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in the warhammer universes for there are many there is but one constant one truth that rings throughout all of the realms some may think it death defeat darkness or war and to some extent they are right but in reality it is one immutable fact that can be summarized into the single statement and it is thus the first and most powerful of all of the dark gods of chaos is corn the blood god so uh the sky it was dark and brooding and angry but it was not black always when i think of storms i think of darkness of lightning illuminating all for less than a second burning its image onto the eyes i think of cold wind rain and thunder but this storm is different for the sky is red like a blood moon the base everything it touches with the taint of a red hue but darker much darker is this everything is dark red and brown everything i see is the color of dried blood we have known for days that they were coming we watched the clouds of red move towards us across the skies slowly methodically but this time around it is no mad rush no dashed from their boats to our doors to smash what they can to kill whom they can and then leave like thieves in the night this time is different this time the norska are not just raiding they're coming to kill us all not just some not for glory or booty or rank but all this time they want to kill us all if we do not stop them our scouts had passed the horizon and crested the hills that they there but they never returned three more attempts were made but again none returned not one i'm glad i did not know what was coming until this moment night of the realm as i am still i am glad for i had those two days of sheer bliss concern yes fear yes but i now know that anything i thought was fear during those days was in fact the faintest slither of water compared to the now mighty river of quailing that now besets my very breast merciful lady forgive me for i am scared they have not reached us yet but we have a spied the size of their muster the nature of its parts and it is a vision that no mortal should ever have had to see ever have had to witness let alone have it come towards us toward me before we could see them we noted their advent the trees began to burst into flames and waves like something was too close to them and lit them with an infernal heat on the very grasslands in front of us crept fire abreast with the immolated trees even the grass burned but when they hove into view it was more than many of the steeds could suffer they bolted and ran rampant trying to flee the scene of the crime about to be perpetrated squires knights and men at arms fell from their horses so wild were they at that moment but they are bred for war as much as we their initial fear though justified on a myriad of rebels were soon brought back under control the things that cavorted the strand charged dragged themselves towards us was beyond description norske were there in parts but amongst all of the lesions of hell beasts as tall as a building skull crushers and dark knights red burning demons of rage all coming towards us standing in lines 50 of breath we are now in position again the thousands of pikemen bill men archers and men at arms that are to our right would usually fill me with confidence we are all ordered and ready have fought so many enemies together but i know this will be the last time i see these men these gallant penance and banners held defiantly aloft the cannon began to salute the larger foes and more densely patched groups of these horrors but our steeds are used to the thunder of war i see flags raised on the hill where the command stand with the main body of the force our lord raises his lance twice in the air signaling that he has understood and will obey it also tells us that the time has come it seems the lords in the command tent believe that our charge will break the lines of the enemy but i cannot see them running i cannot see us surviving but at this moment in this role serving my liege as i have always done it is no longer my concern can then secretary the tide of flames and rarely speeding towards us so swiftly i suspect the general believes that if we did not move now then we would be the one receiving the charge [Applause] mere moments pass before i lower my lance and it bursts through the torso of a red fiend slaying it i draw my sword and instantly bring it down to continue my work as my warhorse thunders forward into their midst the things in front of me die too easily my sword arm quicksilver fastest day so i make the most foolish of all mistakes i begin to hope as my arms rise and fall again and again my war horses who smash those below and rise up on occasion to destroy those in front we see them fall in their droves the holy light of our order seems to shine directly through me this day and none can stand before me before us it was then as these red beings of hate and war turned and fled and i realized it was not me or even we that had elicited such a withdrawal a shadow had fallen over the battlefield where we stood but i had sorted clouds i had thought that until it landed in our midst [Applause] huge it's arm sticking and embeds dead it's torso larger than a house it's who's the size of wagons it landed wings sizeable enough to keep it aloft then beat down on us and many were unseated from their steeds there and then it laughed and screamed obscenities as it began its horrific toll the swing of its mighty axe took horses and threw them into the air