"Signs of the Hour Part III" - by Shaikh Mohammed Tim Humble | FNR

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you did learn he was holy he nabina muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in from bad so it's Allah Allah we're continuing on with the series of the signs of the Day of Judgment and today will be our last lesson on the topic of the minor signs being lighter Anna according to my little any note thing we reached up to the sign which is that the mother will give birth or the slave sorry that that the slave girl let's get this the right way around the slave girl will give birth to her to her master and the word master here is used in female and her female in her her you can I don't know what the right word is for it but that the female that will own her the slave girl will give birth to the female that will own her and this is from the hadith of gibreel the well-known hadith south Baraka and ashraf leha either whether that element or abettor her if the slave girl gives birth to her female owner or her female master the scholars differed over the meaning of this of which I'll have 11 Hodja mentioned four different opinions the first is that Islam will spread across the world and will conquer many countries and this will lead to the gaining of many female slaves and if that female slave was to have a child then that child would be in the position of the owner of the slave so this is very technical one it's not like this is a very technical kind of like very quite quite a literal one whereby Islam spreads there are female slaves and they have they give birth to a child and that child is not their master but that child is in the position I mean the end of the day one of their parents is a slave and the other one is the owner of the slave sword I mean that is that is one that are hot Bobby mentioned and and now we said this is the opinion of the majority of the scholars however I'll have it have been Hodja commented on this he said what I can feel Koni Hill Murad neither he said yes this doesn't work this doesn't work he said because this was present in the time of the Prophet SAW I said this is not a sign of the hour in the sense that in the time of the prophets I said there were female slaves the female slaves had children those children had that position where they had one parent that owned the other parent that was present so this is not likely that this is the interpretation of the sign the second one the second one is another quite quite technical one and that is that the owner of the female slave she's a female slave she has children the owner sells her on and when her children grow up because they don't want their mother to live in slavery they purchase their mother out of slavery that one clear they purchased their mother out of slavery so they are born to a mother who is a slave but they are born free so the mother is then sold and they purchased their mother out of slavery in order to free her the third is another quite technical thing relating to slavery and that is that and this is this is getting any really really complicated the third one and this is that a slave girl has a child from someone other than the one that owns her and effectively the slave girl goes around until she is purchased by one of the children that she had and remember slaves were bought and sold they are not like it's not you know it's not like a servant who works for you or a maid who works for you this is someone who is bought and sold but the real meaning of this is the fourth one and the third verse 3 will lie any to me they are not strong at all they are all dealing with technical circumstances in which someone might end up as a with their mother in a position of slavery to them and that's not the meaning of the hadith at all rather the meaning of the hadith is the fourth one and that is that people will treat their parents as they would treat their slaves and this is insha'Allah Allah the meaning of the hadith that people will treat their parents like they would treat their slaves and wallah he this is so common it doesn't mean like but but I want you to think I mean you have a let's just for to make it easy because we don't have slavery in these days I just talked about having a servant you have a servant like a maid or any you don't have some sort of you have a servant what do you do to the servant bring me this get me this go and get this go and do this for me I need this ready and you talk to them maybe not with as much politeness that's maybe not the proper Islamic way but this is a reality and you say go and get me this why is this not being done now look at how people talk to their parents and tell me is there any difference now in the way that many young people talk to their parents bring me this can you get me this can you have my food ready why is my is my food mom where is my food why in the in the days of the prophets I Selim such words would never be heard from the mouths of a child a burden a muster hail impossible for a child to criticize the parent for not doing something this is what you did with your slave is not what you did with your parents but now it's not even considered bad manners like I mean when when the kids do it we don't think it's anything wrong like which is just totally normal so in reality we've come to the point where we treat our parents in a similar way to the way that people used to treat their slaves demands made of them criticisms made of them when it's not done and Beyond and beyond and perhaps you can say this is something that is increasing it exists but it is it's increasing because there are some things associated with slaves like hitting them and so on then maybe you don't see people do to their parents it's not like widespread at this point but you can see where it's going and this is I believe a sign that has already happened I'll have a divan Hodja said wada I would you hold out your or a yahoo audio indeed he said this is the correct or this is the most correct of the different opinions in my opinion and there's no doubt that that is that is the the stronger of the opinions there is a fifth opinion but all these technical opinions don't don't interest us too much the 22nd one that we're going to do is um the abundance or the or the the rise in killing the rise in killing the Prophet SAW assalam sena hadith narrated by abu huraira lotta commissar hat yekthar osa dr. al hajj al Hajj they said what is a large o Messenger of Allah he said al Cottle take for the hour will not come until slaughter killing becomes prevalent and again while lying you only have to read the newspapers to see in our time the number of deaths just look at the look at the twentieth century I forget our time exactly but look at the twentieth century you had two world wars after that you had communism and what that brought from you know Stalinism and what that brought and the slaughter you had the slaughter in Far East Asia in these different countries you had Vietnam and you had different different Cambodia and all of these countries where there was just slaughtering of people on a unimaginable level and now if you read the news every day it's just people being killed one place or another sometimes Wars sometimes just you know lawlessness and just people being killed everywhere left right and center and so this is one of the signs of the hour in the hadith urban mass rout the Prophet SAW I sell em said vania day sir oh yeah Mulholland yasuru fee Helen why ever Haro fear hell jihad the prophets I sell em said before the hour will come will be days of killing there will knowledge will be wiped out and ignorant will be apparent and I think all of us can say that to a certain extent that applies to what is happening in our time and perhaps it will become something which is worse and becomes more as time goes on and we only know we only fear what is in store for us in ten years or 15 years but we see the amount of people that are dying every single year from killing any from people killing each other it's not a small amount of people it's a huge amount of people from the signs of the hour the minus signs of the hour is too terrible salmon that time and actually scholars differ over what this means taka rod means time becoming near that's probably the literal translation time becoming Nia now the scholars differed many of them said it means time will be compressed some of them said it means that Baraka will be lost from our time that you will I mean there are things that you would achieve in a short time but you will not be able to achieve them and so on that and we'll come to the opinions the prophets are seldom said Lyle at our home sir Hector and then he said at the end of the hadith hot air takara as a man until time becomes close and the Prophet SAW salem said letter Pumas are hotter at Horeb as salmon feta Kuna Sena Kashyap way Acuna Shahab Cal Gemara what a colonel do