Silent King and the War in Heaven

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the golden sands stretched as far as I could see undulating dunes rippling across the eye in hypnotic pattern that could calm even the most troubled soul the tranquility was sublime despite there being no hint of a breeze the world around the Inquisitor moved the heat haze languidly rose from the desert making the scene seemed to sway by the sultry dancer filling the beholder with the slow but rising embers of the promise of seduction and passion behind him stood a vast edifice a thing which exude antiquity artifice and almost unfathomable appreciation of the craft and passion of creation it was old older than anything the band of interlopers had ever been near before and felt older than the Sun which has planned revolved its carvings mostly lost to the caress of wind and sand which had carried the only thing of visitation it must have had in millions of years before even humanity was able to do more than grunt its love of the light the sweeping lines were graceful despite all of this time the grand tourers now so swept as to be almost grass yet the odd hint of the majesty and artistry of the decoration of its heyday were present to those with the eyes and wit to see it must have been or inspiring in its day the natural beauty of the scene was utterly lost on inquisitor barabbas of the years his impatience was not lost on his retinue who shuffled ever further from him as his quiet glare continued the object of his attention seemed to visibly shrivel under his gaze but still he said nothing just slowly shook his head back and forth again and again his eyes wide and imploring finally it seemed de villiers had asked too much of this desperate soul that had been with him for so long Villiers have never been refused since he took the oaths and plaster tests and now carried the bads and authority of an Inquisitor of the Ordos xenos a change of stance and tack was required really as Stern countenance dropped and his eyes now warmed he carefully crouched on to his haunches so that he was at eye level with his aid and deployed his most avuncular smile his hand reached out and stroked the poor bald head of his very special friend his next words were soothing and supportive designed to elicit exactly the response he required from this the most gifted of his entourage now now fully ins when have I ever let you down when have I ever asked you to do something you cannot do when have I not protected you cared for you you simply do not know your own strength your own ability I ask so little I ask so rarely you can do this I am here the emperor is with us with you none can harm you all I want you to do is to look for me see for me and tell me what you see like a dog wishing to please his master for ian's eyes lit up for a moment at the wounds he was receiving from his master but a shadow quickly fell behind his eyes and his smile turned to a frown of fear in his head drop his gaze at the ground instead of him to his Lords eyes I am scared I know I should not be as the Emperor ease with me you are with me and protect me but I am scared to look we can feel the presence it is old my master it is so so old I do not want to look can there not be another way you are the most wise and powerful man I have ever met can the Lord Inquisitor not find another way no foodie ins I cannot I know this is an old place but we have been to so many why this one coud the Inquisitor imploringly to his sanctioned psyche for ian's gulped and then responded but he did not raise his head did not make eye contact it is not this building I speak of not these ruins it is the one who came here the one who opened them the one you hunt but did not know now I do he is old my lord his scent is so strong he is older than the Stars I dare not look inquisitive areas stifled a grunt of displeasure and kept his face a massive tranquil felicitations for Tian's we have come so far been so far I have shown you the Stars as you asked I have shown kindness I have shown you my trust now I ask this one thing of you if you do this for me I will allow you to rest on the ship for our next three stops I will not ask you to come with us until you are rested but I must know for the others you must see for me my whole life has led to this place and this time it cannot end now because you are scared if you will not look if you will not tell me what you see you spit on my life's work and everything we have done you spit on me this last phrase gained an immediate violent reaction the same and spidery figure looked up in a flash with the beginnings of tears in his shock wide eyes volumes bit his bottom lip so hard it bled his body shivering like a struck an abused cur but he slowly nodded the fear in his eyes around by the moisture as he met the gaze of his master his lids closed tight for a second and he drew in a long breath and then stood his quivering hands slowly stretched towards the towering portal before women he hesitated the last his hand shaking almost uncontrollably but then it stopped and he slammed his open palm and fingers stretched as wide as they could across the sandblasted stone the corona of white energy seeps out and formed tendrils that ran to each edge and then returned him forming a circuit for Ian's head snapped back and his mouth stretched open in a voiceless scream his eyes ablaze with light bursting out of them as he opened his mind to the memory of the mound the recent history of this artifact among the sands and he saw its glory and terror voice now erupted