Part 4 - Endless Artifacts, The 500 Level Doesn't Disappoint

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previously on abandoned and forgotten places episode 58 this is a good moment to talk about that 6.5 earthquake that we had were in a very very unstable section of this mine right now even I have my limits guys that's that's that's just in my opinion reckless [Music] okay made it to the 500 level now just to quickly show you guys that a lot of these incline shafts have sumps okay so the ladders still do keep going down there and sometimes you can find interesting things in these sumps so when we get back with the 500 we're gonna head down there and see if we can't find anything hiding mm-hmm that's interesting in that area but for now let's step out out to the 500 and see what we have here okay off to my left we have the intercom system a few rolls of toilet paper about a month ago there's a few yot in the audience I could have used to used a couple of rolls yeah that stuff was really hard to find there for a while what else do we have down here well there's just so much to look at okay no writing skips at any time shaft man way for authorized persons or emergency use only looks like down there on the floor we've got ourselves a big battery bank so let's head to the right there's a big steel compressor actually I'm just going to keep kind of panning around in this room for a moment there's so much stuff so much to take in down here on the floor we've got a grizzly and I'll bet that leads to the lower part down in towards the sump two signs that say safety line safety glasses fireworks crate scape with arrows to the exit and the drift continues left okay and that's where we just came from but I am going to explore to the right side of this first now let's take a closer look at these batteries that's a big big battery bank right there two of them yeah some of the old miners in the crowd you might just recognize that up here junction valves for the compressors takes a lot of air to run all them drills all right that's interesting I wonder what that was now let's see what we have up in here you had a big timbered section oh yeah this is an ore chute and yep it's working its way all the way up there at one time they probably had a ladder down in this section but not anymore 500 501 is what that sign says okay down here on the ground bucket of oil and what is all these here Oh what's left of a first-aid kit with iodine swabs and smelling salts just a massive timbered section above my head here with rail going left and right all right we're gonna work our way we'll stay to the right to begin you know the reason they had to use so much wood in this mine is because this gang material is incredibly soft and crumbly that's why they went through so much effort to support all of these different Stopes okay continuing on OOP wrong light sometimes I do that and it just goes right up here and that's where it stops off to my left we're looking into the other drift okay well I might as well just we're not too far from that turn why don't I take you just right back there so what are my sense is telling me right now well first of all the smell down in here it smells like how to describe it like old wood and oil and cria salt yeah and it's probably about 65 degrees and there's not much reverberation to my voice there we have another another honey pot and another muck bucket right there well that's cool look at that with the drift going up that direction I'll tell you what we'll come back and revisit that yeah for right now let's just stay nice to stay on the haulage drift drift right here okay off to my right we're passing that hole in the wall that's where we just were whirs right over there okay there's some more slickers see I always like it when Jeff Williams corrects me down in the comment section I have a lot of respect for old Jeff Williams that mine that man is just a wealth of knowledge and I was exploring a mine not too long ago and I could not remember the name of that that I was calling them overalls but no they're they're called slickers so thanks Jeff I always appreciate your input you're an awesome guy what do we have up in here Oh big big stoked area and here you can clearly see look at the vein of material that's running along the hanging wall right there okay that distance from there all the way down it even goes lower than where I'm standing so the mine a bowl or through this section is at least 20 feet okay well we're gonna need to take a closer look up in here yeah let me just give you one more close look at that look at that ore body clearly defined by the hanging wall right there all right continuing on okay we have ourselves a raise here working high up into that stope with steel ladders through that section okay I just this material is incredibly soft then we've got fresh footprints down on the ground I know who those are and you know who you are too if you're watching this video who I'm talking about guys is I'm talking about Justin a TVR he documented this location back in 2016 and did a fantastic job let's look up in here Wow look it I mean it's so dark it's just drowning my lights out I have everything turned on and all of this material off to the left is just failing and the reason it's doing so is because there's a lot of groundwater seepage through here that's why it's all starting to come down let's get out of this section that's very very sketchy that's the type of a situation where you could have what's called a cascading collapse once a little bit starts going then it just all starts rolling like an avalanche alright I'm gonna work my way back to the 500 where the incline shaft is I'll see you over there alright we were just right up in there now I'm back to where that drift was with the honey pot in the muck bucket I wanted to take a closer look at this alright there's where the cable would have been attached let me get a better shot of it for you guys turning around here there we go and it has welded in the side right there into the number 58 okay so what do we have up in this drift just an exploratory probably let's find out there's an old dynamite box right here what's that say on there austan powder company Cleveland Ohio okay red diamond brand 50 pounds of 40 percent strength batch number you guys can probably