more I totally own way a corner yarmulke sir what they're gonna say was a connoisseur cacti rock zurafa or Safa the Prophet SAW I seldom said the owl will not come until time becomes compressed so a year will be like a month and a month will be like a Jew Mara and a Jew Morel will be like a day and a day will be like an hour until the end of the hadith and the scholars have different opinions about what this means the first is that it means kiloton Baraka that there will not be much bollocky in our time ever had you said this has been found in our time so we see that the days go by so quickly we can't even achieve in what our predecessors achieved in the time of a sir we can't achieve it in many many days and if you look at us were lying even every time all I think about some of my projects our projects I remember this hadith because Allah and you have projects that you could have achieved generally in a day or two days and you spend six months you spend eight months you don't know where the time went and it didn't get done it didn't get done it didn't get done this is from the lack of Baraka that exists in our time and I want to just highlight something very important because and some of you guys know what I deal with in terms of Rokia that people ask what's wrong with the rukia these days and if the Sahaba used to do Rokia one time surah Fatihah three times Surat al-fatiha three days surah - fatiha and the people which is being cured in one reading in three days in one day in seven times they were being cured why is it now you read over for someone for a year you read over someone for six months this is the reason pill little Baraka in this time of ours we're in a time where what the Sahaba achieved in one minute we don't achieve it in one year and that's not an exaggeration in age they would read over some one surah - fatiha in one minute they would be cured we read over someone one year we don't see a cure because of no there are other reasons we've spoken about them in the rakia videos but this is one of the reasons pilita Baraka the lack of Baraka in our time the second opinion that this will come in the time of Almaty and Issa and we know with regard to that that Giles that the days will be shortened so the Dajjal there will be a day that is like a year a day and so on and so forth and there would be a year that is like and so on and they did we'll be compressed we will talk about this in the time of the dejac and so there is an opinion that it refers to the time of of SRS that I'm not that after the day after the time of the de jure because the people have such a good life and so such purity and such goodness in it that the time will pass so quickly that is one opinion the third opinion is that the meaning of this is that the people will become close to one another in in their ignorance of the religion so it's then I think they've taken the meaning of Tejanos a man meaning that you will come close to the way that people were before Islam so the time is getting close as though you are blending into the time of the period before Islam and ignorance becomes them you know becomes the main sort of feature and people there's so much evil taking place and this feels like it feels like that the time is blending one one time into another the fourth opinion is that this refers to the means of communication and look at the situation any people are impressed they say like we have such you know back in the days we have such technology now you know we have horses that deliver messages very quickly and you like and now look at what we have and you can reach somebody on the other side of the globe in three seconds so it's as though the time has become short and the means of travel this is another any another yeah any meaning of this any communication and travel you can put them together so now you get on a plane and five hours later you have traveled somewhere that somebody would take three months to travel by by camel or by foot and the fifth opinion is that this refers to when the time will literally be shortened any at the time of the Dead Jolyon this is that when the time will literally become shortened and compressed and that it's not like a lack of Baraka but it's a literal compression that allows an ekala decrease depending on which one of them this refers to some of these have happened and some of them have not happened some of them have happened and some of them have not happened closely related to that is another one that refers to something become near to one another and that is the prophets eyes and talked about the horrible aswath the markets becoming close to one another there is one obvious thing when you hear that the hadith is the hadith robbery or illogical Messiah had to have her alpha 10 YX or al khatib what a Turk horrible a swap the hour will not come until trials appear and lying becomes widespread and the markets become near to one another there are a number of different opinions of course one thing that comes to mind in our time is leached the literal Takata oval a swap and he maybe before 30 years you ask how many moles were there in Dubai now I mean you can't go 5 kilometers in one direction without reaching one in the ass walk have become I mean that the markets have become physically near to one another but that's not what most of the the scholars spoke about some of them said the meaning of the markets becoming near to one another is that them is the loss of profit in the markets this is one opinion and if you talk about it an old fashioned market then this is something which you can say has happened now like that the old fashioned markets are much much less profitable than they used to be and people have moved away from these this kind of the market place as it used to be that is one opinion or that the markets will begin to to lose money and the interesting thing about this is there is an interesting sort of modern take on this which links us to another one which is the rise of online shopping and there and this is serious the penis is not like me just like making this from my own head and from the scholars are those who said that it means that shopping will become as if it were on your doorstep as if the market was on your doorstep and that is the meaning of Tocqueville as well that it will be as though the market is on your doorstep now can you link that to the loss of the markets what is the problem now at least in in the countries which have a strongly developed online shopping market the regular markets are losing money they can no longer sell their goods shops are closing down people are losing their jobs because everyone wants to buy online especially if you look at you know the UK the u.s. places like everybody wants to buy so this is also something which is we're not gonna say this is the meaning of the hadith but we're gonna say that this is something that is perhaps reminds you of this sign of the hour that the Prophet sighs I'm spoke about takabal s walk this the sook becoming near to you the shop's becoming near to you and now subhanAllah you have multiple things even the fact that you have these shops outside your door that literally and if people go down from their apartment below is there there are shops in I don't think this was known in their time that somebody would you know just climb out of his bed and outside there is a shop but even if you look at the way that now the way that trading is changing in the world today more and more is going online more and more is getting delivered to you or people are coming and bringing it your to your house it's as though the markets were next door to you and the other thing you can look at is the fact that you can order something from China and it can land on your doorstep three days later it's as you know previously they would make a a try a trip to Syria to to be able to you know to be able to take some Goods and bring them back now you just tap a few things into your computer you make a phone call and three days later it turns up on your doorstep this is also even with physical you know the physical shops this is also Minter horrible ass walk and from this some of the scholars said this is how they explained it I just throw it through an online shopping there but they explained it they said one of the opinions is the ability for people to know the market prices instantly these are the these are the classical alarm are saying this by the way this is not coming from like somebody who just saw the I mean they're their iPhone app and and got made at f0 of this these are hadith the classical scholars are saying one of the meanings is that the market prices will become known very very quickly now you want to know the price of something in the market and where in the world you just open your mobile phone from the second is or the second is the the speed of going from shop to shop think again online shopping the malls and you can go