The Sensei

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[Music] he turns and looks me deep in the eye and speaks more solemnly than I've ever heard my master is often jovial his mischievous twinkle in his eye on oh so two regular occurance he can be maddening confusing but also he is the kindest and wisest man I know it has brutal things horrible things but he always explains why he has done them when he does I can see the pain those actions inflict on him the suffering he experiences for what he does what he is trying to train me to be able to do to be strong to do the terrible and to be able to live with it for to do otherwise means we are lost to one day be an Inquisitor but never once have I seen this look in his eye a deep foreboding why he is not ordering me though his tone has all the gravity of his station and the implicit threat that is always there behind his words but it feels he is more imploring me begging me I don't doubt one word that comes out of his mouth you will do as I do when I do how I do but you will not speak at any circumstances you will not make eye contact or ever look directly into the face if you break these rules your life is forfeit for I will take it myself without another word he turns and signals the door to be opened the other two inquisitors standing at each side of the door step back and it opens into a large room I follow my master inside his lowered mrs. Durham is huge but stark and simple and and first I see nothing inside but walls and floors of white from another segment of the apartments I hear movement but someone walks out to this reception room such luxurious space of privacy as the footsteps get closer my master kneels and I swiftly follow suit the feet echo around the empty room as she enters I'm a sailed Bisons of calmness I know it is not from within as I can still say since the trepidation of my master the Inquisitor no I'm not a psycho it is purely human instinct in the body language he has taught me in so much detail shoes her strange design finally appeared in front of us I can only make out the footwear in the areas of the person below the knee with my head down in supplication as it is golden skin smooth shoes that dazzle I could not describe them now I can understand why a voice like a gentle breeze through a summer's morn presses my ear its intonation perfect appearing so regal evil from the little icon view I hate to ask your excellency then don't I am without other option or I would never disturb you a Zen report but get off your knees and so deus drops honorifics ding kostas stands and i follow suit just a few seconds after a much slower I can see the worry in his movements the care he is taking he looks up into her face but I do not I am tempted whole holy throne am i tempted but I remember his words I keep my attentions on her but do not raise my eyes her garments are over design I have never seen but all out grace and beauty I yearn to look further but do not the discipline my masters instilled in me is paying off it seems before my inquisitive nature could not have helped per look but I heed my master as he speaks with reverence but a businesslike candor with this person we are numbered five to one there are heavier models and are gaining on us we cannot escape them we cannot outrun them we cannot elude them we are outmatched what do you wish of me I know you would never condone wanton loss of life so perhaps if they were unable to follow us into the war she takes a deep breath through her teeth signalling her displeasure at his request without giving it word I understand take me to the observation deck but first this one did you choose him because he is pretty I think she's referring to me his scales run deeper than the symmetry of his face the carving of his frame I know you were bored and must want for company but I need this one she lets out an exhalation of vexation like she's on the verge of cutting it impotently but her body language does not change she is not offering to use me as entertainment she's merely needling my master expertly it seems from the tension in his stance for some reason my master is not seeing her as she is his decidedly too distracted by her what on terror does she hold within her gaze to unsettle an unmanned and my master so it cannot be beauty from witnessing him purge slowness daemons I know he is utterly in your to such things who is she then lead on Thaddeus I do not wish this to take any longer than necessary my master bowels deeply and I follow suit he turned some processes in front of this person I take his cue to wait for her to move and follow behind them both the door was open and the inquisitors we passed a moment ago already standing in position one will go before us one behind even me in their suits of power armed with weaponry of design I had never witnessed before entering this corridor moments earlier there defending this woman like she could be a target of an assault on our own shape a vessel of the auto filled to the brim with more military power than I have ever witnessed on an inquisitorial vessel I doubt even a starties would stand a chance of taking this ship so heavily is each and every corridor protected by the very best of our order as we walk through the ship arrived wrench into any areas preceded by a chime and a slight dimming in the ship's illuminators with each threshold we pass we are met by the same scene or are on one knee with heads lowered in silent reverence in some areas there are seas of men and women to stock still and kneeling in or her foot forms a slow and measured but resound like thunder somehow when she moves she does so with all the poisoned grace of an elder and yes I do know how they move how fast their Warriors are how deadly help amusing to their eye we finally reached the observation deck and it is already clear of any other soul one of the inquisitors in power armor moves to each entrance and stands facing at him in defense of this being array my master walks into the room next to the woman I slow down as they do I witness I place her hands gently on his forearm for a