Necron Silent King, Szarekh, and the War in Heaven Part II

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so the necrons now had a method of swift transit in immortality weapons of horror and power and were led by beings that were literally wielding godlike power to shape the universe at a whim the necrons and Catan sprang from their home system like an avalanche spreading across the Stars in all directions but the power of the Catan they were unstoppable the old ones were called utterly unawares and went down to dust again and again the march of the necrons was implacable and invincible where the web way would previously allow the old ones to muster feats to repel them the coton would emerge into their systems and would annihilate them with glee opening black holes in the midst of thousands of ships lashing them with power enough to make stars go cold or explode the slaughter was on a scale that cannot even be conceived off by the present era millions and billions were slain as the coton used the pretext of war to engage on a rampage without end they would appear in a system and drain every last shred of energy from the living in a total of an eye but the old ones did have a slew of approaches and weapons of phenomenal power of their own their previous experience within a country had enlightened them and its occurrence had forced them to develop weapons and abilities that they now unleashed in their own defense they manipulated the warp in such ways as to make entire sectors burn with him Imperial fire could hone their minds into drawing on power that would match even from moments or hours only that displayed by the katana for the weapons and energies of the material the warp were ever there only bane of the coton but it was only ever enough to force them back or hold them off that just did not command enough power to have destroyed the coton the neck once were ever at the side of the coton enacted as their shock troops against the old ones on land and planet Bob the gods slugged it out in the systems and space upon victory the coton would then descend upon a plant and feast it sponging a life like vampires of legend but to a scaled and would elicit horror in any who witnessed it the necrons saw them consumed the galaxy one planet at a time on system at a time never sated never with mercy never with any indicate that they would ever be satisfied until all life had been sacrificed to their bottomless hunger and as the war went on the cryptex of the necrons continued their advances in their arcane sciences they gained mastery heaven light heat space and even time beside the coton they were seemingly children but compared to anyone else their power grew to unimaginable levels in the fires of war every world they took every culture they expunged every species they assisted in annihilate in they stole and harnessed any and all research or knowledge that was to be had hence the necrons guru while their masters ate this great frame was called war in heaven and it's tales are endless the details now are few the old once lured a katana and the necrons so much fighting back where they could that it is believed that the war went on for millions of years herbs and flows going one way than the other but always the onward rush was against the old ones they became desperate and turned their gifts of cultivation and propagation to attempting to forge entire races to be used as cannon fodder against the necrons and katana it is from this period that some races have actually survived there only a fool would believe that the coton did not consume a hundred for each turn made it to the end of the war the Kanab the duke arrow and the crook and the elder are but a few these races were developed as counters to either act on or the endless legions of slaves the necrons much is made of the import of the elder as they were the bane of the coton due to their inbuilt power to harness and weaponize the material the warp but I personally believe that the crook were more of a threat to the necrons for the crock with a much more powerful and organized ancestors of the orcs but for my thoughts on this race please see my existing entry on their history other factors abound in this most complicated and expansive and destructive of all wars the creation of Dolan gates huge portals that allowed the near constant katana to enter the sub dimension of the web way and invaded such strengths as to annihilate all old one bases there in and remove from them the strategic advantage of movement whatever the truth of the matter or the ebbs and flows of the war and the reasons it went ever-increasingly against the old ones due to the change of the nature of the warp and the first manifestations of the enslavers Musha we shall explore at another time the upshot was simple the katana and necrons had one with perhaps only one exception the old ones had been exterminated the boar in heaven the greater summers terrible war of all and any time had been won by the katana and a silent King revenge had been exacted the folly of their refusal to a sister now dead neck frontier had been punished an ultimate way but the result was not elation or salvation it was ashes and emptiness Cesare ik and all his race had paid to higher charge to higher price and would have been birthed in that period now ran rampant without the old ones the coton had none who could gain say them none who could fetter their excesses they ran amok in an orgy of ever escalating anihilation all Potenza was now a thing of the past the evil deities the guitar fell on the galaxy like never before and ended countless species shopping their souls and bio energies where after restraint but soon even this was not enough some say that the great deceiver