2019 SLS World Tour: London, UK | WOMEN'S FINAL | Full Broadcast

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[Applause] [Applause] welcome everybody to the land of Big Ben Parliament South Bank and the hub of European skateboarding London England and today the site of stop one of the 2019 SLS World Tour women's final we are inside copper box arena where tonight eight of the best women skateboarders in the world will be embarking on the path to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo Japan thanks for tuning in everyone I'm Paul zitzer along with Andrew cannon that's right Paul you said this is the first chance to start accumulating Olympic qualifying points here tonight so the level of skating that we're gonna see is absolutely amazing and what makes this competition right now so awesome is how international the field is being that it's now open to the entire world it's driving a progression through the roof right and now let's take a look at the qualifying structure all right there are 20 men and 20 women per discipline going to the Olympics in skateboarding minimum one per Olympic continental region there you see the five regions minimum one per host country that is Japan maximum three skaters per country what is the qualification period it begins tonight and it ends May 30th 2020 and how do skaters earn points well they're top two placings from this 2019 season and the top four placings from next year's season now this is the final no more messing around Andrew who do you like out here tonight hey or Anisha Maura she has been skating super well all weekend qualified in in first place so she's coming into this ready to go especially after winning the the last stop in Brazil for the 2018 season so a champion coming into it feeling strong but you can never count out the crowd favorites Leticia Bufoni Leticia has been absolutely ripping this year skated super super well in Brazil and then here she comes to London bringing some new tricks I'm excited to see what she has for us tonight so those are just two of the skaters in the final let's take a look at the full start list coming in first from Japan as you mentioned a very international field funa Nakayama followed by the one American Alexis alone then candy Jacobs Leticia Bufoni Pamela Rosa Julia Raisa Mendes Leal hailey Wilson and last year's champion our ink Nishimura let's talk about how this contest works with the basics each skater gets two 45-second runs followed by five best-trick attempts and the top four scores count overall from any section those are the basics it's now taking a look at this beautiful course and for more on it let's take a look at the course preview this SLS World Tour London course is a peer image of perfection and ideal for tech skaters with quick beat varying size ledges and rails aware the majority of the tricks will go down if skaters known for locking in the long grinds will have the advantage prepare linking together tricks will be the key the center section consists of wedges of eight frames that offer varying sizes gaps to hubbas flat bars as pet skaters can hit just about any directions and then the raised stage sections provides an ideal starting zone with extended mellows double-kick rails in a long seven stair with euro gap options and two perfect square rails on each side after today's the qualifiers you can already see they're waxed up ready to be ripped great course Andrew you think it favors anyone in specific no I think it's just anyone who can do the technical tricks this is a great course for them now it is time to meet the skaters in tonight's final top eight women in the world here today buna Nakayama is brand new to the scene I mean she has almost no contest history whatsoever but she is a beast on the board yet great style big tricks consistent [Applause] look at that 13 years old it's not good we've got a really awesome spread of Ages in our final huge spread of Ages indeed second skater in and as we mentioned the only American in the final Alexis a blown she is a legend in women's skateboarding she's been on the scene for 20 years and she's still one of the best [Music] the only thing standing between her and a potential win is what's in her head tonight if she can hold it together expect big things kandi Jacob's coming out of the Netherlands she's been a fixture on the Euro circuit for years expect amazing skateboarding and powerful moves and candy Jacob step in the level up so much over the last couple years and the consummate superstar on the women's skate scene Leticia Bufoni she can do it all she's consistent she's got the big tricks she knows how to skate a contest I think the only way she could be beat is with somebody going more tech than she can we'll see Pamela Rosa another Brazilian one of three brazilians in the final she's just solid consistent skating big tricks reliable always puts it down hard to beat and Pamela can skate the rails and this is a great course for anyone who could skate handrails look at that Brazil squad right there three Brazilians in a row and this one Julia Reyes a Leal she is a youtube sensation a billion followers everybody in skateboarding pays attention to what she's doing because she is unbelievable eleven years old first final the level of tricks that she's going to be bringing her amazing and coming out of Australia Haley Wilson she impressed in the semifinals with some of the biggest and most tech tricks of the contest big spin front port fakie sealed it for puddin to generally we'll see at the last moment she's been the Australian champ for three years in a row so she's not new to the contest stage and last year's World Champion our Nishimura she is so precise and consistent and confident she's the favorite here tonight but it's a deep stat he [Applause] [Music] right our finalists man this is going to be this is gonna be a great final I predict it's gonna be the most competitive final we've seen in SLS women's skateboarding today and it makes sense because this is the kickoff the first chance for skaters to start accumulating those points to get to Tokyo next year that's the biggest thing that has