenhouse and he took a lot of the risks that kaylee and i weren't willing to when building the thing wait i don't think i like this idea how else is he going to get down dude this might be your best bet why don't we try to put the ladder up love me put the ladder up i would say that the first failure was a day when i fell down from the greenhouse bro bro oh my god no no i remember that hurt a lot to be honest i didn't say anything but it did hurt that was the moment that we knew that you were gonna be a part of it like we can get this guy to do anything so what where what we're uh thinking of doing well we're giving kind of give them a piece of the land so if you want to be a part of the documentary you can have a piece of this land okay where do i have to sign right here let us down so the first day when you asked me or told me about uh me being part of this community having a house here and completely living upgrade uh when you told me that the beginning i thought you were joking about it the first day i was like no these guys are joking about that that can be serious but then when i went home and started thinking about it and like maybe they are they are talking seriously so the next day that same day i went i got the avocado i grabbed it around with the paper stuff fred i have something for you this is a gift did you write a gift on it oh it feels squishy i think [Laughter] [Music] our biggest challenge at this point was keeping our tools somewhere we were leaving them in the back of the bus and our whole bus is 90 square feet so there was barely any space not only just for us but for having the welder and the grinder and all the gear that we were building up now that we started to really want to build real structures so we realized we needed to build some kind of workshop to house everything this is our first real structure that we're building we have all the materials it's like if that's one point yep around computers one point so first things first we need to mark out all the points where all of our posts are going to go because we're going to elevate the shed and it's really important to elevate a lot of things here because it gets so much moisture they get over 120 inches of rain a year so elevating everything stops things from flooding it also stops a lot of rot and this shed is going to house all of our batteries and we definitely want to keep it as dry as possible [Music] you know what if i take off my sunglasses i can see the bottom as well finally using the water from a water tank slope we got 1200 gallons of it we got some architecture plans from a local architect here in town and we kind of just got started right away and the first thing was to dig four big holes and fill them with cement and stick a beam inside which is just the absolute worst way to ever do a footer but we had no idea what we were doing done baby we did it we've made the foundation for our first ever fur for our home we made the foundation for our first ever structure [Music] and then we started going up and building a platform that we knew that the workshop was going to sit on top of we got these middle joists going across we need to do these three all the way across so a quarter of the way there not too bad it's only 10 am [Music] uh and then when we started working on it working with metal i gotta say that i did never work with metal before in my life was something that was pretty new for me and the whole idea of building a workshop in the middle of nowhere was a little bit crazy to me [Music] so we're cutting four pillars they're going to go in each corner and this is what's going to support the roof we were told we really only have one option here and that's to build the house out of concrete and block and we just really don't like how concrete houses look and how they feel and we really like the feel and the warmth of wood so what we thought was well if we build this thing out of metal then we could just replace all the structural beams with metal and then we can still use a lot of wood at the interior [Music] so you guys yesterday we're telling you we have a snake problem and one of the best remedies for snakes is cats so we've been thinking about getting a cat four minutes ago kittens available what's his name love you guys i'm very very excited to introduce you to little baby roger hi roger look at this little baby oh my god easy bow hey that's not your toy no this is a kitty toy ah it's okay easy [Music] so the boys are putting in the last overhang beam [Music] at this time we had been making videos for a little over three years and kaylee and i had filmed everything ourselves but i'm just holding the camera and the thing that we were starting to learn is that being up on scaffolds and being 15 feet off the ground wasn't the best place to be holding a camera and our camera would be very short-lived if we didn't get someone else to hold it for us and this is where cocky comes into the story i need to introduce you to my blog have you ever vlogged before no you never vlogged ever never this is your first time am i doing right now you're doing it right now okay my first day here when i came uh i just it was i was very nervous and you just told me that just yeah you're doing you're gonna do it right now yeah sure so we asked everyone three questions so the first question where are you from venezuela you gotta turn the camera on to talk to it amigo where are you from what do you do for a job i'm a professional wedding photographer but now here in panama i do a lot a bunch of stuff i even saw a bread under the rain knocking door by door few years ago but now i'm making my way and last question what do you want to be when you grow up i want to be i want to be a jedi [Music] and i took the camera and then i started like chasing everyone in every situation a couple of minutes later i was on top of the roof and welding just show the people just just look down [Laughter] you're gonna die what this whole project was all about challenging ourselves and doing something that was really hard and that we would feel really challenged by but also feel really really good afterwards and it's always kind of been a dream of mine to build my own house