cleft plated ryder and steed in twain in a single stroke with each sally his axe took a half dozen of us his sword and equal tithe of pain and suffering it could not be stopped it could not be reasoned with it would never relent but nor would i i would not yield i will not shudder or flee i am a knight i was born for this and this alone as it comes towards me i stand my ground as my horse refuses to move which is paralyzed so i dismount slowly and carefully the demon slows as well allowing me to dismount as all of its attention is on me i look around for why to see that all of my comrades have fled the knights have unmanned themselves i see the hordes of evil crash over the lines of the pleasantry and men at arms they have witnessed the flower of our force turned tail and run they will not hold i stoned my shield while our family crest on vengeance my steed i will not need it no armor forged by man could stop or steal the onset of the demon's blades so it would just slow me down i then smack his rump to let him know he can leave he turns and streams away faster than i have ever seen him move even mid-charge he will take my arms back to my home they will know i did not die ignominiously but i cannot i pace toward the thing my sword raised high in challenge it bollows its acceptance into the skies blood red rain comes now in a torrent as if at his behest it will make it more difficult for both of us for me the grounds will be sodden and will soon suck my feet as i move for him the blood comes down so heavily it covers the mop atop his head and runs down into his eyes i will be even more difficult for it to see so small am i to some extent the odds are even but neither of us will have an easy time of this he has shown me respect of all of the men who have stood against him today he raises his own weapons in challenge received we're about to do battle it matters not who will win or lose it only matters that i stand the only matters that the dark gods see that there is still steel in the spine of humanity that there are some who cannot be cowed will never bend the knee i now pick up pace and jog then run toward it lady of the lake remember my name and claim my soul for i etienne de la cour will come to you in mere moments welcome gentle listener i am baltimore to a faithful servant and i wish to introduce you to the important forces factions and entities of the warhammer 40k universe the grim darkness of the far future where there is no time for peace there is only time for war and today we are to discuss one of the most fundamental forces in the realms the planes and the grim darkness of the far future for today finally we are to discuss the most potent of all of the dark gods of chaos corn lord of battle he has many names many guises there is multitudinous as the very stars few cultures races or factions have not been influenced by this force have not felt his will and drive change the direction of their entire existence now it is true that the history of corn is very slightly different in the three main lines from games workshop but the quintessence of the issue remains the same for corn is ever present and he is figured far more consistently across the realms than some of his siblings the other dark gonzo chaos for example nurgle tortures the goddess isha in warhammer 40k who secretly tries to whisper to the real world the antidotes to his vile concoctions but he tests his dress on a different being pox fulcrum in the world that was the old fantasy setting and the new age of sigmar campaign setting a daughter of sorts who is complicit with the drafts and wishes them to be as viral and horrific as possible a stark contrast to the benign issue but for corn there is little change so that i can mix it up a little i've included tales from the fantasy world i hope this is not too jarring i had intended to go into fantasy law when it re-released but time frames and the continuing existence of channels can no longer be taken for granted thus is future planning a moot point at this juncture and thus also i have not taken this step but i just felt like a tiny bit of a change of pace so let us now move on to the law itself the law of the blood god corn concerning corn's realm i remember the first time the first time i awoke here the first of my awares was the stench i lay on my back and gulped the air before i had even opened my eyes they shot open as i rose and tried to gulp in more air only for it to burn my chest my throat ash was falling down on me and it had entered my body i choked and coughed what seemed like hours only to walk up mouthfuls of grey phlegm i spat it out again and again strings of it clung to my mouth until i cleared them with the back of my arm i still wore my armor but its feel was hot on my lips i was sweating so much my inner padding was already soaked more coughing but the spittle now turned more clear as i had expelled most of the back soot from my chest perched on my knees my hands on the ground and my spittle and phlegm in a pool below me mixing with red liquid that ran in rivulates across my hands around my knees and legs all over this barren land it was everywhere tiny lines or great turns as i raised my head and scanned the horizon all was dark always ash always rivers and tributes of blood the sky was oppressive and red clouds that looked like the apron of a butcher mountains clout with the dried blood whipped from above i was instantly confused for my memories came back to me at that point i should be dead i should be