Word Bearers

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Probably a tie with the Night Lords and the Death Guard if I'm being honest.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

But the Night Lords

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DGAF775 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
Horace was a failure and a fool an incompetent weather will add the might of the title of war master with nine full lesions at his beck and call with the ability to send his greatest threats away to the farthest reaches of the galaxy didn't heed his adversary of his greatest weapons still he failed he was defeated due to his hubris his ignorance is myopic concentration on toys because he did not understand with all of the forces of the lesions with his enemy outnumbered and outgunned with the Emperor busy in the web way still he failed he played it rebellion like a slighted son trying to prove himself to his daddy he fought his war on the emperor's terms and by the rules he had been taught by his father what a fool Abaddon continues this particular strain of stupidity that led to the defeat at Terra he may have the support of the gods but he has no lesser puppet and fool than his father looper Karl and competence seems to run in that particular line of the family they do not understand the war against the Emperor the corpse God the Imperium it is not a war of weapons it is a war of words it is not a war of infantry but of ideas not of materials but of minds of will it is not the war of Horace it is the war of the heart so Abaddon will always fail fleets formations and forces petty princelings waving flags petty warriors strutting and striking at which is of no import it is a war of facts and the fiber of our galaxy it is a war for the truth the Emperor is indeed God none can now refute it not after the manifestation of the Emperor angelic at benediction but he is a young and feeble god he has a God of lies mine are the four great powers who burn brighter than the myriad stars I served on all as I should for there the true future of humanity and the very galaxy itself the galaxy of truth in this particular war is asked for the winged want to destroy a thing you must understand a sting the crazy Aki the Imperial Creed is based on the Leticia given artists the work of my lord the golden one the greatest of all pry marks lugar of Lillian and I know it better than any who now festooned themselves with the raiment of holiness I know it's every sentence Psalm and sentiment inside turned this great weapon on its wielders I can use it to destroy that which it was meant to elicit faith I can use it as a gateway to the very hearts of those who live with its lies or their lips and in their hearts O Lord Lorca was once viewed as the runt of the litter of demigods the pry marks but in this war in this struggle he is the master and I am as willing an enthusiastic tool for this war will be won not by Aeneas starties you know by the demon not by the use of force it will be won by he who controls the masses it will be won by the deployment with truth yeah mrs. put this into practice I've taken my time on this world I have sown the seeds I have my most regal armor on my Messner boo bearing now time to reap the rewards time to pluck the fruit trying to reap the harvest welcome welcome welcome children of the Emperor children of the light long have you heard of my calming long has it been in the coming I a true son of the Emperor one of his holy warriors there's a star T's one who has seen him in person one who was spoken with him directly the fools and why not one of his angels of death his space meetings in the chart like mines they believe I have spoken to the Emperor the propaganda of the Imperium I turned to my cause but I have seen him have heard his voice ten million years ago but it is not a lie so in a way I speak to truth I have heard your calls across the great void of time and space I have heard your lamentations at the rough treatment you have received your plight it grieves me it grieves the Emperor and who is it that brings such woe on his fellow humans who is it that rules with the rod who is it that stars and burns and beats his brothers and sisters who is it that tells the children of the Emperor when you must work yourselves to the bone when you must sacrifice all to his needs alone but who is this Cardinal who is this person that oppresses my brothers and sisters so is he better than thee is he not a man is he not as we are does he breathe the same air as us does he sleep as we do does he not eat as we do well of course he does eat better who is this man for he is just a man to rule you so harshly who is this man who would dictate when you can eat when you can sleep when you can procreate look now at your pride and joy your children how many more would there be amongst this mighty congregation if not for him how many fathers have forgone the pride of more sons how many mothers the comfort of more daughters he tells us when we can procreate how dare he and he does this in the Emperor's name does this sound like that which the Emperor would wish for his children does it and he does this in the Emperor's name I say nay if it were within his power this tyrant would tell us when we could defecate when we could [ __ ] well while we are on [ __ ] let us identify where the largest river [ __ ] flows from it comes from the mouth of the Cardinal it comes from his rich it comes from his pride his greed and his envy of you it comes from his warped