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in the grim darkness of the future there are many tales of heroism of defiance against the worlds of Nations and peoples who have clung to existence by dint of their courage and tenacity alone when all have sought their destruction a fiends and villains of wickedness and malice of horror and strife but ever have the most heinous and compelling in the stories of jealousy greed and the treachery from which they spring brother slain brother sister slain daughter yet in all of the annals at the grim darkness of the future there are few that display the cold callous reality of those terrible times more than this dark song for if the emperor could shed a tear for each great treachery each time his will has been suborn his bright and glorious design for Humanity safety and prosperity gone awry and surely one of the bitterest tears would be for this tragedy welcome gentle listener as the league of law present for your delectation one of the most lamentable of ballads welcome to the history of the planet and people call Krieg in the Imperium of mankind the Empire which spans the Milky Way galaxy of the grim darkness of the future which is said to contain a million worlds there were few that could match the planet of krieg a hive world with towering mega cities that caress the skies each was subterranean vaults that bore deep into the ground but outside of these sprawling hubs the skies were blue the fields were green beneath the ground lay rich deposits of minerals and metals are plenty above it in orbit the world was encircled by satellites for its defense ports for its many commercial ventures a mercantile world at the very heart of its region of space a world of wealth and plenty almost unheard of elsewhere in the Imperium alas for with the growing affluence prestige and power came the slow creep of the greatest of rots the most cardinal sins pride the world's teeming Citadel's were each ruled by a single family often a single man or woman and as is universally known pride goeth before the fall for the ruling elite became enamored of their power jealous of their wealth and prestige and slipped along the pathway towards isolationism petty grudges Machiavellian courtly intrigues they built their defenses forging nyeon impregnable bass steals of their hives the grudging the resources that were ties to the Imperium they never saw that their prosperity was bought by the sacrifice of others the do to them never seen the horrors which the Imperials armies fought they could not encompass their place within the whole the dire need for the interior of the Imperium to support the neverending wars fought on its fringes and so we visit the birthplace of the crime where it all begins the scene a palace of astonishing opulence at the top of the highest of spires in the largest of the hives the home of the chairman of the Council of autocrats the ruling body of Krieg three of the world's most powerful men who warthogs sit around a table of marble and gold filigree supping on Amasa cover am powerful vintage and us they sow the seeds of the future so here we sit again counting the cost of a tyranny that takes and takes but gives us nothing here here chairman there like unto a leech that grows fat on our lifeblood this is not a conversation we should be having chairman the Imperium is not known for its clemency to those who break faith with it you like a spine Turgenev and perspective your hive is almost paltry compared to ours you do not see the vast shipments of our toil lifted into the skies and onward to an entity that gives us nothing while sapping our strength and for what protection it's a racket they're like hoodlums who offer to protect while hiding behind a threat of punishment if we do not pay them like the lowest hiver gangs perhaps your defenses are high enough that you can survive an orbital bombardment from the fleet the Navy we are not all in that position have you considered that your lack of defenses may well be caused by the very times to the Imperium how much could you bolster your bulwarks if you were free of this oppressive yoke if the wealth you generated were not stolen no I agree but the Emperor commands it we are all human No can you actually see them lifting a finger if we were beset by xenos can you we pay them for nothing nor is it the Emperor's will it is the gaggle of greedy nothings that sit on the High Council of terror there is probably no Emperor at all a fairly tale to gain compliance a fiction used to force us to our knees I must agree belikov know I've dealt with these delegates of the administration the Minister am nothing but petty bureaucrats but also you lack perspective Turgenev the Imperium fleet and vengeance is a bogeyman it is not real if they are beset on all sides as they claim and use to justify art Ives then they have not the resources to bring us to heel if they are not beset then their fleet their armies are not as all-consuming and all-pervasive as we are tailed a hollow threat when our hives have their defenses our orbital arrays our macro cannons any fleet would be torn to shreds before it reached orbit and when there we would annihilate them the truth is that no matter the reality if they are actually fighting wars or if they are lying they will not have the power to take tree we really are beyond their ability to bring to here if we but throw off the shackles of their propaganda well you have to do Turgenev is believe in klieg more than you