from for eons had forced all but the Inquisitor to take multiple steps back this had never happened before Barrabas areas stood his ground and was listening intently to every last syllable of every last word he had waited decades for the merest clue the merest hint that he was on the right path that he was right and not deluded as his brethren in the Ordo had chided or laughed whenever he was amongst them and finally vindication was his he would miss nothing for Tian's intoned he comes he comes he comes here to this place to rouse his sleeping people he is the silent one the first of his kind the last of his kind I see him none in his entourage know who he is but I can see it I can see the endless ages around him the skiing's of time he has traversed to be at this time in this place he is beyond us so far far beyond our language to describe we do not have the frame of reference he is so so old he is power not the like of the witch or the warrior he is Regal he is the power of old the power the merely directs him his wish it is carried out we are so small what he has suffered Empress pity what he has suffered their children they screamed for weeks and months before they were used to the never-ending paying they all screamed they were blighted all of them were blighted for their son was the slow feast of a malevolent God the darkest and most terrible of all of the gods it was death itself the Grim Reaper ate their son and cursed their flesh they were all in such pain never ending never subsiding never happy to be relieved from cradle to grave never before has a race be so cursed so like us neither anger is justified there were ten times in the unquenchable River it is now it would be justified they have been cursed cheated stripped of their souls used and abused but he changed this he the only one who could he potted and hid his mind his intentions even from them he binded his time he waited for millenia longer throughout their war with the mind gods throughout the battle between the malevolent powers of his masters when they ate each other and snuffed out son and twisted holes in space to winx ways of the galaxy out he waited then he struck he defeated them all but - he hunted them down and turned the tables these people burned in their Millions the chains his two brothers were slain but he endured he was implacable he won he won this is the being who won the war in heaven what he has done he has seen the turning of the wheel yet he does not drown in the weight of the eons he carries he wears them like a cloak it is his sign his majesty he is their king he has witnessed the birth of Wonders he has witnessed their death he has seen the end of his race and the beginning of his rule of the Stars he has seen the end of gods and ordered the death of demons of power beyond anything we can know or face today he is a god killer he is a lord of power he is there he comes to roust them all across the stars across the myriad stars of this galaxy he has been everywhere every when he moves to time and space like a shark through the Seas he has a name I know his name he is Cesare ik he is the greatest and last silent king for ian's head shook rapidly and his every muscle now twitched as a seizure of such force overtook him that he seemed on the verge of turning inside out his hand was stuck to the doors his eyes still ablaze with power began to sizzle and fill the air with an acrid fog as the psychosis burned out in his body shook the Inquisitor nodded once slowly in Incline by the tiny bow as he witnessed his cycle burn out it had happened before but never had the bounty er from the gamble been so high he now had a name he was right as in quiz de barajas vilius turned to walk away leaving behind him the now charring and smoking it's still standing carcass of four Tian's he slowly and smugly smiled to himself he was right a flash of light through the amount of his self-congratulatory reverie as he saw the heat distortions around him fades into reality his remaining band were now surrounded by metallic shapes green energy arced through the air and lit each of his remaining companions up he saw them erased from reality like a green fire burning figures made of paper only wisps of smoke floated skyward on the heat vapors where once his entourage stood and where others did not reach for his sidearm he knew he was dead but the skeletal metallic beings did not fire they advanced his was not to be a swift death it would seem welcome gentle listener I'm Baltimore and it is now time I introduced you to one of what I consider the most important get animatic figures of the Warhammer 40k universe first ear so little is known about him so little confirmed yet I feel it is important that we discuss what is known is recorded and my own horror that this sting of antiquity is finally arising and preparing to push his way on to the Galactic stage for few understand how truly terrifying this person is what it actually means that he is now preparing to throw off the cloak of subterfuge he has employed for so long thus far believe it or not I've been pulling my punches it is now time to go a full Balder knot and take this one of the most important parts of the Warhammer universe and deal with it properly it will still only be an introduction and overview of the relevant content we wish to explore there is so much to the universe its plots and purpose so intertwined that we must only touch on the obvious in one sitting but fear not a gentle listener we shall one day get to it all a journey that may take us some time but I hope it will be well