The Secret History of the Orks Warhammer 40K Lore

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[Music] welcome gentle listener I am bald and I wish to introduce you to the factions of Warhammer 40k universe as such let us explore their live a few me yes all committees pleasantly to pop by how are you dogging me now at rubbish water doing um I was just going to explain more about the time reading to the people of my period boy you've missed out on our bogie freaking contest forget an arrow what is doing we'll just telling him now dead ah yes sorry for missing that what is it now 200 victories to nil to you of course III just can't seem to get the flick accent down you think you're so brilliant at it don't just object to me answered a question or I will whip off your arms by crab you know death with the wet days I was going to stop discussing the elder I civil war now young enough about the knife is you wanna tell them Jimmy's about war Wow he's doing the old spin doc I told you bull the mold do it proper like I told use or else I love that door around it welcome gender listener to the secret history of the sleeping dragon the most dangerous most successful a most populous race in the Warhammer 40k universe welcome to their secret history although to quote now I've got to know a great deal more about these creatures over the last entry also since that first disconcerting encounter the one thing I've seen time and again is a dismissing them as simple unreasoning boots is a faster route to the Graveyard more likely their stomachs commissar Caiphas came the orcs plagued the galaxy from end to end with their ceaseless warring and strife and they are race booted so deeply the peace is utterly incomprehensible to them they cannot be bargained with or bored safe with weapons that they will inevitably turn against those who tried to bribe them I pray with all my faith that some great catastrophe will annihilate them and I fear that ultimately it is they not we who rule the galaxy thus anthias I Lord of Tara end quote and the walks it is easy for many to think that they know what work is as the name and imagery is so prolific in fantasy and many sci-fi movies books and even comics but this is simply not true the orcs of Warhammer 40k have developed far beyond their grassroots history of being shallow close of the great professor Tolkien's imaginings to talking the talk was a twisted elf or other creature mutilated by the Dark Lord Morgoth but the orcs of Warhammer have over some 30 years or more been truly honed into a separate and distinct entity so you must under man what you have learned as another little green friend might say welcome to the Warhammer 40k secret history of good works I hope for this guy to entertain the old hand and update the newly initiated player for there is one universal truth that cannot be ignored or the traffic for their reason player happier than player there is no race happier than the orcs now when I say happy I do not mean the kind of city will report slowly drinking lemonade happy no no I mean the heady exhilarated happy of being a 200 car smash up being the only person with health alive the kind of happy where everything you ever wanted is given to you every day for the rest of your life for this is exactly the situation that wolves are in and in their estimation it is only getting better by the day the weimar 40k universe is called the green dog and for most of its denizens this is soul-crushing neutral but the byline is also there is no time for peace there is only time for and this suits or walks down to the ground for without exception there is no time an orc is happier than when he is charging a fortification krumping Hughie's or brawling with a focus its size for the orcs war is not a task a duty a sacrifice or a trial war is their reason to live and it is one day absolutely beasts arrived or water walks is like air to any other race they required for their survival by the ultimate Paragons of Darwinian ISM that they are without war and conflict an orc starts to become lesson and when eventually waste away like an ardently loyal hound who has lost his master Hawks that have been taken into captivity have been prevented from fighting a lost muscle mass have become lethargic despondent and eventually turned it is their way and it is how they were intended to be by their creators by this I do not mean some ephemeral mythic deity for the orc and other races were created at the dawn of your own 40k universe by a race or races collectively known as deep old ones the orcs were cool were engineered built trained equipped and used for only one purpose by the end of this video you will know what an orc is how they operate and possibly most importantly of all why they should indeed hate the elder who have betrayed them time and time again and why they are absolutely fundamental to the survival of a galaxy in its entirety we should also be discussing the lies that have been foisted on the galaxy by the elder changing the perception of all to the orcs but also the entirety of history but not that it bothers the orcs one whit for they simply do not care what anyone thinks of them ever before we get on to the history of the org let us explore very swiftly their basic biology but we will be brief as I intend to cover all of these issues again in the future in far more comprehensive and specific videos it is important to know so we can understand the green skin properly orcish physiology to quote oak physiology is fascinating and terrifying in equal measure and demonstrating in human degrees of resilience to a point where they can withstand seemingly fatal wounds with little apparent long-term consequences indeed olks witnessed suffering fatal wounds in the midst of heavy fighting have often been observed several days later larger and stronger than they were before their injuries and with no sign of those injuries save for some dodgy superficial scarring genital lilius dolls adapters mechanicus xenobiologist the orcs are the pinnacle of creation for them the great struggle is one they have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst