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Don't know why, but his logo always made me think of a skin head

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/draugotO 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I listen to baldamort all the time. He is amazing at telling the lore

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lanejosh 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
I hold on to the sounds the smells the power of the sea it is all that protects my sanity it is all I have left now all that allows me to put on a brave face for them down here in the dark the very bowels of this black ship and the very pits of perdition my family are with me but this is no comfort it is a heart-wrenching agony that they experience this too if only I could take on this hardship alone save them from it I would go gladly but no my son my daughter my wife they are with me down here in the dark to see the great expanse mighty yet gentle life taking but also life giving four hundred generations our family had been wind whisperers we had aided the village we had led them at times and others we had only been what we are wind whisperers the few who can fill the sails on a calm day the few who can slow the onrushing story never stop it but we can slow it we were hailed but never formed to venerated but never elevated will a place but it was no more important than anyone elses but then the Imperium came to our world her decade our village was left alone we hardly knew the changing Lords as the tithes were the same fish always fish but we managed when we're out one day my father was present from the deck of his ship he pointed up to the cliffs to learn man standing dead in the armor of the star warriors but with an ordinal almond countenance my father whispered on the wind to me it was all he said be wise do not fill the sails now do not still there's not while this one watches i sense a dark cloud in his wake we did as instructed and came to dock quietly yet without using our skills but it did not matter later that night my father as the head of our kind in the village as he put it they took him from his home and they drive me and the children my wife to walks the man in armor bore acidulous started to scream in a voice under the heavens Hiba claimed us anathema he proclaimed us open to the infestations of evil he called us the snakes in the grass the Sharks in the seas with that he said light to the pie my father was a top tied to a stake I was held by henchmen he had in his retinue large and ugly men as well my family against these killers no one from our village could stand my understood their position my wife does not cause some cowards traitors to allow us to be treated so she is just scared we all are we were not burnt that night but we were herded up putting two caged wagons as he toured the coastal villages his entourage increasing commensurate to his catch soon there were three score of us wind whisperers healers tell us of the future net weavers all who had been touched by the Fae were taken we were treated like prisoners then but at least we were treated like semi humans we were fed at least bowls hot food chance to relieve ourselves impairs under guard when the coast was done we were taken inland and met by other caravans or such cages from all of the points of our small country they're taking us all all that they could find it was not long before we came to one of their large space ports they called it metal vast miles of metal things going up towards the Sun and coming down out of the skies huge things like ships of the air but without sails one night a wailing went up from the camps around us spilled into ours at first I did not understand why as every throat was torn with a horrifying blood-curdling lament then I saw it then I understood as I joined them a huge vessel but still an air transport to a larger one above the clouds nor him back it seemed to be made of solid midnight I did not reflect from that's lines they were absorbed by them but that is not why people wild as it descended I felt a sense of foreboding so intense it was akin to the feeling one would have to seeing the end of the world your loved ones your home your country your planet tortured to death it was worse as it got closer as a feeling was matched to another hole appearing in our souls we could feel all our tasers to the world our birthright on lifeforce severed the ship somehow cut our connection to the universe a connection all of the whisperers healers and tell us all feel it was gone many wept many shook as we all could not hold up the exertion of the screaming and as one we ceased but the moaning and sobbing was deafening still over the next hours one camp after another were shackled in Chains to the vessel some tried to exist they were instantly shot darts of sunlight came from the metal weapons of the guards burning straight through any who showed any sign of defiance so we trudged on board there we were taken down down into the very depths of the ship and let out into a huge holding room no privacy just one huge room on each side they were Hsieh sides going up to walkways above we're escorted there and subsequently monitored and policed by women in armor but they were things of terror to us crows in the dark for their presence pained many made all shudder at their passing there were like wells did eat all that is thrown into them there was nothing there they were soulless and the manners they exude hatred we learnt to fear them food was dropped on us from above by chutes and pulleys into troughs like animals but despite the severing of our connection to the universe some still had dreams so potent it they intruded on others each day and night were the same just eternal darkness then light some food funnels them back to the constant dark until one of the hardest walked above us and shown our light down madness was rife spreading like a cancer amongst us in the dark schemers were dealt with I had to do the deed myself once