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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adaptive ridiculous podcast my name is dk diamantes my co-host is bricky we are going to be talking about some really ridiculous warhammer 40k stuff today but before we do if you enjoyed today's episode of the podcast heading over to adept patreon.com ridiculous where if you support us on patreon you can get access to our discord uh some behind the scenes stuff bloopers if they happen and uh some really really nice hd posters so patreon.com adeptus ridiculous uh bricky where can these fine folks find some real top-tier quality merch dk i gotta say today i'm really excited for this episode like oh i'm really really really excited for this episode because well a lot of reasons the topic is a big part of it naturally yeah um there's a big part of that uh there's some i'm really excited to discuss this we got a whole lot going on but also i got great news the dice are back in stock let's call the dice are finally back in stock and this time we have a lot now i i wanna i wanna make a couple statements real quick before we get too deep into it um the reason they took so long is because i had to change the people i was working with for the dice um because the last people were not fun to work with and so i had to change it up redo it all kind of crap and so this new dice are a bit different material i like the color and the pips better but they are a bit lighter as well and normally when you feel lighter you generally assume like lesser quality naturally oh right you know um and i think i think like it's kind of a side grade personally but i can kind of see the argument for maybe them a little bit less so because of that the dice across the board have been discounted twenty percent to make up for it oh let's go that's not like a deal like before was 10 for 20 25 or 35 and 50 for 50. now it's 10 for 15 25 for 27.50 and 50 for 40. all right okay the first one being uh the amount of dice so 10 to 15 bucks you know that kind of thing so that's that's a good deal um so it's been they've all been discounted by 20 uh got plenty of dice though i still think they look great i love them i literally played a game my first game of night lords yesterday oh how'd it go uh well i fought tau and they lost badly like you lost badly cause tau railguns and yikes oh the rail guns aren't out yet oh no no no this is old trash to your towel ah okay so you dominated good work i did i did very well yes with the adept that's why you won you were using those sick adeptus ridiculous dice the dice felt good they were you know the lightness was actually nice when i had to roll a lot of them they they felt good in the hands i like them so pick up some dice check them out orcadate.com or look in the description for some dice also i'm not done yet we also have a deal going on so not only have they been discounted but also if you buy some dice it doesn't matter which quantity and one of our merch things so a shirt or a hoodie you get 15 off your entire order and that's for the rest of january let's go so dice are back if you buy dice and shirt or hoodie or whatever you get fifteen percent off the whole order okay i'm good don't need time for the don't you talk about the book club because we don't need to talk about the book club oh we don't need to talk about the book why not bricky because today is necron supremacy day necron supremacy necron supremacy hail to the infinite empire [Laughter] um so me so i was recommended right so much that twice dead king ruin which just went on pre-order sale for the next um sequel twice it came rain um for i think it's 40 bucks i actually already pre-ordered the collector's edition of the hardback because i wanted to and um i think you can actually get the audio book on black library uh right now for like 40 bucks which i don't know how much audio books normally cost that seems a little steep but that doesn't seem steep that seems a little a little much although i'm i just buy them on audible and they i just i have a credit dude yeah they're like 20 bucks i think per credit so uh whatever it is um so a little steep but you can't get it now games workshop don't say i never did anything for you um but as i was reading the book i was like this is pretty good and then i was like this is really good like whoa this is really [ __ ] good so much so that i didn't even want to do a book club episode because it was so good that i wanted to do a full episode and because we actually learned a lot about the necrons in this book and so it kind of is like a continuation like hey guys look at all this new stuff we just learned about in the book so we're doing an old tics episode instead um and i think with the exception of the so the the night lords trilogy i think this is my favorite 40k book i i would definitely agree um definitely better than the infinite and the divine which is oh i i think the infinite divine has a better ending um but it's really hard to top that ending yeah i mean it does have a better ending but to be fair twice dead king is looking like it's going to be at least a trilogy so technically we don't know what the actual ending of twice that king is yet if the divine is like like it has like a nine and a half out of ten ending and twice there's like a nine out of ten ending it's still i was gonna say the ending was really really good also uh no no spoilers or nothing the necrons have a pulse a weapon called the pulse and that [ __ ] sounds so busted like what the [ __ ] so so yeah yes so so naturally we will be spoiling this book um if you don't care you don't care about necrons or whatever i mean you're honestly missing out i i would recommend reading this book um but regardless we will be spoiling at least this first part of the book and if at any point it sounds great maybe you should go read it or listen to it because it's really good and also it's done by um richard reed who also voiced the infinite divine so a pretty great work there and it was also made by nate crowley which which is the writer which i'm not quite sure what else he has done um either well apparently he has a book called gaz kothraka prophet of the wa coming out this year oh [ __ ] we have to do that oh my gosh i don't think shy is gonna let us miss that right look looking respectfully emoji we have to that's a that's a no-brainer ah he's gonna get to brush up on my org voice but anywho uh twice dead king ruin is the story of ultix o-l-t-i-x i believe is how it's spelt um yeah i only listened to it i thought it was like u-l-l-t-i-x i could never tell him i think it's o-l-t-i-x sure um that works old six of the i i literally already forgot what kind of dynasty he was from it's a sub dynasty uh yeah it wasn't the most important part it wasn't um of the entire book but basically oltx is an exile yes um he did something he did some bad things which got him to be stripped of his because he was like a lord or like an overlord and he was then stripped of his silver necrodermis and so he's instead of having like a silver thing he's looks kind of like like a like a onyx color like a dark almost stone yeah like a black metal yeah uh kind of color in stem and he was basically sent to go watch over some backwater ass world in their dynasty uh and that and that's kind of where it starts off and i i would really roll with with calling this book this book is a tragedy oh a hundred percent like not just being sexy experian tragedy uh levels of like oof very little hamilty i feel uh oh sure yeah yeah it's yeah cause it's not just tragedy as in this is a sad book it is it is a tragedy it is the fall of an empire it is the the fall of like a house of like a family um it is truly a tragedy and this and this is probably the reason why i like it is because this book is [ __ ] depressing oh absolutely it's really really sad um i think the book i i almost want to say the book made me feel