from one shop to the next and you don't even feel like you're even it even requires any effort and the third is is a one I haven't mentioned yet is the similarity in prices from shop to shop so some of them said Takara will a swap means takarabe LS are the prices will be similar in the shops meaning you can't really you know you can't really get a better deal hero here and it's pretty much the same everywhere and that is also any all of these are things that we are seeing in our time will they become more will it become even more prolific Eliza our generals best but it certainly was a sign that no matter how you interpret it in every single interpretation you can say that it has happened in our time any whether it's the prices whether it's deliveries whether it's shops being outside your house whether it's shopped malls being close together whether it's the shops the ease of moving from shop to shop whether it's being able to order something from overseas and land on your doorstep all of them are from takara Willis walk and there's no reason why we can't say that the hadith refers to all of them there is no reason why we should limit the hidys to one of those over the other because they're not contradictory they are they work together so all of these things we see with shopping right now are all from the signs of the hour that the Prophet SAW salem spoke about the 25th and this one is important and this is the hora sheikh fahad Illuma the appearance of polytheism in this ummah why i say it's important is because many many people are under a mistaken impression that once you enter into Islam and you join the Muslim you can't commit polytheism you can't make a partner with Allah and they say that you know you people say we make a partner with Allah in X Y Z but that can't be true because we are part of the OMA and the OMA cannot commit shirk the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in numerous a hadith in the hadith of Taliban the Prophet SAW I seldom said this Heidi's in Sunan Abu Dawood in JAMA at Timothy the Prophet SAW salem said either all they are safe for you Matty la mer fer and her era emiliana he said if the sword is you can say is wielded in my Ummah it will not be lifted from it until your Mahayana meaning the moment that the Muslims start to kill each other they will not stop killing each other in one place or another until the day of judgement um this no doubt happened the killing of earth man in the time of Al Arabiya lon and since then the Oh may it and the Abbasid caliph 'its and what happened with the fighting between the Muslims and keep going throughout history you will not find a time where one group of Muslims was not fighting another group of Muslims somewhere and the Prophet SAW salem said voila tacoma sir hat tell hawk acaba airmen on medieval mushrikun and the hour will not come until tribes of my ummah join the mushrikeen ien a shark were hot buddha kaaba in min Amati al out an and until a group until a group of tribes from my ummah worship idols and there is no doubt that this has happened without a shadow of a doubt and abiding a Muslim narrate from Abu Huraira of the allahu and the Messenger of Allah saw I seldom said the hour will not come until the the buttocks of the women of DOS shake around Valhalla saw any meaning that they they make toe-off around this what was known as the Yemeni Kaaba Valhalla saw was known as the Yemeni the Yemeni Kaaba and the people it had an idol there that the people used to worship in jahiliyyah and the prophets I am said the our one and it was destroyed and the idol was was it was destroyed by in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but this is something that the scholars say it is already it already happened they said what the prophets I Selim has already happened for the tribe of those and those who are around them from the Arabs at a certain point in history they became they went back to worshipping will Allah saw when ignorance returned to those countries and it was said that is Shaffer Hamad bin Abdul Wahab Rahim allow Dada when he called the people to tell hate that one of the things that they faced were the people in that area of the southern part of of what is Saudi Arabia and the part of Yemen who were worshiping Valhalla saw and the profits I seldom said Laird Hubbell Laila one Naha hat Torah battler to a reserved he said the night and day will not go away meaning the hour will not come until a lat and I'll RZ are worshipped once again I need the idols that were worshipped in the time of the Prophet SAW I seldom before in the time of Julie and the Prophet SAW Selim removed them when in the conquest of Makkah when they overcame mater and they removed the idols from the Kaaba the people will go back to this and in reality if you know what a Latin al Uzza were it said that one of them was a stone or a rock that was considered to be a place of blessings and the people used to go and prayer it I said that one of them was a tree said that one of them was a grave that people used to worship then in reality the Ummah has already gone back to worshiping a Latin others trees and stones and graves and so on and so forth and this is apparent for anyone who travels outside of the Arabian Peninsula to the different countries and sees what people do and it's not one country you go to Southeast Asia you'll see it you go to Egypt and the northern Africa you will see it I mean you go to Morocco Tolono you will see it in an e like you will pass by grave after grave after grave that has been worshipped besides Allah soldier and you see the people making sajda upon the grave to the person in the grave with no with no shame any with no shame at all Subhan Allah and likewise any as soon as you get out of the of of really the the Gulf countries any like you will you'll find this subhanAllah present and all over the Muslim world the people going to the graves to the trees to the stone seeking Baraka from them praying to the dead making sajda to them and you see this doesn't matter any I've been to most of these countries and I've seen it in nearly all of them and it's not even hidden and you go in and it's like it's a big building with like and it's known that this is the grave of so-and-so and it's the grave of Allah saying this is the grave of Philon this is the grave of Allah you go and you look now you see what has happened to Iraq and you forget about what is east of that like subhanAllah what the people do there the grave worship the saint worship subhanAllah this Ummah has turned in in so many ways towards going back to the ways of the people of Julia towards worshipping the graves and the trees and the stones and so on in a hadith of aisha radi allahu and her she brought a question about this to the prophets i Selim she said didn't Allah say or when Allah said who a lady I'll sell our Sola who bill hood our deenal Haq leo tiara who are a teeny who ll carry hell no chicken Allah is the one who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to make it superior over all other religions even though the polytheists hated she said I thought that this was time man and I thought this was complete and it was never this situation would never change any once Allah sent this religion and the religion became superior it would be superior until Yama Yama the prophet saww Selim said this will happen for as long as Allah wills it to happen then Allah will send a good wind and everyone who has even the weight of a mustard seed of Eman in their heart will die so they will remain on the earth those who have no good in them and they will return back to the religion of their forefathers what does this tell you it tells you that this hasn't finished that these Mavs are here of shirk that we see in the Ummah today this is not the conclusion of the sign rather the conclusion of the sign will be when every Muslim dies just before the coming of the hour and the people who are left return to full idol worship as they did before but that doesn't mean as some people said that that negates that prior to that there will be Sheikh as we said with Valhalla saw and that the people will go to the mushrikeen and the people worship the idols that this is something which has happened now but is getting worse and will get worse because we know that that the hour will not come until there is no one left on the earth who will say Allah Allah and that there will be no one left who will know the meaning of la ilaha ilallah and so on so this is clearly something that is going to get worse I'm going to increase another one that is clearly already happened and is very very severe in our time is the appearance of immorality and the cutting of family ties and being bad to your neighbor Anna ma'am I've met and I'll hack him narrated from Apple 11 Amer rhodiola and Homer The Messenger of Allah Sai Salim said let Akuma sir hat I abhor Alfred what - Huaca Prieta rahim