happened in skateboarding since you insert your ever I don't know sir yes yeah this is gonna be massive and we've talked about it quite a bit already but what it's really doing is its opening up the entire world to skateboarding and you're seeing it in there the reflection here's funa Nakayama our Monster Energy making the cut skater of the weekend just squeezing into the final so she's the first one in that's a nerve-wracking spot but she just got to warm up and practice so that helps and here we go run one of two the first-run jitters is always difficult especially for someone who's never ever made it to finals before as doesn't have the experience of any real competition besides a few local events [Music] yeah buddha came out swinging to the qualifiers the tailslide fakie to the wood on the course is actually really slippery it's hard to tell what's different from here between the wood and the concrete but the transitions are wood and the decks of wood the a frames are concrete stairs are concrete there's a look at that frontside boardslide whoa you see the back truck wiggle it loose trucks super loose trucks followed it up with an awesome heel flip so Nakayama getting off to a tough start run number one a 1.8 room for improvement on run number 2 you have plenty of opportunities to improve next skater in she was 8th at the World Championships in Rio and as you said she's working on her her mental game yeah that's key for her cuz she has the talent Alexis has always been a phenomenal skater but one of her biggest issues is she just sykes herself out she gets way too into what she's trying and she just doesn't want to stop even if it's not the right decision and we saw yesterday from her was that she was skating really smart and she opted to go for I think was the front board the last trick and it was the right amount of points to get her in there right I think what she had to do was just lower the expectations a notch as to what maybe she's gonna be able to make and then she made it all and qualified and easy yeah and that's time run number one for Alexis so not not a perfect run but a good solid start yeah good start and where Alexis really shines is in the best-trick but as we all know it helps tremendously to build the confidence in the run so when you get to the best trick you feel a little bit more calm and ready for it three point six solid score for Alexis now let me give you a breakdown of the pylon on the left of your screen and how it works below the skaters name are the run section and best-trick tabs the top four scores will be shown in white and the drop scores will be shown in grey below that as the leaderboard the current skaters name is highlighted in white and after each attempt their name will be in grey until they skate again the leaderboard updates after every single score and then finally on the bottom of the screen you'll see the score the skater needs for the lead and if they can't take the lead you'll see the highest placing they can get with a score that's the pylons it's a guide to this whole event next skater in from the Netherlands candy Jacobs she's been skating the gyro circuit for years placed fifth last year here in London at the Pro Open and she's keeping it going here this weekend great start coming up with the feeble nollie 360 combo over the a-frame oh nice ground on that bump to ledge yeah Candy's really stepped it up these last two years just diversifying the trick bag super good Smith grind there's a really solid run ten seconds left his tail she's mixing it up staying on loose on the Kochs hey is okay that was up flawless run that was great mixing it up with the tricks there's no the look at that crooked grind almost back side nose grind s which makes it harder yeah and then you got the Smith grind always risky going the distance bump to bump and that's four she got on on the high side that was a great run for candy six point good all right that's a huge run score yeah that is going to be a score you're gonna have to look to beat if you want to win this contest now obviously Leticia Bufoni somebody could put a run together diverse attea tricks and staying on letici on course whoa high speed lipslide almost losing it right there I think 5o if anyone has pressure on her to perform as Leticia but she has a proper coach in her corner we haven't mentioned Chris Cole that's why he's not up here right now he's down there helping her navigate scores tricks what to do what not to do which is awesome why wouldn't you want to have super real world champ having your back absolutely ten seconds left on run number one nice front tail fakie [Music] just so focused charging tricking oh that was a great run and you see what Leticia does so well it's strategy she doesn't push it too hard she takes it to her limit knowing that she can make that run and kills it and she's gonna be looking at a great score too and then she can really turn up the heat five point five good score that's not everything she's got to know it's good she's a super smart competitor comes in with a strong person run and if she makes it 5.5 currently in second place behind kandi [Music] all right we're halfway through the first runs of the Women's World Tour london sls 2019 welcome back inside copper box arena this is the 2019 SLS World Tour London women's final and there is Leticia Bufoni second place at the 2018 World Championship she's gonna become coming for blood taking a look back at what happened in Rio how it all played out mariah Duran on fire Moriah skated super well down there surprising to see her not in tonight's final Pamela Rosa putting it down going over the bar Alexis Sablan doing what she does in Rio staying on not quite making everything for the win Leticia Lacey Baker tech she put it down got edged out by hammers from our e and Leticia third place though yes there's Leticia getting a good run in it was so so close neck and neck between her and iorry while we were down there it was it was back and forth first place second place and then I worry at the end came through with big strategy and timing so it was tied it was back and forth and then Leticia put that down