who are we to judge them we L doubt who have failed or the humans on the road to ruin in their turn and why because we sought answers to questions that an old wouldn't even bother to ask we see a culture that he's strong and despised it as crude from culture V's culture thoughts on aqua society by us on the perverse controversial and our philosopher end quote what is a huge green skin seeming and appearance with long arms and homeless roots ground due to its hunched gait the orc is a terrifying mountain of muscle and sinew that when standing erect can be eight feet tall or Torah and that is the standard or not the larger specimens who have grown due to their rank orcs are not actually simple animals do not have reproductive organs for the orc is in fact a Gestalt between animal and fungi life forms the form is incredibly simple and nervous is a barely above functional they can manipulate fine detailed equipment use tools and even craft the senses do not reach all of the usual places that are found in most sentient beings as Sarge books cannot feel like anything a human would define as pain unless they are dead wounds that would do catastrophic damage to them their resilience has been marveled at by human and elder like for it is said that if an oak is decapitated then its body and head can survive for some time worse still should the walk head be reattached to its body or even that of another orc that they can then continue to function after what other races would consider a brief breather walks are incredibly strong even for their size and are noted to have reflexes are surprisingly fast for something of its bulk time and time again the assumptions that the oak is slow due to his size has been the last mistake a sentient has ever made walks are asexual their method of reproduction is very simple again they are fungi they produce spores during the walks adult life they wrigley give off spores that will then just just state and become more awkward's books themselves this happens regularly when an orc ties its body gives off the largest amount of spores thus it is that any planet that is invaded by the work is inevitably ruined and this every last one is incinerated with fire or weapons that destroy all airborne contaminants like spores the race of orcs will rise again and again most often stronger with each generation of their kind in this way it can be affirmed that if every single orc and all other all kinds drop dead all at once and to the very least and last their story would still not be over they would rise again to engage in their never-ending Wars no other race known to this galaxy can make such an active and ish sounding claim but the orcs death is just a way to infect the world with Eva walks nor does war stop this cycle it only enhances it any other race that has sustained casualties will eventually drop to a level where the continuation of the race would be in question with the orcs more that die the more orcs there will be in a frightening time for oximetry incredibly fast and one generation in human tower or elder would permit hundreds of generations hawks so to effectively reduce their numbers foreign cannot wipe them out is no small task and one that must be done rigor a frequently and with escalating force and forces but the orc itself is only the pinnacle of the pyramid after all coid races each combined to make the orcs a terrifyingly self-sufficient race as they were designed to be well all dies it gives us spores as we know that those spores react with the environment as the needs of all society require is there are plentiful orcs then orcs will be grown but if not why can a newly landed planet then the process leads to what I'd like to call the hierarchy of havoc in a virgin environment the very first thing that will grow out of the fungal goons and a ground or what is known as skwiggs skwiggs are simple creatures deserve two fundamental functions in the grossest an orca colony one they are food for the developing all coins - they are akin to watch dogs guarding the encampments and gathering places of the orcs Squigs vary in sizes but a roughly akin to a very angry all with legs and a huge more in its center that is ringed by enough teeth to make a shocked green with envy and part intended the smallest might equate to a football or soccer ball war the largest specimens could easily grow for human once there is a plentiful abundance of squeaks the process continues and the next thing to be developed are the snot rings snot links are very small and can be best described as similar to evil fairies of European Legend small and green with long distant pointed ears generally Harris and of a vicious nature the snot Ling's main role is to her to manage the skwiggs they are semi-sentient but not intelligent as a human might mean think of them as small children like gremlins with a sense of humor that runs too brutal on a porch or for evil but inexorably they are not dangerous to most as they are without the ability to organize the fight in any meaningful way once in a snog legs and squeaks are about then the next all poi to be forgot by the ground is the Gretchen often known as Graz Gretchen are what most would call goblins smaller and weaker than proper walks they are cowardly and vicious but dangerous nonetheless God's actors aides to the walks carrying equipment weaponry and other material for the combatant line wires that walks themselves they are beaten and even eaten by walks we need or punishment require the life of a grot is insanely dangerous dealing with the bellicose walks at every turn but the gods thrive only once as a grotto Balian met with any success but that story is for another time finally when their simplistic society is ready proper walks appear walks are born with a natural affinity for combat violence and almost instant activity they are one of the purest forms of being in the galaxy as their every asset is designed to perform their main tasks war the Oaks are also different from their precursors in one fundamental way they have more access to the genetic memory and automatically ingenious strains within their makeup