was su l mu Jawara the hour will not come until all kinds of immorality any immorality being done this word any alpha it is it relates to zina and everything connected to zina so zina you know the the the evil things that people have on their phones and watch on their computers and televisions and and in the presence of the way the people the men and the women will dress and the way they will behave and you know like all of the things under that category come under the topic of Alpha Asia but also evil speech and evil actions just filthy words and filthy deeds all of it is considered to be alpha but particularly related to zina and the cutting of family ties in the hadith and the cutting of family ties well now when you hear how people used to uphold family ties the time of the Prophet Salaam it seems like someone is talking a different language to you in many cultures not I'm not gonna say all cultures in fact in some cultures it's still very strongly that the family ties are kept very strongly but certainly the culture I come from if we look at sort of British culture as a whole and the West as a whole a lie honey some of us we don't know who our paternal uncle is any like if you see him you wouldn't recognize him in like if you saw your cousin on the street you not know who he is this is like reality or any maybe even if I look at I mean how we used to be my family I probably you know we have relatives close relatives I'm talking about like the closest of relatives people who are you know my parents and brothers for example any closest relatives who we wouldn't see for one year and not and they live near and they don't live like far away we're not seasoned for one year and we don't know anything about don't know what they're doing they are like and that's not like strange any yes in some Muslim cultures there is still an hamdulillah in among some cultures that are traditional Islam there's still a strong family ties subhanAllah like if you look at it now even the ties between parents and children are becoming broken and if people put their parents in care homes retirement home saying like if this is like there's no there are no words for this and so Elmo Jawara being bad to your neighbors while having a bad neighbor is one of the one of the trials will lie one of the fitten like in the hadith of her data about the fitna of a man and he will law some of that the fitting of a man is in his neighbor and hamdullah have excellent excellent neighbors were hamdulillah while Mubarak but I've had times when that hasn't been the case and neighbors that you know like you know you're trying to keep your house an Islamic house and you know you try to keep it away from music and the TV and you've got neighbors that play music like you know full full volume subhanAllah you've got neighbors who hurt you harm you can he put rubbish rotting rubbish outside who you know block your drive with your car and all of subhanAllah this has become just like normal and from sumo Jawara from the evil of being a bad neighbor is that you don't know anything about your neighbor you have a neighbor you don't know where they're from what they need what they're doing why this is just too common in our time the next one that we have mmm how do we explain this one the author he brings a really nice title old people returning to youth because it - Abu al masih aha any like old people like people with white beards and gray hair becoming like Shabaab becoming like any young people with black hair and so on and so forth the first hadith that comes to mind is the hadith of it me a bus ride along and Houma that there will be a people who will die at the end of the time who will die using black like the breasts of pigeons they will not smell the smell of Jenna and there is no doubt that if the hadith and there is a long discussion about dying with black and the opinions of the scholars on that but there is no doubt that you know the the appearance of hair dye and especially for men and men dyeing their hair to make themself look young again and if you want to add to that the cosmetic procedures and whatever that people do to change the appearance of being old to the appearance of being young then this is this is all included within this sign that the Prophet sighs Allah spoke about as for this talk about the you know the the hair on the or the feathers on the chest of the the pigeon the author said this has happened in our time and I try to find I try to find the meaning of that but when I looked at it it there is a particular like design or pattern and any eye as far as I can see the author refers to this like a goatee beard any of those people who shave completely the sides of their beard and leave only hair on the chin analyze Oh John knows best that's what the author how the author interprets that because if you look at it I did find a picture any if you look at it if you if you look at how awesome a man they're like it's like it's quite distinctive honey it's like a quite a distinctive pattern but he takes it as being those people who leave a small amount of hair on their chin and they shave all the rest of their and they you know they bring it a little let it go down a bit but they shave all the rest and they shave everything else in analyze Oh John knows best here even al Josie he said it is possible and it's important for this hadith that this hadith does not blame the people who died their hair black but blames a particular belief or a particular action that those people will have so he's saying that the scholars differ over dyeing Europe over the over a man dyeing his hair black or whom the scholars differ over and especially a person who's older and the scholars differ over it he said even if the ones who said it's Harold that doesn't mean that there will not be a group of people who die their hair black at the end of time will have a particular feature and from that features they dye their hair black that they will not smell the fragrance of Jannah for a particular reason it doesn't have to be that the reason they will not smell the fragrance of Jannah is because they dyed their hair black but that is their symbol like the haulage what is the symbol of the haulage in the ancient times not now the symbol of the huar age of the ancient times is shaving the hair and either how RH would shave their hair and see a symbol of being of the how our age is shaving the head is that a symbol in our time of them no it's not as simple anymore but in the time of ali radiya llahu and the sign of them was they would shave that does that mean that the people who shave their heads eonni will not smell the fragrance of paradise that's not the point the point the point is the belief they had and the sign of them the way you recognize them in that time at the time of our Lord Allah and is that they shave their heads so even though Josie mentions that and we leave this any matter except that the author says the Prophet SAW Selim said why you had a Bechet in which ten he was so odd the Prophet SAW Selim said change the color of this white hair with something but don't use black so he said I don't agree with every no Josie for this I believe that the reason that they will not enter Jannah is because they dye their hair and beard black and there is any killer in this between the scholars number 28 that we have is carrot or sure maybe wanna say selfishness or cell being self-centered the Prophet SAW Salem said mean assuredly sir and yell harsh and yell harsher from the signs of the hour is that Asscher will become apparent and this is kind of like it's a kind of selfishness or self-centeredness any only thinking about yourself not caring about others and the prophets I seldom said etic are a busy man why uncle Solomon why you why you'll call sure he said the time will become compressed and deeds will become less and sort of self-centeredness will be put into the hearts of the people and the prophets on him said lie as dad will I'm new in lasheeda what I as dad on nasu allaha he said the situation will only become more difficult and the people will only become most more self-centered and stingy selfish and Elijah said women Yogeshwara nerf sahifa who like a human flare on whoever is saved from the covetousness and the selfishness and self-centeredness of his own self it is they who are the successful 29 Cathar to T'Challa they an increase in business and that business will become much much bigger and from this is a hadith narrated by the man I've met the Prophet SAW salem mentioned in it been a ad sir he said Tasneem of house' woful shortage allah had a sherry kumara xoda hafez allah strains of our Prophet SAW salem said one of the signs will be the widespread of of business and until he said that you know the sign has come when you see a woman working alongside her husband in business são Paulo is in the height from the words of the hadith hat tell to Shattuck al