Kathryn Kuhlman: Her Powerful Encounters with the Holy Spirit // A Life of Miracles

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[Music] well this building yesterday was filled with human beings the largest crowd that's ever been in it since it was opened plus other rooms that were filled with close circuit television and we saw the wonderful power of the living christ kathryn kuhlman was the first to be awarded an honorary doctorate from this university because we we felt that the first one should go to someone in the ministry of healing which is reflected in the background and founding and purpose of the university and we wanted one we felt best exemplified in the now what we believe to be the healing ministry of our lord and she consented that our earnest desire she and dino to be with us this morning she has to catch a flight shortly after a chapel unless the lord would just uh in a way she has to catch a flight right after chopping and we understand all those things that she's riding with the lord and i'm very envious this morning though and i want to confess that particular sin i reserve the others to my private uh devotions the tremendous uh hug and and um approbation and that carlton got a minute ago uh is just a little more than i could take uh you know carlton we would like to look you over we didn't think you were that great stand up again i want you to see carlton i assure you though we're going to have a lot more respect for you but you can do better don't all remember without further ado the one we love so much and jesus is called dr kathryn kuhlman hey come on come on give your comments come on give your own president come on thank you and remember they love you [Music] should i okay all right i'll do it i don't know whether it'll help but i'll do it is that good now that's good i don't need that [Applause] oh i tell you yeah honey [Applause] i think you're cute [Music] and that's a compliment oh that's wonderful and now dear jesus the presence of the holy spirit is so wonderful in this place of worship we're here because we love you there isn't one person in this assembly this morning who does not love you i pray that you'll just speak to our hearts not one young person here seeing katherine kuhlman not one but please we're so hungry we're hungry for more there's so much more if only we knew how to cooperate with the holy spirit you have so much for each of us if we only knew how to cooperate with the holy ghost teach us today for jesus sake amen i shall try very hard to stay within the time limit i promise you because i know that that you you have to get back to classes and i i i i'll do my best but i want to talk to you just from my heart remember i'm not bringing you a sermon this morning know that and do not look upon me as a minister as i speak to you you see i can only give you my own personal experience no one can give to anyone else any more than they've experienced themselves always remember that and just in a very simple way i'll give you my own personal experience regarding the holy spirit my first my very first association with the holy spirit was in the little methodist church in concordia missouri if only you could know from whence i've come concordia i don't think is on the map it's so small not more than 1200 population mama was methodist papa was baptist neither one worked too hard at it and one sunday morning and it says real to me this was my very first contact with the holy spirit and i didn't realize it one sunday morning sitting with mama in that little methodist church i don't think the church holds any more than a hundred people we were sitting there it was time for the lost song and i was holding the old-fashioned methodist hymnal whether anyone has ever been converted in that church before or since i'll never know but when the last song was being sung and i was holding that old-fashioned methodist hymnal in my hand i was only 14 years of age something happened to me i cannot tell you one word the preacher said and not one but i only know that in that moment the holy spirit came upon me i did not recognize i did not even know there was such a thing as the holy spirit and i began to shake i began to tremble so much so i had to lay the hymnal down in the pew and i knew i had to do something i saw myself as i really was a sinner in the sight of god and i did something i laid that hymnal down and i did the only thing that i knew what to do i'd seen them taking church members and i stepped forward and sat down in the first pew right in the corner and whipped this was my conversion this was my first contact with the holy spirit i began to weep and i remember one of the old sisters came to me and brought me a handkerchief he said oh catherine she says don't cry you and i both know that you've been such a good little girl we both knew she was lying but in that moment something happened to me that was the new birth experience and it was so real that i've never doubted it since never i believe that when you're really born again there's a definite place as a definite time and you know it and his spirit the holy spirit will bear witness with your spirit that you pass from death and to life and it's been that spiritual experience it's been my new birthday experience it's been so real but in that moment i had my first contact with the holy ghost it was later it was i was