he was gone nothing of him remained but of mouth and lungs and pain so I ended it for him my son and I did it as swiftly as we could but it happened elsewhere in the sod forum this dank hell we were joined by others and the dead were removed once in a while and this black ship moved from world to world collecting those touched by the Fae kept my family about me I watched them in the dark we hugged quietly whispered songs or played memory games at least they were mainly grown my son was almost a man and my daughter almost a woman we would have found matches for them both but finally our road ended we were herded again to the higher decks and then out into the glaring dazzle of a planet of unnatural sizes and materials every twisted and foreboding on one huge walkway they marched us as we joined the ranks from over a dozen of these transport vessels I saw the multitude stir preceded us there were more people on this walkway Worf a touched than they must have been in all of tirloch my own country perhaps even all of my homeworld endless bedraggled starved and scared manacled humans were lurching in the same direction on endless chains as wide as your arm old chains chains with caked in blood rust on them but for a few moments we got to see the splendor of the world the ships in the air the golden and silver de manyu Mons the grandeur of the world at the center of the Imperium I was terrified but I had to look cheerful for my family I do in a deep breath as we walked and tried to tell my jokes but it was in vain for less than ten minutes later our chains led us down into the cavernous depths of another place again all the time the female guards never saying a word or was as cold as the grave they flanked us and forced us on down we went to tunnel areas blitt but dimly lit again we were broken into holding areas at least the metal of the Pens was dry unlike the ship we slept as best we could on the ground the next day it was then we were awoken all coupled up two more chains and led through a tunnel to a long room and either side were people who were inspecting us in seconds then filling in a sheet of some form we passed one after another sometimes they just stared at us for a moment before give me a curt nod to move along when we got to the end of the process we were ordered to stand in lines as a room to the left we did so of course all still attached by chains as we were we waited for hours we waited in silence forever under the eye of the silent armored women the ones with no smiles no presents no joy in their soul so dead sentries whose mere presence I believe silenced our ears to the pulse of the galaxy man in priestly garb entered the room were two boys with him one held his miter the second held a book stand placed on his back he stood before the priest as he deposited a large book on a boy and flicked through it peevishly with a grimace on his face finally he looked at us began we have thrashed your flesh sifted your minds and sorted your cells for all can serve but the vessel must be worthy of the task to which it is allotted as he spoke to women finally moved as one began to unchain certain people and take them away attaching them to another chain across the room then returning for more the priest was a distraction the only loud voice we had heard was not screaming in months we stood gaping at him and were generally unaware of what was happening until it was too late as the soleus came from my son and daughter the priest saw my face and lock eyes with me taking my attention to himself the ones now chosen go on to a brighter future for they're strong and fit and stable and can be used for many tasks can serve in many ways when they have been forged on you by the Emperor blessed be his name for them the struggle goes on but for you to struggle it is over you have passed the test and will go on you will be taken back into the light to serve the most holy God Emperor and all of humanity in the finest way to become the light itself my son and daughter were now attached to the other chain it was being laid off I could do nothing now if I could at all we looked at each other and I nodded and smiled assisted to say all would be well my wife and I held hands as we waved them goodbye then the chain moved again and we were drawn away down again we went down further and the lights dimmed and dimmed again and Jenna was pitch when a light came from a large door at the end of the shoots corridor we charged while being hauled along by the chain again but to my shock when the line came closer to the light the ones in front started to pull back started to try to stop the chain and to prevent themselves going through the doors soon the same sobbing no no not there came from many in front of me my wife crossed from my hand and I clutched it we'll all pulled into light no matter what I had no idea till we came close enough until we saw what was inside do we felt the room it was well lit more's the pity it was black marvelous some fool but at the effect of the same material as the ship they absorbed the light it ate it instead of reflecting it there are thousands of markings on the walls all complicated or separate no two inches were left uncovered the glyphs they were silver and reflected the light from the orbs in the air above us so it gave the room a look of eternity like standing in the void amongst brilliant stars but to a backdrop of endless night our chain was torn zoo rings on top of black marble blocks that stood at regular intervals in a concentric swirl toward the center point of the room we will be drawn through and each one of us would eventually stand before one of these black blocks but there were thousands so I noticed that there were other doors open and more spokes leading to the center of the room there must be blood for 10,000 souls or more Oh fate touch souls but that is not what was terrifying intimidating as it was it was to feel the lines in the marble below it had trenches in where others so many others had trodden this path that