moment and he stops as she takes a dozen more steps towards the viewports to show us the Stars I cannot see them no human could but I know they are out there everyone on this ship knows they are out there just behind us hunting us down ready to blast to pieces or board us as they're attempted to slice now but this time we cannot escape I had asked my master why why would other auto ships be after us why would other human and loyal crews want to see us and dead in this age where all are our enemies all seek our downfall I could not understand why our own people would try to kill their own at that time my master only stated they do not hold that a view as we do that was all I did not ask again I never do he will tell me when he thinks I'm ready he never forgets a question and I've had a question answered after eight months of waiting near forgetting it myself but he remembers the torrent the day the second I asked a question and how he forgets nothing and when ready he reveals things to me and he is always right I have never once received an answer and not known why he delayed my enlightenment never he is watching her as it begins the air around me starts to move begins to swirl around the room picking up speed my hair begins to ruffle than to be blown fully around my head as the police races to a gale-force but it does not move the rest of me it is no normal wind light begins to issue from her all of her starting out of my averted line of sight that then expands down her form and seems to be pouring from every inch of her that is on display I cannot help myself I look up I can see her raising slightly off the ground as the light builds and the wind now contains specks of that light like embers from a fire rising into the skies of a paradise world they fill the room with stars that should blind me but I look directly at them and the star that she is becoming without any discomfort past her halo of light I can see the few port in it there are images coming into focus but the most powerful of war specs I can see the fire ships of follow us I can see them so clearly or I can make out their markings similar to our own but larger these are ships of the line if they catch us when they catch us we are dead but more now I can see avoided shields around them I do not know how I can see them so clearly that I see faces superimposed of the ships ghostly images coming out of them beings with three eyes then navigators it must be and first our eyes are closed but at one all of the images snap them open they look at us with two eyes only at the light that is woman before me I feel them Elevens they hate their fear opening their eyes at her especially that one third eye in the center of their foreheads they are attempting to defend themselves I know this I feel it on an intrinsic level I've hurt my gaze it is unpleasant to watch and that is when I see him staring at me my master he has a smirk on his face he knows how long I have been looking as he was watching me not her I did not notice his attention shift saran-wrapped was eyeing the vision the window buffets only my hair my mind is silent so his whisper is as clear to me as a bellow I was wondering how long it would take him he says to his mer I am sorry who is she what am i witnessing you disappoint me boy but I suppose she's very distracting so let's walk our way to it tell me boy tell me the three things you know about the Emperor the most important things I have told you about him his most powerful man the most important psycho that has ever existed he is ancient beyond our understanding and he has always watched over humanity he is our salvation got it in one I do not understand your first statement boy his most powerful psycho to exist no boy he is the most powerful man to exist it does not usually arise it does not show itself but in her the blood sings what an emperor is a man he was always a man my master slowly shifts his gaze to her instead of me when he sees the next line but a movement takes my attention down his frame while he speaks my eyes widen and then snap up to his face I have seen the bolt pistol in his hand nonchalantly angled up at my forehead if you ever disobey me again boy I will pull the trigger a gulp I look back but a white before us the faces of the navigators are larger and I can see their concentration but her light burns brighter and their faces begin to melt their expressions turn from anger into pain she is killing these navigators burning their minds one by one the spectral overlay of faces on ships disappear under the purging brilliance of her light they know gone and without them there are ships cannot follow us we can escape it was always a man he has lived all of the ages of humanity but he is a man she's think the best of us the master of mankind would be a eunuch impotent or infantile he looks at her with what I can only call his wonder in his eyes in her the blood sings I know who she is now and my expression joins his in wonder welcome gentle listener I am Baltimore and I wish to introduce you the forces factions an entire setting of the weimar 40k universe we have done many an introduction of contemporary law but to show the depth of wama is lineages pedigree and its hidden power it is now time we shuffle off down the corridors of antiquity to the war for decade law or equivalent of the Room of Requirement and today we delve into the bookshelves therein contained for the thing I intend to discuss in a forthcoming entry makes this topic almost fundamental to your understanding and appreciation of the secrets of Weimar 40k why it is loved so very much but please note that any delve into the old law will have clarion calls claims and counterclaims of canonical illiteracy it can elicit heated debate personally I welcome them for I am no more than a fan myself as long as we will polite and indulge in our discourses in the spirit of wishing to learn and have the fun not to share it down those to which we differ or to pontificate then discuss a way we should for that is one of the most important elements of Weimar 40k community and I feel the comments