worth the effort but now it is finally time it is time to discuss Cesare ik the silent king of the necrons prepare for a journey that would take us millions of years into the past so the greatest confrontation that the Warhammer galaxy has ever known a war that makes the Horus heresy looked like a jaunty saloon rule so let us begin at the beginning of the weimar universe the very door one of its time there was born a group of beings things almost akin to Lovecraftian horrors the book or later the guitar these dark creatures were disembodied denizens of space that were huge and comprised those solely energy they learned to subside on the energies of the very stars absorbing the abundant power a son would give off over millions of years until they're drained of all the power and the system had died a cold and barren demise the creatures the coton or the in gear the Zelda would call him would then move slowly across the cold expanse of space to another star begin the process all over again but they were never many in number and the stars of the galaxy were many life developed in systems where these cosmic beings had not yet feasted and the Milky Way soon saw the development of two distinct fractions the first races as we humanity would classify them beings of matter that lived and died on plants and progressed to sentience the first two races that were to develop with the stuff of legend they were the old ones and the necron tier in almost every aspect that could not have been more purely different the old ones were race or many races some claim of calm and enlightened beings who saw the value in all life theirs was a slow wisdom of the ages and their strength came from their very nature and a powers they developed over countless millions of years there are many reports of what they may have been many divergent tales but the most prevalent and most recurrent is the image of saurians reptiles the old ones were direct yet lauded the virtues of patience and cooperation and a shared collective vision they did nothing hastily and did nothing which they would construe as being negative employing what would be considered by humans to be a Hippocratic oath to only help to harm it is said that they develop slowly cautiously with great care to the effects of any of their actions they were wise beyond the current races possibility to even conceive the old ones did have a phenomenal grasp of technology but directed it inwardly and to the benefit of all they created Halcyon worlds there will be perfect nurseries for the cultivation of life they would then assist and enhance the properties of developing races guiding them on the path to sentience progress and prosperity the grasp of biology led them to having longevity that could only be construed as near immortality but even then this was not their only mastery they were also more adept at the use of the warp ability is now known as psychic or magic than anyone since even the Eldar their slow meticulous research led them to a level of comprehension of the universe that allowed them to tinker with it at the most fundamental level and to permit them to create a transit system called the web way that is still employed today many scores of millions of years later the web way was a labyrinth of wormhole like portals into a sub reality or domain adjacent to the war yet not entirely of the warp they material by doing so it's old ones could literally step from one world to another by foot and in the blink of an eye yet never be truly in the realm of the warp they material nor in the realm of matter the material these were but smaller veins roads on this unbelievable transit system they had larger spokes they were permit the almost instantaneous transport of huge vessels and Felisa like the old ones bestowed the galaxies like near omnipotent angels of light that brought life healing knowledge and wisdom wherever they went they extended across the galaxy and soon a few parts of the Milky Way were free from their beneficent touch whilst the old ones spread across the Stars there the polar opposite arose then ekron tear the two could not have been more dissimilar with old ones lived lives of almost perfect bliss the Necron tear were doomed from their conception the star about which the Necron tear home planet orbited was wounded somehow and the light that came from it was too intense and suffused with the power to warp and mutate and the lives of those who developed in this system were horrific travesties yet the nakhon tear persevered despite all of the odds stacked against them with their son a normal star the nakhon tear may have ended much like humanity or any other race where the destiny was their own and their pathway made of out of choices but the neck interior had few the Sun shredded their DNA a made mutation degeneration and degradation a reality for every single being that lived there with symptoms came to radiation sickness an unavoidable Curse from conception there was no joy in the existence of the nekron tear but they move forward nonetheless they develop technologies over time that would allow them to throw themselves into the stars of the to the naquan tier were the most technologically advanced and it would be but the effects were slow to the enigmatic impatient old ones this would be no issue but an arrant ear the most precious and limited of all resources was time it created a frantic panic in all of the things that they did every life every endeavor every venture it also scarred they're very psyche as a race as death was such an immediate specter they were