it had eroded the very rock the nearer the center of the room the deeper the grooves forced by on short human feet alone the edge of the room the darkness there was nothing here but death something cold and it was as if the blocks themselves wept the lines in their marble will seem to run downward somehow it was like visiting a graveyard but one that contained all of the joy of humanity holding hands we steeled ourselves I tried to turn and smile at her our eyes locked we said goodbye we both knew as predicted there was a place for each of us at these obelisks these prints as the last chain reached the center of the room one of the chains went taut and our manacles were somehow gone to either side of the blocks my invisible power all of us it must have been ten thousand if it were one at that the doors leading into the Brummel closed and were bolted from the other side none of the women were on this side of the doors only as they touched a breeze began to lift as our blocks very slowly began to shrink into the ground as I did they pull us into a position of being on our knees worth with every inch it went down the veins in the Marvel began to shine matching the glyphs on the walls soon they burned so bright we were dazzled and all illuminated the wind now picked up to Buffett us and with our ragged clothes around about our rigth informs the sound of people wailing picked up to match the winds as worms of power seemed to crackle now from our manacles in Entwistle and then it began in earnest the blocks lit one after another from the center of the room and as they did the person to which they were connected ended they would lurch upwards as if someone had a hook in the back of their mouth they would arch their backs with their heads open as one after another had a long string of wisps of light pulled from them when it had ended they sunk to the ground smoking out of their eyes and mouth there was gray the skins like corpses their muscles melted their very souls were being pulled out of their mouths and eyes into a huge cyclone of light at the center of the room I watched my print light I thought the light cool to me fer to drag on me as the light of all of the cycles in the room then coalesced into one form in the center and lifted upwards towards the ceiling as a single arcane orb opened in the roof of the room the power was drawn upwards and it shot along a try to beam up into the center of a structure made by no human hand or structure older than the Imperium itself and the sturdy structure the golden of throne convert the souls of these ten thousand people into sustaining power for the master of mankind the most holy God Emperor for it is known that the souls of ten thousand cycles are sacrificed to the Emperor every day for he is the light of the astronomic honor is the Saviour and protector of mankind and no sacrifice in his name is too much for without him the human race is doomed welcome gentle listener I am bald Ahmad and I wish to introduce you to the important forces fractions and faces of the weimar 40k universe I hope you can see from the initial story that this setting truly does live up to its endearing name of the grim darkness of the future for today we discussed possibly the most important figure in the entire setting the ruler of the Imperium the self-styled master of mankind the god emperor himself this is an intensely complicated deliciously rich and dangerously detailed person to deal with so would have to be presented in consumable chunks hence this entry will have a set parameter and go to also please all remember to dislike most of my videos is an introduction only more details will need to be left out than are actually make it in so some justly woven as the yarn of the central figure but I hope to capture the quintessence of matters as I hope I usually do unknown concerning the stories as always their genesis is my own addled brain so please do note that I'm just doing my best to present an entertaining entrance to the matter that much of the period some actions described will be very much my own poetic interpretation of how I view matters as there is little but bones and one paragraph extracts to which I'm merely trying to bring some flesh to make this as entrancing an experience as my biggest skills permit they are more examples of the mood than the perfect reflections of the events because as stated little is known for certain now the remit of this first entry is to do nothing more than go through the Genesis story of the Emperor then we will have later entries to explore the character and activities of the Emperor more but also do please see this as a guided tour of how I view the Warhammer 40k universe as with anyone else I can be wrong I can change my perspective when new information is revealed so always now I expect you to see this vision as the starting point your exploration of the universe only you will take this first step and then move past my ramblings into your own research your own experience and then your own vision of the figure we discuss here today the Emperor of mankind our final note sorry about this if this is your first time viewing one of these videos then please know that they can be much silliness and semi role-playing in the comments section the route and the devilish attempting to display all to their cause and view of the Emperor just smile if you see debate as it will surely get heated but as long as we are all polite and remember that when all is said and done this is a hobby supposed to be a laugh then we'll all be fine just keep it within limits everyone emojis work to indicate a jape and so we get on to the meat of the matter the Emperor of mankind and there is no more controversial character in the entire setting for very good reason murderer despot liar and tyrant our names all to swiftly thrown at the Emperor every Volta fired chainsaw drawn and used every old woman burned for witchcraft every well destroyed through exterminators every Guardsman heaped upon the ramparts of