still in my teens in joliet illinois i can go to the place if it's still remaining the second floor of a store building but i had gone out to preach the gospel with more zeal than knowledge and all i could preach of course was the new birth experience it was all that i knew i'd read at the second floor of the store building in joliet i was preaching the best that i knew salvation is all that i knew one night i had given an older call there are those who came forward to be born again but one lingered isabel drake i'll never forget that young lady a teacher commuting from joliet to chicago everyone had gone we turned out all the lights to save electricity except just two were burning she had remained there after the altar praying i took my place for the sight of a mother that went out to more than three or four of us left when suddenly this is real at that moment it happened in that moment that one who knew absolutely nothing about the holy spirit that one who knew absolutely nothing about the baptism of the holy spirit that one who had never heard anyone speak in an unknown tongue never looked up she raised both hands and she began to sing it was the most beautiful thing i had heard [Music] her voice was as clear as a bell hatter was a language that was so beautiful wonderful she reached high sea it was absolutely perfection before god i've never heard such singing sins and the mothers sitting there in the semi-darkness clashed my hand and she said catherine that's not my daughter my daughter can't even carry a tune [Music] that's not my daughter [Music] we sat there odd and the glory of the lord was on that face it was beautiful perhaps for 15 minutes or more the perfection of that voice and the perfection of the sound that music i was learning i was seeing the holy spirit i was witnessing something i had never known before and then after 15 minutes or more i cannot tell you how long i had seen one receive the baptism of the holy spirit [Music] remember something [Music] i believe in the baptism of the holy spirit with every atom of my being he is with you but there is an experience when he comes in [Music] and he fills that vessel of yours literally and always remember that when the holy spirit does it it is absolute perfection know that if you forget anything if you forget everything that i say in this service this morning [Music] god is perfect absolute perfection jesus christ is absolute perfection i'm so new perfection when it comes to this mighty third person the trinity he is absolute perfection i give anything in the world if i could just bear my soul to you and get you to see something that is so thrilling i believe in the baptism the holy spirit but beloved when he speaks it will be absolute perfection it will not be babblings a lot of things that are called the baptism the holy spirit a lot of things that's called speaking in an unknown tongue is not the holy spirit it is a discredit to the one who is perfection the holy spirit is not ignorant when it's the holy spirit it is a perfect language we're living the most important hour we're living in an hour where we speak of the great charismatic movement but we're living in a very dangerous hour also much that is attributed to the holy spirit is not the holy spirit and it's this thing that's bringing much reproach on something that is very beautiful and very marvelous and there are thousands who believe that just because they have uttered a few words in an unknown tongue that they have been filled with the holy spirit there are thousands who are professing to have been filled with the holy spirit to have received the baptism of the holy spirit who have never been filled with the holy ghost who've never received the baptism the holy spirit you do not teach one how to speak in an unknown tongue [Music] john the baptist said what something i indeed baptize you but then there's one mightier than i jesus will baptize you with the holy spirit and everything we receive i don't care what it is and always remember this everything that any one of us receives it's still jesus who gives it everything i don't care what it is everything that we receive must come through jesus he's the one he's the one he is even the giver of the baptism of the holy spirit know that i pray the holy spirit shall make this real to your heart in the sanctuary open hearts and open minds [Music] my friend it isn't the mechanics sometimes i think we turn to the mechanics we get our minds so filled with the mechanics we've lost sight of the truth i saw the other day in portland oregon a little catholic sister who knew absolutely nothing about the mechanics nothing she was from the monastery of the precious blood she had never seen anyone filled with the holy spirit never she was in a habit when the power of god was falling within the stick bodies and she came to the stage and very timidly she said i've just been healed and i said oh sister that's wonderful i'm so glad and then she turned around to go she took no more than about three steps then she turned again to me and very timidly she whispered i'm so hungry for the holy spirit in that moment i did not touch her i did not pray for her in that moment she was slain by the power of god lying prostrate under the power of god before she ever hit the floor she began to speak in the most beautiful language no one had told her the mechanics no