almost the same levels of like disappointment and sadness that like oltx had like when he returns home what you're expecting like with the way altx is preparing for it and what you actually get are sh they couldn't be any more different and it's like oh my god what the [ __ ] happened um so yeah it's it's really interesting seeing the dynamic there but there's a couple of things i really wanted to touch on that we learned about in in terms of like the necron tier world because in this the whole point of this book is that well okay so though the plot line is that he's fighting off some backwater world and trying to deal with orcs um and the interesting thing about altix is that he's got a bunch of sub mines the best the best idea ever um so basic i always imagine them a lot like the ais they give you in the new halo game where they're like little various uh like geometrical shapes with two little eyes on them and i'm imagining like little balls like like duck triangle it's like a little ball but with a tie on or something and then like and then like uh zenology has like the it's like the emote they're all emojis right and then these these are the nerd glasses emoji and then and then um combat i don't think ever speaks it like growls and barks like a dog so it's just like the angry face emoji um so it's it's five it's doctrinal strategic um xenology combat and is it logistics i think or yeah sure i think it's a logistical sub-mind and so there are five versions of himself dedicated to various tasks at hand so if he ever needs to like if he ever needs like hey i'm fighting orcs what is this thing that zenology is doing um and so yeah he basically allows him to talk to himself and so zenology will be like uh like uh oh my lord and master they are doing what is called a wha wow it is like he the xenology has its own little like he hates the unclean but he needs to know about them and doctrinal hates genology so they have like a little rivalry and it's like this little like warring yeah also the old ticks is on disc gordon he can just mute the party he can mute the party but he also has his uh partition which is literally just his notification center and so like doctrinal keeps on like like sending him paying him yeah it's like hey hey hey hey he's like shut up dr i i love the fact that the sub mines actually rival with each other i think that's actually like a really cool idea that there are literally parts of himself that are just at odds with each other um so i i i thought that was a nice little touch where they they start feuding and they just start bickering back and forth and all the kind of like everybody shut up it's just me talking everybody shut the [ __ ] up i like how combat is literally a dog where whenever he's in a situation that he might be in danger combat just starts growling he's like i want to fight um so actually speaking of the hating on each other so let's talk about the most important reveal that has come from this book okay saying the word poop is punishable by death that's that is i'm not i am not and ironically i say this uh no pun intended i am not [ __ ] you you can get killed in the necrons here for saying that bud if you use the the actual word for excrement which would be like excrement or feces or whatever the necron tier refer to as waste yeah it is punishable by death in the necron world because the the concept of biology is so like anathema and so gross to them yep so shy what is that what is this what is that [ __ ] is that shy oh god that's a gif i don't oh oh no that has to be from like uh one of the ren and stimpy's that was a more recent what the [ __ ] is that you where do you where do you get this [ __ ] from shot like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what the hell oh my okay all right back on track oh my god back on track with the [ __ ] talk so uh one time so there was a part in which they were noticing a necron ship flying over him and they scanned it and what they found was that there was plumbing on the ship because it was a storm it was a stolen ship i believe yeah and the plumbing was full of waste and zenology was like there is um uh and i'm so sorry i'm so sorry yeah he has to apologize before saying he's like look uh you know doc triangles you know you guys might want to like uh turn yourselves off or what i'm about to say because uh there's there's there's you know there's waste in there i think he says like excrementary he says he says some word for it right he says the necron word for waste which i think was like crud or car red or something like that oh yeah but it wasn't the necron word it was two slangs down oh yeah that was the funny part instead of it being excrement or poop he said like waste and then immediately after saying that all the other partitions were like [ __ ] furious yeah doc trina was going through deletion protocols he was like trying to ban him from the server he's like how do i have mod privileges on this helm you hated scum it was so funny so i guess the yeah because they they despise because they're very like regal any any kind of weight like in the beginning of the of the book literally one grot making his way not even to the sanctum of his tomb but to the steps of the tomb is like his failure yep to the point where he needs to kill his royal warden for his failure because stepped on a stair yep which by the way net the voicing for neth was absolutely incredible yes well pray toward neth the general who's a little fidgety yeah his uh his brain is full of holes yep and so he's constantly talking like like a like a rebooting computer [Music] [Music] yes sir runs through sub mines to ban dk the server i just lost my silver necrodermis damn it um but so like because in the beginning that happens and then i think the grot like hawks a lookie on his on his foot and he just gets [ __ ] furious and then he just steps on the grass face and pumps it into a paste which then gets more on his body and he's like ah son of a [ __ ] huge damn orcs i think he overheats to like burn off the the excrement yeah they do that later in the book too uh yeah they're like they heat their their core up and they just all the yeah outside so the there's like interesting reveals throughout the thing uh throughout the entirety of the the book for example uh the main story revolves around three major characters i guess four possibly um you have altx and then you have his mentor which was named jaceres which actually starts with a d really it's like d-j-e-r-a-s or something huh yeah anyway it's weird um so he's the equivalent to his brother if not well yeah no he is his brother right that was the kind of the reveal at the end so to speak oh i was known the whole way through well he was his mentor or or i guess it was his uh his senior or whatever but i don't think we necessarily i don't know if we were told he was his brother in the beginning i i thought it was one of those things where he was his mentor and therefore uh or what was superior or whatever but i thought it originally meant like the person who would teach him as opposed to actually being his legitimate older brother oh okay now i might be wrong on that one uh and then there was unass who was the king of the of the dynasty i think or the um yep or or i think he was the pharaoh the dynast the the dennist yes uh which i think it was a reveal that it was his father later on for some reason i always kind of got the vibe that uh even if they didn't explicitly say it it's just whenever all of them interacted it just kind of seemed that way so maybe i just uh jumped the gun on the reveal we have a buddy a dice check who also read the book and he did even though he read the whole thing when i said that jesus was his brother he was surprised so he lost that one um well well uh well i he may have glossed over it it was fine um the point being is that i thought it was a reveal later on but i i could be wrong but um and then uh what was