the enemy every cycle fed to him every day the emperor is responsible in part or in full for every atrocity that occurs in his name a galaxy forever aflame but he is also the genesis of the astronomic on without which there would be no warp travel which would signal an almost immediate exposure to genocide as the Imperium fractured something that is only now being experienced in the dark half of the Imperium and it is causing pandemonium he is the being the soul forges every effective and safe sanction cycle in the Imperium he is the defender of the web by gait on terror without whom the very lesions of the never born would simply march into the material or Holy Terror itself he guides his people through his holy Tarot he has suffered a never-ending agony on a life-sustaining throne every day holding aloft astronomical and it is said battling the very forces of the corrupting powers the Dark gods of chaos enduring this for Humanity for over 10,000 years [Music] but who is the Emperor of mankind where did he come from what is he holy terror the cradle of humanity circuit 8,000 BC once it was almost unheard of for there to be a moot times had changed this was now the third one in so many generations my father had made the journey the last one my my previous incarnation the one before the great route the call went out again from the eldest and so it must be met if enough agreed to it the movement of clouds to cool to those who read the skies a dream for those who did not a message from a flame for some a flight of birds for others all will call and this time there was only one calling required for enough agreed to it and agreed to it quickly the times had changed we could all tell we all now knew it was irrefutable all shaman's new and something had to be done so we came from every tribe every island every island every mountain every plane we came some who were far across the waters of mother earth will join us in the dreaming but all would come many moons had I traveled we all had years in the making for moments alone two of discourse we collected others on the way the roots known sometimes we waited for days and nights but none came we knew it was not because they would not it was because they could not they were gone so we moved forever onwards a pilgrimage of the few but seemed to be many for when we all met it was a sea of tents like a small city with many campfires many styles many colors and hues not only of robes and garnets trinkets and gems but a skin and hair and eyes all of the tribes of humanity were here represented a Conclave of the Shaymin of each and every tribe of man the day was for resting after the exertions of the road to swim to eat to smoke to drink but also to laugh and scowl shake fists and reminisce or catch up with each other as the souls of the few blessed ones met once more like a carnival it's dazzling splendid lighten the mood and Overlord the senses but soon night approached and the gathering began to become more measured more restrained more introspective solemn time would be of the essence and providing clarity of expression required if all were to fear that they had been heard should they wish to speak I thought many would wish to speak this time so we pondered wearing our words in preparation but none would repeat what had been said by another all had the respect to treat the statement from any as equal to all it was not a contest it was a meeting of minds but I feared this time it would be a meeting of factions as it had been before the best speakers of their ideologies will be deployed first perhaps now this what happened at the one before the last when I lived a previous life but I soon found out that this time will be different it would end being on the last note of all in the light of day in that city of tents and colours and noise that had been hard to see what had happened if you did not see someone you expected the date was somewhere else in the mass but we could ignore it no longer as I looked around the bowl there was a third less than the last time I had attended I was shocked to the core I had hoped that many would be attending via the dreaming but when the tarry of those who had come via the astral was made our eyes were accustomed to seeing this plane the sea of souls we realized the horror a full third of us were gone in only two generations in only two reincarnations a hush fell over the gathering as the shocking truth was so starkly and abundantly clear do all the silence was broken by the second a tour man of a local tribe he was the second eldest and us the host we have been called here by the eldest of us all the elder as we have been twice before but now perhaps we should heed that which before we may have taken lightly he turned and bowed and there he was still the eldest he'd been so for the last three meetings Nestor the first I attended where he voiced his concerns she'd kept holding on to this life inhabiting a rotting corpse that was all bone and no sinew how it must have bruised and diminished his soul to continue it this way yet he had as he slowly rose from sitting leaning on his stick all the way through swaying more to keep balanced and to gain attention the combination was still hypnotic twice before have I said this but it is now the last time for we have no more of it no more time many many moons ago now had the dream a dream of prophecy I saw the present as it is in the future as it could be and I was afeard for dark things have awoken in the river of souls to other Plains a malevolent zambales and murderous hate in smaller parts they presently skulk across the veil taking a soul here a soul there in dreams or dream walking but this is only the beginning for one day soon they will slowly coalesce like tiny bugs of light they were condign to become great stars of searing light these denizens these forces were not created by us their seed was planted eons ago across the greater see our souls but somehow it is humanity our tribes all of our people that give them most sustenance