maraa a zodia her feet teacher when you see a woman a wife sharing a business with her husband or share or going to work along with her husband and there is no doubt no doubt no doubt that this includes the large amount of women working any generally women going out to earn a living like in large numbers as nobody said this is haram has short conditions but one of the signs of the hour is that the man and the wife both go out to work the man and the wife will both go out to work not just the husband is going out bringing the money back the man the wife will go out the husband runs the business the wife is also there running the business it's very common in these days xxx one that we have is as szelezon earthquakes the large number of earthquakes the prophesy some said light of Messiah hiked a tech fall is realizing until there are many many earthquakes and we have that's self-explanatory in Sharla when I get through a few more but quickly I'll cuss well mess well cut three the Prophet SAW Allah mentioned he said the hakuna vehicle had in OMA Haas phenomena cuz I share of the alum and has said o Messenger of Allah and I Hanako afina Saudi hoon para Nam is other Haruka birth from the hadith a share of the law and her they will be in this class phone Muskaan called the first one refers to like chasms opening in the earth you can see like I wrote like there is probably a proper term for it but that the earth opening up like cracking up as happens sometimes in some earthquakes where the the earth splits open and things fall into it or likewise sinkholes where you have like the earth swallowing up like a house or a car and in it goes into the earth and unmask is where you have something being transformed into something else like a human being being transformed into an animal and the scholars have some opinions about this we talk about them and health we'll talk about what the scholar said about this in a moment he said this transformation or conversion from one thing to another it may be real and it may be it may be figurative in terms of it being real then there is no doubt that a larger said well I cut a limb to Melanie not a Tom in concept the : elohim kono karada tan kasi in you have known those people who have transgressed on the sabbath we said to them become despised monkeys this is a real thing that happened any those people from bani israel they disobeyed a particular group of them disobeyed Allah with regard to the sabbath and allah azzawajal made them into monkeys and it is also possible that them that this is a figurative meaning and the meaning of this is that people's hearts will become transformed as though they do not distinguish between the halal and haram and between the Marouf and the monkey and their example in this is like the one who has the heart of the pig or the monkey and like those our lives or jail said that he converted them into pigs and monkeys and he like the heart of a monkey doesn't know halal doesn't know Haram doesn't know good doesn't know evil just plays it just knows how to play around and jump around and make noise but doesn't know how to do anything else I share out the Allah and has said will we be destroyed while there are righteous people among us somebody might say this now well hamdulillah we were okay because they still righteous people the prophets I said I'm said yes if filth increases in the society you can still be destroyed even when there are righteous people among you then 32 we have the disappearance of the righteous from the signs of the hour is that the righteous people will die and there will be very few good people to come after them I many many evil evil people the Prophet SAW salem told us that the hour will not come until our lives so agile takes the people of religion from the people of the earth so they will remain among them the people have no good in them they do not know they do not order or command any good and they do not forbid any evil look how the Prophet saws had them linked good in a person to that person telling people to do good and forbidding people from doing wrong number 33 that the lowly people will have high positions in the society any people who are bad people you know with bad manners and bad characteristics and bad hearts will be given positions of high status and honor in the society the prophet sallallaahu re wa sallam mention this in numerous our hadith from them he said what if I can a tiller otter for that were awesomeness father come in as charan teja if you see the Annie we talked about them before the the naked barefooted shepherds become leaders of the people this is one of the signs of the hour and the Prophet Solomon the prophets I seldom mentioned either us needle a mob Allah very early fanta there sir this is one of the very very very scary a hadith he said if the a mother and the armor it has it means two things the Amur it means two things it means authority or it means Authority in general but authority is of two types political authority and religious authority both of them are Amer and that's why when the scholars make the tafseer of yeah you hala Dina a minuite Allah how outer of Rasool Allah Allah Amram income they say al a llama oh well Amara when they asked who are all and obey Allah and a bass messenger and those in authority over you they are al llama well Amara those who have religious authority they are a llama and those who have political authority they are al Amara the leaders and the princes and any kings and Aamir's and so on I needed that these people so these people are all among the people of authority the prophets I Selim said when you see authority being given to people who don't deserve it expect the hour to come and he didn't say the hour will not come before he said fan totally sigh and expect that time the hour will come and in reality subhanAllah in many places in the world and hamdulillah it hasn't happened completely but in many places in the world you see particularly religiously because ultimately that the sight of authority doesn't doesn't concern us as much any but especially religiously you see a religious authority in the hands of people who buy an you see fat ow are coming out of some countries Allah so it shall only knows where they took it from honey fat our will lie any like it's not you you cannot find this in a book from the book of the folk aha this is just like the most strange opinions coming out and even if we look at the West what do we see if we look at the West we look at the West and we look at religious knowledge who is carrying religious knowledge in the West for the most part whether officially or unofficially are you really not the people not the people of knowledge any small to add the regular people and if the people just trying to pass a bit convey a bit of knowledge to the people give a few classes but it's not the scholars who are controlling that religious knowledge there and yes I will at this point mention what is going on in the United States Donald Trump either owes needle amarilla radially if you see Authority being given to someone who is clearly not one of its people voila sit canny and don't you think this is becoming bigger and bigger not just in the states you seen in other countries and elsewhere that they're starting to elect people who are not I'm not gonna say that it's not about them being good or bad they are just not more a hell they're not like they are not qualified I need in brutal honesty honey they are not qualified and it's be honest and you wouldn't put Donald Trump in charge of your Twitter account let alone a country guy is insane Annie's harm Allah for you can see anyhow this sign has is coming about and it's increasing that religious authority and even to a certain extent political authority is increasingly in the hands of people who are not deserving of it now that doesn't mean people who are oppressive for example that's different because people who are oppressive the prophets as I mentioned much earlier than this hadith but you may get someone who is a good ruler but he's oppressive and he oppresses the people but he's good at what he does and he organizes the country and he's good at you know doing what he does he gets things done and you know the people live in relative safety but he may be and he may have he may be oppressive to some people but you can say he's he's a rule I like when you take it doesn't matter if he's what you know we don't good or bad but you put him you know on the scale of what a person should be any has he has leadership qualities but when you start seeing people being leaders of the people that have no leadership that have no ability that have no any basic qualifications for what they are doing front of every Sun expect our to come along Stan I thought I would throw that one in yet but the hadith is not another laughing matter and either the joke about what is going on in the States voilá is not a laughing