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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode podcast my name is dk diamantes you can call me dk my co-host is bricky you can call him bricky and he's gonna be you know giving us all this ridiculous warhammer 40k lore yeah cool and if you enjoyed today's episode head on over to adeptus ridiculous where you can support the podcast we are oh about 400 ish dollars away from a demon kilbasa episode so if you've been wondering what we think of that nightmare fuel maybe consider supporting the podcast a little bit you also get access to the discord uh you get access to some sweet emotes that you can also find on our youtube channel if you become a high lord or when we stream hd posters um all that fun stuff just go check it out just you'll have a great time uh and bricky will tell you all about our sick ass merch and the book club yo did you say sick ass merch sick ass merch oh my goodness we're off the rails already yeah that intro was holding on by a threat i could hear it you can tell them about the stuff sick ass merch over at or check out the description of this video we have shirts hoodies stickers and the dice will be coming very soon in fact i think next week oh boy oh i know boy oh everyone working work at eight get ready oh i know it's they're not gonna well dice is okay they just have to package them but still uh check it out over there also we are reading the twice said king for the book club read it necrons it's good yeah we we might have to delay that a little bit because over the christmas break i didn't read any of it um over christmas i i was i was too busy with like family and having a good time and i totally forgot to read any of it so sick let's go you know no i i no no you you get you get nothing no it was christmas it was crazy christmas it was christmas oh man i don't know i was trying to get crips and a bloods joke there chris what real quick crumble i'm going to yo get on with this episode it's too early for this happy toyotathon [Music] happy honda days happy honda that's honda days of summer come on shut up go go make a red and stimpy reference you boomer whoa whoa this guy bricky did not know the log song and he did not know powdered toast man comment section get him get him you you know that the people who know that stuff don't know how to use a computer it's big it's heavy it's wood it's log log it's better than bad it's great they don't know how to use a computer uh i do barely this is getting really off the rails how do we get to random stimpy it's only been like two minutes yeah and we're already really just boy this is our if anyone truly came to a depth this ridiculous for [ __ ] high quality on topic lore they've they've set themselves up for failure that's that okay that's fair you're right you're right but i think i think this is i think as far as as far as i'm concerned dk this podcast is fire hot fire speaking of fire whoa the greatest all right shy for the segway have him go across the screen let's go or she'll just post the picture of her drinking coffee and just say no again yeah probably yeah salamanders yay i was hoping you try and do a quote and i could interrupt you at the beginning of the quote no it's salamanders i got it all right all right here we go okay death to the false emperor it's the salamanders i knew it we got you did it damn it you baited me you son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] see getting off the rails is half of the enjoyment of this of these episodes that's fair okay fine all right well i should i do have a i do have a quote i think i think somewhere like that like uh do i have a quote where is it there it is oh it's the war cry well because you know every every marine legion has a war cry sure you know ave dominus nox a hydra dominatus iron within iron without do your taxes you know that's a good one and uh and for the salamanders it is into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war oh that's pretty cool yeah and it works with them because fire and anvils so salamanders what was that mount death fire is on there mount death fire you know something i didn't i didn't know about until a little bit ago apparently vulcan is the name of the largest scariest salamander how did you not know that i don't know because i just didn't know that oh you mean like an actual like reptilian salamander the biggest baddest one is called a vulcan no like like on nocturne the big like like the biggest baddest salamander is called vulcan and therefore vulcan was named after the salamander oh okay yeah it's neat that's you i i thought you were like i thought you were being like yeah did you know of the salamander space marines vulcan was the biggest i was like well well yeah this is [ __ ] primark you idiot how did you not know that we did a whole episode on him what are you talking about but oh my god i was so confused was like what how did you how did you miss that dude you just he's your friend why is this so funny to you i don't know it just is we'll continue with this oh my god all right salamander so vulcan was our last episode talked about vulcan and mainly as we know the the exciting parts of volcan are really his personality and how he deems and talks about battle and some of his involvement in the horus heresy getting tortured and and and and nuked by peter by peter turbo um so he he got him yeah peter turbo laser vision um but everything around that i'm not a huge fan of the whole john grammaticus thing and i mean war the beast is cool but that that's something we'll do on a different time yeah um i'd like a book of vulcan most of vulcan's books aren't good most of the salamanders books are just not great i think it's because they're they're written very space marine centric and off and often the best way to do it is you put a human in there or something kind of like a little bit of back and forth but yeah the i think i don't know why but maybe it's very like bland which if the salamanders didn't have all their fire flame and sacrifice thing they would probably be a little more of a bland space marine chapter yeah um i mean nice they're kind of boy scouts right yeah well not as boy scouting as you know gilman and his and his in his eagle scouts and his [ __ ] yeah you know you know the gilman all of them are eagle scouts at 15 like like me because i was an eagle scout at 15. okay uh but vulcan those are the guys who just heard the boy scouts just to like you know they're chilling they're going on campouts but then they're just putting whatever they can in the fire because they're curious i'm like oh this will burn what can burn ah uh wait what the hell what's this shy uh quote okay shai has slang for me so speaking of which quote everyone wanted you to cover was confrontation between vulcan and magnus right i remember that when mag yeah there's a conversation it's like when magnus learned the price of emperor taking him back despite the heresy was sacrificing all of his sons he looked at volcan asked if he could pay that price in magnus's shoes and vulcan said not even for one oh wow so vulcan is a good good boy i i needed a more i needed more punctuation in that because i legitimately thought