and twisted heretical soul so to children of the Emperor will we stand for this we really this slave master to rule us will we betray our Emperor our Lord our God do you truly believe the Emperor wishes we live on our knees does he wish us to be slaves so - brothers sisters children of the Emperor are we going to stomach this current or are we going to depose this filth this twisted pontiff of pain will we rise up in the Emperor's name we march from this place will we break down the doors of his palace will we take the file of the Emperor to this tyrant let us bring holy absolution to the Cardinal in the Emperor's name let us be about it we must kill the unclean tyrant in his very palace of lies kill kill kill I have a woman I have enraged it I have directed it and I haven't let it loose now to follow the slow on their way to the palace where it would clear of them see the gates and smear the negative feathers the Cardinals personal guard will make ribbons of these people but that is why I am going myself I'm gonna stop these after all I will tear them to pieces and take my prize I have plans Cardinal this world is now mine do you see Abaddon do you see horse this is how this war is fought this is how it is won welcome gentle listener I am Baltimore and I wish to introduce you to the forces and factions of the weimar 40k universe today let us explore possibly the greatest threat to the Imperium many will balk at this and state that I should say the raising of the necrons or the arrival of the great devourer masks are deemed these to be the greatest threats to the galaxy to the entire setting but this faction who worshiped the dark powers of chaos I judge to be the greatest threat to the Imperium of man so let us explore the very basics of the 17th lesion of the lesion is a starties the denizens sakura's the word bearers the word bearers are unlike most of their fellow chaos trader leaves and compatriots as they have never given their Failte to any one dark god of chaos for theirs is a true devotion to chaos in all of its myriad guises not for them the love of bloody slaughter the need for licensures cavorting the enigmas of change or bilious buboes to the word bearers these are equal parts of the whole and none more important than any other there's as a total and utter immersion in a concept of chaos they do not follow it due to the license or reward that it gives they do so because they agree with it in its entirety and see it as the universal and fundamental truth of existence this gives them a purpose that is beyond what they consider the childish self-indulgent goals of their comrades to them the worship of chaos is reward unto itself it is a goal not a means to an end this makes them far more sinister and dangerous than the direct and predictable legions that ruled force of arms or simple might they are calculating and ardent in their beliefs the word bearers are the diametric opposition to the ecclesia key sisters of battle Inquisition and Templars they are a shattered image of everything they were intended to be when they were forged by the Emperor the master of mankind how they have fallen but worse they are considered by most to be the [ __ ] in the armor the cuckoo in the nest that led to war Master Horus lupica to aspire or down to treachery and through him our full half of the lesions of the starties the space marines and vast swedes as a military and navy of all of the forces of the gods of chaos it is the word bearers that are the most complicit zealous and pure followers if that word can even be used appropriately in this context for the word bearers are as close to unadulterated evil as is possible and can only even be considered to be matched by yulian rakov an astro bowel vicked the twisted master the dark city of kumara and all of its denizens it is at the feet of the word bearers and their primer lugar that can be placed the horror of the Horus heresy the death of the prime ox fellas manners magnus are various sanguinis and horus they are responsible for the shattering of the lesions of titans reducing the Imperium of man to a shadow of its former glory the destruction of the Emperor's web way project the death of his best friend and only confidant Malka door and a crippling and subsequent internment of the emperor into the golden throne it is this vision this faction that is more responsible for the grim hopeless darkness of the 41st millennium than any other for though some have contributed or built on the work started by these fiends it is they who took the reins of the pathway to an age of a human enlightenment security and prosperity and guided them into the terror its present predicament its present course the word bearers are the very epitome of cold callous calculated and unrepentant and unrelenting evil that has ever issued from the human race they are horrors but it was not always so once the 17th Legion were called the Imperial heralds and were the most fanatically devoted and loyal of all legions when the master of mankind the Emperor finally threw off the shroud of secrecy he had employed since the dawn of history he did so with one goal one purpose alone to save humanity but not only from the predations and thraldom of psychist demagogues and xenos what the Imperium call aliens but also from religion superstition ignorance and fear so the Emperor said to conquering the cradle of humanity terror which we presently call earth it was a hellhole of TechKnow barbarian fiefdoms that waged two relentless war on one another hope was in