matter it's a sign of the hour that you see people who are clearly not qualified Johnny and he clearly they are not deserving of being in charge of anything any and you like and even worse on the religious site and maybe we can give only a few examples in the in the in the other arena of authority but on the religious side what lie you can give some millions more examples of entire countries where the religious authority is just any what like you don't know what they learn it's not even I mean if you say they fall in particular mad huh but that's a different matter but this is just there's just crazy things being said and especially in the West especially in the West where you see somebody who just learnt about Islam yesterday and he's giving for tower-like and he's giving fact our and he not he's not teaching the people a book or something and he's giving power this is your marriage and this is this and this is this and do this either oz needed a more elevated highly if you see Authority being given to people who don't deserve it expect our to come 34 and to corner to Hale in Martha greetings will only be to the people that you know the prophets I seldom said in diminish Larissa and you seldom are Roger ooh I love Roger Lee Larry you seldom Ola he ll in Martha from the signs of the hour is that a man will give Salam to another man the only reason he gives Salam to him is because he knows him this is don't need any explanation for this because this is the default position in our time you give Salam to people you know the people you don't know what past you you don't know Salaam nothing else in this is really tough one to get out of actually to be honest Intimus will in anger assaulted will understand seeking knowledge from the small students of knowledge there is no doubt this is we don't need to explain that any further the prophets are seldom said if from the signs of the hour there are three one of them is the knowledge will be sought from the asal here the scholars have have some opinions about this the apparent meaning of the Hadees is that it will be sought from people who are not scholars and that is again in the English language that is the default position what what lion you sit and you think what can I do well I if there is somebody or somebody more knowledgeable that can do this well I will be any all of us will have relief but reality is we don't find people doing it so you have to step in and just do your best with whatever you can and bring the words of the scholars to the people but the reality is in the English language the default is to take your knowledge from somebody who any if we were to go into a gathering of scholars they wouldn't even let us hold and hold the door open for that man they wouldn't even put us on the back seat but along was tannin this is how the default is in the English language some of the scholars give a different opinion they said the meaning of this is not the scholars versus the small students but the meaning of this is seeking knowledge from the people of innovation because they are the real asal here they are the real like minor like small students because they they didn't have the knowledge of towhead of Islam of Sunnah to convey to the people and so they are considered to be from v/s are here from the minor students and this is an opinion of some of the scholars and while I don't see why it should not apply to both I don't see any reason to take one over the other they both apply when they see the people taking knowledge from innovators and leaving the people of the sunnah and you see the people taking knowledge from the small students and leaving the major scholars this is a huge problem what is that solution to that from the point of view of the students who teach from the point of view of the students who come to attend from the point of view of the people who teach like me it's really important that we try our best to take the majority of what we convey to you from the scholars so I've always said that I see our role is as a translator plus and the main role is to translate the words of the scholars and convey them to you in a way you can understand and the plus I need to convey some extra benefits we have heard from other scholars as well so it's not like just Google Translate but like translation with some any extra explanation and context but that's it we're not giving fat our we're not here to write our own things and teach our own things from random and what we prepare should be from the Orellana and this will hopefully mitigate the danger of us being small students and any people coming to learn from you that you try to take that from with regard to the the people in the audience the answer is really very very simple realize that the teachers you go to in the English language overwhelmingly are from the baby-baby students of knowledge baby students even if they have a doctorate even if they have a master's from the any baby-baby students of knowledge if you understand that you can benefit from them and learn if you consider them to be any on this pedestal with the with the Kabbalah olam are the major scholars of our time then this is where you will have a problem so I guess what I'm trying to say is put people in their proper place your teacher in Kenema has a place and he knows it better than you do and orlimar have a place put each one in their place don't mix them up and put one of them down and one of them or put them in their place and you have a teacher which is you something hamdullah good but don't put that teacher up where he doesn't belong because this is where the danger will come and you will apply this hadeeth of seeking the knowledge from the small people and abandoning the scholars and the second point I was gonna mention on that is don't abandon the scholars yes you don't speak Arabic most of you those of you speak Arabic and you have options any other than discuss maybe you come to the class to perfect your English or something but other than that you have or a lemma here teaching in Arabic you can benefit from but those of you don't speak Arabic number one learn it but no aside from that what you need to do is keep yourself attached to the lemma keep yourself Allah you have scholars even access you have access here many of you speak for exam or do for example sheriff or Hassan is here Cohen see him from time to time give him Salam see how he is speak you know you sometimes the scholars visit from different places go and see them even if the Sheikh is giving a talk in Arabic go and see the shear give him Salam you can see share how are you okay of Harlech you can you know like you can just attach yourself to the scholars look out for their statements look out for things that are translated from them and for tower they give an ultimately one more piece of advice when it comes to the major issues of the um man and I really mean the major issues of the Omani that the real like things relating to political situations fighting killing each other I mean what whether someone is belief is right or wrong it's kind of like major major issues that affect everybody do not seek the answers from anyone less than one of the senior scholars because this is especially for things that affect the whole country because wallah he every time doesn't matter how good that person is and if you look at what happened recently in in some of the Arab countries you can see the effects of this the people went to the Asahi they went to the small students and they said shall we go out with the placard and shall we do this and shall we do that and they ruined themselves and they ruined their families and they ruined their countries by this and the people they asked what good people were like they were good people they asked but they were sorry they were small students and they left the key bar who were telling them don't go out don't do it you know this is not this is not going to turn out good stay in your house and stay away from this issue it was a big trial affected everybody in the in the in the country but when they went to the small students who are not from the major scholars those people first of all the first thing you can see they have a different opinion every yesterday it's Haram and today it's Holland and they're not bad people what like these are good strong students of knowledge many times more knowledgeable than me voila good students of knowledge but they were not the right people to ask that question and you don't go to a guy selling you know herbal medicines and he in the corner of a souk somewhere and say I've just been diagnosed with terminal cancer what should my treatment be well I think you just take a teaspoon of this every day and then you die if you have something serious which is affecting large numbers of people and which could lead to bloodshed or could lead to a people or could lead to turmoil you go to the biggest of the big scholars