that vulcan that magnus was like how much would you pay for my shoes like like my shoes like my my [ __ ] do you think magnus wears jordan's dk no uh i i um he man just wears crocs i was gonna say magnus probably wears birkenstocks he probably he wears the jesus sandals that's or is that lorgaar oh well you know yeah he probably does because you know he's got to walk around and all that dust that's true but volky would not even pay for a single shoe which means that vulcan unlike our mascot doge van dyer is not in defeat heretic no good boy what the [ __ ] heretic he's a heretic he doesn't he doesn't like feet like doge vandy or heretic basically vulcan is like you know like magnus is like hey if you were in the same shoes sacrificed sons you know for this thing like what'd you do in focus like not even a single one he's he's such a good boy yeah he's he's a good boy he's a very very good boy he's a very nice boy anyway that's vulcan salamanders salamanders 18th legion of course um the main doodad to know about the salamanders is that especially during the harris heresy in times and before the great during the great crusade they were always the smallest yet despite being the smallest they always had the largest tendency for suicide and not not actually suicide but like self-sacrifice you know right right right like suicidal fights because there's an old quote and i don't remember who who said it um but it was like uh the the sign of a true soldier is not to hate what's in front of him but to love what's behind him like like that's a nice quote that's a nice soldier quote yeah like you you don't fight to kill what's in front of you you fight to protect what's behind you yeah like that's that's the concept so it's a very very salamander's the kind of concept you know okay um as for the salamanders themselves a little bit more on on them on what they're all about what they all do uh if i could find my damn my damn link there we go got it um obviously we know about the salamanders in terms of their iconography uh they are all in green color a little bit a little brighter green they used to be uh shy do you have a picture of what salamanders used to look like before gw changed it now i found it it's too on the nose i think of being like oh it's dragon so it has to be green and there it is oh no oh boy you know this moment right here have you have you seen robin and men in tights before no uh there's a moment there's a there's a witch her name is latrine um because you know like a toilet um and the king is like oh your name is latrine and she's like yeah my family changed it's like oh you changed to latrine what was your name before and she's like [ __ ] and he's like oh good change that's a good change and this feels very similar where the whatever that yellow and black abomination is that's the name [ __ ] house and the green one is like latrine so it's a good change i wish i had the same the same gusto you had that for for for yelling [ __ ] house the top of your lungs at 9am in the morning it's all that rating man it's got me you know in the you know see it's it's the same colors as imperial fists like so much just linked in like a crappy salamander scale thing oh it looks so horrible it's really bad i have much more appreciation for the green oh my god that's hideous and the green can actually be done pretty well if it's if it's used in the proper way but uh anyway that's a side track um the salamanders themselves of course are you know they have all their main aspects of self-sacrifice and that kind of deal but the most important thing to really be noted when it comes to salamanders at least in my opinion is that they're really reliant on on self-reliance yeah so when the salamanders they spend a lot of time like alone like like chill like with their own mind you know it's self like to be relying on themselves obviously loyalty out stuff and and helping the innocent but for example um the salamanders are huge with their craftsmanship of course we know this like sure um the the forged and the fires the anvil anvil craftsmanship they have a lot more tech marines than the average uh group mainly because the tech marines are very well they get more chances to craft new stuff nas mini is like the iron hands but the thing to note is that like you if you are a salamander you don't take your bolter to an artificer in order to get it fixed you fix your own [ __ ] yeah right and you you there's no impurity like there's an imperial standard but you don't you don't do it for yourself you customize your crap like if you've got your own bolter and your bolter jams you are a self-reliant person you fix your own [ __ ] bolter yeah and then maybe you were put with some new parts so you craft a new barrel or something and then so all of their weapons are all literally like pretty much handmade to the user they are their custom adjusted that i'm i'm surprised more chapters aren't like that because like if you need an artificer to like fix your armor fix your gun like what if you don't have access to an artificer what if you're in the field and like your weapon breaks down or something and you have to repair your armor it's like well there's no artificer so i guess i'll just go in handicapped it's like you'd think more people would be really adept at like customizing and fixing their own [ __ ] i think they do know how to fix their own [ __ ] but there's a difference between fixing your own [ __ ] and actually like crafting and upgrading your own [ __ ] like i'm like i may know how to how to change the oil in my car but i if my engine block breaks i don't know how to put it back in like you couldn't fix your own transmission exactly you could certainly put some air in your tires yeah the the salamanders will fix their transmission and then and then give it a brand new engine put on a muffler throw on a spoiler on that bastard that's gonna look very terrible turbo they're gonna get that noss oh no which actually kind of goes like actually that that's a very ironic because the salamanders are not fast uh they're they're they're big and clunky and slow right they're actually a little i mean they can move at the same speed as a regular marine but there's a con a concept that they're a little slower on their reflexes that might not actually be true but they're just kind of they're very like slow and sturdy that's the concept is that their battle tactics really don't often rely on things like speeders or bikes or anything they have some tanks and they move up and they like close range combat because meltas are close range and so are flamers so they're the tank of the party they're slow yeah they have a very large amount of terminators in their chapter yeah i guess that makes sense since they're big yeah yeah and having a large amount of terminators especially equipped with things like flamers and they really like their thunder hammers um obviously vulcan had a thunder hammer but the salamanders yeah this is also a hammer but they like their close quarters combat because that's where they excel with their flamers their meltas those are the two main weapons and melee combat they're not as big in the melee as say the blood angels or the white scars the space wolves