and after living in a bus that we built out i think we got a little bit of confidence in being able to build our own living space check [Music] one of the hardest things about building the workshop was definitely the amount of metal work that we had to do and i think what made it even more frustrating was becau not only were we doing something and working with the material that we really didn't have a lot of experience with when it came to cutting the metal welding the metal and just figuring out how to build with it we built a bunk bed this is going to be your bedroom bro this is where you're going to live see just a couple of bars across a couple of pillows and that's it [Music] this is jordan damn i'm pushing you i'm gonna tell you his story he wanted to be a big boy but one day he he found himself trying to open just a hole and he discovered that he was just a tiny tiny tiny little boy i didn't notice when i was already like comfortable like because everything was so easy so natural nothing was staged and every and everything was real was very like messy like it watch out when you step on and don't get eliminated and the whole thing kake was just telling me that he was imagining himself wrapped in a warm pizza blanket yeah two meters by two meters six feet by six foot blanket yeah a pizza warm not a hot worm so you can cover yourself and while you look at the horizon you are chewing the things [Music] i would say that the hardest part of building the workshop was the plyson putting that placement bearing the walls what that was pretty tricky i am your father [Music] how do you feel about the last piece going up on our first wall i just really wanted to fit i don't want to do this again three three oh yeah it looks really really good [Music] we have a little bit of help today which is really really nice everything right now is growing so fast because it's the wet season look at this grass look how deep this is and a lot of the tribesmen of the local tribe they're called no bay they're looking for work because a lot of them don't have work right now everything's closed down still so this guy was walking by the road and asked if he could work for the day so i asked him if he had a machete he said yes and he's going to help us with cutting our grass i would introduce you to him but he seems a little shy this guy's kicking our butt right now he's kicking our butt yeah when you and i worked a machete oh i know we would swung like five times and we have to take a break i know we'll give it a go this is iberto he's been coming up here working for what a month now and then ask him what he wants to be when he grows up he wants to be an engineer he wants to be an engineer he used to be a coffee farmer and we saw him walking by one day and he was looking for work he started working here and hasn't stopped since a plan a plan broccoli broccoli nailed it watermelon guatemalan watermelon watermelon you got it bro soyberto's over here helping us plant our next round of vegetables our garden is crushing it right now check out these brussels sprouts our romaine's doing good except for this one this one's getting eaten by some bugs tomatoes are looking pretty good pineapple's looking good we're going to transplant one of these at one point it's always kind of been a dream of mine to build my own house we knew it didn't need to be perfect and that we would rather have something that we had built ourselves that had imperfections than something that was built by professional builders that was perfect well this is the moment you guys this is the moment we're going to tell you the name of the farm unfortunately the sign isn't done yet this is still a little bit more that needs to go in i think it's more than a little bit i don't even think it's halfway done the official name of our farm has to be i don't even know if you guys can see it it's loveless farm [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so the idea is to put a ladder here and not only allow us to go up and down but it's also going to be another support for our mezzanine [Music] scraper right yeah it's up in the bus okay ready one two three high five [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] we did it baby we finally finished at least one thing [Music] so [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] are you gonna put it onto the thing yeah [Music] [Music] the the hardest part of building the workshop was the rain man it has been raining hard all day i've never really seen rain like this and if you don't believe me let me just show you because our road turned into a river [Applause] this is just like the storm drain i know you like you're you're always a big fan of a river shower that's why we know once we start catching the rain off of the workshop we're not gonna need to worry about water at all we've been working on the puzzle of trying to figure out how to mount this pvc pipe so we can run it to these tanks and we've been thinking about it for like the last couple weeks i think this is the best way to do it i mean you're gonna have to also put a 45 on your end 46 and a half okay wait how far up do we want it on perfect [Music] now is the right time to fart oh my god it's pouring aid you can hear it it is pouring [Laughter] you hear it open open it it's a bunch of water cookies no you already knew you already knew look at this one right here so can we can we eat this one can we eat it right away do you want to clean up their system first hold on you can do it this is the first eggie we're gonna go cook it i'm gonna give you a little bite but we're all gonna split it okay i am i am okay this is literally the craziest thing because we're allowing them to just totally free range all around our land someone said they're probably laying eggs hola amigo they're probably laying like eggs all over your land dude what no no there's like eight eggs in here we have probably like another 30 or 40 eggs just around here somewhere let's have an easter icon yo you guys want to have an egg hunt a feeling there's going to be some eggs over here because i was like why is the chicken over there in the brush oh kerry i'm winning i'm reading the icon dude this