you go to the top of the top of the tree don't go to the small people ask the imam of the masjid asked it you go to the top of the tree because ultimately these issues if you get them wrong people die and not just one person or two people we've seen situations and you can see any other city any what's going on in places not far from here where hundreds of thousands of people died because of this and if they went to the a Kabat they went to the senior elder scholars the scholars would have told them you know put away your weapons and go sit back down in your house but instead they went to the house all here and they said to them we think this is halal because we found in some books like this and after that you see two hundred thousand five hundred thousand seven thousand people that it's not a small thing and in big issues that affect and this concludes also fat our on topics that affect everybody is it halal for me too i don't know any asked about something that is like affect everyone in the country and you give you get this fatwa from once it says haram i'm part cause of this a hundred thousand people leave this thing and put himself into poverty and problems and they didn't even know whether it's actually Haram or not so it's a really serious serious issue I'm gonna just flick through the remaining ones we have just a handful left but we'll just mention like a line about each one and Sharla we have the appearance of Al Cassio to the Ariat women who are clothed yet naked and I don't think that needs in our time any any further explanation because wallah he this is something in in our time it is you know like it's almost like I'm not saying you want to leave the statements of the scholars about this but you feel like they haven't I mean they haven't really seen what the reality is on the ground when you see what it is like today you have clothes that are sold in supermarkets and stores that a person wears them and they're not clothed anymore they're wearing clothes but they're not wearing clothes from them is that there will be much writing and the writing will be widespread and this is something that has already happened you remember in the time the prophets I am writing was something done for the Quran and some of the hadith then look at now writing is widespread people I mean write books and print them and and there you go to a book shop with thousands and thousands of books they're married the the charger Book Fair was recently you know they're all these books that have been written it's from the signs of the hour the horror column that the pen will become any superior and or apparent so this is one number thirty-nine is neglecting the Sunan the voluntary deeds that Islam encourages there is no doubt that that has become and is something extremely common in our time there is one which relates to the sighting of the moon that the moon sighting will will differ and and in the best way I can explain it is that a person will see the moon for one night and will say that the moon has this is the moon of two nights and perhaps this is a similar one that relates to V that relates to the the speed of time or it relates to seeing the moon in a different way and in the moon sighting becoming different to author he mentioned here that the moon will become so big when it comes out that you know that the people will look at it and say this is them this is a one night moon and it is sister or or the moon will come out that is the moon will be will be after one night but it will look as though it's a moon of two nights I mean the moon will be bigger or will be further progressed than it and then people would imagine the appearance of lying and people not paying attention to what is transmitted in or the authenticity of the news they receive this is I think this is something again which is obvious any people not paying attention to the authenticity of the news they receive and this is extremely common in our time especially with news over social media that when you get news you don't verify it's really true it just becomes at you all the time anyway whatever you read you take to be true Shahada deserve which is false witness giving false testimonies and false witness where you you say you saw something you didn't see or you testify in court that something belongs to you that doesn't belong to you number 43 many women and few men their being any statistically many more women than men and this is something which has partially happened I think statistically it's it's happened in some countries but not all where you have a lot more women than men and this is something that will continue very quickly and from the signs that we have is motile fedja any sudden deaths people dying very suddenly without any explanation of why they died and again this is something that is extremely clear and happens you know we talk about it happens in children you have like you know the what we call in the UK caught death anywhere a child is just like lying in their car and they just they just die for no no known reason you also have people just Keeling over and dying you know like Sao Paulo this is not you know you don't hear about this as much in the olden days you know especially in the time of the Prophet SAW some of the Sahaba many people died often in battle and of course people died but people got sick and they died but this sudden death you know healthy person just drops down and this is something we're hearing more of in these days okay the forty-fifth one is at an arc or people not knowing one another so people who will hardly know what each other people who will hardly know each other that the land of the arabs will return to vegetation and rivers and again any this is not as you know when you hear this you there are two options you think about the time of ISA and the time when the earth would the desert will disappear the earth will return that Stephanie one but also even in our time the ability like just look at Dubai for example and this is supposed to be a patch of desert and you have canals you have waterways you have parks you have trees you have flowers on the road you have like you have a return of something which doesn't really bill it doesn't belong here in the in the in the middle of the desert so even in this regard you can see these signs starting to return to the lands of the Arabs that they're starting to that the return of like vegetation their ability to take a desert land and make it into a lush green kind of space even though it is originally a desert one of the signs is a great deal of rain but very little growth of vegetation there is another sign which is very little rain which isn't the time before the Dajjal there will be three years in the first year the sky will withhold one third of the rain in the second year two thirds of the rain and in the third year it will not rain at all but one of the signs of the hour is that in it will rain a lot but the vegetation will not grow any there wouldn't be no barakah in the in the plants that will grow out even though it will rain a great deal from the signs of the hour is that the Euphrates River will uncover a mountain of gold and when that happens it is forbidden to take from that gold as the prophet saww salem told us he said the hour will not come until the Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold and the people will fight over it so out of every 199 will be killed and every man among them will say I think I will be the one who will be saved it's important to explain that this doesn't mean oil because some people interpreted this to be to be oil yeah I need the fighting over the oil in india ferrah your faces River which is Iraq and in Iraq however the author here he says the Prophet SAW I seldom would not have said a mountain of gold if he referred to something which something which is not gold and he could say a mountain of valuables or a mountain of money or a mountain of any of something of via any precious something precious lots of words could be used but he very specifically used the word gold so we should understand it to be gold secondly the Prophet SAW I seldom mentioned that the river will uncover this gold whereas the oil which is around the Euphrates River is not uncovered on the riverbed so it's that the riverbed will will or the erosion of the river will uncover a mountain of gold thirdly the Prophet saws I'm specifically mentioned the Euphrates River as opposed to the other rivers yet there is oil present in many other places larger amounts than is present next to the Euphrates rivers and that the profits are seldom mentioned the people will kill each other over this and in reality there have not been ninety nine out of a hundred people killed because of oil necessarily and each one who is trying to get the oil and yes people have been killed because a country wants to get oil and that's a different issue but here you've got hundred