but they like their hammers they like getting in there and getting one clean clunk yeah um did that make sense for them do you have you heard the story about what the guy who got punched by mike tyson and what it felt like um i feel like i have but i don't remember how it goes so go ahead and tell me oh mike tyson obviously you know he he was known for making you spend a lot of money for a pay-per-view and then not getting anything because it was over in round one he would knock you the [ __ ] out mike tyson in his prime was a savage one guy who got knocked out by him specifically said that it felt like i uh i felt like someone put a phone book to the side of my hand and then a major league baseball player hit me with a baseball bat yeah that's that sounds about right um i'm surprised it wasn't worse i'm surprised it wasn't like yeah it feels like you know a strong man hit me upside the head with a [ __ ] metal hammer well i mean i i think he was trying to be realistic like the phone the phone book is the glove keeping me from dying yeah oh man so i posted a gif of him hitting someone that's like god damn i forgot how hard that [ __ ] hit that was a clean uppercut that was oh man that dude probably was not eating solid foods for a month i uh a slight a slight shout out to my one of my personal favorite boxers was sunny liston good old girl sunny listening loves love watching his old [ __ ] it's so good i've never heard of him but i'm i'm sure he hit like a truck too sunny listen it's really pop all right i'm i'm upset with you um sorry jesus so boxing like space wolves right they attack a ton savagery white scars really fast the idea for sao mayor is that they got the hammer they only need one or two hits yeah you know because once they hit you with that thing like it's gonna hurt you're knocked out you're on your ass also because salamanders are bigger than the average marine they they because they have the gene seed of their father vulcan they're they're a little bit taller a little bit wider they're a bit chunkier than the average marine they're a bit tougher yeah um and then combining that with like a little slow-moving kind of advance of these tough tanky close-range monsters with the thunder hammers it really adds a pretty neat feel to their combat where it's instead of being too fast they're very they're stoic but they're okay with like shooting bolters and stuff and then getting in close it's not like they're just like oh bolter dishonorable throw that away and just like slow charge with a hammer or something oh no they're like i said they're a very classic marine chapter where they have their bolters they have their companies they have their their strike squads and scouts and all that but they have a preference for flame weaponry and things like hammers yeah okay um as now uh that's like the main way they do a lot of their combat and their fighting of course uh forging their own weaponry but i mentioned a few times before that the salamanders actually are some of the only marines that actually can chill with their families oh yeah yeah yeah i remember that yeah very they were in the imperium i think they're the only ones i don't i don't think i think when you become a marine you get through all the genetic stuff and you're shipped out and you're gone um but the the salamanders actually a little bit like i think a little bit like real military when they're off duty they sometimes even like live with their family whoa so you really want to be a salamander then well it goes into the concept well i don't know you uh when you hear about some of the rituals you might consider otherwise but um it really adds more to that like sacrifice for humans like it makes it really uh easier to want to save humanity and civilians when you live with your mom and dad yeah i mean you're you are with humanity all the time so you'd have a much bigger appreciation for it um not that this is on topic but who would be the best chapter to be a part of i being a space marine is actually is a great job in general it's one of the best jobs in the entire world of 40k um but it's also unless you're like a [ __ ] aristocrat in some fancy fancy hive city or whatever um but the the process to become one is never fun oh that's true it's it's grueling horribly painful and involves you getting chopped up by by surgeons and yeah implanted with crap right yeah extra stomachs extra hearts all that stuff that makes your blood coagulate faster and yeah yeah it's it's not a great feeling uh now i i guess the best thing that would be was some kind of hoity-toity aristocrat in some world that that would be the strongest thing for you but but if you were dead set on becoming a space marine because i mean it doesn't sound like it's a bad gig to be um a salamander like obviously you are still in it to fight and you are still in it to be honorable and like you're still protecting people but at least like you can still chill with your family and you're not just completely like brainwashed into being like nope don't have a family i'm talos i'm gonna shoot my mom um so it doesn't sound that bad as far as space marine chapters go it doesn't sound like uh uh the sally's have it too bad okay i hate to actually you oh um i hate to actually you vitalis didn't shoot this mommy with some uh something oh yeah he just didn't realize it was his yeah whatever yes i like how the only i like how the only reference you have to anything space marine is the night lord's books which are some of like the least space marine books because yeah well also they're criminals whatever um i i don't really know i don't really know because a lot of the way you become a space marine is is depending on the world like i would imagine the ultramarines is probably an easier one than some of the others no no pain glove but like there's a lot of lava involved and fire involved in this in the salomers ones and you probably grew up on nocturne which is a death world true no all terrain might be easier but then you have to be an ultramarine and yeah exactly you get to have fun you get to have the like the largest legion chei makes a point and brewer's children are having the most fun mostly then you're a heretic and well your soul is could you you get it you gotta be all slandesh i think is emperor's right that's gotta be slanted yeah exactly you're having endless drugs and music and sex uh death to the emperor and like vats death to the false emperor uh uh uh all all hail slandish um the the the the she who thirsts and dk was thirsty yeah i was thirsty give me that tall glass of slanish anyway anyway [ __ ] uh anyway sally's um sally's yes so often they they have this uh very close-knit feeling of family which is also why that self-sacrifice is so important because their brothers are you know that they're they're brothers they understand this family concept a lot more and when they live with their family they understand they can craft and they have their own stuff they can craft they they have a lot of it's the same reason why i on the other side of the fence i like the night lords because there's a lot of personality in the legion yeah you know this the salamanders chapter it has a lot of personality everything from