applies and fears and hates and loves and wars to their I and engorge their bellies and forever will they hunt our people until they have defeated all of its guardians and slaved all of the tribes to be their flowers and playthings for all time and alone none of us can stop it we must join we must be one purpose this was my dream my prophecy now heed me finally and act ii stood again ii I will speak none can deny this prophecy comes true too many times has one of rish amon been brought to battle with a being of the shadows and slain whereas before they would had fled at our Advent the size of our gathering speaks all the testimony you're caught you be compelling none can deny the dark things that now haunt the paths of dreams and spirit walkers who can doubt that there is an effort to destroy us by whatever forces yet to truly become we must heed the eldest an act a young man but only of this current form for his tattoos of blue showed ages wisdom at soul within stood it had been the Shaymin who had previously demanded restraint and rebutted the prophecy of to the verge of rudeness he now Somaly bowed to the eldest and spoke twisting to see all one by one as he did so and proven wrong and freely cede to the wisdom of the eldest and recount my previous words the set is real but he never says how it meet it elder it was my dream to present to the Conclave it is not for me to decide what to do with this wisdom I but we are Shaymin and many of us walk the pathway some view the seas to define what is of what may be despite the magnitude of the danger I have never heard of a dream of prophecy that did not also include a solution and at least on a way to adjust the now to alter the future what is the rest of it elder what are you not telling us wanting her asked to come to all on our own is it that terrible no matter what it is now is the time to talk to guide for I think I speak for all when I say there is none now doubt you are you to call a walking or to March us one into the tides on hunt down these things I noted seeing that all others without exception not at an agreement or so all eyes went to their eldest his eyes closed he sighed he looked into the fire the center for a time before he responded we must do more than this if we go into the dream and hunt them they will hide nobodies will pass one by one due to exhaustion when there are few of us left they will pounce we will be doing their work for them nor can it work for there is no hard no tower of these beings no place that they call strong for they do not exist yet we would be hunting down minor beings who would then merge with each other faster potentially making matters worse many joined me in looking downhearted but the eldest spoke all there was away in a myriad lines thy witness that was but one we must merge we must not just act as one we must be one the things that are incubating now will be mighty enough to be dubbed gods without a being of equal power of equal might then they will surely kill of shepherds and enslave our flocks we must become one how eldest tell us how the eldest just looked at me many eyes were drawn to me also I knew these souls so they knew it would take a minute or two but realization dawned on me I stood there is a rare ritual we know in our tribe it has only been performed a handful of times before in all of the time of our people in all the time since the rise of the blessed one's the Shaymin I will explain when two souls are entwined and traveled the river of reincarnation together sometimes they lose synchronicity meaning they can be born and died generations apart sometimes it will harmonize they reincarnation for one life but do not wish to chance this being separated again in these rare circumstances there is a ritual that has been used to merge two souls but there is only one occurrence of lis being used or more than two souls and that was only three the principle I suppose is the same it requires the souls to go into the ocean together so most often those who undergo the ritual then take herbs that end their present incarnations the same time from there they merge beyond the veil and yes this is no folktale it is rare but I know of two such beings presently incarnated so we all die at the same time forgive me for asking a question only but would this not then lead to a feeding frenzy with all of our souls as one going into the other world would it not just speed up matters and summon these Horrors more quickly as they devoured our souls the elder interjected perhaps that is a fear but as our friend here knows the merge souls are often greater more potent some of their parts if only half the number here were to merge would who make it through than the being they could create again he looks to me I continue being a result of the merger of the strongest souls of our race would be like nothing witnessed before when it did incarnate its strength will be many times that of a normal man its thoughts like Quicksilver its memory eternal it would not be touched by a hand of illness nor the grasp of death immortal it would walk the lands for all of the ages of our tribes and it's mystic might would be the combination of every one of our individual talents and strengths but augmented by factors we are talking about making a god no an eternal guardian a warrior of light to show the way to lead and protect a father for all tribes as one a new man an immortal champion of humanity that would have the power to fight the denizens of the darkest corners of the sea of souls no matter how mighty they became that would be the last time I would speak at a mood for it was the last moot there are many varying opinions and really excellent conjectures about the real genesis of the emperor some say he was actually weapon from the Dark Age of Technology some say he is the greatest weapon of car himself the last old one who was shattered into the Umbra when slash awoke but for me I go with the oldest interpretation this one as I found it the most compelling I will never