Grading Every Faction's Cannon Fodder

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hello and welcome to the poer podcast episode 102 I'm your host Brad this is my co-host Eric how's it going and this week we are returning to a series that I love and looking back we haven't done an episode since October like this so we deserve it we're going to be doing an old favorite today we're going to be grading every faction like they're doing a homework assignment and this week's assignment is canon fod an important role in the 41st Millennium and one that Space Marines don't automatically win for once it's true they are not going to be our gold standard for this one but without any further Ado let's jump in sounds good all right so Eric introduce us to our a students for the week the ones that are going to be essentially the answer key that everyone else must strive to be our automatic A+ as it were yeah normally like you said Space Marines do pretty well on that they're like the generic coverall everything but this time the Imperial Guard have come the poster children of Canon fodder the red shirts of the 41st Millennium so on and so forth kadia exploded get wrecked the uh 99% mortality division or whatever the [ __ ] ins sanity lore tried to make up yeah so we're going to be talking about basically everyone's equivalent to infantry in guard we're just going to say it's the basic infantry Squad is what we're giving our A+ to here yeah when we originally brought this idea you thought of the cadens and I was like the catachans yeah it doesn't really matter just infantry yeah so whether you have cadians because you're a basic [ __ ] or some C because you have good taste or you've got some old metal vestan or ton laying around because you're from the 1980s don't even know what those are but I'm sure they exist but uh whatever you pick Imperial Guard infantry they're not good in game but they are cheap in points yeah I was going to say I mean it's one of those that sometimes just being cheap kind of makes you good like you said earlier Canon fodder is actually a very important role in Warhammer as dumb as it is you kind of have to have somebody that does it in your Army list if you want to be a balanced army list so yeah being cheap not great stats it's fair tradeoff you want to be a decent Point holder essentially something you don't have to put much investment in that can stand on a point yeah not really too worried about damage output since most of the time you're just going to be standing on a point or doing an action but if you want to be a lot like guard you want to throw out a lot of useless shots of like 301 hell yeah let's roll dice and do nothing you also for this have to be infantry we will not use swarm units from the different factions that have access to those even if technically they're better Point holders than your C Canon fodder front line equivalent it's not the point of this we're not looking for the best point holder we're looking for the best Canon fodder overall like lore comes into this and all that we're looking for the actual red shirts and swarms aren't that so the basic infantry Squad looking for you know toughness three a single wound kind of a shitty save and uh lorewise they should be something that's like cheap to produce you've got tons of them laying around even if you blow up the planet for some reason you keep going back to that and it uh it hasn't gotten funnier I'm still mad that chaos got a win and it literally means nothing they just named another planet new Cadia it's incredibly upsetting how useless that was 13 Crusades made him rename the next street [Laughter] over oh but we have a couple factions that basically autof fail yeah so Imperial Knights chaos Knights both failed their assignment we caught Imperial Knights copying the imperial agent homework and Chaos Knights tried to scribble out chaos Demon's name and write their own instead and uh Eric your favorite student yeah grey Knights uh they claim they lost their homework in the warp or and uh you know off trying to find it uh probably just getting a fail I mean they said they left a ctor behind we're not grading the ctor if the servor is the best you're bringing you failed to class yeah probably so those three will not be in this we did manage to get imperial agents in cuz shockingly they're pretty good at this yeah and we're not letting Imperial Knights take that so get your own faction so let's start things off with admech it's a pretty strong Contender up front yeah especially in this Edition the uh skari are cheap as [ __ ] so we're going to grade skari Rangers or Vanguard but Rangers is the one that everyone thinks of looks wise yeah terrible stat line technically a better save than guard yes still three toughness one wound can't really get away from that that's pretty terrible they're very cheap they're 10 to a squad they they honestly are just guard in this Edition as much of an insult as that is to admech players yeah and they've got technically some better weapons if you include like the Faction ability stuff but like if you don't you're doing some rolling of stuff that doesn't do [ __ ] so my thoughts here lorewise they're a little more hard to make than guard uh yeah yeah yeah lorewise they're supposed to be like actually legit right they've got like good gear yeah so there's more time invested in them more money invested in them stat-wise they're a little better than guard