Loving Allah - Family Time with Tim - JILC Class 01

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bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen what salat wa salam ala abdullah he wore a surah he nabi'ina muhammad water and he was IBE ajma'in and my bad as always we begin with the praise of allah subhanahu wata'ala and by sending salutations peace and blessings upon his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa seldom and upon his companions and all those who follow them until the last day i just like to introduce you all to what is probably at least from my side resuming something that we had already I used to come a while back to GI Elsi and deliver a lecture on a Thursday night and it's been quite some time since we had those lectures and and most of you are new faces and hamdulillah we were able to start that up again and it's going to be from my side I don't know about other speakers but from my side it's going to be the third Thursday of every month in Charlotte either at least until Ramadan and then whatever Allah makes easy after that so it's going to be sha Allah the third Thursday from my side whether there will be other speakers I'm not sure I'm sure GLC will announce that but myself it will be the third Thursday of every month and at the moment the schedule is after the Asia prayer we said I believe in the announcement eight o'clock but realistically I always go and pray in the message so we go pray in the masjid inshallah come back and we start insha'Allah Allah as quickly as we possibly can and the format of the lecture hall of data is that the general topic the general theme is gonna be family time and what I mean by family time is a pretty relaxed lesson where we can sit down together we can just sort of go through a topic take questions from yourselves and shell out ala and topics that are suitable for the whole family so you can bring your children along your families along which Allah Allah and the topic will be insha'Allah suitable for everybody the brief that I've been given around the topics is that they should be due rules on emoney terrible yeah so they should be lessons that raise your Eman and they should be lessons that give you the proper Islamic education or proper Islamic nurturing they nurture your faith you know they nurture you as a Muslim and the topic every Thursday will be will be different every month that I do will be different so that in sha Allah Allah you are free to kind of come and go and catch what you can you don't have to worry about or I didn't come last week or I didn't come last month sha Allah will be you know giving a different topic every time and after some thought about where to start and actually before that for those of you perhaps some of you might not know of me or might not have met me before so I should also introduce myself as well especially in the light of that famous saying in neither Alma in a dilemma Dean found Varro and Mantha whose own Adina come this knowledge that you take from people is your religion so look at who you're taking your religion from be careful who you listen to so it's good to introduce myself for those of you who might not have met me before although I think having been in Dubai for three and a half years probably most of you have have met me at some point my name is muhammad tim and i a graduate of the islamic university of medina in Saudi Arabia I became Muslim at the age of 14 years old in the UK and later on when to study came back from my studies and eventually ended up in Dubai with at the moment with Kelly MA Islamic Center based in Kosice Kelly MA has a lot of programs going on so please do check out their website wwe.com ah ka le ma h 0r G and you can see all the different classes that go on in Dubai this is obviously being done through Jumeirah islamic learning center we're very grateful for them providing for us the the venue the space and the opportunity to be able to to give this lecture in short long to Adam so the topic for tonight it's a very beautiful topic it's pretty probably hard to do it justice in the time that we have but it's just a beautiful topic to talk about a topic we're going to talk about tonight in sha la la it's the topic of loving Allah and being loved by Allah so what does it mean to love Allah what does it mean to be loved by Allah and the first thing and the most important thing to note right off the you know right from the very beginning is that loving Allah is a condition of la ilaha illallah you can't be a Muslim unless you love allah azzawajal and you can't be a Muslim unless you love allah azza wajal and you don't give the love that is for allah to anything else because it's part of la ilaha illaallah it's one of the conditions one of the fundamental components of la ilaha illallah la ilaha illaallah is not just a word we say it's not just how you become a 'muslim ash-hadu anla ilaha illallah it's not only that it's not just a word that you say in your tisha hood in your prayers or something like that or in your eyes car la ilaha illaallah is a life that you live it's your religion encapsulated and perhaps one of the most you know the the perhaps the one of the most sort of the clearest ways that we can see that is that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom in the early days of makkah he used to go around his people saying yeah call me kunu la ilaha ill allah who to flee who all my people say la ilaha illallah and you're gonna be successful and so la la la la is a summary of islam islam can be summarized entirely within LA ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and la ilaha illaallah