see that better than I can there's the batch number okay that side of the box used in 1833 and ever since it's very cool all right what do we have up in here well that's kind of interesting there's a string on the floor that once went up into this area we have up in here oh it's just a big pocket and I can kind of see where the string was attached right there that doesn't go anywhere no that's as far as it goes okay guys I'm gonna meet you back over at the incline okay we're back at the incline here and where that big tank was there's a few things around here I didn't point the camera at I wonder if there's anything interesting hiding behind the tank nope looks like just a bunch of muck sheets okay lost my focus here yeah I've been known to lose my focus all right all right let's explore the left-hand side of this for a moment there I thought I felt some wind know looking at that flag let's see what we have up in here oh we've got a station okay this is a man station here this is where you would go to pretty much come and hang out while you're eating your lunch taking a break someone's slickers are right there see what we have up in here they had plastic because it probably got oh I see what this is this was this could have been that this was a toilet we might have some honey buckets here peek no that's just trash what about this one I ain't hiding in there yeah that's just a bunch of trash - don't feel like going through a bunch of 19 looks like 1980s trash okay you guys see all the toilet paper up in there I'll just stuff my backpack full take it back to base camp okay what do we have up in here really nice-looking college drift and we're going up in grade right now I can tell them I'm walking uphill okay stop here for a moment we had a little a little thing going off to the right and they stopped right there it looks like they were considering maybe going off to the left but they stopped right here too they are running a rather large three inch inside four inch outside diameter compressor pipe through this area so looks like we're going to be maybe getting into some more substantial workings aha another powder magazine primer magazine no smoking anything on the door let's look No let's look up in here we've got some sort of a cabinet that says keep out on it well let's take a look at that I never listened to my parents so why would I listen to a cabinet that says keep out we have hiding in there nothing completely empty but on the back another one of those signs forty-nine seconds per foot yes everybody I did get my fair share of bare-bottom spankings when I was little okay slickers all over the floor leftover cases and cases of nails those pegs were used so that you could hang something up and here's another bag that's filled with more pegs see that it's interesting yeah wonder if they were just hanging what's the word I'm looking for yeah it'll come to me all right turn him back around let's head out of this mag oh there's a shovel sitting there is that hand steel let's look I doubt it but no no it's not okay it just keeps on going let's look up in there yeah Oh got a big stoked out area above my head with a lot of cribbing okay and oh this is interesting right down here on the floor of the rail makes a left and goes back that direction look there all right well we'll have to come back and revisit that half pint 1981 must be a self-portrait okay continuing on exit well now that's interesting drift goes up that direction with what I can see is another day box up in there I think what I'm going to do is come back and revisit that we've got another drift going up this way okay with a whole bunch of rail on the floor again who will revisit that but for now let's just stay on the primary the 500 level is turning out to be far more extensive on the left-hand side than the right okay another Junction great big area we've got compressor pipe going left and right down here on the ground there is a recovery basket so if someone gets hurt you can drag them out of the mine all right the drift turns goes off to the left I see a big piece of equipment up in there fantastic but before we go there what does that say reference sample hmm let's look up in here first Wow look at the size of that or shoot and we've got just a massive amount of cribbing above me here this used to be some sort of a shoot also working up in those Stokes okay what's up in here oh here's an area that failed bunch of stuff come down there's a skip yep that's a skip right there and it does go off this direction you know maybe we can get around this let's see what would be the best way there we go yeah let's look over here I do believe that we can get around this obstacle alright let's look up in here that's as far as that goes and we get through oh absolutely perfect there's the miners gloves down there on the floor very nice okay now we can continue working our way up underneath all these Stopes there's just an incredible amount of stuff down here to look at what's in that bag oh it's just filled with scraps of wood an old shovel okay yeah the five hundred levels turning out to be just super fantastic and look here we have ourselves abandoned and forgotten places first mined car yep so since I've started this channel this will be the first one that I've documented and actually that's not a mine car that's a mucker yeah that's what that is it's a Nemco that's a Nemco mucker get a better look at that the smell coming off of that thing is like just old oil and old grease beautiful looking piece of machinery and you can see that's where you stand down there see that plate with the holes in it okay that's where you would stand when you're operating that machine all right turn it back around let's go up in here and let's see what they were mucking out yeah I've seen a lot of equipment like that back in the old days when I would explore these mines and I didn't take a camera with me back then back then it was all for fun okay and that's as far as it goes all right I'm gonna work back to the next intersection I'll see you back there okay so we're back to that intersection or the man man basket recovery basket thing was there's probably a better name for it well we were right up in there okay now the drift at one time we have a exploratory thing going off that direction but it stops