terrified of it for reasons that are about to be revealed this was not entirely natural on either micron tear would erect huge edifices to the dead and their entire culture seemed geared toward the dead being more valued than the living only through gaining a suitably impressive mausoleum or grave could any of this race believe that they would be remembered for the memory was all when their lives were so cursed with and suffering life was not to be cherished just accomplishment and Mark left for the future to be a gay Pat thus life was seen as a temporary state and all tried to accumulate as much prestige as possible in the short span allotted to Thurmond group endeavors and corporation would be muted as it would be no combined graves competition between the members of the race was fierce never ending until death it twisted a culture that could have been so enlightened itself but they never felt that they had any time and their minds were twisted by the very pain that was their constant cowl of Honor to draw breath was to be in misery yet the neck on tear frantically tried to escape the curse of its pitiless son and eventually forged huge exploration and colonization fleets to flee to a hoped better future in existence stasis ships of vast proportions were created and sent out into the dark of space the expansion of the naquadria was slowed by speed but so directed and driven that it seemed swift by the comparison to the old ones the entire race of individual spending their every waking thought indeed to escaping their existing conditions alas the necron tear found that despite all logic the escape from their irradiating son was not the end of their suffering for some reason the effect have been so fused into their very DNA and every child born on new worlds far from the corruption of their Genesis star was still afflicted with the wasting diseases and twisting that made their every waking hour a trial of will it made no logical sense and this defeat led them to almost end their progress in biochemistry and genetics and concentrate on other disciplines of science the discovery that the curse of pain would follow them wherever they went was a disappointment that colored their entire future and led them down an intensely dark path but the old ones were propagate and support other species the Necron would in their rage and wrath wipe then out they expanded like an empire and their drive was not hope but dread the inbuilt rage and injustice of the universe and the hand that they had been dealt was to be only be augmented and they finally made contact with the old ones no record remains of how the encounter played out but honestly the world's across countless PASOK's of space the Necron tear found the old ones and vice versa you cannot only be truly guessed at what happened as even in the current year who were alive at that period are now long gone for millions of years there before ever the war broke out but break out they did it roots was simple jealousy and power the nekron tear must have thought that their prayers had been answered when they met a race of beings that were King to immortal and who possessed such knowledge and skill that they could play God with a very strands of other races genetic makeup the old ones were also open handed and pleasant sharing with all the necrons here must have believed that it was serendipity and the reward for all of their efforts and generations uncounted of pain mass it was not to be for the old ones would assist any would help any but not in Akron tear perhaps the old ones had seen the Conte and judged them by their previous reaction to other less developed races and had their first and most powerful experience of antipathy perhaps they just did not wish to share their hard-won and well-earned preeminence to a potential wolf from the cosmic stage perhaps they too have just looked at another race that was almost as powerful as a I did not wish to share the stars of the Milky Way galaxy with another seeing them as hooligans in their cosmic dawn perhaps they sense the dark shadow of the race recoiled from it no matter the reason for it will never be known now the old ones rejected the pleas and demands of the neck frontier they would not solve their issues for them and would not hand them the keys to near immortality but also this meant that they were willing to watch the neck on tear continue their existence of pain and suffering it did not go down well the inherent rage and hatred of the Necron tear to the universe in their plight now had a target for old ones and their ire seemed endless to add to this was a complex political situation that had arisen in an Akron tear Empire tannic entier were ruled by a Council of three fair ins or overlords the Triax two of which were subordinate to the one true who lived in Akron tear the silent King he was known to us as in all communications and appearances before the people or even their own Court the silent King would never speak his intentions and dictates being voiced by one of his to suborn of ferren's of the Tri arc the necron tear were organized on a futile basis of lesser Prince's called faron's who held sway over a group of nobles called Lords and overlords thus was organization based on fear and respect but mostly the former at first the worlds of the expansion who remained loyal and had been in close touch and subservient to the ruling structure of the neck frontier from their homeworld but as the distance between the homeworld and its outer colonies expanded the threat of reprisals lost its sting it also played into