short supply and only the strong survived the Emperor fortune army of transhuman soldiers is a start ease his space marines they were to be twenty lesions of these mighty warriors who skills far outstrip those of nonhumans they were resilient strong intelligent and mentally supple their reactions fast enough to match the swiftest of xenos that stopped the galaxy they were humans had start but would then be altered and enhanced augmented in multiple ways so that they could not only survive the war-torn landscape of the grim darkness of the future but could survive and then dominate it and stead the Emperor begin the conflagration known only as the unification Wars each of his legions was designed and raised for differing purposes but all were capable of unfettered war his 17th Legion the Imperial heralds were taken from the sons of his enemies each of the recruits was taken from the families defeated warlords and officers who had once opposed to Emperor's rule they were raised on a diet of guilt as they will be constantly bombarded with the dire deeds of their sires then they will be infused with a knowledge of the Emperor's mercy his magnanimity and raised to believe they owed him Ossining royalty to atone for the sins of their fathers thus were they ever the most zealous of the legions of the estate 'is the space marines for there is no more ardent adherent of a cause than the converted who have been shown the light the Herald's were last named as it would be they who deliver the message of the emperor to any recalcitrant and resisting population outpost or nation so many times the legion would be ordered to send the one marine clothed in black livery and wielding a winged mace in his hand on a skull faced helm this dark omen of doom would relay the only terms Emperor would ever offer with scant exceptions only unconditional surrender or annihilation the heralds were known to be fanatically devout to the tenant of the Imperial truth the doctrine that there was no God no spirit no mysticism and no soul or religion was a threat to humanity to be fought against and destroyed with as much zeal as any external enemy for more details please listen to my entry on the sisters of battle the herald soon became known as the iconoclasts as when a national civilization was defeated they would scour it of all documents books databases or structures that were contrary to the Imperial truth statues of devotion would be torn down churches razed to the ground and any priest or of the clergy that would not repent of their faiths were put to the sword or burned at the stake they were the very bane of anything that contradicted the Imperial truth I were tirelessly diligent in their prosecution of this mandate when the persecution of any who would not let go of their previous beliefs when terror was finally dominated the Great Crusade was launched the Emperor's legions were increasing in size exponentially as his resources grew drawing on the terrain he had already dominated and then forming an alliance for the inhabitants of Mars the adapters mechanicus the Great Crusade saw his armies and fleets explode into the galaxy and they claim to everything and every the great Crusades purpose to free and reunite all of the Lost Tribes of humanity and bring to them the Imperial truth and safety security and prosperity to forge a new golden era of human ascendancy as the crusade went out into the galaxy the lost pry marks were discovered one by one the poem Aqsa will cover in more detail very soon but in brief they were the genetic template from which all of his lesions were drawn he had 20 pry marks 21 if she include the twins who were to lead the 20th Legion to match his 20 legions they were demigods with abilities eclipsing the standard Marine as far as the Marine did humanity these Titans would lead his armies and make the crusade unstoppable each Legion had its speciality as to did the prime marks of the lesions when the prime arc of the Imperial Heroes was finally located it was a time of fundamental change for his Legion as it was with many discoveries but logo aurelion known on his homeworld of cultures as the golden one was their Primark he had some psychic or psycho abilities he foretold the coming of the Emperor in a dream so he had like most of his buzzers risen to take command of his entire world but unlike many of his brothers it did so not only by force but out of religious fervor the culture of cultures was emphatically religious and he had raised his own banner and Colton and dominated all for he was a Primark and his natural skill at war and domination was hardwired into his very genetic makeup unified his world through his preaching but then with his martial talents when the emperor arrived and reclaimed his son he gave command of the 17th lesion to Lokar but perhaps the Emperor earth for he did not spend as much time with Luger as he had with many of his newfound sons and did not notice the difference in this golden child fool Olga was informed of the Imperial truth but felt that it was a test he could not purge the need for faith that had been instilled in him by his upbringing on cultures he believed with every fiber of his being his mind body and soul that the Emperor was placing down a test that only he had passed of all of his buzzer pry marks lugar believed that he had seen through the veil and discerned that his father the master of mankind was in fact a God the Emperor's constant and very vocal denial of this title this truth was but another test rogar then went about