is not just a word you say it has a deep and comprehensive meaning that is so deep that really honestly you can spend a lifetime to understand the depth of the meaning within la ilaha il-allah and it's not an empty word it's not just that you move your your tongue but you have to move your heart and one of the most fundamental parts of la ilaha illaallah and conditions without which it would not be accepted from a person is that you love allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and that you do not love anything else with the love that is for allah azzawajal alone and allah subhanaw taala told us in surat al-baqara I mean an a/c may attack I don't mean deunan Leahy and daddy your hay burner who you are born a hunka billah well Adina I should do her bending Eliza we just said from the people of those who have taken partners with Allah they love them like they love Allah or some of the scholars of tafseer said they love them like the believers love Allah but those who believe love Allah more the scholars have two opinions about this they love Allah more than the disbelievers love their idols or they love Allah more than the disbelievers love Allah both of those are true so Allah Azza WA JAL discounted or discredited a people because those people loved something more than Allah and Allah Azza WA JAL described the people who believed well Lavina a man who those people who believe they are a shed habenula they love Allah more and this is one of the proofs one of the fundamental proofs that loving Allah is an essential part of your Iman without which you're a man cannot exist and saw the this topic the importance of this topic should not be lost upon anyone it's not from the mohkumat the things that you know the things that just you know they finish off your Eman they just you know polish off your Eman that I should just polish my Eman by loving Allah the fundamental the acid or soul the heart the core the pillar or that holds your Eman up is the love of Allah Azza WA JAL and there are many many ayats that we can talk about that illustrate that within the Quran perhaps I will I will come to some of them and shout along to isla as we move through the talk but I also wanted to to inspire you a little bit and I think as human beings it's not just about knowing how important something is but also knowing the virtue and I'm just gonna mention to you two hadith the first is narrated by al imam al Buhari rahim allah wahda that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said either a hab allahu AB Netaji bring in allaha yuhibbu fool Anantha for your hip boo-boo Jabril if Allah loves a person Allah calls out to gibreel he says o gibreel indeed Allah loves this person and he mentions him by name can you imagine that can you imagine that tell you that right now there can be a person that Allah Azza WA JAL is saying o Jabril Allah loves this person so you should love him for your hippo would you breathe so gibreel loves him for unity jibreel ophealis sama then gibreel calls out to the angels in the heaven in allaha yuhibbu fallen and for a book indeed Allah loves this person so all of you people should love him all of you angels should love him for your head boohoo Atlas sama then all the people in there all the angels and all the angels in the heavens they love this person from my older allahu la bouff alarmed and then if that wasn't enough that Allah calls out your name to gibreel and tells gibreel that he loves you and Jibreel loves you and then after that gibreel calls out to the angels and the angels love you if that wasn't enough you have a bonus on top of that that Allah puts for this person al cabone acceptance on the earth what does that mean Allah Azza WA JAL makes that person may Allah Azza WA JAL make you and I from them Allah Azza WA JAL makes that person someone whose speech and whose actions people except from that waalaikumsalam or her to lie or what I cut people's like people accept from them so when they speak people accept what they have to say and when they go to do something people accept what it is that they do when they go to do something people accept so maybe they go with a proposal for something and people accept it from them and they give a piece of advice and that advice is accepted from them and wherever you see this person on the earth you see that people accept that person because Allah is our gel put for them al Kabul acceptance on the earth and so ultimately even the people on the earth come to love that person this is one hadith only one hadith in the virtue of loving Allah and Allah loving you and the second hadith is a hadith kuddusi and by a hadith khuda see we mean a hadith which the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam narrates from the speech of rabbul aalameen from the speech of allah azzawajal so it's a hadith it's not from the Quran but it's a hadith that the prophets ISIL emanates from Allah so he's not the last person in the chain usually he sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the last person in the chain of the hadith but here no he is a narrator he's narrating from allah subhanaw taala and this hadith is narrated by the illustrious companion abu hurayrah radi allahu and that he said that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the logical indeed Allah said monarda Lee Wei Lee Jung Fahad then to who bill harp whoever shows enmity to a rally to a beloved servant of my name someone who I love whoever shows enmity to someone that I loved I have declared war on them were Murtagh Carrabba elliya Abdi be she in a hab la eme master abu ali and my servant does not come near to me