the name of the cryptek again um oh men tep men temp the kryptek mentep the n and grow dancer uh and then there's a couple other side characters um who was the uh the famed blade of sedda ah yannick the freezer of sedda the razor of sedda and then my favorite character was like psycho the uh the stwatch the no the death no that's watch this or not death watch that's mark but that's mark that was close the the death mark who woke up before all of his others and then decided to kill them all and then as punishment for doing so was then uh sentenced to never hold a position of power again and so he calls himself the the baron i think it's a nemosaur but he calls himself a baron because he likes it and so he's constantly talking in like ulta six brain with using his own voice and he's like what what the [ __ ] like psycho cut it out and he's just like if you say so he's got such a creepy voice too yeah he literally like steps out of his pocket dimension and he's like i could just assassinate you if you want yeah it's he's he's creepy he's very cool but very creepy he's very cool um so the idea is that the story goes they're fighting this orc wall and old six is kind of is really pissed the [ __ ] off because jaceras his brother betrayed him unasked the dennis cast him out you know he's like [ __ ] you dad you know [ __ ] my family i hate everybody yeah they're all [ __ ] they all betrayed me no one stood up for me jesus was my mentor he told me that i was out of my back he didn't even stand up for me what the [ __ ] man and and so as time goes they're dealing with like an orc orc invasion and eventually he kind of he has this part where so they do a very like they go full space egypt in here um the idea is that oltx is trying to find a new way of war fight more tactically fight more um pragmatically so instead of the classic necron way which is phalanxes of warriors going marching forward you know for example he was gonna lose the battle against the orcs and he was like nah you know like oh i'm not supposed to let people touch the stairs [ __ ] it i'll let them all into my tomb and they get to enjoy a very egyptian style of traps and hidden caverns and doors and spikes and gun point viewpoints out of the walls and he just leads them into a kill zone and they have no chance even if they get by the traps they're all set up to just hammer them i like how i like how an orc makes it really deep and he's like talking to the orc and he's like what do you think your kind's gonna do and he keeps like stabbing him with his staff he's like what are you gonna do stab stab like you think you can beat me stab stab stab like he's like poking him spit on him and he's like just like screaming and like he's like screaming he's like oh [ __ ] poke poke poke he's like poking a bug and then uh didn't he get the idea to do that from uh the medium because he had the yes so he has another sub mine type thing yeah where he has they call the medium where he can go back to any point in time even the time of flesh and review a memory the problem is that like a dream the memory will slowly fade away and he'll be lost without it forever yep and he actually sort of translate what that dream means before he completely loses it and can't decipher the lesson that was to be learned from it the idea is like i don't know what to do in this situation let me try to pull a memory and that might help me um so he pulled a memory really early on in the time of flesh which was very interesting so the idea so so here's a bunch of [ __ ] that we learned about so we always knew that necrons had space cancer yeah um so i guess as a necron back in the day of the necrons here they still made things out of like wood brick wood like uh mud bricks uh so like all the the commoners would have mud brick houses they go full [ __ ] space egyptian you know um they had they had like wine and all that kind of thing but every morning as a necron you would wake up and you'd feel throughout your entire body and you'd feel every part of your body for any lump or hard piece of mass which is when the sickness has started yep that was that was the common cause of death on for the necron tears because their sun is so [ __ ] um big or uh whatever i think that radiated yeah it radiates the [ __ ] out of the planet and by and large if you were a necron tier you were probably gonna die of like radiation poisoning or yeah i mean it doesn't quite make sense because they actually were starfaring at that point they just they just i guess didn't i don't know sentimental whatever well there was there was starfaring they just uh they just kept down having the cancer i don't know why but even in like other areas the better stars they still had it it doesn't matter who cares okay yeah um but even if you were like a super high ranking noble like altix you would be able to stave off the cancer for two years max poof boy and if you were a lesser like a lesser person you had maybe a couple months yeah um so death became a big part of the necron tier like he was being served wine by one of the servants and the servant was so far down his cancer half of his face was a hardened like scar mass like like a stroke victim where he just wouldn't move yeah that's not yeah that's that's rough um and so you know he kind of looks back at it and the lesson he learned was like oh the power of the necron tear is in the stones you know i say oh okay so i'll bring them into the pyramid and all this stuff but if you like flayed ones read this [ __ ] book oh boy the flow the the the curse yeah so so interestingly enough they had a theory so it's a theory of why the necron the deflate one curse exists where there was a katan star god and it was the only star god to ever be fully obliterated because star gods can't die yeah they can because they're gods they can break into a thousand pieces in which they will then be put into tesseract vaults and used as pokemon by the silent king of course of course for your drip throne exactly like at the spoilers for the divine at the end of that they fight four to five shards of the deceiver imagine if they had literally all the deceiver shards at the end of that book good god well it would have the deceiver he would he would annihilate the galaxy yep he sure would um but so uh the idea is that this star god actually died he was the only star god to ever be fully obliterated and his last like in on his death he cursed the necron tear with the curse the curse which is the the flayed one curse which is the insatiable want to eat flesh and the slowly going crazy as you can't eat it yep because you shove it into your face and it just drips onto your body i mean you're a necron you can't eat you don't really have a mouth you just have a sort of an etched on thing you have like a death mask yeah exactly but it's treated like an addiction because the curse doesn't just hit you it starts slow you slowly get this want to eat flesh and then you may be like oh just just a taste just to try it and that was the problem with yannick the razor of seda when they finally found him he had like blood on his face because he was eating an orc and he was like oh my god don't look at me don't look at me i'm like i'm so [ __ ] ashamed of myself like i've gone i've been reduced to so little yeah well originally um oltx was trying to uh convince yannick to actually come down to ceta and help him because he was gonna lure the war boss into the tomb and it was like oh look at this look at this war boss look at him i bet i bet the razor of seta would want to come down here and show this war boss what for huh huh and he's like yannick hello knock are you there anyone home are you up there yannick razor upset come on buddy you're really good at this [ __ ] and he just my call is very important to you yeah he just he ghosts him and so uh oltx has to kill this war boss on his own and then he's furious that yannick is nowhere to be seen nowhere to