changing the iconoclasts and reforging them in His image lugar was often claimed to be the runt of the litter by his brother pry marks as he did not seem as mostly taunted as as either a duelist a general or Admiral he was far more adept than any human had ever been who he was a primark but he never seemed to shine as his buzzes did but his skills were very specific indeed he was a philosopher orator and writer of prodigious skill far surpassing that of his brothers he quickly converted even the stalwart and fanatically loyal adherents of the Imperial truth the entire 17th Legion of iconoclasts to his ways of thinking they were his genes sons to be certain so they would always have taken what he had to say easier than others but his arguments his force of personality in his oratory was so powerful that Ali's room was soon transformed into a force of religious zealots who proclaimed the emperor as a living God and the deity of humanity Lokar renamed his legion the word bearers alas even this signal was missed by the Emperor he did not know what his son was about what is legion then went on to do the word bearers with log r at their head then went on to partake in the crusade but to cut an exceptionally long story short they moved forward at a snail's pace compared to any other Legion with a galaxy to dominate this was untenable the word bearers would tarry endlessly on those worlds that they had conquered at that time none in the Imperial administration even the Emperor knew why and suppose that the Emperor sent investigators to fathom the reasons that word bearers seemed so inept what they discovered shook them to the core when the 17th had conquered they then went about converting the entire population of worlds to the unquestioning faith in the Emperor's divinity they would burn and tear down all religious centers and information as they had previously done but they would then install their new faith in its place if any resisted or refuted the new religion they will be exterminated the pious and mass graves that were left in the wake of the word bearers was shocking more than this they then tasked all of their conquered Wales to erect huge cathedrals to the worship and veneration of the god Emperor of mankind log are hand-painted Testament an incredibly powerful book that was called lectio divina Tartus it was compelling and required reading on all dominated worlds the use of the resources of entire worlds and systems to a glory of the Emperor instead of the furtherance of the crusade was deemed astonishingly wasteful and in direct contravention to the Emperor's most important dictate the Imperial truth when all of this came to light the Emperor sent his most trusted aide the legendary mal code or the CG light and another Primark reboot Gilman along with his entire Legion the ultra means to teach bloggers and the word bearers a lesson on the world of kur the world bearers had the populace create what lugar deemed to be the perfect City monarchia it's every street was festooned with religious iconography when it's every corner so the mighty beautiful edifice to the worship of the Emperor to log on it was a paradise of perfection the ultramarines gave the city appeared of grace nor did its every inhabitant to evacuate when the time period was over they destroyed it it is said that no two stones were Leicester standing together lor God's dream was reduced to nothing to ashes the word bearers were sown back to monarchia by the inhabitants of ker as soon as this began Luke I was expecting to find an alien Phrygian orbit as he had been told that the world was under fire his shock at finding the ultramarines vessels was shattering thinking till his father Gellerman had lost his senses low gasp confusion was unfathomable he geared up toward war sinking his brother reboot mad it was then that he was instructed to go to the surface of the world to Ray his entire lives Norman outskirts of monarchia the order came directly from Malka door so it had the force of the emperor behind it and Logan knew that when he did so he saw that his perfect City had been destroyed and flew into a rage he actually struck Malka door the man all of the pry marks referred to as uncle due to his age and connection to their father the Emperor he was about to tear into the ultramarines and his old brother reboot killerman when Malka door summoned the Emperor himself the Emperor arrived as a psychic projection he spoke with Luca and with incredible harshness tried it and castigated him in front of his entire Legion which the IMP read psychically forced to kneel over a hundred-thousand the starties Space Marines forced to kneel just by the Emperor's willing it and this was all done in front of reboot Gilman's ultramarines the emperor informed lugar in his lesion that they had failed him they had been ignorant and arrogant and had for stood a mad and wrong belief system on fellow humans and at the end of a gun even then lugar still could not accept he was wrong he even tried to reason with the Emperor attempting to tell him he had passed the test and saw the Emperor's Godhead this evoke too harsh rebuttal from the Emperor in this instant loga was broken his God had told him he was no God his God had told him that all of his efforts were wasted and that every construct on every world that he had built would be torn down as aircar class of old would have done the people that would not be reconditioned to the Imperial truth would be erased as long as Legion had raised those who had refused to convert