with the lady now or perhaps nothing but i did not know where i was at first for the vista in front of me around me above me below me it was as nothing i have ever read or heard in sermons about the fields of the lady of the lake i was not in the golden afterlife i had been promised had i been unfaithful had i failed at the last not measured up to some yardstick set so high the nun but the clergy might attain it but no as my last memories came flooding back i could see no fault no error no weakness the beast had held and watched me as i charged it the praises of the lady on my lips as i rushed on and we fought he towering over me had swung and i dodged covered in an avalanche of mud and blood from the ferrari of his blade impacting the ground i rolled further knowing i could not rise amidst it i escaped the mire and finally righted myself the being looked on it did not strike until i was stood but then its blades came down again this time i ran under its bark and struck upwards as i went i drew blood from it and enlisted at a bellow of pain and fury but it whipped around swiftly arcing its mighty wings across me hurting me 20 paces i had to stare here i'd hand it hard again but i was young and fit i came to a crouch and moved like the wind avoiding his finishing blow again i clipped a gouge in its leg above the hoof its armor mighty but not entirely covering all of it the bud steamed as it streaked down its leg over its hoof and sizzled as it touched the cold with ground i evaded more of its attacks my blood hit and it howled but i realized it was more in roth than in pain when it spoke to me you have fought with honor i am vanguard what is your name i would give it to my lord the god of battle [Music] i replied in the lady of the lake's name i am etie san francois of the noble house de la cour well matt and well fought etienne's son of francois but now you die and then it ended the matter for all of its army were hearkening to our battle all launched on so it raised into the sky in one whip of its wings then down again with another mighty flap it hid next to me like a burning skylock and it brought down its blade on my body while i was launched in the air i was clifton twain i was undone i was dead but now i was here what curse or sorcery was this and i was armed with all of my weaponry despite knowing that my shield should be on the saddle of my steed my friend to my partner vengeance had they somehow caught him killed him taken by shield and finery and brought them to me here how i covered my mouth with a fold of my cloak trying to protect my chest from its heated soot the ravages of the very air that surrounded me from my vantage point on the ground i looked but i did not stand not yet as i surveyed my surroundings it was a twisted landscape of horror it was as if i now knelt on a world that had been given over to the evil ones it was certainly not where i had been slain i checked the placement of the mountains the planes the rivers of dark last liquid i was definitely not anywhere in my homeland of that i was certain of course i was right the realm was not bretonnia but hell i had awoken in hell the confirmation of this beyond the sky of red and clouds of blood beyond the desolation and burning and burning fires and soot and ash were around me was what i next witnessed my first instinct was to hide but as always i fought this down it is never your first reaction that tells the quality of a man it is what we actually do not what we feel that matters courage is a mastering of fear not a stacked jawed idiotic absence of it that makes a man so i pushed down the urge to flee to hide and i looked on for what hove interview was collar master column of red barbed beans of course i recognized them immediately the men of arms of corn blood letters but it was the order of them the penance and heraldry that they had with them it was like unto an army not a horde of stun as a knight of the realm i had faced many chaos bands smaller for certain than the one which bested our army and seemingly took my life but this was different the screams and onward rush of the she-devils of sainesh are uncomfortable are an uncomfortable thing to fight it seems wrong to slaughter women yet these are not women for their attack is fast and confusing but they break when their initial rush meets resistance the beings of nergal are slow and ponderous but they move like a tidal wave across land consuming all but their armies are seizing roiling things without order of pattern the beings of the lord of change the sorcerers each another matter again their discs make them float and their fires come down on you like a waterfall burning and changing all beneath them but they too are without rhyme without reason they are a maddening foe to battle but they can be killed masked archers ranks of warriors the dependability of the heavy charge all work against these foes if timed right but this this is different i did not notice it when i first fought them for me this was only minutes ago but now i recollect with better eyes a better understanding for these things move as those dead perhaps they're the same things perhaps they have been defeated by the relief force that was late but they walk in ranks and columns they play drums and scream in unison the things of corn are no rabble they are a disciplined force they are not a demonic horde but a cursed army and this army i did see march into position on the plains below from every quarter more forces came from eight different valleys