be found and he's like oh when i find that [ __ ] yannick and and then he finds him and he's and he's like oh my please don't look at me like i'm so [ __ ] ashamed i i tried to eat this orc yeah like i didn't want to come down down to the plant he got someone to get like one of the orc remains for him and he was like trying to feast on it and it was very it's really sad it's it's literally like a drug addiction where he he need he needs it or else he feels weak and powerless and it's actually very sad it is um he's he's devolved to a very sort of weakened state but after that they have a uh the geriatric board meeting which is my one of my favorite moments where it's all the leaders of this little dynasty right yeah and they're all like cryptex and they're all angry they're all like generals or something yep and they're all old and elderly kind of they all talk that way like one guy was that was one of the dudes who would uh manage food back in the necrons here so he was the grain master yes and he has a little picture of like wheat on his chest and he's and he's like i demand respect as like yeah grain master whatever oh it's it's also important to note that altx was legit going to kill yennick uh he was either going to kill yannick or he was going to um exile him into the tombs uh to be with the other cursed ones with like the flayed ones right i don't want to jump mentep was like no no don't worry about that we've got more important things to do and that's what leads to the board meeting right i don't want to go too like deep into all the facets of the book just because i don't want to see this one like a book club episode oh that's fair i kind of want to like kind of actually we should talk about when the flay ones arrived so so when so when he went to go teleport up to see what the [ __ ] yannick was up to like psycho was down there with him and he's like hey should we hey kid you wanna want some candy and and then he was like hey hey over lord old six um we should just send the we should send the ghouls after them so very much like an old like pyramid magician pyramid idea there's spirits and ghouls and the idea is that the flayed ones actually hide in the dark recesses of the tomb and so when he decided to call out the flayed ones to go deal with everything the remaining orcs you heard like screeching and like the sound of razor fingers on metal in the deep dark caverns it's like 200 flayed ones just start like waking up and they start to crawl out of the holes and the in the walls and like they start coming out of the floorboards and and i remember it was interesting to see like the interaction with the flayed ones cause like everybody was like oh yeah you're gonna use the flayed ones like that's that's tantamount to heresy like what do you you can't do that that's [ __ ] up and that the flayed ones kind of listen to him too is well the play was i didn't think they even had any they're like auxiliary troops yeah really um but there was that one who was ripping up the orc lore boss behind him and and then like old six was like and he turned around and there's a flayed one like staring at him with big white like so i guess all their eyes are are a pale white color and he's like staring at at altix and he's got like the orc over him like a vulture and and he makes this apparently they laugh in this click clack sound they kind of do this like kind of sound and then he holds out this big pile of like meat to ultics like you want some and then oltx beats the ever loving [ __ ] out of this he like rips its limbs off and then like curb stomps it to death he's like oh how dare you there is literally nothing left of this flayed one for him to destroy and he's like damn i'm still not satiated i wish there i wish there was more of this [ __ ] that i could destroy but um real quick so after that whole deal they go to the board meeting uh my favorite of the whole board members is that there's one board member who keeps on shutting down which which is which is for them basically them asleep and then he's like the master of monoliths and so he's like asleep and he wakes up he's like ah bring out the monoliths and then he falls asleep again yeah and he's like he's like mermaid man yeah he has all the monoliths locked away and he doesn't know where the key is he's free yeah he forgot the key uh i really like the um was it baracka the red destroyer oh the gigantic titan destroyer and i was like oh boy and they go a little bit into his backstory too i was about to start into that so more more necron lore um so yeah he was a destroyer lord yes um no i don't remember if he was the scorpek destroyer lord or just a regular destroyer lord but for example um to show you the the mini actually oh he has a mini well destroyers have some minions this this guy may not have been like this or he might have been i don't remember okay um but this is a scorpek lord it's a destroyer lord oh that's so dope it's uh it's actually a really big model too i love that yeah it's uh it's super super dope actually here's the size comparison that's the the the guy on the far left is what a praetor neff would have been like whoa yeah that is a it's almost like a combination between like an immortal and uh or the seraptex oh um scorpex scorpix yeah yeah yeah yeah it's pretty dope anyway um so i guess so i guess if you go back to some more necron lore uh necrons would have sacrifices to appease the gods and it was in the beginning which did the egyptians did do that i'm not sure but i don't know the egyptians totally sacrificing people to the gods yeah i don't know my egyptian lore very well i'm going to assume they did at some point that seems like a very egyptian thing to do so um they originally would sacrifice people to appease the gods in hopes of fixing their super cancer yeah the radiation when that didn't work they continued the sacrifices and worried that if they stopped the gods would make it worse however this was generally done thanos style by lottery and if you just picked the wrong number you were sacrificed and some people wouldn't want to be sacrificed so there was no idea why so there were these specific uh jobs done by people known as red i think they were known as red marshals yep or yeah red marshals and what they would do is they would go to your house break your legs and arms and drag you out into the sun into the heat and then sacrifice you um what was the name of that of that guy again the destroyer uh baraka so he volunteered for the job he was like i'd like to yeah and so he volunteered for the job and that might be where our destroyer cult stuff comes from it's kind of hinted a little bit that maybe these red marshals were the destroyer lords or something of that nature but we're not quite sure yep and that's like barack is all red yeah he's got red eyes yeah he's a [ __ ] so they look at this their threat right which is they find his orcs and they're like oh it's just some orcs and then they see and then like oh my god that's a lot of orcs and like and then i think one of the guys like what just more orcs and then like they quadrupled in size like yeah it turns out just more orcs is the problem like a big problem but then they like no no this is like an entire orc planet why and it's this is done so magnificently this scene i was on the edge of my figurative seat at this part because trying to guess what the because they were like the orcs are like running away from something and i was like oh my god what the [ __ ] could they be running from orcs are running from what i was like is it chaos tyranids could be tyranids other necron dynasty perhaps the storm lord he's been mentioned once or twice um could it could it be like uh some other like like a taunt thing eldrick crap you know and then they they like go through the clouds and stuff and they see and it was like they see long black ships yup like oh it's like a huge length of it 416 onyx ships and they end