mephedrone could not contain himself that he was the initiator of this horrific pantomime but no matter the reason or initial cause that tan fell on each other the greatest of them as a garage the night bringer was the Cardinal perpetrator but all of the gods were swiftly following suit they started to war on each other and consumed themselves a perfect resolution one might think that the butcher's butcher each other alas their confrontations were destroying what little remained of the Stars and its inhabitants in the desperation to feed or resist being meals the power they unleashed was like nothing had been experienced before it seemed that the very galaxy would be destroyed by these evil beings if it were not for one person Cesare ik Cesare ik had been solely mustering his forces have been secretly plotting right under the noses of near omnipotent or not omniscient beings he had been marshalling his power now if the old ones were gone now the coton were expending their almost limitless power and wiping each other out he struck he would pay them back in kind oh how he will pay them back for the destruction of his people his first victim was none other than as a god the mightiest of the coton in a display of arms to honor their God also it thought he had the temerity to summon his master mother Gerard was nonchalantly amused at his servants preparing and displaying a collections of weapons so powerful that even he had to ignore it is passing respect for the power and destructive ability of his slaves his necrons was error in his mind just a reflection of his greater glory he passed in a parry he thought he was under his control until they fired Cesare occurred laid the perfect trap knowing his master after countless millennia a service and slaughter he knew that the night bringer would be impressed and his ego stroked and stoked by his vassals might reflecting his power but he also knew exactly how he would move how he would react what he would do asses are icky been plotting for millions of years to this one moment and when the night bringer has a garage the architect and causes electrons races whoa from start to present was in position he struck the weaponry to the necrons had developed carried on countless vessels or surpassing size fired as one they struck their God with such for some potency that he was smashed into a cloud of shards ciserek knew that to destroy a katana let alone their most powerful as a girl rod was not possible but he fractured it into shards so it was prepared as a Charles flew back towards each other to reform the guard and exact their vengeance on their first ball puppet slave race sazeracs showed his genius for he had tosses cryptex devised of and forged prisons for the shards then called Tessa like volts and tesseract mazes the prepared objects then flew into space and collected the shards of they got and trapped them for all time more than this Cesare had dreamed of glory as well not only were the tramps to hold the constituent parts of the gods separate they were also to confer on the necrons ability to control said shards Cesare ik the last silent king and not only shattered and imprisoned of God the mightiest of all their kind that he had made of him a slave the tables had been turned the silent King had taken the whip from the hand of his master and reversed it for all time the shards of the dark God as a guard would now serve the necrons to barrese for short periods when it was then to be controlled and directed to unleash carnage on the enemies of the necrons with this greatest gamble this greatest test performed the necrons and universally turned on the remaining stark odds the katana and one by one they hunted them down and shattered them then enslaved them even the dark entity known as the deceiver the one who tripped Cesare ik and all his race was captured victory was almost complete it is said that only 2 katana were not enslaved this way avoid dragon who is said to be on Mars and outsider but for both of these beings we shall have to wait for another time to tell their tale in more detail in this way an estate that from my reading of the law the war in heaven was finally won by one being one mighty Titan the likes has never been replicated in all of the eons of races that have come from them until now the 41st millennium of man Cesare ik the silent king of the necrons so the dust as they say settled Masaryk took stock of his position in the battles against their gods the coton the necrons had suffered mightily despite the result when one hunts gods that can open singularities and the myths of one of your fleets then one expects casualties and the roll call of the destroyed was eye watering both of the other fairness of the tryout had been slain and countless millions and billions of his warriors ships outposts and materiel the necrons had done the impossible they defeated not only the old ones but the katana as well despite having these shattered beings as their slaves the numbers and drive was now spent the necrons required a time to rest to recuperate from this horrific war alas they did not have the luxury of time to do this pouring the desperation to destroy the coton they didn't notice the building of the numbers technology and ability and skill of the elder and the bottle walk now now many attune states that the elder would were more threatening in their power but I do not agree I feel that the elder were more a weapon against the coton despite how powerful they may have been in their ability to warn the necrons by the crook the cork were like an unstoppable force and far more dangerous in my mind than the elder would be to the remaining regions of the necrons there there were many in their fleets powerful the crook