Grandfather Nurgle

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I started drawing this circle a decade ago carving it thick carving it deep my master found me discovered my plan and then stopped me we almost dueled over it but he was the mightier so I backed down a curved lip in the dark was all the rebellion I gave and as he pontificated we never employ the methods of the enemy we do not meet with them we do not entreat with them for ruin and doom or all that come of such foolishness one does not make pacts with the Dark Gods for the prices always higher than that which you are willing to pay but he was a scared old fool despite his power his craft his wisdom he died of the pox last fall since then it has been never-ending one pestilence one plague after another the crops blighted the herd stin a village slowly dying no respite no mercy so I have traveled a full day away from the cities as I did a decade ago and begun my ritual I study the winds of magic unto my master and then alone for almost two decades I am able to do this I know how to contain and constrain I carved the sigils and circles in the earth deep to prevent erasure those inside the circle will augment my cry into the winds will call that which I require cause so loud so powerful do not even it will be able to resist the runes in class outside of the circles to enhance the efficacy to make them unbreakable for it cannot be allowed out it cannot I performed the rites my sacrifice and then I wait but I do not wait long the ground gently shakes and the branches of the trees about me seem to meet and make a dark canopy to prevent moonlight from striking the circles in the dark and all alone a feel more than see the being dragging itself out of the muck huge as I had expected as I had prepared for it in my circles and Ward's it pushes upwards and almost touches the limbs of the trees before bursting into dazzling light for an instant Green of course then comes down to lambent glow still green but of a more murky hue I can feel its presence as it tests the lines of my defenses the compulsions put on it by my mystic scripts its small head atop a mound of green leather encased blubber now looks down at me it's grinning face now put into stark detail by its eyes the light bursting from them denoting its power inside I quail but this is the human inside of the wizard I stand proudly in front of it my Ward's protect me it totals a deep gravelly belly laughs then speaks for the first time be Swift wizard for your frame cannot channel enough of the winds of chaos of magic to keep me here for long little mortal state your case I suck in a deep breath and then blurt out the words I had thought to deliver so casually with conviction representative of the great grandfather our village Labor's under your blessings but without thy mercy or people die our crops our I'll I sock expire you have blessed us mightily now we have seen the light we are prepared to bend the knee Oh on what whilst I'll give unto the grandfather for his clemency we would be his people we would be under his ages we offer to give praise to him every day on the seventh hour and every night on the seventh power will praise the grandfather in aught else that we do we will devote our lives to him if he would but spare us and give us all of his blessings not just its rough edges and you speak for all in your village I speak for myself first then those who would see the wisdom of our cause The effect of the grandfather's full blessings I would take his power into the village and show his bounty his magnificence then it shall be as you say I will anoint thee in his name the demon slowly reached towards opposite took no step back half of him was awaiting the touch of this putrescent being the other half laughed internally to the demon Prince did not recognize how trapped and constrained it was inside the mystic circles and wards as it was but his eyes widened as the hand passed his last wards without event and the index finger of the great unclean one gently caressed his brow in suddenly he was struck with a widening pattern of rashes from the point of contact crashing along at every inch of his skin it was not possible as the pain then rushed down him he screamed but did not fall to his knees as a feeling swiftly passed replaced by a calm and almost joyous temperament that he knew had no genesis within his own soul the demon chortled once more and then his body began to fall apart as the last of the Wizards power was drawn from him as a mammoth being just fell apart the wizard could make out the back of the circle that which he could not see before due to the bulk of the great unclean one there were many multiple preachers across every inch of the circle every Ward as maggots and flies had swarmed across the lines having broken them already it was a good thing that a wizard had come as a supplicant for if he had not then he would already be dead the man then reached for his staff were made to begin the long trek back to his village to bring the blessings of the grandfather to his people he would touch them all as he was touched anointed by the greater demon they would be infected they would be ugly they would be worshippers