a very mindset of the nekron tier the need for individual accomplishment and aggrandize meant that was required to create a lasting mark to be remembered pen says the Empire glue and expanded the actual reality of reprisals for disobedience produced as a tribe would need to send fleets as stasis ships across decades if not millennia of travel to regain control and enforce their rule a rule that would inevitably have changed to another incumbent by the time the fleets had arrived at their destination also it meant that transgressors would never actually live long enough for them to be punished directly but the triangle try could found out that they were being ignored and a free have been despatched and then arrived to punish the transgressors the perpetrators would be long dead the ancestors may well be in command when the fleet arrived to dis bother the necron tier fair ons and overlords little as the racial psyche was so immediate as long as their glory was enshrined they mattered not at all before long the word of tryouts was being flagrantly ignored across the entire galaxy and border wars were tragic and costly reality across the Empire is each and every feudal lords sought to elevate themselves by crushing anything near his holdings oh trying so desperately to do something anything that would gain them a place in history the necrons here called this period the successional wars and the Stars burned perhaps another reason that their discourses with the old ones were always doomed to failure who could trust such a disjointed and aggressive selfish seeming people to the old ones the ultimate sin must have been to watch Perez callously slaughtered their own they would never give the keys to immortality - such as these said the die was cast the track of the time decided on one simple course of action they felt would kill two birds with one stone with a need for reinforcement of a racial purpose to direct the ire of their entire species into one goal they declared war are the old ones the determination and hatred of the nekron tear was harnessed and directed at the passive and beneficent Empire of the old ones their hackles up their need for personal glory now unleashed in the format of a drive to bring their enemies low and utterly exterminate the old ones the fair runs across the entire galaxy turned as one to the task of obliterating their enemy fleets of thousands of ships armies of uncounted millions and billions of nekron tear were forged and recruited armed with the best weapons that the myriad critics could devise and muster like a bow pulled the at least the armies of the nakhon tier at the old ones like an arrow at first their onslaught was unstoppable and the unprepared old ones lost system after system as an elicited in their minds tithes of the necron tier came at them like an enraged bull never given warning never giving mercy or quarter exterminating everything in their path but things swiftly changed as they always do as all ones gained their bearings in this the first galactic war their inherent strengths and subtleties began to win out by using the web way the less numerous forces of the old ones could be gathered with this stunning speed to repel assaults whenever the nakhon tier were detected their fleets vast but intensely slow but came out of stasis into the prepared armadas of the old ones they don't really stand a chance as a war dragged on the old ones outmaneuvered and smashed in a cron tier then they went on the attack the old ones took planet after planet a system after system until the neck on tier were eventually at great cost of both sides pushed back their homeworld now contained and seen as little more than a nuisance their war seemed to be over at this time two things happened as a result the first was that the quarter the necron tier broke down almost to destruction as a leadership who had over generations lost of the old ones were now the target of the boundless are of their people a new war a succession broke out the remaining fair ons and overalls refusing to bend the knee to a system and people that they had seen a singularly incompetent and utterly failing in their leadership by permitting the sound thrashing of their entire race by species of cosmic hippies the fighting was brutal and never-ending until the second thing occurred stuck back in their own system without any way to explore or direct their attentions outward the necron tier cryptex began to explore the nuances of their own system again and in some doing they came to a terrifying discovery their son was not corrupted by accident it was no fluke or bad luck there was something actually doing all of this to their star there was a reason for their blighted existence nor was their fear of death a thing of logic and nature it was an effect forced on them for the nekron tear discovered that there was a field of energy surrounding their son a field of energy of almost limitless potential and power over a period they attempted a myriad of ingenuitive approaches and tests upon tests but finally they gained a result they confirmed that the field of energy was a sentient being a being with which they made contact but the being despite its power had no frame of reference by which to discourse could be meaningful ensign icrons-- tear bent their entire wheel to the project again and gained results they forged a vessel a body for the beating rage out of their living metal Nicodemus if they were wise they should never have done this the old ones would have taken millions of years if need be to gain an idea of the