with something more beloved than those things I have made obligatory for him to do what does that tell us that the first way you get the love of Allah is through thee through the fart through the obligatory things we come back to that in a moment huama resolu Abdi yet a car grab or la ya bin now I feel hotter or Haber and my servant will keep on coming near to me with voluntary deeds after he's doing the obligatory deeds voluntary deeds until I love him until I love him for either a web - who couldn't - some I will let es matter so if and when I love him or when I love him I become the hearing with which he hears what Basara who levy you blue ruby and the site with which he sees why either hula t yeah but we shall be her and the hand with which he strikes were original original will let him she be her and the foot with which he walks or the leg with which he walks were in Sorella Neela up Loro Piana Liliana and if he asks me I will give him whatever he asks for voila in Easter Bunny Laurie then and if he asks me to for protection or he seeks refuge with me I will give him that protection warmer Tara dead too and she in an affair I knew who Tara Doody and Neffs in movement Hyuk Rahul motor were Anna Achra who Macerata inside is narrated by Lee mama Buhari an end of the hadith is and I am NOT hesitant to do anything that I do like I am hesitant to take a soul of a believer he hates death and I hate to disappoint him let's go back to understand the virtue of what it means when Allah loves you I become Allah Azza WA JAL said I become the hearing with which he hears what does that mean it means that everything you hear it's what's pleasing to Allah sergeant how you judge what you hear how you behave towards what you hear is exactly in accordance with what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wants from you and I become the site with which he sees meaning that this person doesn't look at something that displeases Allah Azza WA JAL and this person wherever they see they judge it with a judgement that Allah Subhan Allah Allah is pleased with meaning they behave towards what they see in a way that is pleasing to Allah and I become the hand with which he strikes so the person doesn't use his hand except in a way that is pleasing to Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and I become the foot with which he walks so he doesn't walk to a place or to use his limbs in a way that angers allah azza wajal and if he asks me for something I will surely lateral to you know who I will surely give it to him and if he seeks refuge with me from something I will surely give him refuge and not only that but he gets to have a long life because allah subhana wa ta'ala hates to take the soul of the believer who hates death as an interesting point how do we join between that and how do we join between the hadith which inc which talked about loving to meet allah longing to meet allah wishing to meet allah how do you join between that and hating death the meaning of longing to to see Allah Azza WA JAL is that the believer because of the good deeds that believer does and because of the way they live their life they will be in a state where the feeling they have is a longing to be with Allah they longed to be with Allah like a person longs to be with the most beloved person to them more than the more than that when in their heel methalone Allah - Allah belongs the highest example but as for the person who's done evil deeds in their life how do they feel do they look forward do they say I can't wait for the day when I was stunned before Allah or did they wish that they could be lived they could be given life for a thousand years so that they can escape meeting allah subhanaw taala as for wishing for a long life this is not the same thing because the believer wishes for a long life to do as many good deeds so that he can meet Allah in the best situation whereas the disbeliever creeps for a long life so that that disbeliever can escape meeting allah azzawajal whereas the believer craves for a long life so that he can fill it with as many good deeds as possible and as much as asking allah for forgiveness i'm do i and so on so that that person can meet allah in the best having made the best opportunity of or the best he and taken the best out of the life that they were given look at these rewards and anyone with a sound mind would take even one of them and if someone said to you you will become a person who every do our you make will be answered wouldn't you take it wouldn't you say yeah that's yeah Wow I'll do that good deed I'll do it whatever somebody says everything you see everything you hear everything you do everything you see everything you everywhere you go will become pleasing to Allah Allah will declare war on your enemies Allah will love you Allah will call out to gibreel gibreel will love you debris will tell the angels and they will love you and the people on the earth will accept from you and and and everything you ask for will be given and Allah our gel will give you the longest life that is good for you how many of us would take that and this brings me to my next point that this awanee is achievable for all of us and some of us sadly put a glass ceiling for ourselves they put a glass ceiling and they say this can't be me this here the one that Allah mentions his name in the heavens and says o gibreel I love him that can't be me and the only thing that is stopping that is your own mentality and attitude towards them because if you turn to Allah Allah will take you to that place if you ask Allah Allah Azza WA JAL will take you to that place it's possible and you know one