right here but the best part is what's hiding right over here we've got ourselves another mucker a mucker that's lost his wheel go and this is the side over here where the operator would stand okay that's the lever you're gonna pull right there to operate the bucket let's get around this direction there we go better look at it for you just a beautiful piece of equipment can you imagine the undertaking it took to get that all the way down here well I suppose it just went for a ride on the on the incline and that's as far as this drift goes okay well I'm gonna keep working my way back to the incline and we're gonna explore each one of those drifts along the way actually before we leave this area there was one more thing I wanted to point out to you and that is the ladder that works its way all the way up into these Stopes and here's an area where you could use that to drag tools up along this right-hand side to get up there and we may come back and explore each one of these ladder sets on the various levels climb up there and see what's what's in those areas today I'm just gonna stay concentrated on these on these haulage areas and various drifts certainly is a lot to explore in this mind okay first drift this is the one that had a bunch of stuff thrown up in here let's see if I can get up in here yeah they they threw a whole bunch of rail up in here see what else is hiding up in this here here we go okay keeps going straight and it does turn the corner anything hiding in there no no but over here we've got a bunch of that pipe and there's only one way to find out huh there we go all right anything up in here no oh we have some had some felt felt gouge along the boundary line between the vein and the hanging wall all right well you see you just never know something interesting could be hiding up here that a earlier mine explorer didn't see all right well okay well it stuffs noisy let's get down this section here here we go okay and this brings us back to yeah that drift all right I'll be right back all right this is that drift that had a de box up in here detonation fuse still has some of the sawdust in it back in the day anything in the day box that's interesting just special instructions yep those came in every box of dynamite we have up here this looks like what is that a false floor no no but it does why if I had a compressor they had something up in here that used oil it just it stinks really bad of old oil in this area and what do we have in the great big bag Oh drillers mud that's what this is okay wonder what they would have been using that for all right what do we have here was some kind of a weight at one time yeah all right there you can see it oh I see it's a ground-up newspaper its pulp that's what that is okay let's go back this way oh I missed tool we have something over here so you just about the time I'm ready to leave that's when I see something else okay so doc got a challenge for you what we have here is a big bag full of at ground up basically it's ground up newspapers now is that the material that they mix in with the ammonium nitrate and fuel oil to act as a binder or are they using that for something else let me know down in the comments section okay we're back out here to the College drift and this is that one area found remember we were coming down and it turn and cut hard left let's see where that goes well off to my left here they took it up into a big pocket but stopped that's as far as it goes and does it go any further no no just turned the corner and that was the end all right I think we do have one more let's turn back around here while the the amount of silver in this mine is just incredible veins of it running all over the place so I'm not going to take you all the way I'll just meet you guys back over at that drift I'll see you over there okay we are back to the incline over here and remember we I said that we've got this sump right below us we're gonna have to open the hatch then we get on the other side of it here okay there we go yeah there we go now sometimes all the time but sometimes you can find something interesting down here in these sumps so maybe we'll get lucky there we go alright let's see what's hiding down in here I know what's gonna happen what's this is gonna go directly below yeah see we've got ourselves a shovel and that is going to be the ore chute that's sitting directly below that grizzly remember when we first got onto the 500 level and there was that grizzly screen well here we are let's take a closer look at this hmm yeah yeah this is what was used the most when filling the Skip car and the Skip would go right down there they bring it in to that point and then drop the ore down that chute the Grizzly kept all the real large rocks out of it I wonder if that handle still works what are the chances if I gave a tug on that handle that the thing is still gonna work huh well there's only one way to find out but first I got to get my footing here there we go okay nope she is totally boned up nope bound up tight I gave it a try okay I'm gonna get back up to the 500 level okay guys we successfully explored all of the various drifts at the 500 foot level the only thing that we didn't get to take a look at on this level are the ladders that are working their way up into the Stopes between the 500 and the 400 and the 400 and 300 and 300 and 200 okay that may be something that we're gonna save for another day but that's gonna have to do it for today's episode but I'm not done yet we're not done with this mine we still have to jump over and explore that other haulage at it that was immediately to the left of the primary from outside going into this mine and that's what we're gonna do next weekend so I appreciate you coming along with me on today's Explorer that was a lot of fun this has been a fantastic mine and I'll see you again next weekend okay take care bye bye next week on abandoned and forgotten places the exciting conclusion of the silver souls mine [Music] whoo-hoo and that would have hurt from this point forward we are entering the miners tomb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 113,272
Rating: 4.9460268 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: FZhDOM9s2Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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