but everybody warned I already played it smart here we go backs back board on that massive rail for the win it's big moment there she is she's skating here tonight trying to defend the championship title next in Pamela Rosa SLS veteran she's been in four World Championships and she just brings solid skating every time that was a great combo front look to fakie and a half cap no slide it's been cool to watch her growing up through SLS these last few years whoa super-good smith into the crook 20 seconds left Pamela's looking for her first podium [Music] backside boardslide on the key trail this is a really really good run yes the front tail so that was that was a great run skidded every obstacle out there fakie tricks regular tricks Lumpkin lipslide to fakie hitting the double kink rail is also clutch and that fast speed action right there with that half cap nose after yeah that was awesome in the middle of the run I'm excited to see score on that so kandi had that 6.1 is it going to be enough 7.0 for Grandma la rocha score that is a huge score next in Julia Raisa leigh.m and she is absolutely incredible this is her first ever XLS file and the crowd loves her 11 years old I have been I'm so stoked following her Instagram the level of tricks that she's got is unbelievable my prediction is that she is gonna be the skater to be in women's skateboarding for the next 15 years yeah we saw her in Brazil she skated well it just wasn't able to make it happen but coming in looking really strong tonight front nosegrind 10 seconds left the power for somebody so young is amazing oh that kickflip in would have been awesome nevertheless she put in a great run who until that last trick and you could see she has the confidence coming into this event whereas in Rio she kind of had a little bit of a meltdown but quick recovery front board right into that kickflip you gotta be so comfortable to be able to make that happen that's a really tight area frontside nosegrind leveled perfectly done waiting on score five point three that's good about the fourth place but she's got a lot more to give absolutely [Music] next in from Australia Hayley Wilson needs a seven point one to take the lead she can do it skated super well qualifying in was it first place for most of the day until they Ori bumped her out but coming in with some heat right now she has a great mix between tech and going big she can do both it's hard to be double cake Wow I love that that's just part of the run now but it's not part of everyone's right now nice big spit up [Applause] coming back at the rail Oh she's fighting that landing that was another wild male - it's like front-foot taking off glad she's alright so the helmet is a giveaway that she's under 18 anybody wearing a helmet yeah under 18 there you go another look at that big spin caught perfectly all the way around I like that hustle - caught perfectly all the way around and it immediately turns to push scores at 3.0 not great so she's gonna look to her second run to put it all together and now final skater in the finals before we go back to the top of the order hurry Nishimura defending world champ you need to say coming in with a solid crew on that rail [Music] your looks so called out there when there's so much pressure on the line [Music] I feel like the whole Japanese team is is prepared better than almost anyone for these situations they just seem to handle it really well as it may look like the DOS crack got away gonna be enough time to get one more in like she kind of shattered her confidence a bit out there and you know how it is when you're coming in with the nerves by the end of the 45 second run when you're rolling up to a big round a little bit of shaky legs take you right off your board and you know coming in last can be an advantage but it's also gotta be nerve-racking maybe when you see runs like what Pam will put down and what can you did those those are great scores so our ease scores in 4.6 good enough for fifth place she's situated just fine though to move into the second runs there's a shot of our leader Pamela Rhodes up looking for her first ever podium we'll be back with the second runs when we come back [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back inside copper box arena run number one here in the final is in the books waiting on run to but first we caught up with one of our head judges Scott back for more of what they're looking for [Music] what I look for as a judge you know obviously the the difficulty of the trick the amount of risk that someone's taking by doing it and also style style matters if you look at any sport if you shoot a three-pointer and it looks really pretty you still only get three points skateboarding you know if you do a really hard trick and you do it looking really good then you're gonna get a higher score in the run section I look for like a more complete run and someone who can use the course creatively to like if you can find a different way to skate the course than everybody else then you should be rewarded for that best trick section there's so many different ways to stand out like you can stand out by skating a standard obstacle but doing a really difficult innovative trick or you can stand out by doing a trick that's out of the ordinary for creative reasons not technical reasons that is not an easy job Andrew that's the hardest job in the world it seems so so difficult because obviously so much is open to interpretation but on top of that it's like when things get crazy and it's just trick after trick you had to be so on point to make sure that you're doing the the right amount of points in the moment odds it seems not easy my hats off to them [Music] so this is the women's final here at the 2019 SLS World Tour London stop the first Olympic qualifying points event ever and we're seeing it reflect in the skating so far run number one in the books we're about to kick-off second runs second runs about to start funa Nakayama soon enough time on that first run but the skill she's got I'm excited to see what she brings on coach and you want everyone to stay on we want to see everyone's best skating versus