is the coolest thing that i have ever experienced in my entire life in the background of some of our videos you'll actually see power lines running along the road and from what we've been told these power lines are owned by a guy that lives down the road and their private power lines we don't really understand all that and we haven't really asked too many questions because we knew we wanted to live off-grid [Music] the power in panama is also very unreliable it goes on and off all the time and it's always kind of been a dream of ours to be self-reliant and not be reliant on the grid for electricity but try and make our own so while kaylee and i are working on the siding i got these guys working on footers for our solar panels [Music] [Music] okay i got it [Music] so the wires are all connected they're ready to go so now the next step is connecting them from the solar power solar panels to the powerhouse [Music] sound [Music] yes [Music] and that's it we have one massive battery 600 amp hour battery [Music] so the time is of the essence this morning i want to get the wires in here so then once it starts raining at least we can hook everything up and we have power today keep going okay [Music] so now we have all the wires running up into the powerhouse so now it's time to actually connect the wires to the charge controller i just wired up the inverter this thing probably weighs 100 pounds super heavy i haven't finished securing all the wires down yet but we're going to test it and i just hope it turns on because i don't have to keep doing electrical all right honey go for it i'm getting jiggy with it i get it because you got a jigsaw in your hand you're going to get jiggy with it didn't work [Music] turkey [Music] i just want to show you guys the wind turbine that we're going to be installing today we've been keeping it right over here underneath the start but you can see all the rain's been kind of taking its toll on this box but these are all the parts nonetheless [Music] [Music] go harder [Music] but we're all done with the base for the wind turbine for the day now we just need a half inch steel plate for the base we just went down to town okay went down to town and we'd get some holes punched through this half inch look how thick this is this half inch piece of steel and this is going to be the base for our turbine [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] there's [Music] we just got one bowl left you guys this is the last one [Music] wow wow look how freaking big this thing is it's huge it's way bigger than i than i thought it would be that's what she said we've been living here with 2.4 kilowatts of solar which is actually very very small 600 amp hour lithium batteries a 3000 watt inverter and a wind turbine that kind of works sometimes and that's it that's been able to power everything that we need what's up self-reliance is it's been important for me like my my whole life since i was a kid here in the land we have we provide ourselves energy from the solar system water from the rain we are planting we're having animals very very exciting news we have tomatoes starting to pop up you can see all these yellow flowers that means tomatoes are coming look at these you guys look at all these tomatoes this thing is just full of green tomatoes and so soon it smells so good dude today's the day we're picking our first zucchini harvest it's just one but it is a hefty boy wow we got so much bigger than just the last day oh it's huge so there's been a tree that's been down in the road for probably a week now and i've been eyeballing it because i want to get some wood i want to mill some wood i want to mill our own lumber building at the workshop happened during the pandemic in getting materials and getting wood and getting metal and getting everything was such a challenge [Music] [Music] this is just a regular day in the street there is a guy who's pulling up a piece of wood and we start to realize the things that we wanted we had to really start taking it into our own hands [Music] wow let me get started for you honey okay [Applause] [Music] this has been so much fun we just milled i think five pieces we got two right here and these guys have two pieces and we have one piece underneath this beam here we still have all this left we're probably gonna get somewhere between eight to ten boards out of this that's such a big deal [Music] [Applause] i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have made lumber [Music] the last and final screw for now we haven't gotten them all in yet but for today what do you think lola what do you think i can't believe that this all went from a couple of logs one of which that we dragged up with our truck to a fully functioning beautiful deck honey this is a pretty pretty big moment right here it's our final shower our final cold shower [Music] oh [Music] broken [Music] oh my goodness look at this reach i'm scared what if it doesn't work three [Music] we built this honey i know we so the decision to live in the workshop didn't come until kind of halfway through the build of the workshop today cocky's coming up with his girlfriend adriana who i don't think he hasn't met her yet but she's a sweetheart and little do they know we're finally going to officially give them a piece of land all right so okay and i have been talking about this for a while we'd like to give you guys this piece of land if you'd like it this one right here we've known this way we've known this for months but we wanted you guys to be together and we just wanted to wait for the right time and i think now's the time it's tell you guys we want this to be yours [Laughter] not everything yeah but we wanted to wait till you guys were together and at this point we asked kake to join our farm community as well and because of that kake could move into the bus and he could move in with adriana who's his girlfriend and they could also live up on the farm full-time so we wanted to make some space for them and also our workshop was just starting to look awesome so we had been living in our bus for so long that we were really kind of hoping we could get out soon and as we saw the workshop come together we kind of just