were covering the stars in their mad rampages and their bars but more importantly the more a cork was to fight the more powerful they became the necrons did not seem to at that present moment have the power to defeat both of these weaponized races fools specifically for their demise by their old ones so the position was not enviable hence it says Eric's brilliance come to the fore again the answer was simple it inspired for the necrons had many technologies so advanced that they work into magic humans are the elder races of that titanic period and chrono man see the control of time was one of them they were also well versed even from the time before the war in heavens first stage in the use and creation of stasis fields again Cesare ik would lead his people in a gambit designed to slay two birds with one stone he collected his astrum answers those critics who can view the Stars and their movement to unveil the pathway of the future and all of his greatest critics of quorum at sea and stasis expertise when he hatched a plan the necrons will go into slumber they would sleep through the ages and avoid a confrontation with the elder and the crook it was inspired for his assess romances would descend the time that the elder firewood data out and their power would wane but also the merest removal of a target for the crook the inability to fight a war such scope and attrition would hamper them unbelievably in this he was utterly correct as the elder did indeed sacrifice themselves their own hubris their power was shattered and slash was burst the cruel as predicted without the never-ending war that the necrons would have given them they devolved into deep looks their power smashed perhaps for all time a thing of Mad berserk charges but never again to organize the Marshall brilliance of the power of the crook the crook became your walks so Cesare ordered every single last one of his remaining Lords overlords and Farren's into stasis crypts time proof bastille's where they would language through the millions of years it would take the elder to burn themselves out and the crook to enfeeble themselves by a lack of suitable opposition more than this they also even turned on the erstwhile Koch brothers and called them to such an extent that they were largely pushed to the very fringes of the galaxy or enclose her limited strength surrounded by the if they have our fleets with what little Merce was still possible for soulless Cesare ik had his entire people simply go into slumber with his last action before his people slipped Cesare ik gave them the greatest gift yet remaining to him to give he gave them back their freedom as the tomb worlds of the necrons slowly winked out of time he sent a code that would forever destroy the engramatic programming that forced his people to adhere to his commands when they awoke they would force their own destiny and never will again be slaves to any not even he only says Arak and his God the triac Praetorians would stay awake every day would witness the long ages of the galaxy while his people slept they would take action when required to defend a tomb world stated an existing law to cook in the nekron dynasties the Praetorians held the responsibility of maintaining the try ox rule to ensure that Wars and politics alike were pursued according to ancient codes as such they acted outside the political structures and held both the right and the means to enforce their will should reward overawed or even a fair ons behavior contravene the edicts of old however the trial Praetorians also held a higher responsibility to ensure that anaconda nasties never fell that their codes of law and order did not vanish into the darkness in distilled to all intents and purposes the war in heaven saw the destruction of the necron dynasties the triack Praetorians fought at the forefront of that Cataclysm the efforts were not enough that shame hung heavy on the survivors drove them to forsake hibernation as the initial sparks of the war in heaven burned out the last track Praetorians withdrew to iniquity as ancient seats of power on the northern rim preserving what they could from the vengeance of the elder eye from the concealed fortresses the Territorian spotted for that day many millennia distant though it was when the knuckles would emerge to dominate the galaxy once again yet they knew there was a good chance that the untested stasis technology would fail and that they're sleeping kin would never wake so it was the try of Praetorians came to travel widely throughout the galaxy masquerading as grim-faced gods on countless primitive worlds they brought the codes of the necron tear to credulous primitives reshaping cultures according to their own ideals few civilizations wholly embraced the track Praetorians teachings many more were exterminated by wars natural disaster or the vengeful outriders of crawford-el i talk who sought to undo the work of the triac wherever they could nonetheless fragments of trial law and architects survive on worlds not seen by nekron eyes in many thousands of years now there's an akan stir evermore into wakefulness the triac Praetorians has sensed an opportunity to expunge their failure they are travelling across the galaxy to world to tomb world rebinding the sundered pieces of the Necron dynasties it will be a long and intimately slow process for the galaxy is vast beyond imagining and the locations of many Necron worlds have been lost but the territory UNS have patience enough for the search in a burning determination to see it done once a toon world has been contacted and bound into newly founded dynasties a host of trial Praetorians is assigned to that world in perpetuity to govern its protocols and act in his defense so it is the