people winning because other skaters fell that's no for solit frontside boardslide looking at that heel flip that's like it need a Williams heel flip which is going for the spin freely I love them we're seeing tail slides Smith grinds nose grinds all over the place so another top run for pune it's gonna come down to best tricks sometimes that's okay she's got difficult tricks though and in the end she is only 13 years old so this is just the beginning but obviously this is the time look at extension on much pop that's really good 2.2 it's an improvement over first run that's nice k Hayakawa her coach coaching her on he's awesome they're doing a great job because the Japanese team is smashing it's alright Alexis Simone in for rut number two she's in seventh place for now alexis is such a unique individual as well super she's scholar she's an artist phenomenal skater she's just this really creative awesome person and nice front board hanging on fighting the very competitive and she almost followed it up with the kickflip I like the hustle though right now all right is there enough time to get one more in [Applause] so Alexis struggling in the runs we know she could put it down and best trick but now she has to put it down that's true there's another look at that front board down the rail and then going into that kickflip combo we saw a couple people do that combo unfortunately unable to make it we're gonna see that reflected in the score three point three it's good enough to move her up in a second for now but not everybody has two scores that leaderboard is gonna keep moving around until after second or third best-trick attempts candy Jacobs from the Netherlands is back in nollie live across the flat bar so difficult with that when the timing is so key otherwise if you don't pop it right you're going right into that little gap between the bump to bump Candy's best ever SLS finishes fit she's looking for her first podium nice people grind I love that combo going feeble grind and then nollie 360 on the bump to bump pop off the nose you're just not seeing anyone else do that crooked grind she's got to eat meat back she's trying to squeeze one more in not gonna happen I think she's calling for it anyway so unfortunately we had a fall on there but for candy alright there's another look at that feeble grind down the rail haven't seen many Feebles I think she's the only one so far and then that nollie 270 where timing is imperative that's a quick adjustment off the rail on the a-frame candy Jacobs 5.32 great run scores for candy she is way up in first place with an overall score of 11.4 and she's going to bring it in the best tricks which is awesome Leticia in next the skater with the most pressure all the expectations of Brazil on her shoulders when she puts so much pressure on herself as well as she wants to win but she handles it like the champion that she is first over the 5.5 front side one-eighty utilizing the transition nice 360 flip up getting the flick tricks in there which is huge as far as me overall points alright tailslide to fakie hanging on 10 seconds left tisha put together a really good run so far yes the Smith grind Oh 360 that was almost the contest Bank so five five on her first run that was it that was a really good run right there as well needs a 6.0 to take the lead do you think that gets it done I don't I think it could I think it could that Smith grind was really really well done there's a lot of variety of them you had to flip tricks to the 360 flip up the Euro gap five nine so incredibly close right there so second place all right re Nishimura coming up right after this [Music] welcome back this is copper box arena SLS world tour of London women's final second runs kandi Jacobs is our current leader Leticia Bufoni sitting in second place a lot of pressure on our e-visa Wawro for her second run coming up shortly first Pamela Rosa she had an incredible first run highest run-scorer with a 7.0 looking for her first ever podium all right here we go second of two runs before we move on the best-trick Pamela Rosa the front limb faking that's the danger of the front lip fake is that wheel bite you just saw and these rails end low there's not a lot of time coming off to get anything all the way around still has a good decent amount of time 25 seconds left nice Smith [Music] oh she just looks a little bit off on this run right now [Music] [Applause] double kick that's what happens with the lawn double kick you gotta you gotta balance it out that's tough it's a long round so that seven is solid super solid second score coming it is not going to be nearly as high locked in nicely on that Smith grind and then the crooked grind as well but unfortunately a tough second run for score of one wait for but you cannot count her out she's got still five best-trick attempts and she skates those rails well and that's seven that score of a seven is huge right now so Julia Leal the crowd favorite anywhere she goes started off nice lipslide switching up that combo at the front board on that first run Smith nobody is doing the back Smith we've seen a handful of run Smith's back Smith's a whole nother animal people rapping she looks keeping it going frontside nosegrind no problem got time for one maybe two more tricks nice people right down the rail I love that she's bringing different tricks to the second front [Applause] she hid everything she had the crowd support she did hard tricks mixed it up another look at it's just great to see that although this is the first time we've seen her in the final she's coming into it knows exactly what to do switching up the tricks the feeble grind and even better she has way more for the best tricks yeah but just repeat a bunch of things we've already seen just got fake oh look at scored eight that puts Julia in first place with an overall score of 12.1 after two runs 11 years old putting some serious pressure on all the other skaters haley wilson coveted for her second rod she needs a good score to build that confidence going into best trick Haley can stay on she will be able to do it yesterday she qualified in in second [Applause] [Music] there