thought why aren't we just moving here even if we're gonna be living with a bunch of tools it would still expand our living space considerably we've been dreaming you guys we've been talking we've been dreaming about how excited we are when we move in here we have our plans already and where everything's gonna go living room is gonna go over here with a tv kitchen's gonna go over here metal all the metal working tools are gonna be here all the woodworking tools are gonna be here and then probably a nice big table in the middle yup [Music] it's one and a quarter man [Music] oh my god so [Music] all right brother's online trace uno i'm working on something that i've never really done before i've never really ran ac electrical before all the work i've done is dc before which is in our bus and when you're doing something you've never done before you're bound to make mistakes that was stupid well you guys we just got back from the city from david we got our stove and then we got the fridge back in the bus no this is definitely way more heavy actually [Music] that's a pretty big fridge huh wow we have never had a refrigerator this big [Music] i want to plug one in so i can show them press number one all four and for the big one [Music] so we got our workstation all set up over here this is what we've been dreaming of cutting wood on our back deck and the first step that we have is to build the framing for all of our cabinets [Music] [Music] progress is coming along we now are starting to glue in the face plates and we're also going to work on the other shelves come on guys you're doing great great i'm scared all right hold on get up [Music] are we gonna die [Music] [Applause] [Music] three two one oh my god [Music] two one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sometimes you just gotta go for it can i paint it now can i stand it big time what do you think [Music] [Music] here i am in our new kitchen you ready yeah three two i feel like i was like such a mess right now you got a little bit of a what is this stuff called one it's hot honey yes honey i just want you to know i don't want to hear any crap about me not doing any dishes all right oh you're doing something i've been doing them throughout i've done a bunch already the only good part about lucky charms was like the rainbows [Music] okay [Music] oh i might have needed to grind how are you sitting on a weld there yeah but i can get it [Music] no no you should say something cool jordan oscar meyer weiner i thought this was going to be a bunch of construction but they just put a toilet in a box famous nature's head toilet i don't know what to grab how's it feel in there maybe we do screw it down so i've been spending the last week thinking about this how we're gonna get this stove vented out of the roof here so i'm using a combo of these tin snips and this angle grinder to make this hole i'm doing everything that i can think of to seal this up we're starting with a roll of butyl tape and then i'm even gonna put a row of silicone just as some extra security look at this cute little thing i screwed on the little top so no rain gets inside i don't know if this is going to be enough this might be enough in the states but here fire is just cranking and look no leaks so far so far so good today we're going to get started on the table on this side so we have our workbench over here made out of metal this one the top of the workbench over here is going to be made out of wood we're actually going to be making our own butcher block and two by fours [Applause] [Music] so all this glue needs to dry and then hopefully we get a good bond on it all i don't know why we went okay [Music] [Music] it feels like a like an ice rink honey i'm just like skating across an ice rink yeah that's so nice [Music] wow looks so good though looks so so good moving into the workshop was definitely not a glamorous transition by any means this is where we're going to be staying for now a little blow up mattress we didn't want to get we're obviously gonna have a real mattress in here and we don't want to get it yet during that time we actually didn't even have our mattress yet so we were sleeping on the floor of the workshop on an air mattress for the first two weeks of living in there obviously over time we got ourselves more situated we moved up into the loft we got everything organized and really started making it feel like oh yeah i don't know if you even need a mattress i can sleep on it just like this [Music] okay good girl you haven't even been up here yet you haven't even been up here yet oh my god dude it's so big i love it we have a new full timer up on the farm if you guys don't know kake is going to be a part of this community and he has officially moved into the bus okay this is i know you've been in here for a while but this is the first time that the vlog has found out that you're living on the bus ah sorry tell them what you think of it so far i love it i'll tell you one thing it's much quieter in here in the wind that is in the workshop yeah yeah here you cannot hear the wind yeah down there it's like a baby nothing it is warm [Music] [Music] wow you want the other side facing up [Music] movie night is gonna be a regular thing here on lowe's farm in the workshop i just can't believe we built this i know while all the construction was happening having kake and rodrigo and adriana specifically up here really allowed us to start pushing the farm aspect and a farm isn't a farm unless it has a bunch of animals the animals are by far by far my favorite aspect of lola's farm oh my god oh my god [Music] oh my god you're so cute all right we have four goats we have two male goats we have two female goats the two males are we call one silly but his real name is basilius and we call the other one george his name is george and then the girls we have camilla that is a craziest girl that i have never i have ever seen in my entire life and then we have um alberta she's very cute so you guys ever have those moments where you go to a dog shelter and you're like we're just gonna go look you know we're just gonna go scope it out maybe come back with one um and then you end up with five i hear something