their physical appearance which looks different the way they do war and the way they conduct themselves is all very different just like the night lord stuff which is why i find these two as my favorite factions of marines is because a lot of effort and time was put into the like the culture and all that and speaking of you want to er so becoming a salamander becoming a salamander becoming a salamander there's a very large amount of stuff you got to do in order to become a salamander but one of the main things is you have to do a lot of the trials that vulcan had to do when he was going against the emperor oh you mean those things that he tied the emperor with when they were doing that little contest well like for example yeah basically like when you are a young lad you need to be taught how to work in the forge you know we're a fairest master the iron hands like to craft weapons using technology and stuff like vulcan liked a good fire and a good hammer and a good anvil he liked to craft a legitimate like a sword you know or a re a real ass hammer yeah that makes sense for the sally's yeah and so when as you're growing up as a wee lad you are working in the forge you are learning how to craft stuff and perhaps you might be selected to join the legion and if you are which you know sounds horrible but in terms of of 40k it's an honor and if you are selected you go through a lot of those same tests in fact one of the tests i believe is in fact finding a salamander and hunting it and killing it oh just just like uh emps and uh vulcan did yeah that's no easy thing is it that's well vulcan blew his head off with one swing of his hammer because he's an enormous son of a [ __ ] but that's vulcan and that's big e like not everybody is is gonna be able to do what they can do exactly which is why it's a grueling task a hard task uh but once you are then you know you become after that you you get you know the usual thing where you're carved up and organs are put into you the usual becoming a space marine thing yeah yeah um and then the jeans seat of course which also does give you a fun little doodad which uh gives you something called firesight which allows you that's the glowing red eyes are not just aesthetic they let you i think like c infrared oh that that probably comes in very handy it's kind of neat and different and weird but kind of neat yeah that's that's pretty dope actually yeah and having that ability to see like that is is super it's just kind of a cool thing to add to a little bit like an actual ability to go along with their red eyes yeah and very useful because like they can so then they can do like night operations because they if like well i guess assuming that they're fighting warm-blooded um opponents they can't hide from them like they're they're gonna know where they're hiding because you know they get the well unless they're hiding in a volcano because well yeah big red trunk but yeah that's that's very handy it's neat um it's neat to have like just have that along with with all the other facets of being a space marine as like a little additional doodad yeah um but also going along and kind of uh becoming one of these major space one of these major space marines you are you work a lot with the promethean cult which is their little uh little religiony thing i guess okay the promethean cult that sounds like a cultifier makes sense well i talked about a little bit before where it's like the the non-heretical one done by the inquisition oh yeah yeah yeah the eagles ecosystem is like yeah it's cool um so basically they use fire a lot to go through their rituals um like for example uh if you like very often salamander space marines will have ritual branding where frequently there are trials of them walking over burning coals or carrying hot metal bars because if you're going to have any kind of physical appearance change for the salamanders is going to be [ __ ] branding of course and there are a couple rights or rituals and this [ __ ] [ __ ] gets me man all right all right so there's one it's an ancient ritual called the burning walk and normally this is used for the really old or crippled as a way to end their final days and fire it's like a like a walk and never return oh fun so you take a solitary pilgrimage to the pirate desert of nocturne too well you know some of them salomers take the journey to restore a troubled soul or hopefully die in the attempt yeah um and so far only one salamander has ever come back oh who who came back are they like a super important one or apothecary fugus of the third company i don't know i don't know oh okay but they didn't they didn't die in the desert they just came back and we're like hey guys i'm great i'm better now so the other one the ritual of internment and ascension ah that sounds not fun when a captain of the salamanders is slain he is placed on a vast slab of black marble and then he is lowered into a lava flow in this giant volcanic rock right the slab is lowered by two separate space marines in the traditional garb of a metal worker of nocturne who have these enormous chains the size of their fists etched with symbols of their forge the flame anvil and hammer and when they lower the chains into the lava the chains will then heat up due to being near the lava and they need to grip the chains in such a way where the red-hot metal chains will then brand their hands to perfect to perfectly brand their hands and arms with the symbol of the hammer anvil and flame and then after that uh the ritual of interment then comes the ritual of ascension where the new captain to take their place will be stripped naked besides the sash and then have uh will then have the branded the marks of the captain upon their chest and right shoulder and then step into a deus in which the ascendant will be subjected to a blast of flame from below surrounding them with a pillar-like inferno for a few seconds oh that's fun in which the regent then says vulcan's fire beats in my breast and then the person in the flame says with it i shall smite the foes of the emperor and then he takes a nice bath oh boy that's i mean i i guess that's a very salamander's thing to do you're all about the fire and and the the dragon and the salamander so yeah it's that sounds very salamanders it sounds very painful oh boy uh i mean i was like oh the branding thing boy that sounds awful you know holding those like you know molten basically molten chains boy that sounds painful uh that's that's child's play compared to just being consumed by flames for uh however long well stark naked that's that's hmm there's also another one where when a salamander dies if the body is not returned to nocturne and ritually destroyed the burden mount death fire they may like to cremate the body locally in the campaign where in that situation as the fallen person burns the fellow psalmers will then thrust their arms into the flames of the pyre oh as as a very personal ritual where tortures may be added a ceremony some maybe a lament will be sung uh some words of remembrance but they will all show their flames in the fire to be like i love you brother i mean so that obviously that's that sounds very weird and very painful but there's there's a sort