of the sad things is the rumors and the kind of you know things people say that this is like you know 20 people on the earth or 40 people on the earth and these 40 people are the only people that this hadith applies to there's no evidence for this rather allah azzawajal said in the quran allah in awliya allah healer - alayhim wala who is a known and levena man who work and who yet upon indeed the awliya the beloved of allah there's no fear on them over what is passed they're not sad about what's past and they're not scared about what's going to come those who believed and used to protect themselves from Allah's punishment insha Allah we believe and inshallah we're trying to protect ourselves from a loss punishment so inshallah we have a piece of that but what we're trying to do is make the piece bigger and to achieve better and to get to a higher status and to build that love with Allah as the origin because there's no doubt that the one that allah azzawajal or those who are lies with your loves the most is first of all the prophets any from the human beings is the prophets i'll a maserati seller and then those who follow them in virtue from the Sahaba of the allahu anhum and those who follow them but every believer has a slice of that every believer has a piece it's just about getting more of and becoming closer to Allah until you can reach such a position and such a status and you will only reach it by the help of Allah you will not reach it from your own good deeds you cannot do enough good deeds to reach that level with allah subhanaw taala but if Allah Azza WA JAL takes you there by His grace and His mercy and his favor and allah subhanaw taala takes you to that place and you can achieve it but you have to do two things fundamentally the first one is you have to turn to Allah and seek it from him because nobody can give you that except Allah and you're not gonna find that any in the streets or you know in the wherever in the city in the town you're not gonna find a person who can give that to you you can only find it from Allah so you're gonna go and ask it from Allah and the second thing and in terms of asking it from Allah for example we see Allah who - Aloka her back what bama you a book what a melody you carry buna Allah Habib Allah we ask you for your love and we ask you to love those that you love and we ask you for an action will make us near to your love that's an example of that do I that's an example but the second thing and this is what the rest of the lecture is going to be focused on the second thing is that it's not enough for you to just make duaa because Allah Azza WA JAL has made it obligatory for you to do your part to do your part Allah has made it obligatory for you to do your part in every dua you make you say allahu allah ma of the nene be halal iike and haram ik o allah give me riches give me rich richness in the halal and not the Haram but then you sit at home and don't do anything you have to go out and you have to work to do your part Allah can give it to you with no work it's not difficult for Allah Allah can give it to you instantly with zero effort but the sunnah of allah sunnatullah Alethia called hartmann Kabul well Entergy Delhi SunNet in the heat ever dealer the Sunnah of Allah that has gone before you will not find any change from the sunnah of allah any the way that Allah does things Allah can give you taqwa and Iman and the love of him with zero effort from you but the son of Allah the way of Allah that you will not find any replacement or any alternative for the way of Allah is that you have to do your part and when Allah Azza WA JAL knows that you are doing your part then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala will give you what you have asked him for so how do we do our part to get the love of allah subhanahu wata'ala there are many ways and I'm just going to cover some of them but what I would like to do is first of all to cover the ones that we've already heard mentioned in this hadith the hadith of Abu Hurairah Rabi Allah the first is fair enough era and doing what Allah has made obligatory for you and what Allah has made obligatory for you is of two types what Allah has made it obligatory for you to do and what Allah has made it a bigotry for you to keep away from what Allah has made it obligatory for you to do and we call that the fart or the Rajab and what Allah has made it obligatory for you to keep away from and we call that the Haram keeping away from the Haram and doing the fart this is the first and this is the core and the heart of getting the love of Allah and loving allah subhanaw taala because why do you do why what rational reason do you have for waking up in at 5:00 a.m. or 6 a.m. and going to the masjid to prefetcher you what what reason do you have what what is it that pushes you and drives you to do that if it is not the love of Allah and the hope in his reward and the fear of his punishment so you have to begin with the fart sometimes the problem we have is we start looking for the love of Allah in the voluntary deeds which is a good thing but we miss out the fault so a person is like I give a lot of voluntary charity masha'Allah Allah Mubarak that's a good thing don't stop doing that but you won't get the love of Allah just with voluntary charity it has to be built upon the forum it has to be built upon the zakah and the Salah and the fasting in Ramadan and the obligatory Hajj and so on so it has to be built upon those things and the first thing it has to be built upon is the Shahada tane the testimony that there is no God worthy of worship except allah and that muhammad salallahu alaihe