section may be ablaze with point in counterpoint from us old fools those who have watched the Weimar sitting evolve and mutate into the Wonder it is today but do not put so much stock in the written word freely soft and psychologically felt as formal and esteemed more for at Aryan and thus can lead to greater raised hackles I would ask we all remain calm and instead of sitting behind a keyboard or viewing a phone we see our brother and sisterhood as making all comments from the warmth of a campfire which round we all sit passing between us hearty food warming drinks perhaps a tipple as a community of friends in my opinion we should always come to discussions with the warm glow of camaraderie when we visit this fan site I would ask you all to also remember that sometimes I get tired sometimes I can be a hedgehog and worry overly turn into a Borah spikes myself so do forgive me and to remind me and we can use the cool word do need some milk ultimate a source or over and then I will know that I have been a spiky Hedgehog now let us indulge in something the work it s all talking as friends around that campfire time to relax let us gaze into the dancing flames and see what the past can display to our collective vision as we explore this sense a temper of mankind was made one claim one statement that he was adamant was understood and accepted by every last one of his subjects from the high loads of terror down to the lowliest menial or chapter surf from the glittering towers of the pass on holy terror across the million or more stars to the farthest flung of boosts of the imperium war were to know this one truth the emperor was a man only a man in the long history of the Imperium of his ten thousand years and more of being a husk sitting on a golden throne never walking amongst his people never able to continue his guidance directly this truce has been forgotten by all but a handful of souls for to even speak distress is to court the acquisition of heresy to immediately be burned at the stake but he always claimed he was a man a man who has walked the many ages of humanity from the earliest waking of civilization through the many revolutions and ages agricultural industrial space information exploration through to the golden age of Technology and eventually to the Dark Age a strife old night but the human race was near destroyed but for his rising and his direct intervention an immortal the most powerful of our kind who have ever existed with wisdom abilities knowledge strength endurance and reflexes there will be hard to imagine that lone witness but he said he was a man few then take home the one thing the thing the inquisitor in the introductory story identified a simple biological fact humans breed nobody ever said he was impotent or infertile he was never a monk and lived well over thirty thousand years whole and hearty and amongst his people and no matter what your color creed station or sex we humans were like to get something here is where there will be many a divergence in opinion for the sources are clear but very dated some tale stated to tire of his genetic line some say that there are his direct offspring I like to think that it could be both but the existence of them is not in question they are descendants of the Emperor himself direct sons who are ages and have lasted near as long as heir sire all the concepts that every now and again there is one thrown up from his long dormant seed ancient traits that are sometimes activated after thousands of generations of slumber hence I've used the female descendant in my clumsy introductory tale for no tract about his descendants state his power is confined to only the masculine line if there are descendants are not direct immortal sons if I were to be so bold as to ever propose female Space Marines then the most logical and canonical way this could be achieved is a female sensei's genetics were used as a template not quite as starties but close perms and with call around who can say but to avoid discord let us not dwell on the issue of if this should or should not occur just the potentials of if it could will be better a fun thought only just the gentle listeners not an endorsement or request for them in any way but not a refutation either but back to these descendants of the emperor by those in the inquisition who know of their existence they are called the sensei no matter their age or genesis these beings are always hunted there are a variety of reasons which I'm about to explain but they are to a-1 hunted in the entries on this most ancient of war or law it states the sensei who arise do so with powers appropriate to their ancestry some say that they differ and have unusual abilities some entries state - they are all powerful psychos but all agree that they are exceptional the law on the sons of the emperor sensei states that they are immortal as he but some presumes that they will be perpetual but new law seems to have overlain this the term perpetual I will explain at another time but as some rightly state all law is valid and a specifically counter mounted by the black library directly so until they refute them Canon the sensei are these sons are often intensely powerful and will seem to be connected to the Starchild some like to describe him as the Starchild champions if you will please know that this is only one entry on a sensei we may get into more of this arcane trivia at another time but let us now push on as stated the sons of this emperor sensei are Crusaders of light and often come into conflict with the regime of their father the Imperium as it is an inarguable tyranny in many sectors due to the way it is enforced these immortal sons will raise a banner fighting justice in some versions they are after being corruptible and akin to Green Knights in their abilities other reports and lore makes them out to be practically invisible to the forces of chaos and even their father the Emperor and they can harness the walk without restraint as they can never draw the attention of said dark gods as such they will powers off unheard-of potency the tails of the genetic