the standard walk of the line so to put it is called a boy collectively they are called boys that's Bo Y Z no to PRI s everyone when there are enough orcs in any place then random walks will begin to develop traits and skills that they have absolutely no training or assistance in learning these orcs are Jeanette generally dubbed odd boys they fell out all of the usual specifications of any civilization would generate or boys can be mechanics mech boys doctors and I'm using that in the broad possible way coold paid boys or even cycles called weird boys their creators the old ones managed to write into their very DNA these specializations are impossible to be replicated by experience the troubling thing for all of the adversaries of the orcs is that these abilities also grow exponentially with the number of orcs of the present a small tribe of wolves might have a MEK boy who can just pick up pieces of metal and bash them into a form of a weapon a mecha boy in the midst of a great gathering of millions of orcs what are potentials unlocked within them and literally anything is then possible it was all technology that created their attachments of the era of the beast the travelled via tripod teleportation the Imperium has never been able to fully understand or replicate the larger the gathering of orcs in one place the smarter more proficient and powerful these specialist orcs odd boys become this is due to type of field that they all give off as a race they call it la energy it is a firmer psychic coastal power like a species subconscious then enhances the orcs when more of it is present in one place it is also the method by which the mecha boys generate impossible weapons and technology the orc psychic power fuels their weaponry their transports and all of their equipment this is devastating as it means that anything that is developed by the orcs cannot be reverse engineered and no logical counters will work on their technology with any certainty or regularity simply put the orcs as a race have but to believe something hard enough with enough of them and that thing will become true if muscles then believe a heap of scrap has been hammered together by a Meg boy we'll take them off planet or a crusade like war then fly at will this extends to other spectra as well if aux believe that painting their vehicles rate will make them faster and faster they will be it is very similar to the elder way of powering their vehicles and some weaponry but with no training restraint knowledge or experience required whatsoever aux do not harness the powers of hope as they simply do an expertise us to change to their beliefs which horrifyingly it does as long as enough orcs believe it their cycles the weird boys are not like elegant masters of mysteries or wizards molding reality to their women by knowledge and the application of power no weird boys out walks attuned to the WHA energy that is generated by their fellow orcs but i shall go into the odd boys at another time simply knows for now that they are more like a hose that funnels and shoots out the raw energy of whatever they are pointed at but what they do not have in skill or control they more than make a point sheer unadulterated power weird boys are able to channel truly terrifying amounts of energy and wreak unparalleled carnage in the ranks of their enemies but by the same token they are just as prone to overfill the same energy and then their heads might explode which is often seen as hilarious by any to survive and witness the scenario why energy has many applications of benefits at work its concentration unlocks these specialist genes and abilities but more than this the war energy infuses their leaders and also calls out tomorrow when an old gathering gets to a certain critical mass it starts to throw off a psychic calling a raising with or banner on a psychic level that cannot be blocked or truly measured this become like effect will draw more and more auks for gathering until it is then unleashed in what the WalkScore are wha part crusade but all rampage the wah does not have set goals or conditions it simply denotes that a massive war party is about to set off in a direction and conquer and fight all in their path the strange biology of the orcs also means that a leader size strength cunning and even intelligence grows as more and more old boys and war bands join the war this is a perfect form of governance for the orcs as they are quintessentially Darwinian any leader can and will be challenged the second day show weakness and competence or any on or key behavior simply if another orc believes that they are stronger or more skilled in this way the most aggressive and skilled warriors amongst the orcs rice swiftly to the top and then grow to match the size of their war insolence or disobedience are met head-on and instantly quashed by the chief killing any challenges as they arise the chief known as a war boss if the war boss is smart enough this can't happen before that stage even occurs but few choose to do this even if they know and are an attempted coup as they truly relish the thought of a good fight and display their superiority to prevent further insurrection from their iron like rule thus the more orcs there are the more will arrive and the more victories they gain the more will arrive and the more they die the more will infest the planet fighting Hawks is truly a no-win situation for most cultures as even if they win the battle they will inevitably lose the war then largest war boss hawk leader to arise in the war why I'm a 40 K period was during the rise of the Beast this Hawk was said to be able to communicate in clear gothic the language of the Imperium and to formulate plans and strategies who owned a par with a pry marks ability it is also the pathway to that state of being that is now lost to the walks but perhaps for not much longer forever oak and gained the following and power that the Beast had in circa millennium 33 and maintain it or even exceed it de novo to the evolution again of the walks into the cork could well occur but we'll get to that in a moment that Salt's have no use for civilization