fear the specter of the Imperium Mull it over don't take too long Turgenev we are almost ready the Feast of the Ascension is only a month away because in this fight I tell you straight you are either with us or against us now now belikov we're all friends here I'm sure Turk and EV will come to his own decision and that decision will be the right one it just give me more time I see the merit of your plan I'm just concerned from my holdings I will be to farewell I have matters to which to attend and things to set in motion if my hive is to be prepared chairman belikov as our contagion of rises from his seat and politely nods to his colleagues and leaves the remaining two hunched over or conspiratorial I don't think he will draw up the gumption spineless it's a large step for a worm like Turgenev but he will come around our forces are being quietly moved into position when you give them word chairman we will fall on these loyalist elements of the guard from all angles I have already made sure that their holy supplies are being delayed oh goes to plan then soon it is time to initiate phase one martial law we can then remove any obstacles if Turgenev makes any moves to inform the guard there rats amongst our land then we can use the emergency executive powers to remove him we can also justify the open movement of our men if we do this right belicoff it will be over in days oh we will all is going to plan as I said to your health chairman you will go down in history as the greatest of men of krieg The Liberator The Liberator I like the sound of that the two men smugly smile at each other are raising their crystal glasses to toast each other's success and thus the die is cast over the coming months subtly quietly the forces of Krieg were redeployed like spiders forming a web they controlled every Junction every transit system between the hives they poised to strike they made sure not to show their hand all of the council were as one only Turgenev vacillated only he but then none of the others had Colonel uten sharing their hive the commander of the Imperial Guard Station on Krieg Colonel yrden was not a man to be trifled with and certainly not by the likes of Archon Terran EV when they were almost ready their plot about the hacks they said the board was a penultimate move all across each hive on the entirety of Korea the word went out the chairman of the Council of autocrats was to make a declaration a rarity to be sure none could actually remember the last time one had been married something was in the offing something big and so the billions of citizens of the hive worlds of krieg from highest to lowest gathered in preparation for this address this unusual announcement all silenced as a screen stock into life and the majestic figure of the Chairman appeared before their eyes [Music] my fellow loyal citizens of krieg it is with a heavy heart that I must disclose to you that there are Vipers amongst our number wolves amongst our flock we the Council of autocrats your leaders your shepherds your defenders your Lords we have kept from you the rise of these vermin I knew that it would break your hearts to know that some have turned their backs on our correct nation that they conspire to destroy our way of life to destroy our harmony but now I can hide this no longer for the protection of all every hive every citizen I must declare martial law rest assured that the instant we have routed out the stump the moment we have cleaned house this emergency action will end but for now we will do what needs to be done for the greater glory of krieg Center of the Imperial Guard forces of Krieg in the hive of Farah grad a message did not go on tallied or unnoticed Colonel utin and his aide Denisov watched on as the chairman finished his speech to the adulation of the crowds the screen died the colonel did not change his stance did not look away he stood transfixed lost in the deepest of contemplations before he finally spoke murrs something amiss here have we any sightings at all of any of these insurgents not a peep must be being dealt with at the local level hmm I don't like it recall all of our men out on furlough it might raise an eyebrow or two ha Turgenev wouldn't notice an orc infestation right under his very nose just do it yes sir the hell are you up to chairman as the forces of krieg now had caught blur to reposition the state did huge formations of infantry and armor crisscross the landscape of Krieg ever confusing to the guard who could discern no actual threat no insurgent forces no war you hadn't waited but wearily something was definitely amiss of course his warrior sensed the itching between his shoulder blades the feeling of being stalked it was right a dusk only days before the celebration of the Emperor's ascension they struck all of the movement all of the repositioning had been to one end to one goal the encirclement of the lowest elements of the guard when the armies of the Council of autocrat struck it struck hard their surprise bled by the match nations of the council taken completely unawares the guard was slaughtered formation after formation was fallen upon by well coordinated attacks heavy fire from the hives themselves when all those within the realms of the traitors cities were rounded up and executed on the spot it was plain and simple butchery casualty reports came flooding into the command center at Faro grad almost immediately colonel yurt and took decisive action he knew your talk of Farragut to be a weakling