formations of Trier Praetorians are often founded a battles forefront in the defense against invaders and campaigns of reclamation alike even could he do so no noble would refuse such assistance for extreme age has little down the track but Orion squads combat skills track praetorium seldom fight in a battles initial waves preferring to hover above the fray on gravity displacement packs from here they watch carefully not only for the moment at which their intercession will have the most impact but also to observe the foes actions though try Praetorian share the news or necron can tip for any race that is not their own they are very watchful for an opponent marked million year ago by their influence and sometimes for claims such creatures honorable foes against whom the codes of battle must be observed this can prove frustrating to an Army's commander such niceties or unwelcoming impediments to the battles prosecution but it would be a both Nemus or indeed who overruled the wishes of a trial Praetorian end quote millions of years past some say 20 some same war but millions past sazeracs existence and his ways of passing the eons can only be guessed at his intrigues and actions on father but eventually even he tired of the Milky Way galaxy after seeing the fall of the elder and the rise of the Imperium the degeneration of the quark to orcs he felt assured that his people would arise in might would soon inherit the galaxy as was his plan he felt his duty done after all the long years and then decided to abdicate his power further and how his people freed him even from his presence so Zarek took a vessel and some of his guard and left the silent king banished himself from the galaxy and began his sojourn to explore other taxes other realms he journeyed into the void between galaxies and there came to a terrifying discovery forces arak the silent king found the endless fleets of the great devourer when he was out there between galaxies he found the mass hibernating ships of the tyranids and all of them were headed towards the Milky Way galaxy were ism headed towards his people Cesare turned around and hastened back to his home since then he has tossed his Praetorian Guard go amongst the many slumbering two worlds as necrons and a wicked amass swiftly as possible and our shroud of secrecy never revealing his true identity the silent King has worked indefatigably as swiftly as possible to rouse his people so that they are at their full power only by doing this well they stand even a chance of resisting the predations of the masses of the high freaks who inexorably chew through what he considers the kingdom of his people the necrons but for six editions over 20 years in the real world the necrons have been awakening going from enigmatic and unpredictable raiding undead space hordes all the way suits their present incarnation but now they are awake now they are not only mobilizing they are reactivating their most or inspiring leader active weaponry and equipment preparing for unfettered war once more nor has Azure ik just been doing that he has been reaching out slowly and tentatively to other races he is reputed to are trying to make contact with sanguinis possibly by going back in time by kana Mansi to the 31st millennium during the Great Crusade he has ordered his people to fight alongside the forces of the Imperium as has recently been seen again with the blood angels but this shows amazing prescience for if any being was to inherit the mantle of emperor should the master of mankind abdicate it would have been sanguinis not Horus Horus was only the war master sanguinis was to be the Emperor also chose thought beyond any of his people for although they are willing to offer warnings and act honorably toward humanity and other races that are not a direct weapon of the old ones as other elder on crook it shows he is now willing to work even with the lesser races to stop the tyrannies a huge step indeed you so let us now get to the heart of the matter let us sum up the being and his impact on the Galactic stage know all that we know now from the previous entries I've made for his people the necrons and what a picture we are to paint I do not think anyone really understands the position so let us go off-script as I say and let us begin ever with the necrons and the necron TR fractious and bellicose people but they were not idiots and the one thing that is proven to unify them completely has been an external threat when Cesare ik the silent King finally reveals himself he is the only necron who all others will follow if they choose not to do so freely as they now are not enforced to do so as some will point out he has his Praetorians in every court every chamber of power of the fair ons overlords and Lords of his people resistance or rebellion will be met with Swift destruction and replacement with a more tractable and compliant Noble and when the King returns they will all know it his battalions are everywhere some might say that one person may refuse his order would be the greatest general the galaxy has ever seen immer Tector storm Lord but if you have heard my entry of this Goliath then you will know that he only sees the reigns of power from the salt tech nobility as he was vexed at their squabblings if his King were to return then this Nemus or will be more than willing to bend the knee now imagine the entire nekron armies under command under the combined command of the genius sandrich and the unsurpassable brilliance of ematic not in command of millions but billions of near crumble heirs in unending legions could any threat could any certain armies led by these beings then fracturing tracing the Necron who can go anywhere take anything can stuff a thousand death Mark's