Part 1, Fools Gold! The A&FP Crew Takes You on a Recon Mission!

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well hey everybody welcome back all right before we get started today i wanted to bring something to you guys's attention because it's you that helped out with this purchase over the last six months i finally raised enough money to be able to purchase the channel this puppy right here this is the sky do2 autonomous flying drone and the way that it works is um you get it up in the air and it tracks a beacon or your cell phone that's in your pocket automatically you don't have to fly it it has near perfect collision avoidance and so far um as much time as i've been goofing around with it it's been working really really well but the thing you don't want to do with the sky do2 is get it around thin wires or really thin tree branches that's where it seems to have an issue but hey out here in nevada with these wide open spaces it's the perfect environment for this drone this is just spectacular and it's gonna offer uh a new level of cinematography to the channel um i can't wait to you know work with it some more so far from what i have done i i really like it and it's it's just a super awesome little drone thanks again guys i really appreciate it couldn't have done this without your help um and like i've always said a hundred percent of all monies that come into the channel go back into the channel so that i can keep taking you to these really cool places okay so mr m and i uh we're working together on this episode and we've got something special for you but you're gonna have to watch all the way to the end of this video to see what that is alright without further ado let's get started you know guys we really been knocking it out of the park lately with these episodes i mean the ghost mine and then the 400 foot shaft and then prior to that there was something i can't remember anymore but it was another thing that was really exhausting so it's going to be nice to just maybe have like a maybe a relaxing day today yeah you know um let's find some cool rocks meet geology yeah this this geology fascinates me i mean i love it it's beautiful out here shrug it open most people don't see the beauty in this yeah i like it i like nevada it's just such a it's it's the state with tremendous amounts of vista gosh this area is beautiful baron i think we need to show everybody just how beautiful this is okay all right [Music] [Music] yeah well i crashed huh i crashed you crashed yeah really really give me more overload okay well now okay so what we have to do is turn around i'm right in the middle of this road oh you're in the road yeah i was coming i was i was catching up to us okay but how far back you think we are oh 300 400 500 feet okay actually no like 100 feet i can see oh i can see it oops oopsie and so we were climbing and he wasn't oh yeah is he upside down yeah yeah unfortunately poor little guy poor little feller sand in all the joints yeah yeah dark grit gets in the mud dirt and grit in there do you want to use your air compressor well no we probably have to if you can take them apart that would be much better safe oh man that's horrible i wouldn't be messing with it like that well it looks like we're gonna um take take them up on their dji care so you think i've ruined these motors yeah making it worse too yeah i think you're making it they call that the pepper grinder i'm going to try it again oh geez they're all turning they make it fly sideways they're all turning okay let me give it another try the peppermill oh my god they are spinning oh my gosh look at that it's alive it's alive frankenstein flies oh my gosh i don't believe it i've never heard rotors grind like that and you got that thing to fly unbelievable i would have lost that bet all right let's let's see if we can fly this this pepper grinder [Music] [Music] yeehaw there we go no problem nice [Music] yeah i remember all this debris and stuff remember this yep and over there is the powder magazine yup and then uh these waste rock piles are just filled with pyrite i do you can see him glistening [Music] i think i just dribbled some tea on doodle it wouldn't be the first time probably not he does stink does he need a doodle needs a bath he needs a bath [Music] here we are nice and that's the shaft that is the shaft oh we're going in this one heck yeah well maybe maybe we're gonna look at it all right let's see what we have here all right here's our shaft um there was a it looks pretty ugly i'm gonna go i think i the last time i was here it was easier to get over here though on this way there we go [Music] let's look at this puppy oh boy yeah it looks a lot worse than uh than what i thought it was [Music] but like i said it's not very deep see there's the bottom right there yep not very deep at all just my eyes are starting to adjust whoa careful mr m yeah you're getting a little crazy there boy we got a shaft over here that looks interesting i'm gonna go take a look at that [Music] oh that looks interesting we got a top part of a stope right here really yeah it looks that way i need to get a little better look though whoa look out i'll be back in a second i'm gonna take a better look at this okay we've got there's a stope with a ladder it's really ugly going on so i think what we have is there's a potential way down if that stop connects into that shaft it's possible i'm gonna go look at this thing let's go see what we have over here guys i'm pretty sure oh look at that old is that a well i'll be darn that's an old dual therm heater right there cool all right let's take a look at this powder mag i think that