so to be sure he paid him a visit the guards of the palace at the top of the spire of ferrah grad moved aside with alacrity as a battle-hardened and our countenance men of the imperial guard flanked her colonel none stopped him as his entourage threw back the doors to the audience chamber where Turgenev sat his menial scattering before the Thunderhead that was the delegation of God Colonel yrden did not miss a step as he marched directly to the foot and then up the stairs up to Turgenev who now sat bolt upright on his throne like chair it did summit he looked directly into the eyes of the palace for what is the meaning of this barging in here like this what has gotten into you yer ton I am going to ask you one question did you know about this what the lips flap the arms gesture but the eyes say it all goodbye you simpering traitor no no we have secured the hive the message has gone out sir remaining loyalist forces are heading here at maximum speed those that are left the highest secured the remaining loyalist forces fled to fara grad all the while harried and punished by the armies of the treacherous Council trapped in the one hive with a fraction of their forces the results seem to be inevitable Krieg would declare its independence would cease to be a part of the Imperium and it was little colonel yet nor any of the loyalists could do to prevent it also it seemed yet made one last desperate plea to the greater Imperium alerting them of the events on Crete and raising a call for systems but the calculations of the Council of autocrats was correct the Minister 'im had administered on wait the costs on the one hand Krieg was wealthy and had reached deposits of minerals a vast industry a gem without measure but on the other hand there were the layered defenses the orbital platforms the powerful currents that they had installed that could bleed any freed in orbit and lead them badly the calculations were swift and simple the result foregone Krieg would take an entire fleet and hordes of troops and entire columns of armor and artillery to retake and in the doing they would ruin the very resources they were seemingly fighting over the risk simply did not meet the tally of the ward this is where the avaricious Lords of creeks had made a fundamental error they had underestimated the Imperium and they had underestimated yet ins will communication came back it was simple in its wording but their amis occations oh the dire ramifications of that one missive for it gave the location of a hidden bunker in Farah grad one not even its residents knew the missive went on to order urine and all loyalist forces to resist the traitors to punish them and to attempt to return to the Imperium at any cost any the last part of the missive Wow the bunkers take a bath door screeched into life for the first time in what must have been millennia perhaps more rust and detritus were thick in the air the lights inside slowly flickering on at first Oh Colonel you could see were grid metal walkways but as the illuminators gained power the contents of this hidden treasure trove of into vision even yrden was awed by what he beheld the Magus of the mechanical have walked into the massive area with him scratched the ground with its metal legs and created an eerie echo as to click some words of his mechanical body resounded around the cavernous expanse are these what I think they are these are weapons of the Dark Age my lord how many what range what can I expect from them enough to destroy your enemies to bring them to their knees anywhere in this globe enough to transform this world forever and you can launch them at the targets I wish when I wish yes this can be done good prepare them the Feast of the Ascension approaches we shall give these traitors his regards the day of the feast of the Emperor is a sanction gone a day that would go down in Krieg's history but not in the way that the rebels had imagined the amassed forces of the council tore down the defensive hard points of Farah grad with concentrated fire their best shock troops rampage through the breaches created but they found no resistance they found no infantry Manning barricades no sniper hunting their officers nothing the streets and alleyways of Fellig red were like a ghost town nothing moved nothing as they penetrated further into the city their endless march utterly unopposed a growing foreboding permeated them war where was your nan his god where when they reached the inner statements to find all the access points into the under hives into the very center of the metropolis as well all had been welded closed as the Sun approached said Zenith a rumbling began to build beneath them It was as if the outer rings of the hive were about to collapse in on themselves shields doors then opened and the masked rebels encompassed their doom hundreds of missiles as one fired into the skies burning many to a crisp with their discharge those rebels too remained new one glimpse of the men they knew they were dead each of the missiles had separate targets each different payloads different intent over the course of the next few hours nuclear missiles slammed into each of the hives across the entire globe some counted powerful defensive shielding but many did not but in any case the fallout did its damage as this happened many of the missiles exploded in the upper atmosphere causing radiation to rain down over the entire world others of these weapons are annihilation from the Dark Age of Technology were designed to