all Wraiths into any castle or keep infested by those are willing to join with his king then we get to the cryptex Cesare Alice can take entire systems of thorns fitted with mines cards to practically dump their way into bio transference furnaces to augment the armies of the necrons nor will they be able to resist any command after the compounds and grandmas have been embedded about what of Oracle and his ability to Astra man see to predict the future and understand the past the ability to slip backwards in time and change the very course of action and reaction to any and all of the plans of emetic and his Lord what of the weapons that were used to break apart the coton themselves I surmise that they were hidden in the darkest depths of the galaxy like the much lesser weapons called the trinkets of all by the elder back stone fortresses but can they be reactivated their might was enough to shatter the most powerful beings the galaxy has ever known their power of the clips impacts stone fortresses by degrees no weapons in the history of the galaxy even those used by the humanity or the elder at the height of their power can come even close to their destructive potentials and do bear in mind to the abilities of oricon time travel are not his purview alone with every court in every kripak under Cesare X control he could make the time were the Daleks and the Time Lords of Doctor Who looks like a child's finger painting party and I repeat this is but one of the disciplines of the nakhon cryptex that have been revealed in any detail one among thousands nor do the necrons have the issue of stagnating or regressing technology as the humans an elder do although the crept irks do not have the brilliance they did when they were Nick frontier the necron critics are still progressing and i've done so for the millenia since they awakening what wonders are they now capable of they would even outstrip their power when they first went into stasis nor can anyone escape them in the seemingly safe places of the web way as electrons have not forgotten how to make Doland gates and they do so again if required there is nowhere even in that sub realm of the warp that they cannot go should the need arise they can manipulate construction charge black stone to cut entire regions of space if not eventually the entire galaxy from the predations and influence of the warp they contained the eye of Terror and can if they wish hard enough if they work hard enough to extend it to levels where no psychic ability will be more than a party trick in power from one end to another one wonders how this will affect the shadow in the warp in the hive mind for without that the toon is a merely fodder for his weapons there are also strong indications that the power came out of nowhere the dead genesis may be another race some have hinted that it may well be the Eldar who have manipulated their genes the development but in my mind this makes absolutely no sense at all there although had millions of years to potter around and play god but their intrinsic self absorption had never led them down the pathway to attempt to copy their makers the old ones nor the Tau psychically attuned a facet that the Elder Lord above nearly all others why would they purposefully create what they would consider half made inferior race it does not match their self-image but what is Cesare ik finally outdid his old enemies the old ones by not only copying their gardening ways but by perfecting them you had the time to do so or at least to learn the ways of the old ones he was active for over 20-plus million years before the present era hidden and do we what exactly perhaps it was this learning all of the secrets of his defeated foe that were not reliant on the warp now what if the silent King found out about the tyrannous and decided he wished or required to have another race there will be much more akin to his own the Tao technologically-advanced and all of the things he would wish unified strong cooperative ready to be activated when he required and had the inbuilt technical brilliance there's crept checks once possessed but was blunted by the bio transference and then compounded by the long sleep in stasis what if he went back in time as it is surmised might have happened when he attempted to contact with sanguinis and then sowed the seeds of the Tao so they will be ready when he needed them like now they have a soul but a weak one one it is almost invisible in the warp does this not sound like the perfect race to evolve into adequate if not ever perfect shells for the sentience of his people what if societies actually architect of the Tao race would he not build in a way to control them as their serials are clearly already doing to their own people so similar to the ways the coton controlled his own people doesn't out sound more likely than the Eldar getting off their arrogant psychic wheel overblown posteriors Cesare also controls the power of the shards of the coton those beings who can be directed to create black holes in the midst of leads over fortress worlds or even over holy terror itself nor is Cesare limited in his patience diplomacy or cunning the king who waited literally scores of millions of years to exact his vengeance is not to be underestimated let that sink in she potted him waited and schemed for millions of years no willpower the sheer patience and ability of this being is untouchable in all of the characters of Warhammer universe Cesare ik is the man topically responsible for the death of the gods and progenitors of the elder cruel to Cairo and Kanab he literally killed their creator then he went on to outmaneuver I don't think then don't fight the cat on his own star gods the most powerful beings that the galaxy