eight armies marched onto the plane all were led by a greater demon all had not just the blood letters but various assorted warriors when i watched them i noticed armor and weapons from myriad ages diverse places it was as if it were a fresco of all the greatest butchers of now or any other time and each army was as varied as the next of course the demons of corn were the most numerous of all but many many faces in those warbands were human or even from other races some i recognized but most i did not it was the strangest pageant i had ever witnessed so damn ordered not what i expected at all but it dawned on me i had indeed been forsaken i was now damned for this could be nowhere other than the realm of the dark god himself the final clincher was the vast city in the distance a glitter with the red hues from the skies of course but reflected so well as it seemed everything i saw in the place was adorned or covered if not outright constructed from brass the metal of corn this meant it was his saturday his unholy strong point his sanctum sanctorum which confirmed i was in hell i died in the service of the lady so how could this be true and yet it was i could be nowhere else in all of the realms of existence the armies arrayed themselves and then a mighty rumble erupted from beneath us all the mountains seemed ready to topple so rough was the movement of the ground but then as swiftly as it had begun it ceased and then it all broke loose each of the forces now sent their first cohorts forward others fanning out to meet the many enemies at their sides it was no ballet like those of the forces of spanish it was no cunning conundrum to be solved like those of the forces of zinch it was no sluggish advance in a dire mob like those of the forces of nergal these were armies they met on the field and a million jewels began the masses were now more spread out and each pairing contained themselves to their allotted area and in all my years despite the horrors of it all the confusing assault on my senses i had never before witnessed a more clean fight no barging and scraping huddles no cowards pushing from the back but never moving into gaps there were no routes no segments crumbling into a dust cloud kicked up by their feet as they turned tail and fled every single thing be demon human knight barbarian soldier or mercenary elf dwarf troll or other things of more exotic genesis all fought with skill and tenacity it was a display of martial craft dedication and the level of expertise that can only be gained by single-minded diligence to the art involved the art of war but there are a few exceptions where the centers of the unit struck against each other the lords would engage one another and these beings were like giants amongst children the huge winged demons like the one who had ended my mortal existence the towering engorged or armored men who had weapons of power gifts galore of course on that first day i did not know the meaning of these words i did not know of gifts past destinies i just saw the effects of their wielders on their foes i watched on from my vantage point some hundred meters away and i was in awe these were not the murdering scum that i've been led to believe these were not the vile ignoramuses that i'd been led to believe no matter their origin or shape they were the same they were one they were all warriors and they exalted in the deeds of the day all were fighting with as much passion as skill contained when needed unleashed when advantageous and after watching for hours i could do nothing but the destined i who had trained since i was barely able to walk i who had fought since i was barely able to understand speech my arms scrambled in the earth around me and it was there my helm i shook the ash and blood and soot of it as i stood up i cleared my lungs and nose one more time hawking and spitting again before donning my helmet i then strode towards the field it called to me and i answered not knowing my fate i just followed my stomach which followed my feet they transported me towards the nearest column as i approached i saw that the forces there looked at me suspiciously the forces on the spa opposite also gazed on i sped my step and went into a trot then burst into a charge the men and others on the opposite spot then cheered they cheered me as i struck the lines as i expected to be dead in an instant i was already dead so i fought without fear without restraint without fatter but with honor and i walked through four of them slamming my shield into the face of the first then beheading him with my family sword i should not have had my family saw it the second rat of me and i twisted and cut through his right knee he fell bleeding but only into my upswing that beheaded him advancing i took a sword on my shield then stepped into it and barrelled the thing backwards until it slipped and went down so i disemboweled it as i stepped over it it was not human the fourth was an exchange of heavy sword swings from both of us but my last one split his shield and i pulled it from his arm with my own then i backhanded him full in the face with my shield and knelt as i ran him through with a low lounge i stood as i whipped the sword out of his abdomen and half of his guts came out with my blade as i twisted just before pulling up and out i took his head as he staggered to forward onto his knees but he bared his neck for the blow without complaint without sneer honor i found that there were now men and things behind me from the army that