of grace to it there's like a sort of like uh a camaraderie to it because that's that's their brother's final like moments that's like the the flames are literally his last essence and they're just very cl that's that's kind of that's kind of nice aside from you know the self immolation um yes besides the self immolation yeah but aside from that i mean it's kind of uh it's kind of a heartwarming moment no pun intended but you know cause you're you're so you know that's that's kind of cool actually let's talk a little bit about some salamanders characters made sure let's do it so the number one uh main one you'll be looking at in terms of the chapter master is the guy named tushan uh which i believe is is memed on in the end protects the speech very very heavily um tushan is uh is very he's the chapter master of the salamanders um he's he's got a pretty notable notable uh history under his belt um he looks dope as hell he's got this giant fire drake like mantle and cape he has a hammer some flame weapons of course his hammer is called storm bearer pretty cool i just posted a picture of him and he does look very dope um is that a that's not an iron is it iron halo that gives you a little barrier shield thing that's not what that is is it uh i think that is an iron halo but it's like a flame version of it so it gives them like a flame shield no i think i think it does exactly what it's supposed to do which is the fire a fiery version of it it's a salamander's variance because you're a salamander because you gotta have that stuff yeah so it's like the same thing gilliman has i think gilman has one right correct he has an iron halo right and did doge have one he had a rosarious i believe oh right right okay yeah yeah which is basically the same thing in terms of gameplay but i don't know about lore right so this guy is a tanky [ __ ] well he's the chapter master he is the marniest kalgar of the salamanders the the the guy who fought the swarmlord oh right you're okay gotcha so so he's the big guy he's the big boy he's a big guy he he's the car in the betrayer of the salamanders he's the the big guy the typhus of the death guard he's no carn he's got both arms armored oh damn [ __ ] straight he's no card but no one's no one's carn um he was the lamau lol uh he was also there during the second war of armageddon where the commissary ark fought gaskell on that world if you remember that one helped uh mainly helped getting the respect of other space marines like the blood angels and uh mainly went there to go save the citizens because of course he did and obviously he didn't uh sure because that's what they do sally come on yeah yeah there's actually not a whole lot talking about to sean that i see here uh there is another character known as adrax agatone oh is that where adrax earth shade comes from no that's right yeah all right oh wait you're right it's agrax ah [ __ ] well i tracked is a recent addition uh this guy is actually one of the primarist marines as of recently and he is a very new model too a pretty good looking model i'm not going to lie he looks super dope um but he is a bit he's also known as nocturne's hammer he is the captain of the third company known as the pyroclasts and he's a little bit of a weird salamander um adrex is is a pragmatist in more ways than one uh now originally he started off as a scout as they always do scouts and and he you know used to do his usual thing but adrex kind of has this way about him where he's very like i will protect the innocent and i will do whatever i have to to do so so he's very cold and and a little dour and a little dark huh uh but he has he looks like a baller you you would think he'd be a little more upbeat if he's all about like uh if he's all about like wanting to save everybody yeah but he'll save that dark he save anybody in whatever he has to do anything oh oh okay got it yeah so even if even if it was uh something involved him getting [ __ ] up if it was to save a bunch of people he'd do it that's the idea yeah oh okay now now maybe i understand why he's a little a little more he's a little more worrisome but he looks really cool and he does his mini also looks great this is what his mini looks like right here it's actually one of the better looking minis i'd argue for the salamanders that that is very cool i like the way it's painted um the uh the other pictures i've seen uh of the of the armor makes it look but i think it's because it's a much darker tone and has that big silver salamander on the side um yeah that looks that looks great that's a fire if you will ah look at this a funny guy oh my god uh address is actually pretty good on tabletop i like him a lot as for the other character we have we have brayarth ashmantl okay he is a dreadnought and he is actually the one currently residing in the iron dragon dreadnought um he's a little nothing like like i said there's not a whole lot uh salamanders stuff in terms of like well the books don't really give you a whole bunch of crazy ones or anything it's a little like uh are the salamanders dreadnoughts any cooler than the other ones are they all just boxes um i think that these are all just boxes it would be super cool if the salamanders instead of having boxes they had like mechanized dragons like the [ __ ] from mega man where you had like robot dragons oh [ __ ] i that would be kind of dope i won't i won't lie that would be so cool and everybody's like oh my god if i die in battle it's okay i'll get a [ __ ] robo dragon to drive around and in the afterlife or dragon you could run about ash mantle as well on the table top but the main character the main person we want to talk about is someone named vulcan histon oh who's that vulcan histan is someone known as the forge father and this is a very special title the chapter master is the big is the big one who leads the com or at least the chapter but being the forge father he is tasked with a very specific journey and that is to find vulcan right um and volcanistan is actually named vulcan because of like to take the name of the greatest of the salamanders because he is the forged father right um and so for him he was one of the best forgers at his ties as a young youth where a lot of the salomer space marines would actually come to his his like metal working area to watch him work as as a young lad because he was that talented with what he was making and he eventually was able to slay you know the usual slay the giant lizards he rose to his ranks the scout was eventually promoted to forge father and he is was given something known as the tome of fire which is actually a mysterious little book written by vulcan and it showed up right before vulcan disappeared okay for the last time right when he uh when he showed up as a asteroid no no after after this is after the war of the beast oh okay gotcha um so this tome carries a well as a forge father his job is to understand the tome perfectly like know the whole thing but in the tome are a lot of like words of wisdom guidance for everybody but there's also lots of volumes where secrets are revealed with clues riddles and tests that vulcan wrote for his sons and this is why uh he said like only the most intelligent of his chapter would