Rogal Dorn Primarch of the Imperial Fists

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nhoang9d 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome gentle listener I will apologize immediately to you for I have been a liar a liar of a mission you may have seen me extol the toys of the game in my butter Epson photogra viewers you may have heard my passion when rating the beginning of a war but I have kept you in the dark for your own protection I have been keeping something from you and I feel it is now time there is a reason that Weimer 40k is not just me liked or even obsessed over but he loved 140k is truly loved by its fans for very good reason a reason I am about to reveal to you in all its bitter sweet glory it is not that always was splendid as they are it is not a painting as therapeutic as it is it is not even the socialization and relaxation which I lords so very much it is the escapism it is each depth no other fictional universe I know of not even that of the Star Wars saga has such depth it is encapsulated in one terrible moment when one single image but you must understand it to understand why it is so potent what I call the longest second it is contained within the story that I'm about to tell you but the moment I speak of is the defining instant that evokes such passion and loyalty in this world's adherents it is why I consider the tail among the best the most heart-rending fiction in modern Western literature it may never gain their claim it deserves and I certainly will not be able to do it justice but I will cry so gentle listener put your hand in mine metaphorically and let us go through the darkest point in the universe that which I called the longest second let us see was warmer universe is so important to so many what stands the test of time so let us explore the existing law or of one of the greatest heroes possibly the most tragic hero of the Warhammer universe where this moment is contained I introduce to you gentle listener the tale of the primark or the seventh Legion of the Dijon is as starties to the pataw rien of terror welcome to the tale of rogue goon dawn [Music] now let us begin our journey that must give you the briefest of snapshots of history which I will cover in further detail later because it has such a colossal overbearing import to the story I must relate today also do bear in mind that this is merely an introduction to oka corn to cover his history would simply not be consumable by this medium without a plethora of sittings so be aware that I will visit segments of this history in greater detail in the future it is requested in a time of abject horror a time when humanity was almost extinguished a man arose to save us war this individual was a man later known only as the Emperor of mankind for in the future humanity had developed him strode the stars forming a mighty confederation of planets far and wide but as with all things it was not to last the means by which ships traverse the galaxy was called a warp drive transporting into another jacent universe known as the immaterial ships could travel to far distant stars and fractions of the time it would take them in the real world the material so the human Federation colonized the Stars they developed these technologies technology is the wood or the people of today well for that matter those of the later period of the 41st millennium humanity believed itself untouchable its robotic armies the men of iron were without number its fleet so advanced none not even the ancient race called the Elder I could match them without hue cost humanity was ascendant and felt its time had come it felt invulnerable but thus to all wars begin with hubris with arrogance a string of things happened over a very short period of time in the grand scheme of things but do not worry as I shall cover them all in more detail in my own inimitable style at another junker but let us list them now so we have context the men of iron the very armies of humanity turned on their masters hardly novel but the way in which this impacts is in for normal or very distinct but we shall get into the nuances another time just know that much of humanity died in that ages long struggle was they barely with the assistance of others against her own automated army when humanity was on its knees still recovering from a Holocaust was a cybernetic revolt further disasters then struck the war which facilitated Farson light travel became almost impossible huge warp storms closed off much of the galaxy and made to travel effectively impossible as the Confederation of plants of the humans had always relied so heavily on trade and cooperation the effects were immediate and catastrophic entire worlds would previously be cities or industrialized relied entirely on the produce of their neighbors these planet's population swiftly went into famine and then into starvation rioting occurred across the galaxy and the human civilization was swept away planners are relied on the Goods and equipment produced by their neighbors were similarly unable to survive or regress into feudal worlds where the rule of the sword and might alone that one could hope for justice and peace it was a time of strong men on top of this humanity started to realize its potentials