the chapter as they zoom in through their little like uh video of the double-headed eagle yep of these like my god the imperiums on a crusade like the imperium is on their crusade 400 ships it's a little bit of a crusade it's a little bit of a fighting force yeah it is it is insane yep um so yeah so 416 the ships and they are they are doing a nature so hard with their their crusade where they are going in and they are just they're not even trying to gun things down they are exterminating planets on their way to to really kill the unclean were they actually exterminating planets i i might have missed that part where they were oh yeah oh yeah they were like we're not even gonna bother landing that's an old planet down there we're gonna raise it i mean that that's kind of how you deal with an orc wah or massive amounts of orcs you just exterminators planets until you don't give them anywhere to land or they run out of food and they just die out i guess of all of the things i have read it it took a necron book to make the imperium sound absolutely [ __ ] terrifying oh god yeah the imperium is horrifying and very big scary in this one because normally you're seeing it from the imperium's perspective and it's like oh hooray for the god emperor but this one is like when you're on the receiving end of an imperium crusade nothing worse so that kind of jump starts our story which is like basically old texas says we're doomed like when when the necro and the geriatric necrons are are saying what am i like what are we going to do is can we do anything do we have reinforcements do we and and all the guys are just quiet like we we are literally all going to die yep but it has this sense of fatalism which when you hear when orcs are running and necrons are scared of dying of dying that's a big deal that really shows you like the gravity of like what the imperium is capable of like if they put a good chunk of their forces into it you can't stop the imperium it's it's pretty nuts like to remind ourselves that hey let's not forget that imperium can act like orcs in terms of numbers if they have to yep yep they sure can so that kicks off the idea and so basically old six's entire story from there is hey i need to partition more forces yeah more reinforcements and that's where the tragedy comes from which i i don't want to get maybe too far into it i do but i don't um we'll get a little bit into it we'll get a little bit into it basically he goes to partition his older brother jaceres um into getting some forces and then partition i guess we kind of have to get into it don't we kind of have to yeah all right important yeah so he meets his older brother jacerez uh in like a desert where he's cleaning uh like uh failing some immortals with a teeny tiny little uh little phaser brush yeah and he's like gonna get all the little dust off and then obsessed with getting them clean he actually has a funny moment where uh men tap the cryptek who actually has a little pet scarab or a pet uh like wraith yeah he does um and he's like yeah you know they say a good way to keep our minds sane with all of our you know millennial life spam uh or whatever or you know untold life span is like hey we gotta find an obsession yeah and then jesus is like huh then i guess trasin of the nihalak empire is the most sane out of all of us yup and i'm like ah references yep yep um but so he's basically out there to clean the immortals and all six is saying yo we need the reinforcements we need to talk to unes we need to get some [ __ ] stuff and just sarah's just won't do it you know he's part of it he wants no part of it he it's it's very much there is a lot of kurosawa in this yep and i and i think it's one of the reasons why i love it because despite how much i hate anime i love feudal japan stuff oh okay i think i like like the [ __ ] old school samurai ronin uh loyalty to the emperor family drama that kind of [ __ ] i [ __ ] love that stuff like okay uh the old um old japanese uh uh what's it called um like spiritualism like onis and yokai i it's it's like it's the [ __ ] that i can't ever say i like because like i thought you hated anime brookie like shut the [ __ ] up well there's a difference between liking anime and liking japanese cultures or samurai themes those are two completely different things are there anime that deal with japanese spiritualism and oni oh sure totally yeah that yeah so it one does not equal the other so i get a lot of like feudal japan vibes from this because they have this this sense of honor right this massive sense of honor and then older brother jacerez will not did you play did you play ghost uh tsushima uh i never finished it but i got like halfway through and then some other game caught my attention and yada yada but i [ __ ] loved ghost of tsushima well like the story jin sakai is is like trying to remove his honor because honor will not beat the mongols in this situation right yep he has to sort of be a tricky thievy uh yeah and his uncle is like stuck in his old ways like no we need to become we need to stay honorable because if we we aren't we're just as bad as they are literally oltx is the same thing he's like we need to fight differently and and jaceras no i have loyalty to the throne i can't i can't forsake in that case it would be yes yes yeah or in that case in uh would be uh the shogun right yep and i will never i can't betray the the din asked it's super like family kind of drama so jacerus is awash he goes over to the the big temple wasn't even the big temple what planet were they on again or uh ithaca or sakai it's i think no i think it's i think it's ithaca okay but jasirus gives him like a bunch of passcodes so that he can get in or some nonsense because he's still oh you're still my brother let me give you a little bit of a helping hand and he kind of pushes him in the right direction at least i i'm sad you missed my isakai statement i i heard it good good good but [ __ ] yes guys for the most part what is that again uh it's like being reborn in a new world so like uh oh like online or whatever yeah people will argue that sword art online isn't an isekai because he still gets access to his old body at some point but yeah that's the basic idea of it that's right if someone is arguing for sort of online they're lost to me agreed good anyway he goes to unes and this is where like the major tragedy kind of comes in because he enters the tomb and it's like full of plants and vegetation he's like what and little animals are running around yeah it's like that ain't right i write it all and once he's the to paraphrase for a bit he finds a seraptic which is uh i i actually i was shocked they actually put that in the book um a seraptic heavy construct is enormous it's a model you can run it's a forged world model yeah i would that that's like the big kind of spider walker thing right uh pretty much it looks like this if that because i i was having a hard time really um figuring out what oh okay that's basically what i thought it looked like okay cool well this this is how big they are uh this is an imperial knight to its left whoa they're that big they're in well this is i mean the scale on in tabletop is a little different i'm assuming but they're they are enormous it's it's it's bigger than a it's really whoa constructs are gigantic like i got that it was big but i i didn't realize the scale of it like i thought it was like maybe i mean like again big but jesus christ although it was shaking the ground wasn't it it was literally so it turned into a walking flesh thing where it had a bunch of spikes on its back with impaled humans and orcs and [ __ ] and there was a cult so so the the dynasty has fallen to the flare virus that's the concept it's been rotted from the inside out yeah and so the cult is like following this giant like like a communal food thing and it would shake sometimes and meat would fall off and all of these um nobles yeah these