be able to figure it out is it bad that as soon as you said that i just imagined this big [ __ ] space rain looking through he's like oh what's the next what's the next secret there's just like a big uh crossword puzzle with the numbers below it and he needs to figure it out he's like what guys what's a 10 letter word for immolation i don't know boss wait a minute it's like i gotta figure through that i don't know if that's actually a word but wait immolation one two three four five six seven eight ah nine so close oh no no no there is toy there is ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there's ten immolation is a ten letter word let's go dk what's a ten letter word for it's immolation wow vulcan you sneaky son of a [ __ ] what's a 14-letter word for immolation self-immolation [Laughter] oh wow this is great this is the wisdom the wisdom of vulcan what's this in this book it says the only way to true as to true ascendancy is to light your feet on fire well all right if vulcan says so turns the page lull your foot's on fire [ __ ] idiots now i just imagine the the top of fire is just like crossword puzzles it's a jumble puzzle there's a page it's like a coloring book it's like once you color this in you'll know the location of the blah blah it's like all right purple they want to it's if they want to color in it's like a space marine and they want to color it in in order to understand the location of the next artifact they need to color it properly but they only own orange and red crayons and a green one and one green one and they keep on like damn it how do you color in the bolts or we only have fire crayons i uh maybe if you mix the anyway yeah that's that's all i can imagine this tone being now it's so stupid they're they're pondering their tome to ponder the tome um so there are currently uh so they found out is that there are nine artifacts of vulcan and of the nine the idea is that they find all nine and then vulcan will return to them and so it is vulcan histones entire purpose to find these artifacts it is his entire job to search for them okay and so he currently has five uh a five of the nine and three of them he personally wears on his person oh which straight does he wear like well the first thing is they don't give him any powers or are they just literally artifacts well first things first his mini is very old and [ __ ] oh i mean it's not that bad i mean i think it's resonance so it's bad oh i was gonna say it looks why is it actually it's okay it's i mean it's not as bad as some of the necromancers it's not as good as um uh what's-his-face um i already forget what the other dude's name was um what the the bald guy he tries to save everybody what's his name again the bald guy he tries to say yeah the guy we were just talking about before hastan azerik's hagatone yeah that's that he's way cooler oh well yeah he looks better because his model is like super new yeah like hastan just kind of looks like a space marine like there's nothing very special about him with a cape and a spear yeah yeah and adrax just like look at how beefy i am my armor is cooler i have this big flame thing and i have this giant gold pauldron and i have a gas mask thing on because i'm too hardcore to wear a helmet oh like i would think that these two mini should be swapped hastan should look the way adrax does and ajax should look the way histan does i think it's mainly just because the fact that uh old model and and then vulcan new uh address new model but unless hastan is getting a new model sorry to interrupt again i hope yeah i i hope i i once i want like there's some cool kit bashers out there i just hope he gets a better mall because he's a big deal and he's got some he's a shitty [ __ ] yeah he's a shitty [ __ ] model but regardless um the three he currently wears he has slime called the kesserae's mantle which is that gigantic cloak he has on the back it's a scale cloak from the skin of a drake slain by vulcan himself oh okay is it the uh drake that uh he slayed with the emperor or is it just a different one i'm assuming it's a different one okay um he also has something called the spear of vulcan which is a weapon forged by vulcan himself which is apparently so damn strong that if it hits enemy space marine power armor it will set their armor on fire whoa that's like it is a big deal it melts through ceramides it just goes right through it whoa and then his uh other hand he has the gauntlet of the forge which is a male fist uh which allows him to summon fire as his knee it's basically like a flamethrower hand oh that's so dope so he's like boba fett yeah sure why not sick he actually is really proud of that one because uh he likes to tell the tale of how he recovered it from an eldar corsair someone named lord iath bloodweaver whoa yeah it's uh it's pretty cool that's awesome i don't know why but aesthetically that one is the coolest having the having the flame throw our fist is just that's that that's top tier uh fantasy aesthetic a flint a flame gauntlet like that is super awesome oh hell yeah um so vulcan histones quest is simple hunt for the remaining relics um now on about three occasions i think trey's in the infinite has attempted to steal the spear of course he has oh and it's a priceless artifact that'll maybe bring back vulcan of course he wants it in his gallery mm-hmm so occasionally he's been stabbed by the spear and then teleported to his surrogate and he's like damn it damn it not again so so trezen knows how much that spear hurts oh yeah but at the same time he's also like i wanted it and i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] get it i mean that's a hell of a thing to have like even if it wasn't just for the gallery it'd be a hell of a weapon to just straight up use yeah it's super nuts and it's pretty uh it's it's pretty cool in the tabletop although i might need a rules upgrade yeah um on another side note uh salamanders like many space marine chapters do have librarians okay and uh they are you know psychers and can you guess what they do with their psychic powers uh something something summoned fire fireball makes sense to me one of them creates a giant conflagration of a gigantic flaming dragon that flies towards the enemies and [ __ ] people up whoa they literally summon a fight a dragon made of fire and just fly it at people literal dragon made of fire oh my god that's so [ __ ] metal dude oh i love it one of the librarians will will uh fire the flames so hard that it reads his entire body and veins and fire and if you get too close to him you will blister and set a light so he just like walks into the [ __ ] room he's like what's up what's up can't touch me boom damn it's great he's they got one uh that's so powerful that the called knock turns fire it is so incredibly strong it's actually a little terrifying and they don't like to use it very often they like to it's just basically a gigantic inferno that goes in every direction around them and they can't move while casting it is just a gigantic fire storm from all directions damn i i mean i guess when you do something like that uh you you wouldn't need to move because you know it's everywhere oh [ __ ] is this what their librarians look