again and cycles those able to tap into the energies of the walk to create wonders or defy the rules of the galaxy started emerging with increased regularity and with increased ability to harness to warp the sad truth is that planets and societies that embrace this Nova Houmas the new man the psycho were eventually to regretted their openness for as the sagas emerge their powers to tap into the warp started to attract evils that had never yet been encountered by humanity in the real world the material psychos would succumb to the dark whispers and the denizens of the warp and be possessed denizens that the Imperium now call demons and entire sectors would fall to their perdition's a demon is almost impossible to defeat without a fully trained and astonishingly experienced and powerful psycho on one side or the kind of technology and weaponry that was fast disappearing due to the regression of huge swathes of human civilization it was not to be as there were none to train these nascent cycles none to protect them the carnage and enslavement of these beings went unchecked for the most part and again the population of humanity shrunk even war the freedom torn from them and the lies reduced to that of cattle chattel or fodder for the whims of their immortal and godlike masters and Zino's alike as humanity weakened those races with which they had allied with to match the threat of that men of iron their allies who turned on them perhaps this is a propaganda of the emperor but none Li who can gainsay or refute his reading of a past that he alone survived for the emperor is immortal and is new for a very long time thus did humanity get assailed and enslaved or destroyed also by their erstwhile allies a crime a pain that the emperor has never forgotten and his sons of the reminder of ere ever they embarked on the campaign's of the Great Crusade this period is named the age of strife by others old night and it deeply affected the entire subconscious of the human race scarred it beyond recognition for thousands of years humanity was beaten killed enslaved and corralled we were almost stricken from history would have eventually been so if it were not for the coming of the Emperor of mankind on the birth planet of humanity once called earth now called Terra te double are a the Emperor who had watched all the ages of mankind arose he threw off his lifelong rules and fetters that prevented him from ever revealing himself before he had no need but now this eternal human the most powerful of all our kind reckoned that there was simply no alternative terror itself had become a wasteland of feuding techno barbarians States with the technology to create biological and mechanical terrors it was infested with evil psychos and immoral wizards entire states that had fallen to control by xenos the Imperium stern for aliens all the populace of Terror could do was look on in horror their lives were effectively hell there was nothing but darkness and evil pain and tyranny until the coming of the emperor within a standard years he had created his custodian God and his Thunder warriors the precursors to his space reigns and took the fight out to the lands around him he began the walls of he unification we will skip to the end of this period as I will update you as time goes on with the lore of that period as I can but needless to say the Emperor crushed all of ye and unified the humans of Earth with terror and destroyed any and all outside influences that had helped to bring humanity low but this was just the beginning the emperor prepared a Great Crusade a great army to go forth from terror and with but one goal alone the saving of humanity with his genetically engineered warriors the adept assists artis his Space Marines he prepared to take back the galaxy in the name of peace and justice as a soul system fell to his designs the technological armies of Mars were added to his forces for Mars had survived semi intact the age of strife although a shadow of the power of the human Confederation the tech priests of Mars still commanded great power and had fleets of warships and terrifying forces of tritons colossal vehicles of war with Mars on his side and his genetically engineered armies growing a pace the Emperor took off into the galaxy on a two-fold mission the first as stated to bring freedom wisdom and safety to the beleaguered humans spread across the Stars the second mission was while moving ever onwards and outwards to find the sons he had built for there are 20 Asians of superhuman warriors Lea starties that had been crafted and grown but each was different due to the template being a different Primarch the pry marks which I will cover in more detail soon were twenty demigods the twenty sons of the Emperor that he genetically designed forced and prepared to lead his armies in his great crusade they were made from his very own genetic stock and in his image but in a terrible moment before their birth each was taken in their capsules and spread amongst the stars by the powers of chaos the gods of chaos who hated the Emperor of mankind naming him the annother ma seemed terrified of the power that Emperor would have if he had his sons with him but they were not able to destroy the pry marks for some reason so