create a firestorm that whipped around the entire planet burning every inch of its open expanses its verdant fields its rich orchards vaporizing it's seas claiming every single last living thing outside of the hive cities and many inside for the rebels were utterly unprepared for the devastation that had been unleashed by uten Creed burned but even when the fires finally burnt out there was no escape no respite for the Sun was clouded by masses of detritus thrown into the upper atmosphere and a nuclear winter ensued Creek froze on the day of the emperor's ascension through the actions of uten and his Magus accomplice the rebels felt the full wrath of the god Emperor and billions of lives were snuffed out and billions more froze or the skin slipped off them and their hair dropped out in clumps their eyes were made sightless and the teeth were left in any food that they attempted to consume death was set loose to stalk the land unfettered an insatiable Krieg was destroyed and so the war began in earnest the nuclear chemical and biological carnage unleashed by uten even the odds so higher toll had it reaped the forces of the rebels were reeling their beautiful cities the last Rihan mostly destroyed all were forced into a subterranean existence by too many rats in a cage too small never would there be caught or asked nor given to the rebels the Imperial Guard and a u-turn were the worst of all war criminals they had butchered billions had performed the ultimate crime of bringing Craig low destroying its people its lands it sees at skies or for the love of a fictional character somewhere far distant in the darkest reaches of space they had killed Craig for millennia if not longer they would amongst a vial of fiends to the loyalists the rebels had turned their back on the god Emperor the Imperium and all of humanity out of the basest of motivations greed they had damned every soul on Krieg for nothing more than wealth and damned is the correct word in all its connotations Thoris were ardent adherents to the Imperial Creed they loved and worshipped their God the master of mankind the Emperor to them all of Krieg every man woman and child have been denied the heaven of a place at his side so it was a holy war on one side and a war of vengeance on the other but as time went on the entire culture of Krieg became more twisted more hateful there was simply no time to heal to forgive to forget never is there a more bloody conflict than that of Civil War for true range comes not from the adversary the alien does eNOS the Alpha true rage comes from the knife in the back the brother betrayed and both sides believed that they had been betrayed in the most horrific way as the war was without end the battles without compare in this spite the tactics deployed the most callous the most vengeful the body counts the most i watering and all of the Imperium it could be said and it was human killing human Brother killing brother the existence of the people of krieg swiftly descended into a level of barbarity a level of brutality that cannot truly be described the weak those who could not take part those would deformities those with frailties all were despised on both sides as they could not contribute to the war effort thus did the cult of sacrifice grow in his potency but he's passing bitter year of the conflict through sons and daughters of humanity sons and daughters of the Emperor weep for the sins of Krieg weep for our betrayal of the Emperor weep that you have bought one life to give for there is nothing we can give nothing we can do to atone for the sins of Krieg yet to not even try would be the greater sin another sin against the Emperor sacrifice for it is the only way to honor the Emperor we betrayed sacrifice all you have all you are all you will ever be for we are nothing in his eyes until we atone for the Emperor or we're indoctrinated from their very first breath oh the feeling of being damned Oh desperately needing to gain forgiveness from their God emperor rose as the death toll mounted it seeped into the very subconscious of the people of krieg no sacrifice would ever be too much many would say that this was madness this is madness but in my reading of the law from my perspective alone this made perfect sense the Royalists of krieg believed that they had to redeem themselves in the eyes of their God so if they could just fight hard enough sacrifice enough prove themselves worthy of redemption they could regain the love of the Emperor then every single soul lost every human who had been lost in this war without end could be redeemed if they could not if the emperor always turned his head from them then every single life lost every single privation every suffering every sacrifice was for naught each battalion each regiment each warrior of krieg was brought up to believe that if they could just fight hard enough then maybe just maybe their effort would be the one that brought salvation to all of the men women and children of Cree that had fallen it redeemed them all such fervor was almost impossible to stop but was met with the hatred of the rebels of krieg blamed it all on the Royalists battles were hard to describe but I shall try the skies were blinded the very soil irradiated so out from their highs out from their protections the armies of both would emerge the lines torn up and then the engagements were ferocious because they only had a limited time to make gains no human could survive on the surface for long even in protective