lugar was inconsolable he went back to the crusade but with no heart he went into seclusion and was rarely seen he was shattered from there one of his old teachers and coaches one that had been recruited into the world bearers when lugar had been discovered began to manipulate him for the full story of this we must wait for another time for it will be criminals cross over this point in brief just know that the old teachers call foreign and Erebus were of the old faith not really lokar's new one they were the snakes in the grass that drip poison in low gas air whilst he was at his most vulnerable they worship old and powerful beings that they said would accept the veneration and love that lugar so abundantly needed to give and so lugar became the first of the pie marks to fall to the worship of chaos as stated one day we shall follow the path of dissent of Lokar reeling into evil but today is not that day the tragedy of all of this is the wall lugar fell to chaos and went on a pilgrimage to the eye of Terror which I'll explain and on his own Testament the lectio divina Tartus swept over the Imperium and cults of Emperor worship arose as he fell a sad tale indeed forges this very book the lectio divina Tartars that has led to the state of the Imperium of the 41st millennium ironic but it was never just an effect of his fall it was its manner loga had ever been utterly without mercy or pity or a strength in dealing with any who did not hold his worldview before it could be justified and accepted by his father and his brothers as he seemed to be working to a common goal few of them were any more even-handed as they believed that the crusade was righteous and needed to be done with all due haste to safeguard humanity but few were ever as callous as Lokar not really as Laura God descended into the worship of chaos his callousness - even his own sons showed through as he used them up in his dealings with war entities even his own gene sons were nothing to him nothing and nobody mattered to log our but his vision a vision that was totally evil lugar met the gods of chaos the corrupting powers then said about quietly and slowly spreading their vile Creed across his worlds his army and eventually his own brothers it was law God that sent the art of Viper Erebus one of the most hated characters in the entire Warhammer 40k setting to tempt and then corrupted war master or a slowpoke all for each of the word bearers were like their gene father they were not only skilled but exceptionally innately talented a toleration argument and conversion they became the ultimate weapons of the ruinous powers of chaos with the turn of Horace the war master the general that the emperor has raised above his brother pry marks to lead the end stages of the crusade while the Emperor returned to terror to deal with an important matter in secret the die was cast Horus went on to corrupt Harford the remaining 18 high marks to his cause a full nine of them went into open rebellion against their father the emperor in his capacity as war master he sent most of the lesions and pry marks that he felt would never turn to chaos to the farthest reaches of the galaxy or arrange traps and ambushes for them when they were thus neutralized Horus raised his banners and openly rebelled the Horus heresy had begun in that war of brother on brother Lee's non Legion the galaxy burned the greater part of the strength and power of the human race was smashed as it destroyed itself such tears are contained in the Horus heresy that we cannot even begin to describe them now just now that the heresy went so far as to get to the very heart of the Imperium and the forces of chaos laid before us battled all the way to the Imperial Palace on Terra the very gates of the Emperor's home lugar and his legions contribution is often divided or underestimated by the other pry marks who had fallen if not also by the entire community of Weimar fans but it was the word bearers who gained revenge on the ultra means for their destruction of monarchia decades in a past and certainly not for their love of their old faith it was for their own pride on the world of caf they ambushed the ultramarines and exacted a huge tithes of blood and destroyed that world one of the crown jewels of Ultima the home worlds of the ultramarines it was also lugar and his word bears the performed horrific rituals that summoned a warp storm called the ruined stone that cut off a huge swath of the galaxy and prevented full three lesions the ultramarines the bloody angels and the Dark Angels from assisting their loyalist brothers in this act months were wasted by these loyalists believing that Horus had to have been victorious and defeated the forces headed by local dawn the Primarch of the imperialists how lightly they took their brothers efforts it was said storm that prevented them from arriving at terror in force and only permitting the blood angels from smashing through as such it was lugar who architected the events that led to the heroic but costly duel between Horus and the Emperor of mankind if you have not seen my brief instruction to Rogel dawn then that would be a good place to gain a brief but I hope enlightening and entertaining overview of that which happened but for this entry the results was that Horus was finally killed by the Emperor an event that saw the death of not only Horus and one of the most powerful and faithful of the Emperor's sons sanguinis but the crippling of the Emperor so much so that he was forced to be interred on the goldens for