descendants of the emperor sensei are very similar but do not hold such a strong link with the theory of the Starchild in these situations a human can be born with extraordinary powers gifts and abilities and simply never know that the basis of the power is said genes and connection to the master of mankind to a one they arise in power and have a natural charisma and usually phenomenal control and ability to manipulate the warp as well they will gather around them other men and women sometimes even xenos well at night was take a stand against mo terrible champions of chaos but universally these beings the sensei are seen with differing perspectives from wings of holy inquisition some segments see them as anarchic cycles and mutants to be hunted down exterminated not only for their heretical acts in defying the authority of the local imperial dignitaries or law but also on our level that sees their mere existence as a form of sacrilege there is a danger to the clergy Aki and the institution of faith across the entire Imperium other wings is represented by the shadowy sect called the Illuminati are attempting to collect and protect the sensei from their enemies but some say they have very dark plans for these empowered sons or descendants as a master of mankind one that we should go into in more depth very soon all that is agreed upon is that they are forces of good if not law and order and that they rise to counter the predations and evil of chaos wherever they are found some see them as angels bi+ demons of the Starchild a term are explained very soon for it links in with my suspicions about the way that the Warhammer 40k universe is developing the way in which it will inevitably and unavoidably end but this is an introduction to the sensei only so I feel that we should talk to an end there I hope we have the correct feel for them and I've covered all that we need to know for the present so as not to overload now if you are not a player I will see you again soon I hope but if you do own any models or do or did play I would like you to consider something just consider I would ask only one thing if you play narrative games of 1 or 40k and enjoyed it the image and potential of the sensei why not play one take the rules for justic characters in 2019 chapter approved and give one a whirl recruiting diverse units like a rogue trader of your or champion of light an exact foil of the Kaos bands they have formed to defeat why not to prevent Munchkin ISM you could create random charts for it for recruiting your war band of light as the chaos armies used to do to generate their armies this will prevent claims of min maxing as some may say every single Warhammer core rulebook states it is our game we do what we wish with it as long as it is fun and what could be more fun than writing your own epic across the war-torn galaxy of the grim darkness mixing up units would never see together in the usual competitive matter not that there's anything wrong with a competitive matter it's excellent but just imagine taking a unit from each of your armies if you have multiple or just being able to buy a wonderful set of models it is not in your preferred force but you really just love the look of them and being able to just play ignoring the force organization charts and the hardcore lore and just as I say playing I shall provide some excuses for you now the drive where elder do not as a group oft fight next to man okay their name for humans but they hate chaos more with a passing band of Rangers nor assisting killing chaos what an aspect shrine of howling banshees got slaughtered a chaos spawned before then retreating or even agree due to a prophecy from the Farseer to guide and guard and assist this one special human in his quest would town or be able to see that a crusade of light against darkness is in fact the ultimate expression of the concept of the greater good with a space main squad not follow a being if their chaplain master ordered them to do so out of a debt that was owed to the person by the entire chapter but you could go further wouldn't walk warband not follow a great boss if he was promised never-ending warfare and krumping until they grew such an extent the day could return to their homes and tribes and dominate them at array with all finding muggins are what's its and carnage in the entourage of this being of light PAP's go go more but send a vision to them who vague or could be raised by hardcore law purist but it is and I cannot stay this enough a game any way to use your models in a fun way is legitimate and if it increases your enjoyment it is a win for everyone so just consider the opportunities and expand your perception of this great and glorious hobby it really is what we make of it I have been born about your faithful servant I hope you've enjoyed this rummage around the room of requirements contents and the introduction to the sensei the descendants of the Emperor if so then please do consider liking and subscribing if you are a regular gentle listener and Seaworth in what we are doing then do also consider sharing this video or even supporting us on patreon it will be a great boon and what assisting continuing the work I would like to remind although that this is a hobby this Agreement is wonderful but it must be polite and done in the memory of that image of the far side around which we all sit as equals as a community as friends as a varied our film once said be excellent to one another now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 79,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Children of the Emperor, Warhammer 40K Emperor of Mankind, Warhammer 40K Lore The Emperor, Warhammer 40k lore for beginners, Warhammer 40K Lore the children of the Emperor, Warhammer 40k Lore Illuminati, Illuminati, Warhammer 40K lore the Sensei, Sensei, Warhammer 40000 lore Sensei, Warhammer explained the sensei, Warhammer 40k for starters the sensei, Inquisition, Warhammer 40K lore illuminati, Baldermort
Id: SPexhSkOnHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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