we go backside boardslide on the Cape rail such a difficult trick to hold the balance that whole time [Music] yes backside mix man up the euro gap switch in the feet up quickly with five seconds left makes the front board it kicked him into the bank had time really really solid run for hailey Wilson she needed that after that 300 on the first one that was super important there's another look at that backside boardslide perfectly balanced at the center and then we saw falling this one in the last run nice front board down to cap things off the edge I don't know if the kickflip made it at a time look at that much better score 7.2 hailey moves up the leaderboard into fourth place overall at a ten-point to just behind Leticia Bufoni and that Center up very well going to the best trick no question about it how are a nice shimmer ax coming in for her second run sitting on a 4.6 from her first run this is the defending champion right here you don't cook the grind all the way across that flat bar she didn't have a great first run but I'm really hoping she can put it together right here nice backside lipslide down the rail I like how many women are going for the to trick combo right there down the rail and the trick on the bank to be that's a really tight combo though the feeble into that a lot of people are skipping the rail beforehand oh she got that trick in that time to which she needed it because otherwise the last 20 seconds of her run was fails that's gonna put a lot of pressure on her as we go into the best trick but she could do it I mean she's throw out a backflip in the middle of her run and then a nosegrind attempt to be in when you have to make 4 to the 5 to get your voice that that is a tough spot to be in she can do it so currently in fifth place four point six back to back on those two runs that's gonna put a lot of pressure on her all right remember to follow us at sls and get social for updates clips of your favorite skaters results and more follow at ENSO us [Music] let's talk about the schedule what's coming up next after this London England stop Los Angeles California coming up July 27th and 28th and check out Street League comm for more info and dates [Music] best-trick coming up there is your current leader Julia Leal here we go best trick stick around [Music] [Music] welcome back to London England for the 2019 SLS World Tour this is the women's final we're in the middle of it the best-run section is in the books best tricks coming up take a look at our current standings look at that Juliet Raisa Mendez Liao up on top with a 12.1 followed by the Netherlands candy Jacobs and Leticia Bufoni wrote rounding out the top three from there I mean it is anyone's game as we move into best trick let's talk about how this contest works this is the basics we saw the run section two 45-second runs each and now best trick coming up five best-trick attempts anywhere on the course and the top four scores overall count all right we shake up the start list for the best trick section based on standings after the runs so pune Nakayama coming in first followed by alexis - blown Pamela Rosa our E we'll keep it going from there buna had some trouble in the rug section but super talented to fakie that was amazing it is not over for her way to mix it oh man look at that locked in perfectly taking it to fakie that was that was perfect and we've seen some tail slides so far but we haven't seen a single one on the rail 6.9 really good score to set things off absolutely now you're gonna see the leaderboard moving all over the place but it won't really matter until all skaters have four scores on the board alexis sapone coming in smart this is Alexis playing it smart right now she can't play it too smart though because she's gonna have to start dropping some hammers that was great but is it gonna be enough to give her the score to set her up to really run with it 5.0 is solid there that boobs are up in the second suite up in a second for now Pamela Rosa on deck she's in eighth place she needs is a 3/8 to take the lead she had that tough second run but showing how much control she has on that keep trail boardslide that's just that's a long boardslide to balance it but I mean throwing the two cakes look at that whoo flipping the truck on the way to fakie and hang it on a good chance she may move into first place waiting on that score he's a three point I think what better be enough see if there's any deduction for getting sloppy on the landing this is where the judges start having to earn their cash but it's nice to see taking their time they're going alright we had a lip slide we have the front tail how's the boardslide to fakie fair that's that's such a tough just sitting there waiting for the score like tell me well we'll see really now it's making me nervous talking this one out [Music] so this is the final the first points event on the weights of the Olympics and 6.54 Pamela Rosa is huge moves are um in the second place I think there was it I think it was a mistake all right our EDC Borah coming into an eighth place needs five point eight to move into first sound frontside lipslide solid lip slide and we saw Alexis do that same trick for a 5.0 our he follows up same score that's fair 5.0 did it really well and we've seen our he knows how to to just put down the tricks for the point she needs very strategic Haley Wilson is in I'm back board I'm curious how that's gonna fare regular versus fakie who saw the 6.5 on the backboard to fakie but she landed it perfectly here's another look navigating through those cakes so look it almost looked super easy for here's the update Pamela Rosa is in first place oh look at that a six point seven and now Haley Wilson is in first place so she got point to higher because she landed it so so well and went super fast Leticia Bufoni coming in in seventh she only has the two run scores I'm excited to see where she's gonna go on the best-trick front side one-eighty over the handrail to flat that is a long stair set we saw her do that qualifiers and she was she was definitely giving a good score so see where the judges go today Goodspeed 6.5 boobs really