or any of its trappings as they simply do not need them the entire point of civilization is to protect the individual and to improve a lot of those within it every civilization Springs from abundance as a milestone is reached and new ways of gaining essentials of divert as soon as there is a surplus of food via agriculture or animal husbandry then some of the individuals can then concentrate on the other Devers this is usually the creation of improvement of dwelling places as soon as food and shelter are provided in abundance than other essentials are developed like in food ways or tools for hunting animal husbandry or again agriculture when this has been done more essential cement like container making and the lights of war food can be stored effectively any only when these stages have occurred to sentient beings and develop such things as poetry philosophy art science and eventually statecraft books do not need any of these things their food is the skwiggs or in times of desperation the starlings or crops but also in times of entertainment they are utterly self-sufficient nor do they require the specialization to be developed over elongated time frame to each other genetic gifts hard written into their very DNA by the old ones awk simply do not need to take thousands of years reinventing the wheel every time they arise anew as his knowledge is coursing through their veins simply awaiting that the conditions to activate the necessary awareness as betwee to them by the old one I hope you can now see that although many could orcs of comedy relief of the grim darkness of Warhammer 40k they're nothing to laugh about not in the slightest now that we know the very basics of what an orc is let us explore their Genesis their creation I hope the experienced player finds his eye opening and initiate to this glorious setting educational for the race of orcs is one of the oldest in the galaxy the creation which it most certainly was occurred in a period of the galaxy known as the war in heaven this tracks back to at least 65 million years ago and could potentially be many millions of years longer the march of time has made anything from this period myth or legend with little or no extant evidence remaining with one huge exception only there necrons the very brief version as I will cover this in detail in the future isn't millions of years ago there was a war between two superpowers amongst the stars of the Milky Way galaxy one faction was a beneficent and wise old ones who almighty Saiga's are wise beyond the dreams at the present era these old ones work into cosmic gardeners who would plant races and the seeds of greatness and development of sentient life are wide in the Milky Way the master of the circuit plane allowed them to create the web way and to transport themselves through unfathomable distances in an instant they helped and nurtured the younger races he gave freely at that time their opponents with a Necron tear a race of tortured souls who've been developed in a world with a faulty and twisted Sun that shredded their DNA made their every moment an agony to be endured rather than a life to be cherished I simply put the neck frontier became envious of the old ones earning or majority almost the levels of immortality in the nekron eyes and then declared war on them the war went badly for the nakhon tea at first for the old ones used a vast psychic abilities to predict where they would strike and then how to maneuvered that via the use of the web way to transport overwhelming force to every engagement then acanti went down to the dust and were forced back to the fringes of the galaxy back to their world and all seemed well for a time but it was not to last the nakhon tear discovered that their son was actually being slowly devoured by creature the likes they had never encountered before the nakhon tear science was strong and they eventually made contact with the being there related to call the coton in the frontier meaning star cobs the Kron told an akan care of how they had made warm the old ones but wipe the nakhon care they had been defeated thus the two races the cron and the Conte affirmed a pact the coton would grant Anakin ta immortality and then lead him into a war against the old ones too revenge the deal did not go as it was sold to them and then the quanta did indeed gain immortality but only at the cost of their very souls they were now beings of metal and did not fear death did not experience pain or suffering and all that remained of their drive was to make war on old ones the old ones were no match for the combined power of the guitar and the lesions of the metallic undead necrons this confrontation is called a war in heaven now it is unknown what exactly occurred or how long it was fought for some say it could have been millions of years due to the next set of events that are the old ones turned to their genetic manipulations out of desperation they grew and developed races that they hoped would aid them in the war against the guitar and the necrons for this is the most terrible war to ever have occurred in the history of the Milky Way galaxy and it's Horrors on wonders cannot even be described by those who exist today entire star clusters were winked out of existence wormhole weapons of mass extinctions of huge sways of the galaxy were perpetrated by both sides it was hell made manifest accepted wisdom states that they were five main races that survived the war in heaven son are you barely the Jakara de canon the rashon the Eldar and a quark many believes that they were of an age with each other and growing at the same time as one another accepted wisdom also states the old ones were defeated that was slain by the guitar while the necrons burnt and killed all in their path or old ones died save why the two armies together could not be beaten despite the best efforts of the old ones to raise their own races as aids the accepted wisdom and goes on to state the war was ended and the coton fell on one another in Kabbalistic orgies of destruction and power when they had all been expended themselves on their in fighting the necron here's struck finally