the emperor was mortally wounded his realm in ashes and some of his sons the pry marks had been slain the remaining chaos prior marks were so entrenched so far they had fallen to chaos that they were granted apotheosis they were elevated to demonic princes of that chaos gods lugar was so lauded by the powers that he did not even need to choose one to devote himself to as his brothers had he became a vessel of what is known as chaos undivided and each of the four gods gave him power enough to combined raised him to the exalted rank of a demon prince the traitors were defeated the lesions shattered as well and they were chased back to a place called the eye of terror from there they have marshal their forces and sallied forth regularly and frequently into the galaxy and the Imperium causing devastation with each of these raids until their goals have finally been met the 13th Black Crusade which again we will discuss in more detail in the future finally succeeded and broke the encirclement to the forces of the Imperium had set about it as a bull walk when this was achieved a mighty rent was torn through the entire galaxy from the isle teller to the furthest reaches of the eastern fringe a huge warp stone from which the traitor lesions and all of their warp spawn demonic allies can erupt at any time the kicker chicks male victim they have begun to not only raid into real space but to start to invade it in earnest and create entire pocket empires there akin to hell on earth the time has the traitors in the mastery of the corrupting powers as well and truly dawned while the other lesions seek to dominate and to reap the entire galaxy unshackled evil of the basest form being performed by them as not only a supplication to their benefactors the gods of chaos but also artist Asheer glee at a war the word bearers are the sinister force that plays an entirely different game with an entirely different goal the forces of the chaos lesions are led by Abaddon err to Horace and Lord of the Black Legion foam played the sons of Horus he attempts to force his way to Holy Terror and finish what his prime our chorus could not do he dreams of breaking the forces of the Imperium then was slowly walking up the steps to the Emperor's golden throne and then decapitating at the master of mankind for his gods but more for his own satisfaction and exoneration not so the word bearers they know that the present war is not one merely of men and machines Baltar's and blasts it is a struggle for the very heart of humanity and the soul of the galaxy never forget that the word bearers are still a starties Space Marines and has been augmented and empowered by their dark masters so they are truly terrors on the battlefield that said the word bearers are a cancer a contagion that seek to Spade the face of the chaos gods they know the weapons of war are not nearly as powerful as the conviction of the Imperium its confidence its faith with other legions would attack dockyards barracks and emplacements the word bear has attacked the face of the Imperium they will target churches cathedrals Cardinals and clerics of the Imperial cult and they are winning the war of words the struggle for the soul for they know the weapons of their enemy better than they do it was new or gar who penned the lectio divina artists and they know every syllable every context every angle of it by knowing this the bedrock of the Imperial creed they are able to twist it and use it to corrupt their true targets the hearts and souls of all humanity the word bears are striking at the very thing that is now the only hope of humanity the very God Emperor of mankind in the psychic awakening the long suspected truth has emerged and finally been confirmed the prayers the faith of the entire human race over thousands of years has collected in the warp the spiritual realm and has empowered that man who claimed he was not a never wish to be a god he is now in arguably the God of humanity the web bearers know all too well better than any have dared to dream that the destroy the Imperium will only be possible if the god of humanity is weakened than expunged by removing his very fuel his power the devotion of his race humanity the word bearers seek to sweep his legs from under him only then will they be able to take the stairs of the holy throne only then will they seek to approach the man who would be a god who sought to save humanity from their dark masters everyone wishes to walk like a warrior toward the emperor and decapitate him vulgare wishes to win the war before ever he takes the first step lugar the prime mark of the word bearers wishes to slowly process up that holy flight of steps and in gaze into the very soul of the emperor - what's his father's hope finally die in his one remaining eye for if his fans come to fruition your God knows all he will see is just a man a broken man a defeated man a thing to be pitied pity he will not receive for in all of the generations of humans of all of our race to ever have drawn breath in the setting of the grim darkness of the future Warhammer 40k there is no one that has ever been more evil than the Lord and Master of the 17th lesion of delusion Mesa studies the Primarch of the word bearers Luwak are all real e'en I did not waste the resources I had secured for the Cardon is a powerful orator I did not waste the resources I had secured for the Carleton is a powerful orator I need to only break him to my youth child's play of course I had to make him see the light I have to make him see that truth