but that's all they've got really going against them I think they're solid a minus material if guard is an A+ I think so I feel like if the sheet reflected more the lore they would be worse at this and it would be like a bb+ or something like that but current Point cost yeah a minus what do you want to move on to next uh let's do sisters and I I did not go with the sisters of battle for this one I tried not to go past like the uh Power Armor tier if you could avoid it right if you have no choice but to have power armor because you're just too cool then I let you have it but like it can't be like good power armor yeah but sisters had multiple choices without needing power armor so we had Rena and the one I actually went with is Arco flag lence because boy oh boy or they fodder it's like literally things you want dead anyway yeah toughness three they're twoo wound they are tougher but they don't have saves literal seven up Save which I mean they're wearing loin cloths so I get it there is a knock against them in that they aren't like a well regimented Squad that's trying to shoot and hold a point they're kind of suiciding upboard and just unab bunging yeah they literally don't have a ranged weapon yeah I think it's a mark against them but Rena had basically the same problem so I'm going to say they're like maybe B minus material yeah probably it's tough cuz like I hadn't originally thought of having like ranged weapons as part of this like the original like Canon fodder thing but like it is good to have rang weapons in your Canon fodder cuz like like I almost wonder if I should have done sisters but the problem is like sisters have a way better save and it was a real mix on what I wanted to pick here and I don't think sisters got any real option that gets you to an a no it definitely doesn't honestly they're just too good which I know I know sisters players calm down but we're saying at this in lore perspective right we're we're comparing them to the uh infantry Squad of Imperial guards so calm down I'm going to say they're probably a solid B minus I wouldn't go down to like C yet no I don't think so like I feel like the Reno is probably C tier maybe if they were later in this if they were later in this I'd probably have have them down at C I bet yeah like two wound is just weird we're teaching you guys something about your school life growing up your grade depends a lot on how many drinks your teacher had by the time they got to you absolutely uh well I mean and also how much of fuckups are the rest of your class yeah like if you're the only one that's kind of normal yeah they're 20 checks in they've got no joy left in life it's 9:30 they got to be up at 6:00 to go deal with your ass in the morning yeah they're not going to grade you as well you gave like a reasonable answer it wasn't right but it was like eh you tried but let's move on to custodies this is the first I think truly bad grade we're going to give I did not force you to use an actual custodian or you would have just failed you'd be off following the gry kns trying to figure out something oh no the dog ate it uh I got to go back home Daddy Emperor give me a grade so we did the sisters of Silence I just said the prosecutor Squad is is probably the closest thing you've got yeah it fails on quite a few points it's technically cheap but it's cheap for five not 10 yeah so it's technically like twice as expensive it's not terrible and for custodies it's cheap as [ __ ] oh yeah but like it's not comparatively to our gold standard yeah and we're equipped with bolters we're good at shooting them we've got a three up save of power armor yeah technically still t31 wound but that three up save though man yep and it's why tried to avoid power armor when I could and importantly when we get to the lore side of things a sister requires you to find a blank in the first place which also I realized like a couple episodes ago I called them nulls and I can't remember if it's null or blank now that I'm saying it and I don't care wow you can tell me in the comments and I'll screw it up next episode yeah I was like he won't learn which I'm assuming from what you had said previously of like they're rare and even if they weren't people people go crazy and kill them anyways so that would like make them rare then you got to have them train with custodes their entire life and take a vow of silence and become like a monk and all this stuff like this seems incredibly difficult compared to just give an 18-year-old a gun push him forward and then when their helmet comes flying back put it on the next guy yeah there's definitely a tier of Elite Training happening with the sisters this is probably no higher than like a c min at best I was going to say it's a D+ right okay we'll go with D+ I'm good with it this might be one of the lowest scores it's really tough to give that three up the three up's not even the worst part to me it's the lore standpoint and that yeah that's a that's a big knock and like good shooting bolters yeah there's several things going on here M it all adds up yeah it's passible at least compared to uh custody's actual custodian so now if we want to see a solid a student for the day oo shout out to imperial agents for showing up to class Hell Yeah we actually get to grade you this week and honestly there's a couple options that's one of the nice things we had to pick but I picked the most obvious one which is the Navy breachers