gear so the battles were not nuanced gambits a thrust and counter positioning and perfection no they were headlong charges into the ranks of the army a desperation to take ground in a short period of time before the Klaxons and whistles ordered the withdrawal and his substantial gains had not been made then all who died all the millions of men left on that battlefield were wasted for nothing and this went on for 500 year first drink first right ready fix boats [Music] each year the calluses and the callousness grool when generals have ability on either side arose their fraction would make gains when they succumb to death of age or poisoning from merely existing on Krieg they could be replaced with less experienced or able warlords thus the tides of battle went one way then the other by the generation the forces of oil is slowly by slowly taking one hive after another but ancient defenses made in the halcyon days before that Draya did a moment of Ascension before the nuclear attack was still in place the losses in taking the most powerful highs were catastrophic for the Royalists sometimes leaving them so denuded of men that they could be retaken again within weeks covered in the hordes of the rebels it's wrong one way than the other never-ending carnage never-ending charges never-ending bloodshed and yes I am being repetitive in my linguistic style to show you the grinding nature of the conflict to show how the wheel turned always crushing billions of lives under its tracks to our day ages we developed astonishingly efficient ways of generating reclaiming and retooling their resources they became a beast with but one goal the manufacture of weapons of war was material and personnel the training regimes alone were barbaric live ammunition used in every exercise life could not be cheaper with the goal of a universal redemption for not only every soul on Cree but everyone that had existed and been lost in those years now sacrifice was deemed too high none and all of the things that make humans what they are was lost thrown onto the pyre of war no culture no heart no love no poetry no dance no music no relaxation no standard of life whatsoever the promise of Krieg was gone replaced by a monster I saw only war finally after 500 years of conflict finally the loyalists took the last hive Krieg was one again unified in the worship of the Emperor and need to serve him even regaining dominance of the entire world was not enough however they could never be forgiven for the treachery and betrayal of a now mythical evil the Council of autocrats but they were won and ready at long last to rejoin the Imperium so they could fight amongst the stars in the Emperor's name so it could continue to seek redemption in the only way they knew how war and sacrifice and administrative mania hunch King gate to basing himself in his very stance entered the room of his dialect superior he hovered unmoving his eyes down bent in half bar awaiting the attention of his coordinator get to the point or I will have a new servitor by the end of the wake spit it out I mean you did not raise his head or his nose she said it is from Creek where it is a world that has not been in contact for near 500 years we had written it off but they're now back ah let's see what they want then we file it probably another cry for help why these backwater hos believe we have time for them the emperor alone knows they say they stand ready to rejoin the Imperium they offer men soldiers the menial took a few halting steps forward to reverently place the document on the desk of wise master the interesting sanded up the chain a message had been sent to the moon at Orem who had considered it and then officials in both Department Oh had agreed Krieg was a hellhole Oh knew that thus one regiment was to be requested of them just won a trial to see if they could provide anything of worth to the wider Imperium for it was well known that the world was blasted death world gone was its splendor and thus its use within days the same menial returned to his master's office we have a response from Creek the coordinator did not look up from his Cod rotator just beckoned with his hand the menial approach can lead the document in front of him when the coordinators eyes finally took in the document the surprise was palpable they say they have twenty regiments ready and armed it gets more interesting as well sir they said what 20 regiments requesting the most difficult war zones there are the lunatics or deluded send it to the departamento unit Orem let's see what they think of this madness a dispatch was sent to the crematorium immediately the response in the unit Orem was tepid at first excitement at the resources of not astonishment but many made bold claims and many failed in these claims Krieg well they make all the right noises let's see if they can actually perform there either lunatics are delusional they request hell we have plenty of mad prepare dispatch orders and thus the 20 regiments fully armed and equipped from Krieg were deployed as they had requested to the most hellish war zones within transit ranges the speed of their recruitment the ability to raise trained and equipped their own men and in such numbers was not to be underestimated but the proof of the pudding as they say is always in the tasting so in a rare move the field commanders of the forces of those wars in which they had fought were contacted and collected a candid discussion needed to be heard with four generals in the room