salam is the Messenger of Allah with all of the knowledge that that entails the Creed the belief so this is absolutely essential that we start with the fault and likewise the fault in keeping away from the the Haram because that's the second type of the fault as we said there are two things that are obligatory for you two do what Allah told you and to keep away from what Eliza wijl told you to keep away from and those things that Allah Azza WA JAL told you to keep away from they are not of one level they're not all the same so for example we all know that swearing is not the same as murder right those two are not equal just to give you a simple example that everybody can understand but even within the things there are many many levels the greatest sin is to make a partner with Allah like the prophets I seldom said and tell you ila Lila he need them well who are holic the worst sin is to make a partner with Allah when you know that Allah is the one that created you and then there are other scenes from the movie Carter mahalik at the sins that destroy you the sins that wipe out a person's faith and then there are the major sins the sins that have a threat of Allah's punishment or lies anger Allah's curse or the Hellfire or Allah described them as being big or great or severe and then there are the minor sins but remember that those minor sins become major very easily there's a very famous statement there is no minor sin done continuously and there is no major sin when accompanied with Toba or when followed by Toba what does this mean let's figure this out there is no major sin when followed by repentance there is no - in when done continuously and there is no major sin when followed with repentance there is no minor sin when done continuously because as soon as you do a minor sin continuously it becomes a major sin automatically so you go back to a - in like bad language or you know something - something small that small thing that you do that - in if you do it continue and regularly it gets an upgrade but not a good upgrade a bad upgrade it gets upgraded instantly to a major sin and it's not the sin itself that is major but it's the fact that you do it continuously and it doesn't strike your heart as being something wrong and then you have no major sin with repentance because when you repent Allah Azza WA JAL wipes out the sins that you do so that's the beginning of getting the love of Allah looking at the fogged from both the you know the logic and keeping away from the Hara and that requires what it requires more has ever tuneups take your soul to account take yourself and your soul and judge yourself like the famous statement of imam IBN al khattab radhi'allahu I'm Hal Cebu and for sacrum huh Beulah and to her Cebu was in Ramallah kun harbor and to Zena alaikum take yourself to account before the day comes when Allah will take you to account and weigh your deeds before the day comes when your deeds are gonna be weighed for you sit at home and take yourself to account make yourself a knee imagine that it's the day of judgement what do you have on the scales where your deeds before your deeds are weighed because today like the statement of honor goes today today is a day of action not recompense in today is a day where you do things you might get the reward you might not get anything for it and tomorrow meaning the day of judgment is a day of recompense and no action and it's a day that you do things you get a reward for things but you can't do anything about it you can't change it you can't do anything or change anything so we've talked about the fault but they have to continue to get the love of Allah it's not enough just to do the fun that will get you a piece of the cake but you want the big slice you want all of this you know that I make to iron my dice answer and the people of the heavens love me and so on then to get this you have to continue with the voluntary deeds the voluntary deeds and the voluntary deeds are many and I would and it's too many to talk about but I would particularly advise you two types of voluntary deeds and these are not the only two one those voluntary deeds that are strongly associated with the love of allah azzawajal like standing to pray at night for example in tahajud and secondly those voluntary deeds that are easy for you to do because everyone has things that are easy for them everyone has it some of us he can finish the Quran every every ten days he finishes the Quran some of us will lie finishing the Quran in one month is a hardship for some of us giving charity is like so easy the brother it doesn't mean has money or doesn't have money but he doesn't find it difficult any he finds this person needs something this person needs and he's able to give to this one and give to this the other person finds it very hard they never seem to just have any money and they're struggling to you know find the opportunities or they've got money but they're struggling to find the people to give it to some people find it easy to teach and share what they know with other people some people if you put them in front of a microphone they can't they can't tell people what they know they can't share what they know everyone has deeds that are easy for them so take advantage of those deeds they're like you know they're like gifts free gifts from Allah so a jet that he made them easy for you to do so if you don't do the ones that are easy for you to do how will you be towards the ones that are hard for you at least fill your time with the ones that are easy for you to do then work on the ones that are hard for you because one of the deeds that is associated with