like yeah librarians generally are painted a bluish color throughout every uh space marinely uh like legion of the blue the blue librarians just like the blue is the color of the librarian but they have some of their decals and [ __ ] on there right that one with the uh uh librarian that's got the sword pointing at you with the blue eye why does he have blue eyes shouldn't they be red maybe he's casting a power or something i don't know oh okay magic magic okay but that's a very cool picture that's ooh that's super dope that's the picture you should use when we're talking about this because holy [ __ ] there's there's some some really really dope things yeah the librarians sound very scary with the salamanders i mean i guess they're always supposed to be scary because you know it's like a a librarian is essentially a space marine psycher right by and large super simple terms but yeah that that's oof boy that they sound not fun to fight no they are they're very scary there's a lot of fire that's cool yeah very cool powers want them on my side though they have a couple other cool relics there's something called the surter's breath which is a salamander with a unique modification uh that was used uh with a reputation with a death watch and basically it's a it's just like a flame with a special propellant that fires at twice the range with an ultraviolet fire which is kind of kind of neat yeah that's cool uh you've got something called the wrath of prometheus which is a special crafted bolter um which of course is always cool looking you've got the salamanders mantle which is a gigantic drake skin cloak oh nice dope ass cape nice doughbass capes are always awesome yup um you have like the i mentioned the gauntlet of the forge already uh there's some chips and and burning halos which are burning halos are are actually super interesting because they're oh that's what it's called burning halo yeah um right so it's called an iron halo that is a burning halo which is basically an iron halo except when the force field is struck the kinetic energy is then converted into an explosion of searing flame back at the attacker oh boy so it's like a it's like an iron halo on crack it is a crack halo wow really damn imagine trying to bonk somebody with like a hammer and and then it just hits back and you just get set on fire you're like oh the risk i took was calculated but damn am i bad at pyrotechnics um is there any proof that like once they find all the relics that vulcan's actually gonna come back and it's not just a wild goose chase no okay i mean maybe there is but i don't know of any and and honestly it probably is better that way that that there's there's just like this vulcan said this is the way to do it and we'll see i is it bad that i kind of want them to find all the relics and have nothing happen it would be very it would be very 40k very grim dark yeah it's a very grim dark thing to happen right they go to all this trouble find all the relics and nothing they they also they have a very funny accent they use for them in the text-to-speech series where they make them all sound like hoity-toity uh like nights oh or like like they they kind of walk like oh oh doth thou find fire fearful ha ha uh be gone demon virus flamer it's like ah thine a foul smuttery all right yeah sure sure i'm just imagining them with that voice being like what doth vulcan not return blasphemy where the hell are they vulcan doth vulcan where alas poor vulcan i never knew him because he's gone oh vulcan [ __ ] like that i mean well it sounds like all these relics are like uh pretty like they'd be useful in a fight anyway so like even if vulcan doesn't come back you still have all these really dope relics that you honestly the salamanders should have anyway right oh yeah i mean the salamanders oh the thing is that a lot of their fancy pantsy relics aren't actually that interesting to talk about because this normally just comes down to really good flamer and really good hammer and really good bolter yeah because they craft all their [ __ ] and that's you know the whole point of the matter yeah uh shai said salamanders are cool but kind of over specialized if you ever dm a dungeons and dragons game with salamander just throw some firebase monsters at them they'll be like i cast fireball and you're like it doesn't do anything and they go all pikachu face [Laughter] that sounds about right they they certainly don't dm you could certainly do that they certainly are specialized no doubt i can see that yep um there's a lot and and quickly on the terms of the tabletop uh they actually are they were actually pretty darn good for a while um they've gone down in popularity a little bit lately but they've got some pretty dope stratagems and stuff like for example when you fire a flamer you roll a dice like a d6 that's how many shots your flamer gets like a three four one they have a stratagem called flame craft where you just make it six for all of them um there's actually a they have a stratagem called vengeance for east von 5 where if you fight a word bearer iron warrior night lord or alpha legion you could reroll your hit roll because they knew they decided to nuke you [Laughter] okay okay there's like strength of the primark which is a great what's actually a wait wait what the oh my god it's actually really strong holy [ __ ] at plus one of your strength in the fight phase and an unmodified wound roll of six doubles the damage wow holy crap um there's stand your ground there's born protectors uh exemplar of the promethean creed the fires of battle self-sacrifice is literally a stratagem cries from the ashes blah blah blah of course all very very on the nose sally stuff yeah fire shield there's one called drake skin which is a special um librarian ability okay uh and for their actual in-game abilities um they get a little bit of bonus to a certain armor penetration so they ignore it because they're big and tough and they get to re-roll a dice every time they attack or shoot because they have master crafted weapons makes sense uh and then um they all and they naturally get bonuses due to their thing called doctrines if they use any flamers or melta based weaponry is there any faction or group that is heavily resistant to fire in the table top that's like the salamanders hate fighting them because i can't use my melt oh my flymo oh you went straight with the british well you know gotta keep that i i it's all right i got it i get you um no no because that kind of turns it into a very um like oh yeah then you'd be medding people out and you'd be uh counting armies yeah no no one likes dealing with that kind of stuff but um i mean yeah i do own salamanders i don't have them painted up fully but i played them on the table top a few times on a tabletop simulator oh um i mean they play like they're supposed to they they get benefits for flamers and melted so take a lot of them they're a bit slow uh unless you take the fast stuff which sometimes i do sometimes i don't just depends could you take a transport to load them into and make up for their lack of speed oh yeah you can get like a land raider or something that's just they're not very good oh okay um well but then like ah you know there's