one had taught her how but jesus through the person of the holy spirit was feeling her a holy hush came over that ground remember something noise is not the sign of power always know that and in that moment five thousand hearts did beat as one and all you could hear was just the sobbing of those people in that civic auditorium a holy eye as the very angels did ben lowe and that catholic sister who had never been taught how but it was the most natural thing in the world that she surrendered herself to him and the holy spirit was feeling her and from those lips came a heavenly language it was beautiful so beautiful you felt like taking off the shoes from off your feet you were standing in the presence of the most high you'll recognize the perfection of the holy ghost i received a divine revelation that i had never received before and that's the reason my message to you this morning is so important because things are happening young people things are happening and they're happening so quickly that's the reason i feel it's so important that you might understand that he might use you in these closing moments of this dispensation i had said for a long time and i believe with every atom of my being i believe or remember something in this horror great restoration everything that happened in the early church is being restored to the church now everything and it's happening so very quickly it's happening so fast i believe that this is the very last youth generation before the great tribulation i believe that i've got to believe it knowing the word of prophecy as i do this is the last youth generation before the great tribulation sitting here in this assembly this monday morning face it face facts face god face reality face truths you young people sitting here or the last youth generation in this dispensation i believe it and i just take my very life when i'm talking to you what we're saying to you is a vital importance and you've got to do something about it you've got to do something about it i believe in this last hour all the fruits all the gifts of the spirit are being restored to the church there were miracle services with every person present it doesn't say how many were present in the service but all were healed by the power of god as that precious catholic sister was being filled with the holy spirit and i stood there only a couple feet from her i was unaware of those out in the crowd absolutely unaware i received a spiritual revelation sometimes i wonder whether that was just for me on the day of pentecost they were all filled with the holy ghost the hour is at hand my friend when there will be times even as a moment such as this when there will be such oneness in the spirit when the holy ghost will come upon those in the assembly those who know absolutely nothing about the holy spirit and great ways of glory will come upon them and every person present will be filled with the holy spirit and receive the baptism of the holy spirit i believe that i believe i want you to see something that's vitally important as many as are lit of the spirit i'll just bear my soul to you when one is led it means that one follows you say to me kathryn kuhlman how do you know and remember something i do not believe that god has given me something special young peoples as god is my judge i tell you what i really believe [Music] god has not given to me one thing that he'll not give to any one of you young people in this place if you pay the price i'm not special to him there is a one thing that he's done for me they will not do for you there isn't a young man there isn't a young woman this assembly this morning but what god will use you in exactly the same way he'll give to you absolutely everything that he's given to me if you pay the price i would like i would to tell you the price is cheap [Music] everybody's out for a bargain these days but god has no bargains young people i would lie to you if i were to tell you that it comes cheap you see me walk out there on stage all you see is the glamour of it and it looks so glamorous there's a price and it depends on what you want most just face facts we're living in a generation where this generation doesn't want to face facts i'm talking to young people who do not want to face facts sometimes i think it's the hardest thing in the world to get young people these days to face facts but when you're dealing with the spiritual it's the most important thing in the world and you've got to face the truth and face backs when you walk out on that stage do i know what david meant when he said take not thy holy spirit from me i probably know better than anyone else in this place what he meant and how he felt when he cried out take not thy holy spirit from me [Music] i'm not afraid of satan i can use the same weapon on satan that jesus used it is written i can face satan i can face all the forces of hell and use the same weapon on him that jesus did i fear no man i have but one fear lest i grieve the holy spirit yes this anointing shall leave you don't know young people you don't know in this ministry you only see the glamour in this ministry yesterday the thousands in this arena only saw the miracles and they saw the glory but very few of them see the price that was paid before those miracles took place take not to thy holy spirit from me he can take everything that i've got he can strip me of