has ever known he got his coaches to predict the fall of the elta the devolution of the clock Cesare ik also harbors one dream that he will fight for until his dying day he dreams that one day that his people will be able to reverse the bio transference and have their personalities returned to flesh for them to regain their very souls for them to do that she needs to make sure that the great devourer the tyranids are defeated and then all other potential threats are destroyed he is a being of infinite subtlety and willing to make compacts with Imperium perhaps to even use them as the beings his people would transfer their consciousness to but they were never suspected or see it coming Suz Erick is the last of his kind the last micron tear silent king and he is the first of his kind the first nekron silent king and he is coming he is on the verge of throwing off his veil of secrecy his cloak of office station and when he does this oh when he does this when he comes into his full might not all the four gods of chaos combined and all their teeming millions not all the Eldar craft world x alike worlds or their gods of war trickery or death not all the lesions of the Imperium their tanks ships or Titans not all of the hordes of the green tide prophet o Gore can walk at the head or not not all of the psychic might of the Emperor not even the god emperor ascendant not any of it will be able to stop him for Zurich may be the savior of the entire Milky Way galaxy and woe to any foolish enough to stand in his way [Music] barabbas villas awoke on a cold and hard surface that smelt up steriliser yet still had the dried blood of its last guests spattered across his edges as inquisitors eyes adjusted to the burning bright light from above he took in his surroundings he was in a room of maybe 20 meters square and saw countless instruments and utensils on the walls he was faced off the ground on what could only be described as an operating table it's cold metal stiffening his muscles around his naked back his arms were extended to either side and although he could see no physical restraints he was utterly unable to move them lilius saw one figure in the room moved toward him smoothly and slowly there was a regal air to his movement and his stance as he finally stood about the table no white coat or drills as real ears had expected instead there was just a metallic gold sheen reflecting light from every single angle on the being of metal his eyes shone with a lamp and green glow as is our movement features opened and a sound escaped what the quizes could only believe to be its mouth it spoke in perfect high gothic but the sound was like the voice of Ages a rumble that seemed to be coming from not only a bottomless cavern but from the ends of the universe or from a different time long ago it sounded old but most of all it sounded powerful more sudden and assured than any voice Phileas had ever heard in all the decades of his life no control your anguish little mortal but we are not here to extinguish your life your fire we were intrigued by you of all the beings in this galaxy only you had a skill to track us and you uncovered our secret rebus phileas mind was confused for a moment we us then realization dawned on him this being was using the third person it was him he was in the presence of him the one he had tracked for nigh on seven decades of his life but never been sure never believed that it could be possible that he had stumbled onto the path the trail of this individual this legend yes even our own subjects are less skilled than you are we have read your journals and logs well almost flattered or would be if we were not who we are your or is justified it said with all of the confidence of Villiers had recognized immediately but Ibis the man knew his own or had indeed been justified if only a tenth of what was said about this person was true this was an honor that could only be compared with a personal visitation of his own holy Emperor we will make good use of you you will be used to take our terms to the Lords of your people who one day for the now we are not ready and nor are your Lords for they do not even now understand the depths of deni of our assistance and protection one day you will take our offer and our terms to them it will not be the same world to which you will awake but then is it ever as a word sunk into the mind of Barabbas villas a field of energy enveloped him and his breathing ended his pulse stopped his every movement halted as he was placed in a stasis field I have been bought not your faithful servant if you have enjoyed this introduction to the Zurich the silent king of the necrons then please do consider liking and subscribing if you are regular gentle listener and see worth in what we are doing and please do consider supporting us on patreon as more content will be coming very soon now no matter what you do today do not plan to stand in the way of the silent king but more importantly do try to make some time for fun today [Music]
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 165,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore for beginners, Warhammer 40000 lore, Necrons, Szarekh the Silent King, War in Heaven, War in Heaven Warhammer 40K Lore, War in heaven 40K, Old Ones Lore, Old Ones Warhammer 40K, warhammer 40k lore old ones, Necrontyr, Necrontyr Lore, C'Tan Lore, Ctan Lore, Warhammer 40K Lore C'Tan, Warhammer 40000 History, Warhammer 40K History, Triarch Lore, Warhammer 40K Triarch Lore, Necrons Silent King, Baldermort, Silent King, Szarekh, The Silent King
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 49sec (2509 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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