getting the love of Allah Azza WA JAL one of the deeds that's associated with getting the love of Allah Azza WA JAL is Mujahideen Neffs we talked about Morehouse Everton ups taking yourself to account now we have Mujahideen nerfs fighting against your naps struggling against your nerves having a battle with your nerves because your naps is it misbehaves it's naughty in the Neff cellar and Martin Basu the soul is always inclined to evil your soul is naughty it doesn't do what it's supposed to do it's supposed to get up and Priya clear I'm a Leila and it goes to sleep it's supposed to go and pray in the Gemara and it prays at home and it's a naughty soul and you have to teach it what to do one of my teachers he explained a beautiful way and maybe I don't know maybe this example is lost on some people because it was lost on me for a while but I liked the way he explained it he said your Neffs is like a camel the first time you asked it to sit for you you have to drag it to the ground and it will not listen you have to literally manhandle it and force it to underground once it's at for you once it will sit for you every time I don't know anything about cameras but that is what he told me and I like that as an example your nafs is like that you have to force it but once it gets used to what you forced it to do could be clearer could be Feder in the Masjid it could be whatever once you've you know you've pulled it down and you forced it it starts to behave and then you find something else to force it to do and you have to drag it down and force it and once it's got the habit it starts to behave so you have to fight against your nerves to do those voluntary deeds and one of the best ways of doing that is as we said getting motivated that's why I'm telling you these are hadith first start off the bat so you get motivated you want to do it you're like I what I want Allah to call my name to gibreel and I want gibreel to love me and I want the angels to love me and I want Allah to answer all of my two eyes and I want to have all of these rewards and you get motivated and you're like yeah I want to do it I want to be that person that's when you go out and you work for it because you're motivated so it's important to get motivation and one of one of the beautiful books that you can have to get motivation from it's something like reading riyad salihin by an amendment nella we for him allowed ila there's a little book it's usually they teach it in the Masjid and stuff and it's you can get it in English and things like that a very very nice book but it concentrates on the virtue of doing good deeds any motivation to make you want to do more and more and more and more in the way of good deeds and keep away from the Haram motivation to keep away from the Haram what else can we get from this hadith we can take from this hadith that if you want to get the love of Allah Azza WA JAL you need to start making and controlling your sight and your hearing and what your limbs do you need to start getting those in line with what pleases Allah Azza WA JAL because if you want to be you know it's like what do they say I don't know what the expression is they say when you want to be a person you have to dress like that person and you have to behave like that person you know you see yourself to be a big businessman you got a dress an act and behave like a big businessman right you know you've got to start wearing the suit and the tie and whatever and you gotta you know you've got to carry the briefcase and you gotta you know you gotta start putting yourself in that persona there's no use you know sitting in your trainers and you know jogging pants and whatever in the house and saying yeah you know I'm planning on being CEO of a multinational company cuz you're not you're not getting yourself in the right frame of mind you want to be from the people who love Allah and Allah loves them you've got to start acting like those people even if you're not one of them yet and none of us can swear that we one of them what lie none of us can swear that we one of them and none of us can even make a claim that we are one of them but you've got to start acting like you want to be so you got to put the clothes on they're not physical clothes but you got to put the spiritual clothes on and you've got to start behaving as though you want to be that person so you got to start making what you look at and what you listen to and what you say and what you do in line and in accordance with what allah azzawajal loves so that you get nearer to those people and when you get near to a people and you start to behave like them and imitate them and copy them eventually what happens you become one of them by the permission of allah azzawajal let's go through some other things that are absolutely fundamental to loving Allah and being loved by Allah Georgia perhaps the most fundamental one that we have yet to mention is to love and to follow the prophet sallallaahu earlier sentence and the more you love the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom the more you come near to loving Allah but loving the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you can't just say I love him like the poet said Colonia dari was led by Leila well al Allah took a ruler whom be back everyone claims to love Laila but Laila doesn't agree you can't just say I love the Prophet sighs and you can't just say I love Allah you have to prove it how do you prove that you love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam cool in kuntum to him boon Allah effective ear oniy your be become Allah while filler comes you know become Allah who