people every one of them wants to own the oil any and then 99 get killed and this is not it doesn't appear to be appropriate to apply this to oil analyze our journals best that the animals and the and the inanimate objects will speak to people and this is at the end of time at the time of either in the time of the the risa after the time of the dead jail when the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the tree will say or Muslim behind me is a Jew come and fight him or come and kill him wishing for death because of the severity of the trials that you're going through and this definitely in certain places in the world today the supplies catheter room and they're fighting the Muslims a large number of our room a room are from the descendants of I think it is called an ace even his harp even Ibrahim and generally they referred to as either the Europeans or the Greeks or the Bison tonight this kind of like the Arabs tend to use the word a room traditionally in classical Arabic for people of generally you might say southern Europe southern Europeans something like that like because they they used it for the Greeks and the Byzantines and the Italians so like this they use this word our room any so but it refers to other people as well a me refer also well la alum I don't know if they refer to the to the like the Turkish area of that place or not any it's it's not clear what it refers to but I would say more commonly refers to like roughly southern southern Europeans probably in the body the Byzantines and the maybe the southern Europeans and Allah knows best that these will be the majority of the people and that the Muslims will fight that will fight with our room with the non-muslims towards the time of the coming of the Dajjal and we will talk about this in the sign that relates to a dejar couple more the conquest of Constantinople again we can talk about this when we talk about the Dajjal inshallah fighting the Jews we said again after the and this is not then you have to understand this in the right context this is not like randomly finding Jewish people and just killing them really this is something that happens specifically at the time of the Dajjal and at the time of the Dajjal and what happens is that there will be people who will follow the Dajjal from among the Jews and there will be people who became Muslim before that so whoever is left following the Dajjal after ISA comes when ASA comes with a clear proof that ASA is the truth that ASA is the the true Messiah and the Messiah Dajjal is a false prophet and a false god those people who are left from the Jews following a Dajjal are deserving of being fought and those people will be fought by the Muslims and this is not specific to fighting the Jews in this time analyze our gel knows best even though the Muslims and it's well known what is going on with the Jews in in Palestine etc but there is no evidence that this particular hadith refers to this rather the hadith refers to to the best of our knowledge the time of at the jail some of the scholars though did mention the gathering of the Jews in place is from the signs of the hour I think she opposed an hour the whole Outer Allah mentioned this and he mentioned it from the point of view of that we know when that that gel comes they will be centered around Jerusalem the Jews will be centered around Jerusalem when the Dajjal comes because in the story of the Dajjal those who are left following the Dajjal will be based in the in the gate of blood which is in near Jerusalem or certainly ISM within the area of Palestine so the gathering of the Jews in that place is from the signs of the hour no doubt about that and that the Medina will throw out the evil people from within it towards the end of time and Medina is constantly doing this Medina is constantly throwing out bad people from it subhanAllah from the signs of Medina is that it constantly throws out and it's like a blacksmith's furnace it removes the impurity but the major time this will happen is in the time of the Dajjal that the jail will not enter Medina nor will the fear of him enter Medina but he will camp at an area outside of Medina and when he does that the ground will shake and the people the evil people of Medina will will rush out will rush out to him and again we'll cover this when we talk about the jail and I think we're more or less done the the pure win the good wind that will take the souls of the believers we've talked about that already and the destruction of the Kaaba that's one that we haven't yet talked about that the Kaaba will be destroyed at the end of time it will be taken away stone by stone and it's mentioned in some narrations that it will be taken away if I'm not mistaken by an Abyssinian and the Abyssinians or the Abyssinian will come so he will ruin the Kaaba in a way that it will never be rebuilt again and they will be the people who will take the treasures of the Cabal we know and from there we finished what the author mentioned from the minor signs now what we're going to do now in sha allah wahda or not now but what we're going to do in sha allah to add a in the next Friday night reflections not next week because next week we have the next week we have the what's it called the names of Allah and then I don't know after some point we have the Kalima trip going on but when the next Friday night reflections comes we're going to move on to the major signs and my plan is to do it in two parts we won't refer to the book as much as we have done here only because the remainder of the book is at least as long as what we've covered now so we probably depart a little bit from the from the book if we can well yeah ammonia or halfway through so what I think we will do is this we will break the signs up into one specific sign that I want to talk about in one day and that is the Dajjal why because the Dajjal is the first of the major signs by consensus of the Muslims the Dajjal is the first one so if we know that that gel then knowing the rest of the major signs is less important because the Dajjal is the first of them so we'll cover the Dajjal and the dissent of ASA and yet George in matter George and what relates to that so that is those three we will cover them in sha Allah to Allah in one session the remaining signs we will cover in one more session more quickly because they need less explanation because the Dajjal is the one that is the most important because of the severity of the trial and because it is the one that you are if you're going to experience one of them that is the one you will experience because it is the first of them and so that is important for us to know inshaallah Jana so we'll do the Dajjal and what is related to it the Dajjal ASA and yeah George and me George and then insha'Allah Allah to complete the six-part series we will do in short love to Anna the remaining major signs in shortened form what I will do instead of the book is I'm gonna base it on two things that the gel I will based on the work of Cheryl L Danny or him allowed other because it's a beautiful summary of the story of the Dajjal in one place and it's quite short and easy to follow and it's available in English as well it's called the Dajjal and the descent of a seven or Miriam and it's a thick book but you only want section five I might try and share it for you if I can't like just section five share for the students it's only a small section about maybe 20 pages or maybe 30 pages and a five and it just summarizes the story of the Dajjal from the authentic hadith from beginning to end as for the rest will summarize them from the notes that I took from sheer solid Cindy inshallah Javed Allah the share gave us notes on the the signs of the hour if I'm not mistaken did it with the share so we have like translated notes for that so insha'Allah we'll just go through those to finish it off we departed from the book now simply because it would have taken us 12 or 13 or 15 lessons to cover it but it was really beneficial to cover those you know 5758 signs inshaallah we covered all of them even though some of them were a little bit summarized but we still covered all of them alhamdulillah so inshallah we'll wrap up there those of you have questions or welcome to come down away at the front SH Allah but we'll let everyone get away who wants to analyze how agile knows best or sort of said I love you I'm Ed Weiler Ali who was a huge marine
Channel: KALEMAH
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Keywords: signs, minors signs, Signs of the Day of Judgement, Judgement, Judgement day, Day of Judgement, Tim, Muhammed Tim, Mohammed tim, Muhammad Tim, Mohammad Tim, Humble, Shaikh Tim Humble, Ustad Tim Humble, Sheikh Tim Humble
Id: MMc5HkyhKR4
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Length: 95min 52sec (5752 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2018
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