certain things like um i really like adrex agatone on the tabletop i think he's super good um he's got his his hammer does a mighty four damage which is insane he's got he gives like uh he gives a really nice ability where he allows people around him to have a wound role of plus one during melee uh vulcan hastan is is pretty good vulcan his son lets you re-roll the wound roll for any flamers or melted weapons you have which is pretty great um does he do more damage because he has the relics and he has the spear the spear is actually really [ __ ] i'm not gonna lie unfortunate yeah for for the people watching his spear is strength six minus two d3 damage with only four attacks it's actually really mediocre um i feel like he needs an update because adrex agatone with his strength eight minus three four damage weapon is so much more powerful yeah would you even would you run vulcanistan wouldn't you just run adrax uh vulcan's okay i vulcan's a little cheaper but the mainly reason you would run vulcan is because he gives you a nice re-roll to wound for or you can select one uh core character and re-roll the wounds the thing the thing about flame weapons is that because they're flamethrowers normally you have to roll the hit and then you roll to wound um like your accuracy then strength because they're flamers you never have to roll for accuracy because they're flamers oh right because yeah who needs accuracy with the flames yes so ironically flamers are some of the best weapons to destroy aircraft because they don't have to roll the hits okay that that's that's pretty clever actually i'd like that uh so but since you only have to roll the wound the fact that vulcan can give one unit full rerolls to wound with flame weapons oh that yeah okay that becomes pretty good and then if you're salamanders if you're in a certain part of the game all of your flamers and meltas get an extra plus one two wound so if you're if you're firing like if you're firing flamers um like if you there's a unit called an aggressor squad and aggressors are in gravis armor and they have two flamethrowers on both of their arms very sally very sally and if you fire these aggressors they so it basically it's uh d6 so one dice but there's two of them and because they have two gauntlets and then there's three in the squash so it's six dice and then when you roll it and it's like strength four or whatever but then you can imagine if you're firing into other marines it would be strength four toughness four so you'd be wounding them on fours but if you're a sally's you would increase the penetration because it's flamers and then you would get plus one to wound so now you're wounding them on threes and then vulcan lets you re-roll all your fails so you're ruining them on threes rerolling all your ones and twos so it can really it can really compound on itself you know yeah it sure can that oh boy that sounds that sounds [ __ ] up and also there's a um there's another thing they have they also equip with power fists which means they they can run up and punch your ass afterwards i think aggressors are some of the salamanders best units yeah they sound really good they sound like they will ruin your day um also those those uh sally's that shy pose they're actually painted really well i i the color scheme looks a lot better the darker the green is i agree i think the dark green is what makes it stronger or looks better the the light green of those earlier pictures we saw looks absolutely atrocious but that dark green painted one looks really spicy yeah there's some really really good ones in there i like it a lot yeah i knew who i mean after some gameplay stuff that's really the salamanders general overview some sally boys they're they're good they're good boys they're they're they're very good boys i i like sally's they're you know i don't well i was gonna say i don't know that i'd mind being a sally if i had to be a space marine but their rituals are a little insane um a little a lot a lot of that self-immolation and setting yourself on fire and and branding yourself and you know picking up hot chains and hot molten chains and boy but it sounds like once you've done all that stuff it's pretty great to be a salamander you get to be with your family you're honorable yeah you know they sound pretty sick for as great as it is uh being a person in the 41st millennium as as yeah there are way worse things you could be like a chair you could be a sofa yeah you could be a desk lamp you could be the shade you might not be the you might be the shade on the lamp that would be awful all right that's that's that's good we're good we're good good we're good we're good we're good we did it salamanders um to our viewers real quick uh the year is coming to a close we're about we're about to roll out 2021 2021 and 2020 have felt like a blur oh god yeah they felt like five years wrapped into two they really felt like they were the longest and most confusing years ever um as for us on adept this ridiculous we have a lot of stuff planned for 2021 2022 i'm sorry 2022. we've got a lot of stuff planned uh we have tons of merch chain ideas throughout the year we've got some exciting episodes possibly even some interviews and we even have some competitions we plan on running at some point oh so with all of that uh i want to extend a very heartfelt thank you um we me and shai have dragged dk to success oh you really have and boy does dk appreciate it by the way boy do i appreciate it i am happy to be here i said that i said that as a way to be a dick and then you're like yep you're goddamn right and i am happy to be dragged along thank you one and all god damn it all right um though it's it's actually been a pretty substantial thing for all of us um yeah not only the financial security for all three of us uh but going above and beyond that and the enjoyment that we get to do making it our uh coming out with a podcast that should not have gone as popular as it did but alas i don't know if the last is the right word but thankfully crazy to our fans uh it has indeed blown up in a much more significant way than i think any of us initially thought and also i don't have to uh you know i can have a little bit more legal with my content shy does not have to review melee weapons in warframe anymore and dk you don't have to be tied to gentian impact anymore so thank god yes yes god yeah the best news the best news don't have to be tied to gentian don't be tied to warframe oh life is life is good life is good all right and with that thank you everyone for watching this episode happy new year we will see you in the new year and we will try to make it a significantly better one in the past make it a ridiculous one i was going to try to do a normal outro with that my name is bricky thing and you ruined it that's it that's a dk that's it you've posted cringe get down in the crypt no no no all right dk get in the lava [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 349,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous, vulkan, warhammer vulkan, salamanders, 40k salamanders, space marines
Id: ac3p75UKTWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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