firstly so a lot of lead changes happening kandi Jacobs now down in seven six point six are better the center of nollie front-foot Oh nollie Smith front that one is super super difficult I popping off of the nose before the end of the ramp getting into a Smith grind there's there's a modern route for air there's another look because you know what happens with that trick you overdo it and end up in a lip slide absolute shootout yeah four point seven good score good enough for third place Julia Raisa Leal sixth-place this is her see what she brings down the rail that first try that's why it's gonna be huge we have a competition on our hands right now here's another look right so getting that back truck in poking it down with the front foot perfectly done such a difficult trick on a square bar as well just locking into it so different than a round rail look at that score right now 19.3 that 7.2 is the highest score of the final but look at where Leticia is 17.9 wow there is over a point differential between the two of them best trick attempt number two starting right now buna back down in eighth but that could change quick Oh going for the crooked grind get into a nose slide unfortunately in sliding out now she's got work to do she only asked three attempts left after this and her run scores were low but oh if she can get that crooked grind and then keep progressing from there there is potential for podium Alexis in seventh on the first one where she's going Kix look from 5050 attempt so this is that moment right now with Alexis where she either can calm it down put it together or she fell down Pamela Rosa on deck in fifth she needs a 4.5 to move into the lead no he's crooked grind down the rail so funda tried that unable to make it Pamela Sebastian that crooked grind there's no look getting into that front truck look at the balance popping out nicely that was that was perfect and Pamela gets a 6.1 that is good enough to take the lead back from Raisa Wow all right I worry a 6.9 we'll move her in Lily that's a big score but we know she can do it coming in Oh creepy right back to back Braille skating is definitely stepping up [Music] so once again getting into that front truck really well-executed making it look easy yeah so I think it's scores gonna be round the same six point two four second place and she's right up in the mix I think she needs to turn it up in the next few tries see where Haley goes she made that in the semis she's gonna I'm guessing she's gonna want to put that down yeah that makes the board will be a big score and she's got that trick to go to Leticia fourth place needs a three point two to regain the lead hands down she bought it for all it was worth and that would have that would have been a huge score yeah front tail to fakie it would have been good I can't be back in 5.0 puts here in the link the frontside lipslide getting away to shooting out double zeros Andy down in sixth place right now back up to Julia facea she's in third place all she needs is a 1.8 make anything jisu she slows on the back lid oh and for the win really impressive though to just be going for all those blind side tricks the intensity is building here in this building look at that you see it in the basis we'll be back with more best-trick attempts and the finals [Music] the first major wave and explosion of skateboarding in England I think came in the 70s and they built outdoor concrete parks across the whole of the country and over time those got so beaten down nobody had anywhere to skate we had nothing in England now Redlands came and like the early 90s and it was indoors you know when that contest came about and you had all these protion all over the world that arguably changed the face of British skateboarding Southbank became a very important and integral place for British skateboarding because it was on the cover in the centre of London and so people still skated there and so that battle of the South Bank's been going on very very long time at the skaters and everyone involved with that deserves a massive pat on the back you know so if they renovate and fix up some of that stuff it's gonna be one of the best skate spots in the world and I think for London to be at the forefront of making the decision to bring a contest as big as SLS to its city right on the heels of what's happening South Bank that sends a huge message out to all the metropolitan cities across the world that that's how you do it welcome back inside copper box arena the women's final is heating up we've seen lead changes one after another this is best-trick attempts tanding Pamela Rosa from Brazil up on top followed by our initial Mura from Japan and Julia Raisa Mendes Liao the youngest and smallest competitor we've seen out here but killing it there's a shot of Leticia right now we caught up with her to get her takes on skateboarding in the Olympics this being the first qualifier for the Olympics it's definitely more more pressure even if it was a small contest I was going to be nervous so I just got a try to stay calm and land all my tricks everyone who is trying to make to the Olympics and everyone who is trying to win you don't come to a contest like this you just escape for fun you know you come here to do your best and win so I think people's gonna skate harder for sure the first time that the Olympics downtown said he was gonna be in 2020 I was in the Olympics in Rio in 2016 and you it was a crazy moment I never thought this moment was gonna come I'm sure it's already helping a lot in skating we were having more events we're having more people more support and it's it's only gonna be better for us and for the sport agreed and now there's three brazilian women in this file and as we said earlier there's a cap only three skaters from any country can go to the olympics so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out and it's only gonna get more intense this is a tent number three this one is critical for Pune right now there we go making that crooked grind that means she is not out because she only has two more attempts this will be her second solid score on the board because she's gonna