personality and drives of the being before ever they gave it a method to interact with them last the rage of the nekron tear was such that they sought any form of a lie any form of advantage whereupon they could take vengeance on their enemies the old ones when the being finally manifested cynic and here they knew why they had been cursed from the day their race took its first breath the moment that crept onto land for the being that they were confronted with was all that they could dream of a powerhouse of real imageless proportions a being of such energy a mass that none could hope to stand before it but they also discern one thing they would now be its trowels its slaves the being was top tacked on a star God from their entire mythology and it was not a loner there was an entire pantheon of such beings it could be contacted the resistance gained to destroy the old ones but this one this one he'd been the being that's been slowly eating their Sun disrupting his output of light so that it had afflicted the nekron tear made the existence and misery but more than this he was the reason that he felt terror of death but could never escape his thought or its shadow for the being that had been watching over their existence was Asik our Lord Himself the night bringer to quote the very star and which Necron terrorized lived a brief Moo bed lives gave birth to the vast Sun spanning energy that was the night putting air in the quest for a weapon with which to defeat the old ones Necron Tia turned to the mighty coalescent energy feeding within the photosphere of this star the first of the coton had manifest openly then I bring a boat with it the kiss of death that had played the neck on tear race since their birth having fared on the sustaining but flavorless power of a star the night bringer found the epicurean delights of the naquan tears or and fear much more to its liking it snorted those who dared address it directly feeding on the essence of their terror and suffering its appetite knew no bounds and only with desperate pledges of servitude with innokentiy able to convince the creatures that there were more races beyond their world that could be feasted upon sentient beings beyond number for to destroy soon after at the neck runty awoke the powers of many star gods for a time becoming their willing servants in the war against the old ones grown strong on endless slaughter nothing else could satisfy its hunger the night bring her eagerly through itself into the war against the old ones playing waste to entire regions of space in the name of its own monstrous appetite as the fighting dragged on and the colossal scale of destruction grew the night bringer became increasingly detached the course it had supposedly been fighting for content merely to destroy and feed at will it used its powers to reach into the mind of the young races and plant the seeds of their darkest fears nurturing host species whose entire existence was suffused with the horror of death immortality end quote and thus we can see that it was the effect of as a garage which had so corrupted being entire existence but an excellent ear but he was not alone then a kraantje then went on to contact an assist to manifest more of these celestial beings of power the coton as such they eventually awoke method Ron the deceiver of all the so-called star gods the one known as the deceiver was the most insidious and capricious the little that can be gleaned indicates that even Anakin tear knew few truths about this entity when they first encountered it it's a manifestation was a time of great rejoicing amongst in the current year they were awestruck by its fluid transition to an earthly form amongst them and the ease with which it adapted to the realm of matter they first named it method Ron the messenger and believed it was a bridge to mediate between themselves and other star gods as the coton began to gather followers and devotees the being known as the messenger soon outstripped its peers in influence the star God seemed too remote and all inspiring for many nekron tear but method Ron communed in ways they understood perhaps this was because it was never as powerful as alacrán and used dial and skill to secure its future with its mortal puppets dancing to its tune the messenger stoke the fires of hatred that Anakin tear felt towards the old ones in doing so it drew them into a war which would burn the galaxy to cinders it was the deceiver that orchestrated the process of biotransformation throughout an entire race end quote but what was bio transference simply put the nekron tier were promised immortality a freeing from their never-ending pain they were to receive new bodies bodies of necro dermis living metal that will repair itself and make them free from infection pain disease and death Nicodemus also has regenerative properties beyond the belief of normal organic matter hence even if a being made of Nicodemus was to be smashed sliced crushed or blown to pieces more often than not it would only be a matter of time before their living metal would regenerate and bring the beam back to reality the furnaces of biotransformation which are then transfer the consciousness of the disembodied minds to this metal frame they were to be immortal practically invulnerable it seemed like a dream come true as it was meant to be only one in the entire course of the trial could gave any real resistance and had foreboding of what this actually would mean Oracle the diviner but even he was eventually to capitulate and go through the process some Farren's and Nobles did