in order to do so I have to break him down so I can remake him to my image I who is made in the image of the golden one Luca real Ian I must make him see the virtue of the case I arranged for him the four blessings I have my flesh crafters after him so he can understand the blessing and beauty of change so he can praise the Great Lord seat I have him beaten and brutalized both frequently and regularly so he knows the inner fire of Wrath and wants of blood to better appreciate the great Lord : I haven't pleasured in many diverse ways so he feels the transcendence of the Prince of pleasure / I have him infected with multiple contagions so he absorbs the need for the mercy from pain and the bounty that can only be found in the grandfather Nergal he now sits in a ring of mirrors showing him his new form his crown of a dozen eyes that surround his brow to better appreciate his splendor his huge distended muscles to better serve in slaughter his extended engorged member to give greater glory in his coupling and his fasting keen mind to understand his predicament he weeps at the pain of the pustules and buboes that cover him like a mosaic beautiful he is beautiful of course he weeps but it is always darkest before the dawn I enter the room and his newly heightened senses immediately track movements he begins his ass fillet his last resistance you may have altered my body may desecrate my form but you will never break my soul for the Emperor is my shepherd and he shall guide and protect me he maketh the unclean fall before me he make us the wellspring and clean of abafar Lomond he raises the spirits above its worldly hardships and awaited me at the end of my journey for the Emperor be the lighthouse of my soul the words it pains me to hit his righteous light issue from the mouths of the unclean of course I know the first Testament it was my father who wrote it it was my father lugar hoop ended before he discerned the truth before he was enlightened first Testament you are not ready yet first we must discuss your present predicament we must see where you are now before we can discuss your enlightenment you rebirth into the truth you have served the Emperor of mankind you have called him a god do you think you will recognize you now do you think you will open his arms to embrace you as you are now look at yourself beautiful human do you even still deserve that description I think not I doubt even the emperor will recognize you now know your soul why would he have such as the the foul his paradise you have fallen so far you have spent your entire life every moment every second on your knees and supplication to him yet he hath forsaken you look at yourself how could all of this be permitted by the emperor if he truly cares for if he is a mighty God then he permits this he is not then he is a feeble God that is not worthy of your efforts your very soul but I do know God's to do love you even as you are now I know God's that can make you whole again can wipe away the pain can see through the exterior and see the beauty of your inner light can appreciate your uniqueness can unleash your power prepare for the most uplifting revelation a gift just for you just consider what I have said and prepare yourself for happiness and purity like you have never dreamed possible for it is coming just for you for you are gifted you are special and the gods I worship can recognize this and lift you up I was sent by them to claim you be happy I will leave you now to contemplate this I smile a broad smile a loving one smile at him very kindness he has experienced since he was delivered into my hands and then I leave the room it is only days away his conversion he will resist at first out of sheer learned behavior but soon he will succumb among his weeping and process station that is all against his will he will see the truth soon he will be the one to change others he will be the one that beats and bruises he will be the one to pleasure himself in others and he will be the one to affect others in the most profound of ways then it will be ready he will be a weapon more useful than any fleet formation or force for I will restore his previous semblance and sent him back to the Synod fleeing an uncouth and rebellious uprising then I passed off so easily as an effective warp travel from there he will use his gifts of aeration from there he will bring his fellow clerics all into the flock of the true faith and all to whom they sermon thereafter civilians naval officers generals and rank-and-file guard alike perhaps even the local order of knights all have been the needs of the truth all will serve the great lords of truth sine s z CH Nergal and corn this lease is how we win the struggle let Abaddon continuous by blundering blustering distraction let the others play at war before in the name of the great gods of chaos it is a way the word bearers who will win it [Music] you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 202,736
Rating: 4.9552884 out of 5
Keywords: Lorgar Aurelian, Chaos Space Marines, Space Marines, Warhammer 40K Lore Word Bearers, Word Bearers Lore, Word Bearers History, Warhammer 40K lore Word Bearers, Horus Heresy, Traitors Legions Lore, Warhammer 40000 History, Warhammer for beginners, Warhammer 40K Lore Psychic Awakening, Warhammer Evil Faction, Warhammer Evil Armies, Horus, Primarch, Primarch Lorgar, Imperial Heralds, Warhammer 40K lore Lorgar, Baldermort
Id: 8xN9QUrkXsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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