turning of them and shattering them into a multitude of shards and enslaving the crown and using them later as weapons then this was done the necrons looked around and measured themselves to strength of the Eldar after war in heaven and their rebellion against their couture masters the necrons were spent and decided that instead of fighting the elder and very likely losing they were going to slumber in stasis vaults and simply attempting outclassed Eldar hence they went to sleep in their time proof stasis vaults and did indeed number until their weakening in the present era of the Imperium the crock were ravaged by plague of psychic entities called in slavers had been a factor in bringing down the old ones and a quark when here destroyed along with the Knabe Bashara the elder avoided this plague by retreating into the web way for a time but a plague of the enslaver entities could not go the croak numbers fell so much their energies depleted and ideas never before experienced then the Cork's devolved into deep looks a shadow was their former glory and power from which they would never recover misses a tragically brief accounting for such a monumental events which I will cover in more detail at another time but his fundamental to history of the quark and your knowledge of them for now we need to discuss the true history of the quark jakirah our race to show the origins of the quark in the war in heaven they too are very ape-like they resemble Terran orangutangs and how did innate ability to modify and innovate in regards to technology their abilities were genetic as well but instead of using psychic energy or war power to charge their weaponry and gadgets they used pure science which Akira artifact would work in the hands of anyone and by the standard laws of physics hence anything they made could be reverse engineered by a technologically advanced adversary and the necrons were nothing if not very technologically advanced the kindig ten limbs and festering possible warrior beasts that were successful enough to survive the war in heaven but not enough to turn the tide against the necrons in darshan where even less is known only one instance of their activity is known to occur with the Imperium but a grim darkness and there are scant details concerning this race ancient power but what does this show what is this to do with the cruel so the inherent technological innovation gene has been used before but the DeCaro seemed to have ultimately failed the test of the old ones as they were replaced by a better tool kakero if they are the same now as they were in the war in heaven I'm not an aggressive who organized race and only movement tribal groups and communication is not truly identified no human knows if they are telepathic or even intelligent so this is why I believes that they are in fact a failed experiment the quark distillation of these traits in a more useful package if you add to this the technology cannot be replicated as it works predominantly on psychic wahhhh energy then it can be seen how the lessons learnt in the formation of the Chaparro are perfected in the quark Orcs can also innovate calling to the size of their tribe or congregated numbers the larger the group of orcs the larger the wall bars the more exceptional the technology that is possible it's complete clearly shown in the confrontation with the beast as I mentioned with the Beast arose meeting the largest following since the Eleanor campaign if not larger then the technology displayed by the orcs was enough to smash the rules of physics with Gaston the attack moons of the era were transported across space but not fire the world it was technology akin to teleportation Brosco his er to not even dreamt of also the most important part of the argument for me is the power Armour of the quark in the collection of tracing of the infinite the power army he wore was and I quote far in advance of any power Armour presently used by the Imperium the Czech arrow traveling groups but do not have the natural propensity or drive to into combat that are so pronounced in the awkward race I can see them as nothing more than the broken prototype of the walk what a quark the canoe burnished Sam may not have been warrior races during the war in heaven but it seems incredibly likely that they were as they rose at the same time as the others and his report it is reported that they have their Genesis from the old ones in this case one might also consider that these were also failures and they did nothing to stop a necron or Catan winning the war but more than this they have never been the level of threat to the orcs have been they although have definitely gone out of their way to keep the population of the orcs to levels where the elder would never be endangered by return to their previous form the quark but we could get to the elder I and their betrayal shortly so well it can have another failed race whose shortcomings were then correlated in catalogue and ed eventually to development of the ultimate old ones weapon the quark in my mind there can be no doubt but I always leave things open for changes as things stand I feel this is correct but I shall continue my most outlandish theory in this regard is about the elder of themselves there is scant information from this period but one short description shows Eldar being visited by the old ones and that the elder felt less enamored with them with each visitation as time went on the elder thought very highly of themselves indeed and less and less of their gods the old ones I think this actually indicates or contributes to the genesis of the hawk as well the Jakara again may be semi cycles and may just may communicate with each other passively there's no other explanation for their tribal activities as they cannot communicate so the elder may have come later than the Jakara the old ones realizing that they can generate psychic attributes and they were effective against taciturn and neutrons but the held are thought too much spent too much time on culture and then pride became disobedient so they would certainly not be the ultimate weapon that the old ones wished