before Raheem sort al Imran say if you really love Allah follow me that's a test that's a that's a little Mystere that you can drop that in and you can pull it out and you can say this is how much I love Allah by how much I follow the Sunnah of his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa seldom in which way in every way and following the Sunnah has two parts it has an obligatory part a voluntary pot so the obligatory part of following the Sunnah is any following the Sunnah the things that the Prophet sighs I'm told you have to do and told you not to do and you know that the same thing we talked about the father and keeping away from the Haram so voluntary part of the Sunnah which is going on to one to be more like the Prophet sighs I mean even in the things that might not be necessarily religiously associated even the way that he behaved the way that he spoke the way that he dressed the way that he walked you want to imitate the Prophet sighs I mean everything because you love him so much and let me give you an example for the young guys who maybe can appreciate this look at how people behave when they love a particular sportsman or particular celebrity and how they behave they copy his hairstyle they copy his clothing they copy the way that he talks they copy you know his career his every single thing the car he drives everything if you love the Prophet sallallaahu re us LM the judge of how much you love Allah and how much you love the Prophet SAW Allah is how much you follow the prophets Allah Miley who sent them the more you follow him the more you love Allah and the more Allah will love you and forgive you your sins and that's another bonus for loving Allah that when Allah loves you he will forgive you the next is an I in which Allah Azza WA JAL says yeah a Ujala deena a man who may yellow-headed min come and Dini if a sofa a tailor who be combing your hair poem while you a boner or you who believe whoever turns away from you from his religion then Allah is going to bring a people that he loves them and they love him okay let's hear that description I didn't let in either meaning I said I'll carefully UJ he do nafisa be Lila well I 1/2 una loma tada in for things Eliza gel mentions about those people Allah loves them and they love Allah they are soft with the believers they're gentle and kind towards the believers and they are harsh towards the disbelievers now harsh towards the disbelievers has effect to it because there are other ayats that explain to us how we behave that doesn't mean we're not just and those disbelievers there are disbelievers that are fighting against Islam and there are those who are friendly towards Islam and those who are friendly towards Islam Allah commanded us to be just with them but those people who have their what's the word how can we describe this they have their they know which team they are on they're not confused where they have a lot of love for the disbelievers and you know they lukewarm towards the Muslims people who know that we are Muslims and our allegiance and our love and our affiliation everything is to Islam and our disassociation and our hatred and our cutting off is everything which is opposed to Islam that is another fundamental part of la ilaha illallah they strive in the way of Allah and striving in the way of Allah has many parts to it striving against yourself striving against the shape on striving against the enemies of Allah with the tongue and with the sword in the circumstances that that is permissible and they do not fear the blame of the blamers and this is the fourth characteristic they don't look around and they're not scared about what people think they're not frying that somebody's gonna say or you know you're like this or you're like that they're not frightened they do things for Allah and in accordance with the Sunnah of them of allah sallallahu i do send them and they're not frightened about what people think of what people blame or what people are gonna say about them the thing that matters to them is getting that love of allah subhanahu wata'ala so Allahu Allah well bara having allegiance and affinity and affection towards the Muslims and disavowal and disassociation and hatred towards all those things which oppose Islam along with being just to the non-muslims because that is also commanded and striving in the way of Allah which against yourself and against the shape on and against the enemies of Islam in the ways that Allah Azza WA JAL has legislated to do that and not being scared of the blame of people not being scared of what people think and I'm going to cover and there are so many I'm gonna cover I'm gonna try and cover two more only because there are so many to talk about but I'm just one hadith that I want to I want to talk to you about charlyk as the time is pretty much finished after that we have Q&A but the lecture time is pretty much finished and this is Heidi the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam again narrates from allah azzawajal in which allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said Rajab at Maha Betty little motor ha being a fee wah wah job at Maha Betty little motors ah we're in a fee Rajab at Maha Betty lil motor bird arena fee while was about Maha Betty Dilma tawa Selina fee My Love must happen must be it must happen for the ones who love each other for my sake so two people who love each other and the only reason they love each other is not cause one of them is rich and benefit so one of them helps him out with this or one of them you know is from his country or speaks his language or used to be his friend before or helped him out