cuz it's literally guard but meant for boarding actions in space yeah okay like this is them yeah this is guard but with like different load out because you're in space and not in trenches yeah and technically they Imperial Navy but sure lorewise basically same difference stat-wise basically same difference technically they've got a slightly better save but I'm not going to knock it too bad there yeah uh I think they do cost a bit more as well yeah they are more expensive partly due to balancing reasons in 10th edition I'm not going to hold that too much against them no it's not that bad we know the reason yeah and from a lore aspect you know they are Guardsmen essentially it's just they had to be balanced they're slightly off in a lot of ways I think they're AA minus somewhere in there whatever you want to say I feel like probably an A minus just because those like balance things from the actual game play they matter yeah they did screw with it okay so we'll put them with skar at a minus still very good but bring out the next D student Space Marines you usually do so well at these we finally got you you don't get an automatic a and we have to grade your second best model cuz your first model was the one that we were comparing everybody to and uh you didn't bring any cannon fodder so technically the Scout Squad is your cannon fodder there was a couple others that have like similarish tiers of power armor but like well luckily these guys don't wear power armor they just wear like the Cod piece from Power Armor the power Cod piece that's the most powerful part of it so I do love that with their stupid ultramarines color scheme they look like the lion F cuz they look like football players real football not your shitty European sport real football wow I'm glad you check the PO Box you ever want to boost engagement on an episode remind the Europeans who has the better sport right yeah you know Super Bowl thing how'd that go well like the Lions I'm about to rip these guys apart for going home at halftime and ruining a season yeah one of the only times we've had as like an actual chance in seven decades yeah like literally before we were born was the last time the Lions were good so I'm going to vent a little bit on you Space Marines so five to a squad not 10 toughness four not toughness three two wounds not one wound lots of downsides here you only have a four up save only so it could have been worse it could have been worse but it's still you've got the issue of from aore standpoint this is space spren posttraining but pre- black carapus like this is right before being a full Space Marine oh is that what that okay I thought these were just like failed Space Marines no that's why they're not in power armor yet these guys the best part is if they're trained the old way and not the like primaris you spent 10,000 years in a tube okay you could be trained again the new way in primaris and not have 10,000 years in a tube to but whatever if they're trained traditionally and are not like Call's original bring back of primaris they pick them up off the street at like age 10 you train for like a year spend two years in a tube and pop out looking like this so these are 13-year-olds to boot that's [ __ ] up Space Marines are child soldiers never forget which explains why you keep getting told how intelligent they are and they act like 14-year-olds it's because everyone grades them on a curve right it's like you're a genius as a kid but like you're just a normal person as an adult this is how I make lore make sense with space sprin where you get told they're super smart but they're the dumbest things you've ever seen yeah and it's like well you're a 14-year-old okay you'll learn but I I actually didn't know that the Scout squads were like Space Marines just before I thought it was like oh they [ __ ] up and failed but they're still better than just random person yeah it's too much investment by a long shot as well I don't think we're going to find worse other than the actual did not turn in their homeworks yeah I mean it's just is this a d or is this an actual F no it's not a fail but it's the lowest passing grade we can give the D minus the like literal % yeah like godamn I'm more disappointed that you actually spent effort and turn something in the old uh if you really hate a student you pass him with a d all right I'll take it yeah this is not a good showing for Space Marines but let's move on to chaos demons we have a lot of options yeah we had a ton of options in chaos demons I settled on the pink Horrors and I actually was not in agreement but then I thought about it and was like yeah no the pink quars are kind of perfect for this so of the the four types of demons pink whes are the closest to a gunline type generic Canon fodder equivalent technically you could argue blood letters plague Bears literally any of the basic ones would work but pink whes have a couple upsides number one they throw Fireballs so they actually have a gunline aspect to them yeah okay fair number two if you kill a pink horror two blue Horrors pop up hell yeah and again it's slightly different in game with the but whatever then you kill the blue [ __ ] and two broomstones pop up so you're paying for 10 pink whes which looks expensive but when you realize it's more like 25 to 30 then the price is actually pretty decent when compared to garden stuff yeah toughness wise toughness three wounds one perfect they've got the