who would take a pistol into a fight is there to negotiate wizard on a morality of firing or the direction in which it was pointed the target the target prioritization would you take a sort or battle if you had to argue with it over who was more strong you or it thus I feel that elder I are not the ultimate weapon of the old ones as they claim the croc would not argue if their target involved our battle the cork have psychic abilities every bit as potent as the elder in fact I propose that the cork were created simply because the elder are yet another failed experiment of the old ones it would also explain their bruised ego no being of worth has to constantly waive their own banner and proclaim their greatness if they know it is there it smacks of a deep-seated insecurity the insecurities a child replaced by a better sibling and this runs through the later history the elders ruled nothing more than the feet of the cork and then orc in all ways and means but why such venom and si have something to prove why continue so much unless the person they wish to prove themselves to no longer there the old ones are gone like a child forever competing with a younger but infinitely superior sibling the elder hated the cook and oak with a passion and zeal that only smacks of jealousy and the terrible rears our realization that they were indeed replaced by the quark as they the mighty elder was seen by their parent as failure thus all committees told me thus have I relayed this under no to rest whatsoever no no I am not scared of all committees and he is not at this very moment standing above me a chopper let's continue the lies of the Eldar even unto themselves the elder would paint a picture that they fought hard against the necrons and could can and then practically single-handedly by their accounts they forced a beleaguered necrons into a decision to go into stasis sleep they held our state and electrons fed some time from them and their power but does this bold claim act up to any of the details we have discussed or our knowledge of the necrons themselves the Kattan were beings of immense power but their weakness was ever the powers of the world of psychos the powers that the Eldar are so very versed in and universally accepted as being preeminent so what not they have been the tool created by the old ones to counter the Kattan not the necrons looking at electron army and their ways of war masked formations inexorably marching forward and obliterating anything in their path with schools or Tesla weaponry but one fault was it is left behind to repair itself in minutes if not seconds then rejoin the last rank that is marching ever forwards the Eldar expect us to believe that they were the ultimate weapon against such a force and are Swift and nimble but you cannot evade fire if you are being hosed by mass bottom infantry nor can the elder be seen as immune to the weapons of the necrons despite what they made as being their lustrous past if they advanced in numbers few enough for them to as the space to evade fire with the Eldar reflexes then they would not have had the massed fire power to defeat the necrons it simply does not add up the alternative take which is my proposal is that the elder have died by choice are by simple cultural senility and pride the hell gar may well have had success against the in gear they named for the katrana but the same in gear were more interested we destroying each other with the old ones were then beaten only a rock formation in tight precise locked alignment acting like a well drilled weapon or machine without the power to meet a necrons head-on and the endurance to grind them down to the core crosses mean nothing as they do to the walk of today they are not that dissimilar only the quark we've been able to wage the long Wars of attrition that would have been required to finish a fully active and entrenched force of necrons only the crook would have been would have made planet fall on a throne world and been absolutely massacred by me for this cause to take hold of the planet so the necrons would never ever be free of them grinding the necron down bit by bit also we have more evidence to back this pasta lotion of mine for over a decade the most recent codex of the necrons states categorically that the ultimate general of the necrons mo tec de storm Lord despises fighting hawks he has a bad track record against him because he cannot fathom them and cannot predict them with his biggest advantage taken from him mo tech is vulnerable to all connectivity he hates them as well due to this but if the greatest necron strategist in general possibly the greatest general the galaxy has ever seen according to the self-same codex could not defeat the orcs convincingly then how would his less-able contemporaries fare in the Codex we have the clearest indication yet of the truth that Elda have tried to hide the necrons sleep was to avoid the rage and power of the crook the elder lies state on Anna chromatids asleep avoid them the necrons hint that they could simply sleep and enslave a plague or the march of time would defeat their enemies for them as great scientists themselves there is a zero probability Dominicans would not have investigated the cork that they fought thus is it not more likely that the necrons would know that a lack of massed conflict was made up quark devolve or weaken at the very least the necrons would have known that captured quark prevented from fighting would become lesser would even die out thus all comedian ferns me the de necrons basically turned tail and ran to bed toward the power of the quark they'll have nothing more orphans they alder have done nothing more than steal the laurels that rightfully should be laid before the quarks and their children the walks please bear in mind when you may sneer the crook the one shown in tracings palace of collections is over 12 meters tall its armor as we are identified is far more advanced in a starties power armor of even today if we linked distal sizes walks the world leaders in the Sun the rise of the beast one can only shudder at the power of an army of quark on the move and how