want to replace those low run scores this will be a nice solid score and then from here she's gonna stick those last two and try to move up from eight all right six point zero crooked grind so far so judges may be docking her a little bit for originality Alexis alone now she's in a place she's looking for her fourth score this was so well done right there and at a crucial moment kicked flipping into a 50/50 grind off the bump done perfectly take another look look at that flick catching that was perfect it really really well done that's gonna be a giant score for Alexis seven point one and all of a sudden she's up in fourth place she needed that right there and you could see the relief okay now she says I I have two tries left to win it matches to save face or you know hope not to fall she can put it down and win Pamela Rosa is in very very nice turning the screws and the pressure on everybody else out here today Pamela is such a good rail skater there's another look turning the backside so it's a lot more difficult it's not natural you have to turn your head keep it blindside and again Pamela looking for her first podium and would I'm sure she'd be happy with a win six point seven she has a gorgeous score twenty six point three she is going to be difficult to beat Howry is in the mix but she needs to put down some big scores yes in second all right here we go answering it with that back lip that seems to be our ease theme lately is answering tricks it's like okay you got that I got that there's another look sliding down the rail backwards six point six it keeps her in second increases her points but she still almost the full four points below Pamela Rosa she's gonna need to start branching out i Haley went for that big spit front board on the last attempt she looks like she's setting up for it again same fall over the toes yeah it's just impressive to be able to get into that trip and that's a long flat bar as well [Music] so Haley has two tries left to put it all together and they're gonna be critical Leticia Bufoni looking for a fourth score there is nails and DeBakey so we already know that's gonna get a good score we'll see how much it moves her up the board she needs an eight five four first it's not gonna be an 85 I think we saw that one in two sixes properly done dropping it to fakie 7.0 Leticia is now in second place remember we did see that one this is seven yeah candy Jacobs trying to battle her way out of eighth place sorry front side fifty-fifty I think she'll get an OK score for that but when you've got skaters crooked grinding it tail sliding it back limping it back smithing it it's just it's just not gonna hold up 50/50 is a lot more standard agreed especially because she can Feebles around well she has two attempts left after this so she may be building to it never makes it clear that moving up into fourth though three point six strategy alright jr. try that back lip makes it on this one needs a seven point one to get up in the first place take a look at that and you said I mean she is our smallest competitor out there that is a big and long rail turning into the back lip shoulders in the head and nice and straight really well done six point seven that's putting her in striking distance of Pamela Rosa but a point three behind right now look at that right now the podium is all Brazil food and Nakayama top of the order attempt number four we have two attempts left that was awesome super difficult that was a surprise that was off the bump pinching it down on that front foot really well done all on the front truck five point nine man moving her up into fifth place with the 21 and with one try left chill Nita seven point six or better at least right now Alexis a blown the kickflip she committed yeah it wasn't even right at all and she committed she commits to pretty much every kickflip oh look at that Pamela right now warming up current leaders first feeling big spent front born her low score is a six point one she's trying to get rid of that a big spit front Ward will do it and add to her lead [Music] coming at the rail set the feet up Oh big spin front board getting away that is a really really difficult trick to hold on to she's in a dangerous spot right now that just moves her wide open for Julia to come in and put something down our it needs an eight point six for the lead she's trying to get rid of a four point six so any sheep any of that will help her cause setting up for her last trip that would do better than that 4.6 she's trying to drop and now it leaves her with one try left to get that score and that is a tall order pressure is going to be on hailey Wilson on deck speaking of pressure will she is she gonna go for that big spin front board again she just needs a score I mean anything but I think she should just put this ball from big spin for a board down right yeah handle it if you're going for it you want to win there makes it when she needs it [Music] knows it that's gonna be a massive score and it's gonna set her up she's not probably gonna get a 9.5 but it's gonna set her up there's the wheel on her last ride shoving it with that back foot getting it all the way around into the front board look at that footing landing perfectly to fakie there's so much room for error in that one place knocking Leticia Bufoni down into fourth oh man so Haley's gonna need a four point for her better on her next try unless things changed pretty good right now Leticia needs a seven and she got a seven on that last tailslide so we'll see what she's got for us anything better than a five five is gonna help her cause right now Oh wheel bite on the back lip man the pressure is going to be on if she would have made that she would have been looking really strong to win it on her last try now she needs a huge score on her last try kandi Jacobs coming in at 7th place where's she gone oh trying to go for the feeble grind down the devil King that's a risky one all right Julia Raisa Leal needs season five seven you get that right now which is gonna land now what's it going to be Oh risking it with a kickflip so this right here is the difference strategy is so important [Music] Wow so that is four out of five best-trick attempts one attempt still to come and a skater is gonna walk out of here with that first-place trophy right after this welcome back to the 2019 SLS world tour london women's final and it all comes down to this the fifth and final best-trick attempts Brazilian Pamela Rosa is on top the leaderboard baaaa by Julia Raisa liao also from Brazil and the Australian a Lee Wilson right there in the mix with a 25 and third the TTIP phony off the podium right now but it can all change in these final tries it's close and ER yes it is super close and what's interesting is we saw pamela try that big spin front board the same one that Haley just did Haley got an eight point one so if she can do that it can really put her up at the top of here it might make her untouchable so funa though right now down in sixth place she needs a 7.6 to get up in the top spot would have done it the fruit down the handrail that's the biggest trick we've seen tried in the middle that was ever Hey although that's not going to do it that right there sends a message saying hey it's coming get ready that was nuts Alexis alone she's just trying to put something down on the square bar so difficult we saw her do that in p/j labs wonderful horrible life video so long ago and that cemented her name in women's skateboarding history Wow okay Pamela Rosa strategizing she is the current leader she is trying to drop the low score of a six point one anything better than that six point one is gonna increase her lead by that much but Julia is so close behind right now the 26 Pamela's got that twenty six point three this trip right here is so important for Pamela and Haleigh Wilson is right there also what is it gonna be she's not on the other side of the course looks like she's not going for the big spin front board oh man cord gonna go to regular so we'll see where the judges go she did it to fakie she played it smart very smart to put points on the board the question is does it get her a score better than a six point one does it help her cause look at how she hung on to that man like every Ridge yeah she really wanted that that's super super difficult when you're not right in the middle see where they go score wise 5.0 they don't give it to her I'm gonna do it so Pamela's score staying there at that twenty six point three but it leaves it wide open for someone to come in there put something down and win eight point six he'll do it for Howry Oh frontside nosegrind attempt she she slipped over she's gonna stay in fifth [Applause] so that's gonna do it for e there's there's the look slipping over that's that's why at the front nose grind on a square rail is so difficult if you're not perfectly locked in you're going over the top Haley Wilson is in next needs a seat for her first that that puts so much it can be something LASIK see what happens mighty enough I don't know oh man it's strategy but it's leaving it in the hands of the judges she did not risk it all for the win right there but if it's enough played it so smart I'm really curious to see where the Jews go on it to the judges not gonna speculate 4.2 puts her into second place with a 26.2 I think the judges wanted to see somebody putting it all on the line for the win the t-shirts right now can do that she needs a 704 first is it enough is it going to be enough she went for it and put it down there's another look she's not the first person to backside lipslide the rail in the final No so we've seen the judges not reacting very well to a biddies 6.5 all right so the tesha in fourth place not going to move her up does not move her up to the podium Pamela Rosa is hanging on to to go but really only one of them can take the win away from and II cannot win right now what's it going to be trouble alright it comes down to this right here and now this is the SLS London women's final one skater left one best trick attempt is Julia Raisa Mendes Leal she needs a 5.7 oh she misses the kickflip and Pamela Rosa is our champion tomorrow's 2019 SLS World Tour London Women's Champion what a crazy finish here in London Pamela rosin getting not only her first but her first win being congratulated there by the 2015 world champ Calvin Hoffler and being handed the trophy first place her first SLS win and talk about a step on the path to the 2020 Olympics in Japan congratulations Pamela Rosa [Music] we're back inside copper box arena where we just saw a wild woman's final going down lead changes all night long until Pamela Rosa shut it down and clinched the win there's a shot of her celebrating doing it for Brazil on the path to the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo there's a look at the final standings Pamela Rosa up on top with a twenty six point three followed by Australia's Haley Wilson and rounding out the podium Julia Raisa Mendez Liao what a showing now we're gonna throw it down to Andrew cannon who's with our winner down here with Pamela Rosa our Victor here today Pamela this is your first ever win at Street League how are you feeling I'm so so happy to be here thanks mom thanks my brother Kevin Oh Fleur II I'm happy I'm happy I'm very head congratulations of victory well deserved what a moment spent bringing it home for Brazil first place at the first Olympic qualifying event let's take a look at the monster highest scored trick 8.1 from Haley Wilson big spin frontside boardslide to fakie third time was a charm for Haley Wilson and there's our winner Pamela Rosa Wow congratulations to all the finalists here especially the winner Pamela Rosa thank you so much to everybody tuning in from all around the world come back for the men's final at 7:00 p.m. [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SLS
Views: 314,923
Rating: 4.9052844 out of 5
Keywords: sis, street league, street league skateboarding, skateboarding, Pamela Rosa, Hayley Wilson, Rayssa Leal, Leticia Bufoni, Aori Nishimura, Funa Nakayama, Candy Jacobs, Alexis Sablone
Id: wGnr0lWV9WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 47sec (5027 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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