everything i've got leaving me but the clothing to cover my body leaving me but the shoes on my peach and i'm willing to go out there and live on bread and water the rest of my life so help me god i'll preach it if i have to preach it from the street corner but take not thy holy spirit from me if i knew the holy spirit had been grieved i would never if i knew the holy ghost and departed from me i would never again walk out on the stage i would never go through the form i would never make a pretense of the thing put in that hour i would be the most ordinary person that ever lived and nothing would happen you can say the same words you can go through the same form you can do the same thing but the secret of power is the holy ghost [Music] [Applause] [Music] the young people to whom i'm talking to this very hour so paul's advantages millions can enter you you're probably the ending of more young people than you can possibly realize but there's still something more it's more than the teaching it's something that's personal [Music] sitting there i'll ask one question what do you want most in life that has to come first face facts face yourself look yourself directly in the face maybe you don't desire what i've been talking about maybe that isn't your desirable maybe it isn't there are other things in life that you want more that you feel are more desirable i couldn't live if i had anything less than i had i couldn't live i wouldn't want to live that fellowship that paul was talking about in that communion with the holy spirit i couldn't live without it i couldn't i could else is so worthless nothing else really matters but maybe you don't want it maybe you don't want the best that god has won there are other things that are more important to you oh when once you taste when once you've experienced what once you've known what it was like to have the holy spirit take your body you ask me why i am not weary in body after five hours why i'm as refreshed as though i'd had five hours of rest it's because katherine kuhlman hasn't done it i haven't done anything i've only stood there and i've watched the holy ghost do it i love it i love it i have been a great spectator really it's been my privilege to be a spectator to see what the holy spirit was doing i stood there i've watched him empty wheelchairs and i'm thrilled for that person over here i'm thrilled when i see him as he's opened that ear why shouldn't i be refreshed i'm not doing it i have nothing to do with her whatsoever kathryn kuhlman hasn't entered in to the picture when we do it we fall apart it's hard work when we do it without the holy spirit and the thing is he doesn't ask for golden vessels and he doesn't ask for silver vessels that's the glory of it he just asks for used investments i have no talent i was born without anything i have no talent nothing that's the reason probably it was easy for me to say take nothing and use it for some of you it may be a little hard a little hard to die on that cross [Music] that process there without exception faced with a cross your cross what are you going to do about it when you face that cross remember is what you want most i can't make that decision for you i made my own decision i made it i made my decision i made it and i'm glad that i made it it may look so hard to you just now it costs much but what do you want most that's the question anything else is temporary but what i'm talking about is eternal i wanted to do something i want every one of you young people you've got to face it you've got to face it i had to face it you'll say kathryn kuhlman i'm willing to pay that price think it think it over this is before god so often you know we sing and i surrender until it has almost become a cliche sometimes we go through so much the ceremony that it doesn't mean a thing death is serious death death we don't like the face there i want every young person before god remember he has not given me one thing that he won't give you if you're willing to die to self i want you to do something [Music] be dead on us before god but also remember there are young people to whom i'm talking to this monday morning chapel if he can take a young bolivian a 20 year bolivian and take that gumbolivian eight months ago who never had the privileges of an oru a young bolivian who knew absolutely nothing about the new birth experience a young bolivian who knew nothing about the holy ghost a young bolivian who never had the privileges from the teaching of the word that you young people have this morning if he can take a young bolivian who came to the united states and registered as a pre-med student and take that young bolivian and then one of the services was born again a month later standing on a folding chair preaching to the overflow crowd on the outside and while he was telling this crowd in broken english that which had happened to him a month before his wonderful salvation if the holy ghost will take a young bolivian and give him the gift of healings he was standing on that folding chair and sent him back again to bolivia and three months later the president of bolivia was born again and the wife of the president of bolivia was healed by the power of the holy ghost and he is now preaching to over 70 000 people at a time if god will do that with the 20 year old bolivian sitting there this moment little do you know what god will do for you