the reason they love each other is only for Allah when those two people love each other only for Allah Allah has to love them like Allah said Raja bet huh cut it has to happen it has to happen that I will love the two people who love each other for my sake and the two people who visit each other for my sake any when one of them is sick or has a need or to help each other to do something good and those people visit each other and the only reason they visit it is not to have a food or not to you know not to have a social gathering or whatever but the only reason those people came together and I hope that Allah Azza WA JAL will include us in this in discovering that the only reason we came is to come together to cooperate for the sake of Allah and Allah says about those people my love has to happen to those people it has to be there for those people who visit each other for my sake and my love has to be there for those people who strive for with themselves or or strive themselves to gain the pleasure of Allah from through giving giving any their themselves their wealth you know and so on in the way of Allah Azza WA JAL my love has to be there for those people who give whether it's Yanni they give any their their wealth themselves and so on in the way of Allah Azza WA JAL and my love has to be there my love has to be there for those people who are connected with each other and advising each other and in some narrations and montana's hain or those people who advised one another so those people who keep at a keep ties that my love has to be there for those people who keep ties with one another and you keep the ties of kinship between their relatives for one another and my love has to be there in some of the narrations for those people who advised one another for my sake those people who give advice for my sake very quickly two more which I just mentioned in brief one way to gain the love of Allah Azza WA JAL is through studying his names and attributes I remember gonna pay him Raheem allow to ala set man Arif allaha BS Murray he was he 30 he was early he a Hobart Lama Hanna he said whoever knows Allah or comes to know Allah through his names and his attributes and his actions this person a lot he will love Allah and Allah will love him no doubt so one of the major ways you can get near to Allah is by learning a lot names and there's a series on that have a series we do it with Kelly mer and there's about like 25 or so videos being uploaded to YouTube so far with the names and the actions the attributes of Allah so that you can love him through them because how can you love someone that you don't know you can only love someone that you know and the more you know him the more you will love him and the more you love him the more he will love you and lastly because this one is not something you can do but if it happens to you you should know that this is a means to gain the love of Allah and that is ellipta la being tested tried put through a hard time for the sake of Allah religion and the Prophet sallallaahu Selim said why innallaha Azza WA JAL either I had become an epitome famine Ravi of Allah Arriba women socrata fella who saw or sehat indeed Allah Azza WA JAL if he loves the people puts them through tests so whoever is happy with that Allah will be happy with him and whoever is angry with that Allah will be angry with him and this hadith actually gives you a beautiful beautiful rule or principle and and this used to be a question I used to really think about a nice to kind of struggle with it people used to ask me how do I know if my test is through because of Allah loving me or because Allah is angry with me this hadith answers that question that if you when you got that test are behaving in a good way in a way that pleases Allah and you're content with it and you are behaving as you should and it's bringing you nearer to Allah then that is a sign that Allah is testing you because he loves you and that doesn't mean that you didn't do a sin there's no contradiction there you could have done a sin but I'll lie is testing you because he loves you and the sign for that is every time he tests you you get nearer to Allah you feel content you are doing things that please him but if when he tests you you get angry and upset and frustrated and you start doing things that displease Allah and these tests are taking you away then know that this test is nothing more than a current in its current state of punishment and you need to change your situation so that that punishment can become again and means for you to get near to Allah so again and there's no contradiction as we said between that and the fact that your sins are the reason for your tests because the reason is different to the current situation that is happening in you the reason may be a sin you did but a sin may be a blessing from allah azzawajal that brings you because ultimately it comes out that you're that because of that sin you end up getting near to Allah and beloved to Allah thus in itself is a sin it's not beloved to Allah but the outcome of that sin may be a blessing from allah azza wajal the outcome of the sin not the sin itself but the outcome of the same may be a blessing that it brings you the love of Allah because Allah tries you and test you and it makes you nearer to Allah through those tests and those trials
Channel: KALEMAH
Views: 6,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muhammad tim, tim humble, jilc, kalemah, jumeirah islamic learning centre, family, family time, love, allah
Id: Z_BtbU3sxWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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