demon they have an invol instead of a save but yeah I mean the the save is actually like pretty solid especially for demons but like it's not good yeah I got to say I don't think these are a bad pick no and again nurglings don't count they swarm we're not looking for the best point holder we're looking for the best equivalent to a Guardsman so yeah I do agree pink Horrors are probably the best and I don't know like a minus yeah I was only going to say like bb+ but I could be argued up to a minus but I I would say B+ because the four up invol is pretty good it is you do have the benefit of as a demon you cost nothing you are just the warp manifest yeah you can have as many of them just up here which kind of makes sense on they're splitting you know it's like infinite abilities of the brimstone I could be argued up to a minus I was going to go for the B+ but uh okay yeah I mean it's just like you might actually be like grading too high because you're shocked at how not bad it was it's so much better than I expected cuz like you're like pink hores like [ __ ] wrong with you that's awful in comparison to you know like blood letters or whatever and then no the more you look at it the more it's like yeah this is good CSM all right CSM I am not doing Trader guard but I will shout out that Trader guard exists it's just too boring to do that is kind of cheating it would be an auto a it's like the Space Marine equivalent previously of yeah you Auto passed because you're the one that yeah so instead let's go for the cultists which honestly still get an A in my book because you've got your terrible guns you're you're shooting for no reason but you can do it you've got a terrible sixup save you're cheap as hell you just hold points you got your toughness three one wound you're great at being terrible basically all perfect it's almost like slightly too much perfect you know like they were basically Chaos's guard equivalent for a while when Trader guard didn't exist for a bit there in the middle oh okay so the cultists were like an equivalent to your guard but uh I just got to give you the a yeah I think so very impressive now let's get into the weirder ones we're going to cover the specific Legions let's get nurgle out of the way pox walkers at one point this may have been a guard oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah toughness is too high technically this one's kind of tough just because death guard are tough like they get toughness for most of their things so like they're just going to be tankier this is definitely close because you've got your terrible saved to make up for being a higher toughness it probably comes out in the wash yeah they're cheap other than that you're slow you don't really have rain to speak of I don't think they have any range I think they literally have no options for range they don't even have a grenade so yeah no option to speak of then I have trouble knocking too many points off though like it's probably still a solid B I was thinking b as well like man if they had just terrible pistols they could get there it would bump things up a decent amount it's close though like surprisingly do you know what's closer I do my bird boys you know what we've given them enough [ __ ] let's actually talk about it they occasionally deserve it however they do match exactly what we need yes they're a little bit more expensive and we could just do cultist again but that's boring thousand suns deserve something a little bit better than just cultists so technically you can give them a chainsword and an auto pistol so I can't even knock no ranged weapons terrible ranged weapons but they can have them I I honestly did not know that no one ever does it it's an upgrade scw you get in like thousand Sun boxes because it's a 40K only add-on and it's literally all they did for that release was a little upgrade sprew full of arms with chainswords and guns that's hilarious but uh no one has ever glued those on a model and you can't prove otherwise it would be a crime to put something that ugly on these models but yeah so technically the option is there although always model it with the cool swords technically toughness is too high but the save is worse but they do have an envil and blah blah blah yeah it's basically pox walkers but they do have a ranged weapon equivalent very similar slightly more expensive than guard but not overly so I got to say they're like what I give deathguard a b I'll give them a B+ I was thinking a B+ it's just slightly better but it's still like you said like they've got a save and with four toughness like it's it's you know it's not particularly great but it is slightly better yeah that's a actually zor did a solid job at being Canon fodder congratulations we found your spot and luckily there's like a billion of them that exist so that helps as well yeah all you have to do is worship zinch hard enough and you turn from being a Guardsman into being a zor I was going with being plastic and oh and being in every single value box oh your joke was too clever for me I'm sorry I [ __ ] it up no it's it's okay it's okay I I like learning lore about zor I was literally just doing the lore check I'm sorry all right then God I'm a nerd you are absolutely a nerd uh let's move on to something fun and smashy like world eaders the guy who bullies the Nerds yeah right get in the locker for bullying nerds you're still toughness three somehow out of the three of