if you'll face that cross and dive the cell all right face it just face it i want every young man and every young woman this place will say [Music] i'm willing to face my cross and die on it for more than anything else i want the holy ghost to use me i want that more than life itself i want you to come down here and stand here and i'm going to pray for you [Music] the angels are bending low the angels are bending love the angels are bending low all of heaven is bending low god the father is pleased jesus is so pleased jesus is so pleased the holy spirit is so pleased the holy spirit is so pleased my lord and my god you can literally take these young people this morning and you can shape the world for god there are enough young people here who naturally literally literally can shake in this world for god these lies have completely surrendered to you listen young people you've had consequation services before but this has got to be different this has got to be different [Music] we're talking now about death where you can say lord anything anything any anything this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours body soul and spirit this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is yours this is a death today there's a death today there's a destiny my lord there's a death today many a grave has been opened many a grave is being opened right now there's a death in just enough it costs much but oh god it's worth the price dear god it's worth the price my god i tell you it's worth the price i tell you young people it's worth the price i wouldn't lie to you i was god as my judge i would lie to you i tell you the truth i tell you the truth i tell you the truth it's worth the price i tell you the truth i would not deceive you i would not deceive you i would not be save you i would not deceive you i killed you the truth i would not deceive you i would not deceive you oh i would not deceive you i would not deceive you i would not deceive you i tell you the truth take me lord all of me take me lord all of you take me lord all of you take me lord all of me take me lord all of me take me lord take me lord oh lord take me lord oh love the holy spirit is searching hearts right now just surrender just yield just surrender just surrender little do you know what god will do for you little do you know what god will do for you little do you know little do you know what god will do or if you'll only surrender i want to be used of you more than anything else in the world i surrender everything to you do you really mean it do you really mean it more than anything else in the whole world nothing else matters nothing else matters he won't take second place he refuses he will not take second place i promise you i promise you you'll not take second place i promise you i promise you you can't compromise with him you can't compromise with him you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't he won't accept a compromise he won't accept a compromise i promise you he won't accept a compromise he won't he just won't accept a compromise [Music] oh tell him tell him just now i surrender all the oh you know it so well you know it's so well i surrender and you may have sung at a thousand times but this morning it's different with both hands uplifted singing eyes surrender alls i surrender all eyes [Music] surrender to thee my [Music] i surrender hands oblivions as a token of surrender i surrender i do lord i do i dig the grave right now i die this moment [Music] oh the moving of the holy spirit worship him just now and there was the sound of a mighty rushing the sound of a mighty rushing wind somehow we hear the sound of that same mighty rushing wheel i heard john said i heard hallelujah sing it sing it [Music] happy [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] upon our waiting hearts [Music] breathe upon us as we breathe into the very person and presence of the holy spirit this moment [Music] give that one divine revelation there shall be a consecration there shall be that death [Music] burn out that selfishness [Music] foreign but in this moment we shall say none of self none of self but all all of these [Music] mary dies this moment phil dies this hour tom dies helen dies we're having a funeral service [Music] hallelujah but a glorious funeral service is marvelous for every time there's a death there's that glorious power of the holy ghost that comes upon that one hallelujah but there's someone else that's risen up to shake the world for god not you but the holy ghost through you not to you but the holy ghost the power of the holy spirit the same one oh hallelujah a glorious funeral service hallelujah and standing there you don't know what your future is you don't begin to know what a glorious future is yours you don't begin to know you don't begin to know you don't begin to know i think the holy spirit is saying these words it is not i who lives but christ who lives in me [Music] that's what she said to me this morning my own death and letting the holy spirit do it all so that it is not i who lives but christ who lives in me and she was saying that every one of us has to be led by the spirit in the way he wants us led not to be her or me or someone else but to be your own identity in your own field not living in yourself but christ living in you and you and you're letting the holy spirit do it you're