of a dark and terrible God but they would be alive you I am bald Ahmad your faithful servant and I would like to introduce you to one of the most important figures in Warhammer both fantasy Aegis Sigma and a grim darkness of the future for he is one of the four corrupting powers one of the great gods of chaos and he stands astride all of the worlds all realms of of Warhammer across the entire range as this as a guide to Warhammer I felt a with this iconic character it would be best to cover him in his multiple guises better to get a fuller picture of him also to save you all from repetitive information when we do move into fantasy which cannot be far away now as such we shall begin with fantasy the world that was they moved to what I'm a 40k after for the differences are subtle but they are there so to begin our exploration of the great chaos power known as Nergal Lord of pestilence and decay let us lean on existing wisdom to quote the demons of chaos far beyond the boundaries of the mortal world lies an impossible domain of magic and dark wander this is a nightmarish landscape of desire hatred whimsy and terror here no fiscal laws apply say for those enforced by the creatures that live within its bounds this is the realm of chaos dwelling place of the Dark Gods and the demons of chaos none can say how long the realm of chaos has endured for time has little purchase on this damnable Kingdom it may be that it is as old as history itself formed even before the stars blazed to life on world itself was created yet the realm of chaos and all its dire millions of the hopes and fears of living creatures made manifest so how could it exists before sentient races rose in the end it matters little how the chaos gods came to be it matters only that they exist and they are hungry for the souls of mortals there are four chaos guards wrathful corn devious each pestilential Nergal and cruel / they are jealous and prideful deities each believes himself destined to be the supreme ruler of all existence and constantly strives to wrestle control of the realms of chaos from his dark brothers yet the gods seldom lower themselves to direct confrontation such as the business of minions not omnipotent masters the scan each guard call upon mighty armies of demons to do battle in his name just as the chaos gods are beings of magic so two other demonic servants each demon is a splinter of his divine master a distorted reflection of mortal yearning a shard of emotion and dark desire given form and license to destroy the Stars every demon reflects something of his master's presence and personality demons of corner muscled and brutal given to slaughter and murder while those that serve change are whimsical and devious shunning physical combat in favor of the sorcery that corn detest so no ghosts demons are by far the hardest of their kind if somewhat more abundant thought indeed whilst Lana she demons are lies and whipped quick as delicate in form as they are vicious in temperament regardless of fawn demons are unnaturally resilient able to shrug off blows that would tear another creature asunder indeed a demon cannot be truly slain his physical body can be destroyed true enough but this merely banishes the demons spill it into the swirling wellspring of magical energy known as the forge of souls thus vanquished the demon embarks on the process of creating a new body to inhabit and dreams of vengeance against those that humbled it so though they may share many characteristics no two demons are entirely alike all the infinite variety the chaos commands can be found amongst the Warriors of the demonic hosts many demons sport extra appendages ensorcelled weapons or other even other powers that are the envy or sometimes the pity of their peers such oddities are bestowed by the demon's patron in celebration of glorious service or in punishment for inked nominee as fade here it's not always possible to tell one from the other the chaos gods are normally just as inattentive of the deeds of their demons as they are of those mortals who caught their favor thusly their low attention span can sometimes lead to the elevation of thoroughly undeserving minions or the unjust punishment of their mightiest servants as demons are twisted parodies of mortal creatures so - - their armies mirror those of the material planes the largest of the demon hosts sullied by greater demons monstrous avatars of the dark gods whose might far eclipses that of any mortal warlord their food soldiers are the lesser demons unnatural mockeries of mortal warriors that march under tattered and foreboding banners or guide their snarling war beast some hell Falls cherries crashing into the enemy ranks the cows gods constantly war for control of all that is and the power of each and his demonic hosts rises and falls according to his success in this great game these contests are fought with little quarter a noble convention any tactic any artifice and any underhanded ploy is fair game thus our alliance is frequent and shifting and betrayal is commonplace yet however much the chaos gods mate might squabblin vie amongst themselves there is one cause in which they stand united the damnation of the mortal realm and halt all