that's what this is could be an at it we'll see let's find out [Music] there's a engine block and uh that's luck here looks like we have ourselves yeah indeed this was dynamite storage back in the day yep okay that's what that was all right let's go uh let's go this way and we'll see if we can't find some pyrite on the side of this hill for you guys take a look around well i found uh i found some nice pieces did you over here by this old incline is are they crystals or just uh in the ground um they're more of the smaller like where they're coating the rock look at that crystal oh fantastic except it's got stain on it i don't know if that could be cleaned off yeah there's a nice one that's beautiful that's the best one i found yeah good job all right we're gonna go up here i'm gonna go explore this building [Music] what do you think guys should we go check out this building let's see what it has to offer [Music] [Music] yeah i'm going to have to give you guys a little closer look at what we have in here this is pretty neat so uh let me go get the camera rig and i'll show you what's inside all right let's see what we have in here [Music] so it looks like this was probably an operation in the 50s or 60s is what i'm guessing we had a room where an office over here in the center big old stove [Music] and well let's just take a walk around it real quick anything hiding up in there i see a lot of cans i see some cans from the 70s on this side oh you know what that is you see those two big rings on the side there that is an old mercury container that's what they shipped mercury in back in the day you needed those big rings to move that puppy around because mercury barrels like that wade what do you think mr m how many six thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds yeah we did we did the math on it once and it's it's crazy um now over here i just noticed down here car area in the concrete let's see if i can turn the lights down a little bit gold equal mines we found the name of it scream scream it does say that gold eagle mines scream huh what's over here what do you suppose oh this is where the hoist was mr m he was a big old chunk of concrete here and had the hoist yep and the hoist operator he stood here so you can see out that window you're right and these were his controls [Music] and the the cables went well let's let's look at it from your point of view and the cables yeah so the cables went out that door uh-huh right out there hey do you see the big air tank they had in here uh where oh over there not yet no anything hiding under the floors probably what's hiding underneath the floor anything interesting let's look under there this is where a rattlesnake comes and bites me in the wrist i'm gonna turn the camera real slow maybe we'll get to see something hiding under there [Music] there we go because i can't see i'm just doing this blind i see a big spider web okay there we go okay that's pretty much it for uh what's inside um looking for except for that big air tank and that oh that's the one you're talking about okay look at the size of that puppy they even had a little ladder over here a ladder so you can sign that yeah you know and i'm not so sure it's air it could have been your water tank it's just the one that you know that big three inch pipe you see laying across the ground coming over to the building yeah it goes right into this tank at the top right i think that that's water yeah that's why they have the the spigot right there at the bottom and look at the uh it's it's kind of on an angle our direction the way that they notched it into that wood yeah yeah that's a water tank you're right i don't see any more graffiti or scratchings in the wood i'm looking for that by the miners let's look over here real quick nothing that way nothing over here either not that i can see okay guys let's head outside and i'm gonna [Music] with production dates from 1960 to 1967 the gold eagle mine produced lead zinc copper silver animony and arsenic reported in 1967 this mine averaged 10 ounces per ton of silver 8 percent lead 12 percent zinc and 1 copper per ton [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops you know you're just determined to get maybe possibly hurt today i guess it could happen first you scare me by getting too close to that vertical shaft you and now you're playing teeter-totter it's kind of fun [Laughter] so what we got what you're looking at here guys is an ore bin looks like a triple compartment that tipped over now when i looked at this on google earth the orbit was still standing in 2013 that was the imagery date so somewhere between 2013 and a year ago 2019 it tipped is when it tipped over because we were out here in 19. no take that back it was 20. yeah let's look over here i'll show you the front of it all it is now is a big pile of pickup sticks there we go randy's having good luck finding uh pyrite that's the biggest crystal i've seen yet me too yeah oh i wonder how many rattlesnakes are hiding in here go find out can you see this pulley right here by your left what is that oh yeah i see that there's two of them there's one on the next timber over here that's possible that that's where the shiv wheel was attached right there i'm just guessing and looking over here into the bin you can see they had it lined and it is i will to confirm it that it is a yeah it's a triple compartment so here they were probably hauling off all of the ore um to be processed somewhere else just due to the lack of water in this area now there's something over here that i haven't showed you guys yet and i want to go get a better look at it right over there