doing it only as the spirit does it i felt in my heart that should the lord direct catherine coolman to come and visit us that he would speak to us do you felt like do you feel like the spirit has said something to your heart and what we tried to do what catherine tries to do i see her trying to do it and i know i try to do it and what i try to do and what she's trying to do is we're trying to get people's minds off of us so that we can merely be an instrument and and nothing else because we know we're nothing else you know people like to praise people more than like to praise god they'd rather give you credit for something or give me credit for something than to give jesus credit for it and you've heard me say so many times i'd like to take credit being a human but there's nobody can take credit for building this school but the holy spirit and nobody can take credit for what you're doing but the holy spirit and i thought now lord through our professors our instructors our staff and our students as we really get with our subjects our courses as we really get with it and let the spirit move through us and do it through us as we cooperate with him then we will produce something that will touch the world but above all the spirit will do it through you as an individual and then do it with us all we'll become a body had the athletes heavy on my heart this morning our athletes are out in front to the extent that they're seen by more people you see the difference they're seen as a team by more people and i want everybody filled with the spirit but i had such a burden that every athlete and that whole department would be baptized in the spirit as catherine said not merely not merely the speaking in tongues that's a means to an end that's a means to an end that's not an end in itself i hope you heard what she said but to be filled with the spirit and catherine god bless you this morning god bless you and we'll pray for you and we'll pray that you'll come back we pray that you'll come back we'll pray for your ministry the healing ministry is the ministry that'll touch more people that'll break their hearts that'll get them converted it'll bring the miracles the healing ministry is the ministry of jesus you read your new testament that's all you're going to see is the holy spirit using jesus to heal the people i know the church has got away from it and they're starting back they're starting back we don't have to argue with anybody that's not our argument the holy spirit doesn't need us to defend him no we'll just do what god calls us to do leave it with him catherine where are you you go to the airport i see a hand praise the lord richard would you like to come and say a word this morning no words uh well it's it's much easier to feel than to say anything this morning i had this guidance that is when we do leave this building in a little while if we leave it and it might not be well it might not be well to talk a lot to each other about this meeting but to talk to jesus and as you go about your studies put something into them you've never put into them that's the discipline she was talking about the discipline she was talking about that and talk to jesus you know you talk to him without any words you talk to him inside talk to him it's be easy to to discuss and and but i think the hardest thing to do is just talk to jesus and she said that everything worthwhile costs something you don't get something for nothing as i say it's easy to talk with one another right now but i think it's harder just talk to jesus and i think maybe that's a good word to us today just as we do what we're supposed to do today in our studies and so forth just talk to the man tell him about yourself that commitment to christ break off in his sin in your life stand up and break it off to her to him or to anything or anybody just break it off just break off sin break it off and say jesus i died today but i'm the new man and the new woman in christ i think that's what she's trying to say to us she she didn't tend to leave us dead but you can't be raised up until you do die we become the new man in christ where's catherine are you over are you going to come this way are you going to airport what so we've just got jesus then and isn't that more important than oral or catherine or anybody in the world thank you take your time about eating so we will not swamp the dining room maybe somebody won't even eat this meal maybe they will and i mean by that nobody tells you what to do on that your inner man speaks to you in the spirit whether you should eat the meal or not and if you don't eat it don't tell anybody whenever you do without a meal you don't broadcast you don't tell it you wash your face and you look bright someone asked me how long i had fasted and i started the ministry and i told him i would never tell that to anybody that the lord would take away my blessing you never tell it let it alone do it unto jesus amen thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] debbie what was the spirit through catherine saying to you it was just telling me that it's time for me not to be concerned about what other people think when the lord directs me to do something i'm supposed to just go on and do it and give him the glory for it cathy what were you saying to you just to keep my eyes in the sun and my life will be bright and he'll be the only thing i