have been in another spy line they had come in after my lead and it was so odd anathema to the me of only hours before for the night of bretonnia for these warriors came around me and fought beside me we drove into the heart of the army i'd chosen to wage war against and at some point in the hours of fighting that ensued i and they had become we and on that day we won i was matched many times on the field but always i just managed to get the edge i had nothing to lose i was already dead but the victory that day came to our faction we did it on a field where hundreds of thousands lay bled out and finished carcasses as far as i could see and it was no difficulty to see why there were so many rivers and tributaries streams and rivulets of blood all over this realm it came from the battles each day every day my unpredicted attack had little effect in the grand scheme but it did open up a line of opportunity that had been immediately realized the distraction i provided had been enough finally the last of us stood panting and kicked in blood surveying the mounds of dead a silent stage with us the only ones left and then it happened slowly as each of us looked around our shoulders unknotting helms came off weapons finally lowering it started one or two at first then through to the remains of us the laughter the shouts of adulation the lurching toward one another to then clasp forearms tip weapons bow or salute as our diversity of warriors were still staggering despite there being so few of us left a score no more in all of those hundreds of thousands less than 20 survived and i was one and that night went fast it seemed that the time from dusk to dawn was short leaving more time for the events of the day the battles i thought many things i sought to cut my way to the very gates of the brass city to look upon corn himself and challenge him or perhaps to spare it away and walk the edges of this realm in search of a gateway or tunnel back to my own realm my home but the exhaustion of fighting all of the day the elation of surviving it the camaraderie i now experienced with a very few other survivors those i would soon come to call brother it was too much and so the night went by and the dawn was swift the sun poked above the horizon shedding red light everywhere and in that instant it was as if i had not been up all night had not fought all day before it was as if i had rested all eve i was refreshed and from the ground burst the seine of the previous day or the decked for war all clear and ready and rested and there were calls to form up as the leaders also returned and now prepared to meet to plan the next day of battle all just assumed i would take my place in the line and they marched into position i looked at my new allies and i did take step with them i would never be some demon worshipper no lick spittle but i saw that none of these were either not the ones of caliber we all fought because we loved it because it was our greatest skill sometimes our only one we're the best that had ever lived and i was here too and i always left a good account of myself and it was glorious for every day we would rise in battle prove our skill our ability our strength our honor and eventually one day i said it i didn't just say it i bellowed it carried away as i was in a victory day i said it blood for the blood god skulls for his throne after that there was never a day i did not say it and every time i did i meant it far more than i ever had when i was a slave to the lady of the lake a minion of convention i was a knight now now i am a being so far beyond that i'm a force of nature i'm the pinnacle of my kind i am exalted because i have freed myself of my chains i have transcended morality and life itself i am a warrior nothing less nothing more and that is enough and now gentle listener let us hear the official write-up for the realm and a god corn and so for the very basics let us lean on existing wisdom to quote the blood god's domain the largest of the kingdoms in the realm of chaos is that of corn the god of battle no subtlety has corn he has no yearning for beauty of form in his black heart for he is the blood god the skull taker his immortal frame has room only for rage and slaughter lust so it is that the land of the blood god is one of constant battle and martial challenge it serves no other function for to corn all else is trivial the blood god's domain is little more than league upon league of blasted wasteland made ready by the blood spilt upon it here and there jagged canyons and craters break the uneven ground the aftermath of a titanic clash where corn's demonic servants battled amongst themselves or against the minions over now the deity on rare occasions corn will bring mortal champions to this place and test their fighting skills few such contests end in victory for the mortal but those fleshlings who endure find their feet set upon the path to demon hood whether it is their wish or no the very fabric of corn's kingdom is tied to his mood which while never good ranges between seeming rage and apocalyptic fury when the blood god bellows his rage the barren ground tremors lakes of blood boil and the very sky screams clouds of black ash belch forth from hidden geysers incinerating milling combatants for propelling great boulders skyward yet still the demons battle they fight not for honor not for wealth not even for victory they fight for fighting say and for the favor of their wrathful lord the skull throne towering over the ages desolation of