these we just checked I mean they don't have any armor at all they barely have clothing and they do have the extra strength offensively yeah no they they actually do pretty good and smashy and technically they have a pistol I don't see a single one on a model just say and it exists on the data sheet these are like Space Marine pistols where they're up their ass and you just pretend that they have them most likely yeah but anyway so Jackal actually do get a pretty good score here you're damn close to guard you are almost identical you've got a slightly worse save toughness three wound one save six but you little more melee technically have the uh back pocket prison Pocket Gun it exists uh costs a little bit more points yeah they all do when they've got the extra option it's solid I mean it's just trying to figure out where it actually lands like a minus I might even give him an a an a I'm trying to find differences they're just like cultists in the fact that like they're just like guard I almost don't have a reason to mark them lower than a ctist that is true so I'm just going to say you can you can get by with an A on this one world eaters secret a student yeah the fact that uh their melee was so decent was clouding my judgment it's like the one knock but like but that's not that big cuz they do still have a pistol and they have a slightly worse save making up for it like they they're all around there just a guard with a little bit different stat yeah just a little bit angrier which honestly I'm not going to look up the catachan stat line but it may literally be the katchan stat line I'm just not going to look it might be actually someone else can tell me all right that's enough chaos let's move into zenos elves so this is where we're going to get issues it's hard to go low enough in most xenos hey C yeah Harley Quinn's not going to happen I mean they they don't exist anymore anyway so don't do that to me but they they're just the troops are too good too important too rare stats too good too expensive blah blah blah all of it combined so Eldar proper you've got storm Guardians these are your generic worst thing you could be as an elf being a storm Guardian must be a horrendous insult with how prideful elves are toughness three one wound all elves are toughness 3 one wound wound but they do have the four up save instead of a five up they always move better VI elf so Eldar they don't put up a bad showing they technically shoot too well in my opinion I was going to say they've got guns but they like do damage and like the guns have enough uh like utility like there's like you've got a mela and to be fair guard actually does get all of the like utility guns so that's fair it's just the you're more accurate than guard you're faster than guard you save better than guard oh I didn't even yeah I didn't know that the storm Guardians had a three up on uh ballistic yeah yeah because all elves are too good at everything man yeah okay wow yeah that's honestly that makes a big difference I mean they are still pretty cheap I don't think it's a failing grade by any means they are very guardes I mean they're not getting above a b no no no I'm looking at like C+ range it's probably C+ I mean the the whole platform thingy is weird I don't like it I'm not grading them because they've got the platform they you could put a heavy weapon Squad in an infantry Squad and it's the same thing technically an infantry Squad can bring a heavy weapon which is the exact same thing two dudes on an auto Cannon I almost want to say B minus because it literally just is guard with too many like you got too fancy with your homework all right yeah guard but you did everything just slightly too good when you've got the overachieving student and you need to knock him up Wait no that's a different phrase no that is illegal when you've got an overachieving student and you need to knock him down a peg a B minus is the perfect wakeup call it causes them a lost night of sleep right right where it's like how do you tell your parents youd haven't actually ruined anything they'll still be fine they're still getting an A in the class later yeah it's about scaring them a bit to keep them on edge yeah don't get complacent get your B minus and do better next time and honestly calite is essentially the exact same deal I'm still not sold on the Cavo I think it should be witches the Cavite is almost Verbatim what a guard squad's makeup is though I don't know man they got some like cites have saves no no no the cites have the exact same issue they're almost identical to storm Guardians in that way but the the makeup of the unit is perfect to be a guard it's just they're the save is too good movement's too good you go through they shoot too well they do everything I think they're just identical on the same B minus which shockingly for duari might be one of the highest grades they've ever gotten in one of these that's possible yeah cuz we're usually grading against Space Marines and jari has nothing like a Space Marine yeah yeah the low toughness wound definitely is a normally a a downside in comparison yeah B minus I think I'm fine doing that the whole way through yeah that's probably fine I still feel like the witches probably get about the same so like fine I will put it this way when we compare the value cuz we skipped over the lore issue I probably should have knocked eldari down another Peg because of how important every one of their