like crazed nobles would start trying to eat the meat and they would start chanting and [ __ ] oh my god the chants were so [ __ ] creepy yeah they were constantly chanting get louder and louder and louder and then there were like flayed ones in the garden like kind of staring at old sticks like hey i see you yeah um what did richard reed was the voice the the audiobook yeah poor poor richard he did so well with this part like it really like the chanting really added to like super uneasy creepy vibes yeah he just had to keep on like upping it with time and i'm like oh this probably hurts your voice oh god yeah um but either regardless with that whole that whole shtick once he gets into the main center chamber he finds oonas and unas is completely insane oh yes he's he's completely fallen to the curse there is essentially nothing left of the unis that he used to know yeah he's completely mentally just out of it he's he's eating meat he doesn't remember anything he's he's basically a dementia patient yeah which is super sad if you've ever like dealt with someone that had dementia this is so and what what because um um hemian is there too and he's sort of just using that sort of dementia against him to sort of suggest things yeah they have like an interloper character basically and he's like he's pretending to be jaceras yep and and having dealt with like dementia in my family it was like oh god you could totally confuse and just totally uh convince someone like that to just do whatever and that whatever you wanted to be reality to them would like they'd go for it and it's just like oh god that's that's sad that's constantly the worst feeling is like it's it's like someone who's really rich with dementia and like the the maid or someone is like convincing them that's like or like like a like one of the other brothers that have been cast out by the family yep um it's yeah it's it's really it's really funny super tragic yeah but long story short uh the old takes gets gets like tries to attack him gets stuck in like his field and gets captured and then is uh swiftly dissected and um his sub minds all get uh are able to find their way into a little scarab yeah so they're scared so they get sort of freedom yeah so like all five sub minds are now one entity and they're like a little scarab um so the the con so paraphrasing a lot he does some gladiatorial fights uh really weakened but then the scarab on his back is like slowly rebuilding his living metal yeah um and he eventually makes his way up i think he he gets his way through or whatever um the interloper has a great death where they turn on his pain receptors and then throw him into the ring with all of the [ __ ] um humans and orcs and stuff yeah that's pretty good um but that whole thing is just arrives and he's like yeah i'm a [ __ ] fool but during that part down at the bottom when he's going through his medium we've got to talk about the disc brakes oh the disc that i i was completely unaware that this was something that the necrons were afflicted by um and i guess it would only be the nobles because they're the only ones who kept their minds yeah they're the only ones that would remember or maybe have any chance of remembering what it was like to ever have flesh yeah so so the disc brake is literally i have no mouth and i must scream it's the idea that a noble or like a lord still remembers everything and so and therefore they have the issues of being a robot so you know old six might start to freak out or he might get scared by something he'll start to breathe heavily but then he's like i can't breathe i have no lungs and then that leads to i don't know how he reaches for his throat to scratch out his throat i have no throat my mouth is in motion and then like he starts to freak out so his heart starts being faster he's like i don't have a heart yep and and then he started it keeps on going and going and going and then eventually he might just go insane yeah it i i so i am fortunate that i have never had a panic attack before but that's kind of what that sounds like this sort of like existential crisis this sort of panic attack about what you are and what you've become and and just this fever pitch that you get into and it's just like oh my god like i i don't i don't know if that's what a panic attack is actually like but if i had to imagine what one was like it that seems like a pretty apt uh description of it that's what shai is saying too i i've i've been blessed to only have a couple in my life like two to three and that's about what it's like okay it's it's very it's like a snowball effect right right it really just keeps on building and building and so there's a decent idea where i guess the like the necron will try to regain feelings of flesh and if you get lost to it you'll like wail and scream and cry for eternity because you'll never be able to fix yourself so you become like a fetal position like a mess yeah for a lot of the book i thought they were gonna be like oh yeah the diss frack is actually like the beginnings of the flare virus because you're going to be reaching for your skin and you're going to be going crazy because you can never do it and to sort of replace that you would try to consume flesh i thought they were going to try and play at that but that's i don't i don't think that's the idea no not quite um but but it's still definitely a slang that's very interesting and spooky oh yeah definitely um more so that's just like whoa okay that's a thing yeah it's it's really it's really interesting i like it a lot um uh though at that point they actually he because in order to stave off the discorrect or dysphoric he basically needs to go into the medium a lot in order to um kind of get his mind at ease but he goes back to the times of flesh a couple of times um and he also goes back to why it reveals why he was cast out uh where unass was slowly i think i think he was slowly being affected um but um as his father was just a bad leader and he wasn't doing good things for the dynasty and so old six tried to kill him yep and betterment of the dynasty for the betterment of the dynasty and so uh jose so this whole idea he had this feeling of like unash was a piece of [ __ ] old uh just sarah's just a piece of [ __ ] but in reality just sarah saw he was going to try to kill old uh unesco was like don't do it don't do it and then eventually when he tried just blocked him and said ah he uh you know he he tried to like uh kill me or something in a squabble we've been having for a while now uh we should not have him be executed we should instead just exile him yep and unix is like yeah whatever yeah sure i guess that works yet so disappointment in a sense just saved his life yeah by making up some [ __ ] and so it's kind of like oh wait a minute never mind i was wrong it's like jacirus was a really good mentor slash brother the entire time yeah and then the last even when he landed he didn't shoot him down and he sent him along his way in the right direction the last thing i thought was really interesting was he went back to the top uh he went back to the memory of him actually going into the biotransference for uh biotransference furnaces which was super interesting yeah so i guess what happened is the silent king decreed oh this is also where we get by nemosaur's android cameo before that a little bit where he's like zan i guess the all the warring factions the silent king says hey no more war no more war not allowed to nope and so zandrek comes by to help associate the peace and he's like messing with them he's like ah your oodis guy might be kind of an amateur if he's having an extra y isn't that funny he slaps back and just saris is like i'm going to kill you you're such a bastard oh oberyn's there too yeah he seems like a nice sort of like uh he almost seemed drunk he's the nice old man who has no filter yeah definitely and and oberyn is with him he's like this hulking enormous