is a small open pit let's see if we can't find a seam of pyrite coming out of the ground see over there [Music] all right let's see what we have down in here [Music] now whether this mine was going after gold or silver i don't know um to be honest with you by looking at the geology my best guess is that they were chasing after silver but i could be wrong a lot of times these places that i find and i explore don't have any kind of public record that can be found on the internet now you can go to the blm and do a deep search but their uh databases not very user friendly just looking at all the different layers here seeing if anything jumps out at me yeah if you were a rock hound you'd you'd really enjoy this location now i'm not seeing anything here the last time i was here we found some nice specimens of pyrite over here in this waste rock pile let me take you over there next okay here we are now look at the look at the pyrite coming out on that rock right there see that see all that gold bronze looking material that's what i like to call scale pyrite because it forms on these on these uh granite rocks kind of like a scale um randy got lucky and found some nice cubicle pyrite crystals i'll show you that here in a bit yeah the whole thing here is just sparkling now if one jumps out at me that looks like it would be a really nice um one to offer up on randy's ebay site i'll be sure to grab it [Music] you can find some really neat stuff in these old waste rock piles it'd be pretty cool to uh get down into that mine but for that we're going to need the schnozel later and that's that's what i wanted to do today this is kind of like a recon mission looking for shafts that we can use the schnozzle later on for future episodes pretty cool [Music] now i've did find see like this one here there you go look at the sparkle on that one off there in the distance just a little ways right about and where did it go right out there you'll see a a fenced in shaft i saw an interesting specimen over there let's head over there and i'll give you a better look at it [Music] okay here we go first thing we need to do is uh step over the fence here so a moment ago i stepped down here because what we have is a we've got an open stop with a ladder going down i'm not 100 sure that this is going to go tie into the shaft over there it is going in the right direction and it's running along the the trend of the fault or not the fault but the ore body that they're going after you can see the ore body the vein right there at the top what's left of it that they didn't remove down there on the left you see that rock i don't know if you guys can uh let me point it out to you uh where is it here right over there wedged in that along that railroad tie that's a real sparkly one that's full of pyrite so this is cool this is a potentially something i can rope in into for maybe a future episode it's nice to know that that's here and if that doesn't connect we can always schnoz the vertical shaft so a lot of you guys you know um you don't you guys see an episode each and every weekend but what you guys don't typically see is the amount of time that i spend uh running around actually looking for good locations to document uh which we all just call recon missions and that's kind of what today is you know we've been really knocking it out of the park these last few weeks having a lot of fun in these shafts in various places so today is just kind of a taking a break and a good low impact day which is always fun still get to explore some things what do you think randy what'd you find well just grab your oh look at there oh wait there we go nice you found some nice pieces yeah it's always nice to find the cubicle crystals that's their natural form mm-hmm do you do you have where's the big cube you got the big cube show them that didn't bring the proper container too there you got it oh yeah that's a nice that was a nice find shiny yeah you can offer that one up on your ebay or you're going to keep that one haven't decided okay kind of poking around out here well guys if randy decides to offer up some of this on his ebay site again i'll put the link down in the description area and we'll just see what happens randy gets greedy with his rocks it sure is purty all right guys well that pretty much uh ends it for this location there is another mine in the area i want to go explore so let's hop back into better bob here and uh go see what that one's all about okay all right see you over there all right guys i really hope you enjoyed that that was a lot of fun yeah you know what it's fun from time to time to take a break from abandoned mine exploring and do something a little bit different like head out on a recon mission okay well guess what this is a two-part day and so if you want to watch part two it's available right now on mr m's channel abandoned and forgotten footage and uh now he's been working on his part all week long and i think you're going to enjoy this but before you hit play just remember guys abandoned and forgotten footage is pg-13 okay um yeah we'll just leave it at that so head on over to abandoned forgotten footage um i'm gonna leave a link to his channel's homepage right down here in the description area just head down in there click on the link and you will see part two to this series uh click on it and have some laughs thanks again guys i'll see you next weekend [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 23,585
Rating: 4.9344525 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: zjLg5aO-MPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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