lives is oh that's true right because like anytime one of them dies they either have to get sucked up into their special gem or they go to hell yeah Special hell and they're like a dying race like every one of them had to train for like 400 years for that extra plus one to hit so technically I think I'm going to dump Eldar down to C+ let duari have the B minus on the lore standpoint of if you're not a trueborn your archon doesn't give a [ __ ] about your life you are hyp expendable all right are there new ones of those though or is it like you have your finite the cites that exist or all the cyss that'll ever exist no so it is treated differently every individual duwari wants to cling on to Life by all means that's why they make their whole torture existence to extend their lives right right right right right the actual dredge kabalites are unimportant masses the generic soldier of the jukari kamra infinite dark city right okay they're no buies and trueborn are the exception where like most rukari are born via science test two babies blah blah blah trueborn are the mom and dad actually had sex mom got pregnant I am a special snowflake it's basically only the royalty who end up as trueborn okay so like there are new ones but like that's a special yeah that that's not who the cites tend to be technically in ninth Edition you could mark one calite Squad as a trueborn squad but that's a whole different topic all right fair enough yeah so I will give kabalites the B minus and knock storm Guardians down to the C+ because lore I learned something new yay you'll have to unlearn it tomorrow uh let's move on to necrons and you got to defend why we argued on necrons between fled ones and warriors why I'm wrong with fled ones even though I think it's [ __ ] perfect fled ones I will give you there's a joke in there of it's literally a Guardsman on the model yeah what the [ __ ] funny joke and like honestly the stats aren't that bad either in comparison no not terrible necrons is a weird one I feel like they've got to get like a c for the warrior I mean they've got four toughness they've got a four up save that's kind of my problem is we start looking at all the details and it's just like with all of the Eldar stuff but the problem here is necrons also reanimate constantly which makes them more valuable they're higher points they are lorewise it's weird they're either truly worthless or indispensable depending on which angle we go from oh right though like they're constantly being able to be reanimated but anyone you fail to reanimate is gone forever you can never make a new necron there is no such thing as new necrons the only new ones are the ones that woke up or whatever yeah so like a 99.9% reanimation rate is still a losing eventually they're all gone I see what you're saying but like I'm torn on the lore standpoint if you can argue that it's a good point or bad yeah but isn't there like trillions of these [ __ ] necron Warriors in tombs and [ __ ] no okay so first of all the British don't know what the word trillion means yeah but like actually cuz like a thousand is not a chapter we're ignoring stupidity and like actually extrapolating that to real numbers yeah and this is where we get into the whole I feel like scarabs would be a more correct solution if we were using logic but I'm Banning using swarms yeah I know that just it gets into a whole thing like necrons is in a weird spot for me with this one for how to grade lorewise but like looking at it from a stat standpoint they're too good at everything technically they don't shoot that well right now but I don't want to talk about that it's not terrible but like it's not much better yeah I mean I like it's probably a c their guns are too good technically they're like way more investment from a technology standpoint although you could argue it's not this is where it gets really hard from a lore standpoint on what we're grading on yeah again it's one of those like yeah technologically the nekron warrior is this like very Advanced thing for everybody else but for nekron it means nothing it's you know a [ __ ] soda dispenser it's roadside picnic right so I don't know man like a c yeah just give him a c cuz I don't know what to give him yeah it's a rough one you did a unique job you're unique yeah behold the mateba okay Leakes of oton of their eight options which one is the closest yeah it it's Hein Warriors so Hein Warriors I just have to give a bad grade to you get a D minus it's above D minus still like not it is is you can't be as bad as Space Marine Scouts you're at least 10 to a squad for this price I guess they are cheap comparatively if you said D+ I'm on board it's absolutely not in the C range you're out of your [ __ ] mind if you tried to pull that no no I could argue up to C minus but D+ I'll do no I'll do D+ I mean like five toughness way too much toughness and it's got a forup save so from a lore standpoint I have to go reread the five pages of lore please give us an actual like book series or something for them but I am pretty sure that while voton are all technically clones oh really they use cloning to to make new generations to my knowledge they are still like high value members of their society they even treat the iron kin this way who are AI so like they're not dispensable so they're not actually clone troopers no you won't find like a billion voton to my knowledge they're still a low population Society they're like