like bodyguard and every time xander could make a joke uh uh oprah would just kind of shake his head like god damn it's this is what i have to deal with it's so it's really funny but anyway probably the best reveal is the is the whole bio transfers thing where the silent king also decreed all um food production be halted because of no longer needing it and so they were literally giant green furnaces enormous furnaces placed on the planet and above the furnaces were spectral katan floating like wisps in the air yeah looking like they were eating but they wouldn't know they how would they know that their souls are actually getting eaten and uh and they were and oh this is actually about a year after old six felt his first tumors oh that's right because he what did he say if he wasn't a noble he would have been brought there on i didn't know they brought people in on sick carts like they had the worst like and they were just pushing them in on sick cards because they were hoping that they could outrun death and get them into the furnace quick enough some were starving because of the the no more food yeah it really paints uh a much more um desperate picture of the biotransference because like in my head i always picture them just like kind of single file line just everybody's kind of just waiting to go into bio transference and become necrons but like some of them were super [ __ ] desperate to like because they were about to die they were literally my god i gotta get in i gotta get in i gotta get in they were literally pushing like sons and daughters on giant sick carts into like like into long lines of people waiting to enter because they were like we can finally we could literally outrun death yeah not knowing that these commoners these these regular people were literally going to become necron warriors which are brainless soulless have no fa well we we no don't think they have faculties yeah that was a question earlier is that just doesn't know he's wondering like they don't have any brain function it seems like but how do i know that they're not in there like somewhere just scream like screaming yeah and they do not realize it it painted a much more desperate picture of biotransference than i thought it should have made sense because obviously you're trying to trying to cheat death but it painted such a more grim dark desperation for biotransference than i had ever thought the necrons were capable of or some people didn't outrun death they were they were bought there were bodies like tons of piles of dead on the sides of the lines yeah that just they were literally there in the line for their bio transference and they just didn't get there in time and then and then very depressing right before old tics is about to do it himself he feels a metal hand on his shoulder and it's just serious seriously he's like it's not so bad it's not so bad that was the name of the chapter i think right it's not so bad something like that and then he wakes up from the medium and he's in like old sex starts screaming trying to back up and run away from the furnace before he quote makes the worst mistake of his entire existence oh man it's it's really depressing and i'm like that's why i'm like 10 out of 10. best time it is if you're a necron fan why you really these are books you need to read this is like a must-read necron the necron books and lore has probably been handled the best i've seen out of any any faction as of lately agreed um so continuing um basically at this point you know unesco is he he gets old six gets back he's better jose comes back and he's kind of like i'm i already knew i just couldn't bring myself to deal with him i'm sorry yep his honor he would not betray his king he refused um and at this point the the the imperium has arrived and oh my god have they arrived oh boy yeah like they are sending in penal legions and bombing areas and they're dropping in blood angels blood angels man when that when that space ring came out uh and and every but all the space marines are chanting a star days um yeah they're like oh yeah there's a blood red drip i was like i know that chapter i know it i know this one let's go he wouldn't he want to know something that makes me upset this is going to make every necron player so upset so so they they go on out and as soon as they go out like there are planes and drop pods flying into the atmosphere and just is just like the the most the manliest man oh absolutely he chads it up he's a perfect general because he got a giant force field over the tomb world right and so drop or like um drop pods and like uh landing craft are coming in and he's just grabbing them like putting his hand up and like grabbing them like he's got the [ __ ] force and he's crushing them or holding them still for the goss pylons to shoot he's sending in failings of warriors he's like holding back missiles and eventually uh an astartes vessel does like run in and they fire like what's like magma bombs yeah like thermonuclear warheads in yeah um but the big thing before that is they hear the ground start to shake and in the way corner of the in the ridge they see uh a titan legion of war hounds or whatever yup they shouldn't do and so just like optics do you remember the tachyon arrow that you were given however long ago right yep and it's like uh yeah you get one shot it's a noble's weapon and you can never reload it and what did you do with that era old six he's like i i missed i missed i was shooting at transport and i missed damn it and then i forget what he says but he's just lying like remember uh something about like oh yeah he was like oh yeah i have one more lesson for you and he's like oh remember the tachyon air that you missed with and he's like yeah yeah and it's like here's the lesson and then he he raises his arm and he shoots the [ __ ] titan so the tachyon arrow in game 120 inch range strength 12 ap minus 5 d6 damage can only shoot once per battle right that's that weapon and that thing one shot a titan d6 damage my ass he he's just like i have one lesson for you ping and he fires a sliver of metal going at like triple the speed of light and it's just a warhound titan just [ __ ] gets just explodes just crumbles and i'm like d6 damage [Laughter] suck my ass the lesson is patience let's just say patience ping of course he only gets the one shot but still it's a good that's a that's a good thing to take down if you if you only get one shot taken out of [ __ ] warhound titan huh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's a nice shot that's a very nice shot uh so after that basically just like stops those two thermonuclear warheads but he like kind of burns himself out in the process yeah um and so the big final stand is when jaceras like repairs himself a bit turns off his resurrection protocol and then pulls out like what 200 immortals something like that yeah let's say 300 because this is this is going to be that 300 last stand even 300 of them let's go he literally like he like pulls out his purple overlord blade and like rips the hole in through the dimension and then all of his his personal bodyguard of immortals come out and then he like slams his staff on the ground and they all light up gold oh it's so cool this is like the best part because he wasn't cleaning them nope he was inscribing their deeds onto their bodies in hopes that at least somebody will remember what they've done despite being soulless robots yep cause he always felt guilty about it he almost felt guilty about not respecting the citizenry more and killing them mm-hmm and it is and they're all just like they glow gold with this like almost like tribal tattoo heraldry on their bodies and then just like there he marches in um and then we don't see him again ultics goes back to the thing uh the big pyramid he finds oonas and then all like the lich garden yeah he finds in his like secret uh ship yeah or like like yeah it's not like that and then