who dwell within it in pursuit of this objective all for as the ruinous power stands shoulder to shoulder though each ever has one eye upon his brothers their minions marching forth as one to overwhelm the piteous defenders of the mortal realms only when victory is within their grasp do the dark gods fall to infighting amongst themselves once again each seeking to claim rule of the conquered lands demons at moments before battles side by side against a common foe said their blade spells and fangs against one another without hesitation such as the ferocity of the ensuing conflict of the games of the gods United are swiftly bled away by the struggles of gods divided a landscape that roiled and rise with dark sorcery can return almost to normal in a of ours as a battling hordes consumed the magical lifeblood to fuel their struggles without magic to sustain them the demons are inevitably sucked back into the realm of chaos thus is the mortal world preserved from ultimate destruction not through valor or strengthed arms but through the same godly greed the preferred initial onslaught this is of little comfort to those beings whose lands have been ravaged whether through scholarly law or primitive superstition they know it is only a matter of time before the Dark Gods unite once more and the demons of chaos walked of the mortal world once again the realm of chaos the realm of chaos is a place of dreams and nightmares where cause need not follow effect within its bounds anything is possible here there are no physical laws akin to those that dominate the mortal world within its confines hopes and fears become real and reality is reborn as fevered hallucination gravity shape space and reason all are in flux and utterly mutable to the will of the chaos scars few mortals are capable of perceiving the realm of chaos in its true splendor for the living mind recoils from its otherworldly landscapes thus no two visions of the realm of chaos are exactly alike and are often contradictory the dark gods of chaos each have their own particular spheres of influence their own demonic zones and their own territories yet the realm of chaos is not merely the home of the Dark Gods it is also their battlefield there we now for a great game of supremacy the brothers are constantly at war with one another vying for power amid the plains despite their myriad differences the chaos gods share a common goal total domination of all that is but such absolute power cannot be shared even amongst the gods so it is that this peculiar world is burdened by constant wars of attrition fast demonic army swarm across crystal planes venomous forests bone choked swampland and rivers of churning gore battling to the death to claim and counter claimed territory and the magical lifeblood to go with it in the realm of chaos where magic is the stuff of being the breath of a domain is not merely a symbol of power it is indeed power itself as a millions of one God sees advantage captured territory is molded to the whims of its new master if corn overruns a portion of moguls festering garden the diseased foliage swiftly decays down to nothing leaving only ruddy wasteland similarly should the zinc manage to wrestle that same territory from corn crystalline structures burst forth from the parched firmament alliances in this eternal war are complex but far from unknown in fact the Dark Gods often seek advantage through common cause though corn is the greatest of the brothers he is not all-powerful szene is his closest rival but if the circumstances are right the Nergal and sometimes flesh can rise to be his equal or eclipsed him entirely as if this were not complicated enough there are deep-seated rivalries amongst the gods to confer their influence matters corn despises / whose dark designs are an affront to the blood God's sense of honour and martial pride similes Inchon Nergal respectively the manifestations of hope and despair need littled Spurling to come to blows for each God's try a subdermal answers the other and though one may gain ascendancy for a while no God has yet succeeded in vanquishing another as one God gains mastery the others combine against him and as the Allies grow in power they divide forming new packs of necessity until another conquer emerges to vanquish in his turn land of the plague Lord on the borders inches round lies the domain of Nergal the Great Lord of decay who presides over physical corruption and morbidity Nergal can truly be called the father of all pestilence for his immense frame is home to every disease known to mortals his giant body is bloated with corruption and exudes an overpowering stench his skin is green leathery and necrotic its surface pockmarked with running sores swelling boyars and numerous infected lesions no-goes inner organs ranked with decay spill through the ruptured skin to hang like obscene fruit around his girth from these organs best tiny demons that chew on the rotting bowels and suck upon an osseous juices within such as the appearance of the chaos God Nergal though mere words can barely do justice to his truly impressive foul Ness although Noah is ranked behind corn and zinc the truth is that his power is not necessarily weaker just