they found a in his armor 'he's a hole in his wards in the Emperor's Palace under the Himalayan mountains and whisked away his sons deposited them on worlds across the galaxy thus as the crusade moved outward it would one by one find the para Knox the very sons of the Emperor and mighty sons they were each dwarfed a Space Marine as much as a Space Marine would a normal human but not just in size but also in intellect subtlety skill reflexes wisdom and power truly the pry marks were Titans of old and heroes that like that would put Perseus Achilles or even mighty Heracles to shame and so it was that the capsule that contained the infant rugal dawn landed on a planet called in wit an ice world and a hard place for humanity to even survive on locked in its orbit around the Sun one side of the world was ever shrouded in darkness the other in light but neither prosperous or easy in what Sun was old and gave off little heat or light so the plant was working to a ball of ice than what we would consider a planet for human habitation the populace of Inuit were Hardy and stern as ahead no choice as weakness was dead a harsh civilization that bridge stoic and rugged determination as a matter of course to quote conflict against the booming clans was common and young warriors learned how to defend against their clans enemies as early as they learned how to endure the death touch of in which the merciless chill they are incredibly quick learners and had an innate sense of an object's functional value and most importantly they have the strength and intelligence to conquer those who possess knowledge they do not long ago before the coming of the emperor was even a dream or night rally terror the people of him wit began to create their own realm in the stars or every world they took they assimilated realigned and reinforced with each conquest their culture and learning grew but Inuit itself remained unchanged even as it became the center of a stellar Empire the ice hives and clan disputes remained and while their world birth starships and ringed its orbits with weapons stations its rulers kept to the old ways the ways that have created this strength the Warlord's matriarchs commanded armies amongst the stars still living lives little easier than their vassals it was as part of this burgeoning Empire that local dawn grew to manhood then to rule its domains as Emperor much of his early years remain unknown or at least little talked about it is however certain that in the cold and darkness of inward a boy named Rogal by his adoptive kin rose to lead the house of dawn also known as the ice caste and then to the rule of the inward cluster the patriarch of the clan that raised dawn became an adoptive grandfather to him and taught him much of tactics strategy and diplomacy even after he discovered he was not blood related to his grandfather Dorne held his memory in high value he kept a fur edged robe that had belonged to the man and slept with it on his bed every night his quality is married perfectly with those of inward and he pushed their empire further than any other Rogel led and trained his armies and fashion spacecraft alike of which hadn't not been seen before Rogel then discovered a piece of luck on his voyages of discovery his ships came across a relic of the past a great and powerful weapon for in the in which system there was a vessel from the Dark Age of Technology a battleship of vast size which dawn named the thanks with this as his new capital ship and flag he moved out and continued the work of his forebears of Inuit he expanded the Empire across the neighboring systems at a frightening pace the hardy people of inward following where ever he led rogles fleets they made contact with the outermost pathfinders and rogue traders at the vanguard of the Great Crusade he was the seventh of the twenty pry marks to be discovered by his father the Emperor of mankind the meeting was a joyous one for Rogo recognized the greatness in the Emperor and his connection with him the moment date met for the Emperor the blessing and joy was magnified by the discover of not only a son but a thriving a powerful military culture as well Rugel Dolan offered the mighty ship the Phalanx to his father the Emperor so loyal was he so swiftly but the emperor gave it back to him to command and paid him to take a command at austerities the space marines that we made out of rubles own genetic stock effectively rogles long-lost sons don't accepted but he had conditioners dawn did not speak a single word to his legion when he first met them he is quiet and building a demigod watching them while they tried to please him he insisted he watched him in combat and watched him he did when the battle was over he finally broke his silence Rogel dawn informed them that they were warriors but they had much to learn so in his inimitable way Rugel forged his connection with his legion the only way that could ever have happened by example don't trained his men and his leadership and guidance complemented their existing skills and honed them to erasers eggs the seventh Legion had merged with their Primarch more seamlessly than ever before and became a thing of dread and wonder for the reason why the sons were so like their father the Imperial fists