resist this process preferring to remain pure and to remain as necron TM but they were corralled defeated and forced into the furnaces kicking and screaming some say that they were right to resist but resistance was futile for during the process the bio transference when huge buildings were filled with contraptions and machinery that which destroyed the body and then transferred the consciousness into a metal form the coton flew above the furnaces and screamed their victory and joy into the skies of the world for it was not as an akan tear had been sold not even close the biological field energy thrown off by sentient living beings was akin to a fine wine a banquet of surpassing deliciousness as the entire naquan tier were forced into the furnaces and they're living bio fills thrown into the skies the coton feasted they absorbed the power of this meal and it augmented them to a level of power here that you undreamed of by any of them the coton were now truly possessed of the power to lay claim to the mantle of gods but more than this the bio transference was a lie for the character and personality of the beings who were made into things of metal was not complete each felt an emptiness that they could not truly understand dissatisfaction that would never be quenched so they had lost something fundamental to them they had lost their very souls nor had the bio transference been equal across the entire race the higher the rank of the individual who went in the furnaces the more complicated the metal mind the coton had directed to be created to house their personality so as the ranks went down the social orders dinner end the rank and file of the warriors and the civilians were barely above automata the minds crushed and so little of their being transferred like attempting to put an ocean into a thimble the living beings called in the cron tier were gone replaced by the endless but mindless hordes of the immortal necrons never able to truly die never able to truly live a ghastly end to cursed people the injustice of it is beyond anything I've ever encountered in any other story this year tragedy of it so cursed was nekron tear they have every reason to hate hence it was that the silent King the last of the nekron tear the first of the necrons was the view their people in their endless lesions know that he had been tricked he had sacrificed his entire race to a fate beyond cruel he was shattered yet his ability to experience grief was so much lessened due to the lack of that one most important facet of any being his soul he knew he had failed his people you could never quite experienced the magnitude of his failings it was a knowledge that would stay with him through all the ages of the galaxy worst mess inside the subroutines of the character Engram Attucks was a built-in failsafe for the coton in nearly all of his people a rule of subservience they now had simply no choice but to serve him as he had thought he wished when he made the bargain with the deceiver it wanted his people to be as one to be unified but this built in slavery to his orders would have been anathema to him previously now the coton would order him and he would order his people he was bought a slave master the most unnatural width of all a lack of any free will against him whatsoever the coton wasted no time they swiftly assisted their slave race the necrons to develop a faster-than-light Drive the inertial less Drive and to create more weapons of surpassing destructive ability then they gave the most simple of orders the necrons were to mobilize for war they would slash the hold ones the coton had claimed that they had previously lost a war against the old ones and using this kinship with the neck frontier they had tricked him into becoming willing slaves the necrons but the last and first silent King the Zurek quickly discerned the truth the can turn these godlike beings of power were actually demons to a one they wished to destroy the old ones not out of revenge they wanted it purely but as they could they wanted it so that they could justify the extermination of feasting of all life in the galaxy every last thing the Cesaro had been told was untie but he could not deny his new masters for fear of them just sticking their wrists exterminating what remained of his people a shadow of who they were but Cesare ik still at points had hope in the back of his mind never discernible to his new masters Cesare ik allowed his hatred one of the few emotions he could still experience in full to Goro but it was not just at the old ones who had created this desperation his people so much so that they literally sold their souls to exact revenge no he harbored hatred for his masters and one day he dreamed of his revenge against him also been mourning this we dreamed another dream but we should get to that in due course first to exact retribution from the old ones [Music] you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 212,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore for beginners, Warhammer 40000 lore, Necrons, Szarekh the Silent King, War in Heaven, War in Heaven Warhammer 40K Lore, War in heaven 40K, Old Ones Lore, Old Ones Warhammer 40K, warhammer 40k lore old ones, Necrontyr, Necrontyr Lore, C'Tan Lore, Ctan Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore C'Tan, Warhammer 40000 History, Warhammer 40K History, Triarch Lore, Warhammer 40K Triarch Lore, Necrons Silent King, Baldermort, Szarekh, Silent King
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 31sec (2851 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.