less stable than that of the other gods when no girl unleashes his ghastly pestilences his power rises to a peak like a plague his power grows and often reaches pandemic proportions temporarily over showering that of all of the other chaos gods combined it is for this reason that Nergal commands are wary respect from all of his brothers Naugles great delight is in the endless cycle of existence in life and death at the heart of his moldering mansion beneath mildewed and sagging beams he indulges his passion the plague Lord Labor's for untold hours at an iron cauldron a receptacle of vast enough to contain all the oceans of the world Google works to create contagion and pestilence the simplest yet most fecund form of life such is the ghastly irony of no God's existence everything he does is with the goal of bringing more life into the world yet so many of his creations are inimical to other beings that know those legend is often that of a destroyer not a creator with every stair of Naugles maggot ridden ladle a dozen fresh diseases flourish from time to time the Copeland God reaches down with a leathery hand to scoop a portion of the ghastly mixture into his cavernous mouth so to test the fruits of his labor should the putrid soup meet with approval the god waddles to the corner of his workshop where he holds pox fulcrum a demon blessed with the ability to heal infections but afflicted with a vulnerability to them all opening the corroded cage Nergal forces his captive to imbibe the trade mixture watching with ill-concealed excitement for the signs and symptoms of his latest creation though Cox fulcrum inevitably purges the disease from her body the efficacy with which she does so allows the plague load to evaluate his creations if no girl is pleased he returns to his cauldron as he empties it into the grate below the teeming liquid falls as rain upon the mortal world if the concoction does not meet with Nagas approval he prepares his soup on you as for poor chakram she whispers to mortals while the plague father is busy at his cauldron apprising them of cures for ailments no Glen leashes so has she entered the beliefs are a thousand cultures upon a thousand names some mortals believe her to be no girl's daughter who cures only so that new diseases can take hold while others see her as Nagas bitterest foe a benevolent deity of healing and patron of the afflicted the garden of blight pestilence is not no girl's soul obsession we're not laboring at his cauldron nogow cultivates his garden with a tenderness and pride utterly at odds with his rank and loathsome appearance as with all worldly things within the realm of chaos moguls overgrown garden is a scale large enough to befuddle to mind within its bounds or the plants and trees drawn from the million worlds and realities each strain of flora forages in its peculiar environment though not all are immediately recognizable like any gardener no girl cannot resist at the recombining of his beloved strains almost everything in the plague fires our garden is some strange hybrid vegetable fungoid and demonic life perhaps as a result of this the garden is alive with a kind of ghastly intelligence it is not sentient as such but has enough carnivorous instinct to attack intruders its plays smothered vines bestowing all manner of deathly foxes on those who foolishly come within reach as nokels power grows so too does the spender his garden at the zenith of the plague Lords power the undergrowth becomes vital enough to burst over its boundaries and cast murky tendrils into Xena's crystal labyrinth and the lands beyond left unchecked the decaying presence of Nagas plants crack and whether the arcane geodes from which the labyrinth is composed such an assault however unwitting inevitably perfect seniors minions to instinctively attack the in cursive foliage using saucers far to scour route stamen branch from the shimmering labyrinth this in turn rouses the wrath of father Thunder go before long the demonic servants of the great sorcerer and the play Lord are at war once again such battles can last for seconds or centuries for they only cease when ogres power and thus the unchecked grace of his garden recedes again end quote it cannot be said a fantasy or age of Sigma are actually firmly linked to the grim darkness of the future but it is highly likely there have been hints and connecting features they are not the same now the counts cards are slightly different in the world that was fantasy and the new realms which is age of Sigma to that of the grim darkness of the 41st millennium for the chaos powers are a separate realm as they are in 40k but in a different way yes there are parodies of powers that could or should have been productive or and positive but in fantasy they have always existed they are woven into the very fabric of reality yet as with the grim darkness setting the truth is that the mortal realms for age of Sigma or fantasy before it are undeniably of less importance than the great game ranged in the realms of chaos or in the war rarely does anything happen that will hold the interest of the grand father in comparison to the war against his equals his brother gods of chaos if he should ever invest