the Eldar have hidden the matter how they have lied then more than this I believe from my reading of the Lord that they have done far worse than this the Elder have betrayed the quarks thrice fold over and you must bear in mind to the crook and elder were allies on the same side against the Catan and the necrons so his fought side by side also there is no to the call for always bellicose and truculent but did meet and coordinate with their fellow children of the once those so please bear in mind that the crew were warriors they'll die relying on and fought alongside now let's rip doctor curtain and reveal their worst atrocities the ones they either like to hide or refute or even go to boulders to pat themselves on the back for entirely forgetting the past and their connections to the other children of the old ones it is vile and it is threefold the three great betrayals of the elder one of the major contributing factor so full of the old ones is stated to be that a plague of powerful psychic entities started breaching the gap between the a material and the material between the material realm and the world these were not demons as we would know them today but psychic entities nonetheless they preyed on the psychos none were more powerful than the old ones this plague was the product plan and the relentlessness of the neckline finally ended them but it did not end there the enslaver plague decimated the other sentient races ah one the Eldar yes they took casualties and had to do something but did they stand with their cool brothers or knabe or a shrine or to cairo for any of the other children of the old ones the most powerful psychos are all of the races in a word no the Eldar hid in the web way into which the enslavers could not go as it is neither the material nor the immaterial only through the gates created by the old ones and taught of the Eldar could access to the web way we gained they fled cowardly definitely but did they extend their hidey hole to the other races did they hurt the crook nipple to Cairo into the web Way and safety also the evidence is that this is a striking no they allowed the cruel to take the worst of the damage and so they numbers dwindle rapidly the time frames are always difficult to truly discern that it's possible at all but there are further reports from their age the plague finally abated Nia Stevenson ceased their attacks whether they starve do lack of food or some other situation arose it is unclear but they did stop it was then that the quark attempted to rebuild and to begin to conquer the galaxy the quark was still won at that time and still quark but something happened that led to an event known only as the big party it is suspected to the huge Wars to dominate the galaxy although it may have been scarcely populated after the enslavers when so far filled to the unity of the pork was eventually the roaded his individuals went further from the whole differences in tactics and approaches finally developed the quark has lost unity but what happened next is foul the caucus stated to have simply diverged and split and then the main force of quark the plan known as the blood axes was set upon by the other factions of the quark and butchered this fraction that was still organized and disciplined and epitome of martial power was simply outnumbered and torn in town the unity of the court was smashed and the sizes of the individual leaders of war bands would have been far less than a quark made the whole unified race due to split raw energy they began their spiral in 2d devotion but there is also that the crux of war was not entirely internally generated even now there are rumors that other outside parties caused this rift and massacre I led to the downfall of the entire race into a lesser entity they did this they could not face the court in an open war and hope to win if the Eldar are known for anything that is not from their mouths and lies of course then it is deception and intrigue I feel that the Eldar were definitely behind the breakup of the crook nation and its subsequent civil war why because it is simply congruent with everything we know of the Eldar it rings true the last and longest betrayal in courtesies are plenty and other writings that held our state with satisfaction that they culled to orcs regularly ferociously frequently and ardently this may seem like attempted genocide but it is clearly just an attempt to keep the orcs from ever gaining enough numbers and wha energy to return to their true form their true destiny to be caught for with the orcs and a croc the only thing that truly matters are numbers due to all of the bonuses and developments it allows the elder have purposefully kept the cool down not because of their or porins as they claim but out of one simple little word fear fear and the jealousy of the prodigal son by Joseph of the many-colored cloak they set upon the crook of the envy of a sibling loved more and lauded more by their parent there their fear the quark as much as the necrons do for only those races in the war in heaven know the truth of the birthright of the orc and the power of the crook who is always gone the deserts get stomped suffer one or garrick who knows that our fights gasps cool mag work saga the lines of the humans first humans actually believed that the Imperium of man comes the majority of the galaxy they believe that the xenos are only on the outskirts the edges of the galaxy they honestly believe that from one end of the Imperium to the opposite that all is held and controlled by the power of their armies no xenos mutant or heretic is suffered to live they believe that the will of the orcs was smashed at a Lenore and the green skins have been a mere nuisance nothing could be further from the truth it is so deluded it is almost laughable get a sippy look at the map that huge cluster of green in the West a stone's throw from Holy Terror that is a huge an ancient walk empire an empire that the much-vaunted improved mankind when all of his prime marks were loyal and each commanding an entire Legion could not or would not challenge it stands today the huge swath of Queens slap-bang