i heard something no and turn around you got all of them we also have five puppies we have teddy we have sophie we have mocha we have peppa and we have lucy we have five little puppies they create a mess around all the time but we love them six hands and one rooster rooster six hands and one rooster this guy so we want to get a rooster so we can start breeding chickens so you want to get one that's big and one that's beautiful we also got four hens yeah hi sweetie i would love to spend more time down here than i have been but there's two things number one we're just been so busy with the workshop and number two hi good girl and number two every time i come back here into the jungle i get a rash and i even got to the point if you guys sub a couple months ago i had to go and get a shot because my rash was so bad dude you made a ton of progress it looks like someone's actually living living back here now yeah building a tree house was something that i did dream since i was a kid i did never do it when i was a kid because i had no idea how to do it so the building of the treehouse started just like a a dream that i had that i wanted to accomplish once i accomplished a dream that i had these three houses on then it came the idea to fully move and living in the treehouse that was something that was not completely planned at the beginning but then it came up and i think it was one of the best things or ideas that we could have done here rodrigo moved up to the land and built a little tree house down in the jungle and i'm just amazed to tell you he's still living in that thing today he built it all out of sticks and branches and twigs and having him up here was just it just brought a whole new element into our life and into this whole farm this is not gonna be my permanent house this is just kind of like a temporary house that with the time i'm gonna take down as you see everything is wood so metal panels that i can easily remove and the idea is that i'm going to be leaving here until my real a-frame house is done [Music] there is a saying that someone told me right as we were getting ready to start working on the land and they said the first house you build should be for your enemy the second house you build should be for your friend and the third house you build should be for yourself and now that the workshop was done we decided we were just going to keep following this logic so the second house we started building was for rodrigo i know the first steps of building my house were pretty tricky mainly because there was a lot of digging to do and also because we had to do a lot of rebar stuff a lot of concrete stuff it was very messy [Music] [Music] the first thing that we noticed was how big the foundation was and really the difference between the foundation of rodrigo's house in the workshop is insane [Music] so me after we finish the foundations of the house we start welding those metal beams up to start creating working in the platform that is gonna be um where my entire house is going to be [Music] once the photos were done we had to start building another platform we need we want to get all the houses here off the ground but this time just like the footers the platform is much stronger we use these thick c channels for the whole base of the house and we were just so excited to start a new project and build this thing the right way that we were willing to work in anything we would work in the rain we'd work in the sun and in the wind it didn't matter we were just so excited to start something new [Music] when rodrigo told me he wanted to build an a-frame for all the months leading up to it i just thought about the actual a and not only the angles but what it was going to take to raise the roof up and have it be 30 feet off the ground and to get a big metal beam like that into place it's just intimidated me for months this is our real first vertical beam pouring the foundations creating the platform that was not the hard part the hard part building this house is actually creating the a-frame i still thinking why did i decide to build an a-frame it's so hard to get that those angles right it's so hard to put those framings up there i think i was crazy when i decided [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're getting ready to leave the farm now because something that i left out of this whole story you may have noticed you may have seen during the process is kaylee is pregnant and she's 30 weeks today and we have to go home because she can't fly after this so we're getting ready to leave the farm uh we're leaving it in the hands of kake and adriana that's why we decided to do this whole thing that's why we did the community and we gave these pieces of land away because it gives us all the freedom to leave when we need to and we really want to have this baby with friends and family around so we're getting out of here and the story is about to change forever as we bring someone else into the story this is where i end this video for you those you guys who have been following along from the beginning just thank you so much for following the story and for those of you guys that are new welcome to the story and you have some videos you can go back and watch if you want to see this stuff in more details because it's been a rollercoaster ride we love you guys so so so much as you can tell well no you can't i got a very big belly right now we just want to thank you guys so much for all your support and all your love and we'll be seeing you guys on the next one you
Channel: The Nomadic Movement
Views: 361,033
Rating: 4.9329333 out of 5
Keywords: the nomadic movement, nomadic movement, tiny house build, tiny house, tiny home, diy, panama, living in panama, diy build, building our own house, relocating to panama, move to panama, couple builds own home, a frame house, a-frame house, building a frame, A-Frame House Construction, wild wonderful off grid, kaylee nomadic movement, kaylee and jordan, trent and allie, solar power, building a cabin in the woods, a frame build, raw land, 1498 days in one video
Id: GDVU5Bj9vl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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