so much attention in the real world that it distracts him from the warp the great game then he is in constant danger of being a run by corn zinc or even young Spanish so as important as his affect his gifts are here in the real world no matter how much pain misery and death he may unleash it is always best to know what he could do if he concentrated his activity if he bent his entire will to the mortal realms again for the only time that this has ever happened before where he and his brothers actually called the truths long enough to act in concert an entire realm was capsized easily into chaos is grasped and then destroyed the world that was so let us hope that the grandfather and his brothers are all is at each other's throats in a jar Sigma let us hope that they never ever make common cause again and now we move to the Warhammer 40k setting and let us start with another story we checked their armies back to their lair not very difficult it would seem we are starting of the sons of Corvus corax so it was to be expected our armor all in black and muffled we advanced through the undergrowth towards the center of the ruckus for there seemed to be some form of celebration in the offing as we prowled forward all took in the spectacle before us like some twisted mockery of our own practices the forces of chaos were having what can only be described as a victory ceremony we had given more than we had gotten so the spire of marshal endeavor seemed so full of itself we had butchered thousands of the scum yet here they were celebrating their meager spoils we moved up and watched as a huge mass of leather and blubber mountain of green person intestines held court it would wait a supplicant coming forward showing off a bolt gun here guard dog tags there each time the mass the great unclean one were not its approval always after a beaming look of surprise and perhaps even a mild Nigel wink toward the being demon or mortal that had brought forward its token of victory it spoils strangest was when a moving carpet of tiny green copies of the great unclean one nerdlings I think they are called processed to its feet holding multiple marine helmets on their upheld hands the Gov for that came from the demon was positively girlish so happy was it that multiple of these tiny replicas are it were drawn into the arms of the great unclean one and almost daintily kissed and returned to the math it was repugnant or comrades Armour being used as totems like this so we prepared to strike our first salvo saw multiple missiles streaking through the UH aggressive the Hulk a bottle slammed into it as they hit huge explosions crackled across its carcass blowing sizable chunks out of it covering the congregation of the forest around it a wailing went up almost immediately as the mass nogal worshipers never born lamented the loss of the avatar of their God or so I thought but as the smoke cleared the possum blood and skin landed around us like rain we all beheld a measure of our attack nothing the huge blob merely laughed and laughed and all of our little nerdlings little thing slipped into it and onto it repairing the wounds our weapons had torn from it nor with the masses lamenting as I had thought the dirge quickly rose in pitch and intensity is all around us all before us now some behind let rip a scream from their lungs as the great unclean ones laughed it Rose its hands to the heavens in some form of cooling with that two decaying trees around us the ones we hung from to gain the best fire aperture they all burst into life branches twisted and grabbed at my brethren lifting them into the skies and twisting them until they're all that could be heard were a crescendo of sharp cracks and dull implosions those of us who struggled free of than our animated trees cracking with our combat dyes were not spared the carpets of these little things came around us from behind pulling men down and wrestling their helmets from them crunching on their faces and their skulls are after amongst the throngs were larger beasts drones and one-eyed monsters all fell on us as I was held down by mass of these horrible little nervous the last thing I experienced was the leering face of a water eyed monster as it's more opened and perfect gothic swept out of it welcome to our banquet mortal you shall be Argost of Allah the nature of chaos in the grim darkness of the future I have outlined as I see it in a previous entry so please do peruse that first if you are not already done so it is called the warp and demons and so we can see the similarities in fantasy and 40k for they are practically the same figure but there are differences in 140k the figure of pox fulcrum is in fact the elder goddess YCJA she whose tears form the physically attuned gems that occur in the eye of Terra gemstone said the elder used to capture their souls before they depart into the stream of souls which is talked by she who thirsts before she who thirsts for their souls above all others as colin ford slash for the soul of cain nergal fought for the soul the being called YCJA and after a rumble with other Elder Gods and then corn slan Ashe was simply not able to resist him lasted no go take a goddess for his own and thus does