in the middle of the Imperium another orc Empire the Imperium has not been able to clear or to control and more and more each collection of green is where the Imperium has confirmed that they are there are high densities of or confess station may you first before we cannot get rid of them so much free unstoppable legions of the Emperor is myth of galactic control more lies sad pathetic lies told to the children to make them feel safe from the monster is actually walking up the stairs but what report on the orcs what discussion would ever be complete without mention of walk and the most powerful of gods so mighty that they literally grew while the others due to their being beneath their notice evil might eat corn he speaks of blood but that is the result of the combat the Reaper can go can walk love to fight itself they are the real cause of war this is assault who Garner's the outcome not act unto itself Gork the god of brutal cunning and mock the god of cunning brutality the only two gods that walks the gods gorkon walk has taken absolutely no interest in the material Plains until recently see I like to think of it like this all can walk of fighting one day as they did every day for millions and millions of years ones brutal cunning match to others cunning mentality so they fought on as it always did which day was different it was Gork who raised his hand to his brother for the first time in a long time and he staggered by the simple action of it both were for the first time in a long time silent Gork cocked his ear and they'd walk do the same which being a good brother he did after plunging a blade into quarks unprotected belly goke laughed mock laughter but they listened the day had come at last for core can walk heard the tumult in the material and they smiled for they had been having fun of course in their long battle but they had only fought each other as there was simply nobody else worthy of their steel and gore did marvel for now there were things are plenty again for the tittering of the hive mind had stayed their hands and bought this respite but it led to so much war the iron creaks of the necrons their old enemy arising The Shining of light of the astronomical and the marching feet with their staff Tizen immediate arum the dazzling newness of the Tao the rise of the four gods of chaos who claimed a warrior amongst their lot his worshippers seemed to know the joy of a good scrap well sort of and so cool Kemal continued their battle for their time was not yet right but they acted in small ways in fun ways in cunning way by their ways was Gaskell raised and by their ways was he different visions of magnificence and thereby their ways was he saved from his enemies and delivered the ability to traverse the galaxy at the whim and by their ways is he elevated evolving returning the orcs to their birthright to be quark again gasps cool mag Arak Flocka has been blessed by cool cat walk and how calls himself their prophet he now appears all over the galaxy has had strange events protecting him and plucking him out of time and space when he is in danger and they're posting backing into real space but always near walks safety awk I'd walk have big plans for GAO's go but he is now in command of the majority of the Empire so for the orc races the far-flung stars he is now in charge of billions of walks gas coal is becoming a cork in my mind and the entire galaxy had better say thank cork if it does asset to that state of big Dan all of the author comes into contact with will grow in size aggression and abilities he may only need to be in system not even landing on a planet for this effect to be transmitted through the WHA field of his race this same effect occurred during the rise of the beast and the recorded orcs in that war were considerably larger than normal walks this gas Kolmogorov Sarkar does vessel control of every or Kingdom and planet in the galaxy then he will most assuredly evolve back into that sublime state of being for his ascension in the return of the quark could mean their domination of the galaxy but perhaps better to be the slave you know the quark regime than to watch the entire galaxy be eaten by we devour one system at a time till nothing whatsoever is left the simple hidden truth about the orcs is that they have always had greatness and domination hardwired into their minds and coursing through their veins they have been quiet by their standards and almost in a state of abeyance why very simple without the eternal war against the necrons without a proper enemy to fight they were never ever in danger of their lives or existence even during the most vicious of Eldar growls the likelihood of the orcs getting a proper fight was negligible hence they existed waiting mainly fighting one another due to their being nobody and nothing truly worth of their abilities for what walk would go into a war with someone without some real romping and fun so as a race they slept and had fun with the resurrection of the necrons the invasion of chaos and the attack of the high fleets finally the orcs will come out of their slumber as well finally they will throw off their comedic element and become what they always were the very antibodies of the Milky Way galaxy its greatest defenders and its most powerful soldiers thank cool come walk and hail the clock and be prepared for the war to end Wars [Music] Lupe's that good enough okay minutes yeah all right I got one from the fire [Music] you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 283,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Orks Lore Warhammer 40K, Krork Lore Warhammer 40K, Baldermort, Warhammer 40K Lore, Warhammer Lore, ork lore warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k ork lore, Orks, Krork, War in Heaven Lore Warhammer 40K, Warhammer 40K Ork Lore, Orc Lore Warhammer 40K, Warhammer 40000 Orks, Orks Warhammer 40000, Ghazkhkull, Jokaero 40K Lore, Greenskins Lore Warhammer, Green Skins, Fantasy TV Show, Da secret history of da, 40k lore, Krork Lore
Id: Cmyp78wjA4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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