of the seventh Legion I will leave to their own video but it was a match made in heaven it was affection from there the days of the crusade began for ogle dawn and his newly forged even the seventh the Imperial fists the crusade was a constant struggle a constant war but one Rugal was more than a quit for in every way he started fighting alongside the Emperor as all of the pry marks did bar only one when he had been molded and the Emperor had decided it was time Rogal was seconded to the forces of his oldest brother I say oldest as in he was the first firmed by the Emperor the longest serving at his side the most trusted and trained by the Emperor he was Horus lupica the harbor of the Emperor and later his more master Rogal finally serving alongside not only an equal for first time in his life but one he considered worthy of his respect and perhaps in the Lord a duration photo bogel Horus lupica was everything a pie mark and statesman warrior and leader should be Vogel and Horus were fast friends and firm ones once Horus himself stated that his legion the ruler walls it had be called the sons of Horus after Allah nor with a finest in assault and if you met the imperial fists of war there would be an unending stalemate the irresistible force versus the movable object so high in Horace's opinion was his loyal and redoubtable brother local they fought side by side as brothers of many campaigns they thought they would never be anything but the closest of friends but Rogel was most often in a theatres of war led directly by the Emperor became known to be like a shadow to the master Anam Cara Ruger also made bonds with other pry marks of her many campaigns thereafter but he was not charismatic or outgoing and could be known as blunt so did not always fit in or act in a way to elicit true friendship Valledupar Markie shared a special bond with was of course the one PI mark that nearly all of the brothers not only respected but loved it was sanguinis the primarch of the blood angels in sanguinis he found the traits the most exemplified the goal of the crusade and the best in humanity despite sanguinistas obvious mutation the wings that grew out of his back Brogan sanguinistas relation was only to grow into one of true camaraderie and respect in the dark times that followed it was always his brother sanguine eosin which he trusted in the war to end all wars it was his brother that angel had strode forth but he could not despite Rogel wishing with all his heart that he could go instead and save the angel just in case it was also his bother sanguinis alone who shared in the burden of the defense of the price but we get ahead of ourselves sanguinis woogle and Horus formed a special friendship that few understood they had something in common but only one other shared but for that we must wait for the moment in the crusade the forces of the Imperium push forever out and out further and further none could stop them none could gain say their power their purpose their path and in the crusade all of the worst horrors of old night the period of humanity's weakness in need were highlighted in graphic display the xenos tyrants they fought crushing humans under their feet the mad sorcerers and psychos who dominated all life for systems around the degradation of humanity was finally over whenever the say derived the crusade as far as Rogal was concerned thought emancipation safety and hope to all of the Lost Tribes of humanity and it punished their gaolers their abusers and F foes where other lesions moved forward in lightning Swift grades on board plants into Imperial compliance fast but moved on as quickly it was not the way of the Imperial fists where Horus might have won the Imperium it is said the Drogo dawn built it wherever a war had been fought Rogal set up defenses and hardpoints castles and keeps so that no insurrection would rise and also so those worlds he conquered were defensible and their people's left with pride he built each world up and did not move on until he had improved the conditions of all those we lived there as his father Horace a taught him and his father the Emperor had instructed him Rogal believed where others fought for the battle or for glory or for accolades and honors Rogel fought because he believed he believed in his brothers he believed in his father the most important of all he believed in the dream the Brighton beaming dream of a humanity free safe and happy where they need not fear the skies or the dark or professional ignorance Rugel fought for better tomorrow for his entire race and he built that better tomorrow with every castle keep a border he constructed ruga believed in the dream of the Imperium of man the crusade came to a head finally with two great campaigners one I cannot mention here but the other was the campaign at Allen or at Allen or the greatest collection of green skins ever witnessed occurred and the forces of the Imperium of man rose to the occasion it was the Emperor and Horace Lupo Cal who met this threat head-on others were involved but it was these two titans of war that met the leadership of the on anur orcs at the heaviest of the fighting on the day the Great Auk war bus finally was bought to Brook the Emperor himself was saved by a Horus who