corn's realm is a blood god's brass citadel the walls of this unholy bastion are jagged sick with crusted blood and hung with jubits and gows the moat of the brass citadel is filled not with water but with the boiling blood of corn's victims iron gargoyles snarl from every parapet hatred flashing in their eyes a molten metal boiling in their bellies flesh hounds prowl the space between the outer walls and the keep gnawing at ancient bones and longing for fresh meat corn himself dwells within a great vault of the black heart of the citadel central keep eight iron pillars vanish into the even gloom to shoulder the inconceivable weight of the throne room ceiling each pillar is inscribed with one of the commandments of corn edicts that speak to the unholy virtues of rage martial skill and defiance in the center of the room the blood god sits upon a mighty throne of brass rooted atop a vast mountain of skulls korn's armor clad body is broad and muscular his visage that of a fierce and snarling dog with ravaged lips when the blood god speaks he does so in bellows of black rage each guttural syllable igniting the air in tainted sparks upon korn's fingers are many brass rings most are blazoned with his own jagged skull rune upon others are mounted the several heads of lesser gods claimed it is said in personal combat what being would dare face the blood god in the arena of martial prowess remains a mystery so the provenance of these other rings is unknown at corn's side is a mighty double-handed sword legend tells that the drawing of this doris weapon is a harbinger of great calamity and that corn could split existence asunder with but a single stroke where it is desire elsewhere in the citadel mighty armies are stocked with every weapon imaginable from cruel bladed daggers and serrated dirks to fel steel halberds and ornate cannons yet for reasons long since forgotten to mortals corn always favors this one sword and abides no other at the foot of the throne a carpet of splintered bone extends in all directions the remains of those slain by the blood gods conquering champions further distant in the shadow of the chamber's ease lies a mighty anvil where furnace demons forge weapons and armor for the blood god's favored followers great warriors are mighty war leaders who kill for that which they desire here also looks the great hound karanak a massive three-headed demon beast who plows tirelessly about the cavernous throne room in the very direst of need when his armies are overwhelmed and his citadel beset corn rises from his throne his armored footfalls shaking the realm of chaos to its core with an honor guard of blood testers each with the power of an army in its own right the lord of battle unleashes his full rage scattering the demons of his rivals with each sweep of his mighty blade and trampling their broken bodies underfoot such willingness to take physical participation in the great game is what marks corn out from his fellow gods even so his personal interventions are rare indeed and so each calamitous occasion marks a turning of the tide in the war of the gods end quote in the old world in the age of sigma corn is a fundamental force of the universe he was there at its beginning and will be there at its end when the old ones came to the world that was and managed and manipulated it crafting it into the shape they wished it was corn and the other gods of chaos that arose and attacked when the gates of the north and south pole exploded it could very well be due to the powers of chaos attempting to force themselves into the realm that this occurred at all and when the shields were down so to put it the demons ravaged the world hurling themselves at the existing races time and again until finally they were thwarted not by the lizard men the prime movers for the old ones but by their elves the elves created a vortex that drew the excess power of chaos from the realms and thus the demons could not manifest and thus the war ended but never forget that it was corn and the forces of chaos that were eventually victorious and combined to destroy the old world they then went on to attacking and dominating much of the planes when a new universe was burst and the age of sigma began so corn is a force that has existed from before the world was born he is a constant threat and cannot ever truly be defeated just held at bay which thankfully sigmar seems to be doing far better in the new planes than ever he did in the old world but the allure of corn is simple feral and base it is as much a part of the human condition as breathing for aggression is hardwired into most beings and if they are sentient then they are likely to also affect the warp so any form of combat conflict or aggression displayed by any at all gives some small more so sustenance to corn when there are wars and battles of plenty then it is a very banquet to the great god and the direct worship of corn while his adherence wield weapon and bash shield in the midst of combat is like the finest wine to this guard is one thing that all should be known about corn for he is not loyal not to his champions not to his demons not to his shining stars the killers for as is often said corn cares not from where the blood flows as long as it flows translated he does not care one wit about his people only the battle is given heads are taken and their scars are scraped ready for his throne corn is a simple and honorable being to many extends he thus despises his brothers on many levels corn feels that magic