want in this whole world president roberts is to be used for his glory and too many things get in my way and i just have to claim it and and tell the devil to go to hell because christ wants to use me well while she was talking i was thinking about the many things that i do and that are important for me to do i thought the lord would give me wisdom and courage that i've never had before do you feel that way about your studies or things that you're doing yes in every aspect of my life definitely because right now it's very hard for us but i think as the lord is just showing us he's going to help us yes i think one of the tendencies this morning is to run from our books and run out to the end of the earth i think that that would break catherine's heart because she wasn't talking about physically running or getting on a plane and going somewhere she's talking about right here where it's the hardest it's the hardest to be a christian right here for you than it is anywhere in the world it's the hardest because you got to live with one another you've got to face your studies and they're not easy if they were easy you better run from them you don't want anything easy you can do better you don't want anything easy and if it's hard to stay here then that's what you do nothing is easy your cross now we all said we would die this morning and it's easier said than done and our death will be a death as long as we live paul said i die daily you don't get it all done in one day because maybe in the morning you'll wake up so discouraged that you'll forget this whole service so you gotta die again in the morning and rise again in the morning and face what you have to face that's mine for the lord i claim it for the lord i thought about the beauty and the wisdom of god i put it all together made us put in a strong curriculum and a strong academic program i guess he knew the devil would laugh at us if we didn't but we're respected for it people respect us they respect you and me in this place because it's hard and tough here and they know it it's been easy for us to just dress any old way we want to dress dress like a bunch of bums and people come here and say yeah a bunch of bums they come here and they look at you and they look at me they look at their professors they stand a little taller and they say i wish i had the guts to do that everywhere i go the professors tell me i wish our school would do this young people all over america that we couldn't take this fall we didn't have any room in the dorms they almost got broken up and their parents would call me day and call me at midnight they'd call our chairman and call our board members and say what can you do we couldn't do anything i'll tell you we're on the right track we're on the with all our thoughts we're on out the right track and i'd like to see the strength of god you who are making these to make seas you're making seas to make bees and you've been making bees to make a's and you athletes who have been given a half or three-fourths you give 150 and you you that are in the various disciplines the drama the music the uh well the humanities and i hear how hard it is well thank god it's hard because god is not going to let you shrink your mind up to nothing and be nothing he wants your mind to stretch and i told him other day how hard my work was and while she is preaching he is whispering to me i'm telling her to tell you oral if it's easy i can get a lot of folks to do it so he was fixing me up this morning so i'm ready to tackle i've been worried to death over the new worship center how we're going to get the money to build it and all that i was just looking at the wrong source and we're going to build it fast and we're going to do a lot of other things around here that we ought to be doing because it's hard the easy stuff goes out the window are you with me easy stuff goes out the window sure it's easy it's easy to touch a girl or a girl to touch a boy and let down our moral sure it's easy it's tough to say you won't touch my body until the night i'm married that's hard i went through it i went through every day of it and every night of it it's hard and about to tell just not hard he doesn't know much about it and she doesn't know much about it's hard but thank god we died today and we rose again thank you jesus can you praise him with me thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i get a feeling it'll be very hard for you to go back to class today that's why i want you to go because it's hard so just go and the lord goes with you try not to talk so much among yourselves just talk to jesus as you go okay
Channel: Tony Francis
Views: 97,545
Rating: 4.8662505 out of 5
Keywords: Kathryn Kuhlman, The Holy Spirit, Kathryn Kuhlman Holy Spirit, Mentoring Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Classic, I believe in miracles kathryn kuhlman, I believe in miracles, Faith General, Generals of faith, heroes of faith, Healing Ministry, Outpouring Holy Spirit, Katherine Kuhlman, Miracles, Divine Healing, Kathryn kuhlman miracles, Encounters with Holy Spirit, Oral Roberts, kathryn kuhlman i believe in miracles, kathryn kuhlman sermons, kathryn kuhlman knowing the holy spirit
Id: k3VX6-0i6GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 17sec (4757 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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