beheaded the green-skinned warlord and the battle and the war was over in recompense for this by the mountain of accolades and proofs of loyalty fidelity nobility did the emperor elevate Horus lupica to the exalted state of war Master then proceeded him above his brothers to lead them as he had done beforehand and with that the Emperor then left to crusade to return home to terror to deal with other issues it was one of the greatest days in the life of Robel for he could genuinely admired his big brother and supported him and despite never showing it as it was not his way he was so happy for Horus he thought no other would have made sense and Horus repaid that trust an augmented it by secreting himself for a time and asking Rogel to help him reinvent himself to define and agree the identity and duties of a war master and to set a bar that Horus must always hold himself to Horus came to Rogal as one of his closest friends but also as one of the most accomplished and powerful of all of the prime arcs in the arts of war also to some extent he came in states craft and how to manage his other brothers for he had not forgotten that Rugel gone at once before his finding by the Emperor be monocles an empire of warriors the administrative protocol Kellerman would not have suited the situation much as he is lauded for his ability as it was a congregation of warriors of legend that Horace would have to ride have to bend to his will his direction it could not be done by diktat after times Emperor called dawn to tell her to be his pet Orion the Emperor of mankind had his body and palace guards in the custodians the ten thousand but yet he called back Rogal to be with him to protect terror and the soul system and to improve the defenses of the Imperial Palace much as they thought they would not be needed many were grieved at the singular honor per Thabo of them of the iron warriors in particular railed against this favoritism shown to Vogel but Roble did not care Roble do one knew that he was the best man to be at his father's side not a serious - another reason that Roble might have been at the empress side but again we must wait for that dreaded moment and it was at this point that the horror began in earnest another thing local had seen before this prepared him for what was to come nothing could while he was leading a small contingent of his hand-picked guard on his way to terror to take up his position as battalion Roble found a lost ship hailing for assistance it was the eisenstein aboard were death guard who demanded to speak with him immediately in that fateful moment that most charged of encounters Rogel dawn found out the terrible truth the death guard warrior captain Nathaniel Garrow was a harbinger of doom to ogle as he informed the Primarch that his brother Horace lupica had turned traitor never cou did others they were now in open rebellion against their father for this Goro nearly lost his life as well also staggered enraged by this infamy that he doubted Gareth so much he nearly killed him even though enough evidence came forward to prove the world of Gera who confirmed that the worst nightmare had started the war master Horace had turned his back on the Imperium and the Emperor and was preparing to make war all those who remained loyal to the throne [Music] poro glow when cannot imagine the crushing huddle rending desolation he must have felt at this news why he could not accept it image immediately one of his father's turning against the Emperor was one thing perhaps anger on or humiliated lugar or even the insane Conrad but for his oldest brother his big brother the one he admired the most the one he had vested the most hope in God fallen in that moment it's Super Bowl Bogle dawn to the core out of nowhere the hope the dream of the Imperium was wounded as it had never been before for Rogel for one of his bothers to turn would have elicited a rage not confusion our logo must have heard then they have the greatest and closest primal to the Emperor his war master a most trusted son to turn on him was beyond belief for all's Liu Pakal hadn't turned his back not only on his sire not only on his loyal brothers but on the dream on a dream of the Imperium Oh Silas would have thrown Rugal into such confusion for his Horace the brightest light and the Primarch who seem so ardently to believe in the hope of the crusade for Horace to call it a lie was almost too much to bear rebel must have wanted to take flight to confront his father immediately not to fight him but to implore him to return to the light but no the one the warrior inside the solar this Primark must have known as soon as he heard that three of his brothers had fallen to the darkness surrounding Horace in knew he knew that Horace was not alone and that the others would boy him up and keep him on a course he was on the lights of anger enormous Torian were understandable but fulcrum shock upon shock horror upon nightmare grief piled on grief with such surrounding him Roble knew that Horace would not be able to be taken from his path would never be able to bend the knee and beg for clemency he needed to be adored so did Horace so the die was cast and Dawn knew it would not walk off dawn sent his fleet is trans system where the treachery was