that I am a sec flowed freely and went down well finally the question all awaited was posed so you have all had victories in what had were previously deadlocked situations I have no doubt it was your brilliance to achieve these results generals but what after new regiments the men of krieg let's say you general Tariq yes they can fight like Mad Men they can fight Creek will be a worthy addition to the armies of the Imperium general curve very alchemists krieg they do the job but they aren't what you'd call standard they don't play well with others I agree they cause far too much trouble when deployed alongside other regiments but the results are there they are lethal insane almost but if managed they will serve the Emperor well hmm I think if your kind of gentlemen know this a mistake isn't guaranteed drink itself let us toast your victories the victories of the Imperium to the Emperor and that things changed on creed damn unit Orem and administratively began the rerouting of resources technical skills and transport to make read a very hard region again but this time the only thing that came in were horses and the only thing that left were regiments of men fanatical men men would die for the Emperor without consideration without restraint and the commissariat were shoehorned into the regiment's the hand like any other force their remit was not to encouraged men of Creed it was to restrained him from throwing their lives away well so their secondary task was not to instill faith as that Creek had in such abundance that they often shown their even their own kamma czars but they would coordinate with other forces in the field for left to krieg they would tell all and sundry that they were weak like faith cowards so the commissar will have to act as mediators between this most bellicose of all regiments and the Minotaur him the guard and wide burn an obvious solution developed in the Minotaur him a very simple one if Cree could not work with others well stepping out of the chambers of the High Lords of Terror themselves the Minotaur him and administering officials who walked have an excited pace down the Herod corridors and discussed the results the High Council of terror has passed judgment the tie wounds have been approved at this rate will be able to raise entire armies from Grieg such was the effectiveness of the deathcore of klieg such was their need to be placed as far from other warriors of the Imperium and as possible that such drastic and intensely questionable measures were to be employed but for the specifics of the vitae wounds in their emif occasions perhaps you can find those details out in the entries by my colleagues and for one of them has covered it thus was the desk or of Krieg finally a ratified from Craig will be raised and equipped entire armies to serve any after his name but here is the rub the ironic tragedy of it all the Emperor the master of mankind the architect of the Imperial truth the Lord who crafted and then led the crusade to free all of his people all of humanity from the yoke of tyranny he would never have wanted this and if he ever were to awaken if the Emperor were ever to be healed and walk amongst his people again he could crush the fighting spirit of the men and women of creed he could eradicate hundreds of years of hate and pain and suffering with but three words I forgive you what I thought that went swimmingly first time ever Katella guys to do more lines next time was much time what do you think tiger your powers are weak old man how did I know you'd say that huh was the edge Lord now surprised everybody did it though out of the blue and he had the idea Wednesday morning pretty something others didn't have time yeah well next time suck it up boulders you're a nightmare to work with yes yes I know oh well back in the teleporter none for you young man you've got content to create tomorrow [Music] what a mess hmm we are definitely doing this as someone else ourselves next time definitely was named k drinking with that mad genius love his stuff so how to do comedy never going to please everyone there can I go to sleep now honey oh thank you see you in about three days bed I am so tired ah greetings Baltimore guide to Warhammer I have come to this your realm to inquire upon thine skull and ask you if you mind me asking something we all wish to know the answer to I have no sir are you aware you are bald yes yes I did the slapping helped underline it though go on after the show a bit with you and do me a favor stop drinking well foul raccoon MK will you come on thanks Tara so please have a good one at that you again it's that time this week I've got to take his teleporter on Kings often packed bed ah not allowed near a computer for a week yeah weird now hmm just hope everyone remembers to have fun to glue
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 215,107
Rating: 4.9738321 out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K Lore Death Korp of Krieg, Warhammer 40K Lore Imperial Guard Krieg, Warhammer 40K Stories Death Korp of Krieg, Chapter Master Valrak, Wolf Lord Rho, One Mind Syndicate, Oculus Imperia, A Border Prince, Baldermort, Alfabusa, Tactica Imperia, Warhammer 40k Collaboration, League of Lore, Vrax, Astra Militarum Lore, Grim Dark Narrator, IDIC Beer, Tactica Imperialis, warhammer 40000 for beginners Krieg, warhammer gas mask warriors, Major Kill
Id: 1ZknI3DYsL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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