he use Asia as pox fulcrum is used in fantasy and strangely I feel that there is a chicken-and-egg discussion to be had about the grandfather and the other gods existence re where they originated I feel the present evidence points to the grim darkness being the universe where it all began why are you a scope gentlest nurse well it is simplicity itself in the grim darkness we see their Genesis for Nergal was not the first god that was corn but his Genesis is described he finally coalesced into sentience in the Dark Ages but as soon as he was formed he was not changed from being warp stuff so in that realm he has always existed when he was born he immediately transcended from time or causality hence to I believes that the Dark gods of chaos have their beginnings in the far future world and from the point of their birth they then existed in all realms to which their walk is connected it is easy to see them as fundamental forces of the universe but Nergal like the other chaos gods is not a naturally occurring force of nature he is not decay or plague or suffering or death he is a chaos god of the warp thus he is when all is stripped away merely the reflection of sentient beings fear of and reaction to contagion and plague and the corruption of the flesh like all the chaos guards Nergal seems to be the representational personification of a fundamental force change death lust or decay in this guise he would appear to be entropy but he is not he is a parody of that force seen through the warp lens of the psyche of the beings who inhabit a twisted and broken galaxy the grim darkness of Warhammer 40k let us go off-script before I stated though I considered the tainting of the warp to be the fault of the first great battle the war in heaven that is where the seeds were sown in my opinion said the stir why follow up and expound on my assertion if the old ones had not fought the necron tier had not defeated them had not humbled them they would not have then made contact with and then agreed to serve the coton it is well attested to the knight bring her as a good rod affected the galaxy on a fundamental level giving many sentient beings a fear of death an unnatural fear of endings tainting it but I suspect as the other Katan who unleashed such terrible forces as those wheels by as a god may also have affected the psyche of the galaxy and its thinking beings change being at routed to the trickster etc causing an unreasonable strain in sentient beings for changes now to be feared as well whereas previously perhaps it was not but it is the warping of the immutables like death and change making them things of stress and potentially to be feared and fear is the key for fear warps the kind act into a slight the compassionate deed into an aggressive one fear is the misshapen prism that warps all making it vile thus the fears ingrained into sentient beings by the coton opened the gates to the tanking of the immaterial the warp the snuggle is not disease he is our fear of disease and its ramifications he is not pestilence he is our fear of it he is just a parody of what he should have potentially have been the sad thing is of the forces of chaos appear to have been intended as forces of good it is very likely that they would have a rose anyway corn the EOS purge the drive full life transformed into the fattest the death urge sinus love pleasure and attraction change to lust and hedonism zinc progressed pre scenes and planning twisted into plotting and scheming thus would grandfather nogal be nature abundance and growth for Conda tea instead fear of sentient beings has caused this great force to become pestilence and plague yet of all of the great dark powers the gods the grandfather is aptly named for he truly cares for his creations his demons his champions his followers and the whole galaxy this alone the twisting of the warp could not yet take away from him his core of caring in this no girl is alone in being true to his original intended identity for he cares for all alas it is how he expresses that love that makes him truly one of the most terrifying things in the grim darkness of the future the war bands of chaos are littered with would be champions of Nergal that had descended into spawn by the grandfather's blessings for his bounty knows no bounds I have been bought mode your faithful servant I hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the chaos Gordon Nergal if so then please consider liking and subscribing if you do then please do also consider hitting the notification button as I would not want you to miss out now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun Tolu
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 182,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40K Lore Nurgle, Warhammer 40K Lore Grandfather Nurgle, Warhammer 40K for beginners Chaos Gods Nurgle, Chaos Gods, Nurgle, Baldermort, Warhammer Fantasy Gods, Warhammer 40K History Nurgle, Nurgle god of decay, Warhammer god of pestilence, Warhammer PLague, Warhammer 40K Death Guard God Nurgle, Chaos Gods in warhammer, Warhammer chaos gods nurgle
Id: 2eZu61cgWGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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