occurring and took himself in his elite to terror to inform his father the Emperor Horace lupica had turned to evil he had been seduced by the dark powers of corruption the dark gods of chaos more than this he had turned all the brothers with him the visitors from the Einstein reported that Horace I turned anger on of the world eaters fulgrim of the Emperor's children more tarean of the death guard for full lesions were in a revolt led by the most able general of them or Rogal returned to terror and his father the Emperor issued a full seven lesions and their pry marks to destroy the rebellion as our Stratos mounted their defense and raised their banner on is Tran v their retribution force of the emperor prepared to land three lesions were to make landfall first an assault the strong points of the traitors to then be supported by the other for the Salamanders iron hands are a vanguard landed on istafan and began their furious attack on the positions of horus and his treacherous brothers what happened next is too complex and too important to cover here but in very brief the three were tricked they were betrayed for the other for lesions that landed behind them the word bearers alpha legion iron warriors and night lords had already gone over to the ruinous powers they landed and set up fortifications then joined with horses forces and simply blasted the three loyalist Leisure's to smithereens and when they were done with that they drew out their chain swords and engaged in close combat the butchery was great the three loyalist lesions the Salamanders raven garden iron hands were taken by surprise betrayed and nearly exterminated that day but worst of all brother actually slew brother although Corvus corax Primarch of the raven guard and Volcom Primarch of the Salamanders managed to escape that terrible trap Ferris manners the Primarch of the iron hands was slain his head cut off his shoulders by his erstwhile best friend and closest confident in all of their prime arcs no less than his brother fulcrum what occurred to the Imperial fist NIST fan will be covered in their own video but after a short period rugal issued a recall some Sol system to assist in its defense his legion despite having the upper hand against a more numerous opponent and were winning did as instructed and taking casualties they withdrew from combat and made their way to Terra as instructed for the Imperial fists were ever obedient to their Lord no matter the situation the next few years were a living hell for a local goon he was given command of the remainder of the loyalists armies as a new war master of the Emperor outnumbered and constantly outmaneuvered by his brother or a supercar the war always seemed to go against Rogal he fought like a tiger organized like a whirlwind and was as tactically astute as any who could have filled his role better perhaps even than his opposite number that their roles were reversed but he never table occurred and the Royalists were pushed back again and again nor would all of his brothers obey his commands nor follow his lead despite the stakes involved Lehman Rus Primark or the space Wars went off on his own rampage nearly slaying the traitor war master but he did not finish the job when he had the chance then he and his legion and fleet were forced into consecutive battles all designed for one thing the one thing Rogel feared most the prevention of the Volga Finn Rica the space walls from being able to return to defend the palace of hello Raghu was practically alone his father fighting in the web way his closest brothers defeated or in far-flung battle and I'm able to answer his klaxon call to the throne world he only had jagat I a brother that few knew fewer still liked or trusted despite him doing nothing to deserve the reaction local walls to all intents and purposes so very very alone at this point I will apologize again to you my gentle listeners for I cannot bring myself to rough this subject the very soul of 140k I believed I would be able to condense this tale into but one video but I find the subject matter the work is too great I will not sacrifice the journey to the destination for it would diminish the impact and import of the whole for this reason I will ask your indulgence and beg for your forgiveness for the content is too large I must end this installment here also for the reason that the style and pace of next segment will be so different that it makes logical sense as the best storytellers all know only the best or the worst until last I hope you will continue with me on this path to the darkest moment the longest second or it will be available soon [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 189,584
Rating: 4.9685698 out of 5
Keywords: Imperial Fists Warhammer 40K, Crimson Fists Warhammer 40K, warhammer 40k black templar lore, Warhammer 40K Lore Imperial Fists, Warhammer 40K Lore Crimson Fists, Baldermort, Primarch, Rogal Dorn, Rogal Dorn Pretorian of Terra, space marines, space marines warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, black templars warhammer 40k
Id: hRUd-9A3MwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 3sec (2583 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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