is trickery and dishonorable thus he cannot abide his brother zinch the lord of spells and magic and change corn does not feel that defeating a foe by pox and booboos as anything but base knavery as well hence he sneers at the grandfather nurgle but his lasting antipathy is saved for slaanesh the self-serving god of pleasure is without discipline honor or any virtue whatsoever in the eyes of his older sibling corn thus corn despises slaanesh in the 40k setting he even went so far as to interrupt slash's conflict with the elder gods to try to claim caleb mentioned kane the elder bloody handed god of murder sainesh was forced to withdraw from the power of his brother corn but in the confusion caleb and chicane was shattered and spread throughout the materium but that is the story for another time the constant conflict between the dark gods of chaos is called the great game and compared to the great game all else is not but a distraction many will ask whether dark gods do not combine their powers again as they did to destroy the old world but this is simply never possible for the conflict between the gods is far more important to them than any other venture and when the victory of one could lead to the annihilation and absorption of the others it is little wonder that they are unable to trust one another at all a myriad of times the forces of chaos have near dominated or destroyed universes only for battle to break out amongst their forces as one side or another seems to be gaining more power than the others so on the brink of victory the chaos gods will ever fall upon one another and give a welcome respite and reprieve to the worlds they were about to dominate and consume thus has it always been thus will it always be for evil consumes its own corn in warhammer 40k things are somewhat different for the great god corn in the grim darkness of the far future he is represented somewhat differently as i believe that this is his timeline of genesis but i shall get onto that in a moment in the 40k setting all of the chaos gods represent forces that as i have already stated before could well be seen as very positive but they have been twisted by the universe in which they inhabit because they are creatures of the materium the warp and the warp only reflects that which exists in the real world the materium thus corn represents the forces of eros the life urge strange but true and he is heavily connected with slaanesh which is why he loads it so similarity and familiarity breeding contempt of course the real difference in the futuristic setting is that the universe did not begin or even issue from the chaos guards they simply did not exist then at the dawn of the universe we know is the grim darkness there was a war a war to end all wars dubbed the war in heaven powers were unleashed that the present races and generations would not even be able to fathom let alone imagine for the very first war was fought between the two very first civilizations the old ones cosmic gardeners philanthropists and philosophers they were enlightened race and sought to not only propagate new life but also to raise it up tend it grow it teach it they were the caretakers of the galaxy and their strengths were in their attitude their wisdom and their command of the forces of the universe but this concentrated mostly on the power that could be gained from the immaterium which was befound and renamed the warp for the sea of souls was wide and expansive and took on the emotions of those sentient beings who existed there as much as they did in the materium the material world the old ones were construed as mystic force for good their enemies were the first two empire the first two conquerors the first two horrors then a crown tier the necron tear were bittered and twisted things that sought not to teach or tend but to dominate and destroy they had a burning rage at the core of their culture which led them onto a pathway to tyranny they would expunge or enslave the younger races they came across and they could not be stopped only the power of the old ones could counter them and so in the name of the weaker younger racers who could not defend themselves from their crown tier the old ones took up arms with the necrontier used technology the old ones used mysticism it was a slow but fulsome victory for the old ones but then the necron tier found allies dark beings of the materium called katan and with these dark star consuming guards the tables turned the necron tier were then transformed into the necrons began to win as the battles escalated the old ones became increasingly desperate and unleashed powers that perhaps they should not and the spiritual world the immaterium began to be infected by the hate and fear that was being experienced by the beings in that war the sea of souls was being polluted with despair and negativity and rage rage most of all of course and this is where the seeds were sown for the birth of the dark gods of chaos the war in heaven took on many turns but please see my entry on the silent king for more details the ultimate upshot was that the old ones failed and were wiped out the katan were then turned on by their necrontier now necron slaves and torn asunder and entrapped but when the necrons looked at their position when the dust had settled they were forced to retreat themselves for the races that had been genetically engineered by the old ones were now in the ascendancy i would hunt and kill the weakened necrons so they entered status creps and fled through