the Asgard in Stargate where they're stuck cloning themselves okay yeah I guess part of my issue is 10th edition and it's balancing pushing voton in a way that doesn't reflect that lower aspect I know so okay I may be wrong on that I am literally trying to dredge up the memories from their launch when I sped R all of the stuff from blurry PDFs it's what I had to go on cuz they didn't make a godamn book I mean it's been like over a year you could have brushed up on it what the [ __ ] I will when they're important enough to get a book yeah okay I'm not asking for a lot here I'm asking for a single book give me 300 Pages guys GW this is your homework assignment yeah I feel like I'd actually be interested in that if they talked about like the AI aspect and like that kind of stuff yeah from what I read it was super interesting as like a setup for a species and then they they never do anything like come on just just give us what want all right Hein Warriors D+ yeah okay Orcs uh we've got the father for Canon fod Eric argued against Gretchen cuz he thought they were too FY they are too FY all right their toughness too with a seven up save they are too much fodder do we bring him back to like a minus B+ because like you went too far on the assignment we gave you the assign of Canon fodder and you unlocked a new dimension of science which ironically you probably sent some GRS to their grave from right I mean yeah obviously so like I maybe it's one of those like you've done so well that like you don't get a grade because the government's come in and like you know the The Simpsons meme where like Lisa figures something out and the FBI come man are like it's all gone we're taking all of it yeah I don't like they are Canon fire but you guys did your job too well you're too shitty for the shitty test basically you know and it's one of those like at the same time Orcs so long as you're not a knob and even knobs are like dispensable oh yeah Orcs I almost could have picked boys yeah but Gretchen exists and they're too correct to not have it be Gretchen it's just aggravating because cuz it's like you want to knock points off for being too bad I still think they probably get an A minus they do everything we asked for and then some and they could not be more dispensable within their society like a lore standpoint 11 out of 10 it's literally the reason they exist is to be thod in every aspect they would not have grown other than the need for them yeah which it's kind of [ __ ] up but I really like like orc lore stuff is so fascinating no I I I've actually so shout out to Mari oh yeah you're reading the Gaz book aren't you I'm almost done with it so good isn't it godamn it's such a good book and mari's so [ __ ] cool yeah I don't want to spoil it for anyone listening but I want to talk to you about it after the show it's fantastic yeah no it it really is and it's kind of sucked me in and I'm probably ready to read another Warhammer book if we want to but ooh announcement for the end of the episode Maybe maybe we'll see I I'm probably going to regret it but that was a great book so uh yeah okay were you saying an A or an A minus we'll just give them the a minus I feel like they did the job too well all right let's move on looking through the rest of these we've got some pretty good picks left yeah to you mean ow I was going to do fire Warriors who I still think would great okay yeah it'd be fine Eric reminded me that the crew carnivores were the correct pick and I felt dumb uh solid a material it's a Guardsman that's an ugly Guardsman I mean Catan you know came out of the Jungle after eating too many mushrooms this is what you see if you're the catachan who comes out of the Jungle after eating the mushroom this is what your company looks like to you I was going to say like this is the they're in like the camo version this leads to a friendly fire incident yeah they've got some like the camo and like this is what you're seeing and it's like oh [ __ ] me that was a bad mushroom all right Jim we're gonna be okay right you're not going to eat me right had to fill out an incident report after he came back but yeah uh easy a yeah they fill out like everything right toughness three wound one six up save they've got ranged weapons they're cheap as [ __ ] they just want to sit on a point and get left alone they're shooting sucks but there's rapid fire so like they do you're rolling dice it just doesn't do [ __ ] cre caror good job well done now we double check to make sure that the genan stealer Cults did not copy guard's homework because they come home with an easy A+ perfect score one for one but everybody's bald and ugly neoy hybrids knock it out of the park you are just a guard Squad but with different gear but in the exact same level vad outs and you are a guard stat line you copied guard's homework but we can't prove it so A+ right there's not enough for us to actually prove that you did this so congratulations legally distinct guard the onepage rules of guard the battle brothers The Da Vinci Legion the D Vinci Legion that's what their admech is is it I like that that's a good name it might not Legion it's da Vinci something but I am a long time onepage rule subscriber for models but whatever very good for people who like STL that's true all right let's finish this up with tyranids which ones do we pick like what are they actually submitting cuz Okay we can pick any gun but the clear Victor is to just