he basically um uh unes is still crazy and so he's just kind of like all right i'm gonna kill unas and he ca because the lich guard kind of let him they're like nah just do it like we know there's a problem yeah um and he and he kills unoff that's the saddest part there is because when he kills his father all of the lich guard transfer their protocol to him which means that jacirus has fallen because it would have been his older brother first yep jacirus was next in line but since everything transferred to altix his brother has fallen his brother has died miriam has killed jacirus yep um and so he eventually leaves and they uh he goes on to the what's the giant like dreadnought ship they have like the enormous like carrier yeah like the aquaponics or whatever it's yeah yeah like gigantic ship the admiral yannick and he's like just just going to town um and the the book basically ends with them uh well fighting an imperial vessel and then pretending to be pretending to be uh turned off one and then they fire chains they fire the earth's or claws there's a claws i love the necrons reacts their chains actual chains not a tractor cannon they're using chains actual chains it's and then they basically like then they decide to fire out the a condensed star from a dimension and they pulse it yeah is that a thing they actually do is that like is is that canon that they they like they had a pocket dimension that had a star in it dk if it's in a book it's canon like holy [ __ ] like they can the necron can actually have pocket dimension which is like oh yeah we need the supernova a star at close proximity to absolutely decimate our enemies do it i didn't realize that was a thing like they did it that's so busted they well they [ __ ] up the ship but they didn't actually kill the ship it was because it's just like a pulse remember the ship survived it's just like super [ __ ] up but they destroyed the planet the planet is dead they did not necessarily destroy the planets they they soaked it in magma they set the atmosphere on fire yeah oh sorry yeah they didn't destroy the planet air is on fire and everybody on the planet is dead and it's all ruined and it's charred ash everywhere but the pl yeah you're right sorry the planet is not totally dead you're right sorry the star pulse generator and then and then they leave and that's literally the end of the book they just end it and now the new ones out and go read it oh i can't wait for the new one i can't wait to see where they go from this because he's on a ship with like oh that's right because there's the exodus that has all of their uh artifacts and stuff so they got to figure out what the [ __ ] to do with that because now old tics is the last remnants of their dynasty also can i say there's a part earlier when oltx is hiding in like the foliage and there's some blood angel guys there and one of them is damaged and they're like uh trying to trying to get through there um and a flayed one sneaks up behind the [ __ ] blight angel and he like stands like a foot tall in the blood angel because he's been all contorted and he looks at ultics with like wide eyes through the grass and he puts up one of his jaw distends really wide and he puts up one long talon to his mouth like oh that's right i i i genuinely forgot about that but yeah that's god the flayed ones are so creepy they're so creepy they're so creepy like they would make for a great horror shooter type thing oh my god they're so [ __ ] creepy so yeah that's that's essentially uh uh twice dead king as essentially twice dead it is uh it's so good it's really really good it's it's a total tragedy it's super sad but it's also incredibly incredibly good um so learn a lot yeah so much new necron lore so much intrigue so much more humanity put into them oh it's so good the diss fracked is [ __ ] terrifying it makes me want to start flayed ones you should do it start a flayed one's army i already have a bunch of flayed ones i was going to say you you have a necron army you just need to add some some more flayed ones it makes me want to be able to run a character death mark i want to run the baron could you is there a way you can no death marks are just a sniper choice you don't get there's no uh [Music] yeah so are we are we going to do the next book is it technically out are we going to wait for it to come out on audible before we do it or man [ __ ] it yeah we're doing twice the king rain let's do it let's do rain i don't have to library but that's okay yeah sorry i'll probably do the same yeah you're lucky your shit's so good gw now buff the tacky on arrow you buff that tacky if they can one shot at titan in this book it should one shot at titan in the game or at least should be more than d6 damage it shouldn't allow me to roll a one three d six four four d3 for d3 sure it's only one shot come on i have to pay points for that bastard you only get it once per game you [ __ ] it who cares uh and necrons need better anti-tank anyway but um anything else we should mention beforehand because we skipped over a lot but there was so much to talk about yeah if we talked about every little thing in the book this would be like a four-hour episode but i think we hit on most of the important points um gosh it's a good [ __ ] book man it really is go go read it to get the full force of it go read it because obviously you can't get everything from us in an hour and five ten minutes uh so go read it's really really really good even if you know nothing about warhammer i think you'd still get a lot out of this book in terms of necron lore how scary the imperium are and a little little orc two two two two uh requests from for our for our chat uh one we gotta find someone making an altex conversion um yeah and yeah and two all right chat and viewers listen here well imagine altx but all of his sub minds are actually anime girls oh my god are you serious we're doing anime waifus for altx's sub mines imagine imagine all all five all five of the sub are our various anime girls you got doc trinal who's like a cedary one xenology's a nerd combats the tomboy one come on now i'm just saying i'm just saying in the chat viewers normally i don't ask for this [ __ ] but it's just cursed enough bricky is asking for anime wife somebody has to make this [ __ ] happen and i'm a giant weeb listen i'm just saying it's it's very it's i like it because it's cursed apparently shai says that altix is literally a new model he's not named but he is very clearly based on the character oh well that they remade the overlord model back when the necrons got an update and that's when they added the tachyon arrow to the game so i so he old six is basically just a regular overlord with a tachyon and phase glaive uh but painted a different color and his helmet looks a little different i bet you could spice them up yeah yeah definitely sick five sub mind wifers i am here for it good um if you can make them legally distinct could we put that [ __ ] on a shirt oh [ __ ] cause i would buy that in a i'll take your entire stock twice dead harem yes let's go let's go i think i've made a mistake you sure have and now you're going to pay for it you now this is your dysphorac [Music] i have no hentai and i must scream yeah there's a there's like anime waifus instead of like this brooding shadow telling you that you don't have skin it's like waifus that are like you like anime no no the brooding shadow is literally just someone saying your anime isn't real no no no the darkness is taking me hello darkness my old friend all right all right we're out of here i'm done with this [ __ ] buy the new dice [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 302,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous, twice dead king, necrons
Id: SUM6junAn6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 0sec (4500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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