time into the distant future the timeline of the end times what we now know as the grim darkness of the far future but this the war in heaven was a starting point the genesis of the dark gods for once corrupted there is little one can do to clean an entire realm although the emperor of mankind had such a goal it is a topic again for another day so over the millions of years since that first war the well of sars de gaff the warp has been twisted with each and every slaughter every war every act of barbarity or cunning pistons or pleasure and the motions collected in the warp and they gained a critical mass and they became semi-sentient the dark gods were born one after the other the energy they were made up of was gained from near all of the races of the galaxy but it was humanity that gave them the most substance most form was midwife to them the first to be birthed was corn the god of battle some say that this was during the period of the crusades on earth zinc nergal and slainesh following much later and in that order but it was only stanish that was birthed by the activities of any safe humanity for the prince of pleasure is almost entirely down to the debauchery of the elder but the other three all were formed by the mental activity and soul-searching and screaming of the human race corn has always been the most powerful of all of the gods this is perfectly understandable in a setting that claims its byline to be there is no time for peace there is only time for war even so corn has ever been the most potent of his siblings for near any race will feel the urges he represents for all of the galaxy as awash in flames and war never ending he has the greatest source of sustenance of all of the guards now there have been times when the great game has meant that most of his siblings if not all have turned on him and temporarily slipped him of his seat as most powerful most often going to reach the lord of change but this does not last as the end of any true rebellion is quenched when corn himself takes up his sword and moves to the very front he is the only one of the chaos gods who will personify on the battlefield and fight directly but his power is such that any force sent against him will be utterly annihilated so it is only a matter of time before he regains his ascendancy legal too can sometimes swell in power as his might is like the tides and ebbs and wanes at its height he can challenge corn but as before his power inevitably contracts again and he is unseated from his superiority corn is the greatest of the gods and he always will be but it is in this universe the 40k setting that we see his origins so it is my opinion that it is here that he began and they moved through the realms to be the being so feared in the world that was in the age of sigmar settings for as soon as something exists in the warp it has always existed and the warp is connected to all times and all places so when the birth scream is over the gods finally sentient their power can extend to any point in the chronology of the setting even its very beginning or utmost ending they transcend time and space nor do any in the warp understand anything that is not existing now so when a being exists in the warp they have always existed if for some reason they are removed expunge then they never existed or this is what i previously thought but the heads of the rebel guards who have fought against have been bested by corn whose heads now adorn his rings they do seem to counteract this interpretation of the warp and its denizens but this element is not mentioned in warhammer 40k as far as i know so it may not be admissible in this section or is it confusing but then if it was simple and straightforward then who would need an old servo skull to try to make sense of it all in weekly updates i digress now after such an extensive rant let us sum up corn is the first and most potent of the chaos guards anyone and everyone will give power unto corn at some point in their lives for though he is the lord of battle any conflict can give him sucker and even the most pure warriors of the imperium of man can be tempted to his cause when one fights constantly battles every day for existence it is only the rarest of songs and most disciplined of minds that can resist his cause for long it is why the training regimes of the astartes the space mains are so very rigid for any deviation from the historic and faithful watch can end in walking the path of corn as so many many chapters histories have shown lending truth to the old axiom beware that when fighting monsters you yourself do not become a monster for when you gaze into the abyss the abyss gazes also into you now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun too
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 158,539
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Keywords: KHORNE THE BLOOD GOD IN WARHAMMER 40000, Warhammer 40K chaos space marines, Baldermort, WORD BEARERS, NIGHT LORDS, Mort, Guide to Warhammer, CHAOS SPAWN, IRON WARRIORS, Khorne, tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Games Workshop, Grimdark Tales, Warhammer Lore, Chaos Spawn, CHAOS SORCERERS IN WARHAMMER 40000, SORCERERS IN WARHAMMER, khorne the blood god lore., Lore of Khorne the blood god, The Skull Throne of Khorne, The Realm of Khorne Lore
Id: Ak6Ii6w8_V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 32sec (3512 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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