know if my little tale was how it began how it was decided but I cannot imagine the bones being much different even if the meat and sauce is much sweeter if it ever comes from the black library but no matter the imagery or exact details of which I have provided my own romanticized vision this is how it happened this this is how the Emperor was brought into existence but let me briefly recap what I tried to relate in the story so we are certain of the causes of the Emperor it can be argued many ways and from many angles what actually started the corruption of the see of the souls the immaterial for warp but it was true the dark things were moving humanity no matter is Genesis the miniseries we will go into at another time developed as we know but where the world of Warhammer is different to our world is that inhumanity was a gene that allowed them to access the warp the seer souls the psycho gene these souls much like elda will be aware after death and will be able to reincarnate into new children and retain all of the experience and memories of their previous lives they were blessed with magical abilities basically all stemming from their connection to the sea of souls the immaterial mental warp so the hunter-gatherers of the Stone Age and before would have actual Shaymin amongst our ones who would could actually walk - well played could heal could see the possible twists of and pathways to potential futures they truly were psychic at the time of the change humanity between stone and early bronze age as settlements began to develop humanity seemed to lose some natural connection to the universe and the Shaymin became more rare that is how some settings and other reports the one I prefer here for the story element and what I choose to present as the thing I think most likely is that this was also added to by the changing and darkening nature of the war as energies of the war / slowly changed it could not be ignored or denied that humanity had a huge effect on it perhaps the Eldar are more bright and shining in their souls but they are also directed in other ways and had their own gods their power was directed towards those humanity it loved and hated made war I made peace experienced all of the full range of emotions and did not have the same spirits as the elder that who motorist passions began to feed dark entities in the war ones that had not gained sentience but were growing each act of cruelty each act of hate would feed them they incubated in the warp but eventually would become the three dark powers that we know of as the dark gods of chaos Korn Nergal and siege sign - we will deal with at another time when discussing the introspective elder the great three are made up of tiny energies that are their whole they were like huge balls of Ede trying to grow instinctually and their darkness would take many of the Shaymin over a short period of time hence did the two conjoining factors reduced the Shaymin over the entire world in my opinion but they did meet as was shown all Shaymin commit suicide as one emerged their souls to forge this new man the emperor is the living embodiment of the collected wisdom Wonder and psychic might from the entire human race it is why for many long ages of humanity there were no cycles despite their potential for as I read the door at this moment the best and brightest the greatest souls of humanity were taken from the mainstream forever and combined in the emperor the Saviour and protector of humanity the new man he is a defender of humanity but some say that no individual can ever matter to him free he was created to defend all of humanity against the dark God's not to improve their lives he was created to see the survival of the entire race so could never see past that goal to the faces of the individuals he uses up in this great labor he is the most powerful psycho the human race has ever known but to maintain him 10,000 cycles must be sacrificed a day a drop in the ocean as the Imperium comprises a million world many populated with billions in a single city as stated without the Emperor there is no astronomic on the lighthouse that allows all of the ships of the Imperium to navigate the warp without the Emperor to solve for his cycles there will be scant mystic defenses in the Imperium no Astra PASOK choirs to communicate between its strong places and it surely would rapidly fall to chaos the emperor has not spoken not moved not walked not eaten not slept not properly in 10,000 years so this is how it began in the future we should look at the experiences the actions and the legends that surround the Emperor the master of mankind the new man a journey that would take us throughout all of the ages of humanity but we shall take our time we shall visit the periods to try to gain a greater understanding of the actions of the Emperor what he witnessed and how this may have formed him I hope you will join me for a day then I have been bald Ahmad your faithful servant if you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the genesis of the Emperor and do please consider liking and subscribing if you do then please do press the notifications button I would not want you to miss out if you are a regular gentle listener and see the worth in what we are doing then please do consider supporting us on patreon if funds permit now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun do Lu you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 134,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldermort, Warhammer 40K lore for beginners Emperor, Emperor of Mankind, Master of Mankind, Warhammer 40K Lore Master of Mankind, Warhammer 40K lore Emperor, Space Marines, God Emperor, Origin of the Emperor, Warhammer 40000 for beginners the emperor, Primarch, Warhammer Stories The Emperor of Mankind, War, Warhammer, Games Workshop for starters, dummies guide to warhammer, starting in warhammer
Id: UP1bHuNgk8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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