pick the termagant probably it's just the shooty gun you could pick any gaun but like just pick the shooty gun terrible shooting terrible guns check three toughness one wound five up save as much as they don't look like guard they sure act like guard but with giant dildo guns so many dildos you're not wrong it's just look at that horsecock in the back you're a [ __ ] child you just got to paint a little BD on the side wow uh yeah termagon getting easy a to me too like they hit everything perfect yeah honestly zenos did shockingly well elves are too good at everything as is tradition necrons and vot each had their little issues that bring them down a lot but everybody else is pretty much a slam dunk across the board yeah honestly there's pretty solid options throughout for Canon fodder there's some obvious misses but it's an important part of 40K so it's good to see that most factions have it and [ __ ] you Space Marines don't worry they could just steal agents of the Imperium if they ever had a need for it but who needs it when you can get your assault intercessors for 75 points for Squad of them with 20 attacks yeah I was like except like they have Canon fodder that's just not fodder this is fun I like these episodes I wanted to do one of these a couple months ago and then instead we had to do something else for the week and we just lost it to time so yeah it's nice to come back I think we haven't done one since the racing episode back in like October and if you don't count the racing episode for some reason and it's been since like summer but yeah really fun to get back into doing the grading every faction I think Canon fod is a really interesting one cuz it's not trying to grade everyone versus Space Marines I do think Terminators has to come up like next though because it was obviously one that everyone pointed out we should do probably and it's one that a shocking number of factions have an equivalent for that is true and they're not also just like perfect like one for one oh yeah we got to we got to argue and that's what makes it good yeah all right that might be the next one so to celebrate our Katie and Canon fodder KD exploding and nothing happening from it do we want to announce book club like I said yeah I think I'm ready I'm kind of excited about reading another Warhammer book I know it's not going to be the same because we're not going to do an orc book but I can be convinced I think what do you have in mind cuz you're you've read everything already so like what do you think's a recentish book that could be fun I'm picking a book that I have not read yet I'm just going out on a limb I heard fall of Cadia is fantastic from everybody I trust Robert wrath at this point I'm in that's fair all right so the fall of kadia will do book club on it it's a long book I think it's like 20 something hours long on Audible holy [ __ ] so it's probably best to give everyone some fair warning I mean like it's not the longest book I've ever written no no no but but like yeah it's probably a good idea to give some time yeah so let's play mid April and we'll do a more upfront announcement in a couple weeks where we try to tell everyone to actually start reading it if you're interested save your audible currency or go buy it at a bookstore or it was like or you know use your eyes and read I don't do that I'm illiterate I play Warhammer but yeah I mean this book is out right it's been out for months okay cuz I was like there's a bunch of new ones coming out soon TM no I had planned to read it like 8 weeks ago and then I didn't so I figure it should just be book club yeah I'm committed to it now let's do it there we go and before we get out of here since this episode's long enough anyway we might as well do it we've got to thank a lot of patrons yeah so these patrons pay us so much we have to thank them every month and they are 999 Adrien Frank Alex fuja allnighter Andreas avig Cameron R Christopher gariano Craig judge Dominic Koso Edward Lawrence Ellis Corton Ethan Gerard Finn Smiley it's different every time literally grundle bundle gun game 4453 Gyarados hyeran TV eion iron father Jacob Gibson Jared toera Jaden Jeff stumpo Joel Jonathan kiwi fruit bird Lewis castaldo Matthew sushima Michael Melcher monkey 218 morfield 55 Nikki NJ Harland Al B bark Phantom Angel 1245 Proteus 7331 Riley Godard Robert surma rookie XP Samuel Summerfield squar the Marine who played to Tobias Tyler Luke Vault guardian we B and yaser zazo and in addition to them we have producers they are Brandon jeny Demolition Man Dr lace Yan GE Robert too Rock and Timothy Cody thank you so much for supporting the show and if you want to be a great Patron and help us out you could do so at Singleton like great patrons like drad and also we always do this in the audio portion at the end that you you guys never see on YouTube so if you ever wanted to hear this type of stuff it's over there and also sometimes jokes that won't make the YouTube cut all right but let's get out of here for the week sounds [Music] good wait we forgot out of all the Shilling we're supposed to say stuff about merch Orchid A Go Go [Music] a
Channel: Poorhammer
Views: 89,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer 40k, Space Marine, Necron, Tyranid, Craftworld, Knights, Chaos Knights, Imperial Knights, 10th Edition, 10th Ed
Id: Eg_PlDho4sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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